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Common Spiders

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Wizzie Brown and Mike Merchant*

heres an old naturalists saying that youre

never more than 5 feet from a spider. Its
probably true, as spiders can be found
nearly everywhere, indoors and out. Despite their
creepy reputation, spiders are largely beneficial and
help keep pests like flies and plant-feeding insects
under control. With few exceptions, spiders rarely
bite and are not generally dangerous to people.
Spiders are arachnids and are more closely
related to mites and scorpions than to insects. Like
insects and other arthropods, arachnids have a hard
outer exoskeleton and jointed legs. Arachnids are
distinguished by having eight legs attached to the
cephalothorax, which is the front body region and
bears the head and thorax fused together (Fig. 1).
Male spiders
have modified palps
(mouthparts) which
serve as a sex organ.
The rear portion of
a spiders body, called
the abdomen, has
silk glands and web
producing organs called
The spinnerets and
Figure 1. Ground spider
a distinct abdomen
showing cephalothorax,
distinguish spiders from abdomen and eight legs.
the other arachnids.
*Extension Program SpecialistIPM; and Professor and Extension
Urban Entomologist, The Texas A&M University System

Female spiders are usually larger than the males.

Most spiders have eight simple eyes, though
some species have six, four, two or no eyes at
all. The pattern and number of eyes is useful in
identifying spiders.
Almost all spiders bite and use venom to
paralyze their prey. After injecting the venom,
the prey is often wrapped with silk to subdue it.
Many spiders live solely on a liquid diet because the
powerful digestive enzymes injected by the fangs
dissolve their preys body tissues. Spider venoms are
being studied for possible uses in medicine and pest
Only two types of spiders in Texas are
considered medically significant: the brown recluse,
Loxoceles spp., and widow spiders, Latrodectus spp.
Only a few other spiders, such as house spiders
(Steatoda spp.) and sac spiders (Cheiracanthium
spp.), can produce a noticeable bite.

Common spiders
Tarantulas are among the largest spiders
in Texas. Despite their size and fearsome
reputation, tarantulas are shy and are seldom
seen. The common Texas brown tarantula (genus
Aphonopelma) can have leg spans of more than
3 inches when fully grown (Fig. 2).
During the day tarantulas live in burrows or in
natural cavities under rocks or logs. The burrows

coppers. Males are

especially ornate
and use their
colors and mating
dances to attract
spiders have
excellent vision
Figure 3. Adult jumping spider.
for hunting prey.
They have eight eyes, including one large pair in the
front. They are territorial and hunt during the day.
As their name implies, they are excellent
jumpers. This behavior can startle observers, but
like most spiders, jumping spiders are unlikely to
bite unless cornered or handled. Jumping spiders
put out a dragline of silk when they jump and can
sometimes be seen dangling from this thread after a
leap that fails.

are sometimes
lined with silk
webbing and
are covered
with a thin silk
curtain. In the
winter or the
hottest months
Figure 2. Tarantula, Aphonopelma.
of summer,
these burrows
are plugged with soil. Tarantulas rarely go far from
their burrow entrance; they wait for prey to come to
them. Tarantulas can live 5 to 30 years.
During mating season, male tarantulas leave
the burrow in search for females and can be seen
in yards or even by the hundreds along Texas
highways. Females live in their burrows after
maturity and do not participate in these seasonal
Tarantula bites are not dangerous. When
threatened, tarantulas rise up on their hind legs and
wave their front legs to warn off predators. They
also release abdominal hairs that can irritate skin,
eyes or nasal passages of trespassers.

