Review Article: Animal Models of Hypertension: An Overview
Review Article: Animal Models of Hypertension: An Overview
Review Article: Animal Models of Hypertension: An Overview
Hypertension is a multifactorial disease involving complex interactions between genetic and environmental factors. Development of experimental models of hypertension
allowed dissection and isolation of various factors associated with regulation of blood
pressure, inheritance of hypertensive traits, and cellular responses to injury. The phenotype-driven approach is taking advantage of selective breeding of animals (primarily rats) that exhibit a desired phenotype, like the useful SHR. Genotype-driven models
include transgenic techniques, in which mice are the most successful for selective
deletion or overexpression of target genes. Notably, a combination of comparative
genomics strategies and phenotypic correlates enhances the utility of hypertension
models and their clinical relevance. Indeed, experimental models enabled development of targeted interventions aimed at decreasing not only blood pressure but also
target organ injury. Continued utilization of experimental models simulating human
hypertension, particularly those that combine other clinically relevant comorbidities
like obesity or hypercholesterolemia, may afford development of effective strategies to
address this common disease. Nevertheless, a cautious approach is mandatory when
experimental findings in these models are extrapolated to human hypertension. (J Lab
Clin Med 2005;146:160 173)
Abbreviations: 2K1C 2-kidneys, 1-clip; ACE angiotensin-converting enzyme; AngII
angiotensin II; ANP atrial natriuretic peptide; AR adrenergic receptors; AT1 angiotensin
II type 1 receptor; DOCA deoxycorticosterone-acetate; eNOS endothelial nitric oxide
synthase; ET endothelin; NO nitric oxide; PRA plasma renin activity; RAS reninangiotensin system; SHR spontaneously hypertensive rat
ypertension is a multifactorial, polygenic disease that involves complex interactions between genetically determined homeostatic control mechanisms and environmental factors,1 and its
exploration thus requires availability of experimentally
manipulable animal models. The ideal animal model
for hypertension research should have human-like car-
Several techniques for specifically altering the genome have been developed that allow single genes to be
altered. Expression of human genes and proteins in
transgenic animals beginning in fetal life allows characterization of species- and substance-specific lifelong
effects of drugs. Almost all of these studies have been
restricted to investigations of the mouse, of which
many well-characterized genetic strains are available,
much is known about its embryogenesis, and pluripotent embryonic stem cells have been isolated. The application of novel comparative genomics strategy combined with phenotypic correlates in rats and mice
support the importance of these models to human disease and enables predicting several chromosomal regions in the human genome that potentially harbor
hypertension genes.3 Thus, the purpose of this review is
to summarize the main nongenetic and genetic models
of hypertension (Fig 1) that allow new approaches to
study this disease and may facilitate development of
novel therapeutic strategies.
Secondary causes are responsible for some hypertension in humans. The underlying origin of secondary
hypertension is most often renovascular and less frequently endocrine and/or metabolic disorders (Fig 1).
Several experimental nongenetic approaches have resulted in development of extremely useful models that
allow studying the effects of induced hypertension on
end-organ damage in different species, including large
animals possibly comparable with humans.
Surgically induced hypertension. The pioneering
work of Goldblatt et al4 in 1934 introduced the first
animal model of hypertension in dogs evoked by unilateral constriction of the renal artery (2K1C model)
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track PRA over time in patients with renal artery stenosis, but it seems to also show an early increase and
later normalize.53 Indeed, normal PRA can be found in
about 2537% of patients.50,53 PRA variability partly
explains the failure of measuring any single pathway to
predict blood pressure response to intervention in
Less common surgical forms of renal hypertension
can be achieved by complete occlusion of both renal
arteries, which in dogs or rabbits leads to a fast and
severe increase in blood pressure, or by renal microembolization.55 In 1939, Page56 developed a model of
hypertension obtained by wrapping the kidney in cellophane or silk, which lead to perinephritis and renal
parenchymal compression,57 as applied in dogs, cats,
rabbits, and cynomolgus monkeys.58 This model seems
to be dependent on increased activity of the RAS and
ET-1.59,60 In humans, hypertension has been infrequently attributed to a process comparable with Page
kidney,61 63 and renal compression has been also suggested as a potential mechanism for obesity-induced
Total or subtotal nephrectomy is also associated with
development of hypertension,65 the characteristics of
which are dependent on contributing factors such as
survival time, dietary protein, sodium and water intake,
and the presence of the adrenal gland. This procedure is
The most common endocrine method to induce hypertension introduced over 60 years ago is administration
of mineralocorticoid,69,70 particularly DOCA. In rats
and dogs,71 but not in pigs,72 generation of hypertension often additionally requires partial removal of a
renal mass and a high-salt diet. The hypertension that
develops is characterized by volume expansion and
