Business-Call-Centre-Agent-User-Guide (Telstra) PDF
Business-Call-Centre-Agent-User-Guide (Telstra) PDF
Business-Call-Centre-Agent-User-Guide (Telstra) PDF
This user guide provides step-by-step instructions and reference information for using TIPT Standard Web Based
Call Center client application Release 19.
This document is intended for Standard Call Center agents and supervisors who use the TIPT Standard Web
Based Call Center Client.
For more information on the Standard Call Center procedures used by Customer Administrators, see
The following typographical conventions are used in this guide for simplicity and readability:
Web addresses, e-mail addresses and hyperlinks are shown in bold italics, for example
Button names and titles/features on your computer screen are shown in Bold.
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Conventions Used in this Guide
Call Center
Contacts Pane
Search Panel
Enterprise Panel
Personal Panel
Supervisors Panel
Speed Dial Panel
Queues Panel
Call History
Dashboard PAne
Call Action Buttons
Drag and Drop Call onto Contact
View Incoming Call Details
Call Console
Call Notification POp-up
Transferring Calls
Blind Transfer
Transfer with Consultation
Transfer to Queue
Escalating/Emergency Calls
Send E-mail Message to Contact
Viewing Contacts
Show or Hide Directories
Show or Hide Directory Content
Show Hide Contact Details
Select Display Order
Organising Contacts
Sort Contacts
Settings General
Hotel Guest
Screen Pop
Date format
time format
Settings Application
Queue Memberships
Agent Policies
Settings Services
Settings Plug-ins
Program Shortcuts
Activity Archive
Settings Messaging
Settings Report
Default Thresholds
Settings - About
The TIPT Standard Call Center application is a Call Console management product for Call Center agents and
This document describes the TIPT Standard Web Based Call Center clients.
TIPT Standard Call Center delivers the following benefits to users:
Efficient call handling and Automatic Call Distribution (ACD) state management by Call Center agents
The Call Center functionality available to you depends on your Call Center function (agent or supervisor), the types
of queues you are staffing or monitoring, and your own services and settings.
For more information about the capabilities and services assigned to you, ask your group or enterprise
Note: Call Centre functionality available in specific contexts is identified throughout the
The Call Center Agent client is designed to support the needs of call center agents in any environment. It
supports the full set of call handling functions, ACD state management, integration of multiple directories, and
other features required in large call centers.
Call Console pane You use the Call Console pane to view and manage your current calls
Contacts pane The Contacts pane contains your contact directories, the list of your supervisors, and the list
of the call centers you belong to. It allows you to use your contacts to make and manage your calls. Both
panes within the Call Console and Contacts widows can be moved within that window - i.e. the Conference
Call pane can be moved up or down the screen.
Dashboard pane Use the Dashboard pane for an overview of the status of the call centres you are part of.
Information about the queue and expected wait times will display.
Report windows You use the Report windows, accessed via the Reporting link, to generate reports about
your activity and performance in the call centers you are staffing.
Settings pages You use the Settings pages, accessed via the Settings link, to configure various aspects of
Call Center.
For more information about the Call Center user interface, refer to Chapter 3 Exploring the Workspace.
Call Center is hosted on TIPT and you access it over the network either from your web portal or from a web
browser. The sign-in procedure is the same for agents and supervisors.
In addition, agents can sign into a Call Center using hot desk functionality, that is, sign in from any available desk
configured for that purpose. Upon login, that desks phone is associated with that agent and behaves as if it were
the permanent phone of the agent, for the duration of the login session. This allows agents to use a single login ID
to perform their work independently of their location.
Note: Call Centre does not support logging in as different users from the same machine at
the same time.
To sign in to the Call Center client, use the same credentials that you use to connect to the web portal.
To sign in to Call Center:
1. In your web browser, enter the URL of the Call Center client
The Call Center Sign-in page appears
2. Enter your TIPT User ID in the format user@domain and your Password
3. If you are unsure of your user ID and password, contact your administrator
4. Providing the append domain name has been configured in the Show Options field, you can also enter
just the user part of your ID. The system then appends the default domain to it before authenticating
you. However, if your domain is different from the default domain, you have to enter your user ID with
the domain name
5. Optionally, if your system has been configured to allow that, yo u can configure you domain name
6. Check Stay signed in to instruct the client to automatically re-connect and sign in to the server when it
detects a network connection
7. This should generally be enabled to help mitigate intermittent internet connections. When disabled, the
client signs out the user when the connection is lost
8. To configure your domain name or the Call Center language, click Show options. The area expands
displaying advanced options
9. To configure your domain, in the Append Domain text box, enter your domain name. When you enter
your user ID without a domain, the system will append the configured domain instead of the systemwide default domain
10. To change the language, from the Language drop-down list, select a new language
11. Click Sign In. Call Center starts and you are signed in
The first time you log into the Agent client you are requested to change your password. Your default password
restrictions are configured by your Customer Group Administrator.
1. In your web browser, enter the URL of the Call Center client
2. Enter your TIPT user ID in the format user@domain
3. Enter your password
4. Check Stay signed in to instruct the client to automatically re-connect and sign in to the server when it
detects a network connection
5. Click Sign In
On first time login, or if you are required to change your password the following screen will display requesting you
to enter your old password and enter a new password
If you are a Call Center agent, you can automatically associate yourself with a Hoteling Host phone device when
you sign in to the Call Center client. This is commonly used in a shared workspace environment where users
working different shifts share a single computer and phone.
To use the hot desk functionality, you must have your Hoteling Guest service turned on. You turn on your Hoteling
Guest service using the TIPT web portal or voice portal.
