Itl Paper
Itl Paper
Itl Paper
At its heart are the WTO agreements, negotiated and signed by the bulk of
the worlds trading nations. These documents provide the legal ground rules
for international commerce. They are essentially contracts, binding
governments to keep their trade policies within agreed limits. Although
negotiated and signed by governments, the goal is to help producers of
goods and services, exporters, and importers conduct their business, while
allowing governments to meet social and environmental objectives.
The WTO agreements cover goods, services and intellectual property. They
spell out the principles of liberalization, and the permitted exceptions. They
include individual countries commitments to lower customs tariffs and other
trade barriers, and to open and keep open services markets. They set
procedures for settling disputes. These agreements are not static; they are
renegotiated from time to time and new agreements can be added to the
package. Many are now being negotiated under the Doha Development
Agenda, launched by WTO trade ministers in Doha, Qatar, in November
Implementation and monitoring
Dispute settlement
The WTOs procedure for resolving trade quarrels under the Dispute
Settlement Understanding is vital for enforcing the rules and therefore for
ensuring that trade flows smoothly. Countries bring disputes to the WTO if
they think their rights under the agreements are being infringed. Judgements
by specially appointed independent experts are based on interpretations of
the agreements and individual countries commitments.
A country should not discriminate between its trading partners and it should
not discriminate between its own and foreign products, services or nationals.
The WTO agreements are lengthy and complex because they are legal texts
covering a wide range of activities. But a number of simple, fundamental
principles run throughout all of these documents. These principles are the
foundation of the multilateral trading system.
More open
Lowering trade barriers is one of the most obvious ways of encouraging
trade; these barriers include customs duties (or tariffs) and measures such as
import bans or quotas that restrict quantities selectively.
Predictable and transparent
Foreign companies, investors and governments should be confident that
trade barriers should not be raised arbitrarily. With stability and
predictability, investment is encouraged, jobs are created and consumers can
fully enjoy the benefits of competition choice and lower prices.
More competitive
Discouraging unfair practices, such as export subsidies and dumping
products at below cost to gain market share; the issues are complex, and the
rules try to establish what is fair or unfair, and how governments can
respond, in particular by charging additional import duties calculated to
compensate for damage caused by unfair trade.
More beneficial for less developed countries
Giving them more time to adjust, greater flexibility and special privileges;
over three-quarters of WTO members are developing countries and countries
in transition to market economies. The WTO agreements give them
transition periods to adjust to the more unfamiliar and, perhaps, difficult
WTO provisions.
Protect the environment
The WTOs agreements permit members to take measures to protect not
only the environment but also public health, animal health and plant health.
However, these measures must be applied in the same way to both national
and foreign businesses. In other words, members must not use
environmental protection measures as a means of disguising protectionist
The World Trade Organization the WTO is the international
organization whose primary purpose is to open trade for the benefit of all.
The WTO provides a forum for negotiating agreements aimed at reducing
obstacles to international trade and ensuring a level playing field for all, thus
contributing to economic growth and development. The WTO also provides a
legal and institutional framework for the implementation and monitoring of
these agreements, as well as for settling disputes arising from their
interpretation and application. The current body of trade agreements
comprising the WTO consists of 16 different multilateral agreements (to
which all WTO members are parties) and two different plurilateral
agreements (to which only some WTO members are parties).
Over the past 60 years, the WTO, which was established in 1995, and its
predecessor organization the GATT have helped to create a strong and
prosperous international trading system, thereby contributing to
unprecedented global economic growth. The WTO currently has 162
members, of which 117 are developing countries or separate customs
territories. WTO activities are supported by a Secretariat of some 700 staff,
led by the WTO Director-General. The Secretariat is located in Geneva,
Switzerland, and has an annual budget of approximately CHF 200 million
($180 million, 130 million). The three official languages of the WTO are
English, French and Spanish.
Decisions in the WTO are generally taken by consensus of the entire
membership. The highest institutional body is the Ministerial Conference,
which meets roughly every two years. A General Council conducts the
organization's business in the intervals between Ministerial Conferences.
