Soil Forces and Single-Wedge Sliding Analysis: EM 1110-2-2100 1 Dec 05
Soil Forces and Single-Wedge Sliding Analysis: EM 1110-2-2100 1 Dec 05
Soil Forces and Single-Wedge Sliding Analysis: EM 1110-2-2100 1 Dec 05
1 Dec 05
Chapter 5
Soil Forces and Single-Wedge Sliding Analysis
5-1. General
Chapter 4 described various loading conditions and specific loads, except for soil loads. Chapter 5 describes soil
loads and explains how to use various loads in a single-wedge stability analysis. The methods presented in this
chapter are intended to produce reasonably conservative estimates of soil forces acting on a structure. This manual
only addresses normal soil conditions, other conditions such as swelling soils require special studies. The definitions
of terms that will be used throughout this chapter are as follows:
Single wedge. The single wedge is the wedge to which forces are applied, i.e., the structure itself, which is
referred to as the structural wedge.
Applied driving forces. Driving forces are defined as those lateral forces whose primary influence is to
decrease structural stability. The side of the structure upon which these forces are applied will be called the
driving side. Uplift and downdrag are also treated as applied forces.
Applied resisting forces. Resisting forces are defined as those lateral forces whose primary influence is to
increase structural stability. The side of the structure upon which these forces are applied will be called the
resisting side. The resisting side is on the opposite side of the structural wedge from the driving side. The
difference between the driving and resisting forces is transferred to the foundation by the structural wedge.
Reactions. The shear and the normal force between the foundation and the base of the single wedge are
reactions, which are necessary to place the structure in static equilibrium, they are not included in the
applied forces.
FS s
d = tan - 1
cd =
(5 - 1, 5 - 2)
FS s
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= nominal angle of internal friction of the soil
c = nominal cohesive strength of the soil
c. Sliding. The resultant can be resolved into components parallel and normal to the base plane of the
structural wedge. The sliding factor of safety is calculated as follows:
FS s =
N tan + c L
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any structure will always remain in place and not be excavated or eroded before its effect is included in the stability
c. At-rest soil pressure. If no structural movement occurs, then the at-rest condition exists.
d. Design soil pressures - driving side. In practice, the active and passive soil pressure conditions seldom
exist. Hydraulic structures are designed using conservative criteria that results in relatively stiff structures.
Structures founded on rock or stiff soils usually do not yield sufficiently to develop active pressures. Even for
foundations capable of yielding, experiments with granular backfill (Matsuo, Kenmochi, and Yagi 1978) indicate
that following initial yield and development of active pressures, lateral pressures may in time return to greater
values. Another reference (Casagrande 1973) states that the gradual buildup of the backfill in compacted lifts produces greater-than-active pressures, as do long-term effects from vibrations, water level fluctuations, and
temperature changes. For these reasons and because large rotations are required for the development of passive
pressures, soil pressures on both the driving side and the resisting side of the single wedge will be estimated by using
the developed soil strength parameters, as defined in paragraph 5-2. These parameters are then used to calculate the
equivalent-fluid soil pressure coefficients (K).
(1) General wedge method for equivalent fluid pressure coefficients. Lateral soil forces are assumed to
act parallel to the top surface of driving side wedges when the surface slopes downward toward the structure.
Equivalent fluid-pressure coefficients are calculated as follows:
= tan -1 C 1
+ C 12 + 4 C 2
= the critical slip plane angle for the soil wedge (see Appendix E for a derivation of )
t +
( h2 - d c2
2 cd
(1+ tan 2 d ) tan 2 +
(h + d c
2 cd
(1 + tan 2 d ) +
A = tan d + tan -
(h + d c )
( h - dc )
r = 1 - tan tand - tan (tan + tand)
s = tan + tand + tan (1 - tan tand)
t = tand - tan - (tan + tan) tan2d
= soil internal friction parameter
d = developed internal friction parameter
c = soil cohesion parameter
cd = developed cohesion parameter
= top surface slope angle, positive when slope is upward when moving away from the structure (When
the top surface of the backfill is broken, solutions for may be obtained by using analogous positive and
negative strip surcharges.)
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= wall friction angle. When is positive, = . When is zero or negative = 0. Vertical shear
(drag), as discussed in Appendix F, shall not be used to calculate the value of or equivalent fluid
soil pressure coefficients. However, drag may be used in addition to lateral soil pressures when the
requirements of Appendix F are satisfied.
