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Denesting Fractions

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Simplifying Square Roots of

Square Roots by Denesting
David J. Je rey

The University of Western Ontario

D. Rich
Soft Warehouse, Inc.

Abstract: We discuss why it is important to try to simplify the square

root of an expression containing other square roots, and we give rules for
doing this when it is possible. The square root of an expression containing
nth roots is also considered brie y. This article, in addition to treating a
speci c mathematical topic, shows some of the steps that developers must
take when writing computer algebra systems.

4.1 Introduction

Numbers such as 2 and 3 5 are called surds 1 [Chrystal64, Hall88]. The more general
terms radical and algebraic number are also used, but surd is the most speci c. It is
a venerable term that has been revived for use in computer systems2 . Given positive
pnintegers n and k, the unique positive real root of the equation xn = k will be denoted
k and called a surd. Most books [Chrystal64, Hall88] allow k to be a positive rational
number, and there is no great di erence in principle if we accept that generalization;
in this article, however, all the examples use integers. Another p
point ofpvariation is
the treatment of perfect-power factors, i.e., whether one writes 8 or 2 2; here we
use whichever form is more convenient.
The term radical may be familiar to some readers from the common phrase `solvable
in terms of radicals', which is used whenever a textbook discusses the roots of a
polynomial [Dickson26]. A polynomial equation is solvable by radicals if `.. .its roots
can be found by rational
poperations and extractions of a root. . . ' [Dickson26]. Thus
a quantity such as 1 + 2 is a radical, but not a surd. Polynomials of degree less

Please do not tell us jokes about these numbers being ab surd.pWe have heard them all before.
The term surd is used by TEX as the name for the symbol ; Maple has a function called
surd that is similar to the nth root de ned here; like all good mathematical terms, the
precise de nition depends upon the context. In general, a mathematical term that does not
have several con icting de nitions is not important enough to be worth learning.

From Computer Algebra Systems: A Practical Guide, M.J. Wester, Ed., Wiley 1999.



than or equal to 4 are always solvable by radicals, and higher-degree polynomials are
sometimes solvable by radicals. An algebraic number is a root of some polynomial
with integer coecients, and in general will not be expressible as a radical, although
all radicals are special cases of algebraic numbers. The positive real solution of the
equation xn = r, where r is a positive radical, will here be called the nth root of r, and
will itself be a radical. The other familiar name for these types of numbers is (1=n)th
power, but this term will not be used because fractional powers are regarded by many
people as multivalued functions3 , and we want to work with uniquely de ned (and
named) quantities.
Our attention in this article is directedptopradicals
p consisting of the square root of an
expression containing surds, for example 2 + 3 . Such expressions are often called
nested radicals, although one could argue that strictly the word nested is redundant.
Such expressions can sometimes be simpli ed, but the rules for such simpli cations
are not discussed in standard books. Here are some examples of simpli cations. The
rst example shows that two square roots can sometimes be reduced to one:

3+2 2 = 1+ 2 :
Sometimes the number of square root operations remains unchanged, but people prefer
the format of the new expression:

5+2 6 = 2+ 3 :
This rearrangement of the square-root operations is usually called denesting. Here are
some more examples of square-root denesting.


5 3+6 2 =

27 + 4 12 ;
p p p


12 + 2 6 + 2 14 + 2 21 = 2 + 3 + 7 :
We do not restrict ourselves to taking the square root only of other square roots:


p p3

9+63 3+9 = 3+ 3 3 ;



5; 4 =



2 + 20 ; 25 :


4.2 Why denest square roots?

Discovering the relations given in the examples above is an interesting mathematical

challenge, but why should a computer algebra system (CAS) devote computing
resources to denesting problems? The rst reason is simplicity. Users of CAS, like all
mathematicians, prefer to see their results expressed in `simplest' form. Most people
would regard the right-hand sides of our examples above as being `simpler' than the
left-hand sides, although there might be some who would disagree. For example, in

The question \Are fractional powers multivalued?" is a standard basis for table assignments
at conference banquets.

