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Pandya et al, International Journal of Advanced Engineering Research and Studies


Research Paper


Pandya Mithileshdatta D.*1, Dr.N.K.Arora2, Prof. Parth Thaker3

Address for Correspondence


P.G. Student,

Assistant Professor, Applied Mechanics Department, L.D. College of Engineering,

Ahmedabad, Gujarat, India.
Faculty of Technology, CEPT University, Ahmedabad, Gujarat, India.

With the greater speed of construction, usage of concrete is adequately increase with that it has become imperative to
adjudge the performance of concrete. Property of fresh concrete mainly governed by cement paste which depends on the
dispersion of cement particles. The physcio-chemical interactions of cement hydration are complex phenomenon which
mainly depends on cement composition, w/c ratio and temperature. Now a days admixture or additives also used to alter the
hydration process. Therefore the rheological or flow properties of concrete are important because many factors as
workability, consolidation, durability and strength depend on it. In present work, an attempt has been made to make the
people aware about the different testing methods with different composition of concrete mixes used worldwide and present
state of research.
KEY WORDS: Concrete, Cement hydration, Rheological or Flow properties.

The flow or rheological properties of cement paste
and concrete are proving to be very important while
calculating for concrete mix designs. In the
construction field terms like workability, flow ability,
cohesion and interchangeably are used to describe the
behaviour of concrete under the condition of flow.
Though these terms are very subjective in its own,
fundamental and quantitative information of concrete
flow is required.
Concrete is said to be fresh before the period of its
final setting, despite of taking care of procedure to
make good quality of fresh concrete, the voids which
present in concrete affect the performance of
concrete, so it is required to achieve desire
workability of concrete. The American Concrete
Institute describes workability as that the property of
freshly mixed concrete or mortar that determine the
ease with which it can be mixed, placed, consolidated
and finished to a homogenous condition.
Required workability can be achieved in two ways:
To the given method and conditions of concrete
processing, rheological properties of concrete
mix is adjusted.
To the given rheological properties of concrete
mix, method and conditions of concrete
processing are adjusted. In practice, the first
method is usually used.
The term workability is broadly defined; no single
method is capable of measuring all aspects of
workability of cement paste, cement mortar or
concrete. Although some conventional methods are in
use to measure performance of the fresh concrete
mainly the workability. An excerpt of the research
work carried out in this field is discussed under.
An attempt was made by L. Agullo, B. TorallesCarbonari, R. Gettu and A. Aguado1 to study about
Fluidity of cement pastes with mineral admixtures
and super plasticizer- A study based on the Marsh
cone test. The main aimed of authors was to obtain a
practical measure of fluidity of cement pastes which
contains super plasticizer and silica fume by Marsh
cone test. In the method, authors considered two
condensed silica fumes in which one with a super
plasticizer incorporated in it and the other without
any super plasticizer and two diatomite powders
(contains water demand 54% and 41%) as mineral
IJAERS/Vol. II/ Issue I/Oct.-Dec.,2012/16-23

admixtures. The flow times of pastes with super

plasticizer and with varying W/C as 0.28, 0.33 and
0.40 were determined to study the effect of w/c ratio
by authors. Authors also used four different types of
mixing sequences which included fifteen different
paste mixes to study the effect of mixing sequences
on flowability. It was found that the flow times
determined using the Marsh cone test provide
satisfactory indication of the relative fluidity of the
cement paste and this approach is useful in practical
applications for the selection of superplasticizers and
their optimum dosages. Authors also concluded that
for all cases there was a super plasticizer saturation
dosage beyond which there was no significant
increase in fluidity.
Influence of superplasticizer and curing on
porosity and pore structure of cement paste were
studied by J.M. Khatib, P.S. Mangat2. Presence of
super plasticizers in the mix improves the dispersion
of particles therefore authors studied about how the
porosity and pore size distribution of cement paste
affected by the addition of super plasticizers. In this
program, authors considered only one type of super
plasticizer (Sodium salt of a sulphonated
naphthalene-formaldehyde Condensate), Ordinary
Portland cement and different curing conditions. In
which, cement Paste specimens (100 X 100 X 100
mm3) were prepared, with and without super
plasticizers with constant w/c ratio of 0.45.Dosage of
super plasticizer were 1.2% by mass of cement. In
this study FIVE different types of curing conditions
were taken into account by authors, in which some
specimens were cured for 28 days and some
specimens for six months. Then specimens were
exposed to high temperature (45C) and normal
temperature (20C) for curing and it also subjected to
different relative humidities (100%, 55% and 25%).
Authors carried out curing at high temperature to
simulate temperature in hot climates and the porosity
and pore size distribution were determined using
mercury intrusion porosimetry technique. By this
experiment authors observed that by addition of super
plasticizer there was reduction in the total intruded
pore volume of paste but the dominant pore diameter
does not affected and the percentage of pores smaller
than 100 nm increases in the presence of super

