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UPnewslmay 07

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MAY, 2007


A s I looked around the big room in the

Celebration City on the National Day of
Prayer, I saw between 500 and 600 people
awakening in our nation. So, it struck me that the
Reflection for the May Newsletter should be an
encouraging one, focusing on the results of our
gathered together for a time of Scripture, prayer, prayer efforts. I am going to mention some, by
the presentation of an award to a man who sector; please, if you are aware of additional ones,
represents the best of servanthood and servant and/or if you have personal testimonies about
leadership in our region (Edd Akers), an excellent your own spiritual growth, please call me on my
talk by Paul Teas, the Founder of Camp cell phone at 331-1028, leave a message on my
Barnabas, a clearly Christian greeting from work phone at 338-8036, send me an e-mail at
Branson’s new mayor, Rayeanne Preseley, and the bburton@silverdollarcity.com, or write to me
sharing of a meal. It was the 6th annual Mayor’s %399 Indian Point Road; I will be thrilled to
Prayer Breakfast, and the 4th that I had the include them in future Newsletters. Let’s take
privilege of attending. Each year the number of each sector, alphabetically. BUSINESSES: It
participants has grown. I had chills as I stood at think it is close to miraculous that with all the
the podium acknowledging the previous Kingdom economic growth of our area, all the new
Builder Award recipients (Cliff Wagner, Larry businesses, all the emphasis business success, that
VanGilder and John Baltes) and sensing the we have not wavered in our commitment to the
building excitement as I described the life of Edd Christian foundation of our area, that we continue
Akers; people slowly began recognizing who the to be one of the primary, if not the primary,
family-friendly vacation destinations in
the nation. The number of visitors
is approaching eight million a
year – a key factor in the future
impact of spiritual
transformation. Don Gabriel, so
involved in the business sector as well
winner was, before I announced his name, and as others, went home to be with the Lord and has
there was a building consensus of appreciation as had as much impact on people by his death as he
people began becoming aware that the winner was did by his life. I am sure he was smiling down
indeed Edd. Why am I sharing this? It is because from heaven on the Christian Businessmen’s
I was hit emotionally with an awareness of just Committee and the Mayor’s Prayer Breakfast,
how special our region is and how much good has which he was so instrumental in beginning.
happened over the past years. You see, it was also Herschend Family Entertainment, my Company,
the 5th anniversary of the UP Team; and though continues to focus on Christian values and ethics,
there are many, many intercessors in our area on “Serving the Lord by Bringing Familes
who do not belong to the Team, the concentration Together,” and on the Core Value of “Serving
of prayer – just about 300 hours a week worth Others” by emphasizing the character qualities of
now. It is prayer for the spiritual transformation love as the way to truly serve – character qualities
of our region, for the glory of God, the salvation of taken directly and openly from 1 Corinthians 13.
souls and part of God’s plan for a spiritual Edd Akers, the Chairman of Akers and Arney