To sign in to Call Center as a hot desk user:
1. At the assigned workstation, start a web browser and enter the URL of the Call Center client. The Call
Center Sign-in page appears
5. Click Sign In
6. You are signed in and Call Center associates that desks phone with your user account for the duration
of the session
Note 1: When you sign out from the Call Center client, the Guest session with the Host
device at the desk is terminated. After sign-out the Host user ID you entered is saved and
can be re-used on the next sign-in.
Note 2: The Host/Guest association can be configured with a time limit. If the
association/session expires while you are signed in to the client, you are automatically
signed out from client. The association time limit is specified in either the Hoteling Host or
Hoteling Guest service setup on the TIPT web portal.
Call Center provides you with on-line access to a PDF version of this guide.
To access the document, click the Help link in the top right corner of the main interface.
1. To sign out of the Call Center, click Sign Out in the top right corner of the main interface
2. If you are the last agent to sign out of a call center, a message appears providing the details of queues
in which you are the last agent to sign out and asking you to confirm that you want to sign out
Note: This functionality is not available when you close the application using the browsers
Close button or refresh (F5) the browser.
5. To save your current workspace, click Yes. This allows you to retain the same interface setup for your
next session.
6. If you are signing out from a hot desk, your account is dissociated from the hot desk where you were
signed in.
When you sign in to Call Center for the first time, it is recommended that you configure the following settings:
Configure your post-sign-in and post-call ACD states. For information, see the section Settings Application
Configure the supervisors whose call status you want to monitor. For information, see Select Supervisors to
You can change your password when you are signed in to Call Center.
1. To change your password, click the Settings link in the top right corner or the page
2. Click the General Tab and then click Change Password
Changing Password
3. Enter your old and new password in the provided text boxes and click Change Password
Note 1: The Reset button does not reset your password. It only clears the input boxes.
Note 2: This password is shared with your web portal and other client applications that share
TIPT single logon policy. It has to meet password requirements set on TIPT.
Your default password restrictions are configured by your Customer Group Administrator.
1. In the Logo pane, click the ACD states box and select your ACD state from the drop-down list
2. If you selected Unavailable, and your company requires you to provide a reason for you r unavailability,
select an Unavailable Code from the drop-down list
Provided that your Customer administrator has assigned the services to you, you can use the Call Forwarding
Always, and Do Not Disturb services in Call Center.
To enable or disable Do Not Disturb or Call Forwarding Always:
4. If you checked the Active box for the Call Forwarding Always service, in the Forward To text box, enter
the phone number to forward your call to
5. Click Save
Note: Do not use the Do Not Disturb feature if you are an agent in a Call Centre. Using this
feature will not allow calls to be routed to your extension. It will also not put the agent into
the Unavailable mode, which in turn will cause incorrect statistics when reports are run.
Based on the license you have been assigned, when you sign in to Call Center, the main page appears where you
perform most of your call management or monitoring tasks. In addition, the main page provides links to other
pages and windows of Call Center, where you perform functions such as configuration and report generation.
Many visual aspects of the Call Center workspace are configurable. For example, you can change the size of
windows on the screen. You can then save your workspace and retrieve it the next time you sign in.
Note 1: To work in full screen mode, make sure that the main window is in focus and then
click F11. F11 is a toggle button to also take you out of full screen mode.
Note 2: The Back, Forward, and Refresh operations of the web browser are not supported by
Call Center; and if performed, the results are inconsistent.
Most Call Center control button and action buttons are context-based, which means that they appear only when
the action they represent can be performed. A list and description of control and action buttons available in Call
Centre are documented in the Control section of this document see Chapter
Call Center interface contains the following elements based on the license you have been assigned (Agent or
Logo Pane
Located at the top of the main interface, the logo pane displays global messages,
information about the logged user, and links to other Call Center interface functions.
The Call Console pane is where you manage your current calls. This pane contains the
Calls and Conference pane
Contacts Pane
The Contacts pane contains your contact directories and allows you to manage your
contacts, use contacts to make calls or take actions, such as transfer to contact or
queue, on existing calls.
Dashboard Pane
Reporting Windows
The Reporting windows are accessible from the main page Logo pane via the Reporting
link and provide access to Enhanced Reporting allowing you to generate, schedule and
view reports.
Agents can only generate reports about themselves.
Settings Pages
The Settings pages, accessible from the main page via the Settings link allow you to
configure various user-level and application settings.
You use controls, such as buttons and drop-down lists, to execute actions on calls,
contacts, and queues.
This section describes the following elements of the Call Center interface:
Logo Pane
Contacts Pane
Dashboard Pane
Call History
For information about other interface elements, refer to the following sections:
The Call Center main window interface contains a logo pane, which displays the Call Center client or company
logo, global messages, links to other interface elements or Call Center functions, and information about the logged
The Global Message Area is the center area of the logo pane and is used by Call Center to display various
information, warnings, and error messages to the user. A message is displayed for several seconds and then
The logo pane displays links to the Report windows, Settings pages, as well as the Help and Sign Out links.
Information about yourself, that is, your name, phone number, your availability to take calls, and your voice mail
status, is displayed at the top right of the main interface.
Your current ACD state is displayed to the left of your name. You can change your ACD state by selecting a new
state from the drop-down list.
ACD State
Voice Messaging
The Voice Messaging icon is present only if you have outstanding voice messages.
You use the Call Console pane to view and manage your current calls. For information on managing your calls,
see Chapter 4
Header Bar
Call States
The header bar contains various controls that allow you to configure your services and perform call and servicerelated actions.
This allows you to access the list of your previous calls missed, received and
The Dialer, located at the top of the Call Console pane, allows you to make ad-hoc.
