Euthyphro: 1 Background
Euthyphro: 1 Background
Euthyphro: 1 Background
This article is about Platos dialogue. For the prophet for reservations about such divine accounts that emphasise
whom the dialogue is named, see Euthyphro (prophet).
the cruelty and inconsistent behaviour of the Greek gods,
such as the castration of the early sky-god Uranus, by his
Euthyphro (/jufro/; Ancient Greek: , son Cronus; a story Socrates said is dicult to accept.
Euthuphrn), [ca. 399395 BCE], by Plato, is a dialogue that occurs in the weeks before the Trial of After claiming to know and be able to tell more astonishSocrates (399 BCE), for which Socrates and Euthyphro ing divine stories, Euthyphro spends little time and eort
attempt to establish a denitive meaning for the word defending the conventional, Greek view of the gods. Inpiety (holiness).[1]
stead, he is led to the true task at hand, as Socrates forces
him to confront his ignorance, by pressing Euthyphro for
a denition of piety; yet, Socrates nds aw with each
denition of piety proposed by Euthyphro.(6d .)
2 The argument
The argument of the Euthyphro dialogue is based on definition by division. Socrates goads Euthyphro to offer denitions of piety. The purpose of establishing
a clear denition is to provide a basis for Euthyphro
to teach Socrates the answer to the question: What is
piety? Ostensibly, the purpose of the dialogue is to provide Socrates with a denitive meaning of piety, with
which he can defend against the charge of impiety in the
In an example of Socratic irony, Socrates says that Euthyphro obviously has a clear understanding of what is pending trial.
pious ( to hosion) and impious ( to Socrates seeks a denition of piety that is a universal
anosion).[2] Because he is facing a formal charge of impi- (universally true), against which all actions can be meaety, Socrates expresses the hope to learn from Euthyphro, sured to determine whether or not the actions are pious.
all the better to defend himself in the trial.
That, to be universal, the denition of piety must exEuthyphro says that what lies behind the charge of impi- press the essence of the thing dened (piety), and be deety presented against Socrates, by Meletus and the others, ned in terms of genus, species, and the dierentiae.
is Socrates claim that he is subjected to a daimon, (divine
sign) which warns him of various courses of action. (3b)
From the perspective of some Athenians, Socrates expressed scepticism of the accounts about the Greek gods,
which he and Euthyphro briey discuss, before proceeding to the main argument of their dialogue: the denition
of piety. Moreover, Socrates further expresses critical
First denition
Second denition
Euthyphros second denition: Piety is what is pleasing to the gods. (6e-7a) Socrates applauds this denition,
because it is expressed in a general form, but criticizes
it saying that the gods disagree among themselves as to
what is pleasing. This means that a given action, disputed by the gods, would be both pious and impious at
the same time a logical impossibility. Euthyphro argues against Socrates criticism, by noting that not even
the gods would disagree, among themselves, that someone who kills without justication should be punished.
Yet Socrates argues that disputes would still arise over
Fourth denition
6 See also
Divine command theory
Euthyphro dilemma
Socratic dialogues
7 Notes
[1] a Greek given name meaning Right-minded, sincere";
entry in Liddell, Scott, & Jones, An EnglishGreek Lexicon .
[2] Stephanus page 5d: ,
[3] Cohen, S. Marc (1971). Socrates on the Denition of
Piety: Euthyphro 10A11B. Journal of the History of
Philosophy. 9: 4.
[4] John Burnet, Plato: Euthyphro, Apology of Socrates, Crito,
pp. 127-28
[5] Stephanus page 12d: .
Euthyphros response
8 References
R. E. Allen: Platos Euthyphro and the Earlier Theory of Forms. London 1970, ISBN 0-7100-6728-3.
9 External links
Full text (English and Greek) at Perseus
Translated by Woods & Pack, 2007
Bundled with Socrates Defense (aka Apology),
Crito, and the death scene from Phaedo
Final denition
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