Insurance, encourages prayer in the office, as do remove God from schools and teach things
other business people. There is a growing group contrary to God’s moral law, most of the teachers
of business leaders who pray together and find in the school system are dedicated Christians.
creative ways to serve the community. And I Christian Baccalaureate services at times of
know there are many other examples of how the graduation are common in the area. There are
business community is serving the Lord as well as many committed Christian teachers, principals,
serving the customers. The local chapter of superintendents, counselors and staff members in
Businessmen’s Fellowship International continues the twelve school districts that make up Stone and
to meet and serve. CHURCHES AND Taney Counties. Every district has embraced the
MINISTRIES: There are about 150 churches in SDC Foundation’s new ministry, “Care for Kids.”
Stone and Taney Counties, and there are many, Sue Head and the College of the Ozarks have
many pastors and pastors’ spouses and worship, successfully implemented with all Taney County
education and youth leaders school districts “First PLACE!”, a focus on a
who are deeply dedicated to different character quality each month that has
serving their congregations resulted in amazing positive results in student
and their communities. behavior and commitment. Many groups of
And there are countless students pray together and do Bible studies
members of congregations together. A great example, just out of our
who understand what it immediate region in Cassville, came home to me
means to truly be a Christian and who live that, last year while I was at a table at SDC, trying to
and who also see with spiritual eyes the larger generate a little interest in my book, “Will the
Body of Christ. There are dedicated Ministerial Real Christians Please Stand Up!”. A young man,
Alliances in the area, which provide opportunities a high school student, stopped by and spent quite
for churches to work together and for people to a bit of time looking through the book. He told
come together and pray. The Servant Leader me that it would be a great Bible study book;
team in Branson has sponsored over the past when I asked him where and how, he told me with
several years some wonderful opportunities for a big smile that 30 students at school meet
the larger Body of Christ to worship together. regularly to study God’s Word. I was thrilled to
Even though there are still divisions among and donate a copy to him. The future of our region
within some denominations and congregations, the and of the nation depend on the intellectual and
work and prayer to bring the Body of Christ spiritual development of our youth, and prayer is
together are ongoing and fruitful. Further, there having an impact. College of the Ozarks
is a multitude of nonprofit Christian ministries continues to gain national recognition for its
that serve the people of the region. If I try to quality of academics and its work study program.
begin naming them, I will without doubt leave ENTERTAINMENT: This sector has become a
some out. But you know them and their dedicated major reason why visitors come to the area and is
leaders and staff who are upheld by prayer and therefore indeed a critical prayer need. (In our
who minister to the hearts, minds and bodies of sister UP Team to the north, in Polk and Cedar
the residents of the region. And we must not Counties, entertainment is replaced by agriculture
forget Kanakuk. This organization is a business and agri-business. Prayer is always a powerful
but it is also a ministry, serving young people and weapon in enabling those in this industry to
now families from around the nation with an support their families and feed many, many
every growing variety of quality camp-oriented people through their efforts.)
services. And let’s remember, too, Regina Shank In entertainment, we
and Missouri Prayer Mission. This dedicated have another
lady, who has a passion for all of Missouri, has phenomenon that is, in
been growing in the extent and impact of her my judgment, miraculous
ministry and is a strong believer in the UP Team. in that the hand of God
EDUCATION: At another prayer gathering on is at work mightily.
the National Day of Prayer, one of the participants The multitude of
was Doug Hyder, the Superintendent of the theaters offer shows that are family
Branson City Schools, shared that in this current friendly and continue to be so, even though there
national society in which there is so much effort to is pressure to imitate destinations such as Las

Vegas. God takes center stage during many of the people like Haven Howard and Joey Davis keeps
shows, the values of our nation are upheld and the principles of CWA strong in our area.
veterans receive very appropriate recognition for Further, let’s not forget that the embryonic stem
their contributions. While some people get cell issue in Missouri is not dead, even though it
nervous about the magic shows, they are not was approved in last November’s election. Two
magic in any dark sense; they are illusion and they members of State Government took up the cause
are family friendly. Backstage Ministries to definitively define cloning as it really is, not as it
continues to provide quiet and effective support to was shamefully covered up by the ballot issue.
performers and behind the scenes folks, helping MEDICAL: Step back and consider the
them to cope with the many pressures absolutely amazing growth of Skaggs Community
and temptations that go along with Health Center and Skaggs Health Clinics over the
being in that industry. Larry Wilhite, past recent years. Both have won prestigious
the founder of the ministry, is also in awards and Skaggs provides a high quality of
his third year of offering a Sunday medical care. The expansion of St. John’s and
service in Mansion America, a Cox into rural areas is also a significant step
service intended specifically for forward. We have many physicians who are
visitors not as a local church. And there are committed Christians and there is a growing
numerous instances of theaters becoming worship number who pray for and with their patients.
centers on Sundays. ROC (Reflection of Christ) is Herschend Family Entertainment entered into a
a ministry founded within the recent past by Loy partnership with Skaggs just this year, and many
and Carolyn Loften. ROC is intended as a reach- employees without insurance will have the
out to the gay community, providing love and opportunity and the incentive to go to “Mary’s
support and the message that the lifestyle can be Well House.” At the grand opening, Jack
changed – as Loy is a living witness to. Included Herschend, with great emotion, spoke about the
in the entertainment sector must also be the lakes similar center near Dollywood and how at least
and the natural beauty surrounding us. Prayer is two people with unknown life-threatening illnesses
having an impact in helping to keep our went to the clinic and as a result are alive today.
environment pure and clean. GOVERNMENT: The ongoing prayer for medical providers and for
There are many dedicated Christians serving the sick, injured and dying is without doubt
within local, county and State government. Chuck having a highly positive impact; if you have
Pennel comes to mind, in his second term as the stories, please share them. The Hospices in the
Presiding Commissioner of Taney County and one area provide amazing and dedicated service to the
of the most committed Christians I have had the terminally ill. And the committed work of our
privilege of knowing. Also, I think of Alan EMTs and Paramedics is astounding and life-
Berkstresser, who coordinates the gathering on saving and continues to grow. SOCIAL AND
the lawn of City Hall in Galena on each National CIVIC SERVICES: This sector focuses on two
Day of Prayer (and many dedicated volunteers, different types of services: Social and Civic. With
such as our own Mary Kuyper of the UP Team, regard to Civic Services, there is certainly a hedge
who provide assistance. Dennis Wood, a State of protection about our police and fire
Representative of our area, stands strongly for departments and our Sheriffs’ Departments and
Christian values. Larry VanGilder, our our State Highway Patrol. The dedicated prayer
Government sector leader, brings Christian love for them is protecting them and helping give them
and prayer to his job as Director of Public Works the strength, courage and wisdom they need in
for the City of Branson. Branson’s former mayor, defending all of us. I believe that every time one
Lou Schaefer, stood by Christian values, as does of these folks emerges safe from a
the new mayor, Raeanne Presley. And there are serious situation, it is as much due
many other mayors and government leaders who to prayer as to their training.
serve with distinction, never forgetting the With regard to Social Services,
Christian values they stand for. And we must not we can all see how much the
forget the work of Concerned Women for dedicated ministries and services
America as they stand up for Christian values in is having an impact on those
government and government decisions. Though among us with serious, even desperate needs.
the local office has moved to St. Louis, the work of Christian Associates of Table Rock Lake comes to

