Flow Visualization in Wind Tunnels: Muzafferuddin Mahmood
Flow Visualization in Wind Tunnels: Muzafferuddin Mahmood
Flow Visualization in Wind Tunnels: Muzafferuddin Mahmood
from large separation bubble (bump) on the top surface of a sharp edge model as evident in
Figure 1c. The remaining flow moved down resulting in re-circulation of flow, which
persisted all along the length of wall. But as the rounding is increased, the size of the bump
became smaller indicating the influence of rounding at a specific location. A bump smaller
in size was noted for a round model with radius of 5mm. For a model with a radius of 10
mm, the smoke streaks remain almost attached to the roof and just slide over curved roof
surface with a minimum possible separation, as shown in Figure 1d. Similar changes were
noted for the flow at an of angle incidence of 25. For this incidence angle the sharp edge
model shows more separation and the height of separation of the vortex sheets decreased
with increased rounding as evident in Figure 2.
For a sharp edge model a clear separation was visible at station 1 i.e., around 15 to 20% of
the distance from leading edge corner, as shown in Figure 2a. But when round edge models
were placed the height of separation reduced in proportion to the magnitude of rounding,
especially for R=10 mm model, where the flow remained attached while moving from
sidewall to the top surface, as shown in Figure 2c. This is in line with the observations made
in smooth flow condition and is expected to influence the pressures that are developed on
top surface of the model.
Since the influence of rounding was visible on both flows at oblique and normal incidence, its
influence on the pressure characteristics was investigated and compared in both the cases.
Fig. 1. Flow visualization using smoke-wire technique (smooth flow condition). View from front.
a. Sharp edge model = 90
b. Round edge model = 10 mm, = 90
c. Sharp edge model = 45
d. Round edge model R = 10 mm, = 45
looked quite concentrated sitting on the wing. When the incidence angle was increased one
vortex got burst and further increase in incidence angle resulted in bursting of both the
vortices. The bursting of one of the vortices can be seen in Fig.6 and no vortex asymmetry
was observed for this type of configuration. A study by Terry,N et al [8] shows extensive use
of laser light illumination technique in visualizing the flow past an 80Delta wing
Wind direction
Laser light sheet,
Station 1
Model top
Fig. 3. Flow visualization (top surface) using laser light sheet illumination technique = 45.
(a) Sharp edge model, (b) round edge model, R = 10.0 mm station 1 (15% of length), (c) sharp
edge model, (d) round edge model, R = 10.0 mm station 2 (50% of length).
Fig. 4. Vortex formation behind elliptical cone thickness ratio=0.65, Reynolds number =132,000
Fig. 5. Vortex formation behind Delta wing Aspect ratio=0.56, Reynolds number =132,000, =30
Fig. 6. Vortex formation behind Delta wing Aspect ratio=0.56, Reynolds number =132,000 =35
Fig. 10. Flow visualization inside of wake using smoke wire technique = 32
Fig. 12. Conjectured flow field on wake side of flat plate at sub critical incidence
Fig. 13. Conjectured flow field on wake side of flat plate at super critical incidence
On the portion of the wing near the leading edge, on the suction side, heavy cross flows are
induced which move to the side edges and bend into the stream direction. The axes of these
side-edged vortices when traced reach the leading edge. The angle it makes is about half the
angle of attack which the plate makes with the stream direction. The core of the three
dimensional bubble is near to the leading edge at a distance of about 0.25 C. There was no
trailing edge vortex shedding observed for these incidences. The side-edge vortices extend
downstream at least six to seven times chord. The diameter of these side edges vortices
increases considerably with a little change in angle from = 26.5 to = 28. The side-edge
vortex core axis moves straight up to trailing edge when moving upstream, where it bends a
little and again moves straight up to leading edge. From the outer wake flow pictures it is
observed that the flow at the center seems to be just as big bubble trying to close about 0.1C
to 0.2C from the trailing edge which is quite different from the angle = 32 where the
bubble closes well away from the trailing edge. Also the wake boundary is wavy for = 28
where as for = 32 it is quite sharp as seen in the Figs. 9 and 10
Fig. 15. Conjectured flow field on wake side of flat plate at sub critical incidence
The result of the variation flow visualization techniques have been used to construct the
flow field as is shown in Figs12-13 and Fig.15 (Flow visualization details). This is what has
been observed it is not an interpretation how the actual flow structure is. A first attempt has
been made to get an idea of the flow field in the following way.
4.2 32
For these incidences and higher up to = 50, it was observed that the wing centre flow is
dominating the total span and the tip vortices are not present on the wing as shown in
Fig.10, but appear further down the stream. The three dimensional bubble covers almost
whole of the span with the appearance of trailing edge vortex shedding, and the flow is
rotating inside this bubble. The flow near the plate surface is forward and spreading
outward which is also noted from surface flow visualization pictures.
Trailing-edge vortex shedding and re-circulating flow was also observed by Calvert [9]. In the
region near the leading edge on the suction side, the flow was observed as moving towards the
plate centre from sides, and the flow which is moving forward is joining the main stream flow
reaching from sides to form rotary motion like side edge vortices, the concentration of which is
observed little downstream of the trailing edge. This distance increases gradually as the angle
of incidence is increased. Also, it was found in the surface flow pictures that the two eyes
had disappeared and with them the additional two vortices must have vanished there. For all
these angles 32 trailing-edge vortex shedding was observed, and the frequency of vortex
shedding was observed to increase as the angle of attack increases.
5. Conclusions
Flow visualization is considered an important tool to understand the nature of the flow
field. Its proper utilization will provide reasonable information that will help in influencing
flow characteristics. The above methods mentioned are not the only ways of understanding
the flow but the results obtained using above methods highlight the usefulness of these flow
visualization techniques.
6. Acknowledgements
The author is grateful for the facilities provided by King Fahd University of Petroleum and
Minerals (KFUPM) and University of Sydney, Australia. The author also acknowledges the
support from Dr. K Srinivas from the School of Aerospace, Mechanical & Mechatronics
Engineering, University of Sydney Australia.
7. References
Batill, S.M.,& Mueller,T.M. (1981).Visualization of Transition in the Flow over an
Aerofoilusing Smoke wire technique , AIAA journal,Vol.19, pp.340-345
Bienkiewicz, B.,& Sun, Y .(1992). Local Wind loading on the Roof of a Low-rise Building,
JWEIA,Vol 45, pp.11-24
Calvert,J.R.( 1967). Experiments on the flow past an inclined disk, Journal of Fluid
Mechanics,vol.29, Pt.4, pp.691-703
ISBN 978-953-307-623-2
Hard cover, 709 pages
Publisher InTech
How to reference
In order to correctly reference this scholarly work, feel free to copy and paste the following:
Muzafferuddin Mahmood (2011). Flow Visualization in Wind Tunnels, Wind Tunnels and Experimental Fluid
Dynamics Research, Prof. Jorge Colman Lerner (Ed.), ISBN: 978-953-307-623-2, InTech, Available from:
InTech Europe
InTech China