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STRATMA Syllabus 1st Term 2016-2017

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Ramon V. del Rosario College of Business

Management and Organization Department
Strategic Management for Business Majors
PRE-REQUISITES: Market1, Finaman2
Major Course
1st Trimester, AY 2016-2017
This is an integrating course which exposes the business majors to the basic nature and
character of top management decision-making. It gets the student involved in the analysis and
formulation of corporate strategies and policies. It also provides the opportunity to apply the
basic concepts and techniques learned from the various functional areas of business
management studies, as well as ethical principles from The Vocation of the Business Leader, in
support of socially responsible business leadership through analysis of current business cases
and use of a computer-based simulation.
Upon completion of the course, the student is expected to be able to do the following:
Expected Lasallian
Graduate Attributes
Critical and creative

Learning Outcomes

1 Identify and analyze the factors that determine an organizations

competitive position and the bases for its objectives and strategies.
2 Formulate a sustainable strategic plan that will attain the objectives
of the firm and, at the same time, benefit society at large.
3 Analyze the determine whenever there is a need for a firm to
change its vision, objectives, and strategies.


1 Effectively communicate change management strategies, within the

management tea, organization, and to various stakeholders, with
accuracy, clarity, specificity, and professionalism.
2 Present management and organizational ideas and proposals clearly
and convincingly for the purpose of arriving at management
decisions, systems improvement and organizational change.

Service-driven, ethical,
and socially
responsible citizens

1 Apply principles of Catholic Social Teachings, ethics, and corporate

social responsibility in the development of a strategic vision,
formulation of strategies, and execution of strategies of the firm.

Technically proficient
and competent
professionals and

1 Analyze the firms competitive environment and recommended

logical strategic actions utilizing the appropriate frameworks.
2 Apply strategic management principles in a computer-based
business simulation individually and in a team

Reflective lifelong

1 Propose a higher purpose and deeper meaning for work, strategic

management and organizations and promote these to others.
2 Identify major challenges posed by technological change,

environmental threats and other potential changes in the macroenvironment and propose appropriate strategic adjustments
Introduction/Classroom Policies & Requirements/Group Activity

1.5 hr;

Week 1; Sept 14

Chapter I: What is strategy and why is it important

1.5 hr;

Week 1;

Chapter II: Charting a Companys Direction: Vision & Mission,

Objectives and Strategy

2.25 hrs; Weeks 2; Sept 21

and 26

Chapter III: Evaluating a Companys External Environment

2.25 hrs; Week 3: Sept 28

and Oct 3
Week 4; Oct 5

Quiz 1: Coverage: Chapters 1 3

Reading Assignment for next meeting: Case 1

Sept 19

Business Simulation: Capitalism 2 : Orientation

Case Analysis and Discussion for Case 1

Week 4; Oct 10

Chapter IV: Evaluating a Companys Resources, Cost Position,

and Competitiveness

Week 5: Oct 12

Case 2: Case Analysis and Discussion

Case 3: Case Analysis and Discussion
Chapter V: The Five Generic Competitive Strategies

Week 5: Oct 17

Case 4: Case Analysis and Discussion

Week 6: Oct 24 (last 20

Week 7: Oct 26

Chapter VI: Supplementing the Chosen Competitive Strategy

Other Important Strategy Choices

Week 6: Oct 19

Case 9: Case Analysis and Discussion

Week 7: Oct 26

Chapter VII: Strategies for Competing in International Markets

Week 8: Nov 2 and 7

Cases 10: Case Analysis and Discussion

Week 8: Nov 7

Quiz 2: Coverage: Chapters IV - VII: Cases , 3, 4, 9, and 10

Week 9: Nov 9

Chapter VIII: Corporate Strategy: Diversification and the MultiBusiness Company

Case 11: Case Analysis and Discussion
Chapter IX: Strategy, Ethics, and Corporate Social

Week 9 : Nov 14

Case 13: Case Analysis and Discussion

Case 15: Case Analysis and Discussion
Chapter X: Superior Strategy Execution Another Path to
Competitive Advantage
Case 16: Case Analysis and Discussion

Week 10: Nov 21 (last 40

Week 11: Nov 23

Week 10: Nov 16

Nov 28 (last 20 minutes)

Quiz 3: Coverage: Chapters VIII, IX& X and Case 13

Week 12: Dec 5

Business Simulation: Capitalism 2 (Round 1)

Week 12: Dec 7

Strategy Paper Presentations

Week 13: Dec 10 (Saturday)

Final Examinations

Week 14: Dec 12 - 19

The course will utilize various pedagogies to deliver the content of the course. These includes the use of
The case method to supplement readings (i.e. journal articles) and lecture discussions on concepts and theories relevant to
strategic management;
The Capitalism 2 computer-based business simulation to apply the concepts and theories discussed thru strategic decision
making; and
The preparation of a corporate strategy plan for an existing business enterprise.
NOTE: Outstanding players in business simulation will participate in inter-class competition to be organized by the Business
Management Society.

