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Birth After Previous

Caesarean Birth
Green-top Guideline No. 45
October 2015

Birth After Previous Caesarean Birth

This is the second edition of this guideline. The first edition was published in 2007 under the same title.1
Executive summary of recommendations

Antenatal care schedule

What is the recommended schedule of antenatal care for pregnant women with previous caesarean
Implementation of a vaginal birth after previous caesarean delivery (VBAC) versus elective repeat
caesarean section (ERCS) checklist or clinical care pathway is recommended to facilitate best
practice in antenatal counselling, shared decision making and documentation. [New 2015]

Suitability for planned VBAC

Which women are best suited to have a planned VBAC?
Planned VBAC is appropriate for and may be offered to the majority of women with a singleton
pregnancy of cephalic presentation at 37+0 weeks or beyond who have had a single previous lower
segment caesarean delivery, with or without a history of previous vaginal birth.

What are the contraindications to VBAC?

Planned VBAC is contraindicated in women with previous uterine rupture or classical caesarean scar
and in women who have other absolute contraindications to vaginal birth that apply irrespective of
the presence or absence of a scar (e.g. major placenta praevia).

In women with complicated uterine scars, caution should be exercised and decisions should be
made on a case-by-case basis by a senior obstetrician with access to the details of previous surgery.

Can women with two or more prior caesareans be offered planned VBAC?
Women who have had two or more prior lower segment caesarean deliveries may be offered VBAC
after counselling by a senior obstetrician. This should include the risk of uterine rupture and
maternal morbidity, and the individual likelihood of successful VBAC (e.g. given a history of prior
vaginal delivery). Labour should be conducted in a centre with suitable expertise and recourse to
immediate surgical delivery. [New 2015]

What factors are associated with an increased risk of uterine rupture in women undergoing VBAC?
An individualised assessment of the suitability for VBAC should be made in women with factors
that increase the risk of uterine rupture.

Antenatal counselling
What are the overall aims of antenatal counselling?
The antenatal counselling of women with a previous caesarean birth should be documented in
the notes.

A final decision for mode of birth should be agreed upon by the woman and member(s) of the
maternity team before the expected/planned date of delivery.

When a date for ERCS is being arranged, a plan for the event of labour starting before the scheduled
date should be documented in the notes.

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The routine use of VBAC checklists during antenatal counselling should be considered, as they
would ensure informed consent and shared decision making in women undergoing VBAC. [New 2015]
A patient information leaflet should be provided with the consultation.

What are the risks and benefits of planned VBAC versus ERCS from 39


weeks of gestation?

Women should be made aware that successful VBAC has the fewest complications and therefore
the chance of VBAC success or failure is an important consideration when choosing the mode of

Women should be made aware that the greatest risk of adverse outcome occurs in a trial of VBAC
resulting in emergency caesarean delivery.

Women should be informed that planned VBAC is associated with an approximately 1 in 200 (0.5%)
risk of uterine rupture.

Women should be informed that the absolute risk of birth-related perinatal death associated with
VBAC is extremely low and comparable to the risk for nulliparous women in labour.

Women should be informed that ERCS is associated with a small increased risk of placenta
praevia and/or accreta in future pregnancies and of pelvic adhesions complicating any future
abdominopelvic surgery.

The risk of perinatal death with ERCS is extremely low, but there is a small increase in neonatal
respiratory morbidity when ERCS is performed before 39+0 weeks of gestation. The risk of respiratory
morbidity can be reduced with a preoperative course of antenatal corticosteroids.

What is the likelihood of VBAC success?

Women should be informed that the success rate of planned VBAC is 7275%.

What factors determine the individualised likelihood of VBAC success?

Women with one or more previous vaginal births should be informed that previous vaginal delivery,
particularly previous VBAC, is the single best predictor of successful VBAC and is associated with a
planned VBAC success rate of 8590%. Previous vaginal delivery is also independently associated
with a reduced risk of uterine rupture.

Intrapartum management of planned VBAC

What delivery setting is appropriate for conducting planned VBAC?
Women should be advised that planned VBAC should be conducted in a suitably staffed and
equipped delivery suite with continuous intrapartum care and monitoring with resources available
for immediate caesarean delivery and advanced neonatal resuscitation.

Women with an unplanned labour and a history of previous caesarean delivery should have a
discussion with an experienced obstetrician to determine feasibility of VBAC. [New 2015]

Epidural analgesia is not contraindicated in a planned VBAC, although an increasing requirement

for pain relief in labour should raise awareness of the possibility of an impending uterine rupture.

Women should be advised to have continuous electronic fetal monitoring for the duration of
planned VBAC, commencing at the onset of regular uterine contractions.

How should women with a previous caesarean birth be advised in relation to induction or augmentation
of labour?

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Women should be informed of the two- to three-fold increased risk of uterine rupture and around
1.5-fold increased risk of caesarean delivery in induced and/or augmented labour compared with
spontaneous VBAC labour.
A senior obstetrician should discuss the following with the woman: the decision to induce labour,
the proposed method of induction, the decision to augment labour with oxytocin, the time intervals
for serial vaginal examination and the selected parameters of progress that would necessitate
discontinuing VBAC.
Clinicians should be aware that induction of labour using mechanical methods (amniotomy or
Foley catheter) is associated with a lower risk of scar rupture compared with induction using

Planning and conducting ERCS

What elements are involved in the perioperative, intraoperative and postoperative care for ERCS?
ERCS delivery should be conducted after 39+0 weeks of gestation.

Antibiotics should be administered before making the skin incision in women undergoing ERCS.
[New 2015]

All women undergoing ERCS should receive thromboprophylaxis according to existing RCOG
guidelines. [New 2015]

Early recognition of placenta praevia, adopting a multidisciplinary approach and informed consent
are important considerations in the management of women with placenta praevia and previous
caesarean delivery. [New 2015]

How should women in special circumstances be cared for?

Clinicians should be aware that there is uncertainty about the safety and efficacy of planned
VBAC in pregnancies complicated by post-dates, twin gestation, fetal macrosomia, antepartum
stillbirth or maternal age of 40 years or more. Hence, a cautious approach is advised if VBAC is
being considered in such circumstances.
Women who are preterm and considering the options for birth after a previous caesarean delivery
should be informed that planned preterm VBAC has similar success rates to planned term VBAC but
with a lower risk of uterine rupture.


Purpose and scope

The purpose of this guideline is to provide evidence-based information to inform the antenatal and
intrapartum care of pregnant women who have had previous caesarean delivery, with the options for
delivery being either planned vaginal birth after previous caesarean delivery (VBAC) or elective repeat
caesarean section (ERCS).

Introduction and background epidemiology

There has been continued debate about defining an acceptable caesarean delivery rate and what rate
achieves optimal maternal and infant outcomes. The overall caesarean delivery rate in England for 2012
2013 was 25.5%2; the majority were emergency (14.8%) rather than elective (10.7%) caesarean births.
The caesarean delivery rates for Wales,3 Northern Ireland4 and Scotland5 in 20122013 were 27.5%, 29.8%
and 27.3% respectively. Hence, counselling women for and managing birth after caesarean delivery are
important issues.
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There is a consensus (National Institute for Health and Care Excellence [NICE],6 Royal College of
Obstetricians and Gynaecologists [RCOG],1 American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists [ACOG]/
National Institutes of Health [NIH]79) that planned VBAC is a clinically safe choice for the majority of
women with a single previous lower segment caesarean delivery. Such a strategy is also supported by
health economic modelling6,10 and would also at least limit any escalation of the caesarean delivery
rate and maternal morbidity associated with multiple caesarean deliveries.1115 This guideline provides
evidence-based recommendations on best practice for the antenatal and intrapartum management of
women undergoing planned VBAC and ERCS. The terms used in this guideline are defined in Appendix I.

Identification and assessment of evidence

This guideline was developed in accordance with standard methodology for producing RCOG Green-top
Guidelines. MEDLINE, PubMed, all Evidence-Based Medicine (EBM) Reviews (Cochrane Central Register
of Controlled Trials, Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews, Methodology Register, ACP Journal
Club, Database of Abstracts of Reviews of Effects [DARE], Health Technology Assessment database
[HTA], Maternity and Infant Care), EMBASE and Trip were searched for relevant randomised controlled
trials, systematic reviews, meta-analyses and cohort studies. The search was restricted to articles
published between 2003 and February 2015. Search words included VBAC, TOLAC, vaginal birth
after caesarean, previous caesarean, prior caesarean and all relevant Medical Subject Headings (MeSH)
terms. This guideline assesses the quality of evidence and determines the strength of recommendations
in accordance with Scottish Intercollegiate Guidelines Network criteria.