increased cardiac output, which by about a 30% increase in cardiac mass (rarely heart failure), endothelial
dysfunction, proteinuria, and glomerulosclerosis.14
Glucocorticoids can also induce hypertension in rats
and mice,73 possibly via activation of the RAS, but they
are less effective than DOCA. Chronic infusion of
components of the RAS has also been successful in
inducing hypertension. The features of renin-induced
hypertension in rabbits or rats resemble renovascular
hypertension. McCubbin et al showed in 196574 that
chronic systemic infusion of AngII at subpressor doses
results in slowly progressive increases in arterial pressure, possibly because of increased oxidative
stress,30,75 and more recently, chronic intrarenal infusion of AngII has also been shown to result in preglomerular vascular remodeling and hypertension.76
Chronic inhibition of NO produces volume-dependent
elevation of blood pressure77 in most tested species
such as rats,78 dogs,79 and pigs.80 Its physiological and
pathologic characteristics resemble essential hypertension,81 and alterations in this pathway have been speculated to underlie development of many forms of
Inherited salt sensitivity has been implicated in essential hypertension,82 and different dietary interventions have thus induced experimental hypertension. A
high-sodium diet superimposed on the appropriate genetic background can indeed promote hypertension in
rats. Dahl83 isolated a strain of salt-sensitive rats, characterized by high blood pressure and low heart rate
even on a relatively low-sodium diet (0.5% NaCl),
increased sodium and water retention and plasma volume, renal parenchymal lesions, and increased activity
of the sympathetic nervous system.84 Interestingly, in
offspring of these rats blood pressure cosegregates with
alleles for ACE and the GC-A/ANP receptor.85 Similarly, a high-salt/high-cholesterol diet in Dahl rats accentuated glomerular injury.86
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may contribute to these outcomes. Indeed, rodent models of hypertension seldom develop severe human-like
complications like atherosclerosis, myocardial infarction, aneurysm formation, or heart failure,111 and stroke
occurs only in subsets, which may be from shorter
exposure to the increased blood pressure, lack of comorbid conditions, or compensatory mechanisms different than that of humans. Interestingly, in the fawnhooded rat model that does develop hypertension and
chronic renal failure, susceptibility to complications is
under genetic control independent from that to hypertension,112 which raises the intriguing possibility that
vulnerability to end-organ injury in humans is derived
from pathways separate from the hypertension per se.
Studies are needed to explore the existence of specific
human susceptibility and whether it could be medically
Genotype-driven models. Research on the molecular
basis of hypertensive disorders has shown significant
progress, and disease susceptibility genes have been recognized. Mutations in several genes that cause Mendelian
forms of human hypertension have been recently identified,113 such as those affecting the circulating levels and
receptors for mineralocorticoid hormones, renal ion channels and transporters114, and others.115117 In addition to
human studies, investigation of engineered genotypedriven models has contributed to our understanding of the
possible genetic basis for hypertension. Indeed, disruption
of genes that control peptides or receptors related to the
regulation of blood pressure has helped to clarify the role
of specific mechanisms in the pathogenesis of hypertension. Transgenic techniques have been applied in several
species (eg, sheep, cows, goats, chickens, and fish), but
mice are the most successfully and widely used by
Gene function in hypertension is most often studied
with gene overexpression (eg, transgenic) or deletion
(knockout), usually related to candidate systems involved in regulation of vascular tone, renal physiology,
and/or electrolyte and fluid homeostasis118 (Table 1),
and several mouse models have been developed.
RAS. Association of gene polymorphism of the AT1
receptor, angiotensinogen, or ACE with hypertension
has been controversial and likely interacts with comorbid conditions. Both transgenic and knockout mouse
models of various components of the RAS have been
constructed (Fig 3). Mice may have 2 subtypes of the
gene for AT1 (AT-1a and AT-1b) and the REN gene
(Ren-1d and Ren-2d). Overexpression of the rat angiotensinogen gene in mice, without119 or with120 concomitant overexpression of rat renin, leads to development
of high blood pressure. Indeed, blood pressures in mice
carrying various numbers of copies of the angiotensinogen gene are predictable and increase at approximately
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Renal injury
Vasoactive intervention
Genetic models
Two-kidneys, one-clip
One-kidney, one-clip
Aortic coarctation
Total occlusion
Partial or total nephrectomy
Injection-induced inflammation
Nitric oxide inhibition
Pressor prostaglandins
Adrenal regeneration
Sex-hormone induced
Dahl salt-sensitive
Pregnancy, pre-eclampsia
Central NS stimulation
Baroreceptor denervation
SHR-stroke prone
Dahl salt-sensitive rat
Genetically hypertensive rat
Sabra model
Lyon hypertensive rat
Milan SHR
Renin-angiotensin system
Sympathetic NS
Atrial natriuretic peptide
Nitric oxide
Neuropeptide Y
Ion transport systems
Fig. 3. Genetic murine models constructed to exhibit an increase (A) or decrease (B) in blood pressure. This
manipulation has been achieved by overexpression (yellow) or knockout (orange) of various components of the
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