Cumpleaños Cherokee
Cumpleaños Cherokee
Cumpleaños Cherokee
Isla de Sardegna
James Mooney a pu se procurer, en 1887-1888, environ six cents formules dans la rserve Cherokee
de la Caroline du Nord. Les manuscripts originaux qui les contenaient avaient t crits par les
hommes-mdecine de la tribu pour leur usage propre. Ces formules, qui se transmirent d'abord
oralement depuis une poque recule, furent confies l'criture aprs l'invention d'un alphabet
cherokee par Sequoyah, en 1821 .
Le Navaho croit qu'il n'est pas bon de se servir trop souvent d'une formule magique, car son pouvoir
diminue l'usage.
Daniel Medvedov
edding of
Most of the critics consider Yonghy Bonghy Bo as a masterpiece of English Literature and
the best poem written in english.
This is the origimal text of the Poem:
The Courtship of theYonghy-Bonghy-Bo
There is a new prosaic version written by me:
The most interesting thing about Edward is that nobody, yet, has ever intended to
analyse his words and work, nobody, even today. It has a Hidden Meaning. We are faced
with lines such as Ypnghy Bonghy Bo Poem - "Mr Jones (his name is Handel / Handel
Jones, Esquire, & Co)/ Dorking fowls delights to send/ Mr Yonghy-Bonghy-Bo!". "The
Courtship of the Yonghy-Bonghy-Bo" looks to be a nonsense, but is not. He invented
"nonsense". Nonsense has a hidden meaning. Unlike absurdism, which plainly just
inverts the normal world up-side-down, nonsense is a day-dream - it renders reality in a
dream state, as if it were oniric in that shinny & sunny light of the everyday life.
Nonsense is for him a runcible hat and a monkey with lollipop paws, and the hills of the
Chankly Bore. The rhythm of poetical reality is there, and you are invited to a sonorous
delight of a crazy imagery. You become suddenly charmed and such a brilliant & absurd
treasure irritates us, as all we are - just common readers. It does not matter that you
understand or not.
You are there just to enjoy the game. It is something similar to the actual use of Cockney,
in London and all England.
Those who ever read that brilliant book Aspects Of Alice
[Aspects of Alice:
Lewis Carroll's Dreamchild As Seen Through the Critics' Looking-Glasses, 1865-1971]
will realize how much hidden meaning can exists in the plentiful world.
We all travel in a journey to search for meaning in life. This meaning does not means
nothing. Means everything.
Edward Lear's characters, their face and demeanor, resemble nothing and nobody.
Lear illustrated one day the moment when a stranger accused him of lying & falsifying
his own existence, and declared to him that "Edward Lear" was just a plain pseudonym.
Lear suddenly show the stranger the inside of his hat, in which his name was written, as
it was in fashion. The other man was hoping that the name in the rounciful hat might be
anyother but Edward Lear. But it was not to be: was indeed Edward Lear.
Edward Lear's nonsense life was written by Edward Lear, and it was total & complete
Good news: eventually, we all still live, for now, in a world moulded and typed by
nonsense -a funny good thing.
Enjoy it !
Edward Lear