From Computer Algebra Systems: A Practical Guide, M.J. Wester, Ed., Wiley 1999.



[Landau92b], reasons are given for preferring the left-hand side of (4.2). However, we
assume that in general users would want denesting to be discovered4 .
Another reason for denesting is reliable simpli cation. For both people and
computers, there is a danger that the result of a mathematical simpli cation will
q upon
p 2the order in which rules are applied. For example, the simpli cation
of (1 ; 2) can proceed two ways. The rst way is called `top-down' by those
who think of the expression as a tree, and `outside to middle' by thosepwho look
at the printed form. Following
one applies rst the rule x2 = jxj
q thispprocedure,
for any real x, and obtains (1 ; 2)2 = 2 ; 1. The other way
is `bottom-up' or
`middle outwards', in which one expands the square and obtains 3 ; 2 2. Without
denesting, the simpli cation will not proceed any further. Thus two people using the
same CAS to solve the same problem could arrive at apparently di erent answers, and
this is what we wish to avoid5.
A nal reason is a small improvement in the accuracy of the numerical evaluation
of some radical expressions. For example, the quantity

199999 ; 600 111110  0:00158

approximates to zero if 10 decimal digits of precision are used, and only
p at 15p digits
is the expression found to be nonzero; in contrast, the equivalent 100 10 ; 3 11111
approximates to 0:00158 using just 7 digits of precision.

4.3 Where do nested radicals arise?

Older algebra textbooks contain explicit problems on nested radicals, for example,
the books by Chrystal [Chrystal64] and Hall & Knight [Hall88], which are both 19th
century books (the 1964 date on the Chrystal citation is not indicative of the age of
the book, whose rst edition was published in 1886). Clearly, users could challenge
a computer system with problems from such books, but there are other sources of
problems. Even if users do not deliberately pose denesting problems, the problems
they do pose can generate subproblems that contain nested radicals.
Many problems in mathematics have solutions expressed as standard formulae.
For example, all students learn quite early in their studies the formula for solving
a quadratic equation; not surprisingly, it is programmed into most CAS. Consider
what happens when that formula is used for the problem
x2 + 6x ; 4 5 = 0 :
The standard formula gives

x = ;3  9 + 4 5 ;

Long after ordinary text was set mechanically, mathematical equations were still set by
hand. Long horizontal lines, as in large fractions or large roots, were troublesome for the
compositors, and authors of mathematics were encouraged to prefer forms that reduced
the need for such lines. Perhaps now that we have TEX to set these expressions easily, our
mathematical tastes with respect to simplicity will change also.
5 Not to mention all the phone calls to technical support.

From Computer Algebra Systems: A Practical Guide, M.J. Wester, Ed., Wiley 1999.



but in fact the quadratic can be factored as (x + 1 ; 5)(x + 5 + 5). Therefore the
general formula is correct, but does not directly give the simplest result in this special
case. The problem is an interesting one to try on humans, as well as computer systems.
Now consider the formula, valid for real a; b with b > a2,

1 arctan p2x + a :
4x + 4ax + b
2 b ; a2
b ; a2


If we substitute a = 2 and b = 7 + 2 2, we nd that (4.7) becomes


p dx = p 1 p arctan p2x + 2p :
4x + 8x + 7 + 2 2
2 3+2 2
3+2 2

As example (4.1) shows, however, the nested radicals on the right-hand

side can be
simpli ed. Of course, for most values of a and b, the term b ; a2 must remain
unsimpli ed.

