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Computer Science Department: Can We Trust ICMP-based Measurements?

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Computer Science Department

Technical Report
November 8th, 2004

Can we trust ICMP-based measurements?

Stefan Birrer, Fabián E. Bustamante and Yan Chen

ICMP-based measurements (e.g. ping) are often criticized as un-representative of
the applications’ experienced performance, as applications are based on
TCP/UDP protocols and there is a well-accepted conjecture that routers are often
configured to treat ICMP differently from TCP and UDP.
However, to the best of our knowledge, this assumption has not been validated.
With this in mind, we conducted extensive Internet end-to-end path measurements
of these three protocols, spanning over 90 sites (from both commercial and
academic networks), over 6, 000 paths and more than 28 million probes in
PlanetLab during two weeks.
Our results show that ICMP performance is a good estimator for TCP/UDP
performance for the majority of the paths. However for nearly 0.5% of the paths,
we found persistent RTT differences between UDP and ICMP greater than 50%,
while for TCP the difference exceeds 10% for 0.27% of the paths. Thus,
although ICMP-based measurements can be trusted as predictors of TCP/UDP
performance, distributed systems and network researchers should be aware of
some scenarios where these measurements will be heavily misleading; this paper
also provides some hints that can help in identifying those situations.
Keywords: ICMP, TCP, UDP, routers, protocols, trace, end-to-end measurements, PlanetLab.
Can we trust ICMP-based measurements?
Stefan Birrer Fabián E. Bustamante
Yan Chen
Department of Computer Science
Northwestern University, Evanston IL 60201, USA,

November 8th, 2004


ICMP-based measurements (e.g. ping) are often criticized as un-representative

of the applications’ experienced performance, as applications are based on TCP/UDP
protocols and there is a well-accepted conjecture that routers are often configured
to treat ICMP differently from TCP and UDP.
However, to the best of our knowledge, this assumption has not been validated.
With this in mind, we conducted extensive Internet end-to-end path measurements
of these three protocols, spanning over 90 sites (from both commercial and aca-
demic networks), over 6, 000 paths and more than 28 million probes in PlanetLab
during two weeks.
Our results show that ICMP performance is a good estimator for TCP/UDP
performance for the majority of the paths. However for nearly 0.5% of the paths,
we found persistent RTT differences between UDP and ICMP greater than 50%,
while for TCP the difference exceeds 10% for 0.27% of the paths. Thus, al-
though ICMP-based measurements can be trusted as predictors of TCP/UDP per-
formance, distributed systems and network researchers should be aware of some
scenarios where these measurements will be heavily misleading; this paper also
provides some hints that can help in identifying those situations.

1 Introduction
Measuring the behavior of network path characteristics is critical for the diagnosis,
optimization and development of distributed services. Useful tools of this sort find

application in a variety of contexts, from server selection [3] to the weighting of al-
ternative paths in overlay networks [4]. Unfortunately, performance measurement
was not a design goal when the Internet was originally architectured [6] and thus
there is limited support available to the system designer.
Over the last few years a renewed interest on measurement techniques [16, 18,
17, 8] have pushed functionality beyond the useful, but rather limited, set offered
by tools such as ping and traceroute [9]. Today’s growing toolset includes ICMP-
, TCP- and UDP-based instruments such as pathchar [10], sting[17], iperf [19],
pathload [16] as well as ping and traceroute [9],
There is, however, a potential dissonance between the application’s experi-
ence and the view portrayed by the measurement tool. In particular, ICMP-based
measurements have been often criticized as un-representative of application per-
formance, as applications often employ TCP or UDP as their transport protocol
and there is a well-accepted conjecture that routers are often configured to treat
packets from these different protocols differently [17, 7]. While a quick look at
the documentation of some of the most popular routers 1 reveals that routers do in-
deed support protocol based Quality of Service (QoS) policies [5, 15, 11, 14], our
research explores how often network administrators make use of this functionality.
In this paper we investigate the dependence of the network characteristics on
the higher-level protocol (ICMP, UDP, TCP). This involves identifying anomalies
in the measurements with regard to fairness. We note that for most of the path,
ICMP performance is a good estimator of UDP and TCP round trip time. However,
the average loss rate for ICMP is higher than for UDP and TCP. The hypothesis
that UDP traffic has a persistent round trip time penalty of more than 50% holds
for 0.45% of all measured paths. We also found 1.76% of the paths with persistent
loss anomalies of more than one packet loss per 100 packets.

