Chapter15 PDF
Chapter15 PDF
Chapter15 PDF
The first category, an increase in heat removal from the primary system, includes a new event
involving inadvertent operation of the passive residual heat removal (PRHR) heat exchanger
(HX). Because this category is broader than the category of increase in heat removal from the
primary system in the SRP and RG 1.70 and reflects the AP1000 design, it is acceptable.
The applicant also grouped the design-basis events according to their anticipated frequency of
occurrence, identified as Condition Inormal operation and operational transients,
Condition IIfaults of moderate frequency, Condition IIIinfrequent faults, and
Condition IVlimiting faults. The applicants event frequency grouping is consistent with the
guidelines of RG 1.70 and the criteria of American Nuclear Society (ANS) 18.2-1973, Nuclear
Safety Criteria for the Design of Stationary Pressurized Water Reactor Plants. Condition I
events occur frequently, and their effects on the consequences of Conditions II, III, and IV
events should be considered. Condition II events may occur during a calendar year for a
particular plant. Condition III events may occur infrequently during the life of a particular plant.
Condition IV events are postulated but not expected to occur during the life of a plant.
the main feedwater pump trip in the analysis of an increased feedwater flow event
the pressurizer heater block in the analysis of loss of normal feedwater (LONF),
inadvertent operation of core makeup tanks (CMTs), chemical and volume control
system (CVCS) malfunction that increases reactor coolant inventory, steam generator
tube rupture (SGTR), and small-break loss-of-coolant accidents (SBLOCA)
main steam isolation valve (MSIV) backup valves (including the turbine stop, control
valves, turbine bypass valves, moisture separator reheat steam supply control valve,
and main steam branch isolation valves in the analysis of inadvertent opening of SG
safety valves, steamline break (SLB), and SGTR events)
During the course of the review, the staff asked the applicant to address its compliance with
10 CFR 50.36, which specifies the criteria for the systems that are subject to technical
specification (TS) limiting conditions for operation (LCOs). Specifically, 10 CFR
50.36(c)(2)(ii)(C) requires that a TS be established for a structure, system, or component (SSC)
that is assumed to function or actuate in a design-basis analysis for the mitigation of specified
events. In its response to RAI 440.061, the applicant indicated that it complied with the 10 CFR
50.36 requirements by providing TSs to include non-safety-related systems that are credited as
backup systems in the licensing design-basis analyses. Items 7 and 27 of AP1000 TS
Table 3.3.2-1, Engineering Safeguards Actuation System Instrumentation, include applicable
modes, surveillance requirements (SRs), and trip setpoints for the main feedwater pump trip
and pressurizer heater trip, respectively. Section 3.7.2 of the AP1000 TS provides the LCOs for
the main steam branch isolation valves and the MSIV backup valves. These TSs ensure the
The trip mechanisms of the feedwater pump trip breakers and pressurizer heater trip
breakers are simple, and the likelihood of the breaker function failure is low.
The operating data show that the turbine stop and control valves are reliable, and taking
credit for the turbine valves in the design-basis analyses for backup protection is
consistent with the staff position stated in NUREG-0138, Staff Decision of Fifteen
Technical Issues Listed in Attachment to November 3, 1976, Memorandum from
Director, NRR to NRR Staff.
The applicant has included SRs and LCOs in the TSs to ensure the reliability of the
following systems or components:
feedwater pump trip breakers and redundant pressurizer heater trip breakers
MSIV backup valves and main steam branch isolation valves
Use of an output generator circuit breaker and reverse power relay, with at least a
15-second delay before tripping the breaker following a turbine trip, allows the generator
to provide voltage support to the grid and maintain adequate voltage to the RCPs for
significantly longer than the assumed 3 seconds.
The COL applicant interface item in DCD Tier 2, Table 1.8-1, Item 8.3 (that transient
stability must be maintained and the RCP bus voltage must remain above the voltage
The COL applicant interface item in DCD Tier 2, Table 1.8-1, Item 8.3, (that the
protective devices controlling the switchyard breakers are set with consideration for
preserving the plant grid connection following a turbine trip) is especially important in
generator output circuit breaker designs to ensure that the opening of the switchyard
breakers following a turbine trip does not interrupt the backfeed offsite circuit through
the generator main stepup transformer.
This design does not use automatic transfers of RCP buses, which precludes bus
transfer failures following a turbine trip.
If a turbine trip occurs when the grid is not connected to the plant, the main generator
will be available to power the RCPs for at least 3 seconds before the generator output
breaker is tripped on generator undervoltage or exciter overcurrent.
The staff has reviewed the information on the AP1000 electrical design, as well as the COL
requirements. On that basis, and as described above, the staff has reasonable assurance that
the RCPs can receive power for a minimum of 3 seconds following a turbine trip (discussed in
Section of this report). The staff has also reviewed the DCD Tier 2, Chapter 15,
analysis and found that the applicant considered LOOP in all of the applicable analyzed events
and applied the acceptance criteria specified in the related SRP sections for events with and
without LOOP. Therefore, the staff concludes that the applicant's approach is acceptable.
15.1.4 Analytical Methods
The analytical methods used for transient and accident analyses are normally reviewed on a
generic basis. As indicated in DCD Tier 2, Sections 15.0.11,, and, the
methods used for transient and accident analyses include the following computer codes:
NOTRUMPThis code consists of the modeling features that meet the requirements of
Appendix K to 10 CFR Part 50. As documented in WCAP-10079-P-A (proprietary),
NOTRUMPA Nodal Transient Small Break and General Network Code, issued
August 1985, and WCAP-10054-P-A (proprietary), Westinghouse Small-Break ECCS
Evaluation Model Using the NOTRUMP Code, issued August 1985, the NRC previously
approved the NOTRUMP code for the SBLOCA analysis. WCAP-14807, Revision 5,
NOTRUMP Final Validation Report for AP600, issued August 1998, documents the
modified version of the NOTRUMP code for the AP600 application.
Table 2 of the enclosure to the March 25, 2002, letter listed the transients and accidents
that Westinghouse proposed to analyze with the LOFTRAN code. The staff limited its
review of LOFTRAN usage by Westinghouse to this set. The use of the code for other
analytical purposes will require additional justification.
In the preapplication review, the staff requested that Westinghouse perform main
steamline break (MSLB) analyses for the AP1000 standard plant design. In particular,
the staff wanted to assess the ability of the code to model the resulting steam formation
in the reactor coolant loops. The applicant has provided this analysis. Chapter 21 of
this report includes a review of this material.
