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Guidelines For Differential Diagnoses in A Population With Posttraumatic Stress Disorder

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Professional Psychology: Research and Practice

2009, Vol. 40, No. 1, 39 45

2009 American Psychological Association

0735-7028/09/$12.00 DOI: 10.1037/a0013910

Guidelines for Differential Diagnoses in a Population With Posttraumatic

Stress Disorder
Jeanne Schillaci

Elisia Yanasak and Jennifer Harned Adams

Michael E. DeBakey Veterans Affairs Medical Center

University of Houston

Nancy Jo Dunn

Lynn P. Rehm

Michael E. DeBakey Veterans Affairs Medical Center; Houston

Center for Quality of Care and Utilization Studies; Veterans
Affairs South Central Mental Illness Research, Education, and
Clinical Center; and Baylor College of Medicine

University of Houston

Joseph D. Hamilton
Michael E. DeBakey Veterans Affairs Medical Center; Veterans Affairs South Central Mental Illness Research, Education, and
Clinical Center; and Baylor College of Medicine
In a large posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD) and depression treatment outcome study, thorough diagnostic
assessments of veterans at pretreatment, posttreatment, and 3 follow-up times were completed. The research team
that reviewed these assessments encountered several challenges in the differential diagnosis of PTSD because of
high comorbidity and symptoms shared with or resembling other disorders. For example, how do mental health
professionals distinguish symptoms of agoraphobia from avoidance and hypervigilance symptoms of PTSD? When
are hallucinations symptomatic of PTSD (e.g., flashbacks) versus a nonpsychotic near-death experience or an
independent psychotic disorder? How do mental health professionals differentiate overlapping symptoms of PTSD
and depressive disorders? To help make reliable diagnoses, the team developed clarifying questions and diagnostic
guidelines, which may prove useful to other clinicians and researchers working with PTSD populations.
Keywords: trauma, posttraumatic stress disorder, assessment, differential diagnosis, comorbidity

the treatment of posttraumatic stress disorder and related comorbid conditions.

LYNN P. REHM obtained his doctorate in clinical psychology from the
University of WisconsinMadison. He is currently professor of psychology at the University of Houston. His research and clinical interests center
around the psychopathology and treatment of depression.
JOSEPH D. HAMILTON received his MD from Baylor College of Medicine. He
is the Mental Health Care Line Executive of the Michael E. DeBakey Veterans
Affairs Medical Center in Houston, is an associate professor in the Menninger
Department of Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences at Baylor College of
Medicine, and is affiliated with the Veterans Affairs South Central Mental
Illness Research, Education, and Clinical Center. His areas of professional
interest include posttraumatic stress disorder, factitious disorders, mental
health program development, and the education of psychiatric residents and
allied health professionals.
THE VIEWS EXPRESSED HEREIN are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect those of the Department of Veterans Affairs. This project was
supported by the Department of Veterans Affairs, Veterans Health Administration, Health Services Research and Development Service (Project IIR
95-074, Nancy Jo Dunn, primary investigator).
Jo Dunn, Mental Health Care Line (116MHCL-TRP), Michael E. DeBakey
Veterans Affairs Medical Center, 2002 Holcombe Boulevard, Houston, TX
77030. E-mail: ndunn@bcm.tmc.edu

JEANNE SCHILLACI received her PhD in counseling psychology from the

University of Texas at Austin. She works as a clinical psychologist at the
Veterans Affairs Austin Outpatient Clinic, which is part of the Central
Texas Veterans Health Care System. She also maintains a private practice
in Austin, Texas. Her areas of practice are posttraumatic stress disorder,
anxiety disorders, and depression.
ELISIA YANASAK received her PhD in clinical psychology from the University of Houston. She is a staff psychologist at the Veterans Affairs Puget
Sound Health Care System, American Lake Division. Her clinical interests
include the treatment of veterans diagnosed with substance use and comorbid psychiatric disorders, including personality disorders. Her research
interests include program evaluation and intervention effectiveness.
JENNIFER HARNED ADAMS received her PhD in clinical psychology from the
University of Houston. She is a research assistant professor at the Department of Psychology, University of Colorado at Denver. Her areas of
research include psychological aspects of womens reproductive health,
fertility preservation for cancer patients, and adjustment during the perinatal and postpartum periods.
NANCY JO DUNN received her PhD in clinical psychology from the University of Pittsburgh. She is a staff psychologist in the Trauma Recovery
Program at the Michael E. DeBakey Veterans Affairs Medical Center in
Houston, is an associate professor in the Menninger Department of Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences at Baylor College of Medicine, and is
affiliated with the Veterans Affairs South Central Mental Illness Research,
Education, and Clinical Center. Her research and clinical interests are in