Identified studies and limitations of data

Notable publications within the last 10 years have included evidence-based systematic reviews,9,16,17 clinical
guidelines from the UK (RCOG 20071 and NICE 20116) and the USA (ACOG 20107; NIH 2010 Consensus
report8) and a study by the US National Institute of Child Health and Human Development (NICHD, 2004;
17 898 planned VBACs, 15 801 planned ERCSs at 37+041+0 weeks of gestation18). Important attributes
of the NICHD study18 include its large sample size, prospective strict case ascertainment and reporting
outcomes according to planned VBAC and planned ERCS antenatal decisions rather than observed
modes of delivery. Many of the recent studies vary in their case ascertainment and outcome criteria.
These include an Australian multicentre patient preference cohort trial (2012; 1237 planned VBACs,
1108 planned ERCSs at 38 +039 +0 weeks of gestation),19 a UK national casecontrol study (20122013;
UK Obstetric Surveillance System)12,13,20 and Scottish (2013),21 Australian (2010)22 and Dutch (2009) 23
population-based studies. Importantly, although planned ERCS is recommended to be conducted from
39 +0 weeks of gestation,6 most studies have reported ERCS outcomes for deliveries that have occurred
between 37+0 and 40 +0 weeks of gestation.

Antenatal care schedule

5.1 What is the recommended schedule of antenatal care for pregnant women with previous
caesarean delivery?
Implementation of a VBAC versus ERCS checklist or clinical care pathway is recommended to
facilitate best practice in antenatal counselling, shared decision making and documentation.

The antenatal care schedule should comply with that recommended by the NICE antenatal
care guideline,24 with specific reviews as shown in Appendices II and III. NICE25 pathways
may also be used as guides when devising appropriate local clinical care pathways.
level 4

In the majority of cases, counselling for mode of delivery could be conducted by a member
of the maternity team soon after the womans midtrimester ultrasound, assuming that there

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were no contraindications to planned VBAC. An obstetrician should be involved in any of

the following situations: the woman had contraindications that precluded VBAC, she was
uncertain of mode of delivery, she specifically requested ERCS, she required induction
of labour (e.g. more than 41+0 weeks of gestation) or she developed specific pregnancy
complications (e.g. pre-eclampsia, breech presentation, fetal growth restriction, macrosomia).
After initial counselling, some more complex cases may need senior support. In most cases,
the decision regarding mode of delivery should be finalised by 36 +0 weeks of gestation. Having Evidence
well-structured evidence-based patient information leaflets that list key points, including the level 4
probability of the woman having successful VBAC, is likely to improve the informed decisionmaking process on mode of birth after caesarean delivery26 (see Appendix IV).
Use of specialist antenatal clinics designed to guide and support women through the informed
decision-making process on mode of birth after a primary caesarean delivery has been found
to improve VBAC attempt rates in Australia.27

Suitability for planned VBAC

6.1 Which women are best suited to have a planned VBAC?

Planned VBAC is appropriate for and may be offered to the majority of women with a singleton
pregnancy of cephalic presentation at 37+0 weeks or beyond who have had a single previous lower
segment caesarean delivery, with or without a history of previous vaginal birth.

There is a consensus, endorsed by evidence-based systematic reviews9,16,17 and clinical

guidelines,1,68 that planned VBAC is a safe and appropriate mode of delivery for the majority Evidence
level 2++
of pregnant women with a single previous lower segment caesarean delivery.
However, a review of the previous caesarean delivery records and current pregnancy is recommended
to identify contraindications to VBAC.

6.2 What are the contraindications to VBAC?

Planned VBAC is contraindicated in women with previous uterine rupture or classical caesarean scar
and in women who have other absolute contraindications to vaginal birth that apply irrespective of
the presence or absence of a scar (e.g. major placenta praevia).

In women with complicated uterine scars, caution should be exercised and decisions should be
made on a case-by-case basis by a senior obstetrician with access to the details of previous surgery.

Women with the following risk factors are considered to be at increased risk of adverse maternal and/or
perinatal outcome as a consequence of VBAC.

Previous uterine rupture

Based on limited observational data,2830 women who have experienced a previous uterine
rupture are reported to have a higher risk (5% or higher) of recurrent uterine rupture with Evidence
level 3
labour. Hence previous uterine rupture is considered a contraindication to VBAC.

Type of previous uterine incision

Based on limited observational data,31,32 there is insufficient evidence to support the safety
of VBAC in women with previous inverted T or J incisions, low vertical uterine incisions or
significant inadvertent uterine extension at the time of primary caesarean; hence caution Evidence
should be exercised in these women and decisions should be made by a senior obstetrician level 3
on a case-by-case basis. VBAC is contraindicated in women with previous classical caesearean
delivery due to the high risk of uterine rupture.33
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Previous uterine surgery

Although previous uterine surgery is not within the scope of this guideline, there is uncertainty
whether women who have undergone laparoscopic or abdominal myomectomy, particularly
where the uterine cavity has been breached, are at increased risk of uterine rupture.3441 Uterine Evidence
rupture after hysteroscopic resection of uterine septum is considered a rare complication.42,43 level 3
Given this uncertainty, women who have had such uterine surgery should be considered to
have delivery risks at least equivalent to those of VBAC and managed similarly in labour.

Placenta praevia
A major degree of placenta praevia (and some cases of minor or partial placenta praevia)
is a contraindication to vaginal delivery, including VBAC (see RCOG Green-top Guideline
No. 27).44 A systematic review reported that women with one, two, or three or more previous
caesarean deliveries experience a 1%, 1.7% or 2.8% risk respectively of placenta praevia in
subsequent pregnancies,9 concurring with the findings of a recent UK population study and Evidence
meta-analysis.45 Placenta accreta occurs in 1114% of women with placenta praevia and one prior level 2++
caesarean delivery and in 2340% of women with placenta praevia and two prior caesarean
deliveries. In women with placenta praevia and five or more prior caesarean deliveries, the
incidence of placenta accreta is up to 67%.9 In view of these associations, the RCOG and NICE
have produced recommendations for women with a previous caesarean delivery which can be
found in RCOG Green-top Guideline No. 2744 and the NICE guideline.6

6.3 Can women with two or more prior caesareans be offered planned VBAC?
Women who have had two or more prior lower segment caesarean deliveries may be offered VBAC
after counselling by a senior obstetrician. This should include the risk of uterine rupture and
maternal morbidity, and the individual likelihood of successful VBAC (e.g. given a history of prior
vaginal delivery). Labour should be conducted in a centre with suitable expertise and recourse to
immediate surgical delivery.

A multivariate analysis of the NICHD study showed that there was no significant difference
in the rates of uterine rupture in VBAC with two or more previous caesarean births (9/975,
92/10000) compared with a single previous caesarean birth (115/16 915, 68/10000).46 These
findings concur with other observational studies, which, overall, have shown similar rates of
VBAC success with two previous caesarean births (VBAC success rates of 6275%) and single Evidence
level 2+
prior caesarean birth.4750 It is notable that more than half of the women with two previous
caesarean deliveries had also had a previous vaginal birth and 40% had a previous VBAC.
Hence, caution should be applied when extrapolating these data to women with no previous
vaginal delivery.
A systematic review51 has suggested that women with two previous caesarean deliveries
who are considering VBAC should be counselled about the success rate (71.1%), the uterine
rupture rate (1.36%) and the comparable maternal morbidity to the repeat caesarean delivery
option. The rates of hysterectomy (56/10000 compared with 19/10000) and transfusion
(1.99% compared with 1.21%) were increased in women undergoing VBAC after two previous Evidence
caesarean births compared with one previous caesarean birth. Therefore, provided that level 2++
the woman has been fully informed by a senior obstetrician of the increased risks and a
comprehensive individualised risk analysis has been undertaken of the indication for and the
nature of the previous caesarean deliveries, then planned VBAC may be supported in women
with two or more previous lower segment caesarean deliveries.
Women seeking multiple (e.g. three or more) future pregnancies should be counselled Evidence
that opting for ERCS may expose themselves to greater surgical risks for future pregnancies level 3

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(particularly placenta praevia, placenta accreta and hysterectomy) associated with repeated ERCS Evidence
level 3
delivery1113,44,52,53 and therefore greater consideration ought to be given to attempting VBAC.

6.4 What factors are associated with an increased risk of uterine rupture in women
undergoing VBAC?
An individualised assessment of the suitability for VBAC should be made in women with factors
that increase the risk of uterine rupture.