In addressing the staffs review question regarding compliance with the limitations imposed by
the staff on the use of the LOFTRAN and LOFTTR2 codes, the applicant provided its response
to RAI 440.054 and indicated that the codes are used only for those events identified in the
NRC letter of March 25, 2002. The applicant has submitted the MSLB analysis in DCD Tier 2,
Section 15.1.5. The analysis results demonstrate that voiding in the reactor coolant loops does
not occur and, therefore, is not a concern for the MSLB event. Because the application of
LOFTRAN and LOFTTR2 in the safety analysis for the AP1000 has complied with the
limitations imposed by the NRC staff, the staff concludes that the application is acceptable.
The applicant also provided the assessment addressing the applicability of NOTRUMP,
WCOBRA/TRAC, and WGOTHIC to the safety analysis for the AP1000 design. The staff has
reviewed the applicants compliance assessment and documented its evaluation in
Section 21.6.2 of this report for NOTRUMP, Sections 21.6.3 and 21.6.4 of this report for
WCOBRA/TRAC, and Section 21.6.5 of this report for WGOTHIC.
15.1.5 Steam Generator Middeck Plate Induced Level Measurement Uncertainty
Westinghouse has issued three Nuclear Service Advisory Letters (NSALs), NSAL-02-3 and
Revision 1, NSAL-02-4, and NSAL-02-5, which document the concerns with the Westinghousedesigned SG water-level setpoint uncertainties. NSAL-02-3 and its revision, dated February 15
and April 8, 2002, respectively, deal with the uncertainties in the SG water-level measurement
caused by the placement of the middeck plate between the upper and lower taps. These
uncertainties affect the low-low level trip setpoint (used in the analysis for events such as the
feedwater line break (FLB), ATWS, and SLB). NSAL-02-4, dated February 19, 2002, deals with
the uncertainties in the measurement created because the calculation does not reflect the void
The 10-percent step load increase is the highest load increase allowed in the range of 25 to
100 percent of full power. Each case is analyzed without taking credit for pressurizer heaters.
At the initiation of the event, the RCS pressure and temperature are assumed at their full-power
values for the DNBR calculation. The safety DNBR limit, as described in WCAP-11397-P-A,
Revised Thermal Design Procedure, issued April 1989, includes uncertainties in initial
conditions. In DCD Tier 2, Sections 15.1.4 and 15.1.5 analyze steam flow increases greater
than 10 percent, and Sections and of this report evaluate them.
In demonstrating the capability of the plant for the cases with automatic rod control, the
applicant took no credit for delta T trips on overpower and overtemperature. The applicant has
considered plant systems and equipment, discussed in DCD Tier 2, Section 15.0.8, that are
available to mitigate the effects of the event, and it determined that no single active failure in
these systems or equipment will adversely affect the consequences of the event. In
considering the effects of a LOOP, the applicant assumed a reactor trip with a coincident
turbine trip followed by a LOOP 3 seconds later. The LOOP primarily causes the RCPs to
coast down. Since the LOOP is delayed for 3 seconds after the turbine trip, the RCCAs are
inserted well into the core before the RCS flow coastdown begins. The resulting power
reduction compensates for the reduced flow encountered once the RCPs lose power.
Therefore, the applicants analysis indicates that the minimum DNBRs predicted during the
event will occur before flow coastdown begins.
The results of the analysis show that the calculated peak RCS pressure is less than
110 percent of the design pressure, and the calculated minimum DNBR does not violate the
safety DNBR limits. Because the analysis uses acceptable methods and the results meet the
acceptance criteria of SRP Section 15.1.3 for this moderate-frequency event, the staff
concludes that the analysis is acceptable. Inadvertent Opening of an SG Relief or Safety Valve (DCD Tier 2, Section 15.1.4)
An inadvertent opening of an SG relief, safety, or steam dump valve may result in an increase
in steam flow. In the presence of a negative moderator temperature coefficient (MTC), the
excessive cooldown increases positive reactivity, which, in turn, increases the core power level.
In assessing the effects of the negative MTC, the applicants analysis assumes the most
negative MTC corresponding to the end-of-life rodded core with the most reactive RCCA in its
fully withdrawn position. Availability of offsite power is assumed to maximize the cooldown
effect. Because the initial SG water inventory for the no-load case is greater, the magnitude
and duration of the RCS cooldown resulting from steam releases is greater, and the associated
A typical capacity steam flow rate of 236 kilograms per second (kg/s) at
8.2 MegaPascals (MPa) (520 pounds mass per second (lbm/s) at 1200 pounds per
square inch absolute (psia)) for any single steam dump, relief, or safety valve is
assumed as the initial steam flow.
The Moody model, without consideration of the piping friction losses, is used to calculate
the steam flow.
The most reactive RCCA is assumed to be stuck out of the core after the reactor trip.
Manual actuation of the PRHR system is assumed at the initiation of the event.
The applicant used the LOFTRAN code to analyze the event. During the transient, the low
cold-leg temperature S signal automatically actuates the CMT injection and the associated
tripping of the RCPs. Boron solution at 3400 parts per million (ppm) enters the RCS, providing
negative reactivity to prevent a significant return to power and core damage. Later in the
transient, as the reactor pressure continues to decrease, accumulators actuate and inject boron
solution at 2600 ppm.
The results of the analysis show that the RCS pressure remains below 110 percent of the
design pressure, and the departure from nucleate boiling (DNB) does not occur, thereby
satisfying the acceptance criteria in SRP Section 15.1.4. Therefore, the staff concludes that the
analysis is acceptable. Steam System Piping Failure (DCD Tier 2, Section 15.1.5)
An SLB, a limiting-fault event, is defined as a pipe break in the main steam system. The steam
release during an SLB causes a decrease in the RCS temperature and SG pressure. In the
presence of a negative MTC, the RCS temperature decrease results in an addition of positive
reactivity, which increases the core power level. The SG pressure decrease initiates a reactor
The most reactive RCCA is in the fully withdrawn position after reactor trip.
The end-of-life shutdown margin at zero power is assumed when the accident is
A negative moderator coefficient is assumed for the end-of-life rodded core with the
most reactive RCCA stuck out.
The Moody model without consideration of the piping friction losses, maximizing the
blowdown flow rate, is used to calculate the steam flow.
The maximum cold startup feedwater flow, plus nominal 100-percent main feedwater, is
Manual actuation of the PRHR system is assumed at the initiation of the event to
maximize the cooldown.
Availability of offsite power is assumed to maximize the cooldown effect. The results of an SLB
with offsite power available bound the case with a LOOP for the following reasons:
The initial condition of a LOOP results in an immediate RCP coastdown, which reduces
the RCS cooldown effect and the magnitude of the return-to-power by reducing
primary-to-secondary heat transfer.
