Drawbacks of Open Chain Structure
Drawbacks of Open Chain Structure
Drawbacks of Open Chain Structure
• Addition reactions usually given by alkenes and alkynes are not given by benzene.
• Benzene forms only one kind of mono- substituted product. An open chain structure however, can form more
than one kind of monosubstituted product as shown below:
• The open chain compounds do, not give reactions such as Friedel-Craft reaction, nitration, sulphonation.
• On reduction with hydrogen in the presence of Ni at 200°C, actually a cyclic compound cyclohexane is
• In actuality only one kind of ortho derivatives are known, but according to Kekule's formula, there can be two
ortho positions.
The defect of having two ortho positions was explained by proposing that the positions of the double bonds in
benzene are not fixed. Instead, the double bonds in the benzene molecule keep changing their positions and thus all
positions in benzene molecule become identical.
Chemists generally used the Kekule's structure as late as 1945. Many ring structures for benzene have been
proposed after Kekule's structure. Some of them are,
Since, the forms I and II are the most contributing, hence benzene is represented as a hybrid structure of these two
structures, i.e.,
Resonance hybrid
• The carbon-carbon bond length in benzene is identical at 139 pm, for all bonds. This value is intermediate
between the bond lengths for C-C bond (154 pm) and C = C (134 pm).
• A regular hexagonal structure for benzene is obtained by X-ray diffraction, which gives a C-C bond length of
139 pm.
• Benzene molecule is a flat (planar) molecule. All carbon and hydrogen atoms lie in the same plane.
• It has a regular hexagon structure with all six carbon atoms lying at the corners; each carbon atom is bonded
to three other atoms.
(a) Formation of a planar hexagonal structure due to overlapping of the sp2 hybrid orbital of each carbon atom with its
neighboring carbon atoms and hydrogen atoms.
(b) A unhybridized 2p orbital on each carbon lies perpendicular to the carbon-carbon plane.
Out of the three hybrid orbitals, two overlap axially with the orbitals of the neighboring carbon atoms on either sides to
form C-C 's' bonds. The third, sp2 hybridized orbital of the carbon atom overlaps with the half-filled '1s' orbital of the
hydrogen atom forming a 's' C-H bond.
A planar hexagonal structure is formed when six carbons are placed in a hexagonal geometry, the orbital overlapping
leads to the structure (a).
In (b), each carbon is left with one unused '2p' orbital at right angle, to the hexagon. These unused '2p' orbitals of
carbon atoms overlap each other sideways, and form carbon-carbon p-bonds. As the system is completely
symmetrical, the '2p' orbitals can overlap sideways equally well with either of the neighboring carbon atoms. Hence
sideways overlapping of '2p' orbitals of carbon atoms can form two sets of
p-bonds as shown.
Sideways overlap of 2p orbitals leading to formation of two sets of p-bonds.
All the 'p' orbitals on the six C atoms in benzene molecule are equidistant from each other. Thus 'p' orbitals of any
one carbon atom are able to overlap equally well with the similar orbitals of both the carbon atoms on either sides. A
continuous ring of electron cloud covering all the six carbon atoms results because of such overlap. Since a 'p' orbital
consists of two equal lobes, one lying above and the other below the plane of the ring, the sideways overlapping of
the p orbitals in benzene molecule leads to a molecular orbital consisting to two continuous rings, one lying above,
and the other below the plane of the ring as shown.
The continuous rings of the p molecular orbital of benzene. One lying above and the other below the plane of the ring.
The shape and size of benzene molecule.
Thus, each bond in benzene has a character intermediate between a single and a double bond
What is a Tsunami?
The term "tsunami" describes a series of long oceanic waves that is created
in after a large volume of water has been displaced. “Tsunami” is derived
from the Japanese language, and when transcribed to English, it means
“Harbor (“tsu”) Wave (“nami”). The term was first coined by Japanese
fisherman to describe the destruction caused by large waves that would wipe
out entire areas surrounding the harbor. The strange thing was that they
would experience little to no effects of the tsunami on their boats in their
Tsunamis are waves characterized by moving at fast speeds,
sometimes having a high amplitude (wave height), and long
wavelength – thus tsunamis are essentially giant waves. In the
deep ocean, tsunamis are barely felt since they are masked by the
sheer vastness of the rest of the ocean. This is the reason why
those aforementioned Japanese fishermen were not affected.
However, tsunamis can be absolutely devastating as ocean’s depth
decreases with approaching land.