4.4 Developing algorithms

In the next section, we shall give algorithms for simplifying nested radicals, but it is
worthwhile rst to make a few general comments. Every description of an algorithm
should specify the class of problems to which it applies, which in turn requires that we
decide which problems we are going to tackle. As a rule of thumb, the more general
our class of problems, the larger and slower our algorithm is likely to be. In general,
system developers identify the most frequently occurring cases and concentrate rst
on them.
The simpli cation of radicals has been the subject of several recent studies
[Landau92b, Landau92a, Zippel85], but these studies have taken general approaches
to the problem, with the algorithms they derive being correspondingly lengthy. Here
we consider algorithms of restricted applicability, handling only commonly occurring
cases, and gain brevity at the price of generality. Speci cally, the algorithms given
here do not address example (4.6) above.
A second component in the speci cation of an algorithm is the form the answer will
take. In this context, we observe that approximating a nested radical as a decimal
fraction is certainly a type of simpli cation, but not one in which we are interested.
The possibility that di erent mathematicians will de ne simpli cation di erently was
pointed out above, and that will certainly in uence the form in which a simpli cation
is sought. Here we shall take it that we aim to reduce the level of nesting, that we
require exact results and that the result will also be expressed as a radical.

4.5 The algorithms

We begin with a short treatment of a simple case, and then proceed to the main case,
which requires a longer study.
From Computer Algebra Systems: A Practical Guide, M.J. Wester, Ed., Wiley 1999.



4.5.1 Square root of a three-term sum

Equation (4.5) can be generalized to the pattern


a2  2ab + b2 = ja  bj ;
where either a or b is a surd other than a square root (i.e., so that the corresponding
squared term is still a surd). The obvious starting point for detecting this pattern is
the fact that there are 3 terms under the square root, although it must be realised
that, in general, we shall not
p know
p3 the order
p3 in which
p3 the terms appear. For example,
in the case of the problem 4 + 81 + 4 9 = 2+ 9 , the
p rstpterm under
p the
p square
root corresponds to a2 . However, in the similar looking 6 + 3 81 + 3 9 = 3 3 + 3 9 ,
the rst term corresponds to p2ab.
So the question is: given X + Y + Z , do there exist a and b such that X , Y ,
Z correspond in some order to a2 , b2 and 2ab? We can suppose that the problem
has been formulated in such a way that we know that X + Y + Z > 0. One might
think of analysing the structure of the 3 terms, but this could be a lengthy operation
for a CAS. A quicker way to proceed is to notice that if X = a2 and Y = b2 , then
4XY = p4a2 b2 = (2pab) 2 = Z 2 . So the system can test 4XY ; Z 2 for zero, and then
return X + sgn Z Y . The signum function takes care of the  possibility, and the
absolute-value signs take care of the possibility that Y > X . In the same way, we can
test 4XZ ; Y 2 and 4Y Z ; X 2 . Some nal things to notice about this procedure are
the simplicity of the failure condition | we give up if all test quantities are nonzero
| and the fact that there is no obvious path to generalize it to encompass a wider
class of problems.
4.5.2 Square root of square roots

Examples (4.1)|(4.3) show that an important pattern to consider is

p p
X +Y = A+ B :
We need to nd A; B in terms of X; Y , and we need the circumstances in which the
right-hand side is simpler than the left. Squaring both sides gives us
X + Y = A + B + 2 AB :
One way to satisfy this equation is to set X = A + B and Y 2 = 4AB . Now if (4.9) is
valid, then it should also be true that
p p
X ;Y = A; B :
p 2 2
Multiplying (4.9) and (4.11) gives X ; Y = A ; B . Having expressions for A + B
and A ; B , we can derive expressions for A and B in terms of X and Y , and hence
discover the following theorem.
Theorem: Let X; Y 2 R with X > Y > 0, then
X  Y = 12 X + 21 X 2 ; Y 2  12 X ; 12 X 2 ; Y 2 :

From Computer Algebra Systems: A Practical Guide, M.J. Wester, Ed., Wiley 1999.



