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Preface Getting Started Object Library Use Cases Glossary: Knowledge Advisor Journaling Guide

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Knowledge Advisor

Journaling Guide
Getting Started
Object Library
Use Cases

Dassault Systmes 1994-2000.

All rights reserved.

Welcome to CATIA Knowledgeware automation, a fast and easy way to write macros and
create simple applications to be plugged to CATIA. Whether you are an experienced
professional or a brand new to programming languages, CATIA knowledgeware provides you
with a set of tools to simplify, automate and improve your daily life as a CATIA end-user.
This preface gives you some information to brush-up on the concepts used in Visual Basic or
VBScript and introduce you to the knowledgeware automation objects. If you are an absolute
beginner in programming languages, it is much better to go to the http://www.microsoft.com
site, then refer to the CATIA Infrastructure Journaling Guide.

This guide provides the basis for understanding how to create macros using knowledgeware
features. These knowledgeware features are supplied in the Infrastructure product (parameters,
formulas and design tables) as well as in the Knowledge Advisor product (rules and checks).
To keep up with the material presented in this guide, it is better if you have a background in
script languages. However, the Use Cases provided as samples are fully commented and
should help you understand how to proceed to write simple macros as well as fully-fledged
If you are a beginner
Don't skip the Getting Started if you are a beginner. It is a knowledgeware-oriented
example described in the form of two interactive tasks. You just record a macro, take a
look at the code generated, modify it then replay it. It is very basic.
If you already get by in Script languages
If you already dabble in script languages, you can get straight to the Object Library or to
the Use Cases.
Most knowledge applications rely on the Infrastructure and Part Design products. For
information refer to the CATIA Infrastructure and CATIA Part Design Journaling Guides.

Automation in a Nutshell
CATIA is an OLE Automation server for Windows NT which allows you to record and replay
macros for both Windows NT and UNIX.
The macros recorded from the Tools->Macro menu are generated in a syntax very close to the
Visual Basic language. Statements such Dim... As ... which are not supported in VBScript are
supported by the CATIA macro language so that a macro recorded on Windows NT can be
replayed on UNIX or the reverse.
Automation is a feature of the Microsoft Component Object Model (COM), an
industry-standard technology that applications use to expose their objects to development
tools, macro languages, and other applications that support Automation. For example, CATIA
knowledware exposes a parameter, a formula, a rule or a check, each as a different type of
object. A word processor exposes objects such as an application, a document, a paragraph, a
sentence, a bookmark, or a selection.
When an application supports Automation, the objects the application exposes can be
accessed by Visual Basic. To manipulate these objects, you have to invoke methods on the
object or get / set the object's properties.
To create an Automation application, you need know about:
the macro language itself (VBScript or Visual Basic for example)
the properties and methods supported by the application objects. The objects with their
properties, and methods supported by an application are usually defined in the
application's object library.

Properties and Methods

An object represents an element of an application, such as a worksheet, a cell, a chart, a form,
or a report. In Visual Basic or VBScript code, you must identify an object before you can apply
one of the objects methods or change the value of one of its properties.
A property is an attribute of an object that defines one of the object's characteristics, such as
size, color, or screen location, or an aspect of its behavior, such as whether it is enabled or
visible. To change the characteristics of an object, you change the values of its properties.
To set the value of a property, follow the reference to an object with a period, the property
name, an equal sign (=), and the new property value. For example, the following statement
modifies the minimum tolerance value of a Length object by setting the MinimumTolerance
length0.MinimumTolerance = 1
Not all properties can be set. There are some that are read-only.
You can retrieve information about an object by returning the value of one of its properties. The

following statement uses a message box to display the maximum tolerance of a Length
A method is an action that an object can perform. The following statement uses the Rename
method to rename a parameter object:

A collection is an object that contains several other objects, usually, but not always, of the
same type. In Microsoft Excel, for example, the Workbooks object contains all the open
Workbook objects. In Visual Basic, the Forms collection contains all the Form objects in an
application. In CATIA knowledgeware the Relations object contains all the knowledgeware
features of relation type (formulas, rules, checks and design tables).
A collection is always denoted as a plural name to help easily recognize a collection among
other objects. The collection index begins at 1, and not 0. Usually, an object in the collection is
reached using its index, but it can also be reached using the name you assign to it. The
following statement uses the item method of the Collection object to retrieve the
KwrMacro0\Volume.1 parameter from its name, myPar1 being a Parameters object.
CATIA collections are described by the Collection object. Refer to the 'CATIA Infrastructure
Journaling Guide' for more information.