Pandya et al, International Journal of Advanced Engineering Research and Studies

Sakir Erdogdu3 carried out research based on

Compatibility of superplasticizers with cements
different in composition. Author carried out study to
investigate the compressive strength of concrete in
relation to cement composition in which
Superplasticizing admixture ASTM C 494 Type F,
commonly available in construction market, was
used. In this study author included three types of
cements which were blended cement (KC 32.5),
Pozzolanic cement (TC 32.5), and Portland cement
(PC 42.5) for preparing concrete mixes with different
cement contents of 300, 350, and 400 kg /m3.
Admixture (specific gravity = 1.2 kg/l) used was
added to mixing water in three different proportions
as 1%, 2%, and 3% by weight of each cement
respectively and crushed aggregate was used with a
maximum size of particle as 16 mm. Author targeted
a slump ranging from 59 cm to achieve equal
workability for all mixes and also for each cement
content 12 concrete mixes were prepared thus total
36 mixes were performed. Concrete specimens (15 X
15 X 15 cm3) without admixture were also cast for
comparisons. Author made evaluation based on the
ratios of compressive strengths of concrete
containing admixture to the compressive strength of
control specimens obtained at the end of 1, 3, 7, and
28 days of curing. Based on the findings, it was
found that the optimal cement contents were found to
be 400 kg/m3, 350 kg/m3 and 300 kg/m3 for KC 32.5,
TC 32.5 and PC 42.5 respectively and the maximum
strength gain in concrete was achieved with a 3%
admixture addition regardless type of cement.
Chiara F. Ferraris, Karthik H. Obla and Russell Hill4
studied about the influence of mineral admixtures
on the rheology of cement paste and concrete.
Authors performed rheological tests on cement paste
to select the type and dosage of mineral admixtures
that improved concrete workability. In this program,
authors considered cement as ASTM Type I Portland
cement which used for all tests; for both concrete and
cement paste and high-range water reducer (HRWR)
as naphthalene sulfonate-based product with a mass
fraction of 43% active ingredients. Authors also
taken into account other parameters like W/C ratio
(0.28-0.35), dosage of mineral admixture (0.16% by
mass of cement) and dosage of HRWR (0.45-0.70%
solid by mass of cementitious materials). Authors
used Parallel plate rehometer to determine the
rheological properties and the data obtained were
compared using two simpler tests, Mini-slump and
Marsh cone. From the results obtained, authors
concluded that the replacement of cement by UFFA
(ultra fine fly ash) up to 12% by mass of cement
reduces the HRWR dosage and W/C ratio which
needed to obtain the same slump.
A generalized approach for the determination of
yield stress by slump and slump flow was done by
Aaron W. Saaka, Hamlin M. Jenningsa, and Surendra
P. Shahb5. According to authors the slump test
(ASTM C-143) was the most common method for
assessing the flow properties of fresh concrete which
provides a qualitative measure of workability.
Authors considered type I Portland cement, W/C
ratio ranging from 0.30 to 0.45 with various amounts
of fly ash, silica fume, and superplasticizers for all
experiments to give a wide range of yield stress
IJAERS/Vol. II/ Issue I/Oct.-Dec.,2012/16-23


