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P. F.

Math 466

Spring 2016
Homework # 1

Given 1/29/2016. Due 2/4/2016.

1. The 1-D equations for gas dynamics are given by

t + ux + ux = 0
ut + uux + 1 px = 0,
where is the density, u is the component of the velocity in the x-direction, and p = p() is the
pressure, with
> 0.
(a) Show that (x, t) = 0 > 0 and u(x, t) = 0 is a solution of the 1-D gas dynamics equations.
(b)Let  = 0 + , u = 0 + u and show that the linearized equations for and u are given by
t + 0 ux = 0
ut + 0 x = 0,
(0 ) > 0 represents the speed of sound.
(c)By taking derivatives in x and in t, decouple the linearized gas dynamics equations and show that
the density and the velocity u solve the wave equations
tt = c20 xx and utt = c20 uxx .
(d) Show that if p = A , where > 1 then c =
. At sea level the values of air density

and pressure are p = 101.325 kPa, = 1.225rkg/m3 , and = 1.4. Use these values to compute
r the
speed of sound using Laplaces formula c =
and compare it with Newtons formula c =

where c0 given by c20 :=

2. The 1-D shallow water equations are given by

ht + uhx + hux = 0
ut + uux + ghx = 0,
where h is the height of the fluid measured from the flat horizontal bottom, u is the horizontal
component of the velocity in the x-direction, and g is the acceleration of gravity.
(a) Show that h(x, t) = h0 > 0 and u(x, t) = 0 is a solution of the shallow water equations.
(b) Set h = h0 + h, u = 0 + u, and show that the linearized equations for h and u are given by
ht + h0 ux = 0
ut + ghx = 0.
(c) By taking derivatives in x and in t, decouple the linearized gas dynamics equations and show
that the height h and the velocity u satisfy the waveequations htt = c20 hxx and utt = c20 uxx , where
the speed of propagation for the water waves is c0 = gh0 .
(d) Use the value g = 9.807 m/s2 and compute the water wave speed at depths h0 = 1 m, 10 m, 100 m, 1000 m,
and h0 = 4000 m (mean depth of the oceans).
3. The transmission line or telegraph equations model the propagation of electromagnetic signals through
long cables, like the transatlantic submarine telegraph cable. The telegraph equations for the voltage
drop V (x, t) and the current intensity I(x, t) are given by
CVt + Ix + GV = 0
LIt + Vx + RI = 0

where, per unit lenght of line, C is the capacitance, L is the inductance, R is the resistance, and G
is the leakage. The coefficients C, L, R, and G are assumed constants.
(a) In the above system of equations, the variables V and I are coupled. Manipulate the above
equations to show that V and I satisfy the uncoupled equations
LCVtt + (GL + RC)Vt + RGV = Vxx
LCItt + (GL + RC)It + RGI = Ixx
(b) Show that if the resistance R = 0 and
the leakage G = 0, then both V and I satisfy the wave
equation with propagation speed c = 1/ LC.
(c) Show that if L = 0 and G = 0, then V and I satisfy the diffusion equation with diffusivity
D1 = 1/(RC).
(d) Show that if C = 0 and R = 0, then V and I satisfy the diffusion equation with diffusivity
D2 = 1/(GL).
(e) For a telephone cable at around 100 kHz representative values of the parameters are R =
191.63/km, C = 51.57 109 F/km, L = 0.5807 103 H/km, and G = 3.327 106 S/km. Use
these values to compute c, D1 and D2 .
4. (Laplaces deep water wave equations) Consider a body of water, say a lake, confined at the bottom
by the surface z = b(x, y), and at the top by the free surface of the water, z = h(x, y, t). The motions
of the water are described by a velocity field ~v = ~v (~x, t), ~x = (x, y, z), which is incompressible and
irrotational; therefore, there is a velocity potential with = ~v , and satisfies 2 = ~v = 0. For
simplicity, let us assume that the bottom is flat, z = b(x, y) = 0, and that the motions are independent
of the horizontal variable y. The Laplace theory of tidal equations states that the velocity potential
= (x, z, t) and the water surface height z = h(x, t) satisfy the following equations
< x < , 0 < z < h(x, t), 0 < t <

xx + zz = 0,
z = ht + x hx ,

at z = h(x, t)

t + 2x /2 + 2z /2 + gh = 0
z = 0,

at z = h(x, t)

at z = 0.

Here g is the acceleration of gravity.

(a) Show that = gh0 t and h = h0 is a steady state solution and show that the linearized equations
around that state, obtained by setting  = gh0 t + , and h = h0 + h, are
xx + zz = 0,
z = ht ,

at z = h0

t + gh = 0
z = 0,

< x < , 0 < z < h0 , 0 < t <

at z = h0

at z = 0.

(b) Show that solves the uncoupled equations

xx + zz = 0,

< x < , 0 < z < h0 , 0 < t <

tt + gz = 0,

at z = h0

z = 0,

at z = 0.

5. Maxwells electromagnetic equations in vacuum are given by

E = Bt ,
H = Dt ,

D = 0,
B = 0,

where E is the electric field, D is the displacement field, H is the magnetizing field and B is the
magnetic field. This system is made formally determined by assuming D = 0 E and B = 0 H, where
0 is the permittivity of free space and 0 is the permeability of free space.
(a) Show that ( B)t = 0 and ( D)t = 0 for all time. In particular, if B and D are zero
initially, then they remain so for all time.
(b) Use the vector identity ( A) = ( A) 2 A to show that E and H satisfy the wave

equations Ett = c20 2 E and Htt = c20 2 H, where c0 = 1/ 0 0 .

(c) Compute c0 for vacuum, with 0 = 8.84 1012 F/m and 0 = 1.257 106 H/m.
6. (Dirichlets principle) The Dirichlet integral D(u) of a function u = u(x, y) and (x, y) is the
functional defined by

D(u) :=

|u(x, y)|2 dxdy =

1 2
(u + u2y )dxdy.
2 x

Use the Euler-Lagrange equation to show that if u = u(x, y) minimizes the Dirichlet integral, then u
satisfies Laplaces equation
2 u = uxx + uyy = 0.
7. (Hamiltons principle of stationary action) Let u = u(x, t) represent the small displacement from
the equilibrium position u 0 for a stretched string of uniform density and subjet to the uniform
tension T . The kinetic energy K and the potential energy P of the string are given by

Z 0L

P =

u2 dx
2 t
1 2
T u dx.
2 x

The action functional I(u) is defined by

Z t1

I(u) =

(K P ) dt =


Z t1 Z L

u2t T u2x dx dt.

Hamiltons principle of stationary action says that the motion of the string is such that the action is
stationary. In other words, u(x, t) is a critical point of the action integral. Use the Euler-Lagrange
equation to show that u(x, t) must be a solution of the wave equation
utt = T uxx .

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