mind, with our own UP member, Mike Loewe, cannot be outdone in generosity. So, UP Team
working tirelessly to raise funds for this agency members and those who pray for the UP Team
that has done so much and continues to grow in and its goals, thank you for your faithfulness!
serving people with financial needs, women who Thank you for being God’s servant in bringing
need shelter and other needs. I think of the His grace to many. Take heart! Your ministry of
pregnancy clinics that have sprung up and that prayer is bearing fruit, and God is pleased and
provide options to abortions – with great honored.
success. OACAC of Stone County, a
government agency, has successfully POEM
launched “Way 2 Go,” a bus service
enabling people who do not have cars
or who cannot afford gas to go to
work, to the doctor, to shop.
I n a recent New Employee Orientation for new
folks joining Herschend Family Entertainment
(I am blessed to offer these day long classes up to
OACAC has also successfully begun three times a week), I reached the point where I
an ongoing GED program, enabling a growing invited participants to share “Emotional
number of people to obtain the equivalent of a Connection” stories. “We Create Emotional
high school diploma. Love in the Name of Christ Connections” is one of the Core Values of the
provides a wide variety of services to the people of Company, and it means that we are committed to
Stone and Taney Counties – to me an incredible seize “moments of truth” to provide service to
amount of quality services with a very small staff guests and fellow employees above and beyond the
and limited resources. And Love, INC is now normal call of duty. An elderly gentleman, Bob
focusing as well on “Relational Ministry,” which Roy, who is a new employee in the Food Team,
will give people in need not only material help but stood up. Early in the Orientation Program,
also the learning they need to manage budgets, during introductions, he introduced himself as a
etc. The Salvation Army is a ministry as well as pastor for 70 years and a man who recently lost
an agency, and they do wonderful work and are his wife of more than 50 years – and crying while
growing. Christian Action Ministries meets the he shared it. Well, when I asked for emotional
material needs of people. Ozark Christian connection stories, he recited from memory the
Counseling Service provides individual, family following poem. Everyone was deeply moved, and
and marriage counseling at amazingly affordable I asked for a copy of it. He did not write it, but it
rates. And we have a growing number of has been part of his life for a long time. It goes
dedicated counselors. The list of social service like this: “An old man, traveling a lone highway,
providers is long, not just in Stone and Taney came at the evening cold and gray to a chasm vast,
Counties, but also in Polk and Cedar; and they and deep and wide. The old man crossed in the
are an integral part of the overall services that twilight dim, for the sullen stream held no fears
make our regions such great places to for him. But he turned when he reached the other
live….Again, I am confident that I have left out side, and built a bridge to span the tide. ‘Old
many fine examples of prayer working in our man!’ cried a fellow pilgrim near, ‘You are
regions. Please share them with me so that I can wasting your strength with building here; your
include them in future issues of the Newsletter. journey will end and with the ending day, and you
Also, and this is very important: I am absolutely never again will pass this way. You have crossed
confident that there have been many, many the chasm deep and wide; why build you a bridge
individuals impacted by prayer: People who have at eventide?’ And the builder lifted up his old
found the Lord, help in trials and infirmities, gray head. ‘Good friend, on the path I have
guidance in life decisions, people with illnesses, job come,’ he said, ‘there followeth after me today a
problems, family problems, and the list goes on youth whose feet must pass this way. This stream,
and on. I am confident as well that many UP which has been as naught to me, to that fair-
Team members have received spiritual blessings haired boy may a pitfall be. He, too, must cross in
by committing to their hour or hours. I can the twilight dim; good friend, I am building this
certainly give testimony to this; as I look back bridge for him.” I dedicate this moving poem to
over the last five years, the spiritual blessings and all who pray for others, and to educators who
insights that I have received are enormous. Why? work tirelessly for our youth.
As I have said frequently before, God simply