CATIA Knowledgeware Automation

The CATIA knowledgeware automation objects are described in the figure below.
To Create: The knowledgeware features are all created from the collection which refers
to their type. For example, to create a relation in a part type feature, you must first
retrieve the collection object containing the part relations by using the Relations method
on the Part object. To create a parameter in a part, you must retrieve the collection
object containing the part parameters by using the Parameters method on the Part
To Modify: To manipulate a knowledgeware object, you just have to use the methods
and properties of the relevant object.
Click any of the links to
display the related object description

To create a parameter
Parameters collection
To manipulate a parameter
Parameter object

To Create a Formula
Relations collection
To manipulate a formula
Formula Object

To create a Rule
Relations collection
To manipulate a Rule
Program Object

To Create a Check
Relations collection
To manipulate a Check
Check Object

To create a Design Table

Relations collection
To manipulate a Design Table
DesignTable object

Getting Started
Beginners in CATIA Automation can create useful applications by learning just a few of the
keywords. If you don't know anything about script languages, just carry out the scenario below.
It doesn't really teach you how to program but it is intended to give you a feeling for what a
macro looks like.
To really get started programming:
1. take a look at any book dealing with the subject. 'Step by Step' books available from
Microsoft Press can be recommended but your corner bookshop is probably full of books
about Visual Basic for beginners.
2. don't hesitate to search for information on specialized Internet sites
3. then refer to the CATIA Infrastructure Journaling Guide.

Recording and Replaying a Macro

Explains how to record and replay a macro which:
creates a new parameter,
renames and valuates this parameter
and creates a formula constraining one of the document geometric
1. Create a hollow cylinder similar to the one below and save this initial
document under the KwrMacro0.CATPart name.

The part parameters should be specified as follows:

Pad First Limit: 100mm
Pad Second Limit: 0mm
Hole Type: 'Simple'
Hole Extension: 'Up To Last'
Hole Diameter: 50mm
2. Select the Tools->Macro->Start Recording... command from the standard
tool bar. The Record Macro dialog box is displayed.
3. Select External File in the 'Macro in' list, then specify a path in the 'Macro
Name' field (for example: e:\users \...\KwrMacro.CATScript).

4. Press Start. From now on, all the interactions will be recorded in the macro
you have just specified.
Start of interaction recording
. Click the


b. In the "Formulas" dialog box, select the Length item with 'Single
Value' in the 'New Parameter of type' list, then click 'New Parameter
of type'. A new parameter with Length.1 name appears in 'Edit name,
value or formula'.
c. In 'Edit name, value or formula', replace the Length.1 name with
Reference_Length and assign the 70mm value to this parameter.
Then click Apply.
d. In the parameter list select the PartBody\Pad.1|FirstLimit\Length
parameter. Click Add Formula and enter the formula below in the
formula editor:
Reference_Length / 10.
e. Click OK. This is what you should see onscreen:

f. Select the Tools->Macro->Stop Recording command from the

standard tool bar. This closes the KwrMacro.CATScript file which
records all the interactions described above.
End of interaction recording
5. Close your document but don't save the modifications under the initial
document name.
6. Re-open your initial document (KwrMacro0.CATPart)
7. Select the Tools->Macro->Macros... command from the standard tool bar.
8. In the Macro dialog box, select the macro you have just recorded
(KwrMacro.CATScript) and click Run to replay all the interactions recorded
in the macro.

