Foreign Particle Guideline
Foreign Particle Guideline
Foreign Particle Guideline
Guidance on Handling of
Insoluble Matter and Foreign
Particles in APIs
Version 01
June 2015
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This document represents voluntary guidance for API manufacturers and their customers,
and the contents should not be interpreted as regulatory requirements. Alternative
approaches than those described here may also be used.
The CEFIC* Sector Group APIC (the Active Pharmaceutical Ingredients Committee) was
founded in 1992 as a direct consequence of the rapidly increasing European regulatory
requirements affecting the manufacture of Active Pharmaceutical Ingredients (APIs).
APIC represents producers of APIs and API intermediates in Europe. Its membership
consists of more than 60 companies, located all over Europe, and of several national industry
associations. For around 2/3 of its members, selling APIs and intermediates is their major
business while ca. 1/3 of the members are primarily marketing final medicinal products.
APICs focus is on worldwide Quality, Good Manufacturing Practice (GMP) and Regulatory
matters relating to APIs and intermediates. Through the years APIC has developed into a
high-profile industry association with an excellent, worldwide reputation.
APIC has already developed a series of guidance documents and position papers (see ). This document offers best industry practice and guidance for
appropriate controls for the unavoidable presence of minute amounts of particles in APIs.
The guideline highlights potential factors to minimize patient risk within reasonable limits.
If you have any comments or suggestions for further improvement please contact the APIC
Secretary at:
Active Pharmaceutical Ingredients Committee (APIC)
Av. E. Van Nieuwenhuyse 4 / box 2
B - 1160 Brussels
Tel: +32 2 676 72 02 or +32 2 676 72 44
Fax: + 32 2 676 73 59
E-mail : or
* CEFIC (the European Chemical Industry Council): The Brussels-based organisation that represents the
European Chemical Industry
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Table of contents
1. Acknowledgements
2. Introduction and Purpose
2.1 Purpose
2.2 Background
3. Scope
4. Definitions of Particles
4.1 Particles in final APIs
4.2 Particles in API intermediates
4.3 Particles in Raw Materials (including packaging materials) for APIs
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1. Acknowledgements
This document was drawn up by a group of experts within CEFIC / APIC. We cordially
thank them for their hard work and efforts spent as well as for their kind cooperation,
intensive discussions and fruitful comments:
Ulrich Fechtel
Merck KGaA
Rainer Fendt
Shahar Mozes
Hermann Mller-Btticher
Dirk Overrdder
Luisa Paulo
Hovione FarmaCiencia SA
Matthias Wenzel
Bob Johnson
Lonza Ltd
Neil Mold
MacFarlane Smith
Jens Woeltinger
Evonik Industries AG
Chris Oates
Paulo Castro
Hovione FarmaCiencia SA
We like to express our sincere gratitude to IPEC (the International Pharmaceutical Excipients
Council) for its kind permission to consider the Technically Unavoidable Particle Profile
Guide, 2013 [see Referencea] in the development of this APIC guideline].
We also like to thank anybody else who has, as a quality or regulatory professional from
pharmaceutical industry or as member of any industry association, given valuable input to the
generation of this document.
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This document intends to provide guidance to the API/intermediate industry, API users, API
customers, suppliers of raw materials and other stakeholders for a standard approach towards
the establishment of acceptable limits for the presence of particles, and guidance on
appropriate investigation of any deviations from these limits in Active Pharmaceutical
Ingredients (APIs) and API Intermediates.
It is obvious that a detailed guidance document will provide the following benefits to the
industry and to Health Authorities:
Provide a basis for a common understanding regarding the presence of particles in
Provide current scientific, process, analytical, equipment and engineering knowledge,
and proven good practices, to minimize the presence and risk of particles in APIs;
Provide proven test methods and scientifically based acceptance criteria for particles
in APIs;
Share possible investigation tools to support the systematic and faster identification of
root cause, appropriate corrective/preventive actions and risk assessments to enable
the Quality Unit to make a solid GMP oriented final product disposition decision.
This guideline suggests the various measures and processes that could be applied to minimize
the presence of insoluble matter down to acceptable levels, to establish appropriate controls,
and therefore helps to ensure a more reliable supply chain.
This guidance assumes full compliance with relevant GMPs (e.g. good engineering,
maintenance, documentation practices).