values. Each batch was mixed in a mechanical mixer

referring to the specifications of ASTM C 305.
Authors made dimensionless model relating slump to
yield stress which was further developed and
generalized as a function of cone geometry. Yield
stress measurements of cement paste were
determined using a vane technique and compared
with slump measurements using cylindrical and
conical geometries by authors. From the results,
authors concluded that the data for the conical slump
measurements fit the cylindrical model at low yield
stress values but the results deviate as the yield stress
of the paste increases. It was also observed by
authors that a fundamental relationship exists
between yield stress and slump which was
independent of the material under investigation and
cone geometry.
Jacek Gol Caszewski, Janusz Szwabowski6 attempted
a study to find the Influence of superplasticizers on
rheological behavior of fresh cement mortars. To
achieve desirable workability authors used
superplasticizers to adjust rheological properties of
concrete mix. Authors main goal was to know how
superplasticizers influence the complex phenomenon
of cement compositions. In this paper, authors
performed feasible methods to investigate the
influence of chemically different six superplasticizers
on three different type of cement composition with
two different mixing sequences. They used
VISCOMAT PC rotational rheometer to determine
the rheological parameters of mortars like yield value
(g) and plastic viscosity (h). Following factors were
also taken into account by authors to study about the
influence of the performance of superplasticizers: 1.
Chemical origin of superplasticizers [(Naphthalene
Sulfonic Acid (SNF), Polycarboxylate Acid (AP),
and Policarboxylate Ester (PC)]. 2. Superplasticizer
dosage. 3. W/C ratio. 4. Different cement types
(CEM I, CEM II and CEM III) with different
physical and chemical properties. 5. Temperature. To
determine the performance of superplasticizers
precisely rotational viscometer was used. From the
results determined, it was observed that mortars of
given superplasticizer type and dosage with different
cements shows differences in its rheological
properties. Authors also found that it was possible to
select compatible cement-superplasticizer system and
optimize the composition of mortar and concrete
from workability point of view.
An attempt was made by Gengying Lia, Xiaozhong
Wub7 to find influence of fly ash and its mean
particle size on certain engineering properties of
cement composite mortars. An experimental
investigation has been made by authors to study
about the effect of fly ash and its mean particle size
(PD) on workability and strength. In the program,
authors performed tests on the Portland cement and
standard natural sand as aggregate having specific
gravity 2.50 with four types of fly ash produced from
the same plant. To evaluate the compressive strength
and bond strength cubes were prepared by authors
with size of 10 cm X 10 cm X 10 cm which were
demoulded after 72 hrs from casting. Workability or
fluidity were measured with flow table tests with
water/binder* (*binder= cement + fly ash) ratio as
0.61 which remain constant for all mixes and lime

Pandya et al, International Journal of Advanced Engineering Research and Studies

paste flow was taken 110 mm by authors. During the

experimental parogram total 12 mixes of different
mortars having eleven different fly ash having
different mean particle size were performed by
authors. It was found that the fluidity or workability
of mortars indicated would be enhanced due to the
incorporating fly ash (especially ultra-fine fly ash).
Authors concluded that the mean particle size of fly
ash would significantly influence the flow of mortars,
as the mean particle size increases flow decreases
down to certain value and then gradually increases.
Also the bond strength and compressive strength
increased as the mean particle size of fly ash
decreases after 28 days of curing. The fluidity of
composite mortar enhanced due to replacement of
cement and lime with fly ash.
M. Westerholm, B. Lagerblad, E. Forssberg8 carried
manufactured aggregates. Aggregate, the major
constituent of concrete which occupy the 60-80%
volume of the total concrete mass so in this article
authors studied about the influence of fines from
manufactured aggregates on the rheological
properties of the micro mortar phase of concrete. In
the experimental work, authors considered fines from
nine different aggregates in which eight originate
from crushed granite rocks and one was from a
naturally occurring aggregate, also they were mainly
of granite origin. The mineral compositions of these
fines infractions were: 0.0750.125 mm and 0.125
0.250 mm and the additive used was high range water
reducer (HRWR) with a solid content as 35%. The
zeta potential (potential at the plane of shear between
the fixed liquid layers adjacent to the solid phase) of
fines were measured by authors at different additions
of superplasticizer in order to study the interaction
between the surface of the fines and the
superplasticizer by using ZETA PROBE. They also
measured the rheological properties of the
micromortars at different volume concentrations of
fines with different dosages of a superplasticizer by
rotational rheometer. From the experimental results
authors concluded that the fines which have different
surface properties (zeta potential) indicate only some
of the particles from the superplasticizer were
adsorbed. Also from the results of the rheological
characterization of the micromortars authors found
that the higher water demand of concrete with
manufactured aggregates partly could be traced to the
properties of the micromortar phase of the concrete.
Elton Bauer, Jose G.G. de Sousa, Elvio A. Guimara,
Francisco Gabriel S. Silva9 done the laboratory
Vane test on mortars. Authors main aim was to
present a discussion on the capabilities of the Vane
method in which they highlighted the theoretical
basis, the functioning principle with some operational
particularities and some applications of the method
for investigate the properties of fresh rendering
mortars. The method concept involved basically
inserting the Vane probe in a sample of the material
which was to be tested. In the experimental work, the
vane was turned slowly according to a constant strain
rate (constant angular velocity) and flow beginning
was defined when the torque used reaches the
maximum value which causes shearing of the
IJAERS/Vol. II/ Issue I/Oct.-Dec.,2012/16-23


