Calidad de Vida 03
Calidad de Vida 03
Calidad de Vida 03
The Journal of Nervous and Mental Disease Volume 194, Number 10, October 2006
The Journal of Nervous and Mental Disease Volume 194, Number 10, October 2006
Baseline data from the QUATRO study, a randomized
controlled trial assessing the efficacy of Adherence Therapy
in people with schizophrenia at four participating sites in
London (United Kingdom), Amsterdam (The Netherlands),
Verona (Italy), and Leipzig (Germany), were used. For this
study, participants were recruited during 2002 from patients
under the care of psychiatric services in each of the four study
2006 Lippincott Williams & Wilkins
sites. Inclusion criteria were clinical diagnosis of schizophrenia, patient in need of continuing antipsychotic medication
for at least the year following baseline, and evidence of
clinical instability in the year before baseline (defined as a
hospital admission, or a change in the type and/or dose of
medication). Exclusion criteria were presence of moderate or
severe mental handicap (learning disability), organic brain
disorders, treatment by forensic psychiatric services, alcohol
or drug dependence, insufficient ability to speak the language
of host country, or lack of capacity to give valid consent to
The city (with a total population of 740,000 inhabitants) is divided into three mental health care regions. Each
region has had an integrated mental health care service since
1994. In these three services, mental hospital facilities, community mental health services and sheltered living accommodations are united. Each area has a special service for the
long-term mentally ill. This provides acute and nonacute
inpatient care, day treatment, and mobile teams. The principles of assertive community treatment with an active outreach
strategy are available. A 24-hour crisis service, a psychiatric
drop in service for acute assessments, public mental health
services, and addiction services are available for the whole city.
The city (330,000 inhabitants) is subdivided into three
areas, each served by a community psychiatric service providing a wide range of well-integrated hospital and community services to the adult resident population. These services
include 45 acute general-hospital psychiatric beds, three multipurpose community mental health centres, multidisciplinary
community teams, and community-based residential facilities
with various degrees of staff supervision. Standard treatment
is based on the principles of continuity of care and on specific
commitment to the most severe and long-term cases. Community mental health centers are the headquarters of commu-
Puschner et al.
The Journal of Nervous and Mental Disease Volume 194, Number 10, October 2006
For the citys 495,000 inhabitants, inpatient psychiatric
care is provided by a psychiatric hospital (with specialist old
age and addiction services) on the outskirts of the city, by the
University department, and by another psychiatric hospital
outside of the city. While outpatient services including psychotherapy are provided by specialized psychiatrists and
psychotherapists, there is limited provision of a range of
residential services and work rehabilitation services.
The Manchester Short Assessment of Quality of Life
(MANSA; Priebe et al., 1999) is a brief questionnaire focusing on satisfaction with life as a whole and with 14 specific
life domains (e.g., employment, financial situation, family
relationships, accommodation, sexuality, mental health, physical health). A high sum score (range, 17) is associated with
a high level of QoL. Published levels of validity and reliability are good (Priebe et al., 1999).
Illness Insight
The Schedule for the Assessment of Insight-Expanded
Version (SAI-E; David, 1990; Kemp et al., 1998) is a 14-item
instrument measuring three separate dimensions of insight:
treatment compliance, awareness of illness, and relabeling of
symptoms. With the expanded version further items on
awareness of change in mental functioning, need for treatment and psychosocial consequences of the illness are provided. Higher scores on this measures indicate higher level of
Side Effects
The Liverpool University Neuroleptic Side Effect Rating Scale (LUNSERS; Day et al., 1995) is a 51-item scale
measuring unwanted side effects during the previous month
that produces a total score where a low score indicates fewer
reported side effects.
The Brief Psychiatric Rating Scale-Expanded (BPRS-E;
Lukoff et al., 1986; Ventura et al., 1993) is a widely used
observer-rated scale consisting of 24 items. The BPRS is a
sensitive and effective measure of psychopathology and treatment related symptom change (Dingemans et al., 1995).
The Global Assessment of Functioning (GAF) scale
(American Psychiatric Association, 1987) is rater-assessed
and has good levels of reliability and validity (Jones et al.,
1995). Overall level of symptomatology and social function
in the previous month are evaluated on a continuous scale
from 0 to 100, with higher values indicating higher levels of
All interviews were carried out by a research worker
trained in the application of the study instruments.
