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The Influence of Learning

Styles on Learners in
E-Learning Environments:
An Empirical Study
Naser-Nick Manochehr
Information Systems Department, Qatar University

The purpose of this study was to compare the effects of
e-learning versus those of traditional instructor-based
learning, on student learning, based on student learning
styles. Another goal was to determine if e-learning is more
effective for those with a particular learning style. The
Kolb Learning Style Inventory (LSI) measured the learning
styles of students. This post-test, intact-group design
examined the dependent variable of student knowledge
based on the learning style of each subject and the
learning method to which each was exposed. The results
revealed that for the instructor-based learning class
(traditional), the learning style was irrelevant, but for the
web-based learning class (e-learning), the learning style
was significantly important. The results indicated that
students with the Assimilator learning style (these learn
best through lecture, papers and analogies) and the
Converger learning style (these learn best through
laboratories, field work and observations) achieved a
better result with the e-learning (web-based) method.

As we enter the third millennium, education via the
internet, intranet or network represents great and exciting
opportunities for both educators and learners. Educators
have witnessed the rapid development of computer
networks and improvement in the processing power of
personal computers. In addition, the internet and World
Wide Web (WWW) have made the computer a dynamic
force in distance education, providing a new and
interactive means of overcoming time and distance to
reach learners (Wagschal, 1998). Electronic learning

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CHEER Volume 18

(e-learning) is an evolving, dynamic and rapidly changing

educational opportunity that is a product of the advanced
information technology environment. E-learning is
essentially the network-enabled transfer of skills and
knowledge (Anon, 2006). The internet is the largest, most
powerful computer network in the world. It encompasses
several million computers with internet addresses that are
used by millions of people around the world. As
increasingly more colleges, universities, elementary and
secondary schools, companies and private citizens connect
to the internet, more possibilities are opened for distance
educators to overcome time and distance to reach
students. Through the internet, all sources of information
on different subjects are available any time, anywhere.
In 1997, large leading-edge firms delivered 21% of their
training via learning technologies, with 70% as instructorled courses (Bassi and Van Buren, 1998). Very soon, the
percentage of training time delivered by learning
technologies such as the internet and e-learning is
projected to grow much more. It is expected that
e-learning will soon play a greater role at the higher
education level, as well as middle and primary school
levels, and non-formal education will become one of the
main functions of e-learning (Zenaida, 2004).
E-learning refers to using electronic applications and
processes to learn. E-learning applications and processes
include web-based learning, computer-based learning,
virtual classrooms and digital collaboration. Content is
delivered via the internet, intranet, extranet, satellite TV,
and CD-ROM with multimedia capabilities (ISP, 2004).
E-learning is defined as individualised instruction delivered
over public (internet) or private (intranet) computer
networks. E-learning is also referred to as online learning,
web-based learning (WBL) and the virtual classroom.
E-learning was first called internet-based training then
web-based training. Today you will still find these terms
being used, along with variations of e-learning (Jugon,
Technology is much more than computers in the
classroom. According to Lovelace (1999) there are two
types of e-learning : asynchronous or self-paced, and

synchronous or instructor-led. The degree of interactivity,

sophistication and expense is different in each of the
types. E-learning is not traditional computer based learning
(CBL). Neither is it downloaded to a hard drive like CBL;
rather, it is stored on a server and accessed over a network
by a web browser. E-learning programs are saved on the
internet/intranet and can be accessed any time, anywhere,
regardless of the computer platform, as long as the user
has subscribed to an internet service provider (ISP).
In a web-based environment, instructors can create a
hypertext link to connect the student to, for example, Wall
Street, to experience stock trading with the guidance of the
instructor. E-learning is backed by the WWW and therefore
has access to virtually unlimited information. The reach of
information in CBL is limited. Even large storage media
have a finite capability to store information. Web-based
learning is worldwide accessible, low in maintenance,
secure, platform-independent, always current and can
accommodate various learning styles. Educators and
students are using the web in a variety of ways to enhance
their teaching and learning experiences. E-learning can be
delivered to the learners easily, in an individualised
Learning styles
Individual learning styles differ, and these individual
differences become even more important in the area of
education. Therefore, the real challenge in e-learning is
keeping the people it is designed for in mind (Canavan,
2004). Learning style is defined as an individuals inherited
foundation, particular past life experience and the
demands of the present environment that emphasise some
learning abilities over others (Kolb, Rubin and McIntyre,
1974). Educators should be aware of how people obtain
and preserve skills and how they access information to
help their progress. Hiltz (1993) indicates that a primary
goal in studying a new medium of communication for
educational delivery must be the identification of its impact
on learning. Students may benefit from understanding their
own learning style by taking measures to adjust the way
they acquire knowledge (Cowley et al., 2002).
While instructors cannot always accommodate each
students need, it is important that several learning
opportunities are provided (Tu and McIsaac, 2002). It is
expected that when the learning experience is more
effective for the student, an increased level of user
acceptance of information systems will result.
Researchers believe that learning style is a good predictor
of an individuals preferred learning behavior (Bostrom,
Olfman and Sein, 1993). Lindsay (1999) found that a match
between learning style and teaching style reveals increases
in student achievement and satisfaction.
Contrary to these finding, Hajizainuddin (1999) found no
significant relationship between the information-processing
characteristics of learning style and performance. In
addition, he found no significant interaction among the
factors of learning style, hypermedias organisational
structure and attitude. Desai (1996) indicated that learning
style does not significantly influence a subjects learning.

