Paragraph Writing Theory
Paragraph Writing Theory
Paragraph Writing Theory
a well-focused topic sentence
unied, speci c supporting details (de nitions, examples, explanations,
or other
transitions and repetition that show how the ideas are related
Topic sentence
A topic sentence may suggest the order in which details are discussed in
the paragraph,
Supporting sentences
paragraph also should be of a reasonable length, neither too short nor too long.
paragraphs look skimpy and are often underdeveloped; long paragraphs are
for your reader to follow.
In a uni ed paragraph, all of the sentences directly support the topic sentence.
Including details that are not relevant to the topic sentence makes your
paragraph unclear
and distracts your reader from the point you are making. To identify irrelevant
evaluate each sentence by asking the following questions.
1. Does this sentence directly explain the topic sentence? What new
does it add?
2. Would any essential information be lost if this sentence were deleted? (If
not, delete it.)
3. Is this information distracting or unimportant? (If so, delete it.)
every grim, violent detail. (6) The other day, there was a drive-by shooting
(7) If the media were a little more careful about the ways in which they
violence, there might be less violence in the world today and children would be
inuenced by it.
Although sentences 4 and 6 deal with the broad topic of violence, neither is
directly related to the idea of the media promoting violence the main point
stated in the topic sentence. Both should be deleted.
Exercise 7.3
Working alone or in a group of two or three students, read the following
paragraph and identify
the sentences that do not support the topic sentence. The topic sentence is
1. (a) Today many options and services for the elderly are available that did
exist years ago. (b) My grandmother is eighty-ve years old now. (c) Adult care
for the elderly is now provided in many parts of the country. (d) Similar to day
care, adult care provides places where the elderly can go for meals and social
activities. (e) Retirement homes for the elderly, where they can live fairly
independently with minimal supervision, are another option. (f) My grandfather
is also
among the elderly at eighty-two. (g) Even many nursing homes have changed
that residents are afforded some level of privacy and independence while their
needs are being met.
become addictive. For example, some students on campus are obsessed with
their email several times throughout the day. They spend their free time talking
to email
acquaintances across the country, while ignoring interesting people right in the
room. Because computer interaction is not face to face, email and instant
addicts are shortchanging themselves of real human contact. There is
something to be
said for responding not only to a persons words but to their expressions,
gestures, and
tone of voice.
These two versions of the paragraph differ in the degree to which the ideas are
developed. The rst paragraph has skeletal ideas that support the topic
but those ideas are not explained. For example, the rst paragraph does not
explain why email and instant messaging are important or provide any
evidence of
how or why email can be addictive. Notice that the second paragraph explains
email and instant messaging allow for fast and ef cient communication and
further information about the addictive qualities of email. The second
also explains the qualities of face-to-face interaction that are absent from
To discover if your paragraphs are well developed, begin by considering your
audience. Have you given them enough information to make your ideas
and believable? Try reading your paragraph aloud, or ask a friend to do so.
Listen for
places where you jump quickly from one idea to another without explaining the
idea. To nd supporting evidence for a topic sentence, use a prewriting
strategy from
Chapter 4. Also, the same types of evidence shown in the table on page 105 to
a thesis can be used to develop a paragraph. You may need to do some
research to nd
this evidence.
4. The interlibrary loan system is a fast and convenient method for obtaining
materials from libraries af liated with the campus library.
5. Southwest Floridas rapid population growth poses a serious threat to its
Exercise 7.5
Create a well-developed paragraph by adding details to the following
Although it is convenient, online shopping is a different experience than
shopping in an actual
store. You dont get the same opportunity to see and feel objects. Also, you can
miss out on other
important information. There is much that you miss. If you enjoy shopping, turn
off your computer and
support your local merchants.
Effective Paragraphs Provide Speci c
Supporting Details
The evidence you provide to support your topic sentences should be concrete
and speci c. Speci c details interest your readers and make your meaning
clear and forceful.
Compare the following two examples.
Many people are confused about the difference between a psychologist and
a psychiatrist. Both have a license, but a psychiatrist has more education than
psychologist. Also, a psychiatrist can prescribe medication.
Many people are confused about the difference between psychiatrists and
following paragraph to make it speci c and concrete. Feel free to add new
information and
new sentences.
I saw a great concert the other night in Dallas. Two groups were performing.
The music was
great, and there was a large crowd. In fact, the crowd was so enthusiastic that
the second group
performed one hour longer than scheduled.
MCW_7654X_07_Ch07.indd 148 1/5/09 3:4Details Are Arranged Logically
The details in a paragraph should follow a logical order to make them easier to
follow. You might arrange the details from most to least (or least to most)
important, in
chronological order, or in spatial order. Refer to Chapter 6, pages 118121, for
information on each of these arrangements.
Essay in Progress 2
For the draft you worked with in Essay in Progress 1 on page 144, evaluate the
details you used in each paragraph. Revise to make each paragraph uni ed,
and logically organized. Make sure you have provided concrete, speci c
Using Transitions and Repetition
All of the details in a paragraph must t together and function as a connected
of information. When a paragraph has coherence, its ideas ow smoothly,
readers to follow its progression with ease. Using one of the methods of
discussed earlier in this chapter can help you show the connections among
details and
ideas. Two other useful devices for linking details are transitions between
and repetition of key terms.
Coherent Paragraphs Include Transitional Expressions
Transitions are words, phrases, or clauses that lead your reader from one idea
to another. Think of transitional expressions as guideposts, or signals, of what
is coming
next in a paragraph. Some commonly used transitions are shown in the box on
page 150,
grouped according to the type of connections they show.