We call this the square-root-nesting equation.

p Some numerical experiments will show
how it can be useful.pIf X = 3 and Y = 8, then (4.12) reproduces example (4.1),
because in this case X 2 ; Y 2 = p
1. Example (4.2)
p similarly. pExample
p is obtained
(4.3) is a little di erent. Now, X = 75 and Y = 72, giving X 2 ; Y 2 = 3. This
is a rational multiple of X , and hence the rst term on the right of (4.12) becomes
q p
p qp p
X + 12 X 2 ; Y 2 = 52 3 + 12 3 = 3 3 = 4 27 :
The other term is similar and we still have a denesting.
Thepcommon feature in these examples is the reduction of each of the expressions
X  X 2 ; Y 2 to a single term, or in other words to a non-sum. This, then, is a
condition for (4.12) to be a simpli cation. An algorithm based on (4.12) works by
assigning X and Y and then computing the terms on the right side of the equation,
accepting them as a simpli cation if the square roots simplify to non-sums. We shall
call this method 1.
We now turn to example (4.4). A little
p dexterity pallows usp to use (4.12) again. We
group the terms so that X = 12 + 2 6 and Y = 2 14 + 2 21. The terms in (4.12)
now become
p q
X  X 2 ; Y 2 = 12 + 2 6  28 ; 8 6 :
Thispmay notp seempto be leading to a simpli cation, but using method 1 above, we
see 28 ; 8 6 = 2 6 ; 2. Therefore,
X + pX 2 ; Y 2 = 10 + 4 6 ;
X ; X 2 ; Y 2 = 14 :
So with these simpli cations, equation (4.12) becomes
p p
p p
12 + 2 6 + 2 14 + 2 21 = 5 + 2 6 + 7 :
This is already a simpli cation, but additionally the rst term on the right-hand side
is example (4.2) and can be simpli ed further. Therefore we nally reproduce (4.4).
The repeated use of method 1 we shall call method 2.
Why stop there? Consider an even bigger problem:
65 ; 6 35 ; 2 22 ; 6 55 + 2 77 ; 2 14 + 6 10 :
Assigning X = 65 ; 6 35 ; 2 22 and Y = ;6 55 + 2 77 ; 2 14 + 6 10, we can
use method 2 to simplify the critical factor.
X 2 ; Y 2 = ;468 35 + 156 22 ; 24 770 + 2869
= 39 ; 6 35 + 2 22 :
p p p p
Continued use of (4.12) simpli es (4.13) to 3 5 ; 7 ; 11 + 2. This is method 3.
Pursued further, this technique solves larger and larger problems.
These successes show that an algorithm is possible, but we must ask several more
questions before we attempt to implement it in a system. The most important one


From Computer Algebra Systems: A Practical Guide, M.J. Wester, Ed., Wiley 1999.



is how the method fails. After all, the majority of nested surds do not denest, and
so any implementation must know when to give up. Answering this question turns
out to be as dicult as nding the successful part of the algorithm6. It might seem
frustrating having to spend a lot of time deciding when the system will not succeed, but
this decidedly less glamorous activity is essential to the smooth
p operation
p of a CAS.
Consider, therefore,
p an example slightly altered from (4.1): 4 + 2 2. Substituting
X = 4 and Y = 2 2 into (4.12) gives

4+2 2= 2+ 2+ 2; 2 :
Observe that, on the right, there are two expressions, each as complicated as the one
on the left, and therefore the process fails and no more denesting is possible.
Moving up one level of diculty, we alter (4.4) and see what happens. Consider



12 + 2 6 + 2 14 + 2 20 :

We assign X = 12 + 2 6 and Y = 2 14 + 2 20, and nd

X 2 ; Y 2 = 32 ; 16 70 + 48 6 :
Thus we have expressed a square root of 4 terms in terms of 2 square roots of 3 terms,
and trying to simplify these leads to square roots of 2 terms, which do not simplify.
So we have replaced one ugly expression with one ugly set of expressions, and so the
procedure fails.
So we now have an idea of when there is no simpli cation, but we can also ask
whether we would ever miss a simpli cation. For method 2, we must break a sum up
into two groups, and it may be that the wrong grouping will miss a denesting. To
check this possibility, we consider
(a + b + c)2 = a2 + b2 + c2 + 2ab + 2bc + 2ca :
If a; b; c are all square-root surds, then a2 + b2 + c2 is an integer and we set
X = a2 + b2 + c2 + 2ab. Further, by the symmetry of the expression, it will not
matter how we divide up the four terms, because one part of the division always
contains the a2 + b2 + c2 part together with one of the terms 2ab, 2bc, 2ca, and the
other part always contains the rest. Thus, we never miss.
For larger problems, however, the ordering does become important. For the case
(a + b + c + d)2 = a2 + b2 + c2 + d2 + 2ab + 2ac + 2ad + 2bc + 2bd + 2cd ;
only the division X = a2 + b2 + c2 + d2 + 2ab + 2cd leads to successfully discovering
the denesting. In this case, the algorithm is guaranteed to succeed only if the system
invests the resources to analyse the structure of the expression. If the expression is
blindly split into two, then the method will sometimes succeed by the luck of the
ordering, but otherwise fail.