Factors that potentially increase the risk of uterine rupture include short inter-delivery interval
(less than 12 months since last delivery), post-date pregnancy, maternal age of 40 years or
more, obesity, lower prelabour Bishop score, macrosomia and decreased ultrasonographic
lower segment myometrial thickness.20,22,23,5457 A recent retrospective study58 involving 3176 Evidence
patients evaluated the safety of women undergoing VBAC with a short inter-delivery interval. level 3
The study concluded that a short inter-delivery interval (less than 12 months) is not a risk factor
for major complications such as uterine rupture and maternal death, but that it is for preterm
delivery. Further data are needed before the safety of such an approach can be confirmed.
There is uncertainty in how to incorporate this knowledge in antenatal counselling and
therefore the presence of these risk factors does not contraindicate VBAC. However, such Evidence
factors may be considered during the decision-making process, particularly if considering level 2
induction or augmentation of VBAC labour (see section 8.2).
A recent meta-analysis59 has suggested that measurement of lower uterine segment (LUS)
thickness antenatally in women with a previous caesarean delivery could be used to predict
the occurrence of a uterine defect (scar dehiscence or scar rupture) in women undergoing
VBAC. According to the study, a myometrial thickness (the minimum thickness overlying
the amniotic cavity at the level of the uterine scar) cut-off of 2.14.0 mm provided a strong
negative predictive value for the occurrence of a uterine defect during VBAC, whereas a Evidence
myometrial thickness cut-off between 0.6 and 2.0 mm provided a strong positive predictive level 1+
value for the occurrence of a uterine defect. However, the study could not define an ideal LUS
thickness cut-off value usable in clinical practice. This meta-analysis provides support for the
use of antenatal LUS measurements in the prediction of a uterine defect in women undergoing
VBAC; however, clinical applicability needs be assessed in prospective observational studies
using a standardised method of measurement.

Antenatal counselling

7.1 What are the overall aims of antenatal counselling?

The antenatal counselling of women with a previous caesarean birth should be documented in
the notes.

A final decision for mode of birth should be agreed upon by the woman and member(s) of the
maternity team before the expected/planned date of delivery.

When a date for ERCS is being arranged, a plan for the event of labour starting before the scheduled
date should be documented in the notes.

The routine use of VBAC checklists during antenatal counselling should be considered, as they
would ensure informed consent and shared decision making in women undergoing VBAC.

A patient information leaflet should be provided with the consultation.

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Ideally, discussion should be individualised to the womans medical circumstances and consider her
individual chance of VBAC success and future reproductive preferences. The antenatal counselling
process should be documented in the medical records. Where possible, outcomes from women who give
birth at term (37+042+0 weeks of gestation) should be used for the purposes of antenatal counselling and
are used throughout this guideline. As up to 10% of women scheduled for ERCS go into labour before
39 +0 weeks, it is good practice to discuss and document a plan for delivery if labour starts prior to the
scheduled date.
Clinical trials have shown decision aids, specific patient information literature and VBAC
checklists, which encompass such information, may facilitate the decision-making process Evidence
by lowering decisional conflict, improving level of knowledge, improving satisfaction and level 1
increasing the perception of having made an informed choice.6066
Documentation of the counselling process (for example, using a standardised VBAC checklist or
clinical care pathway) and provision of a patient information leaflet67 are recommended.6062,68 Evidence
level 1+
An example checklist is provided in Appendix IV.

7.2 What are the risks and benefits of planned VBAC versus ERCS from 39 +0 weeks of
Women should be made aware that successful VBAC has the fewest complications and therefore
the chance of VBAC success or failure is an important consideration when choosing the mode of

Women should be made aware that the greatest risk of adverse outcome occurs in a trial of VBAC
resulting in emergency caesarean delivery.

Women should be informed that planned VBAC is associated with an approximately 1 in 200 (0.5%)
risk of uterine rupture.

Women should be informed that the absolute risk of birth-related perinatal death associated with
VBAC is extremely low and comparable to the risk for nulliparous women in labour.

Women should be informed that ERCS is associated with a small increased risk of placenta
praevia and/or accreta in future pregnancies and of pelvic adhesions complicating any future
abdominopelvic surgery.

The risk of perinatal death with ERCS is extremely low, but there is a small increase in neonatal
respiratory morbidity when ERCS is performed before 39+0 weeks of gestation. The risk of
respiratory morbidity can be reduced with a preoperative course of antenatal corticosteroids.

The maternal and fetal risks of planned VBAC and ERCS from 39 +0 weeks of gestation are summarised
in Table 1.

Planned VBAC adverse maternal outcomes

Uterine rupture
The NICHD study18 showed that planned VBAC, compared with ERCS, had a higher risk of
uterine rupture (0.7% versus 0%). The US Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality (AHRQ)
meta-analysis and studies from the UK, Australia and Ireland reported a VBAC uterine rupture
risk of 0.5%,9 0.2%,20 0.33%22 and 0.2%73 respectively. Rates of uterine rupture differ according Evidence
level 2
to whether VBAC labour is spontaneous (0.150.4%), induced (0.541.4%) or augmented
(0.91.91%)18,20,22 (Appendix V). In the UK cohort study, two women with uterine rupture died
(uterine rupture case fatality 1.3%, 95% CI 0.24.5%).20

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Table 1. Risks and benefits of opting for VBAC versus ERCS from 39+0 weeks of gestation

Maternal outcomes

Planned VBAC

ERCS from 39+0 weeks

7275% chance of successful VBAC. If

successful, shorter hospital stay and recovery.

 ble to plan a known delivery date in select
patients. This may however change based
on circumstances surrounding maternal
and fetal wellbeing in the antenatal period.

Approximately 0.5% risk of uterine scar rupture.

If occurs, associated with maternal morbidity
and fetal morbidity/mortality.

 irtually avoids the risk of uterine rupture
(actual risk is extremely low: less than
Longer recovery.
 educes the risk of pelvic organ prolapse
and urinary incontinence in comparison
with number of vaginal births (dose
response effect) at least in the short term.69
 ption for sterilisation if fertility is no
longer desired. Evidence suggests that the
regret rate is higher and that the failure
rate from sterilisation associated with
pregnancy may be higher than that from an
interval procedure. If sterilisation is to be
performed at the same time as a caesarean
delivery, counselling and agreement
should have been given at least 2 weeks
prior to the procedure.70

Increases likelihood of future vaginal birth.

F uture pregnancies likely to require

caesarean delivery, increased risk of
placenta praevia/accreta and adhesions
with successive caesarean deliveries/
abdominal surgery.

Risk of anal sphincter injury in women

undergoing VBAC is 5% and birthweight is
the strongest predictor of this. The rate of
instrumental delivery is also increased up to

Infant outcomes

Risk of maternal death with planned VBAC of

4/100000 (95% CI 1/100000 to 16/100000).9

 isk of maternal death with ERCS of
13/100000 (95% CI 4/100000 to

Risk of transient respiratory morbidity of 23%.

 isk of transient respiratory morbidity of
45% (6% risk if delivery performed at 38
instead of 39 weeks). The risk is reduced
with antenatal corticosteroids, but there
are concerns about potential long-term
adverse effects.72

10 per 10000 (0.1%) prospective risk of

antepartum stillbirth beyond 39 +0 weeks
while awaiting spontaneous labour (similar to
nulliparous women).
8 per 10000 (0.08%) risk of hypoxic ischaemic
encephalopathy (HIE).

 1 per 10000 (< 0.01%) risk of deliveryrelated perinatal death or HIE.

4 per 10000 (0.04%) risk of delivery-related

perinatal death. This is comparable to the risk
for nulliparous women in labour.
The estimates of risk for adverse maternal or fetal events in VBAC are based on women receiving continuous electronic
monitoring during their labour.

Hysterectomy and other morbidities

The rates of hysterectomy, thromboembolic disease, transfusion and endometritis did not
differ significantly between planned VBAC and ERCS according to the AHRQ meta-analysis9 Evidence
level 2+
and another meta-analysis.74 However, the NICHD study showed unsuccessful compared with
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successful VBAC increased the risk of uterine rupture (2.3% versus 0.1%), hysterectomy (0.5%
versus 0.1%), transfusion (3.2% versus 1.2%) and endometritis (7.7% versus 1.2%).18 Meta- Evidence
level 2+
analysis has shown that hysterectomy was required in 1433% of uterine rupture cases.9
A review of Maternal-Fetal Medicine Units Network publications75 suggests that, at term,
women undergoing VBAC as compared with ERCS have a significantly greater incidence of Evidence
level 3
blood transfusion (2% versus 1%), but the likelihood of hysterectomy is not increased.