Both of these bodies comprise all members. Specialised subsidiary bodies
(Councils, Committees, Sub-committees), also comprising all members,
administer and monitor the implementation by members of the various WTO
More specifically, the WTO's main activities are:
negotiating the reduction or elimination of obstacles to trade
(import tariffs, other barriers to trade) and agreeing on rules governing
the conduct of international trade (e.g. antidumping, subsidies, product
standards, etc.)
administering and monitoring the application of the WTO's agreed
rules for trade in goods, trade in services, and trade-related intellectual
property rights
monitoring and reviewing the trade policies of our members, as well
as ensuring transparency of regional and bilateral trade agreements
settling disputes among our members regarding the interpretation
and application of the agreements
building capacity of developing country government officials in
international trade matters
assisting the process of accession of some 30 countries who are not
yet members of the organization
measures. The last round the 1986-94 Uruguay Round led to the WTOs
The negotiations did not end there. Some continued after the end of the
Uruguay Round. In February 1997 agreement was reached on
telecommunications services, with 69 governments agreeing to wide-ranging
liberalization measures that went beyond those agreed in the Uruguay
In the same year 40 governments successfully concluded negotiations for
tariff-free trade in information technology products, and 70 members
concluded a financial services deal covering more than 95% of trade in
banking, insurance, securities and financial information.
In 2000, new talks started on agriculture and services. These have now been
incorporated into a broader agenda launched at the fourth WTO Ministerial
Conference in Doha, Qatar, in November 2001.
The work programme, the Doha Development Agenda (DDA), adds
negotiations and other work on non-agricultural tariffs, trade and
environment, WTO rules such as anti-dumping and subsidies, investment,
competition policy, trade facilitation, transparency in government
procurement, intellectual property, and a range of issues raised by
developing countries as difficulties they face in implementing the present
WTO agreements.
The deadline for the negotiations is 1 January 2005.
The WTOs overriding objective is to help trade flow smoothly, freely, fairly
and predictably.
It does this by:
How can you ensure that trade is as fair as possible, and as free as is
practical? By negotiating rules and abiding by them.
The WTOs rules the agreements are the result of negotiations between
the members. The current set were the outcome of the 198694 Uruguay
Round negotiations which included a major revision of the original General
Agreement on Tariffs and Trade (GATT).
The WTO has about 160 members, accounting for about 95% of world trade.
Around 25 others are negotiating membership.
Decisions are made by the entire membership. This is typically by consensus.
A majority vote is also possible but it has never been used in the WTO, and
was extremely rare under the WTOs predecessor, GATT. The WTOs
agreements have been ratified in all members parliaments.
The WTOs top level decision-making body is the Ministerial
Conferencewhich meets at least once every two years.
Below this is the General Council (normally ambassadors and heads of
delegation in Geneva, but sometimes officials sent from members capitals)
which meets several times a year in the Geneva headquarters. The General
Council also meets as the Trade Policy Review Body and the Dispute
Settlement Body.
At the next level, the Goods Council, Services Council and Intellectual
Property (TRIPS) Council report to the General Council.
Numerous specialized committees, working groups and working partiesdeal
with the individual agreements and other areas such as the environment,
development, membership applications and regional trade agreements.
GATT is now the WTOs principal rule-book for trade in goods. The Uruguay
Round also created new rules for dealing with trade in services, relevant
aspects of intellectual property, dispute settlement, and trade policy reviews.
The complete set runs to some 30,000 pages consisting of about 30
agreements and separate commitments (called schedules) made by
individual members in specific areas such as lower customs duty rates and
services market-opening.
Through these agreements, WTO members operate a non-discriminatory
trading system that spells out their rights and their obligations. Each country
receives guarantees that its exports will be treated fairly and consistently in
other countries markets. Each promises to do the same for imports into its
own market. The system also gives developing countries some flexibility in
implementing their commitments.
disputes to the WTO if they think their rights under the agreements are being
infringed. Judgements by specially-appointed independent experts are based
on interpretations of the agreements and individual countries commitments.
The system encourages countries to settle their differences through
consultation. Failing that, they can follow a carefully mapped out, stage-bystage procedure that includes the possibility of a ruling by a panel of experts,
and the chance to appeal the ruling on legal grounds. Confidence in the
system is borne out by the number of cases brought to the WTO around
300 cases in eight years compared to the 300 disputes dealt with during the
entire life of GATT (194794).
