Stock Splits
Stock Splits
Stock Splits
prices rise almost right after they have gone down due to the splits. Also, the split indicates
that the price of the stock have been rising drastically and will continue to do so in the future
as well, pushing the demand and price in turn.
But one should not ignore the fundamentals of the company in the process of blindly
following the buy pattern. They must keep an eye on the proportionate growth in the bottom
line of the company before investing their hard-earned money in such stocks.
V Guard: Right ahead of its stock split, V Guard share price hit a record high. On 31st
August 2016, the company divided its one equity share of Rs 10 in to ten shares of re.
1 each.
Maruti Suzuki: Maruti share price has seen a jump of nearly fivefold in past four
years. The company is considering the stock split requested by the shareholders as the
stock has become inaccessible to many because of the price hike. In past three years,
Maruti has appreciated to a magnificent 302%, surpassing both the Nifty and the
Bajaj Finance: On 26th July, the board of Bajaj Finance approved the stock split of
one equity share of face value of Rs. 10 in to the five shares of face value Rs. 2 each.
The company also declared a bonus of one share for every share held of face value Rs.
2. Bajaj Finance share price zoomed over 12% on the trade same day. The company
completed its split on 12th September.
JMT Auto: JMT Auto share price gained after the company announced 22nd
September as the date for the split. The company split its share in two for one ratio.
Other than these big names, KPR Mills announced its stock split and went trading at a new
high. Capri Global share price rallied 16% on the announcement of the split. And these are
just a few names from the long list of 45 companies that have planned of indulging into the
stock split this financial year.
The investment advice or guidance provided by way of recommendations, reports or other ways are solely the personal views of the
research team. Users are advised to use the data for the purpose of information and rely on their own judgment while making
investment decision.
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Article Written by
Tanaya Nath