Planned VBAC adverse perinatal outcomes

Antepartum stillbirth
Planned VBAC is associated with an additional 10 per 10000 prospective risk of antepartum
stillbirth beyond 39 +0 weeks of gestation (recommended timing for ERCS delivery) while
awaiting spontaneous labour.76 The pathophysiology of the increased risk of stillbirth Evidence
associated with VBAC is unexplained, but this increased risk is evident in women with level 2
previous caesarean delivery compared with no prior caesarean delivery despite correcting for
gestation and other factors.76,77
Delivery-related perinatal death
In the NICHD study, planned VBAC is associated with a 4 per 10000 risk of term perinatal death
(i.e. intrapartum stillbirth or neonatal death), with around one-third (1.4 per 10000 overall) of deaths
due to uterine rupture.18 In contrast, ERCS is associated with a risk of delivery-related perinatal Evidence
level 2
death of 1 per 10000 or less. The risk of perinatal death arising from uterine rupture during
VBAC was reported as 4.5% in a Dutch population study23 and 216% in the AHRQ meta-analysis.9
Neonatal hypoxic ischaemic encephalopathy (HIE)
In the NICHD study, HIE affected 8 per 10000 planned VBACs and, of these, 60% of cases Evidence
level 2+
(7/12) were due to uterine rupture.18

ERCS and adverse maternal and perinatal outcomes

Maternal mortality
Both the NICHD18 study and AHRQ9 meta-analysis showed an increased risk of maternal
mortality with ERCS compared with planned VBAC (13/100000 versus 4/100000),9 although Evidence
data were conflicting on whether the differences were statistically significant. Absolute risks level 1
are extremely low for either mode of delivery.
Neonatal respiratory morbidity
ERCS compared with planned VBAC increased the risks of transient tachypnoea of the newborn
(45% versus 23%) and respiratory distress syndrome (0.5% versus less than 0.05%).9,18,7881 Evidence
The Antenatal Steroids for Term Elective Caesarean Section (ASTECS) trial82 reported that level 2+
respiratory morbidity was 11.4%, 6.2% and 1.5% at 37, 38 and 39 weeks of gestation respectively.

Long-term outcomes of planned VBAC versus ERCS

There are no data reporting on long-term maternal or infant outcomes of planned VBAC versus
ERCS cohort groups.9 There are considerable data to show that repeated ERCS is associated Evidence
with an increased risk of placenta praevia, placenta accreta and surgical complications at the level 2
time of subsequent pregnancy and delivery, such as hysterectomy.1113,44,45,52,53

Perinatal outcomes of planned VBAC versus ERCS

The NICHD observational study showed that there was around a three-fold increase (0.38%
versus 0.13%, OR 2.90, 95% CI 1.744.81) for one or more serious composite adverse perinatal Evidence
outcomes (which include perinatal mortality and HIE) for planned VBAC at term compared level 2
with ERCS. Another prospective cohort study in Australia used a broader composite of adverse
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perinatal outcomes (perinatal mortality, HIE, neonatal intensive care unit admission, neonatal
acidosis, birth trauma, neonatal sepsis) and also found an approximately three-fold risk for Evidence
level 2
women attempting VBAC.19
A review of Maternal-Fetal Medicine Units Network publications75 suggests that, at term,
in women undergoing VBAC as compared with ERCS, there were similar rates of neonatal Evidence
level 3
seizures and perinatal mortality.

Summary of outcomes of planned VBAC versus ERCS

A reasonable summary of the evidence is that planned VBAC exposes the woman to a very low
(0.25%) additional risk for experiencing perinatal mortality or serious neonatal morbidity and
an additional 1.5% risk of any significant morbidity compared with opting for ERCS from 39 +0 Evidence
weeks of gestation. Nevertheless, it may be helpful to emphasise to women that the absolute level 2+
risk of delivery-related perinatal death associated with VBAC is extremely low (4 per 10000
[0.04%]) and comparable to the risk for nulliparous women in labour.83,84
Cochrane reviews8587 suggest that there are benefits and risks associated with planned ERCS
and planned induction of labour in women with a prior caesarean delivery. There is a paucity of
randomised controlled trials that would provide the most reliable evidence and help women to Evidence
make an informed choice. The related evidence for the established care pathways is potentially level 1++
biased, as it is drawn from nonrandomised studies. Hence, the results and conclusions should
be interpreted with caution and the uncertainties should be discussed with women.

7.3 What is the likelihood of VBAC success?

Women should be informed that the success rate of planned VBAC is 7275%.

(n = 103 188 VBAC labours) reported a pooled VBAC labour success rate of
74% (95% CI 7275%), while the NICHD study reported a 73% VBAC labour success rate (n =
17898 VBAC labours). A recent Australian cohort trial reported a VBAC success rate of 43%
(535/1237 planned VBAC at 37 weeks), although excluding those women who required elective
caesarean after opting for VBAC, the study showed a VBAC success rate of 59% (535/903 VBAC Evidence
level 2+
labours).19 There are often differences in VBAC success rates between centres and published
studies, so consideration should be given to counselling women using locally derived VBAC
success rates given the pragmatic differences in population, induction/non-induction VBAC
policies and healthcare provision.

7.4 What factors determine the individualised likelihood of VBAC success?

Women with one or more previous vaginal births should be informed that previous vaginal delivery,
particularly previous VBAC, is the single best predictor of successful VBAC and is associated with a
planned VBAC success rate of 8590%. Previous vaginal delivery is also independently associated
with a reduced risk of uterine rupture.

Several pre-admission- and admission-based multivariate models have been published to

predict the individualised likelihood of VBAC success.9093 Importantly, women at increased
risk of unsuccessful VBAC are also at increased risk of uterine rupture, including catastrophic
rupture leading to perinatal death.92,9496 Research is exploring the value of transvaginal/
transabdominal ultrasonographic assessment of myometrial scar thickness to predict VBAC level 2
success and uterine scar rupture (see section 6.4).57,59,9799 Although prediction models ought to
be intuitively beneficial, such models have not been routinely applied in the decision-making
process and their precise role is yet to be established. A 2013 meta-analysis of these studies has
concluded that further prospective research is required.59

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A VBAC score100 has been used by some authors to predict the success of women attempting
VBAC. The retrospective VBAC score was created by examining five features: admission
Bishop score, age, previous caesarean delivery indication, body mass index (BMI) and previous Evidence
vaginal birth. The higher the VBAC score, the higher the success rate; the success rate of level 2
women with a VBAC score of more than 16 was greater than 85%, in contrast to those with a
VBAC score of 10 who had a 49% success rate.
The use of specific population-based models to predict VBAC success needs further data,101,102 Evidence
level 2+
although initial results are promising.
Induced labour, no previous vaginal delivery, BMI greater than 30 and previous caesarean
for labour dystocia are associated with an increased risk of unsuccessful VBAC. If all of these
factors are present, successful VBAC is achieved in 40% of cases.18,103
Previous vaginal delivery, particularly previous successful VBAC, is the single best predictor
for successful VBAC and is associated with a planned VBAC success rate of 8590%.103 Previous
vaginal delivery is also independently associated with a reduced risk of uterine rupture.54,96,104,105
Greater maternal height, maternal age less than 40 years, BMI less than 30, gestation of less
than 40 weeks and infant birthweight less than 4 kg (or similar/lower birthweight than index
caesarean delivery106) are associated with an increased likelihood of successful VBAC.90,93,107110
In addition, spontaneous onset of labour, vertex presentation, fetal head engagement or a
lower station, and higher admission Bishop score also increase the likelihood of successful
VBAC.91,94,103,108,111 Successful VBAC is more likely among women with previous caesarean for
fetal malpresentation (84%) compared with women with previous caesarean for either labour
dystocia (64%) or fetal distress (73%) indications.18,103 Younger women and those of white Evidence
level 2
ethnicity experienced the highest success rate, in contrast to women of black ethnicity who
experienced a lower success rate. Those who had an emergency caesarean delivery in their
first birth also had a lower VBAC success rate, in particular those who experienced a failed
induction of labour.112 Despite a degree of data inconsistency, successful VBAC appears more
likely among women with previous caesarean for dystocia at 8 cm or more compared with
women with previous caesarean for dystocia at less than 8 cm.113115 A retrospective study
concluded that the success rate for VBAC in women who had a prior caesarean delivery due to
an unsuccessful instrumental delivery was high (61.3%). The risk factors that were associated
with a failed VBAC in these women were occiput posterior position and prolonged second
stage as the indication for instrumental vaginal delivery in the index pregnancy, maternal age
older than 30 years at the time of subsequent delivery and a birthweight in the subsequent
pregnancy that is higher than the birthweight in the index pregnancy. This information and
the risk factors for VBAC failure can be used when counselling these women regarding mode
of delivery in subsequent pregnancy.116

Intrapartum management of planned VBAC

8.1 What delivery setting is appropriate for conducting planned VBAC?

Women should be advised that planned VBAC should be conducted in a suitably staffed and
equipped delivery suite with continuous intrapartum care and monitoring with resources available
for immediate caesarean delivery and advanced neonatal resuscitation.