The Enter Number text box, where you enter the number to dial
Action buttons, which change depending on the context and allow you to perform operations on calls. For
more information see Chapter 3 Exploring the Workspace, Call Action Buttons
The Call Console displays your current calls, both direct calls and Call centre calls and allows you to take actions
on them. Direct calls are calls placed from or received on your own phone number, whereas ACD calls are calls
routed to you from a call center that you are staffing as an agent.
If you are involved in a conference call, its details are displayed in a separate area of the Call Console, called the
Conference Call panel.
Remote CLID This is the name of the remote party (if available) and the phone number in parenthesis.
Call State icon This is a visual representation of the current state of the call
Call State name This is the display name of the call state the call is currently in for details see Chapter 3
Exploring the Workspace, Call Console Pane, Call States
Call duration [Held duration] This is the duration of the call from the time the call was received from TIPT
and it reflects how long the call has been present in the system. In addition, if a call has been placed on hold
a held timer will display.
The call entry also displays action buttons for the operations that you can currently take on that call. The actions
you can perform depend on the state of the call.
The Conference Call pane displays your current conference and allows you to manage your conference calls.
The header bar contains various controls that allow you to manage the conference:
This allows you to resume the conference that you previously placed on
The Conference Call panel, when expanded, lists the call legs that make up your current conference. Each twoway call is displayed on a separate line. The information displayed for each call leg is the same as the information
displayed for two-way calls on the Calls panel. For information, see Current Calls Call Console.
For information on managing conferences, see Chapter 4 Managing Calls, Managing Conference Calls.
Ringing In (Local)
Incoming Local
Ringing In (Remote)
On Hold
On Hold (Remote)
Remote Held
Call Recalled
The Contacts pane contains your contact directories and allows you to use your contacts to make or manage calls.
For information on using contacts to manage calls, see Chapter 4 Managing Calls. For information about
organising and managing your contact directories, see Chapter 8 Managing Contacts.
500 Personal Contacts can be created in CommPilot, however currently a maximum of 50 can be displayed. When
you search you have access to all 500 contacts but the client can only display 50 in the web based client
Contacts Pane
Personal Panel
Supervisors Panel
Queues Panel
The contact directories you have access to depends on your system configuration as well as the services assigned
to you. For more information, contact your administrator.
When you click a contact, the entry expands and the contacts information, such as phone numbers and the action
buttons for the operations that you can currently do for that contact appear.
To minimise the contacts information, click on the contact again.
You can only view the details of one contact per directory at a time. When you click another contact in the same
directory, the details of the currently expanded contact are automatically hidden
You use the Search panel to look for specific contacts in your contacts directories. When search criteria are
entered and a search performed, search results are populated into a single area. For information about
performing contact searches, see Chapter 8 Managing Contacts, Searching for Contacts.
The Enterprise panel contains the contacts in your TIPT enterprise directory. If your enterprise administrator
restricted your access to the enterprise directory, you can only see the contacts from your group.
The Enterprise panel displays the contacts name and phone number.
When you click on a contact, the entry expands to provide the contacts details, such as all available phone
numbers. To minimize the details, click on the contact.
The Personal panel contains the contacts from your TIPT Personal Phone List. It displays the name/description
and phone number of each contact.
For information about managing your personal contacts, see Managing Personal Contacts.
The Supervisors panel, available to agents, contains the list of your supervisors. The main purpose of this
directory is to allow you to quickly contact a supervisor.
2. Selected supervisors have their call status displayed. For more information, see Chapter 5
Monitoring Supervisors.
The Speed Dial panel displays and allows you to manage your Speed Dial 8 and Speed Dial 100 contacts.
For each speed dial number, Call Center displays the speed dial code, the description, and the phone number.
The description is what you entered when configuring the number.
The Queues panel is available to both agents and supervisors. It lists the call centers you are staffing as an agent
or monitoring as a supervisor. The primary purpose of this panel is to provide you with a quick way to transfer
calls to queues.
The Call History dialog-box, accessed via the Call History button in the Calls panel allows you to view your past
calls Missed, Received and Placed. You can place a call to a number from Call History and manage call logs.
Call History
The Dashboard pane displays an overview of queue activity for agents. If thresholds have been configured for the
call centre the visual indications will display for the relevant section. For more details see Chapter 9 Managing the
AHT Average Hold Time, the average amount of time calls are held in the queue
ASA Average Speed of Answer, the average time it takes for a call to be answered by an agent once the call
has been presented to the agent
Staffed - Number of agents available in the queue. This is a ration of actual number of agents/number of agents
assigned to the queue
To select the queues to view in the Dashboard:
1. Click on Options
2. Click on Select Queues
Dashboard Options
3. Check the box for the required queues and click Save
Queue Select
Action buttons allow you to perform actions on calls, such as answering or transferring a call, or actions that result
in a call being placed.
Action buttons are context sensitive and appear on a line/entry only when you move the mouse over that entry and
when the corresponding action can be performed on that entry. For example, when you select a contact in the
Enterprise directory, the relevant buttons may appear on a contact, depending on the call state and the contacts
configuration which enable you to perform the appropriate action.
No buttons appear on the remaining lines/entries/calls.
The following table lists the action buttons available in Call Center.
This places a call to the selected contact or to a number from Call History.
This brings up a new e-mail message window with the contacts e-mail address,
allowing you to send a message to the contact.
Call Center controls are designed as being context sensitive, controls appear only when the action they represent
can be performed. For example, when you enter a number or select a contact, a Dial button appears allowing you
to place a call. The context sensitive controls that correspond to call operations such as dialing, transferring calls,
or putting calls on hold are known action buttons.
