Ride-Through Analysis of Doubly Fed Induction Wind-Power Generator Under Unsymmetrical Network Disturbance
Ride-Through Analysis of Doubly Fed Induction Wind-Power Generator Under Unsymmetrical Network Disturbance
Ride-Through Analysis of Doubly Fed Induction Wind-Power Generator Under Unsymmetrical Network Disturbance
HE VARIABLE speed wind turbines with doubly fed induction generators (DFIG) are nowadays becoming more
widely used in wind power generation. Due to the increase of
the number of the wind turbines connected to the grid, new grid
codes have been issued that require ride-through capability of
the wind-power generation system. Instead of disconnection, the
wind generators have to support the network during the power
disturbances in the network [1], [2]. Therefore, it is necessary to
carry out accurate transient simulations in order to understand
the impact of the power system disturbances on a wind turbine
In the recent years, the ride-through analysis of the DFIG
wind turbine under network disturbance has become an intensively studied problem. The low-voltage ride-through analysis
of the 2-MW Vestas V80VCS wind turbine has been presented
in [3]. This paper shows the ability of the ride-through during
the 50% voltage dip without using the crowbar. This paper also
shows that mechanical model of the wind turbine could be neglected because it affects the transient behavior of DFIG mini-
Manuscript received February 16, 2006; revised April 21, 2006. This work
was supported in part by the National Technology Agency of Finland, in part by
ABB Oy and Fortum Oyj, and in part by the Research Foundation of Helsinki
University of Technology. Paper no. TPWRS-00080-2006.
S. Seman and A. Arkkio are with the Laboratory of Electromechanics,
Helsinki University of Technology, FIN-02015 HUT, Helsinki, Finland (e-mail:
slavomir.seman@hut.fi; antero.arkkio@hut.fi).
J. Niiranen is with ABB Oy, FIN-00381, Helsinki, Finland (e-mail: jouko.
Digital Object Identifier 10.1109/TPWRS.2006.882471
DFIG are compared in order to reveal the influence of the different modeling approaches on the short-term transient simulation accuracy. The detailed specifications of the DFIG wind
generator parameters used in this paper were presented in [17].
mechanical part because the turbine speed behavior has no significant influence on the electrical system performance [3], [4]
in case of short-term stability investigations.
reference frame
The symbols , denote the stator and rotor currents, respectively, , stator and rotor voltages, and , stator and
reference frame.
rotor flux linkages in two axis rotational
are stator and rotor resistances, and
stator, rotor inductances, and magnetizing inductance, respectively. The rotor speed is denoted as . Symbol represents the
number of pole-pairs, and is the electromagnetic torque. The
rotor speed is considered to be a constant, and thus, the equation of motion is omitted as well as the model of the wind turbine
denote the rotor current components in the twowhere
denote the
axis rotational reference frame, and
and components of the stator flux vector estimates in the rotational frame.
, ,
are magnetizing, stator ,and rotor
inductances of DFIG, respectively.
The stator flux estimates are obtained by integration of the
measured stator voltage after subtraction of the resistive voltage
drop of the stator winding. The estimated stator flux is then
transformed by a rotator from two-axis stator coordinates to the
two-axis rotor coordination system. The magnitude of the grid
flux estimate that is used in control for synchronization of DFIG
with network is calculated in torque and flux estimator by integrating the measured line-to-line stator voltages transformed
into two-axis reference frame. The estimate of electromagnetic
torque that is an input of the three-level hysteresis comparator
is given by
The reference values of the electromagnetic torque
are considered to be constant.
well as rotational speed
obThe modulus of the desired rotor flux command
tained from the reference flux calculator as function of the de, given torque command
, elecsired reactive power
trical frequency of the DFIG stator side , and grid flux estiis given as in (14), shown at the bottom of the page.
The torque and flux hysteresis comparators provide logical
output that is used together with the flux sector identification
for switching pattern establishment defined by switching state
logic. When the switching pattern is established, a voltage
vector is applied to the rotor, and this voltage will change the
is maintained
rotor flux. The optimal switching frequency
by means of the hysteresis band control. The block structure of
the modified DTC is depicted in Fig. 3.
E. Active Crowbar
The active crowbar is connected between the rotor of DFIG
and rotor-side inverter, as it is depicted in Fig. 3. In contrast to
the conventional crowbar, the active crowbar is fully controllable.