To encourage teamwork, the class will be divided into work groups. Each group is required to:
1 Case Analysis and Discussion: Analyze cases and participate actively in case discussions.
2 Participate in class activities and conduct the research work necessary for class discussion.
3 Company Strategy Analysis: Submit a corporate strategy/plan on a company of their choice subject to
approval by the professor.
4 Strategic Management Simulation: Using the Capitalism 2 simulation to be acquired by each student,
prepare a strategic plan to achieve well-rounded business goals (i.e., financial returns, quality products, and job
creation), implement with a management team and reflect on lessons learned in a report to be submitted.
Upon completion of the course, the student is expected to be able to do the following:
Expected Lasallian
Graduate Attributes
Critical and creative
Assessment: Case

Learning Outcomes
1. Identify and
analyse the factors
that determine an
competitive position
and the bases for its
objectives and
2. Formulate a
sustainable strategic
plan that will attain
the objectives of the
firm and, at the same
time, benefit society
at large.



Comply one case

analysis and discussion
during the term, using
the frameworks
provided in the text.

Complied with two case analysis and

discussion during the term, using but
not limited to the frameworks
provided in the text.

Submission of the
Strategy Term Paper,
consisting of all the
Parts submitted within
the term and the use of a
balanced scorecard,
including socially
relevant measurements.

Submission of the Strategy Term

Paper, consisting of all the parts
submitted within the term, and the use
of a balanced scorecard that includes
socially relevant measurements, and a
concrete, CSR program. Relevant
theories, frameworks, and concepts
are explained and synthesized.
Systematic analysis is done,
generating sound and practical

conclusions and insights.


3. Effectively
communicate change
strategies, within the
management team,
organization and to
various stakeholders,
with accuracy, clarity,
specificity and

4. Present
management and
organizational ideas
and proposals clearly
and convincingly for
the purpose of
arriving at
decisions, systems
improvement and
organizational change.

ethical, and socially
responsible citizens

5. Apply
principles of Catholic
Social Teachings,
ethics and corporate
social responsibility in
the development of a
strategic vision;
formulation of
strategies; and
execution of strategies
of the firm.

Technically proficient
and competent
professionals and
Capitalism simulation
Final strategy paper

6. Analyze the
firms competitive
environment and
recommend logical
strategic actions
utilizing the

7. Apply strategic
principles in a
business simulation
individually and in a
team setting.

Each student effectively

and clearly presents his or
her part of the Final
Strategy Term Paper

Each student effectively and clearly

presents his or her part of the Final
Strategy Term Paper Presentation, and
can spontaneously but correctly
interact with group mates during
defense to address questions in a
confident, assertive manner.
It is well-written and expressed in
concise, clear and correct language.

Each student should have

been able to voluntarily
recite correctly at least
once during class,
unaided, or twice aided.

Each student should have been able to

actively participate in class at least
seven times, unaided during the term.

Each student should have

incorporated principles of
CST, ethics and CSR in
their final paper.

Each student should have incorporated

principles of CST, ethics and CSR in
their final paper, in case studies, and
in relevant class discussions.

Submission of the
Second Part of the
Strategy Term Paper
consisting of the
Internal and SWOT
Analysis using the
frameworks suggested
in the textbook.

Submission of the Second Part of the

Strategy Term Paper consisting of the
Internal and SWOT Analysis using the
frameworks suggested in the textbook,
plus two frameworks from researched

Submit a Strategy Map or

Framework for
Capitalism, and being
able to achieve minimum
pass requirements for the

Submit a Strategy Map or Framework

for Capitalism, and being able to
achieve minimum pass requirements
for the game, achieve Level 5 ranking
in all units of at least one

Reflective lifelong

8. Identify major
challenges posed by
technological change,
environmental threats
and other potential
changes in the macroenvironment and
propose appropriate
strategic adjustments

Submission of the First

Part of the Strategy
Term Paper consisting
of the External Analysis
using the frameworks
suggested in the

Submission of the First Part of the

Strategy Term Paper consisting of the
External Analysis using the
frameworks suggested in the textbook,
plus two frameworks from researched

Gamble, J., Thompson, A &Peteraf, M. (2013). Essentials of strategic management: The quest for competitive advantage
(4th edition). New York, NY: McGraw-Hill.
Capitalism 2 must be acquired from http://www.enlight.com/capitalism2 or from http://www.bigfishgames.com/downloadgames/1762/capitalism-2/index.html . Each student must show the receipt of online purchase to the faculty.
NOTE: For network practice, Capitalism 2 may be played at Snap Internet Cafe, University Mall, 3f.

Aaker, D. &McLoughlin D (2010). Strategic market management : global perspectives. Chichester
: Wiley, 2010.
David, Fred R. (2013). Strategic management : concepts and cases : a competitive advantage
approach. Boston : Pearson,.
Frynas J.&Mellahi K. (2011) Global strategic management /.Oxford : Oxford University Press.
Hill, C. & Jones, G. (2012). Strategic management theory: An integrated approach (10th Edition).
South-Western College Pub.
Lynch, Richard L. (2012). Strategic management. Harlow, England : Pearson.
Jones, Gareth R. and Hill, Charles W. (2010). Theory of strategic management : with cases.
Australia : South-Western/Cengage Learning, c2010.
Maritan C. &Peteraf, M. (2011) .Competitive strategy. Cheltenham : E. Elgar Pub.
Moutinho L. & Southern G. (2010).Strategic marketing management : a business process
approach. Andover, Hampshire :Cengage Learning, c2010.
Pearce, J. & Robinson, R. (2011). Strategic management : formulation, implementation, and
control. Boston: McGraw-Hill Irwin, c2011.
Pontifical Council for Justice and Peace.(2012). Vocation of the business leader. Retrieved from

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