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Electric Conductivity From The Solution of The Relativistic Boltzmann Equation

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Electric Conductivity from the solution of the Relativistic Boltzmann Equation

A. Puglisi, S. Plumari, and V. Greco

arXiv:1408.7043v2 [hep-ph] 8 Sep 2014

Department of Physics and Astronomy, University of Catania, Via S. Sofia 64, I-95125 Catania, Italy and
Laboratorio Nazionale del Sud, INFN-LNS, Via S. Sofia 63, I-95125 Catania, Italy
(Dated: September 9, 2014)
We present numerical results of electric conductivity el of a fluid obtained solving the Relativistic
Transport Boltzmann equation in a box with periodic boundary conditions. We compute el using
two methods: the definition itself, i.e. applying an external electric field, and the evaluation of the
Green-Kubo relation based on the time evolution of the current-current correlator. We find a very
good agreement between the two methods.
We also compare numerical results with analytic formulas in Relaxation Time Approximation
(RTA) where the relaxation time for el is determined by the transport cross section tr , i.e. the
differential cross section weighted with the collisional momentum transfer. We investigate the electric conductivity dependence on the microscopic details of the 2-body scatterings: isotropic and
anisotropic cross-section, and massless and massive particles. We find that the RTA underestimates
considerably el ; for example at screening masses mD T such underestimation can be as large
as a factor of 2. Furthermore, we study a more realistic case for a quark-gluon system (QGP)
considering both a quasi-particle model, tuned to lQCD thermodynamics, as well as the case of a
pQCD gas with running coupling. Also for these cases more directly related to the description of
the QGP system, we find that RTA significantly underestimate the el by about a 60 80%.



Relativistic Heavy Ions Collision experiments performed by Relativistic Heavy Ion Collider (RHIC) at
BNL and Large Hadron Collider (LHC) at CERN have
produced a Little Bang, meaning that the same conditions of temperature and energy density of early universe
have been generated. A system of strongly interacting
particles above the critical temperature Tc 160 M eV
[1, 2] is expected to undergo to a phase transition from
hadron matter to Quark-Gluon Plasma (QGP) [3, 4].
The collective behaviour observed in experiments [5] and
theoretical and phenomenological studies of viscous hydrodynamics [69] and parton transport [1016] have
confirmed that QGP behaves like a fluid with a very
small shear viscosity to entropy density ratio /s close to
the lower bound 1/4 predicted by AdS/CFT [17]. This
suggests that QGP could be a nearly perfect fluid with
the smallest viscous dynamics ever observed, even less
dissipative than the ultra cold matter created by magnetic traps [18, 19]. Being the QGP created at HICs
a system far from equilibrium, the study of its transport coefficients is attracting a great interest. The has
been studied extensively [2029]. Only very recently the
electric conductivity, that represents the response of a
system to the applied electric field, has captured a significative importance in the field of strongly interacting
matter for many motivations. Electric conductivity el
can be computed on the Lattice from correlation function. On the experimental side, Heavy Ion Collisions are
able to produce very strong electric and magnetic fields


(eE eB m2 , with m the pion mass) in the first

1 2 f m/c from the collision [3033]. The value of el
would be of fundamental importance for the strength of
the Chiral-Magnetic Effect [34], a signature of the CP violation of the strong interaction. It has also been shown
that in mass asymmetric collision the electric field has
a privileged direction generating a current whose effects
can be observed in collective flow and are directly related to el [31]. Moreover el can be related to the
emission rate of soft photons [35] accounting for their
raising spectra [36, 37]. In this work we compute electric
conductivity solving numerically the Relativistic Boltzmann Transport equation with a transport code already
developed to study the dynamics of heavy-ion collisions
at RHIC and LHC energies[10, 16, 3841] considering
two body elastic cross-section. Electric conductivity can
be calculated using two methods. The first represents
the empirical method of measuring the electric conductivity and is suggested just by the operative definition of
~ applying an exterthis transport coefficient ~j = el E:
nal electric field to a system and evaluating the electric
current induced one can obtain the proportionality coefficient el . The other method comes from the Linear Response Theory and consists in employing the Green-Kubo
correlator: in this case electric conductivity is related to
the time-correlation function of the current evaluated in
thermal equilibrium, i.e. without any external electric
field applied. We found that the two methods are in very
good agreement in the temperature range explored. We
study the microscopic dependence of el on the particular
scattering, isotropic or anisotropic cross-section, exploring also massless and massive particles showing a very
similar behavior of shear viscosity , as already found
in our previous work [28] for massless case. We compare numerical results with analytical formulas obtained
in Relaxation Time Approximation (RTA) and we find