The following table lists the general controls used in Call Center and the controls displayed on the panels
Trace Call
When clicked, it displays a drop-down menu of options that control the display
of information in that pane/page. The available options depend on the context.
This allows you to edit a list of items, such as agents to monitor or speed dials.
This displays your current ACD state and allows you to change it.
ACD States
Call History
Auto Answer
Call Waiting
End Conference
Leave Conference
Hold Conference
Resume Conference
Barge In
This allows you to turn Call Waiting on or off. It is available only if you have
been assigned the Call Waiting service.
This disconnects you from the conference while allowing other participants to
continue the call.
This opens a page in your browser at the configured URL to provide additional
information about the caller.
This saves the callers phone number and personal information as a vCard in
Microsoft Outlook. It appears only when Outlook is running.
Load Report
Delete Report
This loads a scheduled report, allowing you to view and modify it.
This section describes the operations you can perform to make and manage calls.
Your current calls are displayed in the Call Console with the calls currently involved in a conference displayed in a
separate panel called Conference Call.
In Call Center, you can drag a call from the Call Console and drop it on a target contact in one of your contact
directories. This provides you with a quick way to perform operations on calls that involve a contact.
As the call is dragged, a green icon is displayed. When the call is dropped onto a contact, no action is taken on
the call. The target contact expands and you can select the action button for the operation you want to perform on
that call.
Call Console
When the Call Notification feature is enabled, a Call Notification pop-up window appears on top of the system tray
when you receive an inbound call. You are not able to answer the call from the Global Message Area.
For calls to your direct number or extension, the following information is displayed:
Call center name, followed by the time the call has been waiting in queue (Wait Time)
For calls to your direct number or extension, the following information is displayed:
Call center name, followed by the time the call has been waiting in queue (Wait Time)
Note 1: You have to have only one tab open in the browser running Call Center to receive
call notifications.
Note 2: If calls come within eight seconds of each other, the Call Notification pop-up window
appears only for the first call of that series.
You can answer calls manually or have your phone automatically answer incoming calls.
Note: When using the Remote Office service, the Answer button is disabled.
To answer a ringing call:
This feature is typically used by agents who use headsets with their phones and handle a high volume of calls. It
may be enabled either by you in the client or configured in the system by your administrator.
Answer is on.
When Auto Answer is enabled, your phone automatically goes off-hook when it is alerted. This applies to both
inbound and Click-To-Dial calls.
The Auto Answer feature may be enabled manually in the Call Center client or by the administrator on CommPilot.
Note: If this feature is enabled by your administrator, you must NOT enable the client-based
Auto Answer using the Auto Answer button.
To end a call:
You can make calls to an ad-hoc number, to a contact from any of your Contacts directories, or to a number from
Call History. You can also specify the calling line identity to use for your outbound calls.
You use the Dialer, located at the top of the Call Console pane, to place a call to an ad-hoc number.
1. In the Dialer, enter the phone number, press Enter or click Dial
The specified phone number is dialed and the call appears in the Calls panel.
Call Center keeps up to ten most recently dialed numbers, which you can redial using the Dialer.
To redial the last number you called:
1. In the Dialer, place the cursor in the text box and start entering a number.
A list of recently called numbers that start with the entered digits appears.
You can use any directory in the Contacts pane to dial a contact.
To dial a contact:
1. In the Contacts pane, expand the directory from which you want to dial a contact.
2. Click the target Contact to expand it, click Call
Make a Call
You use the Search panel in the Contacts pane to search for contacts in your Contacts directories.
To dial a number from search:
2. From the Show drop-down list, select Missed Calls, Received Calls, or Placed Calls
3. Click the call log from which you want to dial and then click the Call
Note: When using the Remote Office service, the Hold/Resume buttons are disabled.
1. Click Hold
1. Click Answer
There are a number of ways in which you can transfer a call - blind transfer, transfer with consultation, and transfer
to queue.
Use this method to transfer a call to another number without providing an introduction to the destination party.
To blind transfer a call to an ad-hoc number:
Use this method to transfer a call with an introduction to the destination party.
To transfer a call with consultation:
1. Make a call to the person to which you want to transfer the call
(the original call is automatically placed on hold).
2. Wait until the called party accepts your call and introduce the call
3. When ready to transfer, from the Call Console panel, select one of the two calls
4. Move the mouse over the non-selected call and click Transfer
5. The calls are connected and removed from the Call Console panel
You can transfer a call back to a queue. A transferred call is placed at the bottom of the queue.
To transfer a call to a queue:
4. The call is transferred to the selected queue and removed from the Call Console.
5. Alternatively, drag the call onto the target queue and click Transfer
You can escalate calls to the first available supervisor or to a specific supervisor. You can also make an
emergency call, which quickly conferences an available supervisor into your call, without placing the remote party
on hold.
You use the Supervisors panel located in the Contacts pane to escalate calls.
Use this method to escalate a call to a supervisor in an emergency situation. When you make an emergency call,
the caller is not placed on hold; instead, a supervisor is immediately added in to the conference call. You can let
the Call Center select the supervisor or select the supervisor yourself. A tone is played to the agent when the
supervisor answers an agents emergency escalate
To make an emergency call to an available supervisor:
This places the call to the first available supervisor and a conference call is started immediately without putting the
caller on hold.
To make an emergency call to a specific supervisor:
Use this method to escalate a call to a supervisor without consulting the supervisor. You can escalate a call to the
first available supervisor or select the supervisor yourself.
To blind-escalate a call:
To select the supervisor yourself, click on an available supervisor and click the Escalate button
for that supervisor
Your original call is placed on hold and a call to the supervisor is initiated.