2 Related Work
Several comparative studies [16, 18, 13] have evaluated existing measurement
tools [9, 10, 17, 19], but no work has addressed the effect of the layer-4 proto-
cols on the measured network characteristic.
RON [1] monitors end-to-end path connecting dedicated routers at the entry
points of private networks, and it uses these measurement for reactive routing on
an overlay. Their work present a relevant detailed evaluation on loss probability.
Goyal et al. [7] argues that ICMP-based probes may not be a good estimator for
TCP latency and loss rate, since both protocols do not sample network queues
in the same way. Our work is complementary, in that we focus on network-path
From brands such as Cisco, Nortel Networks, Juniper Networks and Netgear.

100 ms
Probe Probe Probe

Source Destination


Figure 1: Measurement Methodology: The source sends a probe to the destination

and waits 100 ms before sending the next probe. A probe consists of three packets,
one of each protocol (ICMP, UDP, TCP), in a random order without spacing.

behavior as experienced by different protocols. Zhang and Duffield [20] look at the
over time constancy of Internet path properties and report a loss rate of 0.6-0.9%
for TCP (consistent with our findings). Our work, on the other hand, focuses on
exploring the constancy of anomalies across protocols.
We borrow the concepts of Global Research and Education Network from
Banerjee et al. [2], where the authors look at the interdomain connectivity of Plan-
etLab nodes. We plan to validate our site classification with theirs (once this be-
comes available) as part of our future work.

3 Evaluation
3.1 Measurement Methodology
We deployed a ping client/server to PlanetLab, a wide-area test environment. Our
measurement client uses a IP-socket and assembles its own ICMP, UDP and TCP
packets without using any of the TCP features such as retransmissions. Basically
we are comparing the network behavior for IP packets with a different protocol type
and a different payload (which conforms to the appropriate standard, i.e. TCP).
Figure 1 illustrates our method of path probing: the client sends 100 probes
to the server with 100 ms spacing between them. A probe consists of three pack-
ets, one for each of the protocols studied (ICMP, UDP, TCP). These packets are
interleaved in random order with no spacing in between. Packets may get lost any-
where in the path from the source to the destination, we account these losses at the
destination. Lost rate is then computed as the ratio of packets received to the total
number of packets sent.
Every packet forwarded by our client includes a timestamp used to compute an
estimate of round trip time (RTT). The server replies immediately to every received
packet, including in its reply the client’s timestamp. An estimate of RTT is then
computed by the client as the difference between current time and the packet’s
original timestamp.

To remove any possible bias due to packet size on loss probability and queueing
delay, we ensure all probes are exactly 100-Byte long (plus IP header). Since the
protocols headers are of different size, we pad the packet to 100 Bytes IP-payload.

3.2 Outliers
Outliers are a general problem in real-world measurements. The unpredictable
nature of the test environment introduces measurements which lay beyond reason-
able boundaries. In a first step, we eliminate RTT outliers for each of our RTT path
measurements. We define outliers as round trip times which differ more than two
standard deviations from the mean of all round trip times for a given protocol. As
a few outliers have a strong influence on the mean, we transfer the RTT first into
log-space, before proceeding with outlier elimination.

RT T = {t0 , t1 , . . . , tn } (1)
RT T = {log t0 , log t1 , . . . , log tn } (2)
t0x = log tx (3)
mean = RT T 0 (4)
0 0
std = std(RT T ) (5)
outlier = {t0x |t0x > mean0 + 2 · std0
∨t0x < mean0 − 2 · std0 } (6)

If a probe (a triple of packets) is flagged as an outlier for any of the three

protocols, the whole probe is discarded in an effort to eliminated possible biases.
In addition, all probes which miss one or more of the three packets, are also marked
as outliers.
After outlier elimination, the mean RTT and its standard deviation are calcu-
lated based on the remaining probes. In the remaining of this paper we use path
measurement for a given path, to indicate the RTT mean of a given connection
between two end-nodes across the Internet.
We differentiate between good and bad path measurements: path measure-
ments with over 50 outliers are marked as bad and not accounted for further analy-
sis. In general, less than 10% of the probes are outliers and thus only a few of our
path needs to be eliminated.

