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Chapter 9

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Chapter 9



Steam Circuit
KWU Steam turbine steam circuit includes following systems.


Steam admission and exhaust system

Heating and drainage system of turbine
Gland sealing system
Extraction steam to heaters (Regenerative feed heating)
HP-LP Bypass system
These systems are described briefly in further sections to understand their functioning.


Steam Admission and Exhaust System



Steam Admission and Exhaust schematic diagram is shown in Fig. 9.1, which consists of
following elements.

Main steam strainers 2 Nos.

Combined type main steam stop & control valves (ESV & HPCV) 2 Nos.
Cold reheat swing check non-return valves 2 Nos.
Reheat Steam Strainers - 2 Nos.
Combined type reheat steam stop & control valves (IV & IPCV) 2 Nos.

Fig.9.1 Steam Admission Circuit for KWU Steam Turbine

Steam Turbines for Power Generation 202

Main steam at pressure 150 kg/cm2 and temperature 535oC admitted to HP turbine by two lines
horizontally connected to HP turbine (left and right side) via steam strainers and combined stop and
control valves.
The exhaust of HP turbine is passed to the reheater by left and right cold reheat lines via CRH
non-return valves. The reheated steam at pressure 34.5 kg/cm 2 and temperature 535oC is admitted to IP
turbine through hot reheat pipelines (left and right), strainers and combined reheat stop and control valves
(2 Nos.).
The exhaust of IP turbine (7 kg/cm 2, 314oC) is directly admitted to LP turbine via cross-around
pipes laid at the floor level. The exhaust steam from LP turbine finally goes to condenser, which is
maintained under vacuum. This completes the steam admission and exhaust system.

Steam Strainer

Steam strainers are installed in the main steam lines and in the hot reheat lines from the boiler.
They protect the admission elements of the HP and IP turbines from foreign objects, which could be
picked-up in the boiler or associated piping.
The elements of strainer are shown in Fig. 9.2. The strainer screen (2) is made of corrugated
strip wound on a frame. This design offers a high degree of resistance, even to particles impinging at high
velocity. The frame consists of two rings (1, 6) and a number of rods (5) welded between the rings. The
rods are additionally held by reinforcing rings (4) welded inside them. The strainer is designed for a single
direction of flow from the outside inwards. For longer strainers, the screen is made up of several parts.
The end turns of the corrugated strip are then tacked to the T-section intermediate rings (3). The
maximum mesh size of the strainer, which is determined by the height of the corrugations, is 1.6 mm. The
effective area is made at least three times the cross sectional area of the pipe. The strainer is used for
both initial commissioning of the turbine and for regular operation.

Fig.9.2 Steam Strainer


Steam Turbines for Power Generation


Combined Main Stop & Control Valve (ESV & HPCV)

The main stop valves (ESV) rapidly interrupt the supply of the steam to the turbine after being
given trip signal (trip oil circuit is depressurised) in case dangerous or abnormal condition occurs.
Therefore, they have been designed for high-speed closing and maximum reliability.
The control valves, on the other hand, regulate the flow of steam to the turbine according to the
prevailing load.
One stop valve and one control valve share a common body in which stems are perpendicular to
each other (Fig. 9.3) and are placed in front of turbine. The two valves operate with two separate
servomotors independent of each other.
The steam is above the valve disc when the stop valve is in the closed position. The main valve
disc incorporates a pilot disc formed from the end of the valve stem to give relieving effect and thus
reduce the force necessary to open the valve. The stem is sealed by means of metallic packing rings. The
valve disc has got back seating arrangement to provide sealing when the valves are fully open.
This feature allows the working clearance between the stem and the rings to be relatively large
without allowing excessive steam leakage, with the result that the operating reliability of the valve is
improved. The valve body cover, which carries the packing rings, is held in the body by a screwed ring.
The gasket between the cover and the body is of "U" cross section and steam pressure presses the two
legs of the "U" against the sealing faces to give a tight joint. The stop valve is opened hydraulically and
closed by spring force (closing time 0.25 sec.).
The stem and disc of the control valve are in one piece. The valve disc, which is guided in a bush
is of the plug type and has balancing holes to reduce the opening force required. The guiding and sealing
of the valve stem in the cover and the design and jointing of the cover are similar to those employed on
the stop valve. The valve disc also has a back seat, which provides sealing when the valve is fully open.
The position of the servomotor, which operates the control valve, is subjected to disc spring force
in the closed direction and hydraulic pressure in the open direction. The position of the valve is
determined by the oil pressure under the piston, which in turn is controlled by the turbine governor through
a pilot valve and the secondary oil system.
The stems of the stop valve and control valve are armoured by plasmare process and the guide
bushes for the stem and valve disc are manufactured from solid stellite material to achieve optimum
rubbing compatibility (low wear and tear property).