The differential diagnosis of mental disorders is often challenging, but it may be especially difficult for the diagnosis of posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD). A major reason is the high
comorbidity between PTSD especially the chronic typeand
other psychiatric diagnoses, which complicates the diagnostic process. Previous research has found that at least 83% of individuals
in the general population with PTSD have one or more other
psychiatric diagnoses: 16% have one additional diagnosis, 17%
have two, and 50% have three or more (Brady, 1997; Solomon &
Davidson, 1997). Among Vietnam theater veterans with PTSD, the
most common comorbid diagnoses are mood, substance use, and
other anxiety disorders (e.g., Kulka et al., 1990; Orsillo et al.,
1996; Roszell, McFall, & Malas, 1991). Studies documenting
significant comorbidities with PTSD have utilized different assessment methods (e.g., interviews, structured clinician-administered
instruments) that have led to variability in the documented prevalence rates of comorbidity. What is not known from the methodology in the studies is the decision-making process that ensued in
determining how overlapping symptoms in the comorbid conditions were allocated to one or more of the disorders.
A related diagnostic challenge is that many PTSD symptoms are
shared with other psychiatric disorders or may be mistaken for
indicators of other disorders. For example, PTSD flashbacks may
initially appear to be hallucinations from a primary psychotic
disorder if the clinician does not carefully assess the specific
quality and content of the perceptual symptoms. Other PTSD
symptomssuch as psychological or physiological distress with
exposure to cues and avoidance of certain activities, places, or
peoplemay resemble a specific phobia. Some of the numbing
and arousal symptoms of PTSD overlap with those of depression,
including loss of interest, feelings of estrangement from others,
restricted range of affect, insomnia, difficulty concentrating, and
guilt. The studies cited earlier for comorbid diagnoses have not
explicitly addressed this issue of shared symptoms.
During a large treatment outcome study of veterans with
combat-related PTSD and depressive disorders (Dunn et al., 2007),
we used structured clinical interviews to make thorough assessments of Axis I and II disorders from the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (4th ed.; DSMIV; American
Psychiatric Association, 1994). Assessments were made at pretreatment, posttreatment, and three follow-up times. Several diagnostic questions recurred frequently throughout the study: (a) How
do mental health professionals distinguish symptoms of agoraphobia from avoidance and hypervigilance symptoms of PTSD? (b)
Are symptoms that appear to be due to specific phobias actually
avoidance symptoms of PTSD? (c) When are hallucinations symptomatic of PTSD (e.g., flashbacks) versus a nonpsychotic neardeath experience or an independent psychotic disorder? (d) How
do we differentiate overlapping symptoms of PTSD and depressive
disorders? (e) When are symptoms of DSMIV personality disorders better understood as chronic PTSD symptoms?
Every researcher and clinician working with individuals with
PTSD must confront these diagnostic questions, because no validated objective criteria independent of clinical symptoms (e.g.,
laboratory abnormalities) currently exist to distinguish PTSD from
these frequent comorbid disorders (Friedman & Yehuda, 1995).
Surprisingly little research or specific expert guidance has addressed these differential diagnostic points at the symptom level.
Keane, Taylor, and Penk (1997) analyzed clinicians perceptions