that RTA is a quite good approximation for the simplest
case of massless particles interacting via isotropic crosssection even if it overestimates numerical results of about
30% for temperature T > 0.4 GeV . For anisotropic crosssection and massive particles RTA underestimates more
considerably electric conductivity than shear viscosity.
Being interested in a more realistic case and in a comparison with Lattice QCD results, we employed a quasiparticle model to take into account the thermodynamics
of strongly interacting matter [42]. We consider a system of massive quasi-quarks and quasi-gluons interacting with a pQCD-like cross-section temperature and energy dependent. We also calculate electric conductivity
in the limit of massless particles with a running coupling
constant from pQCD calculation to have an asymptotic
value of el for T Tc and to study the dependence on
a different coupling.
The paper is organized as follows. In Sec. II we briefly
recall Transport Theory and Relaxation Time Approximation to obtain the analytical formula of electric conductivity el and also Green-Kubo relation. In Sec. III
we present the setup of our numerical simulations solving
numerically the Relativistic Transport Boltzmann equation and how to compute el in this framework. In Sec.
IV we show numerical results of el for the most simple
system: massless particles interacting with isotropic and
constant cross-section. In Sec. V we consider a more
general case of massive particles and anisotropic scatterings for both el and . In Sec. VI we discuss el results
for a more realistic system of a quasi-particle model, that
describes the thermodynamics of Lattice QCD. Furthermore we show the pQCD results.


The electric conductivity el represents the response

of a system to an external electric field. The definition
of el comes from the microscopic version of Ohms Law:

4M 2 )d/dt. The possible extension to 2 3 processes

has been thoroughly discussed in Ref. [27]. In order to
obtain an analytical solution for the Boltzmann equation,
it is necessary to approximate the Collision integral. The
most simple scheme is the Relaxation Time Approximation which assumes the following form:
C[f ]

p u
(f feq )


where u is the velocity flow that in local rest frame is

(1, 0), is the so-called relaxation time which determines
the time scale for the system to relax toward the equilibrium state characterized by feq . Assuming that the
distribution function f is near the equilibrium one feq ,
one can write:
f (x, p, t) = feq (x, p)(1 + ).


If we consider a uniform system and only an electric field

~ from Eq. (2) and Eq. (4) we obtain:

E ~p 0 = feq
q p0 E

and solving for , assuming feq , one obtains:


~ p~
q E

The electric current is:

d3 p p
d3 p p
feq (1 + )
j = q
(2)3 p0
(2)3 p0



Using of the previous equation, considering the definition of electric conductivity and generalizing to a system
of different charged particles one obtains [45, 46]:
e2 X 2
d3 p p~2
e2 p~2
el =
q q
j feq =
3T j=q,q j
(2)3 E 2
3T E 2

where qj is the quarks charge (1/3, 2/3), j is the re~
~j = el E.
time for quarks, q is the quark density, e2 =
q ,q qj = 4e /3. We notice that in the classical
The starting point of our calculation is the Relativistic
limit Eq. (9) simplifies to the well known Drude forBoltzmann Transport (RBT) equation that in the presmula e2 /m while in the ultrarelativistic limit becomes
ence of an external field can be written as [43, 44]:
e2 /3T .
Transport coefficients can be computed in a more gen
eral way in the framework of Linear Response The(2)
p f (x, p) + qF p f (x, p) = C[f ]
ory where each coefficients can be related, according to
Green-Kubo relations, to correlation functions of the corwhere f (x, p) is the distribution function, F is the elecresponding flux or tensor in thermal equilibrium. Greentromagnetic field strength tensor, C[f ] is the collision inKubo formula for electric conductivity has the following
tegral which, considering only 2 2 scatterings, can be
written as follows
el =
dt hjz (t)jz (0)i = hjz (0)jz (0)iel (10)