While there is plenty of study done on learning styles,

there does not seem to be any agreement or approval of
any one theory (Bruen and Conlan, 2002). Furthermore,
not all researchers and writers agree with learning style
models. A research report from the Learning and Skills
Research Center (Coffield et al., 2004) studied many
influential learning style models and did a critique of all
experimental learning style theories. This research
questions the reliability, validity and implication of
learning styles in general. In addition, the authors have
criticised some of the research that has used these models
including the Kolbs learning style model and disagreed
with the way they came to their conclusions. According to
the paper, Kolbs Learning Style Inventory (LSI) in general
should not be used for individual selection. Referring to
the validity and reliability of LSI the paper indicated that
the construct validity of the LSI has been challenged and
there is a long public dispute over reliability of LSI.
Furthermore, the paper indicated that, there is no proof
that matching increase educational performance in future
education and that the findings are inconsistent and
Markham (2004) points out that the research on learning
style has to go further than the simplistic effort to show
that people differ on a measure and that these differences
lead to a definable learning outcome.

Need for the study

E-learning has already influenced the field of teaching,
training and development. A growing number of college
courses are delivered over the web and are increasing
student numbers (Chang, 2001). Many directors of
corporate training believe that web-based learning is the
future method for their training programmes (Barron,
1999). However, the field lacks enough documentation to
show that e-learning is an effective delivery mechanism in
relation to the individuals being taught. For example,
research on learning styles has consistently shown that
considering personality attribute in preparing and
delivering instruction can significantly improve the
learning process (Dwyer, 1998). Aroyo and Dicheva (2004)
indicate that many researchers in the area of education
systems are concerned with moving their research to a
coherent space of collaborative intelligence from scattered
intelligent. There are only a few practical studies that have
investigated the effect of this methodology on student
knowledge when considering learners learning styles.
This research empirically investigated the impact of
e-learning on student knowledge based on learning styles.
In addition, this study attempted to provide evidence that
e-learning is more effective for those with a particular
learning style. Results were compared with the traditional
instructor-led course format. The outcome of this study
should help instructors and instructional designers to
develop more efficient and effective instructional methods
based on student learning styles. Furthermore, the
outcome of this study could help training and learning
centres look for efficient and effective methods to keep up
with the ever-growing need to upgrade the skills of their
workforce based on their learning styles.

CHEER Volume 18

Page 11



The study examined undergraduate students at a major

university who were enrolled in a subject course that was
offered as an on-campus instructor-based (traditional)
option and a web-based (e-learning) option. For this study,
students of only one instructor were involved. The
instructor taught both the web-based class and the
instructor-based class in two different sections. Therefore,
the possibility of interaction between the methodology and
having different instructors was minimised. All students
participated in the knowledge exam on the same day.

The Kolb LSI was used to measure the learning styles of
students. Kolbs learning styles are defined by four levels:
Diverger, Assimilator, Accommodator and Converger (see
Table 1).
Table 1. Features of learning styles
Learning style

They best learn through

The Diverger

Feeling and watching

The Assimilator

Thinking and watching

The Converger

Thinking and doing

The Accommodator

Feeling and doing

The LSI is well respected and used in business

organisations and academia. It is designed to measure the
degree to which individuals display the learning styles
derived from experiential learning theory. The LSI requires
students to resolve the tension between the abstractconcrete and active-reflective orientations. For this reason,
the LSI format requires respondents to rank-order their
preferences. It was hoped that the measures of learning
styles would predict behaviour in a way consistent with
the theory of experiential learning (Kolb et al., 1974). The
LSI, in conjunction with the teaching strategy, comprised
the independent measures. The performance measure that
was investigated in this study as a dependent measure was
the knowledge gained at the end of the semester for each
method of learning.
The LSI test, a 12-item questionnaire in which respondents
attempted to describe their learning style, was first given to
the students three weeks before they took the exam.
Finally, students took the end-of-semester, knowledgebased, comprehensive exam.

Data analysis
The data were translated into an ASCII database file and
placed on a floppy disk. They were analysed using SPSS
version 10.0. Based upon the results of the LSI and postlearning exam, a series of two-way analysis of variance
(ANOVA) techniques and independent variable tests were
used for the dependent variable, knowledge based on a
students learning style.