of how typical various symptoms were for PTSD versus major

depressive disorder and generalized anxiety disorder; however,
their study did not involve the diagnosis of actual patients. A few
studies have compared the characteristics of psychotic symptoms
in PTSD versus those in independent psychotic disorders, and in
some cases structured interviews have been used for the diagnoses
(e.g., Hamner et al., 2000). However, these researchers did not
discuss how, in initially making their diagnoses, they allocated
potentially overlapping individual symptoms, such as hallucinations, to PTSD versus independent psychotic disorders or secondary psychotic disorders. In other words, they did not discuss how
they counted the symptom components of the diagnoses before
comparing the characteristics. Beyond this handful of studies, the
literature contains only a small amount of anecdotal expert clinical
opinion (e.g., Blank, 1994).
For the present study of patients with PTSD and depression, we
believed it would increase diagnostic reliability to ask these diagnostic questions explicitly and to answer them consistently. To do
so, we developed the diagnostic guidelines discussed later, along
with examples of their application. Because our population was
exclusively made up of combat veterans, our examples reflect
combat trauma. However, analogous issues arise with other traumas, so these guidelines should prove useful to researchers and
clinicians working with other populations. Additionally, although
combat was the target trauma for this study, the veterans also had
extensive histories of other traumas prior to and subsequent to
military service. In the following sections, specific features of our
treatment outcome study that highlight the assessment process are
described, followed by the guidelines established by the study
team with illustrative examples and the implications of these
guidelines for clinical practice.

Description of the Study

Study participants were 115 male veterans with combat-related
PTSD and depressive disorders who were enrolled in a randomized
clinical trial comparing the clinical efficacy and cost-effectiveness
of self-management therapy (Rehm, 1995) versus psychoeducational group therapy (Dunn et al., 2000). Full details of the study
and treatment outcomes have been reported elsewhere (Dunn et al.,
2007). Participants were recruited from the PTSD treatment program at the Michael E. DeBakey Veterans Affairs (VA) Medical
Center and from two local VA outreach centers. All participants
were outpatients at the time of enrollment in the study.
We made thorough assessments of DSMIV Axis I and II
disorders at pretreatment, posttreatment, and three follow-up
times, using the Structured Clinical Interview for DSMIV Axis I
DisordersResearch Version (SCID-I) with psychotic screen
(First, Spitzer, Gibbon, & Williams, 1996) and the Structured
Clinical Interview for DSMIV Axis II Personality Disorders
(SCID-II; First, Gibbon, Spitzer, Williams, & Benjamin, 1997).
We also used the Clinician-Administered PTSD Scale (CAPS-1;
Blake et al., 1990) for the PTSD diagnosis. The CAPS-1 also
assesses features associated with PTSD (e.g., guilt, dissociation),
but these features are not used for determining the diagnosis. The
Institutional Review Board of Baylor College of Medicine and the
Committee on Human Subjects of the University of Houston
approved the study. All participants met DSMIV criteria for
PTSD and major depressive or dysthymic disorder. Exclusion


criteria were a score below 24 on the Mini-Mental State Exam

(Folstein, Folstein, & McHugh, 1975), a current or past diagnosis
of a psychotic or bipolar disorder, or active suicidal ideation and
intent. Referring clinicians were explicitly asked not to avoid
referring difficult patients. The study did not exclude patients with
substance abuse or dependence, although the clinical programs
policy was to refer patients with serious current abuse to the
substance dependence treatment program first.
The 10 interviewers who conducted the extensive clinicianadministered battery of instruments and self-report measures had
graduate-level qualifications in clinical psychology or clinical social work. They received 80 hr of assessment training by a licensed
clinical psychologist (Nancy Jo Dunn and Jeanne Schillaci) on
these assessments. The training included reviewing didactic training tapes on the SCID-I, SCID-II, and CAPS-1; reviewing interviews that had already been completed as part of the study;
observing ongoing interviews; conducting interviews under the
direction of a senior interviewer; and then independently conducting the interviews.
All assessment interviews were videotaped, and a second interviewer independently scored videotapes to determine interrater
reliability and to check for observer drift. The checks were conducted on 20% (23/115) of the baseline interviews, on a smaller
percentage of posttest and follow-up interviews (spread evenly
across interview points), and on the interviews of ineligible individuals (to verify that the participants were correctly excluded).
The reliabilities, measured as percentage agreement (94% to
100%) and Cohens kappa (Fleiss, 1971), were generally satisfactory for the diagnoses (as measured by CAPS-1 for PTSD and by
SCID-I for all other Axis I diagnoses). For the studys qualifying
diagnoses, percentage agreement and kappas, respectively, were as
follows: PTSD (94%, .64), major depressive disorder (96%, .48),
and dysthymic disorder (100%, 1.0). For the personality disorders
(as determined by SCID-II), percentage of agreement ranged from
98% to 100%.
The research team (including all study interviewers and clinician investigators) met weekly in a diagnostic conference, chaired
by a senior board-certified psychiatrist, to confirm the diagnoses
made by study interviewers and to resolve any uncertain diagnoses. All available clinical information (including review of medical records and verification of military service and other available
military records) was utilized in resolving any diagnostic uncertainty. The guidelines that are the basis of this article were developed as part of that consensus team meeting.
A total of 281 veterans were assessed for eligibility in the study,
and 170 veterans were excluded for not meeting inclusion criteria
(n 61), for refusing to participate (n 98), or for other reasons
(n 11). Although 111 veterans were randomized to treatment,
we have and report diagnostic and baseline clinical data on 115
veterans. The 115 participants had a mean age of 54.8 (SD 7.1)
and a mean educational level of 13.9 (SD 2.6) years. Most were
Vietnam veterans (91.3%), whereas with the remaining participants served in World War II, the Korean War, or the Persian Gulf
War. The exact duration of participants PTSD symptoms is unknown, but most were being treated for chronic PTSD and experienced their combat-related trauma at an earlier age. The mean
age at enlistment was 19.6 (SD 2.2), and the mean length of
military service was 4.2 years (SD 4.2). In addition to their
combat-related trauma, participants also had experienced consid-