During the SLB event, actuation of the CMTs will provide borated water that injects into
the RCS. Flow from the CMTs increases if the RCPs have coasted down. Therefore,
the analysis performed with offsite power and continued RCP operation reduces the rate
of boron injection into the core, which increases the potential for the core to return to
criticality after reactor trip.
The plant protection system automatically provides a safety-related signal that initiates
the coastdown of the RCPs coincident with CMT actuation. Because this RCP
coastdown initiates early during the SLB event, the difference is insignificant in
predicting the DNBRs for cases with and without offsite power.
Because of the passive nature of the safety injection system, the LOOP will not delay
the actuation of the safety injection system.
During the event, the reactor protection system initiates a trip of the RCPs in conjunction with
actuation of the CMTs. The MSIVs fully close in less than 10 seconds from receipt of a closure
In response to RAI 440.067, which addresses the staffs concern regarding the effect of the
timing of a LOOP on the analysis of the limiting SLB case, the applicant analyzed two full-break
SLB cases initiated with the reactor at no-load conditions, one with offsite power available
throughout the event, and one with offsite power loss simultaneous with the SLB at the start of
the event. The SLB analysis shows that for the case with LOOP, the RCPs begin coasting
down at the initiation of the transient, and, for the case with offsite power available, the
protection system automatically trips the RCPs at 7.4 seconds into the transient. The results of
the analysis show that the small difference in timing of the initiation of the RCP coastdown has
no significant impact on the parameters that affect the return to power. The calculated peak
core heat flux for the case with offsite power available was slightly greater than that for the
LOOP case (3.17 percent versus 3.14 percent of the nominal full-power value). Consistent with
the results presented in the DCD, this SLB analysis confirms that the SLB event initiated from
the no-load conditions with offsite power available bounds the case with a LOOP initiated at
time zero, and the event is a limiting case.
The applicant has used the LOFTRAN code for the system response determination and
the VIPRE-01 code for the DNBR calculations in the analysis for an SLB event.
Throughout the event, the RCS temperature remains below saturated temperatures,
confirming that the SLB analysis falls within the applicable range of the LOFTRAN code
(also discussed in Section 15.1.4 of this report).
The values used for input parameters, resulting in a maximum cooldown effect and the
greatest potential for fuel failure, are conservative.
The results of the SLB analysis have shown that the minimum DNBR remains above the
allowable safety limit DNBR, and the peak RCS pressure remains below 110 percent of
the design pressure, thus satisfying the acceptance criteria of SRP Section 15.1.5 for an
SLB analysis.
The reactor power is at 102 percent of nominal, the pressure is at 344.7 kPa (50 psi)
below nominal, and RCS temperature is at 3.9 EC (7 EF) below nominal.
The pressurizer spray system and automatic rod control are operable.
The CMT enthalpies are maximized to minimize the cooling provided by the CMTs. The
pressure drop of the CMT injection and balance lines is minimized to maximize the CMT flow
injected into the primary system. In response to RAI 440.085, the applicant indicated that
modeling high pressure drops through the PRHR loop minimizes the PRHR heat transfer
capability. A higher pressure drop limits the PRHR flow and reduces the calculated value of the
primary-side heat transfer coefficient. In addition, a maximum TS value for PRHR tube
plugging and a minimum effective heat transfer area have been assumed. The assumptions
using the higher CMT injection flow and a minimum PRHR heat transfer capability result in an
increase in the RCS temperature and RCS expansion, thus reducing the margin to pressurizer
overfilling. Therefore, the assumptions are conservative and acceptable.
The reactor power is at 102 percent of nominal, the pressure is 344.7 kPa (50 psi)
above nominal, and the RCS temperature is at 3.6 EC (6.5 EF) above nominal.
The initial boron concentration is chosen on the basis of an iterative analysis process,
such that the limiting case bounds the case that models explicit operator actions after
the reactor trip.
The applicant has considered plant systems and equipment, discussed in DCD Tier 2,
Section 15.0.8, that are available to mitigate the effects of the event, and it identified that the
worst single failure is one of the two PRHR parallel isolation valves failing closed. In addressing
the issue of a LOOP, the applicant assumed that a power loss and resulting coastdown of the
RCPs occur 3 seconds after the turbine trip.
The analysis assumes that a CVCS malfunction that results in injection from two CVCS pumps
initiates the event. As the CVCS injection flow increases RCS inventory, the pressurizer water
volume begins increasing while the primary system cools down. The RCS temperature
decreases to reach the low cold-leg temperature setpoint and actuates an S signal, resulting
in a reactor trip. Following the reactor trip, the turbine is tripped, and, after a 3-second delay, a
consequential LOOP is assumed, and the RCPs are tripped. Soon after the reactor trip, main
feedwater lines, steamlines, and the CVCS are isolated. After a delay of 12 seconds following
the S signal, the CMT discharge valves open, and 5 seconds afterward the PRHR HX is
actuated. The operation of the PRHR HX and CMTs cools down the plant. At about 4.09 hours
into the transient, the PRHR heat flux matches the core decay heat, and at 5.61 hours the
CMTs stop recirculating.
The staff finds that the applicant used the LOFTRAN code for the analysis with adequate inputs
and appropriately identified the limiting case, and the results show that no RCS water is relieved
from the pressurizer safety valves. In addition, the calculated minimum DNBR remains above
the safety limit values, and the RCS and SG pressures remain below 110 percent of their
respective design pressures. The staff determines that the analysis meets the acceptance
criteria of SRP Section 15.5.2 with respect to the pressure limit and core DNBR safety limit.
Therefore, the staff concludes that the analysis is acceptable.
15.2.6 Decrease in Reactor Coolant Inventory (DCD Tier 2, Section 15.6)
In DCD Tier 2, Section 15.6, the applicant provided an analysis of events that may decrease the
RCS inventory. These events include (1) an inadvertent opening of a pressurizer safety valve
or inadvertent operation of the automatic depressurization system (ADS), (2) a break in an
instrument line or other lines from the reactor coolant boundary that penetrate the containment,
(3) an SG tube failure, and (4) a LOCA resulting from a spectrum of postulated piping breaks
within the RCPB. The following sections discuss the applicants analysis and the staffs
The calculated peak cladding temperature (PCT) is less than 1204 EC (2200 EF).
The calculated total oxidation of the cladding is within 0.17 times the total cladding
thickness before oxidation.
The calculated total amount of hydrogen generated is less than 0.01 times the
hypothetical amount that can be generated if all of the metal in the cladding cylinders
surrounding the fuel, excluding the cladding surrounding the plenum volume, reacts.
Any calculated changes in core geometry will be such that the core remains amenable
to cooling.