Editing and Modifying a Macro

Gives you some basics about how to edit and modify a macro.
1. Re-open the initial KwrMacro0.CATPart document.
2. Edit the KwrMacro.CATScript file either by selecting the Tools->Macro->Edit... command from the
standard tool bar or by using any available editor. A VBScript procedure similar to the one below is
displayed (comments have been added and some variables created):
Sub CATMain()
' Declare the Length0 variable as a Dimension type
Dim Length0 As Dimension
' Retrieve the root of your active document
' and access the 'Parameters' feature
Set Doc1 = CATIA.ActiveDocument.Part
Set Par1 = Doc1.Parameters
' Create a Dimension type parameter,
' rename it
' and modify its value
Set Length0 = Par1.CreateDimension("Length.1", "LENGTH", 0.000000)
Length0.Rename "RefLength"
Length0.Value = 70.000000
' Retrieve the PartBody feature
Dim Body1 As AnyObject
Set Body1 = Doc1.Bodies.Item("PartBody")
' Retrieve the Pad.1 feature
Dim Pad2 As AnyObject
Set Pad2 = Body1.Shapes.Item("Pad.1")
' Constrain the Pad.1 First Limit with the Formula.1 relation
1 - Declare the Formula3 variable as a Formula type
2 - Get the Relations feature of the active document
3 - Get the Pad.1 First Limit
4 - Create the formula below:
PartBody\Pad.1|FirstLimit\Length=RefLength/10 formula
Dim Formula3 As Formula
Set Rel1 = Doc1.Relations
Set Di1 = Pad2.FirstLimit.Dimension
Set Formula3 = Rel1.CreateFormula("Formula.1","", Di1, "RefLength")
Formula3.Modify "RefLength / 10"
' Update the document
End Sub
3. In the VBScript source above, modify the Formula.1 name and add a new formula defining the Pad

second limit:

Length0 As Dimension
Doc1 = CATIA.ActiveDocument.Part
Par1 = Doc1.Parameters
Length0 = Par1.CreateDimension("Length.1", "LENGTH", 0.000000)

Length0.Rename "RefLength"
Length0.Value = 70.000000
Dim Body1 As AnyObject
Set Body1 = Doc1.Bodies.Item("PartBody")
Dim Pad2 As AnyObject
Set Pad2 = Body1.Shapes.Item("Pad.1")
Dim Formula3 As Formula
Set Rel1 = Doc1.Relations
Set Di1 = Pad2.FirstLimit.Dimension
' Modify the formula creation - the same result is obtained
Set Formula3 = Rel1.CreateFormula("Formula.1","", Di1, "RefLength / 10")
' Rename Formula.1
Formula3.Rename "F1"
' Add a new formula
Dim Formula4 As Formula
Set Rel1 = Doc1.Relations
Set Di2 = Pad2.SecondLimit.Dimension
Set Formula4 = Rel1.CreateFormula("Formula.2","", Di2, "RefLength * 10")
' Rename the new formula
Formula4.Rename "F2"
End Sub
4. Save this macro under the KwrMacro1.CATScript name.
5. Run the KwrMacro1.CATScript new macro on your initial document. This is what you can see

The Formula.1 has been renamed, the new formula F2 has been added to the document and the
whole document is updated.

Object Library
Here is the hierarchy of knowledgeware automation objects.
| |
| +-----Parameter
| |
| |
| |
| |
| |
| |
| |
| |
| |
| |
| |
| |
| |
| |
| |
| +-----Relation


Objects such as Dimension, Formula and Rule are not described because they provide
neither properties nor methods. They are manipulated by the properties and methods of their
parent object.

Parameter Object
Derived Objects

As an end-user, you can add comments to a parameter and decide to hide a parameter from the specification view.
To hide a parameter or add a comment to a parameter,
you just have to right-click the value field in any
parameter edition box, then select the Edit Comment... or
Hide command from the contextual menu.

Parameters are described by the Parameter object which provides you with properties to determine whether a parameter is
hidden or not and to retrieve the comment associated with the parameter.
Parameters with multiple-values cannot be managed in CATIA macros.

Returns True if the parameter is hidden, otherwise returns False.
Returns the comment associated with the parameter.

Renames the parameter.

See Managing Hidden Parameters.

Parameter Object
Derived Objects
IntParam Object
BoolParam Object
StrParam Object
RealParam Object

IntParam Object
An IntParam object describes a parameter whose value can only be an integer.

Returns or sets the parameter value.

BoolParam Object
A boolean is a parameter whose value can only be True or False.