C(x, p) =
(f1 f2 f1 f2 ) |M1 2 12 | (p1 +p2 p1 p2 )

where M is the transition matrix for the elastic process
linked to the differential cross-section |M|2 = 16s(s

where jz is the z component of electric current, h. . . i is

the thermal average at equilibrium. We have also assumed a uniform system so the volume integral gets a

V factor, the right hand side is obtained using the fact
that the time-correlation function for a system in thermal equilibrium is a decreasing exponential exp(t/ )
[47]. Such a behaviour has been carefully checked to be
satisfied by our numerical solution of RBT, similarly to
Ref. [28] for the shear viscosity. We notice that the
numerical evaluation of Green-Kubo correlator is a powerful method for computing, within the validity of Linear
Response Theory, transport coefficients without any kind
of approximation being the only requirement the thermal
equilibrium. In Ref. [28] we have showed the numerical
convergency of Green-Kubo method in the framework of
transport code.


We solve numerically the transport equation using

the stochastic interpretation of the transition amplitude
[12, 13], according to which collision probability of two
particles in a cell of volume Vcell and a time-step t is
P = vrel

tot t
Ntest Vcel


where tot is the total cross section and vrel =

s(s 4M 2 )/2E1 E2 is the relative velocity of the two
incoming particles.
The definition of electric conductivity J = el E suggests the experimental method for evaluating the electric
conductivity simply inverting the relation el = J/E:
taking the ratio between the electric current measured
and the electric field applied one obtains el . Of course
one needs also to verify that J/E is independent on E
itself. In the following discussion we will call this method
the E-field method. We notice that recently such a
method has been employed to evaluate el in the partonhadron-string dynamics (PHSD) transport approach [48]
~ in the box, it
To simulate a constant electric field E
is sufficient to modify the equation of motion of each
particle as follows:
d i
p = qi eEz
dt z



where qj is the charge of the particle and we have chosen

the electric field along the zdirection. The electric current in the z direction for a discrete system of particles
has the following form:
1 X eqi piz (t)
jz (t) =
V i

results are independent on volume size. Particles are distributed uniformly in space and according to Boltzmann
distribution function, f (p) = eE/T , in momentum.
In Fig. 1 we show an example of x, y, z components
of the electric current j(t) as a function of time. In
this simulation we consider a system of massive quarks,
antiquarks and gluons (m = 0.4 GeV ) at thermal and
chemical equilibrium interacting with isotropic crosssection tot = 10 mb and we have applied an electric field
eE = 0.05 GeV /f m in the z direction. As we can see the
z component (black solid line) reaches a saturation value
while x and y components fluctuate around the equilibrium value zero.
In Fig. 2 is shown the ratio el /T as a function of the
applied electric field eE for two different temperatures
T = 0.2 GeV dark circles and T = 0.4 GeV green squares
for a system of massive particles with m = 0.4 GeV interacting via isotropic cross-section with tot = 10 mb:
el /T is independent on the applied electric field which
confirms the validity of its definition. Dashed lines are
RTA predictions of Eq. (9). As we can see from Fig.
2 thermal fluctuations affect the uncertainties on electric conductivity because a greater temperature produces
greater fluctuations in the saturation value of electric current. The increasing of the electric field has the effect of
developing a more stable electric current that is easily
noticeable in the decreasing of error bars. However, the
electric field cannot be increased arbitrarily because one
has to guarantee the linear response of the system: with
a very high value of eE the system could not reach any
equilibrium value of electric current and the definition
itself of el becomes meaningless. We have checked the
correct behaviour of electric current for several value of
electric field, temperature and cross-section presented in
this work.
The other method we used to compute el is the evaluation of Green-Kubo formula Eq (10). The correlation
function hjz (t)j(0)i can be written as follows:
Z Tmax