The WTO Secretariat, based in Geneva, has around 640 staff and is headed
by a director-general. Its annual budget is roughly 197 million Swiss francs. It
does not have branch offices outside Geneva. Since decisions are taken by
the members themselves, the Secretariat does not have the decision-making
role that other
bureaucracies are
The Secretariats
main duties are to
supply technical support for the various councils and committees and the
ministerial conferences, to provide technical assistance for developing
countries, to analyze world trade, and to explain WTO affairs to the public
and media.
The Secretariat also provides some forms of legal assistance in the dispute
settlement process and advises governments wishing to become members of
the WTO.
Developing countries
Brunei Darussalam then joined on 7 January 1984, Viet Nam on 28 July 1995,
Lao PDR and Myanmar on 23 July 1997, and Cambodia on 30 April 1999,
among themselves.
In their relations with one another, the ASEAN Member States have adopted
the following fundamental principles, as contained in the Treaty of Amity and
The right of every State to lead its national existence free from
external interference, subversion or coercion;
justice and the rule of law in the relationship among countries of the
The ASEAN Vision 2020, adopted by the ASEAN Leaders on the 30th
It also codifies ASEAN norms, rules and values; sets clear targets for ASEAN;
and presents accountability and compliance.
At the 9th ASEAN Summit in 2003, the ASEAN Leaders resolved that an
ASEAN Community shall be established.
At the 12th ASEAN Summit in January 2007, the Leaders affirmed their strong
With the entry into force of the ASEAN Charter, ASEAN will henceforth
operate under a new legal framework and establish a number of new organs
to boost its community-building process.
In effect, the ASEAN Charter has become a legally binding agreement among
Cultural Community. Each pillar has its own Blueprint, and, together with
the Initiative for ASEAN Integration (IAI) Strategic Framework and IAI Work
Plan Phase II (2009-2015), they form the Roadmap for an ASEAN Community
Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) was born. The five Foreign Ministers who
the idea of forming another organization for regional cooperation with Adam
Malik. Malik agreed without hesitation but asked for time to talk with his
government and also to normalize relations with Malaysia now that the
confrontation was over. Meanwhile, the Thai Foreign Office prepared a draft
charter of the new institution. Within a few months, everything was ready. I
today. And the document that they signed would be known as the ASEAN
therefore invited the two former members of the Association for Southeast
Asia (ASA), Malaysia and the Philippines, and Indonesia, a key member, to a
meeting in Bangkok. In addition, Singapore sent S. Rajaratnam, then Foreign
Minister, to see me about joining the new set-up. Although the new
organization was planned to comprise only the ASA members plus Indonesia,
Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) and spelled out the aims and purposes of
that Association. These aims and purposes were about cooperation in the
And so in early August 1967, the five Foreign Ministers spent four days in the
economic, social, cultural, technical, educational and other fields, and in the
relative isolation of a beach resort in Bang Saen, a coastal town less than a
promotion of regional peace and stability through abiding respect for justice
and the rule of law and adherence to the principles of the United Nations
all States in the Southeast Asian region subscribing to its aims, principles and
process: each man brought into the deliberations a historical and political
perspective that had no resemblance to that of any of the others. But with
goodwill and good humor, as often as they huddled at the negotiating table,
cooperation and, through joint efforts and sacrifices, secure for their peoples
they finessed their way through their differences as they lined up their shots
on the golf course and traded wisecracks on one anothers game, a style of
deliberation which would eventually become the ASEAN ministerial tradition.
Now, with the rigors of negotiations and the informalities of Bang Saen
countries that the moment for regional cooperation had come or the future
behind them, with their signatures neatly attached to the ASEAN Declaration,
of the region would remain uncertain. Recalls one of the two surviving
also known as the Bangkok Declaration, it was time for some formalities. The
first to speak was the Philippine Secretary of Foreign Affairs, Narciso Ramos,
General Soeharto that was steering Indonesia from the verge of economic
diplomats. He was then 66 years old and his only son, the future President
and political chaos. He was the Presidiums point man in Indonesias efforts
Fidel V. Ramos, was serving with the Philippine Civic Action Group in
confrontation. During the past year, he said, the Ministers had all worked
preceded the signing of the Declaration that truly taxed the goodwill, the
together toward the realization of the ASEAN idea, making haste slowly, in
the audience of diplomats, officials and media people who had witnessed the
developing into a region which can stand on its own feet, strong enough to
signing ceremony that a great sense of urgency had prompted the Ministers
defend itself against any negative influence from outside the region. Such a
to go through all that trouble. He spoke darkly of the forces that were
vision, he stressed, was not wishful thinking, if the countries of the region
pursuing its own limited objectives and dissipating its meager resources in
the overlapping or even conflicting endeavors of sister states carry the seeds
of weakness in their incapacity for growth and their self-perpetuating
for whatever happens to them, according to Tun Abdul Razak, the Deputy
marshal the still untapped potentials of this rich region through more
vision of an ASEAN that would include all the countries of Southeast Asia.