Since we used dexterity to get the algorithm to succeed, we need sinisterity to nd examples
for which it fails.

From Computer Algebra Systems: A Practical Guide, M.J. Wester, Ed., Wiley 1999.



4.6 Types of implementation

The rst aim of this article has been to describe the mathematical basis of some
algorithms used in CAS, but there is a second aim, which is to give a avour of the
ways in which algorithms are implemented in CAS. To this end, we shall write out
some implementations in a pseudocode. This code is not in the language of any system
we know; it is just a way of setting down the steps one would follow.
Let us now consider di erent ways in which a developer might implement the rules
we have seen above. As a rst cut, we notice that each type of example has a di erent
number of terms under the square root. We might therefore use this fact to select
between methods 1|3 in section 4.5.2.
Assume that our system has a function that counts the number of terms in a sum,
called TermsInSum. Some code for a function that returns a simpli cation, or else fails,
is given below using this approach.
Check that Expression is made up of surds.
Let T=TermsInSum(Expression)
T=1 then
Extract the root if possible, else FAIL
else if T=3 then
Follow method for square-root of 3 terms;
X=first term; Y=second term; Z=third term;
is any of 4XY-Z^2, 4XZ-Y^2, 4YZ-X^2 zero?
Yes: compute appropriate expression else FAIL.
else if T=2 then
Follow method 1.
X=first term; Y=second term;
is X^2-Y^2 a non-sum?
Yes: compute square root, else FAIL.
Is X+sqrt(X^2-Y^2) a non-sum, and
X-sqrt(X^2-Y^2) a non-sum?
Yes: compute the two square roots, else FAIL.
else if T=4 then
Follow method 2.
X=first 2 terms; Y=remaining terms;
Compute TEMP=X^2-Y^2.
Does TermsInSum(TEMP)=2 ?
Yes: Let U=first term in TEMP; V=remaining term.
Is U^2-V^2 a non-sum? Yes: complete method else FAIL.
else if T=7 then
Follow method 3.
Order terms; select 2 corresponding to 2ab and 2cd;
Assign X, Y; continue as described in the text.
else FAIL.

This very explicit code would not be attractive to many current computer algebra
system developers. In particular, it is very speci c and tied to the examples that we
From Computer Algebra Systems: A Practical Guide, M.J. Wester, Ed., Wiley 1999.



have so far explored. Therefore, adding new cases must be done explicitly, and the code
has little hope of working for examples slightly di erent from those it was designed
for. For example, if this code were implemented and a user challenged the system with
an example the developer had not considered, like

5 + 2 6 + 5 7 + 2 4 700 + 2 4 1575 = 2 + 3 + 4 175 ;

then there is no hope that the system could surprise the programmer by rising to
the occasion, because the square root contains 5 terms, and that case is not treated7 .
As users report problems that the system `cannot do', the developer is faced with
constantly revisiting the code. This will always happen to some extent, of course, but
it is particularly inevitable with this style of programming.
The above code also contains coding that repeats itself. This suggests that a more
exible approach will be a recursive one, meaning one in which the routine will be
structured to call itself. The diculty with a recursive approach is that we must be
very careful to have a way of stopping it8. We want to abandon the process whenever
it looks as though we are no longer making progress. The easiest way to do this is to
have a numerical measure of the degree of nesting of a radical, and stop the recursion
whenever this measure increases.