erable premilitary and postmilitary traumas. The following data are

for individuals who either directly experienced a trauma and/or
witnessed a traumatic event. Of the 110 participants with complete
data, the most common premilitary traumas were physical assault
(10%), sexual assault (7.3%), other unwanted or uncomfortable
sexual experience (6.4%), transportation accidents (6.4%), and fire
or explosion (5.5%). The most frequent postmilitary traumas included transportation accidents (41.8%), assault with a weapon
(27.3%), sudden and unexpected death of someone close (26.4%),
natural disaster (25.5%), serious injury, harm to, or death of
someone close (24.5%), physical assault (23.6%), and serious
accident at work, home, or during recreational activity (23.6%).
The depressive disorders also tended to be longstanding, although they began somewhat later with a mean age of onset of 28.4
(SD 13.6) as measured by the SCID. The sample had severe
PTSD with a mean CAPS-1 score of 74.6 (SD 16.8) and had
moderate depression with a mean Hamilton Depression Rating
Scale (Hamilton, 1960) score of 22.1 (SD 5.4). Other baseline
demographic and clinical characteristics of the sample are shown
in Table 1. In this sample, the modal number of current diagnoses
was two, and the modal number of lifetime diagnoses was four.
The sample appears to have been as psychiatrically impaired as
samples in other studies with veteran populations with PTSD (e.g.,
Keane & Wolfe, 1990; Kulka et al., 1990).
In summary, this chronic PTSD sample had extensive psychiatric comorbidity. In our assessment of the full range of both Axis
I and II diagnoses, our team found it useful to elucidate explicitly
the decision-making process in making the differential diagnoses.
The process was an iterative one, but the same issues arose
consistently and are addressed later in the guidelines that we
developed. Further, the generally accepted age of psychiatric onset
of specific disorders, premilitary trauma history, and premorbid
functioning (as available) are potentially differentiating factors and
were taken into account in the development of these guidelines
where applicable.

Diagnostic Guidelines
1. How Do Mental Health Professionals Distinguish
Symptoms of Agoraphobia From Avoidance and
Hypervigilance Symptoms of PTSD?
Avoidance of certain places or situations from which escape
might be difficult should not count as a symptom of both agoraphobia and PTSD. Rather, assessment of the reason for the avoidance should determine which disorder better accounts for the
avoidance behavior. We counted avoidance as a symptom of PTSD
when its rationale was clearly related to the traumatic theme;
otherwise, the avoidance was counted toward a diagnosis of agoraphobia.
For example, many veterans reported that they avoided crowds.
When asked the reason, however, a veteran might state that being
in a crowd in Vietnam was an especially dangerous situation
because of the risk of being attacked without warning. In such a
case, we considered the avoidance as a symptom of PTSD rather
than agoraphobia. Using this guideline, we found that 12.2% (n
14) of the veterans in our study had comorbid panic disorder with
agoraphobia, and 1.7% (n 2) had agoraphobia without history of
panic disorder. For these participants, these diagnoses were distinct from their PTSD.