Combined Reheat Stop and Control Valve (IV & IPCV)

Reheat stop valves are protective devices triggered by protection system to speedily close down
in the event of a dangerous condition to interrupt the flow of steam from the reheater system. The reheat
control valves are operative only in the lower load range (less than 20% load). Above this range they
remain fully open in order to avoid throttling losses.
One stop valve and one control valve are combined in a single unit (Fig. 9.4) and share a
common body with the stems perpendicular to each other. However, the two valves operate with two
separate servomotors independent of each other.
The stop valve is a single seat valve with a pilot disc for pressure equalization when opening. The
stem is sealed by means of metallic packing rings and there is also a raised seat on back of the valve
disc, which comes into contact with a neck bush when the valve is fully open and so provides additional
sealing at this point. The stop valve is opened hydraulically and close by spring force.
The control valve has a hollow plug type disc, which is guided and protected from side
impingement by the valve body cover. There are relief holes in the valve disc to reduce force, which must

Chapter-9: Turbine Steam System


Fig.9.3 Combined Main Stop & control Valve ( ESV & IV )


Steam Turbines for Power Generation

Fig.9.4 Combined Reheat Stop & Control Valve

Chapter-9: Turbine Steam System


be exerted by the servomotor to move the valve. This valve disc has got back-seating arrangement to
provide sealing when the valve is fully open. Spindle sealing is done by means of asbestos graphite
The control valve is operated by a servomotor containing a piston subjected to hydraulic pressure
in the opening direction and disc spring force in the closing direction. The position assumed by the valve
is determined by the oil pressure under the piston, which is controlled by a pilot valve linked to the turbine
governor through the secondary oil system.
When an emergency trip is initiated, pressure in the secondary oil system, which is supplied from
the trip oil circuit, also collapses to cause the control valve to shut very quickly with the stop valve.
The stems of the stop valve and control valve are armoured by the plasmare processes and guide
bushes for the stems and valve discs are made of solid stellite material in order to achieve optimum
rubbing compatibility.


Heating and Drainage System of Turbine



As the steam enters during start-up, it condenses on cold walls of the piping and casings, which
could cause mechanical damage to the turbine blading due to accumulation of large amount of water. If no
measures are taken to allow the condensate to drain away, this would result in temperature differences in
the casing walls with subsequent deformation of the casing leading to considerable damage. Therefore,
to remove the condensate formed in the piping and casings, drain valves with automatic control (MAL
valves) and manual control are employed in the pipeline & turbine circuit.

Turbine Drainage

Condensate arising in the turbine and connected valves and internal steam lines is conducted by
means of motor driven drainage valves into the headers and relief pipes and from there into the
condenser. Separate headers and relief pipes are provided for various pressure areas. There is a
staggered arrangement of valves on the headers according to pressure so that the higher pressure is
conducted further away from the relief pipe. The headers and relief pipes are equipped with condensate
injection for limiting the temperature.

Main and Reheat Stop & Control Valves Drainage

The main steam and hot reheat steam stop/control valves are preheated with main steam and
reheat steam stop valves open (ESV, IV open). Warm-up steam along with condensate, if any, flows out
of the spaces behind the stop valves through the warm-up drainage valves into the condenser through
relief pipes.

Drainage Valves

The pressure of steam flowing through the valves is reduced in three stages by angle type three
stage valves. The throttle slots on the valve shaft are dimensioned and arranged so that pressure is
reduced simultaneously in all stages in the entire valve lift. One-stage valves with control cone are
employed as warm-up lift, one stage valves with control cone are employed as warm-up drainage valves
owing to the greater flow.
As a general rule drain valves must be open before charging of any steam line in order to avoid
hammering and for proper warming of pipe lines/main valves. After proper warming & removal of moisture
from pipelines, valves & other equipments drain valves are kept closed. The drainage steam or water
returns to condenser via flash boxes.