Wolf spiders
Wolf spiders, in the family Lycosidae, are among
the most common spiders in fields and backyards.
They are hairy and their
drab color is mottled with
brown, gray, black, yellow,
or creamy white markings.
They have eight eyes, with a
front row of four tiny eyes in
a straight line and a larger
central pair in the hind row.
Wolf spiders often have two
dark, longitudinal stripes
on the cephalothorax (Fig.
Figure 4. Wolf spider,
4). They range to 3 inches
Schizocosa spp.
Wolf spiders are most active after dark and
have good night vision. During the summer, you
can shine a flashlight into roadside grasses and see
dozens of tiny pinpoints of light reflected on the wolf
spiders enlarged pair of eyes.
Hundreds to thousands of wolf spiders may live
in the average backyard lawn, where they feed on
insects and small organisms. Although they may
be a nuisance, they can control other pests. Because
they are so plentiful, wolf spiders commonly enter
homes under gaps in doorways. Although some wolf
spiders can be aggressive if handled improperly,
they are generally not dangerous to people or pets
and can usually be picked up with bare hands or

Tarantulas can make good pets. Some species are

easy to care for, and can become tame and safe to
handle. The body hairs on the top of the abdomen
in American tarantulas have barbs that may irritate
the skin, so always wash your hands after handling
a pet tarantula. Pet stores can tell you which
species make the best pets.
Tarantulas need a constant supply of water in a flat
dish filled with small pebbles into which they can
lower their mouths. They eat live insects such as
crickets, mealworms, or caterpillars. Tarantulas can
go for several weeks without food, and often will
refuse to eat when they are preparing to molt, or
shed their skin. Tarantulas can crawl up glass and
escape through small openings, so house them in a
secure container.

Jumping spiders
Jumping spiders, in the family Salticidae, are
easy to distinguish from other spiders. Jumping
spiders tend to be stocky and brightly colored.
Some have conspicuous black and white bands
on their bodies or legs (Fig.3). Common color
patterns include browns, grays, black, brilliant red,
yellow, and metallic or iridescent greens, blues, and

the web, reducing the need to rebuild as often.

Stabilimenta also reflect UV light, which may make
the web more attractive to flying insects.
Unlike jumping and wolf spiders, orbweavers
do not see well. Instead, they use the web to get
information from the environment and to locate
insects that are caught in the web. Prey is usually
quickly subdued by
wrapping it in silk
so the web is not
destroyed. Though
orbweavers are
harmless to people,
their large webs can be
a nuisance.
The black and
yellow garden spider,
Figure 5. Argiope spider in
Argiope aurantia, is
a web.
common in Texas, and
is the best known in
the group (Fig. 5). The
females body is more
than 1 inch long and
its legs are even longer.
Male Argiope are often
less than one fourth the Figure 6. Spinybacked
size of females and can
orbweavers are common
be found in the same
in wooded areas.
web with the female.
Grasshopper-sized insects are often caught and eaten
by these large spiders.
Spinybacked orbweavers from the genera
Micrathena and Gasteracantha are distinctive spiders
that are common in wooded areas (Fig. 6). These
spiders have a flattened, spiny shape that makes them
resemble crabs. Their abdomen colors include white,
yellow, orange, or red.

Wolf spiders may be confused with brown recluse

spiders. However, wolf spiders typically have dark
stripes on the cephalothorax, lack the brown
recluses fiddle-shaped marking, and have a large
pair of eyes on the top of their heads.

slid onto a piece of paper and relocated outdoors.

Female wolf spiders sometimes carry a round,
silken egg case. They carry this case until the eggs
hatch. The young climb onto their mothers back
and she carries the spiderlings with her until they
are ready to hunt on their own.