2. Without waiting for the supervisor to answer, in the Call Console panel, select the original call.
3. Move the mouse over the call to the supervisor and click Transfer
Use this method to escalate a call to a supervisor and provide an introduction beforehand. You can escalate the
call to the first available supervisor or select the supervisor yourself.
To escalate a call with consultation:
To select the supervisor yourself, move the mouse over an available supervisor and click Escalate
for that supervisor.
2. Wait until the supervisor accepts your call and speak to the supervi sor.
3. When ready to transfer the call, in the Calls panel, select the original call.
4. Move the mouse over the call to the supervisor, and click down arrow (if required)
5. Click Transfer
Use this method to escalate a call to a supervisor through a conference call. You can then leave the call.
To escalate a call with conference or handover:
2. When the supervisor accepts your call, speak to the supervisor about the issue.
3. In the Call Console panel, select the original call.
4. Click on the required Supervisor then, click Conference
Use this method to escalate a call to a supervisor through a conference call and provide an opportunity for the
customer to speak to the supervisor.
To escalate a call with mid-conference hold:
2. To select the supervisor yourself, move the mouse over an available supervisor and click Escalate
for that supervisor.
3. When the supervisor accepts your call, speak to the supervisor about the issue
8. To drop a specific party from the conference, select their call from the Conference panel and click End
1. You use the Calls panel to establish a conference and add participants to it.
2. You use the Conference panel to manage or end an active conference call.
You can only have one active conference at a time.
To start a conference call, you need to have at least two current calls. The calls can be received or made by you.
If required, make calls using any of the methods described in section Making Outbound Calls.
To start a conference:
Note: To add participants to a conference, you need to have the N-Way Calling service
To add a participant to a conference:
1. If the call you want to add to the conference is not yet established, place the call
2. In the Call Console panel, move the mouse over the call and click Conference
The call is added to the conference
Call Center allows you to generate a trace on active, held, released, or missed calls.
Note: Tracing calls needs to be set up with the relevant Telstra division prior to this feature
being configured in CommPilot by your Customer Group Administrator (CGA). You must be
assigned the Customer Originated Trace service to use this capability.
CGAs cannot view the logs of a traced call. Telstra will provide the information to your CGA.
A call trace contains the following information:
You can generate a trace for the most recently released or missed call.
To generate a trace for the last released or missed call:
The Standard Call Center allows you to monitor the phone state of selected supervisors (up to 50). This is useful
when you are escalating a call and want to quickly find a supervisor who is available to take a call.
You use the Supervisors panel to view the phone state of selected supervisors and to select supervisors to
monitor. Supervisors who are not monitored have their state set to unknown.
Supervisors Panel
The list of selected supervisors is saved on sign-out, as part of your workspace, and restored on subsequent
To select the supervisors to monitor:
2. Check the box next to each supervisor to monitor and click Save.
A supervisor can be assigned to multiple call centres. Check the box of the call centre the supervisor is monitoring
that you are an agent of.
The following table lists the states a supervisors phone line can be in:
Do Not Disturb
Call Center collects call logs for your placed, received, and missed calls. You can view, organise, and delete call
logs using the Call History feature.
You can call any number available in Call History.
2. To show calls in a specific group, select that group from the Show drop-down list.
Call Center allows you to send an e-mail message to a contact that has e-mail configured in their User Profile in
CommPilot. You must also have messaging enabled within Call Center settings. For information, see 0 Settings
Messaging Settings Messaging.
The E-mail button appears when you select a contact that has e-mail configured.
1. In the Enterprise directory move the mouse over a contact that has e-mail address
2. Click E-mail
this brings up a new e-mail window for the configured messaging service.
Use the Contacts pane to perform call and monitoring operations on your contacts and to manage your contacts
Contacts Pane
The Personal directory contains all contacts in your Personal Phone List on TIPT.
Speed Dial
The Speed Dial directory contains the numbers configured for you or by you for your
Speed Dial services (Speed Dial 8 and/or Speed Dial 100).
The Queues directory lists the call centres you are either supervising or staffing. It
allows you to quickly transfer calls to queues.
Access to certain directories such as Outlook and LDAP depends on your permissions and the system setup.
For information about the operations you perform to manage your contact directories, see the following sections:
Viewing Contacts
Organising Contacts
Note: Personal contact can only be modified if the name, when being entered accidently
included a / or the number entered is less than two digits
Call Center allows you to select directories to display in the Contacts pane, show or hide directory contents, and
select display order of information in certain directories.
You can decide which of the directories that you are allowed to access appear in the Contacts pane.
To display or hide a directory:
By default, your directories are collapsed, with only the title bar visible. You can selectively expand the directories
that you want to use.
To show or hide contacts in a directory:
1. In the Search pane, click the Show/Hide button for that directory.
1. In the Enterprise directory, click on the contact. The entry expands displaying the contacts phone
numbers configured in that directory.
To minimise the agent's details, click on the agent again.
Contacts in the Group/Enterprise, Agents, and directories can be displayed either by their first name or last name.
Your selection applies to all those directories. You cannot specify the display order for each directory individually.
To specify the contacts display order:
You can sort contacts in the following directories: Enterprise, Queues, and Agents.
To order contacts in a directory:
The screen below shows the directory sorted by the contacts First name.
Call Center provides you with a search function that allows you to search for specific contacts in your directories.
You use the Search panel in the Contacts pane to look for contacts.
1. In the Search text box enter the text you want to search for and press ENTER.
You can enter partial information, such as part of a name or phone number
For example, if you do not remember whether Marys last name is spelled Shelley or Shelly, you can enter
Shell, and either name is returned.