Steam Turbines for Power Generation


Open/Close Criteria for MAL Valves

1) Downstream of HPCV

Tag No.
MAL 15/16

saturation temp.


(a) When < 20oC

(b) When > 50oC
2) HP Casing drain

MAL 22


HP Casing top or bottom temp.

(a) When < 300oC and
Gen. Load > 2%
(b) When > 350oC and
Gen. Load > 5%



3) Drain before swing

check CRH NRV

MAL 65/66

(a) If NRV closed

(b) If NRV Open

4) Drain before IPCV &

Drain before IV

MAL 31/32

saturation temp.



MAL 26/27

5) Extraction line drains (A2,

A3, A4, A5)

MAL 55, 54,

51, 47

6) Drain of Extraction
Valves A5, A3, A2

7) Drain of extraction NRV


(a) When < 20oC

(b) When > 50oC


If Extraction Valves closed


(a) If position > 5% &

Load < 2%
(b) If position > 15% &
Load > 10%


Pressure across NRV

(a) If < 100 mm WC
(b) If > 300 mm WC

8) Drain of Gland Steam

MAL 81


Gland Steam Temp.

(a) If > 150oC
(b) If < 120oC




Gland Steam System

The gland steam system for KWU Turbine is shown in Fig. 9.5, which comprises of
Gland Steam Supply/Leak-off header
Gland Steam Pressure Control Valves
- Supply valve (AS-2)
- Leak-off Valve (AS-1)

Gland Steam exhaust header

Chapter-9: Turbine Steam System



Steam Turbines for Power Generation

Fig.9.5 Gland Sealing System for KWU 210 MW Steam Turbine

The function of this system is to ensure the sealing of glands in HP, IP & LP turbine under various
conditions. The turbine glands are self-seal type. Up to approximately 40% load, steam from auxiliary
source through valve AS-2 (Supply valve) is taken to seal off the entire HP, IP & LP glands. During this
period the valve AS-1 (Leak-off Valve) connecting this header to condenser is kept closed. After
approximately 40% load, valve AS-2 is closed and valve AS-1 is opened. Piping are so sized that the
leak-off steam from front and rear end of HP turbine goes to condenser through valve AS-1 while steam
from the IP front and rear glands is utilized for sealing the LP glands, thus ensuring proper temperature of
sealing steam. The leak-off steam and air from the last chambers of each rotor is sucked into gland
steam cooler.
Building up of vacuum in the condenser is the first step during turbine start-up. For this purpose it
is necessary to seal the turbine gland by supplying steam to the turbine shaft through valve AS-2 (from
PRDS). The control system opens the gland steam supply valve AS-2 until the pressure in the header
acquires a preset value [0.01 kg/cm 2 (g)]. When the turbine picks-up load, the pressure of steam inside
HP & IP turbine builds-up resulting in the leakage of steam from the turbine gland steam supply header,
which in turn would result in increase of pressure. However, the gland steam pressure controller gradually
closes the gland steam supply valve AS-2 and opens gland leak off valve AS-1, if required.
The actuators of the two control valves are continuously under the control commands from the
electric controller through two electro-hydraulic converters. The positive voltage output opens the gland
steam supply valve (AS-2) while the negative voltage output opens the gland leak-off valve (AS-1). Each
hydraulic actuator has its own motor-driven oil pump supplied from station AC system. In the event of
pump failure, the valve remains in stay-put position. Subsequent operation of valve can be carried out
locally through a hand-pump.
The pressure in the header is measured by means of an inductive pressure transducer. This
measurement is used for control as well as display purposes. The measurement range is 100 to +
300mm water column.
The pressure controller has PI characteristics its output is fed to electro-hydraulic actuators via a
PID position controller. The function of this controller is to set the position of the valve as determined by
the pressure controller as quickly and accurately as possible.
In order to ensure stable control characteristics during the transition period of AS-2 closer to AS-1
opening or vice-versa, the valve travel of both the valves has got slight overlap.
The valves can be controlled manually from the control desk after switching of the auto control.