Returns or sets the value of a boolean parameter.

The extract below creates the "Ischecked" parameter of boolean type.
' ...
Dim BoolParam0 As BoolParam
Dim myDoc As Document
Set myDoc = CATIA.ActiveDocument
Dim myParamCol As Parameters
Set myParamCol = myDoc.Part.Parameters
Set BoolParam0 = myParamCol.CreateBoolean("Boolean.1", True)
BoolParam0.Rename "IsChecked"
BoolParam0.Value = False
' ...

StrParam Object
An StrParam is an object which describes a string type parameter.

Returns or sets the value of a string parameter.

RealParam Object
Derived Objects

A RealParam object describes a parameter whose value can only be a real.

Returns or sets the value of the real parameter.
Returns or sets the lower bound of a real parameter.
Returns or sets the upper bound of a real parameter.

The extract below specifies a lower(minimum) bound of 10.0 and an upper(maximum) bound of 30.0.
Dim RealParam0 As RealParam

myDoc As Document
myDoc = CATIA.ActiveDocument
myParamCol As Parameters
myParamCol = myDoc.Part.Parameters
RealParam0 = myParamCol.CreateReal("Real.1", 0.000000)

RealParam0.Value = 12.500000
RealParam0.RangeMin = 10.000000
RealParam0.RangeMax = 30.000000
After the macro is finished running, edit the Real.1 parameter lower and upper bounds.

This is what you can see onscreen when you select the Range-> Edit... command:

Length Object
A Length object describes a parameter whose value can only be a length. A length object derives from
the Dimension object which itself derives from the RealParam object. A dimension object is created by
the CreateDimension method. To manipulate a Length object, you have to use the methods and
properties provided by the RealParam object.

Returns the minimum tolerance of a Length object.
Returns the maximum tolerance of a Length object.

When applied to a CATPart document, the extract below creates the W=10mm and A=45deg dimension
' ...
Dim RealParam0 As RealParam
Dim myDoc As Document
Set myDoc = CATIA.ActiveDocument
Dim myParamCol As Parameters
Set myParamCol = myDoc.Part.Parameters
Set Length0 = myParamCol.CreateDimension("W","Length", 10.00)
Set Angle0 = myParamCol.CreateDimension("A","Angle", 45)
msgbox("Minimum Tolerance for Length " & Length0.MinimumTolerance)
msgbox("Maximum Tolerance for Angle " & Angle0.MaximumTolerance)
' ...
Check that the values displayed in the message boxes are the same as those specified in the
Tools->Options->Tolerance tab.

Angle Object
An Angle object describes a parameter whose value can only be an angle. An angle object derives from
the Dimension object which itself derives from the RealParam object. A dimension object is created by
the CreateDimension method. To manipulate an Angle object, you have to use the methods and
properties provided by the RealParam object.

Returns the minimum tolerance of an Angle object.
Returns the maximum tolerance of an Angle object.

When applied to a CATPart document, the extract below creates the W=10mm and A=45deg dimension
' ...
Dim RealParam0 As RealParam
Dim myDoc As Document
Set myDoc = CATIA.ActiveDocument
Dim myParamCol As Parameters
Set myParamCol = myDoc.Part.Parameters
Set Length0 = myParamCol.CreateDimension("W","Length", 10.00)
Set Angle0 = myParamCol.CreateDimension("A","Angle", 45)
msgbox("Minimum Tolerance for Length " & Length0.MinimumTolerance)
msgbox("Maximum Tolerance for Angle " & Angle0.MaximumTolerance)
' ...
Check that the values displayed in the message boxes are the same as those specified in the
Tools->Options->Tolerance tab.

Relation Object
The Relation object provides you with properties and methods to access the knowledgeware relation
data. This object does not allow you to create a relation.

Returns the relation definition (the expression).
Returns the comment associated with the relation.
Returns True if the relation is activated, otherwise returns False.
Returns True if the relation is hidden, otherwise returns False.

Makes a relation active.
Deactivates a relation.
Replaces the relation name with the one specified in the argument.
Replaces the relation with the one specified in the argument.

1. Open the initial document of Recording and Replaying Macros and add two formulas constraining
Volume.1. Formula.1 is initially deactivated.