Remark: Examples of current regulatory expectations include parenteral or ophthalmic drug product
applications, e.g. essentially free from visible particles e.g. USP <790>, practically free from particles (Ph.
Eur.), 2.9.20. Particulate contamination: visible particles
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The United States FD&C Act - Subchapter A - SEC.501.[351]b) states that a drug or device
shall be deemed to be adulterated (a)(1) if it consists in whole or in part of any filthy, putrid, or decomposed substance; or
(2)(A) if it has been prepared, packed, or held under insanitary conditions, whereby it may
have been contaminated with filth, or whereby it may have been rendered injurious to
(Remark: only the most relevant part of this subchapter has been copied from FD&C Act)
The presence of particles in API can be considered product adulteration if an absolute
interpretation of the FD and C Act is made. However, the regulation and its preamble
recognize that manufacturers cannot provide 100 % assurance that all active ingredients
manufactured will be free from one form of contamination or another. The preamble also
states the procedures must be designed to prevent contamination. This implies an
acknowledgement that procedures cannot fully guarantee contamination prevention.
Moreover, the preamble also states that the level of concern for contamination will be
dependent upon the final application of the drug product and the related risk to the patient.
The regulation therefore recognizes the fact that any contact between two different materials
results in some physico-chemical interaction, especially when mechanical force or other kind
of energy is applied (e.g. stirring, filtering, milling), but also requires that the degree of
interaction is minimized by equipment design and selection of materials of construction.
API manufacturers carefully select equipment construction and other materials for their
inertness / compatibility with process streams, and on the basis of safety characteristics (e.g.
food grade oils, plastics, packaging materials), because the presence of trace amounts of such
materials in an API can never be totally excluded, i.e. while not immediately apparent they
can be detected if sufficient analytical effort is applied.
Because of these selection criteria, the presence of trace amounts of such inherently safe
materials are process related and can hardly be considered as being filthy, putrid, or
decomposed substances.
To summarize: Such traces of equipment construction materials and process contact
materials in products (intermediates or APIs) are:
Minimized by selection of inherently safe materials with high (but not unlimited)
resistance against mechanical / chemical interaction with processed materials;
Controlled at the level of the API by means of a variety of non-specific tests during
routine QC testing which are generally able to detect visible particles in the parts per
million range.
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3. Scope
This guidance covers solid matter visible to the naked eye2 in APIs or API intermediates or
raw materials. The scope is mainly small molecule APIs that are manufactured by chemical
synthesis, or by extractions as covered by ICH Q7. Insoluble matter or particles (as a general
term) also includes larger particles or objects (e.g. pieces of plastic, bolts).
Out of scope are cross-contamination, chemical impurities, airborne or sub-visible particles,
heating/cooling agents, oil and other lubricants. This guidance is not applicable for
agglomerates of the product itself. This guidance does not cover biotechnological APIs (large
molecule) and excipients3. However, parts of this guidance document could also be applied
for other materials that are used in drug product manufacturing.
This guidance assumes that any particles are homogeneously distributed throughout a batch;
if there is any indication whatsoever that the particles may not be homogeneous an
investigation must be initiated.
4. Definitions of particles
In the production of final APIs a variety of types, sizes, and shapes of particles from multiple
origins can be observed by different analytical and inspection methods. The presence of these
particles should be appropriately controlled, and many API manufacturers have implemented
QC controls for particles in their products. Also visual examination at various points of the
API manufacturing process might be performed either in production or in the QC lab.
In the following the different types of particles are listed and explained.
Technically unavoidable particles should be seen as particles which do not harm the
health or safety of the final consumer. They should not affect the efficacy and quality
of the related Drug Product due to the (chemical) harmlessness of the material and /
or their mechanical attributes and low amount.
The technically unavoidable particles are intrinsic to the manufacturing process, the
production equipment and processing aids. The construction materials and equipment
were designed and intended to be in contact with the product/product solution.