Tun Abdul Razak was then concurrently his countrys Minister of Defence and
When it was his turn to speak, Adam Malik, Presidium Minister for Political
Affairs and Minister for Foreign Affairs of Indonesia, recalled that about a
stressed that the countries of the region should recognize that unless they
ASEAN with his Malaysian and Thai counterparts. One of the angry young
men in his countrys struggle for independence two decades earlier, Adam
Malik was then 50 years old and one of a Presidium of five led by then
fraught with danger and tension. And unless they took decisive and collective
anybody. And here he used a term that would have an ominous ring even
today: balkanization. In Southeast Asia, as in Europe and any part of the
We the nations and peoples of Southeast Asia, Tun Abdul Razak said, must
get together and form by ourselves a new perspective and a new framework
for our region. It is important that individually and jointly we should create a
deep awareness that we cannot survive for long as independent but isolated
peoples unless we also think and act together and unless we prove by deeds
Southeast Asia, and better economic and social conditions, will welcome
small countries getting together to pool their collective resources and their
of friendship and goodwill and imbued with our own ideals and aspirations
and determined to shape our own destiny. He added that, with the
establishment of ASEAN, we have taken a firm and a bold step on that road.
The goal of ASEAN, then, is to create, not to destroy. This, the Foreign
Minister of Thailand, Thanat Khoman, stressed when it was his turn to speak.
At a time when the Vietnam conflict was raging and American forces seemed
Singapore who, at that time, served as its first Foreign Minister, noted that
two decades of nationalist fervor had not fulfilled the expectations of the
from the area and had accordingly applied himself to adjusting Thailands
people of Southeast Asia for better living standards. If ASEAN would succeed,
foreign policy to a reality that would only become apparent more than half a
he said, then its members would have to marry national thinking with
decade later. He must have had that in mind when, on that occasion, he said
regional thinking.
that the countries of Southeast Asia had no choice but to adjust to the
exigencies of the time, to move toward closer cooperation and even
We must now think at two levels, Rajaratnam said. We must think not
only of our national interests but posit them against regional interests: that is
society that will be responsive to the needs of our time and efficiently
a new way of thinking about our problems. And these are two different
equipped to bring about, for the enjoyment and the material as well as
things and sometimes they can conflict. Secondly, we must also accept the
fact, if we are really serious about it, that regional existence means painful
Particularly what millions of men and women in our part of the world want is
to erase the old and obsolete concept of domination and subjection of the
must make these painful and difficult adjustments. If we are not going to do
past and replace it with the new spirit of give and take, of equality and
partnership. More than anything else, they want to be master of their own
to intra-ASEAN disputes, for soon the Philippines and Malaysia would have a
house and to enjoy the inherent right to decide their own destiny
falling out on the issue of sovereignty over Sabah. Many disputes between
ASEAN countries persist to this day. But all Member Countries are deeply
their freedom and sovereignty, he said, they must first free themselves from
spirit of mutual accommodation. Every dispute would have its proper season
but it would not be allowed to get in the way of the task at hand. And at that
time, the essential task was to lay the framework of regional dialogue and
cooperating with those who have the same aspirations, these objectives
The two-page Bangkok Declaration not only contains the rationale for the
will join us later and the generations to come, can be proud. Let it be for
material resources and indeed for the whole ancient continent of Asia, the
agreements. All the founding member states and the newer members have
light of happiness and well-being that will shine over the uncounted millions
stood fast to the spirit of the Bangkok Declaration. Over the years, ASEAN
Asia and the 1995 Treaty on the Southeast Asia Nuclear Weapon-Free Zone.