2. Run the macro below on this document


myDoc As Document
myDoc = CATIA.ActiveDocument
myPar1 As Parameters
myPar1 = myDoc.Part.Parameters
myRel1 = myDoc.Part.Relations



As AnyObject
= myRel1.Item("Formula.1")
As AnyObject
= myRel1.Item("Formula.2")

' Display the Formula.1 expression

' Deactivate Formula.2 and activate Formula.1
' Modify Formula.1
' Rename the formulas
This is what you can see onscreen.

Check Object
A check object inherits the properties and methods of the Relation object. In addition, the severity property allows you to determine whether
a check has been declared of silent, warning or information type.
To manipulate checks, you must have the Knowledge Advisor product installed.

Returns or sets the severity of the check. The check validity is an integer whose value is 1 for Silent, 2 for Information, 3 for

Dim Check0 As Check
Dim myDoc As Document
Set myDoc = CATIA.ActiveDocument
Set myRel1 = myDoc.Part.Relations
Set Check0 = CmyRel1.CreateCheck( "Check.1",_
"Check.1 is not valid",_
"PartBody\Pad.1\FirstLimit\Length > 50mm" )
Check0.Rename "Check.1"
Check0.Severity = 2
You can run this macro on any part provided it has a FirstLimit\Length parameter.

Design Table Object

The Design object provides you with properties and methods to access design table data. This object does
not allow you to create a design table.

Returns the value of the "Duplicate data in CATIA model" check box of the design table dialog
box. Returns True if the design table data have been duplicated in the CATIA document.
Otherwise, returns False.
Returns or sets the active configuration number.
Returns the number of configurations in the design table.

designtable.AddAssociation(param, sheetColumnName)
Associates the parameter specified in the first argument with the column whose name is specified
in the second argument.
Removes the association created with the column whose name is specified in the argument.
Adds a new row in the design table. The new row contains the active parameter values. If you
deactivate the design table, modify the document parameters, then add a new row, the values
contained in the new row will be those you have just modified in the document and not those of
the last selected configuration.

See Managing Design Tables, Rules and Checks.

Relations Collection
The Relations collection object provides you with methods to create and manage all type of relations.
The knowledgeware relations are:
the formulas
the rules
the checks
and the design tables.

The object has no properties but inherits the Collection object properties.

relations.CreateFormula(formulaName, comment, parameter, expression)
Creates a formula. The parameter to be constrained by the formula is specified as the third
relations.CreateProgram(ruleName, comment, ruleBody)
Creates a rule.
relations.CreateCheck(checkName, comment, checkBody)
Creates a check.
relations.CreateDesignTable(designtableName, comment, copyMode, ExcelSheetFilePath)
Creates a design table.
Returns the relation specified in the argument.
Removes the relation specified in the argument.

See Creating and Manipulating Parameters and Formulas and Managing Design Tables, Rules and

Parameters Collection
The Parameters collection object provides you with methods to create parameters.

The object has no properties but inherits the Collection object properties.

Returns a string parameter with the name and value as specified in the arguments.
Returns a real parameter.
Returns an integer.
Returns a boolean.
Returns a dimension type parameter with the name, type and value as specified in the arguments.
Returns the parameter specified in the argument.
Removes the parameter specified in the argument.

See Creating and Manipulating Parameters and Formulas.

Use Cases
This guide provides three fully-fledged samples to help you begin learning CATIA automation
principles. Each sample is broken into steps, and complete code is supplied for each step. The
comments in the first part explain how to run the macro.