After any calculated successful initial operation of the ECCS, the calculated core
temperature will be maintained at an acceptably low value, and decay heat will
be removed for the extended time required by the long-lived radioactivity remaining in
the core.
These criteria are established to provide significant margin for ECCS performance following a
LOCA. The staff finds that these acceptance criteria are consistent with the requirements of
10 CFR 50.46(b)(1)(b)(5) for ECCS performance and, therefore, are acceptable.
a cold-leg break of 5.08 cm (2 in.) equivalent diameter in the loop without the
pressurizer (atmospheric containment pressure)
the double-ended rupture of a DVI line (138 kPa (20 psia) containment pressure)
NOTRUMP did not calculate any of these breaks to cause core uncovery or core heatup. For
the analysis of the 25.4-cm (10-in.) cold-leg break, NOTRUMP calculated the core to become
highly voided during the early part of the accident when the core stored energy was removed.
NOTRUMP does not have a detailed core heatup model for hot channel evaluation. To
evaluate the core heating that might occur, the applicant performed a conservative heatup
calculation in which that portion of the core that might experience critical heat flux was allowed
to heat adiabatically until the combined flow from the two accumulators reduced the core void
fraction. This calculation resulted in a PCT of 744 EC (1370 EF), which is much less than the
1204 EC (2200 EF) limit in 10 CFR 50.46. For break sizes larger than 25.4 cm (10 in.)
equivalent diameter, even more core voiding and core heatup would be expected. The large
break sizes, evaluated in Section of this report, would bound the breaks discussed
In the AP1000, the hot-legs enter the RV at a lower elevation than do the cold-legs. A small
break in a hot-leg might lead to a lower RV inventory than a break in a cold-leg of the same
size. In RAI 440.098, the staff requested the applicant to perform additional SBLOCA analyses,
a 5.08-cm (2-in.) cold-leg break in the loop with the pressurizer (atmospheric
containment pressure)
a 5.08-cm (2-in.) hot-leg break in the loop without the pressurizer (atmospheric
containment pressure)
None of these break sizes resulted in core uncovery. The staff concludes that the applicant has
evaluated a sufficient small-break spectrum.
The double-ended severance of a DVI line represents a limiting sequence for SBLOCA
analysis, because the water from one of the two accumulators, one of the two CMTs, and one
of the two IRWST injection lines would not reach the RV, but would spill into the containment.
For this reason, the staff concentrated much of the review effort on this postulated accident.
The staff has reservations on the ability of the NOTRUMP code to conservatively predict liquid
entrainment within the upper plenum, hot-legs, and ADS-4 valves. If too little liquid entrainment
were assumed, this liquid would be available to flow back into the core and provide unrealistic
core cooling, and depressurization of the reactor system by the ADS-4 would be artificially
enhanced. Both these effects would not be conservative for safety analysis. Westinghouse
addressed this concern by performing an analysis for the double-ended DVI line break in which
all liquid leaving the core was set at the same velocity as that of the steam (homogeneous
flow). Using the homogeneous flow assumption, all liquid which reached the upper plenum
would be swept out toward the ADS-4. The homogeneous analysis did not predict significant
core uncovery. However, it predicted a lower minimum core water mass, compared to the
nonhomogeneous case. The homogeneous analysis for a postulated double-ended DVI line
break is part of the small break evaluation model for the AP1000 design.
As part of the validation of NOTRUMP, as discussed in Section 21.6.2 of this report,
Westinghouse compared NOTRUMP predications with test data from the Advanced Plant
Experiment (APEX)-1000 test facility. For most phenomena, the code compared well with the
test data. However, the code was found to be nonconservative for prediction of water in the
core in the early part of the tests simulating double-ended DVI line breaks. For this reason, the
applicant performed an analysis of the double-ended DVI line break for the AP1000 using the
Chang critical heat flux correlation (Chang, S.H., et al., A Study of Critical Heat Flux for Low
Flow of Water in Vertical Round Tubes Under Low Pressure, Nuclear Engineering and Design,
July 1991). The Chang correlation analysis demonstrated that the core will remain cooled
during this period. Use of the Chang correlation to demonstrate core cooling for the doubleended DVI line break is part of the small break evaluation model for the AP1000 design.
In performing the double-ended DVI break analyses (including the homogeneous assumption
analysis), the applicant took credit for the ADS-4 and the elevated containment pressure that
The containment shell and the passive containment cooling system (PCS) heat structure
areas were increased by a factor of 1.1.
The Uchida correlation with a multiplier of 1.2 was used for passive heat structures
(non-PCS structures) throughout the accident.
The PCS heat and mass transfer correlation multipliers were appropriately biased to
account for the uncertainty in the experiential database, and forced convection was not
included on the PCS inner surface.
Heat transfer in dead-ended compartments below the operating deck was not turned off
at the end of blowdown.
The air gap between the steel and the concrete was reduced to zero, from the 20-mil
thickness used in the maximum pressure calculation.
The material properties for steel, concrete, air, and the inorganic zinc coating were
biased high for conservatism.
Heat transfer credit for the PCS was set to start at the beginning of the accident, earlier
than was assumed for the maximum pressure calculation.
The containment purge system was assumed to be operating at the start of the accident
and isolated on a high-pressure signal.
The initial and boundary conditions for the containment, the PCS water, and the
environment were set to minimize the calculated pressure.
The operators were assumed to actuate the non-safety-related air coolers 10 minutes
after the break occurred.
Westinghouse used similar assumptions to compute the minimum containment pressures for
ECCS evaluation of operating plants. The NRC staff reviewed the minimum back pressure
calculation and concludes that they are an acceptable adaptation of the guidelines of SRP
Section, Minimum Containment Pressure Analysis for Emergency Core Cooling System
Performance Studies, and that the results are acceptable for use in the ECCS evaluation for
the AP1000 design.
Although the core was predicted to remain covered following a double-ended DVI line break,
even if the containment pressure is maintained at 101.4 kPa (14.7 psia) as a boundary
condition for the NOTRUMP calculation, the applicant considered the 137.9 kPa (20 psia)
containment back pressure boundary condition case to be the base case for the design basis.
The LTC analysis for the design-basis double-ended DVI line break using WCOBRA/TRAC is
initialized from the NOTRUMP analysis using the 137.9 kPa (20 psia) back pressure.
As an additional check on the NOTRUMP results obtained by the applicant, the staff performed
a series of audit calculations of SBLOCAs for the AP1000 using the RELAP5 computer code.
The staff developed RELAP5, an advanced T-H simulation tool. The RELAP5 analyses used
conservative assumptions similar to those used by the applicant in the NOTRUMP analyses.