The search is not case-sensitive. The text you enter is matched against all attributes of every entry in the
selected directories. Search results are displayed into a single area.
Depending on the Call Center setup, search returns either all the contacts (in the selected directories) that contain
the entered keyword or all the contacts that start with the entered keyword.
In the first case (Contains), entering Ann and selecting First Name from the Keyword Search Filter drop-down
list returns all contacts with the first name Ann, but it also returns all contacts with first names such as Anne,
Marianne, Marie Ann, Ann Marie, and so on.
In the second case (Starts With), entering Ann and selecting First Name returns all contact with the first names
such as Ann, Anne, and Ann Marie, but not Marianne or Mary Ann.
Note 1: Directories are searched in the following order: Supervisors, Agents, Enterprise.
Duplicate search results in TIPT directories are not displayed; the first match for a given
contact is displayed.
Duplicate search results in other directories are displayed
Note 2: Contact entries displayed in search results follow the same rules as if that entry was
accessed in their own directory. This allows you to perform any operations you need directly
from the search results.
You can add or remove personal contacts via CommPilot or in Call Center, and the updates appear in both places.
The updates you make via CommPilot appear only in Call Center at the next sign in.
To update personal contacts using the client, you can perform the following operations:
3. In the Name text box, enter the contacts name or description as you want it to appear in the contacts
4. In the Number text box, enter the phone number of the contact
5. Close the dialogue box to save the entry or Click Add to Save the current and add another new entry
Personal contacts can only be modified if the name, when being entered accidently included a / or the number
entered is less than two digits To modify a personal contact.
You can add or remove Speed Dial numbers via CommPilot or in Call Center, and the updates appear in both
places. The updates that you make via CommPilot appear only in Call Center at the next sign in.
To update speed dial entries using the client, you can perform the following operations:
3. From the code drop down list, select a speed dial code.
4. In the phone Number text box, enter the phone number to assign to the code.
5. In the description text box, enter a description that will allow you to identify the entry.
6. Close the dialogue box to save the entry
The Dashboard pane displays an overview of queue activity for agents.
Queue (Account)
Queue (Account)
Queue (Technical)
Queue (Technical)
Queue (Customer
Queue (Finance)
1. Click on Options
2. Click on Select Queues
Dashboard Options
3. Check the box for the required queues and click Save
Queue Select
1. Click on Options
2. Click on Select Visible Fields
Dashboard Options
3. Check the box for the required queues and click Save
Queue Select
The Standard Call Center provides reporting functions to agents are supervisors. Agents can only generate
reports about their own activity whereas supervisors have access to reports on activity and performance of agents
and call centers under their supervision.
The Standard Call Center supports Enhanced Reporting.
The Enhanced Reporting feature enhances the reporting capabilities of the TIPT Standard Call Center solution.
Enhanced Reporting allows you to run reports and schedule reports to run in the future using pre-defined
templates. Reports can be of type Agent or Call Center.
The report templates available to you depend on how your administrator has configured your system. Report
templates cannot be amended or customised.
You use the Reports link at the top of the main interface to access pages used to generate and schedule
Enhanced reports.
This section provides an example of an Enhanced report. For the list of canned report templates available on
TIPT for report generation as part of Enhanced Reporting, see the TIPT Call Center Reporting Guide.
To run a report:
1. Click the Reporting link at the top right of the main window.
For Agent reports, it allows you to specify the agents to include in the
report. You can check All Agents or Agents. If you check Agents, select
agents from the drop-down list.
For Call Center reports, it specifies the call centres to include in the report.
You can check All Call Centers, Call Center.
If you check Call Center, select call centers from the drop-down list.
This setting is used to count the number of ACD calls an agent has
completed within a service level during the specified interval. The Call
Completion service level can be set to 1 through 7200 seconds.
This setting is used to count the number of ACD short duration calls
completed by an agent during an interval. You can set the maximum
length of a short duration call to 1 through 7200 seconds.
Service Level
This setting allows you to provide up to five service levels, used to perform
service level calculations for each call centre. Each service level can be
set to 1 through 7200 seconds.
These settings are used to determine whether certain types of calls should
be included in the service level calculations:
Service Level
Call Interval
If you selected the Include all abandoned calls except in interval option,
enter the desired interval in this text box in seconds.
Service Level
Historical reports show data from the assigned start date to the
assigned end date.
Real-time reports show data from the assigned start date to the
present, with the current interval refreshed with real-time data.
Historical or Realtime
Real-time reports for individual agents contain data for each time interval,
with the last interval reflecting real-time data, if requested (subject to the
refresh rate). When the interval switches over, the final data for the last
time period is captured and shown as historical data, and real-time data is
reflected in the new time interval.
This is the date you want the report to start from. It can be set by typing in
the text box or clicking the Calendar icon. This is compulsory. The oldest
historical date depends on the interval selected:
Start Date
Start Time
This is the time when you want the report to start from. You can select the
hour format (A.M., P.M) from the Hour Selection Type. Time is applicable
for hourly and minute intervals only.
1-12 AM/PM or
00-23 hr
End Date
This is the date when you want the report to end. It can be set by typing in
the text box or clicking the Calendar icon. This is compulsory when a
Historical report is selected.
End Time
This is the time when you want the report to end. You can select the hour
format (A.M., P.M.) from the Hour Selection Type. Time is applicable for
hourly and minute intervals only. This is compulsory if a Historical report is
1-12 AM/PM or
00-23 hr
15 mins, 30 mins,
Hourly, Daily,
Weekly, Monthly
This allows you to specify in what format you would like the report output to
be generated. If you select HTML or PDF the report in displayed in the
report window. If you select CSV, a file is created that you can save on
your computer.