had just gotten his driving permit. He asked his
father, who was a minister, if they could discuss
his use of the car. ‘I’ll make a deal with you,’ said
his father. ‘You bring your grades up, study your
Bible a little, get your hair cut, and then we’ll
talk.’ A month later the boy came back and again
asked his father if they could discuss his use of the
ON THE LIGHTER SIDE car. ‘Son, I’m proud of you. You’ve brought
your grades up and you’ve studied your Bible.

I n honor of Mothers’ Day and Fathers’ Day, I

offer the following: 1) “And God Created
Woman! Woman’s Revenge: ‘Cash, check or
But you didn’t get your hair cut!’ ‘You know,
Dad, I’ve been thinking about that. Samson had
long hair, Moses had long hair, Noah had long
charge?’ I asked, after folding items the woman hair, and even Jesus had long hair.’ ‘Yes, son,
wished to purchase. As she fumbled for her wallet and they walked everywhere they went.’”
I noticed a remote control for a TV set in her
purse. ‘So, do you always carry your TV remote?’ PRAYER MOBILIZATION
I asked. ‘No,’ she replied, ‘but my husband
refused to come shopping with me and I figured
this was the most evil thing I could do to him
morally and legally.’ …Marriage
L et’s pray for the following, plus any other
needs we are aware of: Debra Stein (UP
Team) and her husband, Joe, for health…Ken
Seminar: While attending a Greening and his business in downtown Branson,
marriage seminar dealing with Sharp Image, that recently had its grand opening
communication, Tom and his wife (photography and more)…Catherine Evers (UP
Grace listened to the instructor. ‘It Team), health…Catherine’s uncle, Frank,
is essential that husbands and wives health…Janet Biggs’ daughter…Seth and James,
know each other likes and dislikes,’ he change in lifestyle and surrender to Jesus…
addressed the man. ‘Can you name your wife’s Stephanie, peace and direction…ROC (Reflection
favorite flower?’ Tom leaned over, touched of Christ) Ministry…Torchbearers…April
Grace’s arm gently and whispered, ‘It’s Pillsbury, Shenandoah, guidance in her ministry…Asleep
isn’t it?’…Words: A husband read an article to kNOw More Ministry and the UP Team of Polk
his wife about how many words women use a day: and Cedar Counties (please include regularly in
30,000 to a man’s 15,000. The wife replied, ‘The your time of prayer)…KLFC Radio (Herb and
reason has to be because we have to repeat Vicky Smith and Charlie Engram are UP Team
everything to men. The husband then turned to members)…Shannon, a civilian in Iraq …
his wife and asked, ‘What?’…The Silent Frances, as she adjusts to her life in a nursing
Treatment: A man and his wife were having some home…Darlene, health…Andrea, health…Ralph,
problems at home and were giving each other the salvation…Phil, terminally ill, and his wife,
silent treatment. Suddenly, the man realized that Susan…The Paxtons, who lost loved ones…
the next day he would need his wife to wake him International Renewal Ministry (Pastors’ Prayer
at 5:00 AM for an early morning business flight. Summits), and the health of the Director, Dennis,
Not wanting to be the first to break the silence and his son…MO Prayer Mission and Regina…
(and lose), he wrote on a piece of paper, “Please Steve Bartlett and the prayer ministry of Lee’s
wake me at 5:00 AM.’ He left it where he knew Summit…International House of Prayer in
she would find it. The next morning, the man Kansas City…for a Prayer Center to emerge here,
woke up, only to discover that it was 9:00 AM and in God’s timing…The Otleys who coordinate
he had missed his flight. Furious, he was about to prayer in and from St. Louis…Kimily (UP Team),
go and see why his wife hadn’t awakened him, health, and her sons…A wife/mother, who has
when he noticed a piece of paper by his bed. The chemical
paper said, ‘It is 5:00 AM. Wake up.’ Men are imbalance
not equipped for these kinds of contests…God issues…Marilyn
may have created man before woman, but there is (UP Team) and
always a rough draft before the masterpiece.” 2) Al Pulis, and
“Don’t Make Me Bible Belt You: A young boy their