In the two examples that follow, notice that the rst paragraph is disjointed
choppy because it lacks transitions, whereas the revised version is easier to
Most lms are structured much like a short story. The lm begins with an
scene that captures the audiences attention. The writers build up tension,
preparing for
the climax of the story. They complicate the situation by revealing other
elements of
the plot, perhaps by introducing a surprise or additional characters. They
introduce a
problem. It will be solved either for the betterment or to the detriment of the
and the situation. A resolution brings the lm to a close.
Most lms are structured much like a short story. The lm begins with an
scene that captures the audiences attention. Gradually, the writers build up
preparing for the climax of the story. Soon after the rst scene, they
complicate the
situation by revealing other elements of the plot, perhaps by introducing a
surprise or
additional characters. Next, they introduce a problem. Eventually, the problem
will be
solved either for the betterment or to the detriment of the characters and the
Finally, a resolution brings the lm to a close.
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Essay in Progress 3
For the draft you worked with in Essay in Progress 2 on page 149, evaluate your
use of
transitions within each paragraph, adding them where needed to make the
among your ideas clearer.
Type of Connection Transitions
Logical Connections
Items in a series then, rst, second, next, another, furthermore, nally,
as well as
Illustration for instance, for example, namely, that is
Result or cause consequently, therefore, so, hence, thus, then,
as a result
Restatement in other words, that is, in simpler terms
Summary or conclusion nally, in conclusion, to sum up, all in all, evidently,
Similarity/agreement similarly, likewise, in the same way
taking last semester. The course required a community service project, and I
chose literacy
volunteers simply as a means of ful lling a course requirement. Now I realize
that working as
a literacy volunteer taught me more about learning and friendship than I ever
When I rst went through the training program to become a literacy volunteer,
I learned
about the process of learning -- that is, the way in which people learn new
words most effectively. To illustrate this concept, the person who trained me
wrote a brief list of simple words
on the left side of a chalkboard and wrote phrases using the same words on the
right side of
the chalkboard. She instructed us to read the words and then asked which
words we would be
most likely to remember. We all said the words on the right because they made
more sense. In
other words, we could remember the words in the phrases more easily because
they made more
sense in context. The trainer showed us several more examples of words in
context so we could
get a grasp of how people learn new information by connecting it to what they
already know.
The training I received, though excellent, was no substitute for working with a
real student,
however. When I began to discover what other peoples lives are like because
they cannot read,
I realized the true importance of reading. For example, when I had my rst
tutoring session with
my client, Marie, a forty-four-year-old single mother of three, I found out she
walked two miles
to the nearest grocery store twice a week because she didnt know which bus
to take. When I told
her I would get her a bus schedule, she con ded to me that it would not help
because she could
not read it and therefore wouldnt know which bus to take. She also said she
had dif culty once
she got to the grocery store because she couldnt always remember what she
needed. Since she
did not know words, she could not write out a grocery list. Also, she identi ed
items by sight, so
if the manufacturer changed a label, she could not recognize it as the product
she wanted.
As we worked together, learning how to read built Maries self-con dence,
which gave her
an incentive to continue in her studies. She began to make rapid progress and
was even able
to take the bus to the grocery store. After this successful trip, she reported how
she felt. Eventually, she began helping her youngest son, Mark, a shy rst
grader, with his
reading. She sat with him before he went to sleep, and together they would
read bedtime stories. When his eyes became wide with excitement as she read,
her pride swelled, and she began
MCW_7654X_07_Ch07.indd 151 1/5/09 3:4152 CHAPTER 7 | WRi T ing Eff
to see how her own hard work in learning to read paid off. As she described this
I swelled with pride as well. I found that helping Marie to build her selfcondence was more
rewarding than anything I had ever done before.
As time went by, Marie and I developed a friendship that became permanent.
we saw each other several times a week, we spent a lot of time getting to know
each other,
and we discovered we had certain things in common. For instance, Im also a
single parent.
So we began to share our similar experiences with each other. In fact, we have
even baby-sat
for each others children. I would drop my children off at her house while I
taught an evening
adult class, and in return, I watched her children while she worked on Saturday
As a literacy volunteer, I learned a great deal about learning, teaching, and
helping others. I also established what I hope will be a lifelong friendship. In
fact, I may have beneted
more from the experience than Marie did.
1. Highlight each of the topic sentences in the body of the essay (between the
introduction and the conclusion). Evaluate how well each supports the thesis.
2. What type(s) of evidence does Ferguson use to support each topic sentence?
3. What method(s) does Ferguson use to logically arrange her details within
4. Highlight transitions that Ferguson uses to connect her ideas, both within
between paragraphs.
students Write
Chapters 46 show Christine Lees progress in planning and drafting an essay
reality television. Below you can see her rst draft paragraph (also included in
Chapter 6 as part of her rst draft essay, p. 132) and her revision to strengthen
Fi r s t Dr aFt Pa r a g r aPh
Big Brother started as the rst of the reality TV spinoffs but audiences didnt
the same things to respond to. It has never been a success because they took
the basic
concept of Survivor and added nothing new or interesting to it. Big Brother
locked a
bunch of people up together in a house and forced the audience to watch them
over nothing. Viewers were forced to watch bored contestants bicker and ght,
up in a house with nothing else to do. It didnt seem the kind of competition
Survivor was, even though there was a cash prize on the line. The cash prize
large enough anyways. We didnt choose favorites because the players werent
up against
anything, except ghting off weeks of boredom. Big Brother introduced
participation with the television audience voting off members, which actually
gave the house members less to do and less motive to scheme and plot their
like the castaways on Survivor. Voting members off was an arbitrary and
process. But Big Brother had the prize component, and it took away the
access to the outside world.
(p. 134). Return to this essay now and examine Stapless use and placement of
sentences. As you read, highlight each topic sentence and study how each is
with concrete, specic details.
| WoRking Wi TH T ExT 15