Decay heat was set at 120 percent of the ANS-5.1-1973 Standard. The ANS-5.1-1973 decay
heat standard is equivalent to the ANS-5.1-1971 standard used in the NOTRUMP analyses.
The single failure of one of the four ADS-4 valves was assumed. The containment was
assumed to remain at atmospheric pressure. The core model in the RELAP5 analyses is
somewhat more detailed than the NOTRUMP core model, in that a hot rod is modeled with a
higher heat flux than the average core. The increased heat flux of the hot rod allows for the
assessment of the possibility of fuel cladding heatup following a DNB condition or core
uncovery event.
The staff performed audit calculations for the following cases:
a cold-leg break of 5.08-cm (2-in.) equivalent diameter in the loop without the
a cold-leg break of 8.89-cm (3.5-in.) equivalent diameter in the loop without the
a hot-leg break of 8.89-cm (3.5-in.) equivalent diameter in the loop with the pressurizer
The calculated maximum cladding oxidation will not exceed 0.17 percent of the total
cladding thickness before oxidation.
The calculated total amount of hydrogen generated from the chemical reaction of the
cladding with water or steam will not exceed 1 percent of the amount that would be
generated if the entire cladding metal surrounding the fuel (excluding the cladding
surrounding the plenum volume) were oxidized.
The calculated changes in core geometry are such that the core remains amenable to
After successful initial operation of the ECCS system, the core temperature will be
maintained at an acceptably low value, and decay heat will be removed for the extended
period of time required by the long-lived radioactivity remaining in the core.
The water in the sump and downcomer is saturated at 101.4 kPa (14.7 psia).
The sump water level is at Elevation 31.4 m (103 ft) at the start of recirculation, which is
the minimum level or elevation calculated by Westinghouse to be at Elevation 31.5 m
(103'-5") at 14 days.
The staff used a drift-flux model to compute the void distribution in the core and upper plenum
regions of the inner vessel. Appendix A to technical report, ISL-NSAD-NRC-01-003,
Preliminary Results of the AP1000 RELAP5/MOD3.3 Analysis for the Two-Inch Cold Leg and
Main Steam Line Breaks, V. Palazov and L. Ward, Information Systems Laboratories, Inc.,
August 2001, describes this model in detail. This model was benchmarked against the thermalhydraulic test facility (THTF) bundle uncovery tests and was validated against the ACHILLES
low-pressure two-phase-level swell tests, as well as the THETIS boiloff tests, also performed at
The calculation credits ADS-4 liquid entrainment at the initiation of sump recirculation, which
occurs 2.4 hours into the event. At 2.4 hours or the start of recirculation, a flushing flow out the
ADS-4 lines of only 2.27 kg/s (5 lb/s) is assumed, which is the flow in excess of the decay heat
steaming rate of about 20.87 kg/s (46 lb/s). The 2.27-kg/s (5-lb/s) liquid flow out of ADS-4
valves is a very conservative bounding assumption, as the RELAP5 calculations of the DEDVI
turbine trip without feedwater system operable with turbine bypass system operable
turbine trip with feedwater system operable with turbine bypass system operable
turbine trip without feedwater system operable without turbine bypass system operable
LONF event without spray system, without turbine bypass system operable
LONF event with turbine bypass system operable, more realistic SG heat transfer model
complete loss of forced coolant flow with main feedwater system (MFWS) operable with
turbine bypass system operable
complete loss of forced coolant flow with MFWS operable without turbine bypass system
complete loss of forced coolant flow induced by the loss of ac power, MFWS not
operable, no steam dump operable, turbine trip at the initiation of the transient
The results of the ATWS analysis for the above cases confirm that, for the AP1000 design, the
limiting case is the LONF event with the turbine bypass operable, resulting in the highest peak
RCS pressure.
In addressing the second concern in RAI 440.014, related to the acceptability of the MTC value
used in the ATWS analysis for the limiting case, the applicant has revised the DAS actuation
logic to improve its capability for accident mitigation in response to an ATWS event. In addition
to actuation of the PRHR and the turbine trip, the new logic actuates the CMT and RCP trip on
the low wide-range SG-level signal. Together with implementation of a new DAS logic, an
additional change has been implemented in the PLS, such that the PLS isolates the steam
dump system whenever the SG level drops below the low wide-range SG water-level setpoint.
DCD Tier 2, Section 7.1.1, includes the description of the new DAS logic.
Section 7.7.1 of this report discusses the review and acceptance of the new logic. The
applicant performed an ATWS analysis of the LONF event for the AP1000, with the new DAS
ATWS protection logic assuming an MTC of -5 pcm/EF. The value of the MTC envelops
100 percent of the AP1000 core life. The results of the ATWS show that for the limiting case,
the LONF event, the maximum calculated RCS pressure is 19.43 MPa (2818 psia), which is
within the acceptance limit of 22.06 MPa (3200 psia). The limiting ATWS case demonstrates
that the UET (i.e., the time during the fuel cycle when the reactivity feedback is not sufficient to
maintain pressure under 22.06 MPa (3200 psia) for a given reactor state) does not exist for the
AP1000 design. RAI 440.014, Revision 1, and AP1000 Probabilistic Risk Assessment,
Appendix A, Section A4, include the information on the new ATWS analysis discussed in this
section. Because (1) the ATWS analysis used the LOFTRAN code previously approved by the
NRC, (2) the limiting ATWS case is identified based on the results of the actual ATWS analysis
discussed in this section, (3) the value of the MTC used in the limiting case analysis envelops
100 percent of the AP1000 fuel cycles, and (4) the calculated peak RCS pressure for the
limiting case falls within the pressure limit acceptance criterion, the staff concludes that the
ATWS analysis is acceptable.
15.2.10 Conclusions
The staff has reviewed the safety analyses of the design-basis transients and accidents
described DCD Tier 2, Chapter 15, for the AP1000 design. Based on the evaluation discussed
above, the staff concludes that the AP1000 design meets the acceptance criteria for these
transients and accidents.
As discussed in Section 15.2.9 of this report, the staff concludes that the applicants request for
exemption to the ATWS Rule of 10 CFR 50.62 is acceptable. Specifically, the exemption
request applies to 10 CFR 50.62(c)(1), which requires auxiliary or emergency feedwater as an
alternate system for decay heat removal during an ATWS event. The AP1000 design relies on
failure of small lines carrying primary coolant outside containment (DCD Tier 2,
Section 15.6.2)
In DCD Tier 2, Chapter 15, the applicant concluded that the AP1000 design will provide
reasonable assurance that the radiological consequences resulting from any of the above DBAs
will fall within the offsite dose criterion of 0.25 Sv (25 rem) total effective dose equivalent
(TEDE), as specified in 10 CFR 50.34(a)(1)(ii)(D), and the control room operator dose criterion
of 0.05 Sv (5 rem), as specified in GDC 19, Control Room, of Appendix A to 10 CFR Part 50.