Orbweaver spiders
Orbweavers in the family Araneidae come in
many shapes, colors, and sizes. Most orbweavers
make a vertically hanging orb web with concentric
rings of silka typical spider web.
Orb webs are marvels of architecture. The spider


Orb web

first establishes a bridge between two supports by

drifting a thread of sticky silk on the wind until it
catches the opposite support. After strengthening
the bridge, the spider uses its own weight and the
elastic properties of the silk to establish an initial
silk triangle. Over many trips up and down the
supports and the central triangle, the spider spins
additional radii to build the web scaffold on which
the orb will be spun. Then the spider spins the orbweavers trademark series of concentric, sticky rings.
The spider uses up to seven different types of
silk to build the web; the rings eventually trap flying
Many spiders tear down and rebuild their webs
daily. Spiders that are active during the day do this
work each morning. Some spiders eat the webs and
recycle up to 90 percent of the material every day.
Some of the larger orbweavers, known as
Argiope spiders, weave a zipperlike seam of heavy
silk into the web called a stabilimenta. The precise
function of the stabilimenta is not known. One
idea is that it serves as a warning to birds to avoid

Long-jawed orbweaver spiders

The long-jawed spider, in the family
Tetragnathidae, is another common orbweaving
spider. The name comes from their large chelicerae,
or fangs. Their long jaws allow them to bite and
secure their prey, though their venom is not
considered dangerous to people.
In recent years, long-jawed orbweavers in the
genus Tetragnatha have built large communal
webs. These super webs are unusual and have
most commonly been found near water, especially
where there food sources like midges or other

Figure 9. Recluse spiders have six eyes

arranged in three pairs.

Figure 7. Lake Tawokoni State Park rangers Mike

McCord (left) and Freddie Gowin (right) monitor a giant
communal spider web at the park in August 2007. The
giant spider webs are rare for Texas. (Fort Worth StarTelegram/Tom Pennington)

retreat where they place and protect eggs.

As their name implies, recluse spiders are
generally shy. They hide in cracks and crevices, which
they line with silk.
Outdoors, recluse spiders are found in stacked
firewood, under stones, in rock ledges, under wood
stored on the ground and under the bark on dead
trees. Indoors they live in attics, crawl spaces, and
living areas of the home. They prefer to hide in dry,
narrow crevices, under insulation, and in wall voids.
Females lay one to two egg masses per year in
dark, sheltered areas. Brown recluse egg cases are
about inch in diameter, flat on the bottom, and
convex on top.
Brown recluse spiders bite when they are
trapped or pressed against the skin. These spiders
may bite if you accidentally roll over one in a bed or
put on clothing that has a spider inside. Bites also
occur when people clean garages and barns.
Recluse spider venom breaks down skin and

flying insects are


Crab spiders
Crab spiders,
in the family
Thomisidae, are
common on leaves
and flowers (Fig. 8),
and some species
Figure 8. Crab spider on a
are found on the
ground. These
spiders are easily recognized by the crablike way they
hold their two front pairs of legs and the way they
scuttle sideways and backwards. These spiders do not
spin a web, instead they ambush their insect prey.
Some crab spider species can change color to match
the flower on which they are perched.

One other group

of spiders, spitting
spiders in the genus
Scytodes, has a similar
eye arrangement
to recluse spiders.
Spitting spiders have
long, spindly, banded
legs and a spotted
pattern on top of the
cephalothorax. The cephalothorax is raised like a
dome in spitting spiders but nearly flat in recluse
spiders. Underneath the dome, spitting spiders
have large glands that the spiders use to produce
silk that is propelled (spit) from the mouth to
entrap prey. Spitting spiders are harmless, slowmoving, common indoor spiders.

Potentially dangerous spiders

Recluse spiders
Brown recluse spiders, Loxosceles reclusa, have
only six eyes arranged in pairs, which differentiates
them from many other spiders (Fig. 9). Adults
usually have a dark, violin-shaped mark on the
cephalothorax with the neck pointing back toward
the abdomen. They are usually light to dark brown
and have no spines on their legs.
Recluse spiders are most active at night but can
occasionally be seen during the day. They actively
hunt insects and other arthropods and do not use a
web to trap their prey. Their web is used mostly as a

muscle tissue at the bite location. The initial bite

may be painless and become mild to severely
painful 2 to 8 hours later. The bite site may also itch,
swell, and become tender.
A blister usually forms about 24 hours after the
bite and a slow-healing lesion forms within 1 week.
Reactions to recluse bites depend on a persons
age, health, and body chemistry and the amount
of venom injected. In severe cases, surgery may be
needed to clean the wound and minimize scarring.
Diagnosis of a recluse spider bite can be difficult
because Staphylococcus and other bacteria can cause
similar lesions. If you think a brown recluse or other
spider has bitten you, kill the spider and take it to
the doctor for identification. If it is a recluse spider,
the doctor can provide the required treatment.