3.3 Hypothesis
We employ traditional hypothesis testing techniques from statistics [12]. We vali-
date the well-accepted conjecture that packets from different protocols, due in part

to router configurations, experience different QoS. We use hypothesis testing to
estimate the number of path for which we can conclude, with a reasonable confi-
dence, that they hypothesis is true. We employ 95% confidence for all tests.

3.4 Firewalls and other Hurdles

In an early deployment we found that many probes miss round trip times for TCP
and UDP connections. Despite PlanetLab deployment policy (stating that firewalls
should not filter traffic to and from PlanetLab nodes), we believe our problem were
indeed caused by firewalls and port-filtering configurations.
For TCP, we believe the problem was caused by firewalls that only let estab-
lished TCP traffic pass through. Since we were sending a plain TCP packet without
connection establishment (no SYN was sent), these firewalls would just drop our
TCP probes. We got around this issue, by setting the SYN bit of all TCP requests
and the SYN-ACK for TCP replays. We also found that many PlanetLab sites filter
certain ports; in one early configuration we employed port 4000 for all our sockets;
this results on UDP packets being dropped at a number of sites.

3.5 Design and Implementation

The ping client/server is implemented in C using the PlanetLab raw socket inter-
face. The code is based on a version of ping, dated back to 1983, which we ex-
tended to support the three protocols. To coordinate the experiment, we deployed
a measurement infrastructure to all the sites, represented by one node each. This
infrastructure service is implemented in Java and has the responsibility of coordi-
nating the path probes. No two paths with overlapping sender and receiver sets are
probed at the same time, i.e. every node can only be either a source or a destination
for one experiment at any given time.
The service will wait for a duration of time, drawn from an exponential distri-
bution with mean of 10 sec. before it tries to lock the destination. If the destination
is not currently involved in another measurement, the lock will succeed and each of
the peers will start the ping client or server depending on their role in the measure-
ment. The probing lasts for about 10 sec. The client (source) will query the server
(destination) for the loss rate and store this information locally with the round trip
times. In the case where the lock fails, the client will back-off and restart the pro-
cedure by first waiting for some time. When all paths are probed, the server will
collect all the traces from all sites and export them into a file for off-line analysis.
We validate our finding using a modified traceroute client. This tool works in
a way similar to that of our ping client, but it manipulates TTLs so that the routers
generate a time exceeded message. Following this approach, our traceroute-based

Table 1: Traces Summary
Time 05/02/04 - 05/14/04
Data Sets 23
Packets 28’741’800
Unique Paths Total 6’197
Path Measurements Total 95’806
Good 69’534
Bad 22’713
Sites Total 92
North America 64
International 28
Europe 22
Commercial 4

tool allows us to estimate the relative one way delay of TCP and UDP compared to

4 Experimental Results
In this section we present our findings based on more than 28 million packets.
After outlier elimination we are left with over 20 million packets that we employ
for our analysis. Table 1 summarizes the traces we used for the analysis. Note that
the European sites are also part of the international sites. The Global Research and
Education Network (GREN) combines the academic sites in North America and

4.1 Connectivity
We eliminated bad path probes by applying the above described outlier elimination
technique. However, the majority of bad path probes was caused by a complete
outage of one of the four protocols, i.e. only one of the protocols has a loss rate
of 100%. Table 2 summarizes bad paths measurements, it is possible for a bad
paths to miss all probes for one or more of the protocols, we call this an outage.
Some of the bad path are caused by infrastructure problems, as PlanetLab nodes
may crash or reboot during the probing interval of about 2 hours. TCP outages
dominate bad paths, indicating the deployment of firewalls in the PlanetLab test-
bed. The negative impact of TCP cannot simply be explained by our measurement
technique. Even thought we send duplicate SYN and SYN-ACK packets, the first
of these packets is generally expected to pass. We also see that the number of UDP
outages is larger than for ICMP, indicating that UDP connectivity is slightly worse
than that for ICMP.