material in the area around the vane. Authors defined

the maximum torque as the algebraic sum of shear
stress exercised by the lateral area (Ts) and vanes
upper and lower area (Te). In the experimental work
authors tested two different types of mortars which
were: a mortar of cement, hydrated lime and sand
according to the ratio volume 1:1:6 and a prepackaged mortar with under three consistency
conditions, defined according to the static cone
penetration test (ASTM C780/96), which is: 35 mm,
50mm and 65 mm. After testing, it was observed by
authors that the two mortar types Tested (mixed AM
mortars and pre-packed AI mortars) for the same
consistency, the AM series requires higher water
demand in comparison to that required by the AI
type. Authors also concluded that the Vane test
method could be important tool in studying
rheological properties in freshly applied mortar.
Experimental study of the flow behaviour of
superplasticized cement paste was carried by C.
Jayasree & Ravindra Gettu10. Authors studied that the
properties of fresh concrete mainly governed by the
flow behaviour of the paste phase which depends on
the dispersion of cement particles by the
superplasticizer. In the paper authors considered,
Portland cement OPC-53 grade (as per IS 122691987) in which properties of cement were described
as: standard consistency as 0.31 (as per ASTM C
187) and specific surface area (as per ASTM C 204205) as 316 m2/kg. For the study authors used
superplasticizer from the commonly used product in
market with solid content varied from 32% to 44%
and constant W/C ratio taken as 0.35 for all the
mixes. Flow behaviour of cement paste with different
types and dosages of superplasticizers were
determined by Marsh cone test and Mini slump flow
test and their results (represented through the
Bingham and Herschel- Bulkley models) were
compared with the results determined by viscometer
by authors. It was observed that Marsh cone flow
time, mini-slump spread and the rheological
parameters show the same trend with change in
dosage of superplasticizer. Authors also found that
the rheological parameters increased with time and
rate of increase was more significant at dosages less
than the saturation dosage which was determined
from the Marsh cone test.
A study based on the Influence of hydration on the
fluidity of normal Portland cement pastes were
carried out by C. Robler, A. Eberhardt, H. Kucerova,
B. Moser 11. The rheological properties of cement
paste influenced the workability of concrete. Authors
studied that early hydration processes alter the phase
composition and microstructure of cement pastes,
these processes affect fluidity and setting behaviour
of cement paste. In the program authors considered
mainly two commercial cements (cement A and B) in
which basic difference were in their Blaine and
cement B content highly soluble bassanite as a set
regulator. Blaine of cement A and B were 300 m2/kg
and 500 m2/kg respectively. Authors defined
microstructure of the cement paste by the Scanning
Electron Microscope and adjustments were made to
avoid the draying effect in the early hydration
process. X-ray defractometer was used by authors to
measure the mineral phase composition of cement

Pandya et al, International Journal of Advanced Engineering Research and Studies

and fluidity of cement paste was determined with the

speed controlled rotational viscometer. From the
results obtained from this study, authors made
comparison of the influence of long prismatic
hydrates (i.e. syngenite, secondary gypsum) on the
fluidity of cement pastes with the effect of other
hydrates (AFm) to induce the formation of certain
hydration products the cement composition which
were modified by addition of set regulators and alkali
sulphates. From the results indicated, it was found
that immediately after addition of the mixing water,
the fluidity was decreased by formation of syngenite
or AFm phases but after a hydration period of 15-20
min reduction in fluidity was governed by gypsum
J. Ortiz, A. Aguado, L. Agullo, T. Garcia, M.
Zermeno12 carried experiment to find influence of
environmental temperature and moisture content
of aggregates on the workability of cement
mortar. Authors aimed to study about the effects of
environmental temperatures on aggregates properties
and on the resulting mortar workability which was
subsequently used for industrial application. For
these work, authors considered several physical
properties of fine aggregates (sand of 5 and 2 mm
with fineness modulus 3.47 and 2.99 respectively)
and also cement used was Portland cement(as per
ASTM C150), in order to establish the influence of
temperature on their performance and on the resulting
mortars workability. In the program authors
preferred three climatic conditions which were:
reference (a temperature of 20oC), hot weather (a
temperature of 38oC) and cold weather (a temperature
of 6oC) conditions, for all simulated condition
relative humidity was kept at 60%. Authors
performed experimental work to establish and
quantify certain parameters related to the behaviour
of aggregates under different climatic conditions and
their final influence on the properties of concrete
(mainly workability), several properties were
studied:1.Absorption study(to analyze the influence
of temperature on the aggregates absorption
rate).2.Vibratory compaction studies(to determine the
influence of ambient temperature on the compaction
level of aggregates under dynamic energy or in
vibration).3.Determination of repose and stability
angles(to determine the influence of temperature on
the repose and stability angles of the sand)4.Moisture
content studies(to determine the behavior of
aggregates under different moisture contents). To
determine moisture content authors performed three
tests which were: I. Penetration of vicats needle. I.
Compacted density. III. Flow table tests. From the
results showed authors concluded that the workability
values for mortar under the reference conditions were
satisfied due to the intermediate position between the
absorption and the friction effects. It was also
observed that mortar workability was a function of
the temperature of the aggregates and of their
physical properties.
To determine the effects of marble powder and
slag on the properties of self compacting mortars
research were carried out by Erhan Guneyisi,
Mehmet Gesoglu Erdogan O zbay13. From the
previous studies authors found that self-compacting
mortars (SCMs) were particularly desired for
IJAERS/Vol. II/ Issue I/Oct.-Dec.,2012/16-23