The applicant reached this conclusion by performing the following:
using reactor accident source terms based on NUREG-1465, Accident Source Terms
for Light-Water Nuclear Power Plants, and RG 1.183, Alternative Radiological Source
Terms for Evaluating Design Basis Accidents at Nuclear Power Reactors
The /Q values are the relative atmospheric concentrations of radiological releases at the
receptor point in terms of the rate of radioactivity release. In lieu of site-specific meteorological
data, the applicant provided a reference set of /Q values for the AP1000 design using
meteorological data that is expected to bound 70 to 80 percent of U.S. operating nuclear power
plant sites for offsite dispersion. In DCD Tier 2, Tables 2-1 and 15A-5 list the AP1000
hypothetical /Q values, and DCD Tier 2, Table 15A-6, lists the AP1000 hypothetical /Q
values for the control room.
Regulatory Evaluation
The staff evaluated the radiological consequences of DBAs against the dose criteria, specified
in 10 CFR 50.34(a)(1)(ii)(D), of 0.25 Sv (25 rem) TEDE at the EAB for any 2-hour period,
following the onset of the postulated fission product release, and 0.25 Sv (25 rem) TEDE at the
outer boundary of the LPZ for the duration of exposure to the release cloud. The staff used a
criterion of 0.05 Sv (5 rem) TEDE for evaluating the radiological consequences from DBAs in
the control room of the AP1000 design, pursuant to GDC 19 of Appendix A to 10 CFR Part 50.
The staff used applicable guidance in SRP Section 15.0.1, Radiological Consequence
Analyses Using Alternative Source Terms, and RG 1.183 in its review of the AP1000 DBA
radiological consequence analyses. RG 1.183 provides guidance on radiological consequence
analyses to those licensees of operating power reactors choosing to implement an alternative
source term pursuant to 10 CFR 50.67, which has the same regulatory dose criteria as those
specified in 10 CFR 50.34(a)(1)(ii)(D) (i.e., 0.25 Sv (25 rem) TEDE) and GDC 19 (i.e., 0.05 Sv
(5 rem) TEDE). Although RG 1.183 applies to the current operating power reactors, its
guidance on radiological acceptance criteria, formulation of the source term, and DBA modeling
is useful in the review of the AP1000 design because the AP1000 is an advanced PWR.
Technical Evaluation
The staff reviewed the radiological consequence analyses performed by Westinghouse using
the hypothetical /Q values given in DCD Tier 2, Tables 15A-5 and 15A-6. The staff finds that
the radiological consequences calculated by Westinghouse meet the relevant dose acceptance
criteria stated above. To verify the Westinghouse analyses, the staff performed independent
radiological calculations for the above DBAs using the hypothetical /Q values provided by the
applicant and the computer code described in Supplement 2 to NUREG/CR-6604, RADTRAD:
A Simplified Model for Radionuclide Transport and Removal and Dose Estimation. The
following sections describe the staffs findings.
Accident Source Terms
In SECY-94-302, Source Term-Related Technical and Licensing Issues Relating to
Evolutionary and Passive Light-Water-Reactor Designs, dated December 19, 1994, the staff
proposed to use only the coolant, gap, and early in-vessel releases from NUREG-1465 for the
radiological consequence assessments of DBAs for the passive advanced light-water reactor
567.8 L/d (150 gal/d) of primary-to-secondary leakage through any one SG, as specified
in the AP1000 TS
discharge of the entire mass of secondary water from one affected SG to the
environment with no iodine partitioning
The applicant also considered a coincident loss of spent fuel pool (SFP) cooling capability.
Section 15.3.9 of this report discusses the staffs review of the radiological consequences of
SFP boiling.
The staff has reviewed the applicants analysis and finds that the calculational methods used for
the radiological consequence assessment are acceptable, and the radiological consequences
calculated by the applicant meet the relevant dose acceptance criteria.
To verify the applicants assessment, the staff performed an independent radiological
consequence calculation for three scenarios for the MSLB accident. For Case 1, the most
reactive control rod was assumed to be stuck in the fully withdrawn position. The applicant
indicated, and the staff agreed, that no DNB is expected to occur. Therefore, the calculation
did not assume fuel-cladding failure. With no additional fuel failures occurring, Case 1
becomes identical to Case 2 (discussed below), and no radiological consequences are
presented for Case 1.
No instrument lines carry primary coolant outside containment in the AP1000 design.
When boron dilution operations generate excess primary coolant inventory, the CVCS
purification flow is diverted out of containment to the WLS. Before passing outside
containment, the flow stream passes through the CVCS HXs and mixed bed demineralizer for
processing. The flow leaving the containment will be at a temperature of less than 60 EC
(140 EF). The flow from a postulated break in this line is limited to the CVCS purification normal
flow rate of 379 L/min (100 gpm). In DCD Tier 2, Section 15.6.2, considering the low
temperature of the breakflow and the reduced iodine activity because of demineralization for the
postulated break in the discharge line from the CVCS to the WLS, the applicant proposed, and
the staff accepted, that the postulated break in the RCS sample line is the more limiting event
for the radiological consequence assessment.
The RCS sample line includes a flow restrictor at the point of sample to limit the breakflow to
less than 492 L/min (130 gpm). Because the sample line isolation valves are open only when
sampling is ongoing, and there are multiple indications that a break has occurred in the sample
line, the applicant assumed, and the staff accepted, that the breakflow isolation time will be less
than 30 minutes. The applicant assumed the fluid escaping the break to be at the equilibrium
primary coolant iodine concentration limits in the AP1000 TS, with an assumed accidentinitiated iodine spike that increases the rate of iodine release from the fuel into the coolant by a
factor of 500. The staff finds this to be acceptable and in agreement with guidance on
assumptions for radioactivity released from a small line break found in SRP Section 15.6.2,
Radiological Consequences of the Failure of Small Lines Carrying Primary Coolant Outside
Containment. The applicant submitted a radiological analysis for a small line failure in DCD
Tier 2, Section 15.6.2.
The applicant also considered a coincident loss of SFP cooling capability. Section 15.3.9 of this
report discusses the staffs review of the radiological consequences of SFP boiling.
The staff has reviewed the applicant analysis and finds that the calculational methods used for
the radiological consequence assessment are acceptable, and the radiological consequences
calculated by the applicant meet the relevant dose acceptance criteria. To verify the applicants
The conditions are representative of the 3BE accident class, which is the dominant
contributor to the core damage frequency for the AP1000.
