Law On Sales
Law On Sales
Law On Sales
3. Right of seller to bid on the auction- Seller or his agent may bid on the
auction sale provided: (1) such right was reserved; (2) notice was given that
the sale is subject to a right to bid on behalf of the seller; (3) the right to bid
by the seller was not prohibited by law.
The purpose of notice is to avoid puffing or secret bidding
4. Sale by auction with a right to bid on behalf of the seller should be given
notice. Failure to do so may be treated as fraudulent by the buyer
Buyers are not also allowed to make agreement that only one of them shall
bid to knock it down at a lower price
Art 1477- ownership of the thing sold shall be transferred upon the ACTUAL or
CONSTRUCTIVE delivery thereof
Art 1478- parties may stipulate that ownership in the thing shall not pass until he
has fully paid the price
The delivery should be coupled with the INTENTION of delivering the thing sold.
Art 1479- a promise to buy and sell a determinate thing is reciprocally demandable.
Unaccepted imperfect promise or offer = policitacion no juridical effect
Option contract- preparatory contract, separate and distinct from the main contract;
binds the party who has given the option, not to enter into principal contract with
another person within the agreed terms; must supported by consideration distinct
from the price to be valid
Art 1480..
Art 1483- Contract of sale may be made in writing or by owrd of mouth
In case the contract of sale should be covered by the statute of frauds, contract
must be in wrting. (contracts that must be in writing (a) Sale of personal property at
a price not less than
P500.00;(b) Sale of real property or an interest therein regardless of the price
involved; and(c) Sale of property not to be performed within a year from the date
thereof regardless of the nature of the property)
and the price involved.
Art 1489- persons who may enter into contract of sale
Generally, contracts entered into by minor and other incapacitated persons, are
Sale by minors- valid
Art 1490- husband and wife cannot sell property to each other (contract is
INEXISTENT AND VOID) except: (1) separation of property was agreed upon
marriage settlements; (2) there has been a judicial separation of property under
article 191
Art 1491- persons not allowed to purchase:
1. Guardian
2. Agents
3. Executors and administrators
4. Public officers and employees
5. Persons connected with the administration of justice