Table 2: Bad Paths: The table summarizes the bad paths by outages per proto-
col. Complete outage means that no packet of the given type is received at the
Bad Paths Percentage
ICMP 1’765 0.07
UDP 3’694 0.14
TCP 22’713 0.86
Total 26’272 1.00

Table 3: Percentage of Paths with Persistent RTT Penalties

Protocol Penalty
>5% >10% >30% >50%
UDP 2.07 1.71 0.82 0.45
TCP 0.81 0.27 0.06 0.03
UDP w/o msu.su 0.50 0.18 0.02 0.00
TCP w/o msu.su 0.83 0.28 0.07 0.03

4.2 Round Trip Time

In our analyzes of round trip time (RTT), we found one site msu.su which exhib-
ited persistent anomalies in terms of UDP RTT. Table 3 summarizes the persistent
anomalies with 95% confidence. As it can be seen from this table, msu.su is re-
sponsible for most of the UDP anomalies with over 5% penalty.
Table 4 summarizes the geographical character of the persistent anomalies. In-
ternational and European sites suffer considerable more UDP anomalies. This is
due to the influence of msu.su, which causes most of the UDP anomalies.
Beside geographical, the traces also show domain dependency. We classify
nodes as part of the GREN or as commercial sites. We left out some of the inter-
national sites whose network was not clearly identified. Table 5 summarizes the
domain dependency. The GREN suffers from only a few anomalies. Even though
we have just a few commercial sites, they account for a significant percentage of

Table 4: Geographical Characterization of RTT Anomalies: The characterization

of the anomalies by geographical regions: World (*), North America (NA), Inter-
national (INTL) and Europe (EU). The values specify the number of anomalies
(UDP/TCP) with more than 10% penalty.
Source Destination
* 1.71/0.27 0.56/0.31 4.03/0.19 5.02/0.18
NA 1.52/0.29 0.32/0.43 3.87/0.00 4.87/0.00
INTL 2.11/0.25 1.04/0.07 4.38/0.63 5.34/0.59
EU 2.35/0.25 1.28/0.09 4.62/0.58 5.64/0.74

Table 5: Domain Characterization of RTT Anomalies: The characterization of the
anomalies by domain: World (*), GREN (GREN) and Commercial (COM). The
values specify the number of anomalies (UDP/TCP) with more than 10% penalty.
Source Destination
* 1.71/0.27 0.50/0.19 1.18/0.79
GREN 1.32/0.21 0.05/0.11 1.08/0.00
COM 2.32/1.16 1.05/0.52 8.33/16.7

Table 6: Temporal Characterization of RTT Anomalies: The characterization of the

anomalies by time (CDT/GMT-5h). The values specify the number of anomalies
with 10% penalty.
Protocol Time
night day evening
UDP 0.00 0.23 0.66
TCP 0.18 0.32 0.97

the identified anomalies, suggesting that the commercial Internet may suffer from
a significant amount of anomalies.
Beside domain and geographical dependencies, the time of day influences the
characteristic of the network. We use three time intervals: night (0am-8am), day
(8am-17pm) and evening (17pm-12am). To give more weight to the time of day
pattern, we reduced the set of sites to North America. This analysis is based on
2259 paths for the night-trace, 2170 paths for the day-trace and 1956 paths for
the evening-trace. Table 6 shows the anomalies present during the different time
intervals. The number of persistent anomalies is substantially reduced during night
hours. During this time there is considerable less traffic in the Internet, buffers
along the routes are generally less filled, and thus probes are more likely to take
the same time independent of their payload. During the day, routers experiencing
congestion may prioritize different IP packet payloads differently, thus delaying
some of the packet types more than others.

Table 7: Percentage of Path with Persistent Loss Probability Differences

Protocol Absolute Penalty
<-1.0% <-0.5% >0.5% >1.0%
UDP 1.76 1.90 0.68 0.29
TCP 1.74 1.92 0.10 0.02

Table 8: Geographical Characterization of Loss Anomalies: The characterization
of the anomalies by geographical regions: World (*), North America (NA), Inter-
national (INTL) and Europe (EU). The values specify the number of anomalies
(UDP/TCP) with <-1.0% difference.
Source Destination
* 1.76/1.74 2.13/2.10 1.07/1.02 1.04/0.98
NA 0.81/0.69 1.18/1.04 0.07/0.00 0.09/0.00
INTL 3.82/3.96 4.08/4.30 3.29/3.29 3.16/3.16
EU 4.70/4.76 5.02/5.11 4.04/4.04 3.92/3.92