Table 1
Baseline Demographic and Clinical Characteristics of the
Sample (N 115)
Marital status
Never married
White, non-Hispanic
African American
Retired or disabled
Full time
Part time
VA disability compensationa
Living arrangement
With sexual partner and children
With sexual partner alone
With other family
Current comorbidity: Axis I
Alcohol abuse or dependence
Drug abuse or dependence
Anxiety disorder (other than PTSD)
Other Axis I disorder
Lifetime comorbidity: Axis I
Alcohol abuse or dependence
Drug abuse or dependence
Anxiety disorder (other than PTSD)
Other Axis I disorder
Lifetime comorbidity: Axis II
Cluster A
Cluster B
Cluster C
Personality disorder NOS
Axis II: Overall





















Note. VA Veterans Affairs; PTSD posttraumatic stress disorder;

NOS not otherwise specified.
Some patients were receiving disability compensation for both medical
and psychiatric diagnoses.

Case example: A 51-year-old Vietnam veteran had panic disorder that

began 7 years prior to study participation. The panic attacks came out
of the blue and were characterized by a tight chest, racing heart,
sweating, and trembling. He avoided malls, coming to the VA hospital, and restaurants. As an example of the reason for his avoidance,
he stated that he was afraid to be in a restaurant if he was unable to
get a seat where his back would be to the wall. It was clear from his

description that he avoided only places that reminded him of Vietnam.

In the assessment of avoidance symptoms associated with PTSD, the
veteran reiterated his avoidance of places that reminded him of his
trauma and indicated that the avoidance had a significant impact on
his life (i.e., Id like to go places but cant). Consequently, in
applying Guideline 1, the veteran was diagnosed with panic disorder
without agoraphobia, and the avoidance was considered to be indicative of PTSD.

Similar considerations apply in distinguishing social phobia

from the avoidance symptoms of PTSD, although this specific
differential diagnostic issue did not arise in our study.

2. Are Symptoms Apparently Due to Specific Phobias

Actually Avoidance Symptoms of PTSD?
Irrational fears of certain objects or situations are normally a
hallmark of specific (or simple) phobia, but PTSD may produce
similar symptoms of unreasonably avoiding objects or situations
that resemble or symbolize the traumatic event (Brown & Wolfe,
1994; McNally & Saigh, 1993). Again, the irrational fear and
avoidance should count toward either PTSD or specific phobia, but
not both, and asking individuals to explain the reason for their fear
determines the diagnosis. We diagnosed specific phobia only if the
fear was not related to the traumatic event.
For example, the fear of small enclosed places might be a result
of an injury suffered while exploring a tunnel during combat; the
fear of heights might be related to the veterans experience of
being attacked while in a high place, such as a mountain or a plane;
and the fear of blood could be related to seeing or experiencing
combat-related wounds. In each of these instances, we would
count the avoidance symptom toward PTSD rather than toward
simple phobia. Using this guideline, we found that 12.2% (n 14)
of the veterans with PTSD in our study also had a specific phobia
distinct from PTSD.
Case examples: A 51-year-old Vietnam veteran reported that he had
a phobia related to being on the telephone. He had fears of being shot
because a headset had been shot out of his hand. The fear was clearly
linked to his PTSD and was not diagnosed as a specific phobia. In
contrast, a 62-year-old Vietnam veteran was deathly afraid of
snakes or anything that looked like a snake. He would dream about
being bitten and dying immediately if a snake bit him. Although he
considered snakes to be a stressor in Vietnam, he stated that he was
afraid of snakes regardless of his Vietnam experience. He was diagnosed with a specific phobia.

3. When Are Hallucinations Symptomatic of PTSD (e.g.,

Flashbacks) Versus a Nonpsychotic Near-Death
Experience or an Independent Psychotic Disorder?
Hallucinations that were strongly related to the theme of a
traumatic experience were considered to be a re-experiencing
symptom of PTSD (a flashback) rather than an indication of a
separate psychotic disorder. Similarly, we did not consider unusual
spiritual experiences occurring only during a near-death episode (if
that was the acute traumatic experience) to be psychotic symptoms, because such experiences are not in fact unusual among
nonpsychotic persons in our culture (Roberts & Owen, 1988). We
did not count such near-death experiences as symptoms of PTSD


Examples of hallucinations that we classified as PTSD reexperiencing rather than independent psychotic symptoms included hearing the cries for help of the wounded, seeing visions of
dead friends from combat experiences, and experiencing the smell
of death or the taste of blood or dirt. Examples of near-death
spiritual experiences during a dangerous combat episode included
hearing Gods voice and experiencing an otherworldly light. On
the basis of these guidelines, 57.4% (n 66) of the veterans with
PTSD in the study reported having experienced PTSD-related
hallucinations or flashbacks. Only 3.4% of the 207 male veterans
who completed the interview process for participation in the study
were disqualified because of a diagnosis of an independent psychotic disorder. A significant limitation of this finding is that
during the initial referral process, clinicians were asked to refer
only nonpsychotic individuals.