Regenerative Feed Heating System


Cycle Description

The thermal cycle for the plant has been designed in accordance with the latest trends and
concepts prevailing so as to achieve optimum heat rate. The regenerative feed heating system (Refer
Chapter-2) plays vital role in improving the thermal cycle efficiency.
Feed heating system for KWU turbine cycle is shown in Fig. 9.6. It consists of three low-pressure
heaters, gland steam condenser, drain cooler, deaerator and two high-pressure heaters. In addition to
this the condensate passes through inter-coolers of main ejectors used for extraction of non-condensable
gases from the condenser.
The condensate extraction pumps (2x100%) take suction from condenser hot well and deliversthe
condensate to deaerator through the tube systems of main ejector, gland steam cooler, drain cooler and
low pressure heaters. Boiler feed pumps (3 x 50%) take suction from deaerator and pump the feed water
to boiler through high-pressure heaters. The condensate/feed water gets heated up progressively by bled
steam from turbine extractions together with gland leak-off steam.

Chapter-9: Turbine Steam System


9.5.2 LP Heaters
L.P. Heaters No. 1, 2 & 3 get heating steam from LP turbine. Quick closing non-return valves
(swing check type) are provided in extraction lines of LP heaters No. 2 & 3 to prevent back flow of steam
into the turbine during trip.
Also the LP heater No. 2 & 3 are provided each with drain control valves (2 Nos.), one for
maintaining heater level at normal value and second control valve provides alternate path to condenser
through flash box by maintaining heater level at higher set point. No level is maintained in LP heater 1.
Its drain is connected through a siphon to condenser.
Whenever level in LP heater Nos. 1, 2 & 3 reaches very high set point, the respective motorised
block valve in extraction line closes along with the opening of drip valve in extraction line (drip valves only
in LPH-2 & 3). Drip from next higher pressure heater is diverted to condenser through flash box by
alternate drip control valve. Affected LP heater is isolated by closing condensate line isolating valves and
opening bypass valves across it.


H P Heaters

Two horizontal HP heaters No. 5 & 7 are provided in the system. HP heater No. 5 gets heating
steam from IP turbine and HP heater No. 6 from cold reheat line (after CRH NRV). Hydraulically operated
non-return valve is provided in extraction line to HPH-5 and motorised block valves near heater ends of
HPH 5 & 6.
HP heaters shall be automatically isolated on feed water and steam side under heater very highlevel condition. Quick opening group protection valves (FD16 & 17) are also provided for bypassing HP
heaters during very high heater level condition.
Normal level of HP heater No. 6 is controlled through control valves cascading the drip to HP
heater 5 and another valve cascading to deaerator and alternate drain control valve is provided to
condenser through flash box operating on high level.



Deaerator is designed to operate under variable pressure between 55% to 100% load on turbine
and during this range, steam is drawn from turbine extraction, i.e. IPT exhaust. During start-up of turbine,
deaerator is provided with steam supply from cold reheats line as well as external steam source, i.e.
auxiliary PRDS header.
During initial start-up, pegging of deaerator is done through a control valve connected to auxiliary
steam header at a pressure of 3.5 ata. till about 15-20% boiler MCR load, depending upon the type of
start-up (viz. cold, warm or hot).
After this, the steam supply to deaerator is switched over to cold reheat line through a control
valve and pegging is maintained at 3.5 ata. up to about 55% turbine load. Thereafter the steam supply to
deaerator is automatically switched over to turbine extraction and this is in service up to full load. During
HP/LP bypass operation also, the deaerator is pegged from cold reheat line at a pressure of 3.5 ata.


Hot well and Deaerator level control

Normal level in the hot well is maintained by positioning the hot well control valve CD-14 and
excess return dump valve CD-33 (goes to CST).
The minimum flow requirements of ejector, condensate pump and gland steam condenser is
approximately 210 T/hr. and the same is achieved by condensate recirculation control valve (CD-19). This
valve is a regulating type and remains open during start-up when main condensate valve (CD-14) is
closed. As the load on the turbine increases, main condensate control valve opens and the minimum
recirculation control valve closes proportionately to maintain minimum flow of 210 T/hr.


Steam Turbines for Power Generation

Chapter-9: Turbine Steam System


Fig.9.6 Regenerative Feed Heating System for 210 MW KWU Turbine

Normal level in the deaerator is maintained by the D.M. make up valves DM-32 & 35 operated by
level controller of deaerator. These valves change the proportion of make-up water to hot well and hence
the hot well level. In turn, the hot well level control valve CD-14 adjusts the position to bring back the hot
well level normal and in doing so, maintains the deaerator level indirectly.