Against the backdrop of conflict in the then Indochina, the Founding Fathers
had the foresight of building a community of and for all Southeast Asian
by His Excellency Adam Malik to the ASEAN organization, the name of which
open for participation to all States in the Southeast Asian region subscribing
to the aforementioned aims, principles and purposes. ASEANs inclusive
And that was how ASEAN was conceived, given a name, and born. It had
outlook has paved the way for community-building not only in Southeast
been barely 14 months since Thanat Khoman brought up the ASEAN idea in
Asia, but also in the broader Asia Pacific region where several other inter-
three more weeks, Indonesia would fully restore diplomatic relations with
Malaysia, and soon after that with Singapore. That was by no means the end
The original ASEAN logo presented five brown sheaves of rice stalks, one for
each founding member. Beneath the sheaves is the legend ASEAN in blue.
These are set on a field of yellow encircled by a blue border. Brown stands
for strength and stability, yellow for prosperity and blue for the spirit of
cordiality in which ASEAN affairs are conducted. When ASEAN celebrated its
30th Anniversary in 1997, the sheaves on the logo had increased to ten
representing all ten countries of Southeast Asia and reflecting the colors of
the flags of all of them. In a very real sense, ASEAN and Southeast Asia would
then be one and the same, just as the Founding Fathers had envisioned.
This article is based on the first chapter of ASEAN at 30, a publication of the
Association of Southeast Asian Nations in commemoration of its 30th
Anniversary on 8 August 1997, written by Jamil Maidan Flores and Jun Abad.
trade treaty which the Philippines has entered since the Parity Right
Environmentalists cry foul over this provision, stating that various laws are
Constitution alone, it is imperative that the State promotes the people's right
to health (Article II, Section 15), and right to a balanced and healthful ecology
(Article II, Section 16). Other laws that may be violated include Republic Act
No. 6969 (Toxic Substance and Hazardous and Nuclear Waste Act of 1990)
which prohibits the entry of hazardous wastes into and their disposal within
the country for whatever purpose, and Republic Act No. 4653 (An Act to
Safeguard the Health of the People and Maintain the Dignity of the Nation by
Declaring it a National Policy to Prohibit the Commercial Importation of
Textile Articles Commonly Known as Used Clothing and Rags) wherein worn
clothing and other worn articles, used or new rags, scrap twine, cordage,
rope and cables and worn out articles of twine, cordage, rope or cables, of
textile materials are also prohibited from being imported into the Philippines.
Aside from local laws, one international treaty is also said to be a direct
contradiction to the JPEPA. The Basel Convention on the Control of
Transboundary Movements of Hazardous Wastes and their Disposal was
ratified in 1989 by 133 countries and is currently adopted by 170 countries,
including Japan and the Philippines. It is the most comprehensive global
environmental treaty on hazardous and other wastes, addressing cleaner
production, hazardous waste minimization and controls on the movement of
these wastes. One of the main concerns regarding JPEPA is the possibility of
having Japan export their waste products and hazardous materials to the
Philippines. Such products are included in Article 29 of the agreement, which
defines "originating goods. Under Article 18 of the agreement, both Japan
and the Philippines shall either "reduce or eliminate its customs duties
eliminate other duties or charges of any kind imposed on or in connection
with the importation and take part in "improving market access conditions
for originating goods.
This treaty was ratified by Senate of the Philippines on 2008, after two side
agreements had been signed where Japan agreed to not send any toxic
waste to the Philippines and to avoid violating the Philippine Constitution.
gradually meet its CEPT commitment one year earlier than schedule.
Malaysia has previously been allowed to defer the transfer of 218 tariff lines
The ASEAN Free Trade Area (AFTA) has now been virtually established.
Products that remain out of the CEPT-AFTA Scheme are those in the Highly
Scheme for AFTA. More than 99 percent of the products in the CEPT Inclusion
Sensitive List (i.e. rice) and the General Exception List. The Coordinating
Philippines, Singapore and Thailand, have been brought down to the 0-5
that only those consistent with Article 9(b)1 of the CEPT Agreement are
included in the lists.