hjz (t)j(0)i =
dt jz (t + t )j(t ) =
Tmax Tmax 0


where the sum is over particles, p0 is the particle energy

and V is the volume of the system.
We performed simulations in a uniform box of volume V = 53 f m3 with periodic boundary conditions
using time step t = 0.01 f m/c, spatial discretization
Vcell = 0.13 f m3 and Ntest Nreal 500 103 that ensures the numerical convergency; we have checked that




jz (it + jt)jz (jt)


where Tmax is the maximum time chosen in our simulations, NTmax = Tmax /t represents the maximum number of time-steps and it = t, while h i denotes the
average over events generated numerically. In Fig. 3
we plot an example of Green-Kubo correlation functions
normalized to the initial value hjz (0)jz (0)i for a system
of massless quarks and gluons interacting via isotropic
cross-section (tot = 3 mb) for several temperatures in
the range T = 0.1 0.6 GeV . Correlation functions
hjz (t)jz (0)i behave like decreasing exponential exp(t/ )
as it should be for a system in thermal equilibrium. As

<jz(t)jz(0)> / <jz(0)jz(0)>



j(t) [e fm ]





t [fm/c]








10 0


0,04 0,06 0,08

eE [GeV/fm]




t [fm/c]



In this section we consider the simplest case of a system

of massless particles (quarks, anti-quarks and gluons) interacting via isotropic and elastic scatterings. In this case
the transport relaxation time has the following form:
ij ij
hj vrel
tr i = tot (q + q + g ) (16)
q ,g

T = 0.2 GeV
T = 0.4 GeV


T = 0.1 GeV
T = 0.2 GeV
T = 0.3 GeV
T = 0.4 GeV
T = 0.5 GeV
T = 0.6 GeV

FIG. 3. Green-Kubo correlators hjz (t)jz (0)i normalized to the

initial value hjz (0)jz (0)i for a system of massless quarks and
gluons interacting with isotropic cross-section (tot = 3 mb)
for temperature T = 0.1 0.6 GeV . We can see the typical
behaviour of a decreasing exponential exp(t/ ).




FIG. 1. x, y, z components of electric current j as a function

of time for electric field eE = 0.05 GeV /f m in the z direction.
We fixed T = 0.2 GeV , m = 0.4 GeV and tot = 10 mb for
all particles in this simulation. jz reaches a saturation value
proportional to E while x and y components fluctuate around



FIG. 2. Electric conductivity el /T as a function of electric

field. We fixed T = 0.2 GeV (dark circles) and T = 0.4 GeV
(green squares), m = 0.4 GeV and tot = 10 mb isotropic for
all particles in these simulations. Results are compatible with
a constant ratio el /T in the range of electric field explored.
Dashed lines are RTA predictions.

one increases the temperature, the slope decreases as

expected from kinetic theory 1/((T )).
We recall that for the calculation of el and using
Green-Kubo relation the setup of the box is simply in
thermal equilibrium, i.e. without any external electric

where vrel is the relative velocity of the two incoming

particles and for massless particles vrel = 1, tr is the
transport cross-section that for isotropic scatterings is
equal to 32 tot , q,q ,g is respectively quarks, antiquarks
and gluons density. Assuming that all particles interact
with the same cross-section, Eq. (9) simplifies as follows:
= 2
3T 6q + g 23 tot


where 6 comes from the sum over quarks flavour

s) and we used q,g = q,g T 3 / 2 , being
(u, d, s, u
, d,
the degeneracy factor.
In Fig. 4 we show electric conductivity el /T as a
function of temperature for a system of massless quarks,
antiquarks and gluons interacting via the same isotropic
cross-section tot = 3 mb: open circles are computed
using Green-Kubo relation Eq. (10) while blue open
squares are obtained with the E-field method (eE =
0.01 1.0 GeV /f m for T = 0.1 0.6 GeV ). Red dashed
line represents Eq (17). We can see a very good agreement between Green-Kubo and E-field method as it
should be in the framework of Linear Response Theory: both definition of el are meaningful according to
our results. However RTA tends to overestimate numerical results in particular for high temperatures, e.g. at









E field method




E field




10 0,1


mD [GeV]

T [GeV]



T = 0.6 GeV there is a 30% of discrepancy. This shows

that the relaxation time el for the electric conductivity is only approximatively determined by the transport
cross-section tr . We will show in the following that the
discrepancy between tr and el becomes more drastic
in the more general case of non isotropic scatterings.