Table 9: Domain Characterization of Loss Anomalies: The characterization of the

anomalies by domain: World (*), GREN (GREN) and Commercial (COM). The
values specify the number of anomalies (UDP/TCP) with <-1.0% difference.
Source Destination
* 1.76/1.74 1.27/1.32 1.58/1.58
GREN 2.14/2.02 1.63/1.57 2.15/2.15
COM 0.77/0.77 0.00/0.52 0.00/0.00

4.3 Loss Probability

The loss probability is an important factor for TCP performance. Table 7 shows
that a few path experience a persistent lower or higher loss probability for UDP
or TCP. These paths have more likely a lower loss probability for UDP and TCP
when compared to ICMP. The average loss rate of all measurements for ICMP is
0.93%, while UDP and TCP have a nearly equal loss rate of 0.65%.
Table 8 presents the geographic distribution of the persistent anomalies in loss
rate. The results indicate that loss anomalies are actually concentrated within Eu-
The domain characterization indicates that commercial network experiences
less anomalies than the academic network. Table 9 summarizes the findings. The
loss probabilities are nearly symmetric in terms of the protocol, but asymmetric
in terms of the source and destination. Note that we estimate the one way loss
probability, so that the measurements indeed picture the asymmetric behavior of
the network.
Table 10 shows that the persistent loss anomalies are concentrated during the
night and day hours. During the evening, only a few paths experience an decrease
in the loss rate for UDP or TCP. However, during night and day hours, substantial
more anomalies appear. This might be caused by different resource usage and/or
different kind of workloads during the evening hours.

Table 10: Temporal Characterization of Loss Anomalies: The characterization of
the anomalies by time (CDT/GMT-5h). The values specify the number of anoma-
lies with an absolute decrease in loss rate of 1.0%, that is one loss in a hundred
packets less.
Protocol Time
night day evening
UDP 0.53 0.41 0.20
TCP 0.58 0.65 0.40

4.4 Validation
We used a simple TTL-based traceroute client2 to validate some of the identi-
fied anomalies. We successfully validated that either the router cs.radio-msu.net
or the router NPI-4700-F0-2.radio-msu.net must employ different QoS for UDP
packets by tracing the path from northwestern.edu and fh-aargau.ch3 to planet-
lab2.cs.msu.su. These two routers represent the first two hops of the site with
the most anomalies (msu.su). Since we only probe the incoming path to the site,
we cannot conclude whether it is the outgoing interface of NPI-4700-F0-2.radio-
msu.net or the incoming interface cs.radio-msu.net, which causes the extra delays
of UDP packets.
After we ruled out msu.su from the traces, we still have about 10 path anomalies
left. It is part of our future work to validate these anomalies.

5 Conclusions
ICMP-based measurements are used to estimate TCP and UDP performance. How-
ever, there is the possibility of dissonance between the application’s performance
and the view portrayed by the measurement tool. This paper addressed the question
of whether ICMP-based measurements can be trusted. Our measurement-based
analysis indicate that for the majority of the paths, ICMP is a good performance
indicator for UDP and TCP RTT. However, over 1.7% of the paths experience UDP
RTT penalties larger than 10%, while 0.27% of the paths suffer similar penalties
for TCP. Further, ICMP has a much higher loss rate than UDP and TCP. The results
indicated that there are significant geographical and temporal differences.
Our results seems to argue in favor of ICMP-based measurements as predictors
of TCP and UDP performance, of course taking into consideration protocol differ-
ences. However, this estimation has some inherited limitations, as the network can
Due to technical limitations, we can only trace from nodes outside of PlanetLab.
FH Aargau is a university in Switzerland (Central Europe).

and sometimes does treat the three protocols differently.

We would like to thank Hans-Peter Oser, who kindly loaned us his equipment for
some of our validation experiments. We are also grateful to Tamara Teslovich and
Kate Solinger for their assistance in evaluating the router documentations and their
help in implementing our validation tool. Further, we would like to thank Yi Qiao
and Ananth Sundararaj for their helpful comments on early drafts of this paper.

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