= average unit weight of soil (moist weight above water table, buoyant weight below)
V = strip surcharge
h = height of vertical face of soil wedge
dc = depth of cohesion crack in soil (should always be assumed filled with water when calculating lateral
The equivalent fluid-pressure coefficients are:
1 - tan d cot
cos [(1 - tan tan d ) + ( tan d + tan ) tan ]
and for soils that possess cohesive properties as well as internal friction:
2 cos ( tan - tan ) [1 - tan tan d + ( tan + tan d ) tanalpha ]
2 Kc c
tan - tan
tan - tan
(h - d c )2 + K V tan
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P = h2 cos d
This equation gives the maximum driving side lateral soil force that can occur and should be used when is equal to
or greater than d.
(2) Equivalent fluid pressure coefficients from Coulomb's equation. Coulomb's equation may be used to calculate the equivalent fluid-pressure coefficient when the surface of the backfill wedge is planar and unbroken, if certain
conditions are met. These conditions are:
When backfill has a sloping top surface. There can be only one soil material. The water-table must be
either completely above or completely below the backfill. The backfill must be cohesionless. Surcharges
must be uniformly distributed and cover the entire top surface of the backfill wedge.
When backfill has a horizontal top surface. There may be more than one soil material, if the top surface of
all soil layers are horizontal. The water-table may lie within the backfill. The soil may be either cohesive or
cohesionless. Surcharges must be uniformly distributed and cover the entire top surface of the backfill
When any of the above conditions are not applicable, the equivalent fluid pressure coefficient determined by the
wedge method shall be used. The equation for the equivalent fluid-pressure coefficient, using the Coulomb Equation
cos d
sin ( d + ) sin ( d -
cos 1 +
cos cos
K h2
(3) Equivalent fluid pressure coefficients for simple conditions. When the top surface of the wedge is
horizontal, planar, supports a uniform surcharge covering the entire top surface, and the soil possesses cohesive
strength as well as internal friction, the equivalent fluid pressure coefficients in the preceding equations reduce to the
following simple expressions:
1 - sin d
= tan 2 (45 - d )
1 + sin d
Kc= K
2 cd
e. Design soil pressures - resisting side. Developed soil pressures on the resisting side may also be
calculated using the developed soil strength parameters. In this manual, soil pressures and forces on the resisting
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side are generally assumed to act horizontally (wall friction angle = 0). The equivalent fluid-pressure coefficient
for soil pressures on the resisting side is calculated as follows:
- C 1 + C 12 + 4 C 2
= tan -1
2 tan 2 d C1 =
[ tan (1 + tan 2 d )] +
4 cd
( tan d - tan )
A = tan d +
Then the equivalent fluid-pressure coefficients for resisting side pressures are:
1 + tan d cot
1 + tan tan d - ( tan d - tan ) tan
K cP =
2 cos ( tan - tan ) [1 + tan tan d - ( tan d - tan ) tanalpha]
PP =
tan - tan
h + 2 K c P c d h + K P V tan
Since cohesive cracking will not occur on the resisting side, the term for the depth of cohesive cracking (dc) is not
applicable to these equations.
5-4. Soil Pressures with Water Table Within or Above Top of Backfill Wedge
Pressures and forces due to soil and water must be calculated separately, since wall friction () is not applicable to
water pressure and the equivalent fluid pressure coefficients (K and Kc) are for calculating lateral soil pressure only.
K for water is always equal to one. However, the effective unit weight of soil below the water table is affected by
the uplift due to water. In lateral soil-pressure calculations, the moist unit weight of soil is used above the water
table, and the buoyant unit weight is used below the water table. When calculating lateral water pressure and uplift,
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the effect of seepage (if it occurs) must be considered. Lateral soil pressures and forces are calculated as shown
below, and as illustrated in Figure 5-6. These must be added to the lateral water pressure.
p s (h - hs ) + ( p s + p ) hs
(h - hs ) = lateral soil pressure at water table
p s = K m
tan - tan
- ( m - b ) hs = lateral soil pressure at bottom of soil wedge
p = K m h
tan - tan
F sr = h k h
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The seismic component of the total soil force Fsr is assumed to act at a distance of 0.63 h above the base of the wall.