Women with an unplanned labour and a history of previous caesarean delivery should have a
discussion with an experienced obstetrician to determine feasibility of VBAC.

Epidural analgesia is not contraindicated in a planned VBAC, although an increasing requirement

for pain relief in labour should raise awareness of the possibility of an impending uterine rupture.

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Women should be advised to have continuous electronic fetal monitoring for the duration of
planned VBAC, commencing at the onset of regular uterine contractions.

There should be continuous monitoring of the labour to ensure prompt identification of maternal or
fetal compromise, labour dystocia or uterine scar rupture. Consequently, all women in established VBAC
labour should receive:
l supportive one-to-one care
l intravenous access with full blood count and blood group and save
l continuous electronic fetal monitoring
l regular monitoring of maternal symptoms and signs
l regular (no less than 4-hourly) assessment of their cervicometric progress in labour.

For all labours, a meta-analysis showed that epidural analgesia increased the risk of second
stage delay and operative instrumental vaginal delivery.117 It is appropriate to consider early
placement of the epidural catheter so that it can be used later for labour analgesia or for
anaesthesia should an operative delivery become necessary.118
One study (NICHD103) suggested that planned VBAC success rates were higher among women
receiving epidural analgesia; two other studies reported the opposite finding.23,54 A recent
casecontrol study showed frequent epidural dosing to be an independent risk factor for
impending uterine rupture in VBAC labour.119 The increasing pain and analgesia requirement
that is likely to precede uterine rupture may explain the association between uterine rupture Evidence
level 3
and increasing epidural dosing in VBAC labour that progresses to uterine rupture.
The presence of any of the features in the list below is suggestive of uterine rupture. Abnormal
cardiotocography (CTG) is the most consistent finding in uterine rupture and is present in
6676% of these events. However, over half of cases present with a combination of findings
(most often abnormal CTG and abdominal pain).20,23,120 The diagnosis is made at emergency
caesarean delivery or postpartum laparotomy. Most uterine ruptures (more than 90%) occur
during labour (the peak incidence being at 45 cm cervical dilatation), with around 18%
occurring in the second stage of labour and 8% being identified post vaginal delivery.23
The clinical features associated with uterine scar rupture include:
l abnormal CTG
l severe abdominal pain, especially if persisting between contractions
l acute onset scar tenderness
l abnormal vaginal bleeding
l haematuria
l cessation of previously efficient uterine activity
l maternal tachycardia, hypotension, fainting or shock
l loss of station of the presenting part
l change in abdominal contour and inability to pick up fetal heart rate at the old

transducer site.
The risk of uterine rupture in an unscarred uterus is extremely rare at 2 per 10000 (0.02%)
deliveries and this risk is mainly confined to multiparous women in labour.20,23,121 The risk of
uterine rupture in planned VBAC is approximately 2050 per 10000 (0.20.5%) and in ERCS
the risk is 2 per 10000 (0.02%) (Appendix V).9,20,22,73 Early diagnosis of uterine scar dehiscence Evidence
or rupture followed by expeditious laparotomy and neonatal resuscitation are essential to level 3
reduce associated morbidity and mortality. An observational study indicated a potential upper
limit for nonhypoxic neonatal delivery of 18 minutes from suspected uterine rupture to
delivery.122 It is important to note that scar dehiscence may be asymptomatic in up to 48% of

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women, and the classic triad of a complete uterine rupture (pain, vaginal bleeding, fetal heart Evidence
level 3
rate abnormalities) may present in less than 10% of cases.123

8.2 How should women with a previous caesarean birth be advised in relation to induction
or augmentation of labour?
Women should be informed of the two- to three-fold increased risk of uterine rupture and around
1.5-fold increased risk of caesarean delivery in induced and/or augmented labour compared with
spontaneous VBAC labour.
A senior obstetrician should discuss the following with the woman: the decision to induce labour,
the proposed method of induction, the decision to augment labour with oxytocin, the time intervals
for serial vaginal examination and the selected parameters of progress that would necessitate
discontinuing VBAC.
Clinicians should be aware that induction of labour using mechanical methods (amniotomy or
Foley catheter) is associated with a lower risk of scar rupture compared with induction using

Although induction and augmentation are not contraindicated in women with previous
caesarean delivery, there remains considerable disagreement among clinicians on their use.
Induction (particularly in women with an unfavourable cervix or by prostaglandin method) or
augmentation of VBAC labour are associated with a two- to three-fold increased risk of uterine
rupture and around a 1.5-fold increased risk of caesarean delivery compared with spontaneous
VBAC labour (Appendix V). Studies evaluating oxytocin use in VBAC labour have not recorded
the indication for oxytocin use. However, it would seem plausible to assume that uterine Evidence
level 3
rupture would be more likely to occur if oxytocin was used to overcome delayed progress
when uterine activity appeared to be adequate (appropriate strength/frequency uterine
contractions) compared with when uterine activity was absent or inadequate (infrequent/
weak strength contractions). Furthermore, a casecontrol study has shown that utilising
higher dose oxytocin (exceeding 20 milliunits/minute) during VBAC augmentation increases
the risk of uterine rupture by four-fold or greater.124,125
The decision to induce or augment VBAC labour should be determined following careful obstetric
assessment and be made by senior obstetricians in consultation with the women. As part of informed
consent, women should be made aware of the increased risks (uterine rupture and emergency caesarean
delivery) associated with induction and/or augmentation of VBAC labour, and of the alternative option of
caesarean delivery. Women who are contemplating many future pregnancies may be prepared to accept
the additional risks associated with induction and/or augmentation in an effort to avoid the potential
long-term surgical risks associated with multiple repeat caesarean deliveries.
Women with previous caesarean delivery who have not previously given birth vaginally
and those who have labour induced with prostaglandins are at increased risk of uterine
rupture and the same two factors are associated with an increased risk of perinatal death
due to uterine rupture.105 In the NICHD study,18 prostaglandin induction compared with nonprostaglandin induction (e.g. amniotomy or intracervical Foley catheter) was associated with
a higher uterine rupture risk (87 per 10000 [0.87%] versus 29 per 10000 [0.29%]) and a Evidence
level 3
higher risk of perinatal death due to uterine rupture (11.2 per 10000 [0.11%] versus 4.5 per
10000 [0.045%]). Hence, careful consideration should be given to using prostaglandins and,
if prostaglandins are to be used, to restricting the dose of total prostaglandin exposure in
accordance with locally agreed guidelines, or considering another method of induction, such
as an intracervical Foley catheter.126

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Two retrospective studies127,128 have suggested that low-dose prostaglandin E2 is a safe option
for induction of labour in women undergoing VBAC, with no appreciable increase in rates of
uterine rupture or maternal and perinatal mortality when compared with women undergoing Evidence
a spontaneous VBAC. However, a Cochrane review129 suggested that there is insufficient level 2
evidence from randomised controlled trials to determine the lowest risk method of induction
of labour with a previous caesarean delivery.

Planning and conducting ERCS

9.1 What elements are involved in the perioperative, intraoperative and postoperative care
for ERCS?
ERCS delivery should be conducted after 39+0 weeks of gestation.

Antibiotics should be administered before making the skin incision in women undergoing ERCS.

All women undergoing ERCS should receive thromboprophylaxis according to existing RCOG guidelines.
Early recognition of placenta praevia, adopting a multidisciplinary approach and informed consent
are important considerations in the management of women with placenta praevia and previous
caesarean delivery.


