Okoth Odhiambo
Okoth Odhiambo
Okoth Odhiambo
QUESTION The courts should draw the limits to discretion power in a way which strikes most suitable
balance between executive efficiency and legal protection of the citizens Discuss above statement.......2
DEFINITION OF DISCRETIONARY POWER.......................................................................2
CONFLICTING DUTIES OF THE COURT...........................................................................3
Examples of Principles and how Courts have enforced them to ensure balance.................................3
Legality......................................................................................................................... 3
Reasonableness............................................................................................................ 3
Irrationality.............................................................................................................. 4
Rule of Law................................................................................................................ 5
Proportionality............................................................................................................. 5
Public Participation....................................................................................................... 5
Supremacy of the Constitution................................................................................6
Legitimate Expectation...................................................................................................... 6
Accountability............................................................................................................. 8
Nemo judex in causa sua (or nemo judex in sua causa)..........................................................8
Conclusion..................................................................................................................... 9
Group 2
Group 2
QUESTION The courts should draw the limits to discretion power in a way which strikes most
suitable balance between executive efficiency and legal protection of the citizens Discuss above
The above term has been defined differently by different scholars as follows;
Definition by S.H.Bailey
By discretion power we mean the situation where a body has a power of choice, to do X or not
do X; or to do X and /or Y or do neither.1
Definition by Grey,J.H
Discretion may be best defined as the power to make decision that cannot be determined to be
right or wrong in any objective way.2
Definition by Lord Diplock
The very concept of administrative discretion involves a right to choose between more than one
possible course of action upon which there is room of reasonable people to hold differing
opinions as to which is to be preferred.
Definition by Lords Hulsbury
Discretion means when it is said that something is to be done according to the rules of reason and
justice not according to private opinions, according to law and not according to humor. It is to be
not arbitrary, vague and fanciful but legal and regular and must be exercised within the limit to
which a honest man competent to the discharge of his office ought to confine himself.
Definition by C.J Coke
Discretion is a science or understanding to discern between falsity and truth, between right and
wrong, between shadows and substance and colorable glosses and pretenses and not according to
their wills and private affection and opinions.
Universal definition, which is Definition According to Blacks Law Dictionary
Discretion power is one which is not imperative or if imperative, the time, manner or extent of
execution of which is left to decision makers discretion.1
11S.H.B.Bailey, Cases, Materials and Commentary on Administrative Law2http://digitalcommons.osgoode.yorku.ca/ohlj/vol17/iss1/3
3Black Law Dictionary
Cases where body takes into account factors ought not to have been taken into account.
Kuria v A.G [2002] KLR69
The court has power and indeed the duty to prohibit the continuation of criminal prosecution if
extraneous matters divorced from the goals of justice guide their instigation. It is the duty of the
court to ensure that its process does not turn into tools for personal score settling or vilification
on issues not pertaining to that which the system was even formed to perform.
The concept in the above case apply not only to courts prescribed herein but to all those whose
hold discretionary power.
In cases where an agency fail to take into account matters it ought to have taken into
Republic v Ministry of Finance and another
Good public administration requires a proper consideration of the public interest there is
considerable public interest in empowering the public to participate in the issue.
When the decision is so unreasonable that no reasonable authority would have considered to
impose it.
Irrationality can be divided as follows;
Without conceivable justification.
Violated basic judicial values by imposing excess burdens upon individuals.
By using administrative powers for purpose of punishment.
Without conceivable justification also means without giving reason.
Where a body acted in this manner, it is presumed that the decision was bias thus
reasonable reason could be deduced.
In the case of
The act by the Applicant 2 of dismissing the respondent herein was held to infringe on
respondent right to be given reason under the constitution.
Imposing excess burdens upon Individual
public participation in governmental decision- making is derived not only from the belief
that we improve the accuracy of the decisions when we allow when we allow people to present
their side of the story, but also from our sense that participation is necessary to preserve human
dignity and self-respect.
By this, people likely to be affected by decision are able to listen to concerns, values and
preferences and consider these in shaping decision makers decisions and policies.
Where Public Participation is assumed.
Failure to consider public participation renders an Act or decision void.
Robert N.Gakuru and Others v. Kiambu County Executive Committees
Exodus of this case
Kiambu County Executive had prepared a policy which when represented before the Kiambu
County Legislature, was rejected. The Executive Committee thereafter met in a hotel to discuss
the rejected bill. They had published in a newspaper an invitation of the public to attend the
meeting three days before the meeting was held but, did not specify that it was the rejected bill to
be discussed. The bill contained section which were imposing tax on areas not within the
jurisdiction of the county government to impose and which were likely to affect the rights of the
members of Kiambu. They later published it. Plaintiff sued for judicial review.
Whether there was public participation
There was no public participation thus the Act was null and void.
Importance of Accountability
Improves efficiency and effectiveness of service delivery.
Prevents abuse of power and corruption
Keeps agency within legal bound.
Enhance trust and legitimacy.
She was sent on a compulsory leave and the public was invited to lodge complaints against
her. This followed a meeting of the Judicial Service Commission (hereinafter JSC) held at
Mombasa on 17th August, 2013 in which the Petitioner, the Hon. the Chief Justice, the Hon.
the Attorney General and Hon. Justice Lenaola were absent. In fact the petitioner was not
invited. It was none the less resolved to remove the Applicant from her office.
Was the respondent bias?
The respondent was bias.
This is the matter of absence of impartiality of the Respondent, and presence of real
and apparent bias as demonstrated firstly by the deliberations of the JSC meeting in
Mombasa on 17th August, 2013, where the decision to suspend and discipline the Applicant
was mooted in her absence and without invitation.
It was submitted that the meeting had no agenda to discuss the conduct of the
Applicant in the first place and that it was attended by a cluster of Commissioners who had in
the past demonstrated open bias against the Applicant.
43. That at the meeting of 18th August, 2013, where the decision to suspend and investigate
the Applicant was made, and the same group named herein before held sway to ensure that
the Applicant vacated office.
It is submitted that the named individuals were motivated by self-interest and not the
good of the Judiciary.
After observing the above question, I am convinced that the courts should and have drawn
effective limit to balance between executive efficiency and protection of the citizens as far as
Courts in Kenya are concerned. However, the major challenge remains a rhetoric question of
who oversees the overseer?2