The Portuguese Welcome The Pope and The Gays
The Portuguese Welcome The Pope and The Gays
The Portuguese Welcome The Pope and The Gays
Vol No CX No: 145 Welcome the Pope and the Gays
Goa, Saturday 5 June, 2010
portuguese temperament was at its ambivalent best during the recent visit of the pope, says Teotónio r De souza
It’s all about the
money, honey! T he folksy Portuguese tend to voice their
opinions loudly about everything under the
sun, and the more ignorant amongst them
go to the length of describing the move in terms
of 30 silver pieces that proved sufficient to sell
Jesus to his killers, but implied it in many words
I t’s no longer a sport; it’s a business. The Board for Control are generally the loudest. By and large, it is a that questioned the incongruity between personal
of Cricket in India’s (BCCI’s) decision not to send a team people that boil in very little water (ferve em convictions and political gains, usually presented
to the Asian Games in Guangzhou, China, later this year pouca água) but bear no malice. As they call it, it by politicians as national needs.
is all “de boca para fora”. This is generally accepted What Portugal is also expectantly looking for-
is in many ways a logical extension of the financial scandals by the Portuguese themselves as their national ward to is the winding up of the 10 year-long
that have engulfed the body that is supposed to be in trait of má lingua (love of gossip), to which could paedophilia scandal that opened the millennium.
charge of India’s most successful sport. Officially, the BCCI’s be added the other trait, of mutual jealousy. The public feeling is that the guilty with high po-
excuse is that the Asian Games clashes with the New Zealand The Portuguese chronicler of Discoveries and litical connections will get away lightly, perhaps
tour of India. It says the tour is vital for India to retain its author of the classic Decades of Asia João de with tough-sounding admonitions not very dif-
No: 1 rank among test-playing nations and that it therefore Barros has recorded his characterisation of the ferent from those one hears these days from Mon-
cannot afford to field a second-string side against the Kiwis. Portuguese, who suffer more with the well-being signor Scicluna, threatening the paedophile priests
According to the BCCI, the Olympic Council of Asia (OCA) of others than with their own misfortunes. It can with fires of hell. Much depends on who believes
has already made it clear that it will not accept a second be relished better in his original version: “Ao por- in the existence of Hell. Even if all believed, it
string side from India in the Asian Games. Therefore, it tuguês mais dói o bem do outro do que o mal would not justify sending the judges on permanent
says, it has had to choose… próprio.” holidays.
But note the choice. The Asian Games offers honour and On 13 May, like on most of those monthly un- The Vatican has already come under fire from
a medal, but no money. The New Zealand tour, on the other lucky dates, sizeable crowds of Portuguese rushed gay groups for linking homosexuality with pae-
to Our Lady of Fatima to seek solutions for the dophilia. But in Portugal at least, the legalisation
hand, fits perfectly into the BCCI’s ongoing financial arrange-
crises that their politicians generally contribute of gay weddings and soft-pedalling on the pae-
ments. In short, the BCCI has chosen cash over country. There to aggravate the existing ones. So it has been dophilia scandal have coincided in time. But Por-
are other cricket-playing countries in the sub-continent. There ever since the birth of the first Portuguese Re- tugal has a long history of sodomites and
too, cricket is a moneyspinner. However, both Sri Lanka and public, which this year completes 100 years, half ‘fanchonos’ that fills heaps of documentation of
Pakistan will send teams for the Asian Games. So will minnows of these spent under Salazar’s dictatorial regime the Portuguese Inquisition archives. Luiz Mott, a
Bangladesh. India, alone, will not. of doubtful republicanism. renowned anthropologist of Brazil, has published
If recent events are any indication, the BCCI is a giant mon- But even the first Republic, like its ground extensively on this aspect of Portuguese history.
eyspinning machine, and nearly all its top officials seem to
have their hands in the till. After the shenanigans of former
model – the French Revolution and Jacobinism –
proclaimed Liberty, Fraternity and Equality with hisToricAl explorATions But long before, it was the subject of two novels
of Abel Botelho, one of those who designed the
IPL supremo Lalit Modi, yesterday’s newspapers reported a generous dose of high-handed legislative meas- memorate 400 years of the conquest of Goa, with On his arrival, the Pope praised the historic republican flag of Portugal. In his two novels, O
that companies in which BCCI President Sharad Pawar has a ures and use of a variety of pressures, without a solemn and extraordinary exposition of the and glorious role Portugal played in the missionary Barão de Lavos and O Livro de Alda, he pointed
significant stake had bid for the Pune IPL franchise; a clear having to resort to the French expertise of the relics St Francis Xavier in December 1910. expansion worldwide since the 16th century. St to the intensity of male and female homosexuality
conflict of interest. All professional sport bodies do operate guillotine. It is just like saying that Goans were In the last month of May, the Portuguese put John de Britto’s link with India was not forgotten! in Portugal as a national pathology.
like businesses, but most do not lose sight of the fact that converted to Christianity with no use of force. up yet another show of the volatility of their emo- The Pope expressed his desire to see Portugal The evil consequences of the separation of
Admirers of the enlightened despot the Marquis tions and their compulsive desire to cut a figure continuing its mission in Europe and the world males and females in a small population of Portugal
basically, they are running a sport and not a business. de Pombal, the republican free-masons, erected at the time of the Voyages of Discoveries appear
of an advanced and modern people. The Por- today, where he saw God being replaced with al-
Here, the BCCI seems to have comprehensively lost its for him an eye-filling statue in the middle of the tuguese masses are easily carried by their elite ternatives that led people nowhere. Such an en- described in the Autos, the celebrated dramatic
way. It appears as though there is no control over income, capital city of Lisbon. They too resented the gentry in the mimicry of modernism. The Por- comium won over the Portuguese soul during performances of Gil Vicente. But it is in the Autos
expenditure and receipts. No one is accountable. And every- clerical influence upon the popular masses, which tuguese are not unaware of this national trait, the rest of the visit. da Fé and death penalties of the Iberian inquisi-
body makes money. they preferred to see bullied by their own ‘en- for which they have coined the saying: “Para o The pious demeanour of President Cavaco and tions that we see the scale and the tragic fate of
Look at other sports. Football is played by around 150 lightened’ ways. ingles ver!” Which means: “to impress the English”. his wife, who assiduously accompanied the Pope those involved in ‘pecado nefando’ (monstrous
countries, compared to the eight that play cricket. A Football Fatima was a Church response to the republican Following the unfavourable publicity that Pope in all his major engagements, certainly meant sin, sodomy).
