Small Arms vs. Helicopters
Small Arms vs. Helicopters
Small Arms vs. Helicopters
this reduces to a few seconds the mission performance. Even the most must have weaDons that are loaded
amount of time that will be avail- well-organized fire direction and the with a ratio of three to four armor-
able to a unit to prepare to open selection of the most accurate firing piercing incendiary shells and one
fire. methods will not produce any useful tracer shell and are readv for action.
Consequently, time is the most results if troops move too slowly in The weapons are required to have
important factor when determining engaging aircraft. locked safety catches and preset
whether or not both small arms and The Soviets insist that only those sights. The Soldiers who are engaged
mounted weapons can be used units and weapons which are con- in the performance of observation
against this type of target. In this stantly ready to immediately open duties are required to continuously
regard the Soviets estimate that it fire and which are backed up by a scan their assigned sector.
will be necessary t o modify the well-organized reconnaissance and The soviet gunners manning
current communications chain, alert notification system will be able mounted weapons, as in the case of
methods of fire direction, firing to mount an effectivedefense against the BTR, go to their battle stations,
techniques, and also to introduce armed helicopters. For this reason, put on t h 6 r communications head-
new, more functional methods which an infantry company should always gear, switch on the "electrofiring
guarantee efficient and prompt have at least oneplatoon serving as locks," load the 14.5-mm heavy
a "watchsubunit"which is ready to machineguns, release the bolts on
open fire on air targets with small the weapon and "turret-aiming
arms and with all of the heavy mechanisms," and set gunsights for
machineguns at the company S dis- targets moving at speeds of 285
posal. These rules do not apply to knots. The Soviets instruct, for safety
offensive and defensive actions in reasons, that the small arms and
which a company is in direct contact the mounted heavy machineguns
with enemy forces (i.e., when it is will not be fired simultaneously from
operating as a battalion's forward the combat vehicles.
echelon). In this case an infantry In combat situations units are
company will not detail a unit to be required to organize circumambient
on alert for engaging aircraft with air surveillance systems. Observ-
either small arms or mounted ers wearing headphones scan their
weapons. assigned sectors with the naked eye
When the air attack alarm signal from the open compartment slots
is given, attacking helicopters will of the APC or IFV. If units are o p
be engaged only by those squads erating in a fast-march configuration,
and gunners operating mounted air-spotting duties are performed by
weapons who at that given moment several units. Observers sound the
are not directly involved in fighting alarm onlv for those aircraft which
enemy ground forces. The Soviets are reco&ized as targets and whose
perceive that the readiness of a heading or combat actions pose a
watch subunit is based on the fact direct threat to their unit.
that in addition to having a well- Observers performing lookout
organized "circumambient" air- duties from combat vehicles desig-
spotting and alert system, its Soldiers nate targets by means of an intercom
Soviet View of a Helicopter's Vulnerable Points (with best ammunition to use). 1. Maln
rotor-general purpose (GP),and armor piercing incendiary(AP1I) 2 Turboshaft engines
(AP/I). 3.Tail rotor(GP,AP/I) 4 Antitankguided missile launcher(GP,AP/I). 5. Cannon on
ring mount (APII from heavy caliber machineguns). '6.Crew armored areas (AP/I from
'leavy caliber machineguns). 7. Controls (GP. AP/I). 8 Cabin (GP' . . - .
. .
per combat mission orders. Only in systems, refined their antiaircraft had incorporated in their antiair-
specialsituations will commanding technology and improved training. craft protection for ground forces.
officers be able to direct the mount- Included in improving training, the Admittedly, small arms and mounted
ed weapon gunners' fire. Soviets instituted an elaborate pro- weapons did not "do the most damagew
In order to reduce the amount gram to teach the maneuver units -but, they did reinforce the Soviet
of time it takes for a unit to get to protect themselves without the belief that the maneuver units can
ready to open fire on air targets, broad antiaircraft attillery and sur- provide a highly lethal and extensive
the message formats used by o b face-to-air missile assets. In 1973 air defense coverage that is capable
servers and by commanders in is- the Israelis' air power was eroded of acquiring and destroying attack
suing orders during the firing of by the improvements the Soviets helicopter teams.
small arms should be modified and
abbreviated. Below: Tank Mounted Antiaircraft Machinegun