rehabilitation and repair of reinforced concrete

structures so main objective of the study was to
evaluate the effects of binary and ternary use of
marble powder (MP) with ground granulated blast
furnace slag (GGBFS) on the fresh properties of self
compacting mortars. The marble powder was
obtained as an industrial byproduct during sawing,
shaping, and polishing of marble. Materials
considered by authors were: Portland cement (CEM I
42.5 R), Marble powder, ground granulated blast
furnace, Polycarboxylic-ether type super plasticizer
with specific gravity of 1.07 and mixture of natural
river sand & lime stone sand as fine aggregate. A
total of 19 self compacting mortar mixtures were
proportioned having a constant water-binder ratio of
0.40 and the total binder content of 550 kg/m3.
Authors taken into account the control mixture,
which contained only portland cement (PC) as the
binder while the remaining mixtures incorporated
binary and ternary blends were prepared by
interchanging portland cement with marble powder
or ground granulated blast furnace slag or with both
of them. After mixing, authors tested the fresh
properties of the Self Compacting Mortar by minislump flow diameter, mini-V funnel flow time, initial
and final setting times, and viscosity. Moreover,
compressive strength and ultrasonic pulse velocity of
the hardened Self Compacting Mortars were also
measured by authors. From the results indicated
authors observed that by addition of Marble Powder
(MP), the V-funnel flow time, initial and final setting
times and viscosity of Self Compacting Mortars were
increased whereas it decreased the hardened
properties Self Compacting Mortars. It was also
found that by using Ground Granulated Blast Furnace
Slag (GGBFS), the V-funnel flow time and viscosity
decreased while increased in the setting times of Self
Compacting Mortars.
Aminul Islam Laskar14 carried out program of
Correlating Slump, Slump Flow, Vebe and Flow
Tests to Rheological Parameters of HighPerformance Concrete. From the previous studies
author found that conventional workability test
methods adopted by various standards across the
world were cheap, convenient and most commonly
used to describe the workability and for quality
control during concrete production and supply
despite their inherent limitations. The main aim of
author was to investigate the relationship between
slump, slump flow, slump flow time with rheological
parameters of high performance concrete (HPC). In
which, for experiments author considered cement as
Ordinary Portland cement (as per IS 12269:1987),
locally available alluvial sand (with specific gravity =
2.6) and crushed stone aggregate (with specific
gravity = 2.6) of nominal maximum size 16 mm as
fine aggregates and coarse aggregates respectively.
Ordinary tap water and Poly-Carboxylic Polymer
(PC) with set retarding effect high range water
reducing admixtures (HRWRA) were also used for
all mixes. Thirty numbers of concrete mixes without
steel fibers and with steel fibers of specific dosage of
super plasticizers have been considered during
experiment by author. From the results obtained,
attempt has been made by author to correlate slump,
slump flow, slump flow time, percent flow and Vebe