This force must be combined with the structure lateral inertial force, and if water is present, hydrodynamic seismic
forces to obtain the total seismic force on the wall. Evaluation of a wall with non-yielding backfill for the
aforementioned seismic forces is illustrated by Example 32 of ITL-92-11 (Ebeling and Morrison, 1992). The various
seismic forces described above must be combined with static soil pressure forces and static water pressure forces to
get the total force on the wall. Soil retaining structures not meeting stability criteria using the preliminary screening
method should be evaluated using refined analysis techniques described in ITL-92-11 (Ebeling and Morrison, 1992).
(2) Yielding Backfills. The relative motion of the structure and backfill material may be large enough to
induce a limit or failure state in the soil. This condition may be modeled by the Mononobe-Okabe method
(Mononobe and Matsou (1929), and Okabe (1926)), in which a wedge of soil bounded by the structure and an
assumed failure plane are considered to move as a rigid body with the same horizontal acceleration. The dynamic
soil pressures using this method are described in Appendix G.
(3) Partially Yielding Backfills. The intermediate condition in which the backfill soil undergoes limited
nonlinear deformations corresponds to the shear strength of the soil being partially mobilized. The dynamic backfill
pressures may be estimated using an idealized constant parameter, SDOF model of a semi-infinite uniform soil layer
(Veletsos and Younan 1994) or a frequency-independent, lumped parameter, MDOF system. The dynamic pressures for
an irregular backfill may be analyzed using a soil-structure-interaction model such as FLUSH (Lysmer et al. 1975). The
wall is usually modeled with 2-D elements. The foundation rock is represented by 2-D plane-strain elements with an
appropriate modulus, Poissons ratio, and unit weight. Transmitting boundaries in the form of dashpots are introduced at
the sides of the foundation rock to account for the material nonlinear behavior with depth. The shear modulus and soil
damping vary with the level of shearing strain, and this nonlinear behavior is usually approximated by an equivalent
linear method. The boundary conditions for the backfill may also be represented by dashpots. Hydrodynamic pressures
exerted on the wall are computed using the Westergaard formula.
b. Simplified Wedge Method. A seismic coefficient method may be used to estimate the backfill and wall inertial
forces acting on a single wedge. Theoretically, a structure (wedge) may behave as a rigid body that is fully constrained
along its base and sides by the ground, so all parts of the wedge would be uniformly affected by accelerations which are
identical to the time history of the ground motions. Therefore it would be appropriate to use a seismic coefficient equal
to the peak ground acceleration for stability analysis of short, stiff structures. However, field and test data show that
most structures do not behave as a rigid body, but respond as a deformable body subjected to effective ground motions.
Thus the magnitude of the accelerations in a deformable wall may be different than those at the ground surface,
depending on the natural period and damping characteristics of the structure and the shaking characteristics of the
ground motions. Furthermore the maximum acceleration will only affect the structure for a short interval of time, and
the inertia forces will not be equivalent to those of an equal static force which would act for an unlimited time, so the
deformations resulting from the maximum acceleration will be smaller. Design or evaluation of structures for zero
relative displacement under peak ground accelerations is unrealistic, so the seismic stability analysis should be based on
a seismic coefficient, which recognizes that an acceptably small amount of lateral displacement will likely occur during
a major earthquake. Experience has shown that a seismic coefficient equal to 2/3 of the peak ground acceleration is a
reasonable estimate for many hydraulic structures. For partially yielding backfill, the strength mobilization factor
should be equal to the reciprocal of the minimum required sliding safety factor for that load case. More information
about the simplified wedge method is included in appendix G.
5-6. Mandatory Requirements
For a general discussion on mandatory requirements see Paragraph 1-5. As stated in that paragraph, certain
requirements within this manual are mandatory. The following are mandatory for Chapter 5.
a. Developed Soil Strength Parameters. Lateral soil forces acting on a single wedge shall be determined using
developed soil strength parameters as described in paragraph 5-2.b.
b. Sliding Factor of Safety. The factor of safety for sliding shall be calculated as defined in paragraph 5-2.c.
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EM 1110-2-2100
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EM 1110-2-2100
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EM 1110-2-2100
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EM 1110-2-2100
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EM 1110-2-2100
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