You use the Settings page, accessed via the Settings link at the top right of the main page to configure various
aspects of the Call Center application.
Note: Do not use the internet browsers Back button to return to the main interface.
This section provides information about the options that you can set to configure Call Center.
Settings General
Settings Application
Settings Services
Settings Plug-ins
Settings Messaging
Settings Report
Settings - About
You use the General tab to configure miscellaneous settings that improve the usability of Call Center.
Setting General
The following subsections describe the settings that can be configured on this page.
Note 1: The password you enter has to meet password requirements set on TIPT.
Note 2: To ensure secure access, Change Password functionality is only available if HTTPS
is used to communicate with the system.
To change your password:
4. Click the Change Password link. The section expands allowing you to change your password.
5. Enter you current and new password and click Change Password.
Note: The Reset button does not reset your password. It only clears the input boxes.
This setting allows you to configure the Hoteling guest, which is required when you use Call Center from a
Hoteling desk/device. This way you do not need to enter this information every time you sign in to Call Center,
provided that you use the same Hoteling device.
1. In the text box, enter the username of the Hoteling host that corresponds to the desk/device you are
using, for example,
The following settings allow you to configure date and time formats used in reports as well as the day of the week
to start reports.
Date Format: This setting allows you to select the format for displaying dates in reports. The format is used
for all dates that are included in the generated report.
Time Format: This setting allows you to select the format for displaying time in reports. The format is used
for all times that are included in the generated report.
Note that this setting does not impact the format of events durations, which are always reported in the
DD:HH:MM:SS format in the generated reports.
Call Center allows you to customise elements of your workspace, such as the size and placement of windows on
the desktop. The system remembers the setup between sessions.
The following elements can be customized:
The size and position of the web browser window in which the main interface is displayed.
The size of the panes (Call Console, Contacts, and Queued Calls).
Note: The Position functionality does not work in Internet Explorer, due to a technical
limitation of Internet Explorer.
Save Workspace: This button, when clicked, saves the current workspace.
Load Workspace: This button, when clicked arranges your workspace according to the last saved configuration.
Restore To Default: This button, when clicked restores the workspace to the system default configuration.
Always save workspace on signout: When you sign out from the client, Call Center asks you whether you want to
save your current workspace. To save your workspace automatically when signing out, without being asked,
check the Always save workspace on signout box.
To customise your workspace:
3. At any time to return to the last saved configuration, click the Load Workspace button
You use the Application tab to configure your application settings. The settings are different for agents and
supervisors. They are described in the following subsections.
Settings Application
These settings allow you to select the call center queues you wish to join.
To join a call center queue, select the check box on the line for the call center
Note: If you are not allowed to join/leave a queue, the line for the queue is greyed out, and
you can only view your join status in the queue. Contact your administrator to change your
join status in a queue.
You can select columns to display for queues listed on this page, and sort and group queues by any column.
If you are a member of a call centre that uses skills based routing, the skill level will be displayed
You use Agent Policies settings to specify your post sign-in ACD state, post call ACD state, wrap-up timer, and
outbound CLID:
Post Sign-In ACD State: To configure your post sign-in ACD state, select a state from the Sign-In State
drop-down list. Your ACD state is automatically set to the selected state when you sign in to Call Center.
If you selected Unavailable and unavailable codes are enabled for your organization, select an unavailable
code from the drop-down menu.
Post Call ACD State: To configure your post-call ACD state, that is your ACD state upon completion of a call,
select a state from the Post Call State list.
If you selected Unavailable and unavailable codes are enabled for your organization, select an unavailable
code from the drop-down menu. In most cases, when you select Wrap-Up, you must also configure your
wrap-up timer.
Set Wrap-Up Timer to: To set your post-call wrap-up timer, check the Set Wrap-Up timer to <mm:ss> for
queues without a policy box and enter the time in minutes and seconds. Your ACD state automatically
changes from Wrap-Up to Available after the specified period of time.
Make outgoing calls as call center: Check this box to display a call center CLID instead of your phone
number when you make a call.
Outbound Caller ID: If you checked Make outgoing calls as call center, select the number to use from the
drop-down list.
Note: Your post-call wrap-up timer setting may be overridden if your administrator sets the
timer to a smaller value in CommPilot.
You use the Services tab to configure various services assigned to you by your administrator on TIPT and
integrated with Call Center. Those settings are only available if you have been assigned such services. For more
information, see your administrator.
The services are grouped into two categories: Active and Inactive.
Settings Services
The services that you can configure (if you have been assigned the services) are:
Do Not Disturb: When you activate this service, you are not available to take calls and all your calls are
automatically sent to your voice mail.
Call Forwarding Always: When you activate this service, you need to provide the phone number to forward
your calls to. When the service is active, all your calls are forwarded to the specified number.
To activate a service:
2. If you enabled the Call Forwarding Always service, in the Forward To box, enter the number to forward
your calls to
3. To generate a ring splash for incoming calls, check the Ring Splash option
4. To save your changes, click Save
You use the Plug-ins tab to configure the plug-in software used by Call Center to provide functionality such call
notification, program shortcuts, and call log.
Settings Plug-Ins
These options control when and how call notifications are displayed. The options you can set are as follows:
Focus window for incoming calls: When this option is checked and the browser window running Call
Center is minimized. To restore the Call Centre window, click the T icon in the task bar.
This does not work in Firefox. In Internet Explorer, you have to have only one tab open in the web browser
running Call Center.
Show notification for calls: When this option is checked, Call Center displays the Call Notification pop-up
window on top of other applications windows when you receive a call. When you check this box, you need to
select an option from the drop-down list to specify the condition under which notifications are displayed.