Pandya et al, International Journal of Advanced Engineering Research and Studies

time to rheological parameters of high-performance

concrete. Also, it has been observed that rheological
parameters could be correlated to slump and slump
flow. It was also found that in case of fiber reinforced
concrete, there was reduction in percent flow with the
increase in rheological parameters but Vebe time
remains unchanged up to yield stress 500 Pa and
plastic viscosity 40 Pa.s beyond which it steeply
increased with further increase in yield stress and
plastic viscosity.
Analysis of thermal properties of cement paste
during setting and hardening made by D. Mikulic,
B. Milovanovic, I. Gabrijel15. Authors defined
cement hydration as a sequence of chemical reactions
initiated with the contact of cement and water
therefore an experimental investigation was made by
authors in order to study changes of thermal
properties of hardening cement paste. Rate of
chemical reactions significantly changes during
hydration so authors classified them into five stages:
pre-induction, induction, acceleration, deceleration
and diffusion. To study about the changes of thermal
properties during hydration authors considered hot
disk principle method applied and the system used
was Mathis TCi thermal conductivity analyzer.
Mathis TCi system comprised of a sensor, control
electronics and computer software, where the sensor
employs a one-sided, interfacial heat reflectance
device that applies a constant current heat source to
the sample. Hydration process was also monitored
using ultrasonic pulse velocity (UPV) test. Cement
paste used was made with CEM I type cement
according to European standards with W/C ratio as
0.3. Authors observed that specific heat capacity
value changed only slightly during hydration while
thermal conductivity decreased with the progress of
hydration 20% compared to initial value and
decreased thermal conductivity of cement paste could
be attributed to the loss of water from the pore space
which slows the heat transfer within the material. It
was also found that hot disc technique could serve in
the future not only for measuring thermal properties
but also as a method for monitoring hydration of
cement paste.
To determine relationship between fluidity and
incorporating chemical and mineral admixtures
an attempt was made by Nicolas Ali Libre, Rahil
Khoshnazar, and Mohammad Shekarchi16. Authors
observed from the practice that proper workability
may not be achieved only by increasing the concrete
fluidity since stability of fresh concrete was also an
influencing parameter that should be considered. In
the study, authors considered Type I ordinary
Portland cement ASTM C 150 and limestone
riverbed sand having a specific gravity of 2.7,
fineness modulus of 2.67 and water absorption of
2.81% for all mixes. Super plasticizer (SP) used was
polycarboxylic-based in which solid content and
specific density were 36% and 1.07 respectively and
viscosity-modifying admixture (VMA) was a
polysaccharide type, used as a suspension in an
aqueous solution with a concentration of 20%. The
mineral additives used in this study were limestone
powder and fly ash. In the experimental program,
authors performed four mortar test series mixes (total
IJAERS/Vol. II/ Issue I/Oct.-Dec.,2012/16-23


54 mortar mixes) with a fixed cement content of 700

kg/m3 and varying W/C ratios as 0.35, 0.45, and 0.55.
The amount of sand in the mixtures was varied in the
range of 12501450 kg/m3 depending on W/C ratio
and powder content furthermore super plasticizer
dosage was kept constant at 1% of binder mass for
the mixtures incorporating VMA or mineral
admixtures by authors. The flowability was evaluated
by measuring the mini-slump flow and mini V-funnel
flow time; tests were selected as their results could
correspond to yield stress and plastic viscosity,
respectively. From the results obtained, authors
concluded that W/C ratio was the most significant
parameter influencing the rheological properties of
cementations mixes, specially their stability,
flowability and viscosity. It was also found that the
maximum allowable W/C ratio for preventing in
homogeneity could not be a fixed value for all the
mixtures and should be adjusted to achieve required
fluidity and an effective method for stabilizing selfconsolidating mortars and preventing instability was
using viscosity-modifying admixture.
R. Hendrickx, S. Roels, K. Van Balen17 carried
experiment for measuring the water capacity and
transfer properties of fresh mortar. Mortar is
widely used as a building material for bricklaying,
plastering and rendering. Authors felt that the
migration of water influences the workability of the
fresh mortar and the mortar-brick bond in the
hardened state. The amount of water flow and the
rate of flow have an important influence on the nature
of the interface and final water/binder ratio of the
mortar was the most important factor which
determines the hardened mechanical properties.
Authors performed three experimental techniques: a
permeability test using an adapted soil permeameter,
a suction test (as per ASTM C110-04:10) for
desorptivity, a pressure plate test for drainage
characteristics and a filter press test, which were
common in soil science but new in this field of
application to determine water transport properties of
fresh mortar. By using these techniques authors
constructed the water retention and permeability
curves of the mortars. They used two types of mortar
for testing: a lime hydrate mortar and a cement
mortar in which no air entering agent or other
admixtures were added. From description of the
phase relations of mortars during drainage (moistureloss) authors leaded to an expression of the water
retention curve as a function of the water content
using Van Genuchten's equation. Authors derived
permeability curve from a single point measurement
and a relation between permeability and water
retention. It was found that the lime mortar appeared
have significantly higher residual water content, a
lower slope of the water retention curve and
comparable air entry value with respect to the cement
mortar and it could be related to the different particle
A study on the compatibility of cementsuperplasticizer system based on the amount of
free solution has been made by HAN Song, YAN
Pei Yu & KONG Xiang Ming18. From the previous
studies authors observed that the compatibility of
cement-superplasticizer system has an important
influence on the performance of superplasticizer