' **********************************************************
' Macro delivered: KwrMacParameters.CATScript
' **********************************************************
' Abstract:
' -------' This macro:
' 1 - scans the list of parameters of a CATPart document
' 2 - determines whether a parameter is hidden
' 3 - displays the list of hidden parameters
along with their values and comments
' 4 - asks you to modify the status (Hidden->Show) of the parameters
and to re-run to macro.
' Running the macro
' ----------------' It is better to run this macro on the KwrMacroHiddenParam.CATPart document which is
' delivered as a CATIA Infrastructure sample. This document contains hidden
' However, you can run this macro on any CATPart document
Sub CATMain()
' Retrieve your active document - CATIA is your application
' You get the active document by using the ActiveDocument property
' on your application object
Dim myDoc As Document
Set myDoc = CATIA.ActiveDocument
' Check whether the document is a CATPart
' Analyse the pathname of the document
' If the extension .CATPart is not found, a message is displayed
' but you exit the procedure
' InStrRev is a standard VB function
Dim strPartName, strCATPart
strPartName = myDoc.Name
if (InStrRev(strPartName,".CATPart",-1) = 0)_
then MsgBox("Your document should be a .CATPart") : Exit Sub
' Retrieve the collection object which contains
' all the document parameters
Dim myParamCol As Parameters
Set myParamCol = myDoc.Part.Parameters
' Declare the variables to be used in the message box
' which displays the hidden parameters
Dim strRel0 As String
Dim strRel1 As String
Dim strRel2 As String
Dim HiddenNumber As Integer
strRel0 = "Name
strRel1 = "Here is the list of hidden parameters" & vbCrLf & strRel0
' Scan the paraneter list,
' test whether the value returned by the Hidden property is "True"
' Count the number of hidden parameters
For Each myPar in myParamCol
if (myPar.Hidden = "True")_

then strRel1 = strRel1 & vbCrLf & myPar.Name & "

" & myPar.Value &_
" & "'" & myPar.Comment & "'" : HiddenNumber = HiddenNumber + 1 : myPar.Value
= "true"
' Display the list of hidden parameters.
' The parameter names, values and comments
' are displayed in a message box.
' Ask you to modify interactively the status of the
' parameters and to re-run the macro.
vbCrLf & vbCrLf & "IN THE f(x) DIALOG BOX," &_
vbCrLf & vbCrLf & "THEN RE-RUN THE MACRO "
If (HiddenNumber > 0) Then MsgBox(strRel1) : MsgBox(strRel2) : Exit Sub
MsgBox "There are no hidden parameters in this document"
End Sub

' *************************************************
' Macro delivered: KwrMacParmAndForm.CATScript
' *************************************************
' Abstract:
' -------' This macro explains how to:
1 - retrieve the Relations and Parameters objects
2 - create String, Integer and Length type parameters
3 - create formulas and display their list in a message box.
' Running the macro
' ----------------' You can run this macro on the KwrMacro0.CATPart document which is
' delivered as a CATIA Infrastructure sample, but this macro operates
' on any CATPart document
Sub CATMain()
' Retrieve your active document - CATIA is your application
' You get the active document by using the ActiveDocument property
' on your application object
Dim myDoc As Document
Set myDoc = CATIA.ActiveDocument
' Check whether the document is a CATPart
' Analyse the pathname of the document
' If the extension .CATPart is not found, a message is displayed
' but you exit the procedure
' InStrRev is a standard VB function
Dim strPartName, strCATPart, myPos
strPartName = myDoc.Name
if (InStrRev(strPartName,".CATPart",-1) = 0)_
then MsgBox("Your document should be a .CATPart") : Exit Sub
' Retrieve the collection object which contains
' all the document relations
' myDoc.Part is satisfied as the document extension
' has been checked
' Note: Statements below could not be applied to a CATProduct
Dim myRelCol As Relations
Set myRelCol = myDoc.Part.Relations
For Each myRel in myRelCol
myRelCol.Remove myRel.Name
' Retrieve the collection object which contains
' all the document parameters
Dim myParamCol As Parameters
Set myParamCol = myDoc.Part.Parameters
' Just to be clean before creating parameters
' Scan the collection of parameters and remove parameters
' with name