HP-LP Bypass System



HP bypass system provides an alternate path from main steam line to cold reheat line bypassing
the HP turbine. Similarly, LP bypass system enables an alternative path for dumping the steam from
reheater outlet (HRH line) directly into condenser at suitable parameters bypassing the IP & LP turbines.
The important functions of HP-LP bypass system are as follows:

Fast build-up of steam parameters suitable to turbine start-up enabling quick start-up of unit.
Bypass excess steam during load rejection preventing floating of boiler safety valves and
conserving DM water.
Prevent boiler trip to turbine trip (reheater protection) by bypassing 60% of steam with fast
opening during turbine trip-out. This enables quick re-start and loading of turbine after short

HP-LP bypass system offers following advantages:


Increases availability of unit

Facilitates quick start-up and loading of turbine
Conservation of DM Water
Reduces the frequency of boiler tripping and hence low thermal stress cycles on boiler parts.

HP Bypass Station
A 60% HP/LP bypass system has been provided for each unit, as shown in Fig. 9.7.

The HP bypass valve is a combined type of pressure reducing and desuperheating station with
spray water being tapped off from BFP discharge and is supplied to HP bypass downstream chamber via
spray control valve (BPE1, 2).
The HP bypass valve dumps the depressurised and desuperheated steam with suitable
parameters into cold reheat lines.
The HP bypass station while operating with a LP bypass station enables boiler operation by
establishing steam flow from main steam line to cold reheat line and from hot reheat line to condenser
without co-ordination with turbine. This allows quick raising of steam parameters to a level acceptable to
turbine for roll-off during start-up. This also facilitates holding of stable firing rate from the starting of
turbine roll-off till the entire flow from the bypass station is transferred to the turbine.
HP bypass station consists of the following:


2 Nos. combined pressure reducing and desuperheating valves complete with valve mounted
electro-hydraulic actuators. Each valve has been sized to pass 210 T/hr of steam at inlet steam
condition of 150 kg/cm2, 540oC.
2 Nos. throttling device, one after each HP bypass valve
1 No. Spray water pressure control valve complete with valve mounted electro-hydraulic actuator.
2 Nos. spray water pressure control valve complete with valve mounted electro-hydraulic
actuators for temperature control.
1 No. automatic pressure control loop consisting of the elements:
- Pressure master controller (PI characteristics)

Steam Turbines for Power Generation

Chapter-9: Turbine Steam System


Fig.9.7 HP-LP Bypass System for KWU 210 MW KWU Turbine

- 2 Nos. positioning loops for bypass valves.

- 1 No. common set point setter
- 2 Nos. pressure transmitters.
2 Nos. automatic temperature control loops
Oil supply unit, which is a self-contained unit and ensures the system demand for all conditions as
required by the logic scheme and interlocks provided. The supply oil pressure is maintained at
110 kg/cm2 by the pump and accumulator unit.

Modes of HP Bypass Operation:

The possible phases of operation of HP bypass station can be classified under following

Boiler start-up with TG set at stand still

Raising of steam parameters to a level acceptable to turbine for roll-off
Turbine start-up and loading while steam flow gets transferred to the turbine
Parallel operation with turbine on load rejection
Allowing boiler operation following turbine trip-out.