Pandya et al, International Journal of Advanced Engineering Research and Studies

because incompatibility causes poor fluidity, rapid

fluidity loss and abnormal setting, which directly
affect the workability and mechanical properties of
concrete. Authors considered the standard Portland
cement (specific surface area = 312 m2/kg) specified
by GB8076-2008 (Chinese National Standards for
Concrete Chemical Admixture) which was used for
concrete and chemical admixture tests and solid
polycarboxylate super plasticizer of 40% in solid
content. Then authors examined fluidity and the timedepended fluidity loss of cement paste with the
changes of free solution amount by varying the
water-cement ratio and the dosages of super
plasticizer. Influence of water cement ratio on free
solution amount and fluidity of cement paste was also
studied by authors with and without superplasticizer
in which W/C ratio varied from 0.2-0.55 (with 4%
polycarboxylic super plasticizer) and 0.2-0.65
(without super plasticizer) respectively. With optical
microscope authors observed the distribution of
solution and flocculation microstructure in fresh
cement paste. From the results showed authors
concluded that the adsorbed solution amount has a
great influence on the compatibility of cementsuperplasticizer system which includes bleeding
degree, fluidity and time-depended fluidity loss of
cement paste. Superplasticizer increases the fluidity
of cement paste by destroying the flocculated cement
particle structure and increasing the amount of
adsorbed solution.
Analysis and numerical study of the mini-conical
slump flow test had been done by Adrien Bouvet,
Elhem Ghorbel, and Rachid Bennacer19. This
program provided the general study on cement paste
flow, in which authors evaluated the rheological
properties of concrete scientifically by the fluidity
and the packing density of the cement paste and by
the particle size distribution of the aggregates.
Authors conducted Mini-slump and Marsh cone tests
on specimens made from CEM I 52.5N Portland
cement, W/C ratio as 0.37 by weight and two dosages
0% and 1.15% of CIMFLUID 2002 superplasticizer
to evaluate the workability of fresh paste mixtures,
derived from self-compacting concretes. These two
experimental procedures were used in order to
estimate the yield stress (0) and the plastic viscosity
() further the shape of the free surface will change
during time imposed by the resulting flow. Authors
used numerical approach (the fixed mesh approach)
to reproduce global flow behavior and to check the
accuracy of the obtained viscosity and yield stress
from the final diameter of slumped paste. From the
experimental results described authors found that the
dynamic behavior of the analyzed product and the
numerical simulations fit well to the experimental
results and the agreement between numerical and
experimental results was valid only for relatively
significant yield stress values and an insignificant
fluid growth.
Influence of superplasticizer on the nonNewtonian characteristics of cement paste studied
by C. Jayasree, J. Murali Krishnan, and Ravindra
Gettu20. Authors studied that the cement paste which
includes superplasticizers exhibits non-Newtonian
characteristics, which depend on the type of
IJAERS/Vol. II/ Issue I/Oct.-Dec.,2012/16-23


superplasticizer and its dosage. Authors main intent

from these investigations have been to study the
influence of admixtures on these model based
parameters, such as plastic viscosity, yield stress,
consistency, and flow index. They considered OPC
53 grade (as per IS 12269-2004) cement and
superplasticizers (SP) from the three different
families of available products: 1.Naphthalenes (SNF).
2.Melamines(SMF).3.Polycarboxylates (PCE), with
dosage varying from 0.1-1% by weight of cement, in
order to obtain the effect of the different types on the
flow behavior of cement paste. Authors conducted
Marsh cone test on different mixes of cement pastes
to determine the optimum dosages, with the W/C
ratio in all the pastes as 0.35 constant. Also steady
shear, creep and recovery, and stress relaxation
experiments were conducted on a variety of
superplasticizer and cement paste combinations.
From the results showed, authors found that increase
in dosage the mechanical behaviour changes from
non-linear viscoelastic to non-Newtonian and
subsequently to linearly viscous fluid.
Influence of aggregates grading and water/cement
ratio in workability and hardened properties of
mortars were studied by Vladimir G. Haach, Graca
Vasconcelos, and Paulo B. Lourenco21. Authors
considered the workability as one of the most
important properties of mortar, which was assembly
of several properties such as consistency, plasticity
and cohesion but plasticity and cohesion were
difficult to measure, therefore consistency was
frequently used as the measure of workability. They
also found that mortar was the material responsible
for the distribution of stresses in masonry structures.
The materials used for experimental work by authors
were: Portland cement CEM II/B-L 32.5 N (as per
EN 197-1), Natural hydraulic lime of class HL5 (as
per EN 459-1) and two types of sand (fine sand (FS)
and coarse sand (CS)) with distinct fineness modulus
as aggregate. A total of eighteen mortar mixes with
fine and coarse sand grades were performed by
authors for the characterization of the compressive
and flexural strength and modulus of elasticity. The
consistency of mortar was obtained by means of the
flow table test (as per EN 1015-3) and Compressive
& flexural tests (as per EN 1015-11) were carried out
on prismatic specimens of 40 mm X 40 mm X 160
mm. From the results indicated, it was found that the
increase of W/C ratio reduces the values of hardened
properties and increases the workability and sands
grading had no influence on compressive strength but
deformation capacity, ductility and elastic modulus of
mortars were varied with the variation of the type of
sand. Finally, authors made some correlations for
hardened properties and the compressive strength
which was cylindrical compressive strength and
flexural strength could be estimated as 90% and 30%
of the prismatic compressive strength respectively.
A study based on rheological characterization of
SCC mortars and pastes with changes induced by
cement delivery were carried by Sandra Nunes,
Paula Milheiro Oliveira, Joana Sousa Coutinho, and
Joaquim Figueiras22. Authors studied that the
rheology of a super plasticized cement suspension
was mainly controlled by: inter-particle interactions
and state of flocculation of particles, particle size