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CHEER Volume 18

Std. Dev = 20.44
Mean = 61.7
N= 94.00












Figure 1. Distribution of subjects knowledge exam

To determine if any difference existed between the two
groups, an analysis of student knowledge (final exam
grade) for both groups was done.
Student knowledge exam (dependent variable)
Subjects took a knowledge-based exam at the semesters
end to investigate how learning was impacted owing to
the learning methods. The science department, with the
instructors help, created the end-of-course exam, which
was the same across both sections, whether the students
enrolled on the web-based or instructor-based option. The
comprehensive exam consisted of 21 questions with few
sub-questions and had a two-hour time limit. Figure 1
shows the distribution of subjects knowledge exam. The
N = 94 is the total number of students who took the exam.
Standard deviation is 20.44 and mean is equal to 61.7 for
the knowledge-based exam.

A two-way ANOVA procedure was conducted, involving
two independent variables. The first independent variable
was Kolbs learning style categories and the other was
learning methods. Kolbs learning styles are defined by
four levels: Diverger, Assimilator, Accommodator and
Converger. The learning method was made up of two
levels: e-learning and traditional learning. The student
knowledge was analysed in a 4 by 2 ANOVA.
Table 2, a two-way ANOVA summary, provides three F
values. These three F values are associated with three
research questions. The following are the three
independent research questions that were tested in terms
of the relationship between methods of instruction and
knowledge gained by students during the semester. In
addition, the interaction effect of methods of learning and
student learning styles on the same dependent variables
was tested.
1. Is there a statistically significant main effect for the
learning style?
2. Is there a statistically significant main effect for the
learning method?
3. Is there a statistically significant interaction between the
learning style and learning method?
These three research questions deal with learning style and
learning method at the same time. Two main effects and
one interaction effect were assessed.

Table 2. Summary of ANOVA for student knowledge





























Note: SOS = sum of square; df = degree of freedom; MS = mean square; F = computed F value; p = level of significance.
The first F value is concerned with the main effect, which
dealt with the learning styles. The two-way ANOVA, with
student knowledge (grade score) identified correctly as the
dependent variable, yielded a significant main effect for
learning style [F (3,86) = 2.74, p = 0.048 in which p < 0.05].
This means that learning style main effects are statistically
significant in the student knowledge grade. Therefore,
based upon the data collected and analysed in Table 2,
there was a significant difference in student knowledge
based on learning styles when learning on the web versus
instructor-led. The other two sources, learning methods
and interaction of learning styles and learning methods,
were not significant as the F value is greater than 0.05
(p > 0.05).
The e-learning mean was 60.78 (SD = 22.59) and the IBL
mean was 62.28 (SD = 19.18); see Table 3. The means and
standard deviations for both groups were not significantly
different, giving some confidence that they represented the
same population. At the same time, this finding confirms
earlier findings that delivery strategy does not significantly
impact student outcome. If this is true, then the use of
web-based strategies should be based on other factors.
There was no significant interaction between learning style
and teaching methodology, but it is possible a larger
sample could have shown significant differences.
Figure 2 show that the students with learning styles one
(Assimilator) and four (Converger) did better with the elearning or web-based learning style. In addition, students
with learning styles two (Diverger) and three
(Accommodator) received better results with traditional
instructor-based learning.

Table 3. Means and standard deviation of student

knowledge based on e-learning and instructor-based
learning (IBL)

Learning method

Student knowledge







Note: M = mean; SD = standard deviation.

Estimated Marginal Means of Knowledge








Learning Style

Figure 2. Interaction effects of learning style and learning

method on student knowledge
Note: Learning style 1 = Assimilator; 2 = Diverger;
3 = Accommodator; 4 = Converger.

The results of this research paper revealed that students
learning styles were statistically significant for knowledge
performance. This conclusion is consistent with earlier
findings on the importance of learning style. For the
instructor-based learning class (traditional), the learning
style was irrelevant, but for the web-based learning class
(e-learning), learning style was significantly important. The
results showed that students with learning styles
Assimilator (these learn best through lecture, papers and
analogies) and Converger (these learn best through
laboratories, field work and observations) did better with
the e-learning method. This mean that those learners that
like to learn through thinking and watching and thinking
and doing would learn better with e-learning . In addition,
students with learning styles Accommodator (these learn
best through simulations and case study) and Diverger
(these learn best through brainstorming and logs) received
better results with traditional instructor-based learning.
In other words, with the Assimilator and Converger
learning styles there was a slight increase in score
performance as the method of delivery changed. Staff in
charge of curriculum development, and corporate leaders,
will have to motivate their learners to use e-learning as a
formal learning and training tool. The result of this study
could be of specific interest in educational foundations
and training institutes; in particular those that want to
transfer some of their conventional courses onto the web.

CHEER Volume 18

Page 13

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Contact details
Dr Naser-Nick Manochehr
Information Systems Department
Qatar University
E-mail: nick@squ.edu.om

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