high-handedness that sought to delink the state Benedict XVI received throughout Europe, includ- much as a sign of national welcome, even though The secret prisons of the Inquisition were spe-
World Cup is a real global event. In comparison, a Cricket
from the church. The republican free-masons were ing Portugal, alleging that he was responsible for a few days later the same President signed into cially reserved for these. The Inquisition records
World Cup is a small club of just over half a dozen countries not very coherent or consistent in their policies. of the sodomites cover all sections of Portuguese
leniency towards clerical paedophiles, the overall law a bill that legalised gay marriages. The con-
pretending to be ‘the world’. But most countries still make For instance, they did not renounce Portugal’s society, not excluding the religious and clerics of
evaluation of the Pope’s visit to Portugal was un- stitutional procedures left no alternative to his
sure to field a football team for the Olympics. Clubs release Padroado claims overseas, particularly in India. expectedly very positive, without a shade of the approval, but his subdued comments were dictated all ages and hierarchical levels.
players that they pay lakhs of dollars a week to do national The anti-clerical republicans did not want to virulence that was in air before the visit. Several by a political strategy that could guarantee his By way of conclusion, it would be too facile to
duty. That shows honour and patriotism. On the contrary, lose the church links for their political influence factors may have contributed to this ‘miracle’ re-election as President for a second term. attribute the scandal of priestly paedophilia solely
the BCCI wants to see the cash first… overseas. They even confirmed the budget that that transformed the public image of the Pope, The Cardinal Patriarch of Lisbon was quick to to the clerical celibacy. The cultural ambiance
Tennis is another huge moneyspinner. Top tennis players was worked out under the monarchy to com- who came as pilgrim to Fatima. react, and voiced his disappointment. He did not certainly has its responsibilities.
make millions of dollars a year. Yet, most take time off to
He lost to the then top player in the world − Andre Agassi ay God defend me from friends; I can defend myself from been ditched by his friends. Indeed, with friends like these who true friends from trouble makers, because the latter are like wolves
− in the semi-final. my enemies, wrote Voltaire. The other day, I happened to needs enemies? True friends are a joy to behold, more precious in sheep’s clothing. One way to test true friendship is in money
Even those who make much more money than our cricketers come across a poem written by an undertrial who is still than diamonds and pearls. The Bible says: “Greater love has no matters. “The holy passion of friendship is so sweet and steady
have the pride and humility to represent their countries, behind bars. The poem, titled: ‘Parents Love – The Ultimate’ says: man than this, that a man lay down his life for his friend.” (John and loyal and enduring in nature that it will last through a lifetime
even where only honour and a medal are forthcoming. What “Why do children sometimes decide 15:13) But true friends are hard to come by. If you happen to have if not asked to lend money,” wrote Mark Twain.
differentiates the BCCI is its greed! Everything bad that they do, from parents they hide one, see that you do not lose him/her at any cost. How important friendship is over money will determine how
One finds it hard to believe that the likes of Sachin Tendulkar In all these things, they take extreme pride We seldom give much thought to friendship. “A true friend is true a friend really is. Happy are those who have found a true
would be averse to playing for an Asian Games medal. In No rules or regulations they intend to abide the most precious of all possessions and the one we take the least friend. Cherish a loyal friend. See that the friendship is not lost.
fact, former India captain Anil Kumble has said he is disap- Friends and girls sitting by their side thought about acquiring,” wrote La Rochefoucauld. But there is Stick to it with for dear life. You may not find another in your
Careless, high speeding, motorbikes they wish to ride also a dark side to friendship. This is the type of friends one should lifetime.
pointed with the BCCI’s decision not to send teams to the Posing like heroes and dons, they wait by the roadside guard against. They are a blot to the fair name of friendship. They Indeed, your parents are your first friends; your best friends.
Asian Games in China. Obviously, a number of top players do No parents but friends they want as guides are your side when everything is rosy and fine, but when trouble They are the type of friends who will be by your side in good
not share the BCCI’s exclusive obsession with lucre. But does Friends they will always be by their side arrives they desert you like rats on a sinking ship. times, as well as hold your hand when you are in trouble. A true
it care for players’ feelings? Not often do they realise, when down popularity glides Some so-called friends are even worse than deserters. They are and loyal friend is the only one who compares with parents. Even
Let us not forget here, that the Asian Games is a competition Fast friends disappear with the high tide the cause of the trouble you are in. They take sadistic pleasure in if the whole world puts you down, or snubs you, it is your parents
India participates in as a country. If the BCCI will not send Whether blunders like suicide or homicide putting you into deep trouble. These are the types of people one who will always be your true friends. So, the next time your best
teams, it is depriving the country of potential medals. Does Only parents always remain by their side.” should not touch even with a bargepole. friend ditches you, go give your parents a big hug. They will never
it really have that right? By the tone and tenor of the poem, it appears that the chap has It is very difficult to separate the wheat from the chaff – to tell let you down, come what may.