For Each myPar in myParamCol

if myPar.Name = "ProjectId"_
or myPar.Name = "ProjectKey"_
or myPar.Name = "StringLength"_
or myPar.Name = "SphereRadius"_
or myPar.Name = "SphereVolume"_
then myParamCol.Remove myPar.Name
' Create the ProjectId parameter
' This parameter is a string type parameter
' Its initial value is CATLifKnowledgeAdvisor
Dim myString1 As Parameter
Set myString1 = myParamCol.CreateString("ProjectId","CATLifKnowledgeAdvisor")
' Create the ProjectKey parameter
' This parameter is a string type parameter
' Its initial value is a blank string
Dim myString2 As Parameter
Set myString2 = myParamCol.CreateString("ProjectKey","")
' Create an integer type parameter
' Its name is Stringlength - its initial value is 0
Dim myStringLength As Parameter
Set myStringLength = myParamCol.CreateInteger("StringLength",0)
' Create a Length type parameter
' Its initial name is blank
' Its initial value is 0
' It is renamed and assigned a value after creation
' Note that units are specified in internal units
' i.e the units used by the geometric modeler (mm for Length)
Dim mySphereRadius As Parameter
Set mySphereRadius = myParamCol.CreateDimension("","LENGTH", 0)
mySphereRadius.Rename "SphereRadius"
mySphereRadius.Value = 50
' Display the minum tolerance for "SphereRadius"
msgbox("Minimum Tolerance for the LENGTH parameter " &
' Create a Volume type parameter
' Its name is SphereVolume
' Its initial value is 0 m3
Dim mySphereVol As Parameter
Set mySphereVol = myParamCol.CreateDimension("SphereVolume","VOLUME",0)
' Create a formula which specifies that the ProjectKey parameter value


equals the three first characters of ProjectId

To do so we use the CreateFormula method of the "Relations" collection
object - the constrained parameter is passed as the third argument of the
method - The formula expression is passed as the fourth argument.
Note that the Extract function is provided by the Knowledge Advisor
string function dictionary
Dim Formula1 As Formula
Set Formula1 = myRelCol.CreateFormula("Formula1", "", myString2,_
"ProjectId.Extract(0,3)" )
' Create a formula which also applies to the ProjectKey parameter
' This formula will be created as inactive
Dim Formula2 As Formula
Set Formula2 = myRelCol.CreateFormula("Formula2", "", myString2,_
"ProjectId.Extract(4,3)" )
' Create a formula which applies to the StringLength parameter
' The formula expression passed as the fourth argument
' uses the Length function which is provided with the string functions of the
' Knowledge Advisor dictionary
Dim Formula3 As Formula
Set Formula3 = myRelCol.CreateFormula("Formula3", "", myStringLength,_
"ProjectId.Length()" )
' Create a formula which applies to the SphereVolume parameter
' It just calculates the volume from the radius
Dim Formula4 As Formula
Set Formula4 = myRelCol.CreateFormula("Formula4", "", mySphereVol,_
' Display the list of relations
' The formula names and expressions are displayed in a message box
Dim strRel As String
strRel = "Here is the list of relations" & vbCrLf
For i = 1 to myRelCol.Count
strRel = strRel & vbCrLf & myRelCol.Item(i).Name & "
End Sub

" & myRelCol.Item(i).Value

' ************************************************************************
' ************************************************************************
' Abstract
' --------' This macro which illustrates how to create and manage a design table
1 - Checks whether a file which is used as an argument in
the CreateDesignTable method exists
2 - Creates a design table from an existing Excel file
3 - Creates two associations
4 - Applies a new configuration to the document
5 - Creates a rule
6 - Creates a check
' Running the macro
' -----------------' Run this macro on the KwrMacro0.CATPart document which is delivered
' as an Infrastructure sample.
' This macro uses as an input data the KwrMacTable.xls file which is delivered
' as an Infrastructure sample
' You must replace the value of the pathNameDT variable with the path
' of the file where this Excel table has been unloaded.
' To run this macro under UNIX, replace the Excel file with a .txt file.
Sub CATMain()
' Retrieve your active document - CATIA is your application
' You get the active document by using the ActiveDocument property
' on your application object
Dim myDoc As Document
Set myDoc = CATIA.ActiveDocument
' Check whether the document is a CATPart
' Analyse the pathname of the document
' If the extension .CATPart is not found, a message is displayed
' but you exit the procedure
' InStrRev is a standard VB function
Dim strPartName, strCATPart
strPartName = myDoc.Name
if (InStrRev(strPartName,".CATPart",-1) = 0)_
then MsgBox("Your document should be a .CATPart") : Exit Sub
' Retrieve the collection object which contains
' all the document relations
' myDoc.Part is satisfied as the document extension
' has been checked
Dim myRelCol As Relations
Set myRelCol = myDoc.Part.Relations
' Just to be clean before creating relationms
' Scan the collection of relations and remove the relations
' with name
or "Rule.1"
or "Check.1"
For Each myRel in myRelCol
if myRel.Name = "DesignTable.1"_
or myRel.Name = "Rule.1"_
or myRel.Name = "Check.1"_
then myRelCol.Remove myRel.Name

