Chapter 1 Notes
Chapter 1 Notes
Chapter 1 Notes
NeuroscienceWhat is
Biopsychology, Anyway?
NeuronsCells that receive and transmit electrochemical signals.
Neurosciencethe scientific study of the nervous system.
Comprises of several related disciplines.
What is Biopsychology?
BiopsychologyThe scientific study of the biology of behaviour. Some refer
to this as psychobiology, behavioural biology, or behavioural neuroscience.
Biopsychology did not develop into a discipline until the 20th century.
Studies that focus on a single case or subject are called case studies.
Because they focus on a single case, they usually provide more in
depth information. However, they have a problem with their
Generalizability is the degree to which results can be applied to
other cases.
Cognitive Neuroscience
This is the youngest division of biopsychology, but it is currently among
the most active and exciting.
Cognitive neuroscientists study the neural bases of cognition, a term
that generally refers to higher intellectual processes such as thought,
memory, attention, and complex perceptual processes.
Methods for this field are non-invasive as researchers work on human
The biggest method of cognitive neuroscience is functional brain
imaging while a subject is engaged in a particular cognitive activity.
Comparative Psychology
Comparative psychologists compare the behaviour of different species
in order to understand the evolution, genetics, and adaptions of
Some psychologists engage in ethological research, which is the
study of animal behaviour in its natural environment.
Evolutionary psychology and behavioural genetics are a part of
comparative psychology.