piles, garages, cellars, shrubbery, crawl spaces, rain

spouts, termite bait stations, gas and electric meters,
and other rarely disturbed places.
Black widow spiders build strong, sticky, irregular
webs. They typically hang upside down in the web,
revealing the hourglass markings. The egg sacs are
rounded, about one-half inch long, and hang from
the web. Females may make more than one egg sac.
Newly hatched spiderlings usually stay near the egg
sac for a few days before they disperse by ballooning.
Widow spiders most often bite when they are
threatened or pressed against the skin. People may
be bitten when they accidentally disturb a spider or
its web.
Widow spider toxin affects the nervous system.
Initially, there may be a pinprick sensation that
becomes red and swollen. The bite site usually turns
pale in the center and it is surrounded by a tender
Within 1 to 3 hours, the person may experience
moderate to intense pain throughout the body that
could last from 2 to 3 days. Other symptoms include
tremors, nausea, vomiting, leg cramps, abdominal
pain, profuse perspiration, loss of muscle tone, and
increased blood pressure.

Widow spiders
The southern black widow, Latrodectus mactans,
and its relatives live throughout the United States.
Other widow species found in Texas include the
western black widow, L. hesperus; the northern
black widow, L. variolus; and the brown widow,
L. geometricus. Coloration varies considerably
among species.
Adult female widow spiders are typically black.
Males and juveniles may have orange, red and
white markings on the back and sides (Fig. 10). The
abdomen is rounded and the ventral region often
has two reddish triangles that form an hourglass
shape. Some of these spiders have irregular or
spotlike markings; others have no markings at all.
adults average
1 inches long;
adult males are
much smaller.
Widow spiders
have eight eyes
in two rows.
spiders are
usually found
in protected
areas outdoors
or in structures
that are open to
the outdoors.
Figure 10. Female widow spider
They may
(top), male widow (bottom).
live in wood

Ballooning is a
common behavior
among spiders, and
it typically occurs
on windy days.
Spiderlings spin
one or more light
silk threads which
are caught by the
wind and carry the
tiny spiders to new
locations. Two male Erigone spiders on a grass
seedhead. The lower one is in a pre-ballooning
posture ready to disperse, known as the tip-toe
position. (Courtesy of Rothampstead Research)

Bites can be more dangerous for children, the

elderly, and people with health problems. Few cases
have been fatal.
Seek medical care for a black widow bite; the
patient should be taken to a hospital emergency
room to receive the appropriate antivenom.

Move firewood or other construction items

away from the house. Prune back shrubbery or trees
that touch the house to discourage widow spiders
from building webs on exterior walls.
Outdoor lighting attracts insects and the spiders
that feed on them. Direct light away from doorways
where possible, and turn them off when they are
not needed. Use yellow bug lights to attract fewer
Reducing clutter is an important way to keep
spiders away. Seal all cardboard boxes in storage
with durable, wide tape on all seams. Plastic
containers with tight-fitting lids will also keep
spiders out. Eliminate unsealed boxes.

Figure 11. Harvestmen are sometimes seen in colonies,

where they may bounce up and down together.

Mechanical control
The best way to eliminate spiders is a good hand
vacuum. Vacuums can remove the spiders, their
webs, and their egg cases. Webs and spiders can
also be removed with a broom, cotton dust mop or
extendable web dusters.
After sweeping up webs, take the mop or broom
outdoors and wash or rub it in grass to remove and
crush any live spiders or egg cases. A water hose or
high pressure sprayer can remove webbing from
under roof eaves.
Harmless spiders that get indoors can be
removed by covering them with a cup and carefully
sliding a sheet of the paper underneath. Then
turn the cup right-side up and release the spider
outdoors. Do not handle a spider unless you know
that it is harmless.