' Check whether the design table file exists

' otherwise exit the procedure
Dim fso
Set fso = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
pathNameDT = "e:/users/cre/adele/KwrMacTable.xls"
if (fso.FileExists(pathNameDT) = False)_
then MsgBox (pathNameDT & " doesn't exist") : Exit Sub
' Create the "DesignTable.1" design table
Dim Des0 As DesignTable
Set Des0 = myRelCol.CreateDesignTable("DesignTable.1","",_
' Retrieve the collection object which contains
' all the part bodies
Dim myBodCol As Bodies
Set myBodCol = myDoc.Part.Bodies
' Scan the Bodies collection to determine
' whether a PartBody feature exists otherwise
' exit the procedure
For Each myBod in myBodCol
if myBod.Name = "PartBody" then PartBodyExists = "True"
if (PartBodyExists <> "True") then MsgBox("No PartBody") : Exit Sub
' Retrieve the "PartBody" iten from the Bodies collection
Dim Body1 As AnyObject
Set Body1 = CATIA.ActiveDocument.Part.Bodies.Item("PartBody")
' Check there is at least one shape in the Part
Dim myShaCol As Shapes
Set myShaCol = Body1.Shapes
if (myShaCol.Count = 0) then msgbox("No shapes in your part") : Exit Sub
' Retrieve the Pad.1 object
Dim Pad2 As AnyObject
Set Pad2 = Body1.Shapes.Item("Pad.1")
' Creates two associations
Des0.AddAssociation Pad2.FirstLimit.Dimension, "A"
Des0.AddAssociation Pad2.SecondLimit.Dimension, "B"
' Apply the third configuration of the design table
' to your document
Des0.Configuration = 3
' Add a new row
' A new row is added to the design table each time the
' macro is replayed on the document
' A limit of 10 rows is specified
If (Des0.ConfigurationsNb < 11) Then Des0.AddNewRow()
' Create the rule below:
if PartBody\Hole.1\Diameter > 10mm
Message (""The hole diameter is # "", PartBody\Hole.1\Diameter)"
Dim Rule0 As Rule
Set Rule0 = myRelCol.CreateProgram("Rule.1",_
"", "" +_
chr(10) + "if PartBody\Hole.1\Diameter > 10mm" + chr(10) +_
"Message (""The hole diameter is # "", PartBody\Hole.1\Diameter)" )
' Create the check below:

PartBody\Pad.1\FirstLimit\Length > 100mm
Dim Check1 As Check
Set Check1 = myRelCol.CreateCheck ( "Check.1", "Increase the pad thickness",_
"/* Check created by CRE 03/16/00 */" + chr(10) + "PartBody\Pad.1\FirstLimit\Length
> 100mm" )
' Update the document
End Sub

A technology that applications use to expose their objects to development tools, macro
languages, and other applications that support Automation.

An object that contains zero or more objects of the same type. In CATIA knowledgeware
applications, the Parameters and Relations collections provide you with all the required
creation methods.

in-process macro
A macro which is interpreted in the same process as CATIA using the scripting engine(s)
hosted by CATIA. An in-process macro is run from the Tools->Macros command and
processed by CATIA just like any other command.

A set of instructions recorded and saved under a .CATScript file. When the macro is run,
CATIA carries out the instructions of the macro.
An operation that acts on an object.

out-process macro
A macro which is run from another application running in another process. In this case,
the macro should first connect to CATIA to then access its data. This connection starts
CATIA if no CATIA process is being running. The script is interpreted by the scripting
engine hosted by the application from which you start the macro.

A named attribute of an object. Properties define object characteristics such as size,
color, and screen location, or the state of an object, such as enabled or disabled.

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