ASEANs newer members, namely Cambodia, Laos, Myanmar and Viet Nam,
are not far behind in the implementation of their CEPT commitments with
almost 80 percent of their products having been moved into their respective
CEPT ILS. Of these items, about 66 percent already have tariffs within the 0-5
barriers, which includes, among others, the process of verification and cross-
percent tariff band. Viet Nam has until 2006 to bring down tariff of products
in the Inclusion List to no more than 5 percent duties, Laos and Myanmar in
year 2003. As of this date, tariffs on 64.12 percent of the products in the IL of
ASEAN-6 have been eliminated. The average tariff for ASEAN-6 under the
regional businessmen and prospective investors, the CEPT Rules of Origin and
CEPT Scheme is now down to 1.51 percent from 12.76 percent when the
since 1 January 2004. Among the features of the revised CEPT Rules of Origin
and Operational Certification Procedures include: (a) a standardized method
January 2004 when Malaysia announced its tariff reduction for completely
cost of ASEAN origin and the guidelines for costing methodologies; (c)
registered an increase of 4.2 and 1.6 percent for exports and imports
The United States, the European Union and Japan continued to be ASEANs
largest export markets. Japan, followed by the U.S. and EU, were the largest
sectors, including wheat flour, iron and steel and the 11 priority integration
sources of ASEAN imports. During the first half of 2002-2003, ASEAN-6 trade
sectors covered under the Bali Concord II. Direction of Trade ASEANs exports
with major markets as a whole increased by 11.71 percent for exports and
had regained its upward trend in the two years following the financial crisis
6.91 percent for imports. However, ASEAN exports to the U.S. and India and
of 1997- 1998 reaching its peak in 2000 when total exports was valued at US$
imports from Canada and India declined during the same period. [Figure 5]
408 billion. After declining to US$ 366.8 billion in 2001, as a result of the
economic slowdown in the United States and Europe and the recession in
Japan, ASEAN exports recovered in 2002 when it was valued at US$ 380.2
billion. The upward trend for ASEAN-6 continued up to the first two quarters
of 2003. Intra-ASEAN trade for the first two quarters of 2003 registered an
increase of 4.2 and 1.6 percent for exports and imports respectively. [Figures
2, 3 & 4]
Direction of Trade
ASEANs exports had regained its upward trend in the two years following
the financial crisis of 1997-1998 reaching its peak in 2000 when total exports
was valued US$ 408 billion. After declining to US$ 366.8 billion in 2001, as a
result of the economic slowdon in the United States and Europe and the
recession in Japan, ASEAN expots recovered in 2002 when it was valued at
US$ 380.2 billion. The upward trend for ASEAN-6 continued up to first two
quaters of 2003. Intra-ASEAN trade for the first two quarters of 2003
Korea is the second Dialogue Partner with whom ASEAN has forged a free
trade agreement. In 2005, ASEAN and Korea signed the Framework
Agreement on Comprehensive Economic Cooperation (Framework
Agreement), and subsequently, signed four (4) more agreements that form
the legal instruments for establishing the ASEAN-Korea Free Trade Area
Entry into Force
The establishment of the AKFTA creates an opportunity for the 670 million
Three major Agreements under the ASEAN-Korea FTA have been entered
people of ASEAN and Korea with a combined GDP of USD 2.9 trillion through
into force and implemented by ASEAN andKorea.
a more liberal, facilitative market access, and investment regimes among the i.
The ASEAN-Korea Trade in Goods Agreement entered into force in
Parties of the AKFTA.
June 2007
Seven Important Facts of ASEAN-Korea Economic Relations
The ASEAN-Korea Trade in Services Agreement entered into force in
o ASEAN and Korea first initiated sectoral Dialogue relations in 1989 and
May 2009
Korea became full Dialogue Partner of ASEAN in 1991
The ASEAN-Korea Investment Agreement entered into force in June
o ASEAN and Korea maintain close political cooperation on bilateral,
regional, and international issues through existing mechanisms such
as, among others, the ASEAN Regional Forum (ARF), ASEAN Plus Three
(APT), East-Asia Summit (EAS), ASEAN-ROK Summit, and Ministerial
o ASEAN and Korea are also members of organizations such as the AsiaPacific Economic Cooperation (APEC), East Asia-Latin America
Cooperation (EALAF) and the Asia-Europe Meeting (AEM)
o Bilateral trade volume between Korea and ASEAN nearly tripled from
2001-2010 from US$32 billion to US$98.1 billion
o In the first year period of ASEAN Korea Trade in Goods
implementation, trade volume increased over 23%
o In 2010, Korea remains as ASEAN's fifth largest trading partner, while
ASEAN was the second largest trading partner of Korea
o Korean visitors to ASEAN countries increased several folds from 1.1
million in 1995 to 3.285 million in 2010.