Recommended practice relating to planning and conducting ERCS is provided in the NICE caesarean
section guideline.6 In addition to standard perioperative measures for conducting ERCS, there are further
specific issues that warrant discussion.
Women considering ERCS should be counselled that delaying delivery by 1 week from 38 +0 to
39 +0 weeks enables around a 5% reduction (6% versus 1%) in the risk of respiratory morbidity
(particularly reducing the risk of transient tachypnoea of the newborn),7881,130 but this delay
may be associated with a 5 per 10000 (0.05%) increase in the risk of antepartum stillbirth.76
Should there be a need to perform ERCS prior to 39 weeks, consideration should be given to
administering maternal corticosteroids.6,130 A randomised controlled trial demonstrated a 50%
reduction in respiratory morbidity by administering prophylactic betamethasone to women
having elective caesarean deliveries beyond 37+0 weeks (steroid versus control 2.4% versus
5.1%; relative risk 0.46, 95% CI 0.230.93) and this treatment effect was still apparent at 39 +0
weeks of gestation (steroid versus control, 0.6% versus 1.5%).82
However, the current RCOG Green-top Guideline on antenatal corticosteroids130 raises a
caution that there is an absence of evidence available for the safety of antenatal corticosteroids
in babies born after 36 +0 weeks of gestation; some research suggests the existence of potential Evidence
long-term adverse effects in infants of mothers who received antenatal corticosteroids.72,131 level 1+
A follow-up study from the trial of steroids prior to term caesarean delivery demonstrated
no long-term benefit of steroids, but found that glucocorticoid-exposed children were twice
as likely to be identified as being in the lowest achievement group at school compared with
controls (33/186 [17.7%] versus 14/164 [8.5%] respectively, relative risk 2.1, 95% CI 1.13.7, P =
0.01).132 These issues should be discussed with women prior to the use of steroids and efforts
should be directed to avoiding ERCS prior to 39 +0 weeks rather than a more liberal use of
earlier delivery and antenatal steroids.
Perioperative preincision antibiotics achieve a greater reduction in the risk of maternal infection
than prophylactic antibiotics administered after making the skin incision. No detrimental effects
on the baby have been demonstrated. Ideally, the chosen antibiotic should protect against
endometritis and urinary tract and wound infections: i.e. cefuroxime and metronidazole.6

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Concerns about the use of co-amoxiclav in pregnancy were raised by the Overview of the Role
of Antibiotics in Curtailing Labour and Early Delivery (ORACLE) studies, which demonstrated an
increased incidence of necrotising enterocolitis when it was given in preterm prelabour rupture
of membranes133 and a nonsignificant increase when used during spontaneous preterm labour.134 Evidence
level 1+
Extrapolating from these data, the NICE Guideline Development Group advise against its use as
prophylaxis before skin incision or before cord clamping at the time of caesarean delivery, citing
a hypothetical increased risk of necrotising enterocolitis by fetal exposure to co-amoxiclav.135
The choice of method of thromboprophylaxis should be as per the RCOG guidance.136
The RCOG has published guidance on the diagnosis and management of placenta praevia in Evidence
level 4
association with a caesarean delivery and placenta accreta45 and its recommendations should
be followed in women with a previous caesarean delivery and placenta praevia.
10. How should women in special circumstances be cared for?
Clinicians should be aware that there is uncertainty about the safety and efficacy of planned
VBAC in pregnancies complicated by post-dates, twin gestation, fetal macrosomia, antepartum
stillbirth or maternal age of 40 years or more. Hence, a cautious approach is advised if VBAC is
being considered in such circumstances.
Women who are preterm and considering the options for birth after a previous caesarean delivery
should be informed that planned preterm VBAC has similar success rates to planned term VBAC but
with a lower risk of uterine rupture.

41+0 weeks of gestation

The NICE induction of labour guideline recommends induction of labour from 41+0 weeks as
this reduces perinatal mortality without an increase in caesarean delivery rates.137 There are
no adequate data to recommend whether such an approach is equally valid in women with
previous caesarean delivery. The risk of stillbirth at or after 39 weeks is between 1.5- and
two-fold higher in women with previous caesarean delivery compared with women without Evidence
previous caesarean delivery (absolute risks 11 per 10000 [0.11%] versus 5 per 10000 [0.05%]).76 level 3
Hence, the reduction in risk of perinatal death that occurs by delivering from 41 weeks is likely
to be greater among women with previous caesarean delivery. However, in such women,
induction of labour compared with spontaneous labour is associated with increased risks of
emergency caesarean delivery (by 1.5-fold) and uterine scar rupture (by two- to three-fold).
A reasonable approach would be for women who planned VBAC to have a review by a senior obstetrician
at 41+0 weeks of gestation if spontaneous onset of labour has not ensued (Appendix II). Such a review
should assess her likelihood of successful VBAC (for example, favourable cervix, previous vaginal
birth, absence of any obstetric or fetal complications), her understanding of the increased maternal and
perinatal risks if induction is chosen, her preference for membrane sweep, spontaneous VBAC, induced
(amniotomy or prostaglandin) VBAC or ERCS, and her future reproductive preferences. In practice, this
may mean scheduling a provisional ERCS at around 40 +10 weeks and converting to induction of labour
depending on further clinical and cervical assessment at 40 +10 weeks.

Twin gestation
Various studies, including the NICHD study (n = 186 twin pregnancies)138 and three US
retrospective studies (n = 535,139 n = 1850,140 n = 25141 twin pregnancies), have reported similar Evidence
level 3
successful rates of VBAC in twin pregnancies (4584%) to those in singleton pregnancies.

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Suspected fetal macrosomia

In relation to VBAC labour, birthweight of 4 kg or more is associated with an increased
risk of uterine rupture (OR 2.62, 95% CI 1.0016.85), unsuccessful VBAC (OR 2.47, 95% CI
1.823.34), shoulder dystocia (OR 25.13, 95% CI 9.3167.86) and third- and fourth-degree
perineal laceration (OR 2.64, 95% CI 1.664.19).110 For women with no prior vaginal delivery
undergoing VBAC labour when neonatal birthweight was 4 kg or higher, the VBAC success Evidence
rate was reported as less than 50% and the uterine rupture rate was 3.6%.142 A subgroup level 2
analysis of the NICHD study showed that, among women with previous caesarean delivery
for dystocia, greater birthweight in the subsequent planned VBAC labour (relative to the first
birthweight) was associated with a decreased likelihood of successful VBAC.108 However, third
trimester ultrasound is a poor predictor of macrosomia in decision making regarding VBAC.

Antepartum stillbirth
Women with an antepartum stillbirth and a previous caesarean delivery undergo labour with
a high VBAC success rate (87%). The care of these women should be in line with national Evidence
guidelines.143 However, because a proportion of cases required induction and/or augmentation, level 3
one study reported a uterine rupture rate of 2.4%.144

Maternal age of 40 years or more

Maternal age of 40 years or more is an independent risk factor for stillbirth145 and unsuccessful
VBAC.103,146,147 Published advice suggests consideration of delivery of women aged 40 years
or more by 39 +040 +0 weeks to reduce the risk of adverse perinatal outcome (particularly
stillbirth).145 However, given the likely additive effects of previous caesarean delivery and Evidence
level 4
raised maternal age on the risk of stillbirth, careful consideration should be given to the
timing of the delivery in women aged 40 years or above who plan VBAC. There is insufficient
evidence to recommend optimum timing of delivery in this subgroup of women.

Preterm VBAC
The NICHD study showed planned VBAC success rates for preterm and term pregnancies
were similar (72.8% versus 73.3%). However, the rates of uterine rupture (34 per 10000 versus
74 per 10000 respectively) and dehiscence (26 per 10000 versus 67 per 10000 respectively) Evidence
level 2
were significantly lower in preterm compared with term VBAC.148 Perinatal outcomes were
similar with preterm VBAC and preterm ERCS.
11. Recommendations for future research
l Development, validation and pragmatic clinical evaluation of an antenatal- and/or intrapartum-

based scoring system to identify women at high or low risk of unsuccessful VBAC.
l Determine the clinical value of antenatal and intrapartum ultrasound to predict the likelihood of

successful VBAC or uterine rupture using specific (e.g. ultrasonographically measured myometrial
scar thickness) or combination parameters.
l Investigate the aetiology and prevention (e.g. specific antenatal monitoring strategies, timing
of delivery) of the increased risk of stillbirth in women with previous caesarean delivery in the
presence or absence of other previous complications (e.g. pre-eclampsia, preterm delivery, small
for gestational age).
l Investigate cervicometric progress in VBAC labour and determine the value of timing interventions
to maximise VBAC success and minimise uterine rupture.
l Research into factors that may explain the regional and unit-based variation in uptake of VBAC
and the factors that impact most on women accepting or declining VBAC (e.g. patient information

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leaflet, previous childbirth experiences, desired family size, understanding the risk analysis during
counselling, how to reduce any decisional conflict, variation in case mix).
l Investigate the use of mechanical dilators for induction of VBAC labour.
12. Auditable topics
l Documented discussion of risks and benefits of VBAC versus ERCS/use of VBAC checklists (100%).
l Proportions of women experiencing successful versus unsuccessful spontaneous and induced

planned VBAC (particularly with reference to the induction method).

l 100% reporting of serious maternal (e.g. uterine rupture, peripartum hysterectomy, mortality) and

neonatal (e.g. antepartum stillbirth, HIE, intrapartum and neonatal mortality) morbidity/mortality
consequent to VBAC versus ERCS via a local incident reporting system.
l Effectiveness of antenatal screening for placenta praevia and accreta, including frequency of
missed antenatal diagnoses against locally agreed standards.
l Use of continuous electronic fetal monitoring during VBAC labour (100%).
l Documentation of senior obstetrician involvement in induction and augmentation of VBAC
labour (100%).
13. Useful links and support groups
l Caesarean Birth and VBAC Information [http://caesarean.org.uk].
l Royal College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists. Birth after a caesarean section: Information

for you. London: RCOG; 2015.