Typically these materials are inert and compatible with the process and cleaning
conditions. Generally safe materials and appropriate equipment design with high (but
not unlimited) resistance against mechanical / chemical interaction with processed
materials should be selected to minimize the potential to release particles into the
The tolerable amount should not exceed predefined limits based on the presupposition
of homogeneously distributed small particles. These minute amounts originate from
normal wear and tear and not from equipment breakdown, damage, human error or
other non-equipment related issues. The predefined limits should be based on regular
process/equipment capabilities and documented risk assessments. If the results are
Minimum size that can be seen by naked eye is about 40 to 200 micro metres, see also section 6.2.2
See also Technically Unavoidable Particle Profile Guide 2013 [see Ref.b]]
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Particles in API intermediates
It is not general practice to determine and quantify the presence of particles during the
manufacture of API intermediates. However, a general visual appearance test is in most cases
performed as a regular QC test, or a visual examination is performed during operator
handling of an intermediate in production or in the QC laboratory. Therefore elevated or
abnormal (i.e. out-of-trend) presence of insoluble matter, e.g. generated by equipment failure
or other incidents, can be observed during QC testing or during manufacturing activities. Any
limits and controls for particles in API intermediate steps can be different from those at the
final API step if there are appropriate filtrations in subsequent process steps.
Measures should be in place to minimize the presence of particles in API intermediates,
unless it is intended to remove them in the downstream process. Abnormal presence of
particles in API intermediates might be an indication of equipment, process or operator
failure and an investigation should be initiated.
In principle the definitions for technically avoidable and atypical particles in API
intermediates are the same as described for APIs.
Other definition of fibers: Definition of fibers, evaluated by microscope: a countable fibre, as defined by
WHO (1996), is any particle that has a length > 5 um, a length:diameter ratio larger than 3:1 and a fibre
diameter < 3 um (often referred to as WHO fibres) Ref. c)
Also of interest: Ref d)
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Particles in raw materials (including packaging materials) for APIs
Suppliers for raw materials or packaging material should have measures in place to avoid
particles caused by equipment failures and/or other abnormal occurrences. The supplier
should have an appropriate maintenance and equipment checking program, and a system to
detect technical or other failure, and, if this was to occur, to bring the equipment back into
normal operation. It is also desirable to incorporate physical removal of potential particles,
such as filtration or sieving, into the later stages of the manufacturing process. Nevertheless,
equipment failure, human error, or the like, can lead to an increase in the presence of
particles in the raw material. The raw material supplier should always notify the API
manufacturer in the event of any incident in their manufacturing process that could lead to
the presence of particles in material supplied.
The supplier qualification program of the API manufacturer should emphasise these
expectations and perform proactive and regular communication to the suppliers to make them
aware of issues that might be caused by particles.
Raw materials for API manufacturing and packaging material for API packaging are in many
cases not specifically tested for foreign matter. However the standard checks appearance of
sample, shape and appearance" (integrity) of the packaging (secondary) and primary
packaging performed during incoming QC tests are likely to detect visible particles if
present. Especially, it is expected that raw materials do not contain particles in a size which
might damage process equipment (e.g. glass lined reactors, valves) in further manufacturing
activities. They should not contain any foreign matter that could be dissolved in the
downstream API chemical processing step(s). Raw materials and/or packaging materials
should not contain particles caused by insufficient plant hygiene (insects, other human or
animal matter, hairs etc.). In the event of any abnormal findings the API manufacturer should
initiate an investigation.
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Removal/detection methods
o In-line filters/sieves (e.g. bag filters, cartridge filters, monoplate filters, etc.)
o In-line detectors (e.g. metal detectors, magnets);
o Final polishing filtration;
o In-line separators (mainly used in continuous process and charging of raw
o Use of sampling and/or in process control tests whenever a higher risk is
Inspection methods
o Inspection of raw materials (including packaging), in-process, intermediates and
final product by:
Visual inspection, during processing and/or QC tests;
Filter testing;
Automated and/or computerized inspection techniques.
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The amount, shape and type of particles should not affect the potency, efficacy or safety of
the API. Particles are generally inert and biologically non active materials. Traces of
technically unavoidable particles are minimized by selection of inherently safe materials with
high (but not unlimited) resistance against mechanical / chemical interaction with processed
materials. Various compendial or pharmacopoeial tests might detect insoluble matter, and a
batch of API must pass all of these (e.g. appearance, appearance of solution, clarity of
solution, heavy metal test or residue on ignition). Also any other pharmacopoeial or ICH
requirements that are applicable for APIs must be fulfilled.