Pandya et al, International Journal of Advanced Engineering Research and Studies

distribution and type and amount of hydration

products formed. Their aimed of the program were:
To study about the fluctuations of fresh mortar or
paste properties when a new delivery of cement was
used, to identify the constituents in cement which
have caused the fluctuations and to verify different
test results obtained on pastes. To accomplish these
program, authors performed experiment on total
twelve SCC mortar mixes, corresponding to four
different Portland cement types (CEM I 52.5R, CEM
I 42.5 R, CEM II/A-L 42.5 R and CEM II/B-L 32.5
N) with three different levels of aggregate content
characterized in the fresh, hardening and hardened
states, for eight cement deliveries with different
production dates. In these mortars they also
incorporated limestone filler (Mean particle size =
4.5 m), commercially available polycarboxylate
type superplasticizer (Sika Viscocrete 3000) having a
specific gravity of 1.05 and 18.5% solids content and
siliceous round grain natural sand (0.082 mm) with
a specific gravity of 2.57 and an absorption value of
0.68% by mass. The mix proportions of mortar and
paste were adjusted to attain similar fresh properties
(Dflow = 260 mm and Tfunnel = 10 s) for each type
of cement. Authors performed different tests on
mortar mixes, which were: The flow cone and the Vfunnel tests ( to characterize the fresh state),
Compressive strength test (three 70 mm cubes for
each cement type), The Marsh cone flow test (to
determine the fluidity), The mini-slump flow test(to
assess the deformability), Semi-adiabatic calorimeter
test(to evaluate cement hydration), Centrifuge test (to
determine the free water of the paste) and rotational
rheometer CVO-100 Bohlin Instruments (to measure
rheological properties). They used Spearmans
correlation coefficient to investigate relation between
cement characteristics and SCC mortar/paste test
results. Authors observed that large deviations from
target workability properties have occurred for CEM
II/BL32.5 N depending on cement delivery. Based on
the obtained results, it was also found that the mortar
and paste flow tests and the centrifuge test were the
most sensitive tests to detect the causes behind
workability variations of SCC mixtures and the target
paste properties, for different fine aggregate content
could be defined in terms of both empirical test
results and rheological parameter.
Few of the conclusions drawn from the different
research work done on cement paste, cement mortar
and concrete are as follows:
The workability is considered as one of the
most important property which includes
several properties such as consistency,
plasticity and cohesion but plasticity and
cohesion are difficult to measure therefore
consistency is frequently used as the measure
of workability.
Workability of cement paste, cement mortar or
concrete mainly depends upon factors such as
the stiffening characteristics of cement, W/C
temperature, etc.
Workability of concrete in terms of
fundamental rheological properties can be
IJAERS/Vol. II/ Issue I/Oct.-Dec.,2012/16-23


found out by correlating results of slump,

slump flow, slump flow time, percent flow and
Vebe time to the rheological parameters of
The rheological properties of mixes
represented mainly through the Bingham and
Herschel- Bulkley models and it shows the
same trend with change in dosage of
Now a day, usages of Superplasticizers (SP)
are increase for improving workability and
reducing the W/C ratio to produce more
durable concrete by improving the dispersion
of particles.
Rheological tests on cement paste are used to
select the type and dosage of mineral
development, it is possible to utilize byproducts and wastes of industry as mineral
admixture or fine aggregate to reduce the
consumption of the natural resources and
improve the durability of concrete.
Hardening of cement paste mainly depends on
the physcio-chemical interactions of cement
hydration. Cement hydration can be defined as
a sequence of chemical reactions initiated with
the contact of cement and water.
From the numerical approach, it can be
possible to find the fundamental relationship
between yield stress and slump which is
investigation and largely of cone geometry.
The author would like to thanks Dr. N.K. Arora and
Prof. Parth Thaker for their helpful guidance and
discussions. Also, thankful to Applied mechanics
department, L.D college of Engineering and CEPT
University for providing required references and
opportunity to present this work.

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IJAERS/Vol. II/ Issue I/Oct.-Dec.,2012/16-23


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