FIG. 5. Electric conductivity as a function of Debye mass

mD . In this simulations we set T = 0.4 GeV , tot = 10 mb
and m = 0.4 GeV for all particles. Circles are Green-Kubo
results. Red dashed line is RTA Eq. (9) with tr from Eq.
(20). Dotted line represents the isotropic limit.

[GeV ]

FIG. 4. Electric conductivity el /T as a function of Temperature T for a system of massless particles interacting via
isotropic scatterings (tot = 3 mb). Circles are Green-Kubo
results while blue squares represent the E-field method results. Red dashed line is Relaxation Time Approximation
Eq. (17).




In this section we consider a quark-gluon plasma of

massive quarks, antiquarks and gluons interacting via
anisotropic cross-section. In particular, we use the elastic
pQCD inspired cross section with the infrared singularity
regularized by Debye thermal mass mD [49]:

2 (t m2D )2
where s, t are the Mandelstam variables. This kind of
cross-section is typically used in transport codes [10, 12,
41, 5052]. In our calculations the Debye mass mD and
the strong coupling constant s are both constant parameters. The total cross-section tot = 92s /(m2D ) with
the above prescription is energy and temperature independent. The Debye mass is a parameter that establishes
the anisotropy of the collision, for small values of mD we
have that the distribution of the collision angle has a peak
at small angles while in the opposite limit mD T , we
recover the isotropic case. For a fixed total cross-section,
the transport cross-section tr can be written as
sin2 dt = tot h(a)
tr (s) =


10 0,1

mD [GeV]


FIG. 6. Shear viscosity as a function of Debye mass mD .

In this simulation we consider T = 0.4 GeV , tot = 10 mb
and m = 0.4 GeV for all particles. Open circles are obtained
using Green-Kubo correlator. Dashed line represents RTA
while dotted line is the isotropic limit.

where h(a) = 4a(1 + a) (2a + 1)ln(1 + 1/a) 2 and
a = m2D /s. For mD the function h(a) 2/3 and
tr = (2/3)tot we recover the isotropic limit, see the
previous Sec., while for finite value of mD the function
h(a) < 2/3.
The transport relaxation time in this case can be written as:
i = tot hvrel h(a)i (q + q + g )
hj ijtr vrel

where for massive particles = 2 2 T 3

ing K2 the modified Bessel function.


K2 m
We performed

m 2



mD [GeV]


FIG. 7. Green-Kubo results for shear viscosity and electric

conductivity (from results of Fig. 5 and Fig. 6) over RTA
formulas as a function of Debye mass mD . RTA is a quite
good approximation for isotropic scatterings while for very
anisotropic cross-section mD < 1 GeV we can see that RTA
underestimates in a more prominently way el /T than .

simulations of a system of quarks, antiquarks and gluons with m = 0.4 GeV , that is the same value obtained in quasi-particle model in the range of temperature T = 0.2 0.4 GeV . However at this point it represents only a systematic study: in the next section we will
present quasi-particle model results with temperature dependent masses for quarks and gluons. In Fig. 5 we show
el /T as a function of mD for a system of quarks and gluons interacting via the same cross-section described Eq.
(18) with tot = 10 mb and T = 0.4 GeV : open circles
represent Green-Kubo results while blue squares are obtained using the E-field method (eE = 0.05 GeV /f m);
red dashed line is RTA using Eq. (20) for the relaxation time; dotted line represent the isotropic limit, i.e.
tr = 32 tot . We can see that RTA underestimates numerical results of el by a factor of about 40% already at
mD = 1 GeV while in the isotropic limit mD > 5 GeV it
slightly overestimates numerical estimations as we know
from the simple case of massless particles of the previous
The behaviour of el /T as a function of mD is similar to the one already observed for shear viscosity in
the case of massless gluons in [28]. We show for the
corresponding plot in Fig. 6 where are shown results
for the same system studied for electric conductivity.
We compute shear viscosity using Green-Kubo relation = V /T h xy (0)2 i , as already done for single component system [25, 27, 28]. In Fig. 6 open circles are
Green-Kubo results, dashed line is RTA and dotted line
represents the isotropic limit. As found in [28] RTA is
a good approximation for only for isotropic scatterings
while for mD < 1 GeV it underestimates Green-Kubo
results by a factor of 25%.
If we look in details RTA estimations for both trans-