This chapter describes a number of QC tests that are used for particle determination in API
release testing. This list is not intended to be mandatory or exhaustive, i.e. there might be
other tests that are also suitable for the determination of particles in final APIs. The specific
test application and test execution frequency can be based on a risk assessment.
6.2.1 Appearance Test
Visual examination of a powder with a defined sample size. The typical sample size is
several grams. The test procedure should detail how the sample has to be examined (e.g. how
to spread out on paper).
Some details about the detectability by naked eye, preventative measures and sample size
that are described in the following chapters for the Filter Test do also apply in general for the
Appearance Test.
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The acceptable limits for particles should be based on the knowledge and history of regular
process and equipment performance. Any equipment, process or human failure can lead to
increased level of particles in the API. If there is no indication of such a failure and the
testing results of the API are within the predefined acceptable limits the batch can be
considered acceptable and there is no need to further investigate. Specific action and alert
limits might be applied to ensure that any evolving process and/or performance issues can be
detected and mitigated prior to exceeding the predefined action limits.
APIs are used for different drug product dosage forms. The limits for particles might also
take into account the route of administration, e.g.
Tablets, capsules for oral applications: minute amounts of particles pass the
gastrointestinal tract unchanged;
Solutions for parenteral, inhaler, ophthalmic applications: normally the solutions are
filtered by the drug product manufacturer via very small pore size. Minute amounts of
particles are generally removed by that filtration step. Related Drug Product (vials,
ampules, syringes, solutions) are tested for particulate matter during QC release
Inhalers (dry form): a tighter limit might be applicable due to this specific dosage
Justification: According to FDA Compliance Policy Guide (Ref. g)) for foods (ready-to-eat) that contain hard or
sharp particles 7 mm to 25 mm, in length should be considered adulterated within the meaning of 21 U.S.C.
342(a)(1). An upper limit of 1 mm fulfils this requirement for APIs that are used for an oral application of the
related drug product. APIs that are used for parenteral use are normally dissolved and filtered applying a sterile
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Limit for all particles less than 1 mm in size should be set based on normal process
Normal process performance should be defined by the individual API manufacturer
based on historical data.
Separate limits may be set for fibers, again based on normal process performance.
A limit between 10 and 100 ppm is proposed for the maximum amount of particles
A specific limit between 2 and 10 ppm is proposed for very small particles (e.g. <0.04 to 0.2
mm coming from charcoal treatment etc.) if applicable. 8
This is proposed as a general guidance based on normal process performance; all abnormal or
out of trend occurrences should be investigated.
This limit can be applied individually for the different sizes and specific weight of the
Since metal has a much higher density compared to other material separate limits for metals
and other particles can be applied.9
It is recommended to align the specification with API user /customer.
The following table provides an overview of typical materials used as construction materials
in API manufacturing plants (Ref.f)): these are average densities and can vary
Construction material
Rubber Stopper
Stainless steel
filtration step. The related drug product is tested for particulate matter (e.g. USP <788> Particulate matter in
Background: The acceptance criteria of 0.5 mm for metal particles is also often applied at drug product
manufacturers for in-line metal detectors/metal separators.
Justification for very small particles: see Ref.h); for inert particles >0,2 mm, as they are not dissolved and not
absorbed in the gastrointestinal gut: see Ref.i)
Justification: limit is based on experience and practicality of this test to detect about 2 ppm charcoal on a filter
with about 25 to 50 mm diameter
Remark: It is recognized that particles might only be identified as metals by applying specific analytical
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0.2-0.5 mm
0.5-1 mm
(In-)Process controls for intermediate process steps
(In)-process controls are intended to help detect particles during the manufacturing of the
API and at the same time identify the possible sources, thus allowing measures to be
implemented to minimize the presence of these particles.
The controls described in this chapter are examples that could be used by API manufacturers
as appropriate.
General conditions:
In process control points should be defined based on an assessment regarding
equipment, materials flow, process etc.;
Sampling: a sampling process has to be designed in a way that both the product as
well as the sample is not adulterated (clean containers, clean sampling devices,
control of the sampling environment etc.).