The T-H conditions for 3BE accidents are typical of most of the analyzed sequences
because the majority of severe accident sequences analyzed for the AP1000 design are
fully depressurized and reflooded, given the highly reliable ADS.
The corresponding T-H profiles for these depressurized and reflooded cases are
sufficiently similar.
Therefore, the staff concludes that the 3BE-1 accident sequence is appropriate for determining
the amount of credit to give to the natural aerosol removal processes in the AP1000
containment. In its independent uncertainty analysis, the staff did not employ the T-H
calculated by Westinghouse using the MAAP code. The staffs uncertainty analysis did not
include differences between the staff and Westinghouse calculations with respect to
containment T-H and containment modeling as variables for study.
Although the choice of scenario is acceptable, the staff believes that a BE approach requires an
evaluation of the associated uncertainties. The staff used an alternative T-H code (MELCOR)
as an input to a Monte Carlo sampling (120 runs) of the above-listed parameters affecting
aerosol behavior. Engineering judgment was used to choose parameters as well as for the
range and distribution of their values, after several discussions between the staff and the
contractor. The resultant distribution of possible aerosol removal coefficients has a 95-percent
level of confidence. The 5th, 20th, 40th, 45th, 50th, 55th, 60th, 80th, and 95th percentiles, as depicted
in Figure 15.3.6-1 of this report and documented in Table 15.3.6-1 of this report, provide the
uncertainty distribution.
In the uncertainty analysis performed for the staff, the conservative lower bound (5th percentile)
aerosol removal coefficient ranges from 0.07/h to 1.26/h for the first 24 hours into a DBA
(shown in Table 15.3-8 of this report). The BE median (50th percentile) aerosol removal
coefficient ranges from 0.3/h to 1.35/h. The traditional regulatory approach is to accept a
bounding value, which would generally be the 5th percentile, as the maximum bounding value,
where there is an estimated 5 percent chance that the aerosol removal coefficients will be lower
than assumed, thereby resulting in higher calculated doses. In this particular case, however,
the staff proposes the use of the median value for the following reasons:
In an alternative source term (AST) pilot application for Perry, the staff had previously
accepted the 50th percentile value for steamline deposition, based on the NRC Office of
Nuclear Regulatory Research opinion that it is appropriate given other conservatisms
built into the other parts of the analysis.
The staff believes that the selected scenario belongs to a worst-case category.
The median values are least affected by the users sampling initial conditions.
The choice of the initial ranges and distributions of the selected parameters is highly
Both the AST and the modeling of containment leakage have built-in conservativisms.
The dose calculation code requires yet another averaging of the aerosol removal
coefficients for the specified time periods.
It is important to emphasize that it is the staffs judgment that the acceptance of the
50th percentile for use in DBA analyses is appropriate for this particular safety analysis because
an underlying conservative bias has been built into the staffs uncertainty methodology (e.g., the
choice of the ranges and distributions of the sampled parameters). The staff believes that
different choices of initial ranges and distributions, and/or the use of a different uncertainty
methodology, may not be acceptable.
The uncertainty analysis also indicated that, for the staffs model as implemented in MELCOR,
phoretic processes (thermophoresis and diffusiophoresis) together dominate for the first
4 hours of the LOCA and constitute 90 percent of aerosol removal. After that, gravitational
settling is the dominant removal mechanism.
Although the Westinghouse-calculated aerosol removal coefficient values lie within the staffs
uncertainty analysis upper and lower bounds for portions of the early part of the accident, they
generally do not lie below the median value calculated by the staff. While the staff does find
that gravitational settling, thermophoresis, and diffusiophoresis are physical processes that
occur in the AP1000 containment, and credit may be taken for aerosol removal through these
processes, the staff does not approve the specific Westinghouse-calculated aerosol removal
coefficient values. These values are an intermediate product used in the dose analysis and are
not subject to any regulations, per se. Staff independent analyses using the Westinghousesupplied /Qs and plant parameters result in acceptable doses, as discussed below. Thus,
while the staff and Westinghouse diverge on values for the intermediate steps in the dose
calculations, the staff agrees with the overall conclusion that the AP1000 design results in
acceptable doses.
The staff performed an independent dose analysis with the median aerosol removal coefficient
values from the staffs uncertainty analysis, along with other analysis parameters and the
bounding hypothetical atmospheric dispersion factors provided by Westinghouse, and the
results fall within the dose criteria of 10 CFR 50.34 and GDC 19. The staff performed a
sensitivity analysis, which resulted in calculated doses that remain below the regulatory
acceptance criteria for aerosol removal coefficients as low as those given in the 20th percentile
in the staffs uncertainty analysis.
The staff finds the radiological consequence analysis of the postulated DBA LOCA acceptable,
based on the Westinghouse DCD Tier 2, Chapter 15, plant parameters used in the staffs
The failure of the most limiting (i.e., in terms of offsite radiological consequences) WLS
equipment outside the containment does not result in radionuclide concentrations in water at
the nearest potable water supply in an unrestricted area exceeding the liquid effluent
concentration limits for the corresponding radionuclides, specified in Appendix B to 10 CFR
Part 20 (Table 2, Column 2). The design of the WLS incorporates specific design features to
mitigate the effects of failure, if the WLS does not meet the above requirements of 10 CFR
Part 20.
In the AP1000 design, tanks containing radioactive fluids are located inside plant structures. In
the event of a tank failure, the floor drains would drain the liquid to the auxiliary building sump.
From the sump, the water would be directed to the waste holdup tank. Because SRP
Section 15.7.3 states that credit cannot be taken for liquid retention by unlined building
foundations, the assumption is made that release to the environment is possible.
DCD Section 15.7.3 includes a commitment for a COL applicant to perform a site-specific
offsite radiological consequence analysis, including the corresponding source term resulting
from a postulated liquid tank failure. The staff finds this commitment to be acceptable because
the assessment of offsite radiological consequences of liquid tank failures depends upon
site-specific parameters, such as the mode of transport of radioactive fluid resulting from the
failure to the region of potable water supply, the location of potable water supply, the
characteristics of the soil through which the transport occurs, and the available dilution by
waterbodies before the radioactive liquid reaches the potable water supply. The staff will
evaluate the site-specific analysis in accordance with SRP Section 15.3.7 for each COL
applicant referencing the AP1000 standard design. This is COL Action Item 15.3.8-1.