port coefficients we find that el is underestimated by

RTA more considerably than as the cross-section becomes more forward peaked. In Fig. 7 we plot the ratio of
numerical results of both transport coefficients over the
analytical predictions of RTA: black circles are GreenKubo results for , red squares are Green-Kubo results
for el /T . For mD < 1 GeV we can see that RTA is a
better approximation for than for el . From Fig. 7 we
can say that relaxation time of el is different from relaxation time of in the sense that transport relaxation time
tr in Eq. (20) works better for than for el . It would
be interesting to study the influence of 2 3 inelastic
scatterings to relaxation time of electric conductivity as
already done for in [27]. This study is currently pursued within the BAMPS transport approach. The effect
of considering also 2 3 scatterings is to decrease of
about a factor 3.


In this section we investigate the more realistic case

of quarks, antiquarks and gluons interacting via different
anisotropic and energy dependent cross-section according
to the pQCD-like scheme with a screening mass mD as
arising from HTL approach: mD g(T )T . The total
cross-section used has the following form:
= ij (s) = ij

m2D s + m2D


where s = g 2 /4 and the coefficient ij depends on the

species of interacting particles: qq = 16/9, qq = 8/9,

= 2, = 9.
Furtheremore, in order to take into account the thermodynamics from lQCD calculation, we employ the
quasi-particle (QP) model [42] similarly to [5356]. We
recall that the aim of a quasi-particle model is to describe a strongly interacting systems in terms of quasiparticles weakly interacting whose masses are generated
by the non-perturbative effects. The QP model, as a phenomenological way to describe microscopically the QGP,
has become a quite solid approach for T > 23 Tc specifically using NNLO HTLpt [57, 58]. We notice that a
dynamical quasi-particle model (DQPM), which includes
also spectral functions, has been developed in [14] where
a very similar behaviour of g(T ) has been deduced. The
main difference between QP and DQPM comes from the
fact that DQPM considers isotropic scatterings that, according to our results of previous section, decrease electric conductivity of about 20 30% [48] in the range of
anisotropy of interest as we will discuss below. In Ref.
[42], performing a fit to the lattice energy density, we
have obtained the following parametrization for the running coupling:
g 2 (T ) =

48 2
(11Nc 2Nf ) ln TTc





QP Green-Kubo
pQCD E-field method
QP E-field method



(el/T) / RTA


QP Green-Kubo
pQCD E-field method



QP E-field method




FIG. 8. Electric conductivity el /T as a function of T /Tc .
Dark open circles are Green-Kubo results for QP model, red
open squares are QP model results computed with the E-field
method, violet open diamonds are pQCD results calculated
with the E-field method; red line and violet line are RTA
predictions respectively for the QP model and pQCD case.
Symbols are Lattice data: grey squares [59], violet triangles
[60], green circle [61], yellow diamonds [62], red diamonds[63]
and orange square[64].