1. Royal College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists. Birth
After Previous Caesarean Birth. Green-top Guideline No.
45. London: RCOG; 2007.
2. Health and Social Care Information Centre. NHS Maternity
Statistics - England, April 2012 to March 2013: Provider
level analysis. [Leeds]: HSCIC; 2013 [http://www.hscic.
gov.uk/catalogue/PUB12744]. Accessed 2015 Mar 18.
3. Welsh Government. Maternity Statistics, Wales:
Method of Delivery, 2004-2014. SDR 210/2014. Cardiff:
pdf]. Accessed 2015 Mar 18.
4. Department of Health, Social Services & Public Safety.
Northern Ireland Hospital Statistics: Inpatient and Day
Case Activity Statistics 2012/13. Belfast: DHSSPS; 2013
pdf]. Accessed 2015 Mar 18.
5. Information Services Division, NHS National Services
Scotland. Births in Scottish Hospitals. Edinburgh;
Information Services Division, NHS National Services
Scotland; 2014 [https://isdscotland.scot.nhs.uk/HealthTopics /Mater n it y-and-Bir ths / Publications /2014 - 08 26/2014-08-26-Births-Report.pdf?83330935240]. Accessed
2015 Mar 18.
6. National Institute for Health and Clinical Excellence.
Caesarean section. NICE clinical guideline 132.
Manchester: NICE; 2011.
7. American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists.
ACOG Practice bulletin no. 115: Vaginal birth after previous
cesarean delivery. Obstet Gynecol 2010;116:45063.
8. Cunningham FG, Bangdiwala SI, Brown SS, Dean TM,
Frederiksen M, Rowland Hogue CJ, et al. NIH consensus
development conference draft statement on vaginal birth
after cesarean: new insights. NIH Consens State Sci
Statements 2010;27(3).

RCOG Green-top Guideline No. 45


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Appendix I: Definitions of terms

Planned VBAC

Planned VBAC (vaginal birth after previous caesarean delivery) refers to the
intended mode of delivery of any woman who has experienced a prior caesarean
birth who plans to deliver vaginally rather than by elective repeat caesarean
section (ERCS).

Successful and unsuccessful

planned VBAC

A vaginal delivery (spontaneous or assisted) in a woman undergoing planned

VBAC indicates a successful VBAC. Delivery by emergency caesarean during
the labour indicates an unsuccessful VBAC.

Uterine rupture

Disruption of the uterine muscle extending to and involving the uterine serosa or
disruption of the uterine muscle with extension to the bladder or broad ligament.

Uterine dehiscence

Disruption of the uterine muscle with intact uterine serosa.

Perinatal mortality

Combined number of stillbirths (antepartum and intrapartum) and neonatal

deaths between 20 weeks of gestation and 28 days of life per 10000 live
births and stillbirths. Perinatal mortality rate will exclude deaths due to fetal
malformation unless otherwise stated.

Term delivery-related perinatal


Term delivery-related perinatal death is defined as the combined number of

intrapartum stillbirths and neonatal deaths per 10000 live births and stillbirths
at or beyond 37+0 weeks of gestation. Birth-related perinatal mortality rates
exclude antepartum stillbirths and deaths due to fetal malformation unless
otherwise stated.

Neonatal respiratory morbidity

Combined rate of transient tachypnoea of the newborn and respiratory distress


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Appendix II: Example of a schedule of antenatal care

12+0 weeks

Provision of written patient information on delivery options (VBAC and ERCS).

1821+0 weeks

Ultrasonographer to perform midtrimester scan for fetal anomaly and placental localisation.
Reschedule ultrasound at 3234 weeks for women identified to have a low-lying placenta with a
history of previous caesarean delivery.

2128 weeks

Antenatal counselling appointment for women with uncomplicated singleton pregnancies and
single previous lower segment caesarean delivery. Documented counselling of risks and benefits
of VBAC versus ERCS (facilitated by use of decision aid, pro forma or checklist). A review of the
previous caesarean delivery, with access to the womans previous obstetric medical record, should
take place. Counselling should be undertaken by member(s) of the maternity team.
Midwifery review for all pregnant women. Undertake routine reviews and completion of 28-week
screening tests (e.g. full blood count, ABO rhesus D group status, administration of anti-D if

3234 weeks

Obstetrician-led assessment of women with previous caesarean delivery who are identified to have
a low-lying placenta at 3234-week obstetric ultrasound. The aim is to provide adequate time for
investigation and management of possible placenta accreta.
Midwifery review for women with normally sited placenta. Establish womans preference for
planned VBAC or ERCS and ensure suitability for planned VBAC (i.e. cephalic presentation, no other
obstetric complications).

By 36 weeks

Obstetrician-led assessment to determine mode of delivery for women who opted for ERCS, are
undecided on mode of delivery or have complicating obstetric and medical disorders (e.g. multiple
pregnancy, delivery of a macrosomic infant [birthweight of 4 kg or more], small for gestational age
and/or fetal growth restriction, pre-eclampsia).
Midwifery review to confirm suitability and maternal preference for planned VBAC (i.e. woman
understands all risks/benefits, has normally grown fetus with cephalic presentation, no other
obstetric complications).

After 39 weeks

Performing ERCS
If ERCS is required prior to 39 +0 weeks for obstetric or medical indications then prophylactic
antenatal corticosteroids may be considered to reduce the risk of neonatal respiratory morbidity
(transient tachypnoea of the newborn, respiratory distress syndrome). However, concerns
regarding the long-term safety should be discussed with the mother.

41+0 weeks

Senior obstetrician-led assessment for women who had opted for planned VBAC but have not gone
into spontaneous labour. Risks and benefits of various options are discussed and documented.
Options include membrane sweep, prostaglandin, amniotomy or Foley catheter induction of labour,
ERCS or expectant management.

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Appendix III: Clinical management of pregnant women who have had one or more caesarean birth(s)
Management of pregnant women who have one or more caesarean birth(s)
Any contraindications to VBAC

l Placental localisation exclude praevia accreta.

l Review previous record and operative notes.
l Medical or obstetric conditions that preclude VBAC.
Antenatal counselling and shared decision-making process

l E xplain risks and benefits of planned VBAC versus ERCS, including the individualised likelihood of VBAC success.
m For example, women with previous vaginal births should be informed that previous vaginal delivery, particularly
previous VBAC, is the single best predictor of successful VBAC and is associated with planned VBAC success rates of
m Greater maternal height, maternal age less than 40 years, BMI less than 30, gestation of less than 40 weeks and
infant birthweight less than 4 kg (or similar/lower birthweight to/than index caesarean delivery) are associated with
an increased likelihood of successful VBAC.
m In addition, spontaneous onset of labour, vertex presentation, fetal head engagement or a lower station, and higher
admission Bishop score also increase the likelihood of successful VBAC.
m Successful VBAC is more likely among women with prior caesarean for fetal malpresentation (84%).

l Elicit maternal choice for mode of delivery and how it fits with future reproductive preferences.
Intrapartum care for VBAC

l Delivery setting, monitoring, analgesia.

l Recognising failure to progress and/or uterine rupture.
l Caution if induction and/or augmentation is/are considered necessary.
Intrapartum care for ERCS

l Preferred gestational timing to conduct caesarean (from 39 +0 weeks).

l Perioperative management.
Management of women in special circumstances

l VBAC in the presence of high-risk obstetric factors.