A typical ride-through sequence [20] starts when the grid
voltage decreases rapidly to a low level. This causes high current transients both in the generator stator and rotor. If either
the rotor current or dc-link voltage levels exceed their limits,
the IGBTs of the rotor-side inverter are blocked, and the active
crowbar is turned on.
The crowbar resistor voltage and the dc-link voltage are monitored during the crowbar operation. When these both voltages
are low enough, the crowbar is turned off. After a short delay,
for the rotor currents decay, the rotor-side inverter is restarted,
and the reactive current component of the generator is ramped
up in order to support the grid.
Naturally, the crowbar will be turned on again if a too-high
rotor current or dc-link voltage is encountered after the turn off
of the crowbar. This is often the case with severe two-phase
faults that have a high negative-sequence voltage component in
the stator. The negative sequence component has a high rotor
. Thus, very high voltages are induced in the rotor
windings that make it impossible to control the rotor current
with the available dc-link voltage. Thus, for the most severe unsymmetrical grid faults, the rotor-side inverter cannot be started
before the fault has been cleared.
F. Modeling of the Network, Transformer,
and Transmission Line
A simple model represents the network with a three-phase
voltage source in series with a short-circuit inductance and resistance.
The transmission line between the network and transformer
is modeled with its resistance, inductance, and capacitance by a
-equivalent circuit.
The transformer model contains a short-circuit resistance and
inductance and stray capacitance of the winding. The transformer is considered to be linear, i.e., magnetic saturation has
not been taken into account. A more detailed description of the
network, transformer, and transmission line model that has been
used in this paper is presented in [17].
The simulation analysis was carried out in the MatlabSimulink system simulator. The system simulator was running
Fig. 3. Block structure of the rotor-side frequency converter controlled by modified DTC with active crowbar.
Fig. 5. Dc-link voltage (dash) and filtered grid voltage magnitude (solid) during
a grid disturbance.
Fig. 9. Active and reactive power of the generator during grid disturbance.
Fig. 6. Stator line current during a grid disturbance.
differ substantially in case of an unsymmetrical supply. A comparison of several algorithms has been presented in [21]. The future second edition of the IEC 61400-21 standard is expected to
define the calculation method used for unsymmetrical dip tests
of the wind turbines.
The active power drops rapidly down to zero when the fault is
introduced, while the reactive power rises shortly to a value of
about 0.35 p.u. At the time instance 5.05 s, after the crowbar
is triggered and frequency converter is disconnected, the active power is close to zero, and the reactive power is about
0.2 p.u. Between the time instances 5.055.3 s, DFIG behaves
as three-phase inductor due to disconnection of the rotor supply
and thus consumes reactive power for magnetization. After the
time 5.3 s, the frequency converter is restarted and DFIG supports the network with reactive power, demanded value of which
is 0.35 p.u. At time instant 5.73 s after the clearance of the fault,
the active power rises up for a while but returns to zero, while
the reactive power is ramped down to the zero. After a 0.1 s
Fig. 10. Comparison of the simulated stator line current obtained by means of the analytical model (solid) and FEM model (dashed).
Fig. 11. Comparison of the simulated rotor line current obtained by means of the analytical model (solid) and FEM model (dashed).
Fig. 12. Comparison of the simulated electromagnetic torque obtained by means of the analytical model (solid) and FEM model (dashed).
used. The FEM model of DFIG was running with a time step
The stator transient line currents of phase C obtained from the
analytical model and FEM model are depicted in Fig. 10. The
comparison shows that the FEM current is higher than the analytical one in the first peak at the time instant 5.03 s, and the difference is about 0.7 p.u. After the crowbar is triggered, the stator
current is decreased, and during the crowbar operation, both the
waveforms show only a small difference. A comparison of the
transient rotor currents is depicted in Fig. 11. The amplitude of
the rotor current calculated by FEM is in the beginning of the
transient higher than the transient rotor current calculated by the
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Slavomir Seman (S03) was born in Presov, Slovakia, in 1973. He received the M.Sc. degree in
electrical engineering from the University of Zilina,
Zilina, Slovakia, in 1997. He is currently pursuing
the D.Sc. (Tech) degree on transient performance
study of wind-power generators at Helsinki University of Technology, Helsinki, Finland.
He is a Research Scientist at Helsinki University of
Technology. His research interests include numerical
analysis of electric machines, modeling and simulation of electric machines, and control of electric
drives and frequency converters.