4.7 A measure of the degree of nesting of a radical

We now describe the function that is used to control the recursive denesting of radicals.
One measure of the nesting of a radical is given in [Landau92b]; the one given here is
similar in spirit. Suppose we have a radical x. We wish to associate with it an integer
N (x) that is its nesting level. Our rules are:
4.7.1 If x is a number

A number here means an integer, but more generally it includes rational numbers also.
(More abstractly, a member of the base number eld.) For a number x, set N (x) = 1.
Some measures of nesting start counting at 0, but the starting point is arbitrary. Any
unde ned symbols are also given N = 1.
4.7.2 If x is an nth root of something

n y , with n > 1, then we assign N ( p

n y) = 1 + N (y). This is the
If x has the form p
fundamental feature that we wish to capture with our measure, so if we think of the
radical being built up from other
p radicals, then every time we take another root we
increase the measure. Thus N ( 2)p = 1 + N (2) = 2. Notice that the size of n is not
used. Therefore the simpli cation
p 4p= 2 is visible to this measure (N decreases from
2 to 1), but the simpli cation 4 4 = 2 is not, because only the strength of the root is

As a case in point, we were agreeably surprised ourselves when Derive succeeded on this
8 A system experiencing uncontrolled recursion is said to su er from recussion | a special
form of concussion. Its name reminds us that the developer often starts cussin' all over again.

From Computer Algebra Systems: A Practical Guide, M.J. Wester, Ed., Wiley 1999.



reduced. This is acceptable, since nesting is what we are trying to measure, but other
applications might require a measure in which n is included somehow.
4.7.3 If x is a product


From the point of view p

of nesting, 2 3 is no more complicated than
p n y6.=More
pp a.
generally, given radicals m x and pn y , there are integers a; p such that m x p
Clearly the right-hand side counts as a single nesting, sopit would

p inconsistent
consider the left side as being more nested. Now consider 2 2 + 2 . The second
factor is the one that will attract our attention and dictate the degree of nestedness
of the whole expression, and so the rule is N (xy) = max(N (x); N (y)).
4.7.4 If x is a sum

Consider the example 2 + 8 = 3 2. The right-hand side is preferable, and so any

measure should give a bonus
for a reduction in the number of terms. Now consider
p p p q p p
x = 4 + 2 + 2 + 2 + 2 + 2. To simplify this expression, we must give
separate attention to each term; if in addition we can combine terms, so much the
better. Therefore our measure adds together the degrees of nestedness of the separate
terms. This can be written as follows. A sum of radicals is split into two groups, a and
b. Then N (a + b) = N (a) + N (b).
4.7.5 Examples

Let us apply these rules to our examples above. For example (4.1), the left side is


3 + 2 2 = 1 + N 3 + 2 2 = 1 + N (3) + N

2 = 1+1+2= 4 :

The right side has N = 3, so there is a de nite simpli cation by this measure. For
example (4.2), both sides have N = 4, and as mentioned, most users would then choose
the denested expression. In (4.3), the left side has N = 5, while the right has N = 4
because the 4th roots do not change the value of N . This result supports the choices
made in designing N , because if 4th roots had been penalised relative to square roots,
then the right side could easily have obtained the higher score.

4.8 Recursive simpli cation

Once we have the function N , we can use it in applying the square-root-nesting
equation (4.12). Again resorting to a pseudocode for the implementation, we write
Compute n=N(E)
Split E^2 into X and Y.
Compute T=X^2-Y^2
If N(T) > n then FAIL.
Simplify P=X+SQRT(T)

From Computer Algebra Systems: A Practical Guide, M.J. Wester, Ed., Wiley 1999.



If N(P) > n then FAIL.