with = 2.6 and Ts /Tc = 0.57. We notice that such a

fit reproduce the exact result with a very good precision
only for T > 1.1 Tc. Quarks and gluons masses are given
by m2g = 3/4g 2T 2 and m2q = 1/3g 2T 2 .
We also study the behaviour of electric conductivity using
 pQCD running coupling gpQCD =

considering massless particles: even if

ln1 2T
this case is not able to describe the phase transition, it
is interesting to study the el dependence on a different
running coupling and also to consider an asymptotic limit
valid for T Tc .
In Fig. 8, we show electric conductivity el /T as
a function of T /Tc . Open circles are computed using
Green-Kubo correlator, red open squares with the E-field
method (applying an eE = 0.02 0.05 GeV /f m to guarantee the saturation of electric current) for the quasiparticle model, blue open diamonds represent result for
the massless pQCD case that we have computed only
with the E-field method. Red line is RTA for QP model,
blue dot-dashed line RTA for the massless pQCD case.
Symbols denotes Lattice data: grey squares [59], violet
triangles [60], green circle [61], yellow diamonds [62], red
diamonds[63] and orange square[64]. Also in this case
Green-Kubo results are in good agreement with E-field
method in the range of temperature explored. Numerical
results predicted by the QP model are about a factor of
4 greater then recent Lattice QCD calculations [63]. As
we discussed in [46], also /s predicted by the QP model
is about a factor 4 5 greater than the minimum value
1/4 near Tc . This means that rescaling /s, in order
to reproduce the minimum value, one obtains an electric
conductivity el very close to recent Lattice data [63].





FIG. 9. Ratio between numerical results of el /T and RTA

predictions as a function of T /Tc : red squares are obtained using Green-Kubo results for QP model, dark circles with E-field
method for QP model, blue diamonds with E-field method for
the pQCD case.

We note again that RTA underestimates el /T for both

QP model and pQCD case, as we could expect qualitatively from the previous section of anisotropic scattering
considering that in the QP model mD 0.8 1.2 GeV
and in the pQCD case mD 0.41 GeV for temperature
T = 0.2 0.6 GeV . We can see in details in Fig. 9 the
ratio between numerical results of electric conductivity
el /T and RTA predictions as a function of T /Tc . Red
squares are calculated taking the ratio between GreenKubo results and RTA estimation for the QP model,
black circles with the E-field method for QP model while
blue diamonds with the E-field method for the pQCD
case. We notice that QP results are underestimated by
an average factor of 1.8 and pQCD results by 1.6 in the
range of temperature explored.



Transport coefficients, like shear and bulk viscosity,

heat and electric conductivity, characterize the response
of a system to different kind of perturbations and regulate
the dynamics of the system toward the equilibrium state
through dissipation. Being the QGP created in Heavy
Ions Collisions a system far from equilibrium, the study
and evaluation of transport coefficients for strongly interacting matter is mandatory. In this work we have
computed electric conductivity solving numerically the
Relativistic Boltzmann Transport equation with a parton cascade code already developed using two methods:
the Electric field method, suggested by the definition itself of el (J = el E), and Green-Kubo correlator. We
have studied in a systematic way the microscopic details
dependence of el on the particular scattering (isotropic
and anisotropic cross-section). We have found that RTA

formula of el is a quite good approximation for massless
and massive particles interacting with isotropic cross section. We observe that it overestimates numerical results
by about 30% for temperature T > 0.5 GeV . For massive
quarks, antiquarks and gluons interacting via anisotropic
cross-section we have calculated el and shear viscosity
showing the differences between the two transport coefficients: RTA underestimates both el and . However
we show that RTA prediction is worse for el than for
meaning that relaxation time el is not exactly equal to
We find two main results. The first is that GreenKubo and the E-field method to estimate the electric
conductivity agree quite well in all the range of temperature explored that are those relevant for the hot QGP
physics. The second result is that the RTA prediction of
el based on relaxation time given by the transport crosssection always underestimates the conductivity. Such
a discrepancy increases for more forward peaked crosssection (small mD ). We find for mD T that such a
discrepancy can be about a factor of 2. Instead for more
realistic description with running strong coupling we find
a discrepancy of about 60% for both the pQCD and QP



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The authors thank C. Greiner and M. Greif for useful

comments and discussions. A. P. thanks C. Greiner and
M. Greif for the courteous hospitality at Johann Wolfgang Goethe-Universitat in Frankfurt that stimulated numerical comparisons between our transport codes. V.
G. acknowledges the support by the ERC-StG under the
QGPDyn grant.

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