Graphical modeling (Edwards, 2000) using the software MIM ( was used to ascertain relevant structures in the correlation matrix of QoL,
adherence to medication, and the covariates: attitude toward
neuroleptic medication, illness insight, side effects, psychopathology, functioning, and length of psychiatric inpatient
stays (in days) during the previous year (LOS). MIM yields a
graphical depiction of a given data set in which a graph is
based on a model of conditional independence. Variables are
considered conditionally independent when the partial correlation between them equals 0, in which case no link in the
graph is displayed. Model selection was computed using a
backward stepwise selection procedure (using two critical
levels for statistical significance, 0.05 and 0.01). Furthermore, cross-validation was carried out by splitting the sample
in two at random and running the models on both halves.
Of 1218 patients reported by clinicians as meeting
inclusion criteria, 409 participated at baseline. Reasons for
not participating were not meeting criteria for schizophrenia
2006 Lippincott Williams & Wilkins
The Journal of Nervous and Mental Disease Volume 194, Number 10, October 2006
As can be seen in Table 3, correlation between adherence and QoL was rather low. Furthermore, adherence moderately correlated with attitude to medication and to psychopathology (negatively), while subjective QoL moderately
correlated with all included variables (positively: attitude
toward medication, functioning; negatively: psychopathology, side effects) apart from illness insight and LOS.
N (%)
Married or cohabiting
White European
Education: primary/secondary only
Living alone
Accommodation: owned or rented
Employment: paid or self employed
245 (60%)
47 (12%)
310 (76%)
271 (67%)
165 (40%)
314 (77%)
59 (15%)
The relationship between adherence to neuroleptic medication and subjective QoL was examined in a large multinational European sample of people with schizophrenia. This
study fills a substantial gap since without evidence regarding
this relationship, the relevance of adherence for the ultimate
goal of treatment, i.e., the QoL of the target population, remains
The hypothesis that a direct relationship between adherence and QoL would be found had to be rejected. Even
though correlation (r .01) between these two variables
reached statistical significance (mainly because of large sample size, N 409), it was not retained in the graphical
Side Effects
The Journal of Nervous and Mental Disease Volume 194, Number 10, October 2006
Puschner et al.
Side Effects
models, not even in the one with a rather lenient criterion for
elimination of relationships between variables.
A rather strict (critical level for backward selection
.01) graphical model showed that psychopathology, level of
functioning, and experience of unwanted side effects contributed most to the relationship between adherence and QoL,
while other scrutinized variables (illness insight, attitude to
medication, and LOS) were hardly relevant.
Furthermore, in this model, adherence was directly
related only to psychopathology, which contradicts conceptions of adherence as determined by numerous patient-related,
illness-related, and treatment-related factors (Bebbington, 1995;
Lacro et al., 2002; Rettenbacher et al., 2004). Moreover, this
finding indicates that medication, when taken as prescribed, is
positively associated with symptomatic impairment, but that
other domains remain unaffected, which substantiates skepticism as to an all-embracing effect of neuroleptic medication
(Huxley et al., 2000; Lauriello et al., 2003).
Conversely, in line with its complex nature, QoL
showed a number of relations to other variables in the model.
First, the finding of a relation between QoL and medication
side effects is in concordance with previous research (Hofer
The Journal of Nervous and Mental Disease Volume 194, Number 10, October 2006
This study is part of a multicenter collaborative study
between the Health Services Research Department, Institute
of Psychiatry, Kings College London; the Department of
Medicine and Public Health, Section of Psychiatry, Verona
University, Italy; the Department of Psychiatry, Leipzig University, Germany; and the Department of Psychiatry, Academic Medical Center, Amsterdam University, The Netherlands. The funders had no role in the design and conduct of
the study, the collection, management, analysis, and interpretation of the data, or the preparation, review, or approval
of the manuscript. The first author had full access to all of the
data in the study and takes responsibility for the integrity of
the data and the accuracy of the data analysis. We also wish
to acknowledge the contributions of the patients, carers, and
staff who have taken part in the study.
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