Simplify Q=X-SQRT(T)
If N(Q) > n then FAIL.
Return SQRT(P/2)+SIGN(Y)*SQRT(Q/2)

Notice the advantage of recursion: this code covers all cases. However, it does not
include any attempt to sort the expression before splitting, and so will miss some
Now let us step through the code using example (4.4). Since we shall make several
trips through the Recursive-Sqrt-Simplify routine, we must distinguish the same
variable names in di erent calls. We do this by adding subscripts to each variable
name. Thus we start with the expression

p p
E1 = 12 + 2 6 + 2 14 + 2 21 :
The rst
is to compute n1 = N (E1 ) = 8. Then we split: X1 = 12 + 2 6 and
p step p
Y1 = 2 14 + 2 21. Now compute
T1 = 28 ; 8 6 and N (T1 ) = 3 < n1 :
The reduction in nesting allows the calculation to continue to the computation of P1 .
p q
P1 = 12 + 2 6 + 28 ; 8 6 :
This expression must now be simpli ed. When P1 is passed to the simpli er, it will see
the nested root contained in P1 and call Recursive-Sqrt-Simplify. The following
computation will now take place.
The intermediate quantities in this trip through Recursive-Sqrt-Simplify will be
subscripted with 2.
E2 = 28 ; 8 6 and n2 = N (E2 ) = 4 :
Now splitting, we get X2 = 28 and Y2 = ;8 6, giving T2 = 400 and N (T2 ) = 1. Since
the nesting is reducing, the process continues.
P2 = 28 + p400 = 48 and N (P2) = 1 < n2 ;
Q2 = 28 ; 400 = 8 and N (Q2 ) = 1 < n2 :
So this second run through Recursive-Sqrt-Simplify returns 24 ; 2.
That was all to simplify P1 at the rst level, so now we return to that level and
p p
P1 = 12 + 2 6 + 24 ; 2 = 10 + 4 6 and N (P1 ) = 3  n1 = 8 :
Using the simpli cationpof Tp
1 already found, we can compute Q1 = 14 and hence
the procedure returns 5 + 2 6 + 7. Since this expression is di erent from the
starting one, the system will return this to the main simpli cation routine,
p which
p will
restart p
from the
6 and
p p p
2+ 3+ 7. Again the nal expression has changed, but this time when the process
restarts, there is nothing to simplify, so it stops.

From Computer Algebra Systems: A Practical Guide, M.J. Wester, Ed., Wiley 1999.



4.9 Testing

All CAS developers have test suites that they run their systems on. These suites must
contain problems for which the system is expected to obtain the correct simpli cation,
and problems for which the system should correctly nd no simpli cation. Derive has
one such suite speci cally for denesting problems. It contains all the examples given
in this chapter and many others. We challenge readers to use their dexterity and
sinisterity to invent some interesting examples to add to our suite. As a starting
point, a speci c case for which we have not given an example is a square root in which
the ordering of the terms is important to the denesting.
An ideal test suite will have at least one example to activate each path through the
algorithms of the system. As this simple denesting code illustrates, there are always
many places where quantities are tested and execution paths switched. Compiling
a thorough test suite even for this small part of a complete system is lengthy and
dicult, so it is no wonder that over many years of use, users nd examples that
activate previously unexercised paths in the code. The test suites of all the CAS
contain many examples contributed, often inadvertently, by (we hope temporarily)
disgruntled users.

From Computer Algebra Systems: A Practical Guide, M.J. Wester, Ed., Wiley 1999.

[Chrystal64] G. Chrystal (1964) Algebra, volumes I and II. Chelsea Publishing
Company, New York, 7th edition.
[Dickson26] L. E. Dickson (1926) Algebraic theories. Dover, New York.
[Hall88] H. S. Hall and S. R. Knight (1888) Higher Algebra. MacMillan, London, 2nd
[Landau92a] Susan Landau (1992) A Note on Zippel Denesting. Journal of Symbolic
Computation 13: 41{45.
[Landau92b] Susan Landau (1992) Simpli cation of Nested Radicals. SIAM Journal
on Computing 21: 85{110.
[Zippel85] R. Zippel (1985) Simpli cation of Expressions involving Radicals. Journal
of Symbolic Computation 1: 189{210.

From Computer Algebra Systems: A Practical Guide, M.J. Wester, Ed., Wiley 1999.

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