The control system is designed to maintain the steam pressure ahead of bypass valves to the
given set value. The pressure set point can be adjusted from control desk manually. The steam
temperature at downstream of the valves is automatically controlled to the given set value. The
temperature set point can also be adjusted from control desk manually. Therefore, the operation of the
HP bypass station is manipulated by the pressure and temperature set points and is independent of LP
bypass operation. Depending upon the initial pressure condition at the time of boiler firing, the pressure
set point is to be adjusted to a value equal to steam pressure ahead of bypass valves plus a bias
pressure. This would result in opening of the valves. The pressure controller would then try to maintain
the set pressure by allowing a flow matching with firing rate. As the firing rate increases the set point
needs to be manipulated in the same manner to allow matching flows. This, however, shall be possible till
the maximum flow capability of the valves is reached (210 T/hr per valve). Upon reaching the steam
parameter for turbine roll-off, the boiler firing rate can be maintained at that level.
Consequent upon steam admission in the turbine, the pressure ahead of bypass valves shall tend
to fall in view of constant firing rate. This shall result in closing of bypass valves due to pressure controller
action. This process continues till the HP bypass valves are completely closed. After this, further loading
of TG set can be achieved by increasing the firing rate and the bypass pressure set point can be
increased to rated turbine throttle pressure plus pressure bias (5-6 kg/cm 2 higher). This maximum limit of
set point should be below the safety valves set pressure for superheater. With this pressure set point, the
HP bypass station shall automatically open to balance the discrepancy between steam generation and
consumption arising out of load rejection under constant pressure operation.
The control loop for the steam temperature at the down steam of HP bypass valves can be
operated by modulation of set point as required for different mode of start-ups governed by boiler/turbine
characteristics as well as warm-up requirements of steam piping. During normal turbine operation, the set
point is set at a value closer to the turbine exhaust temperature.
The following safety interlocks have been envisaged.


If HP bypass valve opening below 2%, the spray water isolating valve (BD Valve) shall
automatically close.
If HP bypass valve opening is above 2%, the control of spray water isolating valve (BD valve)
opens and the spray water control valves (BPE Valve) shall be changed to "Auto" mode
notwithstanding their initial conditions.
If the downstream steam temperature of HP bypass valve (BP valves) becomes high (380 0C),
the valve will close on priority. This is accomplished with an alarm.

Steam Turbines for Power Generation



If condenser vacuum is very low [less than 0.75 kg/cm 2 (abs)], the HP bypass valves close.
The bypass station has a fast acting channel for full opening of the valves in about 3 sec.
(normal timing 8 sec) after initiation of the signal from following conditions:
a) Generator circuit breaker opens
b) Turbine trips
c) Turbine load shedding relay operates
d) Control deviations greater than a preset value
e) Manual operation
LP Bypass Station

LP bypass valves maintain the required pressure in the reheat system by bypassing the surplus
steam through steam dumping device into condenser. The desuperheating and pressure reduction takes
place in the dumping device. The spray water for desuperheating in dumping device is taken from CEP
LP bypass controls are energised to dump the excess steam present in the reheater circuit due to
its large "Time Constant" during transient non-steady state. LP bypass valves get opened and dump
steam to condenser to such an extent as to maintain the reheater pressure at a value desired from criteria
representing the HP turbine flow conditions at any given instant during load changes. This control
criterion ensures that only the requisite flow is maintained through he IP & LP turbines. The control of LP
bypass system is hooked-up by same control oil which is envisaged for the turbine governing system.
LP bypass, though has an independent control system, works in conjunction with HP bypass
system as and when necessitated by system requirements such as warming-up stage or dumping of large
quantity of steam following a heavy load rejection.
Under certain operating conditions, such as start-up the variable set point (sliding set point) is
replaced by a fixed set point value. The controls of LP bypass system are essentially a combination of
electrical and well-proven hydraulic system. Electro-hydraulic converter provides the necessary link
between electrical system and hydraulic actuation system.
The electronic controller acts as a pressure controller and regulates the reheater pressure either
to the fixed set value or suitable desired set value. If the reheater pressure exceeds this set value, the
controller causes the electro-hydraulic converter to operate and initiate bypass operations.
Emergency stop and control valves of the LP bypass are combined in a common body. The
double shut-off arrangement separates the condenser from the reheater during normal operations.
The electro-hydraulic LP bypass control system includes the necessary safety device for the
protection of the condenser. These devices prevent the dumping of the steam into condenser if the water
injection pressure is too low or if pressure inside condenser is too high. In case, flow of bypass steam is
too large, the bypass control valve closes proportionately. As a measure of additional protections, LP
bypass station closes in following eventualities.

Condenser vacuum low

Spray water pressure low
Temperature of condenser wall high

Set value Formation:

The set values (fixed and variable) are formed for the LP bypass control system and the one to be
used is determined by a maximum value selector, i.e. higher of fixed set point or sliding set point value is
used by controller. For the formation of sliding set point, a pressure transducer is used to measure the
steam pressure at first stage in HP turbine & the one third of this pressure is derived as a sliding set point.


Chapter-9: Turbine Steam System


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