international ministry to build Christian radio otherwise, it is just hearsay. 18) It’s alright to sit
stations…Carl Kelly, surgery…Sue Head (UP on your pity pot every now and then; just be sure
Team) and the “First PLACE!” character to flush when you are done. 19) Surviving and
ministry to schools in Taney County…John S., for living your life successfully requires courage. The
the right job…Tom Fish, as he begins his role as goals and dreams you’re seeking require courage
General Manager of Sight & Sound, and for and risk-taking. Learn from the turtle; it only
success for this Christian theater that opens next makes progress when it sticks out its neck. 20) Be
year…A couple who are experiencing marital more concerned with your character than your
problems…Business success for Auntie Anne’s reputation. Your character is what you really are
Pretzels (son Mike and daughter-in-law Christy, while your reputation is merely what others think
and for all businesses in the area…All applicants you are.
for Share it Forward and Love, INC assistance
and those who provide it…”Care for Kids,” an CONCLUSION
SDC Foundation ministry to the school districts of
Stone and Taney Counties…Randy (UP Team) I end with another poem that Bob Roy gave me:
and Gail Baar, who are relocating to Wisconsin… “I met God in the morning, when my day was at
Pastor Larry and Linda Craig (UP its best; and His presence came like sunrise with a
Team) who have glory in my breast. All day long the Presence
relocated to Texas…the lingered, all day long He stayed with me; and we
international students sailed in perfect calmness o’er a very troubled sea.
who are beginning to Other ships were blown and battered, other ships
arrive to work in the area, for peace and success, were sore distressed; but the winds that seemed to
and for their sponsors…Ray, who is struggling drive them brought to us both peace and rest.
with health and job…CBMC and BMFI, that Then I thought of other mornings with a keen
these men’s organizations will continue to grow… remorse of mind, when I, too, had loosed the
For the world, as we look ahead to May 27, moorings with His Presence left behind. So I
Pentecost and the Global Day of Prayer. think I know the secret, learned from many a
troubled way: You must seek Him in the morning
TWENTY TRUTHS TO REMEMBER to enjoy Him throughout the day.”

1 ) Faith is the ability not to panic. 2) If you

worry, you didn’t pray. If you pray, don’t
worry. 3) As a child of God, prayer is kind of
God bless you all, and thank you for your faithful
prayer. Peace to you and yours.

like calling home every day.

4) Blessed are the flexible, for they shall not be Bob Burton
bent out of shape. 5) When we get tangled up in
our own problems, be still. God wants us to be
still so He can untangle the knot. 6) Do the
math: Count your blessings. 7) God wants
spiritual fruit, not religious nuts. 8) Dear God: I
have a problem. It’s me. 9) Silence is often
misinterpreted, but it is never misquoted. 10)
Laugh every day; it’s like inner jogging. 11) The
most important things in your home are the
people. 12) Growing old is inevitable; growing up
is optional. 13) There is no key to happiness; the
door is always open. 14) A grudge is a heavy
thing to carry. 15) He/she who dies with the most
toys is still dead. 16) We do not
remember days, but moments.
Life moves too fast, so enjoy your
precious moments. 17) Noting is
real to you until you experience it;

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