Technical Stock Idea: Private Client Group
Technical Stock Idea: Private Client Group
Technical Stock Idea: Private Client Group
Recommended Action
Buy between CMP & Rs. 435
Rs. 550, 630
Time Horizon
Rs. 420
Note: * Place stoploss as per daily closing basis. Recommended to stagger buying/selling. If first target achieved, then revise stoploss to buying/selling price.
Rising Volumes
Bullish MACD
Bullish DMI
Primary trend of the stock has been bullish with higher ops and higher bottoms on the monthly chart.
Stock has recently broken out from the consolidation that held for last 22 Months.
Stock is on the verge of giving highest weekly close with the relatively higher volumes
Stock price has closed above the Bollinger upper band, indicating upcoming momentum buying in the stock
Oscillators like MACD and DMI have turned bullish on the weekly and monthly charts
Considering the technical evidences discussed above, we recommend buying the stock between CMP and 435, for the
targets of 550 and 630, keeping stop loss at 420 on closing basis.
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