15.3.9 Radiological Consequences of Loss of Spent Fuel Pool Cooling
For the radiological consequences analysis of each DBA, Westinghouse evaluated the added
radiological consequences of SFP boiling because of the loss of SFP cooling capability.
remove radioactive corrosion and fission products from the SFP, the IRWST, and the
refueling cavity
transfer water between the IRWST and the refueling cavity for refueling operations
The system consists of redundant trains. Each train includes a pump, an HX, a filter, and a
demineralizer. However, the SFS is a non-safety-related system. Therefore, the applicant
assumed, and the staff agrees, that a loss of SFP cooling capability should be analyzed
coincident with DBAs.
The loss of SFP cooling could result in the pool reaching boiling, and a portion of the
radioactive iodine in the SFP water could be released to the environment. Without actions to
provide makeup water to the SFP, boiling is assumed to commence at 8.8 hours after loss of
SFP cooling capability. The applicant has calculated that the dose consequences from this
source are less than 0.1 mSv (0.01 rem) TEDE, both offsite and to the control room operators.
This dose is added to the dose consequences of each DBA to find the overall dose
consequences of the DBA coincident with loss of SFP cooling.
To verify the applicants assessment, the staff performed an independent radiological
consequence calculation for the loss of the SFP cooling capability. Tables 15.3-11 and 15.3-1
of this report provide the major parameters and assumptions used by the staff and the results
of the staffs radiological consequence analyses, respectively. The offsite radiological
consequences calculated by the staff are consistent with those calculated by the applicant.
15.3.10 Conclusions
The staff has reviewed the radiological consequences analyses of the DBAs described in DCD
Tier 2, Chapter 15, for the AP1000 design. Based on the evaluation discussed above, the staff
concludes that the AP1000 design meets 10 CFR 50.34(a)(1)(ii)(D) dose criteria and the offsite
dose acceptance criteria, as given in RG 1.183 for these accidents.
The staff finds reasonable assurance that the VES, under high-high radiological conditions as
described in DCD Tier 2, Section 6.4, can mitigate the dose in the main control room following
DBAs to meet the dose criterion specified in GDC 19.
The staff finds it reasonable that, if available, the non-safety-related VBS can mitigate the dose
in the main control room and the TSC following DBAs to be within 0.05 Sv (5 rem) TEDE.
COL Action Item 15.3.8-1, regarding a site-specific analysis of the offsite radiological
consequences of a liquid tank failure, explains that the COL applicant should perform a sitespecific offsite radiological consequences analysis of the postulated liquid tank failure to
confirm that the plant meets the applicable regulations on radioactive waste management
Postulated Accident
190 mSv
(19 rem)
150 mSv
(15 rem)
34 mSv
(3.4 rem)
2 mSv
(0.2 rem)
8 mSv
(0.8 rem)
13 mSv
(1.3 rem)
With preaccident
iodine spike
<1 mSv
(<0.1 rem)
1 mSv
(0.1 rem)
9 mSv
(0.9 rem)
<1 mSv
(<0.1 rem)
<1 mSv
(<0.1 rem)
8 mSv
(0.8 rem)
<1 mSv
(<0.1 rem)
<1 mSv
(<0.1 rem)
12 mSv
(1.2 rem)
15 mSv
(1.5 rem)
24 mSv
(2.4 rem)
11 mSv
(1.1 rem)
Fuel-handling accident
24 mSv
(2.4 rem)
10 mSv
(1.0 rem)
29 mSv
(2.9 rem)
10 mSv
(1.0 rem)
4 mSv
(0.4 rem)
14 mSv
(1.4 rem)
5 mSv
(0.5 rem)
7 mSv
(0.7 rem)
26 mSv
(2.6 rem)
With preaccident
iodine spike
10 mSv
(1.0 rem)
6 mSv
(0.6 rem)
50 mSv
(5 rem)
<0.1 mSv
(<0.01 rem)
<0.1 mSv
(<0.01 rem)
Control Room
(1.0 Ci/gm)
(60 Ci/gm)
(3.03E5 lb)
(150 gpd)
(150 gpd)
(3.0335E5 lb)
(1.225E4 lb)
Duration of accident, hr
Table 15.3.9
(3.84E+5 lb)
(60 Ci/gm)
(6.06E5 lb)
(104.3 lb/hr)
Steam released, kg
0 to 1.5 hr
Duration of accident, hr
Table 15.3.9
(6.48E+5 lb)
(3.7E+5 lb)
Peaking factor
(60 Ci/gm)
(3.7E5 lb)
(104.3 lb/hr)
(6.06E+5 lb)
(1.08E+5 lb)
Table 15.3.9
Table 15.3.9
(1.0 Ci/gm)
(60 Ci/gm)
(3.7E+5 lb)
(130 gpm)
(1.0 Ci/gm)
(60 Ci/gm)
(3.03E5 lb)
(150 gpd)
(150 gpd)
(3.64E+5 lb)
(7.15E+5 lb)
Duration of accident, hr
(3.84E+5 lb)
Table 15.3.9
Table 15.3.9
Removal Rates
0.00 to 0.37
0.37 to 0.87
0.87 to 1.37
1.37 to 1.87
1.87 to 2.37
2.37 to 2.87
2.87 to 3.37
3.37 to 6.87
6.87 to 24.00
Table 15.3-2
Table 15.3-3
Table 15.3-4
Table 15.3-5
Table 15.3-6
Table 15.3-7
Table 15.3-10
Table 15.3-9a
(3.57E+4 ft3)
(1925 cfm)
(60 cfm)
(5 cfm)
(1700 cfm)
Table 15.3-1
Control room and TSC with credit for supplemental air filtration mode of HVAC
Initial interval before actuation of supplemental air filtration
Air intake flow, m3/min
Intake filter efficiencies
Filter efficiency, %
Elemental iodine
Organic iodine
(90 cfm)
28 mSv
4 mSv
(2.8 rem)
(0.4 rem)
4 mSv
<1 mSv
5 mSv
4 mSv
(0.4 rem)
(<0.1 rem)
(0.5 rem)
(0.4 rem)
27 mSv
29 mSv
32 mSv
14 mSv
(2.7 rem)
(2.9 rem)
(3.2 rem)
(1.4 rem)
(1925 cfm)
(860 cfm)
(2740 cfm)
PORV and
02 hr
28 hr
824 hr
2496 hr
96720 hr
PORV and
02 hr
28 hr
824 hr
2496 hr
96720 hr
Peaking factor
Duration of accident, hr
Table 15.3.9
Fuel stored in spent fuel pool from 10 years of operation (includes 68 assemblies from a
recent refueling)
Amount of I-131 diffusing into pool over 30-day period, Bq
(1.94 Ci)
(120 EF)
Table 15.3.9
(16,200 lb/hr)
(16,000 lb/hr)
(15,700 lb/hr)
(15,420 lb/hr)
(15,250 lb/hr)
(14,930 lb/hr)
(14,500 lb/hr)