Spider relatives
Harvestmen/daddy longlegs
Harvestmen, though closely related, are not
spiders. In harvestmen, the cephalothorax and
abdomen are broadly joined, creating a large, ovalshaped body (Fig. 11). Like spiders, harvestmen have
eight legs that often are very long, though some have
short legs. Many are brown to gray, but some have
brighter coloration.
Harvestmen do not have venom and cannot
spin silk. They have a pair of glands that release a
scent when they are disturbed.
Some harvestmen are scavengers; others feed on
small insects, fungi, or plant material. Harvestmen
may congregate in groups of dozens to hundreds.
When they do, it is not uncommon to see the
harvestmen bob up and down when disturbed. This
behavior may help to ward off predators.

Chemical control
Spiders are usually difficult to kill with
insecticides. Because spiders often live on webs
above treated surfaces, it is difficult to treat them
as you would crawling insects. Spiders also appear
to tolerate conventional pesticides better than do
common indoor insects. Therefore, sanitation and
physical removal are the best way to manage most
When chemical control is needed, synergized
pyrethrins, resmethrin, tetramethrin, deltamethrin,
cyfluthrin, bifenthrin, lambda-cyhalothrin, and
esfenvalerate can provide successful control. Always
follow label directions and use only products labeled
for spider control. Do not use outdoor insecticides
Spray under and around roof eaves, window
ledges, and porch and patio rafters. Inside, spray

Managing spiders
Learn how to recognize potentially dangerous
spiders and know where they are most likely to be
found. When working in spider-prone areas, wear
cotton or leather gloves to reduce the chance of
being bitten.

Sanitation and exclusion

Keep spiders outside by installing or repairing
weather stripping around doors and windows.
Seal and caulk around lighted doors and windows,
where insects and the spiders that feed on them

around windows, door facings and baseboards, and

in attics, basements, and storage places.
Dusts can be effective against spiders, but use
them only in inaccessible areas such as wall voids
and under cabinets. Do not use dusts in attic areas
because they can harm people working in the
attic or infiltrate air ducts and enter living areas.
Powdered boric acid is not effective against spiders.
Because spiders can be difficult to control, it
may be best to hire a pest management professional.
Professionals have access to products and know
how to effectively manage spiders. If your home
is infested with brown recluse spiders, ask
any company you are considering if they have
experience with this pest.

First aid for spider bites

Treat spider bites by applying an ice pack to
relieve local swelling and pain. If the reaction
is severe, consult a doctor immediately and,
if possible, take along the spider for positive
identification. Specific antivenom is sometimes
available to treat widow spider bites.

lambda-cyhalothrin, esfenvalerate, and

bifenthrin, generally work best against
Wettable powder formulations generally
provide better residual control on wood,
concrete, and brick surfaces.
Residual pyrethroid dusts such as cyfluthrin
or deltamethrin provide excellent control in
inaccessible void areas.
Brown recluse infestations are best treated
with a combination of sanitation, residual
sprays, and dusts in appropriate areas.
Storage areas, especially with cardboard
boxes or boards, are commonly infested
by recluse spiders. Sealing boxes with tape
reduces the harborage areas and reduces
the risk of transporting spiders to other
Aerosol fogs are generally ineffective for all
but exposed spiders, but they may provide
a useful supplement to residual sprays and
dusts in controlling brown recluse spiders.

Tips for professionals

Advanced generation pyrethroids, such as
cyfluthrin, deltamethrin, cypermethrin,

The authors wish to thank Alejandro Calixto, Allen Dean,
Jared Ripple and Sonja Swiger for review of this manuscript.

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