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Appendix IV: Birth choices after caesarean delivery pathway

Likelihood of


Successful VBAC (one previous caesarean delivery, no previous vaginal birth)

3 out of 4 or 7275%

Successful VBAC (one previous caesarean delivery, at least one previous

vaginal birth)

Almost 9 out of 10 or
up to 8590%

Tick when

Unsuccessful VBAC more likely in:

Induced labour, no previous vaginal delivery, body mass index (BMI) greater than 30 and previous
caesarean for labour dystocia. If all of these factors are present, successful VBAC is achieved in 40%
of cases.
Likelihood of



Uterine rupture

5 per 1000/0.5%

< 2 per 10000/< 0.02%

Blood transfusion

2 per 100/2%

1 per 100/1%


No significant difference in risk

Serious complications
in future pregnancies

Not applicable if successful


Increased likelihood of placenta praevia/

morbidly adherent placenta

Maternal mortality

4 per 100000/0.004%

13 per 100000/0.013%

Transient respiratory

23 per 100/23%

46 per 100/46% (risk reduced with

corticosteroids, but there are concerns
about potential long-term adverse effects)

Antepartum stillbirth
beyond 39 +0 weeks
while awaiting
spontaneous labour

10 per 10000/0.1%

Not applicable

Hypoxic ischaemic
encephalopathy (HIE)

8 per 10000/0.08%

< 1 per 10000/< 0.01%

Information leaflet(s) provided:




Continuous electronic fetal monitoring at the onset of regular uterine contractions
Birth on the labour suite
Need for intravenous (IV) access in labour

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Management plan in the event of:

Preterm labour (< 37+0 weeks)


Emergency caesarean delivery

Spontaneous labour before

ERCS date


Caesarean delivery

No spontaneous labour after

41 weeks discussed with
senior obstetrician


I nduction of labour (give details of agreed plan below)

 epends on stage of
labour details below

Use of oxytocin in labour

discussed with senior

Details of induction of labour:

ERCS booking details:

Additional comments:

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Appendix V: VBAC success and uterine rupture risks of planned VBAC labours



VBAC success

*74% (95% CI

63% (95% CI

68% (95% CI

Uterine rupture

*0.47% (95% CI

1.2% (95% CI

1.1% (95% CI

NICHD study18,103
(n = 17898 VBACs)

VBAC success




Uterine rupture




Australian population study22

(n = 10958 VBACs)

VBAC success




Uterine rupture




UK Obstetric Surveillance System

casecontrol study20

Uterine rupture




AHRQ meta-analysis9

*refers to overall rates when spontaneous, induced and augmented labours are combined, although the large majority of data
are derived from spontaneous labour.

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Appendix VI: Explanation of guidelines and evidence levels

Clinical guidelines are: systematically developed statements which assist clinicians and patients in
making decisions about appropriate treatment for specific conditions. Each guideline is systematically
developed using a standardised methodology. Exact details of this process can be found in Clinical
Governance Advice No.1 Development of RCOG Green-top Guidelines (available on the RCOG website
at http://www.rcog.org.uk/green-top-development). These recommendations are not intended to dictate
an exclusive course of management or treatment. They must be evaluated with reference to individual
patient needs, resources and limitations unique to the institution and variations in local populations.
It is hoped that this process of local ownership will help to incorporate these guidelines into routine
practice. Attention is drawn to areas of clinical uncertainty where further research may be indicated.
The evidence used in this guideline was graded using the scheme below and the recommendations
formulated in a similar fashion with a standardised grading scheme.

Classification of evidence levels

1++ High-quality meta-analyses, systematic
reviews of randomised controlled trials or
randomised controlled trials with a very
low risk of bias

Grades of recommendations

At least one meta-analysis, systematic review or

randomised controlled trial rated as 1++, and
directly applicable to the target population; or
A systematic review of randomised controlled
trials or a body of evidence consisting
principally of studies rated as 1+, directly
applicable to the target population and
demonstrating overall consistency of results

A body of evidence including studies rated

as 2++ directly applicable to the target
population, and demonstrating overall
consistency of results; or
Extrapolated evidence from studies rated as
1++ or 1+

A body of evidence including studies rated as

2+ directly applicable to the target population,
and demonstrating overall consistency of
results; or
Extrapolated evidence from studies rated as

Evidence level 3 or 4; or
Extrapolated evidence from studies rated as 2+

1+ Well-conducted meta-analyses, systematic

reviews of randomised controlled trials
or randomised controlled trials with a
low risk of bias
1 Meta-analyses, systematic reviews of
randomised controlled trials or
randomised controlled trials with a high
risk of bias
2++ High-quality systematic reviews of
casecontrol or cohort studies or highquality casecontrol or cohort studies
with a very low risk of confounding, bias
or chance and a high probability that the
relationship is causal
2+ Well-conducted casecontrol or cohort
studies with a low risk of confounding,
bias or chance and a moderate
probability that the relationship is causal
2 Casecontrol or cohort studies with a
high risk of confounding, bias or chance
and a significant risk that the
relationship is not causal
3 Non-analytical studies, e.g. case reports,
case series

Good practice point

Expert opinion

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Recommended best practice based on the

clinical experience of the guideline
development group

Royal College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists

This guideline was produced on behalf of the Royal College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists by:
Professor JK Gupta FRCOG, Birmingham; Professor GCS Smith FRCOG, Cambridge; and Mr RR Chodankar MRCOG,
and peer reviewed by:
Professor Z Alfirevic FRCOG, Liverpool; Ms SM Baines, midwifery lecturer and supervisor of midwives,
Wrightington, Wigan and Leigh NHS Foundation Trust; Dr S Bewley FRCOG, London; British Maternal and
Fetal Medicine Society; Dr AA Elkady FRCOG, Greater Cairo, Egypt; Mr UI Esen FRCOG, South Shields;
Dr M Formosa FRCOG, Msida, Malta; Mr DI Fraser FRCOG, Norwich; Mr M Griffiths FRCOG, Luton; Dr S Hamilton
FRCOG, Huntingdon; Dr KR Harding FRCOG, London; Mr DW Irons FRCOG, Durham; Dr SI Kayani FRCOG,
Sabah Al-Salem, Kuwait; Dr R Malhas MRCOG, Walsall; Mr CN Nzewi MRCOG, Guernsey; Mr SOU Orife FRCOG,
South Shields; Dr MAK Perera, Avissawella, Sri Lanka; RCOG Ethics Committee; RCOG Womens Network;
Royal College of Midwives; Dr S Rutter MRCOG, Rotherham; Dr P Sarkar FRCOG, Slough; Dr JR Scott FRCOG,
Salt Lake City, Utah, USA; Dr M Sinha MRCOG, Chichester; Mrs P Sinha FRCOG, St Leonards-on-Sea; Dr CY Spong,
Eunice Kennedy Shriver National Institute of Child Health and Human Development, National Institutes of
Health, Bethesda, Maryland, USA; The Royal College of Radiologists; Dr CL Tower MRCOG, Manchester;
Dr AU Ukpong, Port Harcourt, Nigeria; Mr DP Webster MRCOG, Poole; and Dr SNE Webster MRCOG,
Newcastle upon Tyne.
Committee lead reviewers were: Mrs G Kumar FRCOG, Wrexham; Dr P Owen FRCOG, Glasgow; and
Dr AJ Thomson MRCOG, Paisley.
The chairs of the RCOG Guidelines Committee were: Dr M Gupta1 MRCOG, London; Dr P Owen2 FRCOG, Glasgow;
and Dr AJ Thomson1 MRCOG, Paisley.

co-chairs from June 2014 2 until May 2014.

All RCOG guidance developers are asked to declare any conflicts of interest. A statement summarising any
conflicts of interest for this guideline is available from: https://www.rcog.org.uk/en/guidelines-research-services/
The final version is the responsibility of the Guidelines Committee of the RCOG.
The review process will commence in 2018, unless otherwise indicated.

The Royal College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists produces guidelines as an educational aid to good clinical
practice. They present recognised methods and techniques of clinical practice, based on published evidence, for
consideration by obstetricians and gynaecologists and other relevant health professionals. The ultimate judgement
regarding a particular clinical procedure or treatment plan must be made by the doctor or other attendant in the light
of clinical data presented by the patient and the diagnostic and treatment options available.
This means that RCOG Guidelines are unlike protocols or guidelines issued by employers, as they are not intended to
be prescriptive directions defining a single course of management. Departure from the local prescriptive protocols or
guidelines should be fully documented in the patients case notes at the time the relevant decision is taken.

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