This does not work if other tabs are open in the same web browser window as Call Center. Also, if calls come
within eight seconds of each other, the Call Notification pop-up window appears only for the first call of that series.
You use the Program Shortcuts settings to create Call Center shortcuts on your desktop for convenient access to
Call Center.
The program shortcuts plug-in allows for the creation of desktop shortcuts on a Windows platform, which when
clicked, launches the applications in your default web browser.
Add Shortcut: This button, when clicked, creates a Call Center shortcut on your desktop.
Remove Shortcut: This button, when clicked, removes the previously created Call Center shortcut. If you did
not create a shortcut using the Add Shortcut button, the Remove Shortcut button has no effect.
This plug-in software provides the ability to store call event statistics content locally on your computer.
Enable/Disable Call Event Log Integration: This double-action button allows you to enable or disable call
log archival on your computer.
Rotate Log: This parameter allows you to specify the frequency with which the call log is rotated. You select
the frequency from the drop-down list.
Open Log Location: Click this link to go to the place on your computer where the log is stored.
The Messaging tab allows you to configure various messaging options for Call Center. Currently, only e-mail
messaging is supported.
Settings Messaging
1. From the drop-down list, select the mail client to use for e-mails
If you selected the custom SMTP option, you also need to configure the following options:
Display Name: This is the name that will be displayed in the From field
Reply-to Address: This is the address where reply messages can be sent
Default Subject: This is the subject that will appear when you generate and e-mail message in Call
Outgoing SMTP Server requires Authentication: When this option is set, authentication is
required to send e-mails
You use the Report tab to configure values to be used as default input parameters for generating reports. If you
do not provide any values, system defaults are used. You can change those values as required when generating
Settings Report
These settings allow you to configure the thresholds that will be used by default when you generate reports that
require you to provide thresholds. This is useful, if you often use the same threshold values. You can always
change a default value, when required.
Call Completion: This setting is used to count the number of ACD calls an agent has completed within a
service level during the specified interval. The Call Completion service level can be set to 1 through 7200
Short Duration Call: This setting is used to counts of the number of ACD short duration calls completed by
an agent during an interval. You can set the maximum length of a short duration call to 1 through 7200
Default Start Day of Week: This setting applies to interval-based reports, when the selected sampling period
is Weekly. It can be set to any day of the week.
You use the About tab to view the information about Call Center.
Settings About
ACD states specify the agents availability to take calls. The possible call states are as listed in the following table.
An agent can be in one of the following ACD states:
The Unavailable state should be used when the agent is away from their workstation
and not available to take calls.
ACD calls are not delivered to agents in an Unavailable state.
This state should be used when the agent is at lunch, on a break, in a meeting, or
engaged in some other activity while they are at work, but unavailable to take calls.
Calls may be delivered to agents in Wrap-Up state depending on the call centre
By default, calls are not routed to agents in Wrap-Up state, except when the call centre
is configured to enable calls to agents in the Wrap-Up state.
The Sign-In state is equivalent to a clock in, which means that the agent is at their
work location but not yet ready to accept incoming calls. Calls are not delivered to the
agent in this state.
Sign-In is a transitional state and agents do not remain in this state; rather they
transition to their post sign-in state.
It is recommended that agents only be in this state between the time they arrive at work
and the time they become available to accept calls.
The Sign-Out state is equivalent to a clock out, which means that the agents workday
or shift is completed and they are leaving.
In the Standard Call Center, an agent can set their ACD state to Available, Unavailable, or Wrap-Up. A supervisor
can set the ACD state of an agent to Available, Unavailable, Wrap-Up, or Sign-Out.
The Sign-In state can only be assigned to an agent through CommPilot.
Phone states show the state of the monitored agents or supervisors telephone line.
For supervisors, the phone states are displayed as follows:
Do Not Disturb
Call Forwarding
Supervisor has enabled the Call Forwarding Always service. (Moving the
mouse over this icon displays the number where the calls are forwarded.)
For agents, the phone states are is combined with their ACD states and are displayed as follows:
, SignOut
Idle, Ringing
Do Not Disturb
ACD calls are not delivered to agent in the Do Not Disturb call
This state is NOT RECOMMENDED for Call Center agents.
Agents should use the Unavailable ACD state when they need
to temporarily block new incoming calls.
Call Forwarding
Call states are the states that your current calls can be in.
Ringing In (Local)
Incoming Local
Answer, End
Ringing In (Remote)
Conference, End
On Hold
On Hold (Remote)
Active ( In Conference)
On Hold ( In Conference)
Call Recalled
This section defines different types of calls measured in call center statistics.
ACD Call
A call delivered to a call centre pilot number that is directed to an agent via the ACD
Outbound Call
Held Call
An ACD call that was placed on hold by an agent. Each time an agent places a call on
hold, it is counted as a held call.
Answered Call
Abandoned Call
An ACD call that entered the queue, but the caller hung up before the call was answered
or transferred.
Received Call
An ACD call that was received and either answered or abandoned. Overflowed calls are
not included.
Overflowed Call
An ACD call that was received, but immediately transferred to another destination due to
the queues exceeding the configured maximum queue size or the configured maximum
wait time.
Queued Call
Bounced Call
A call that has been transferred back to queue because it was not answered by an agent
in the specified time.
Stranded Call
A call that is in a queue after all agents assigned to the queue have moved to the SignOut ACD state.
When using keyboard shortcuts, make sure that the main interface window is in focus.
In Internet Explorer 8, the "/" shortcut key does not always work. Pressing the key clears
the default "Enter Number" text, but does not place the cursor in the input box.
Click Dial.
Click Search.
S or s
B or b
R or r
H or h
D or d