In process controls:
Sampling and inspection of the samples (by different techniques like filter test, visual
inspection, others);
Implementation of security sieves or filters and appropriate periodic review of these
devices during production (for presence of particles);
Installation of metal detectors and / or metal separators / permanent magnets
(applicable for ferromagnetic particles only) and appropriate periodic review of these
devices during production (for presence of metal particles);
Visual inspection of the product during handling e.g. charging & discharging;
Visual inspection of the equipment and utensils before and after use, including e.g.
integrity check of sieve screens;
Weighing and/or visual inspection of pieces of equipment before and after the process
(e.g. Gaskets, Teflon valves etc.);
Equipment clearance/counting/reconciliation of equipment parts.
Calculation example: 100 g sample: 10 ppm corresponds to 1 mg. 1 metal particle with density 8 g/dm 3 and
0.5 mm diameter of sphere: m= 4/3 r : 4/3 (0.00025m)3 8000kg/m3 = 5.24E-07 kg = 0.524 mg, i.e. 2 metal
particles correspond to 1 mg
Remark: Also alternative calculation models might be applied based on observed particle shapes, e.g. flakes,
rod-shaped particles
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7. Incident management
Equipment failure, human error, or the like, can lead to an increase in presence of insoluble
matter in an API above the defined limit. The following provides general guidance on what
actions a manufacturer must take in the event of an abnormal occurrence.
An investigation should be carried out in the event of particles being present in the API
product at levels above the established limits; also in the event of an abnormal occurrence
e.g. presence of particles in raw materials, intermediates, in process control samples. In the
event of an "out of trend" event (e.g. presence of abnormal coloured particles) an
investigation should also be carried out.
For raw materials (including packaging) and API intermediates particle testing is not
routinely required, however, if any abnormal findings occur during material handling,
cleaning, maintenance etc.
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Determination of identity of particles
Technologies that may be employed:
Scanning Electron Microscopy
Energy dispersive X-ray analysis
Infrared spectroscopy (including n attenuated total reflection technology)
elemental analysis
inductively coupled plasma optical emission spectrometry (ICP-OES)
comparison with specimen samples or databases
X-ray fluorescence spectroscopy
Particle counter for liquids and solids
Micro Raman
CAPA / course of action to avoid reoccurrence
Corrective actions and preventative actions must be defined and implemented to demonstrate
that the correct root cause has been identified and that the problem has been eliminated or
reduced to an acceptable tolerance level where applicable.
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removed, while maintaining the integrity of the product, a risk assessment should be
written to determine the impact and a path forward;
Particles may also be removed by further downstream processing when a filtration
step is already included or when a filtration step can be easily introduced without
altering the process (e.g. passing a liquid raw material or solvent over a filter before
charging to a vessel or reactor).An assessment should be performed to demonstrate
that the particles are inert (insoluble, not reactive, not additive) under the process
conditions of the proposed removal method (solvents, reagents, temperatures, pH,
While inertness and compatibility of these particles might not be an issue, there may
be a concern on secondary impact (e.g. damage to glass lined coating may expose
carbon steel of reactor wall to corrosive or abrasive product streams). Any potential
secondary impact should also be evaluated as part of technical assessment.
The insoluble matter might be removed in the Drug Product Formulation process.
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8. References
a) Technically Unavoidable Particle Profile Guide, IPEC 2013 Draft , permission
received on 10 Nov 2014 from Kim Beals, Executive Director, IPEC-Americas
b) United States FD&C Act - Subchapter A - SEC.501.[351] c) (WHO IARC
monograph volume 81), see page 61, also Glossary on page 379.
PRODUCTS IDENTIFICATION ACT); 303.7 Generic names and definitions for
manufactured fibers
AAPS PharmSciTech, Vol. 12, No. 1, March 2011f)
g) FDA. 1999. Foods - Adulteration Involving Hard or Sharp Foreign Objects.
ucm074554.htm, other references:
Lehman H. Glass and metal fragments in food and beverages. Quarterly Bull. Assoc.
Food and Drug Off. 1958, 22(1) 24-26
CPG Sec. 555.425 Foods. (2005). Adulteration Involving Hard or Sharp Foreign
h) Hussain N, Jaitley V, Florence AT. Recent advances in the understanding of uptake
of microparticulates across the gastrointestinal lymphatics. Adv Drug Deliv Rev
2001. 50(1/2):107-142
9. Glossary
Note: For all other GMP-relevant terms it is referred to the glossary of the ICH Q7 Guideline
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