4. How Do Mental Health Professionals Differentiate

Overlapping Symptoms of PTSD and Depression?
Loss of interest, concentration difficulties, detachment from
others, restricted affect, anger, insomnia, and guilt may be symptoms of PTSD, a depressive disorder, or both. To decide among
these possibilities, we constructed a careful timeline of the patients life, including the relative timing of trauma, major depressive episodes, and substance abuse. For loss of interest, concentration problems, detachment from others, anger, and restricted
affect, we used the timing of onset and remission of the symptoms
to help link the symptoms to the appropriate disorder. If one of
these five symptoms began shortly after the trauma or shortly after
the veterans return to the United States, we usually attributed it to
PTSD, not to depression. However, PTSD symptoms can also have
a delayed onset (e.g., after a later highly stressful event or major
life change, such as retirement or a spouses death). When one of
the five symptoms in question began long after the traumatic event,
we determined whether the symptom persisted even in the absence
of depressed mood or substance abuse. If so, we counted it as a
PTSD symptom; otherwise, we attributed it to a depressive disorder. For some individuals, there was also a question of whether
some of these symptoms might have been due to a substance use
disorder. In such cases, we used the guidelines described in
DSMIV (American Psychiatric Association, 1994) for distinguishing substance-induced disorders from primary mood disorders.
Because insomnia was an almost universal, chronic problem for
the combat veterans in our study, we found it nearly impossible to
use timing or any other consistent means to attribute it to PTSD
versus a depressive disorder. That is, in our chronic PTSD sample,
it was not possible to determine if the insomnia was due to a
progression of PTSD over time or if the insomnia was exclusively
associated with depression. Likewise, problems with insomnia
could not be distinguished on the basis of the content or reason for
the insomnia in any clear-cut way. If the veterans had indicated
that they only had insomnia because of nightmares, it could have
been attributed to PTSD. However, the history was usually more
complicated, with insomnia sometimes associated with disruptions
from trauma-related nightmares and sometimes simply reported as
disrupted sleep. Accordingly, we usually counted insomnia as a
symptom of both PTSD and depression. Guilt clearly associated
with a traumatic event (i.e., killing a child or surviving when others


died) was counted as a feature of PTSD; we ascribed other types

of excessive guilt to a depressive disorder.

5. When Are Symptoms of DSMIV Personality Disorders

Better Understood as Chronic PTSD Symptoms?
Disentangling symptoms of personality disorders from PTSD
was difficult in our study because most of our participants combat
traumas occurred during their late adolescence or early 20s. Because these are critical periods for personality development, investigating pretrauma behavior was of little help in diagnosis (with
the exception of inquiring about early adolescent antisocial behavior). Consequently, a personality disorder was diagnosed whenever
the DSMIV criteria were met, without trying to assess pretrauma
personality traits. However, we did not count symptoms as personality disorder criteria if the veterans explanation for the behavior clearly related it to the trauma.
Using this approach, we found that 45.2% of the veterans in our
study were diagnosed with one or more personality disorders that
were distinct from PTSD. Two types of personality disorder
avoidant and paranoidprovide especially relevant examples for
this differential diagnosis.
In assessing for avoidant personality disorder, a veterans report
that he avoided jobs where he would have to deal with other people
was considered indicative of the personality disorder only if the
reason was a fear of criticism or rejection. The same behavior was
considered a symptom of PTSD if the veteran explained it as
wanting to avoid conflict or opportunities for angry outbursts. A
veterans reported difficulty in being open in intimate relationships
was considered a symptom of PTSD if it was due to a mistrust of
others or emotional numbing, whereas it was considered a symptom of avoidant personality disorder when it was due to a fear of
being shamed or ridiculed. Being quiet when meeting new people
was attributed to PTSD when the cause was a mistrust of others or
a fear of being harassed about being a veteran, whereas it was
attributed to avoidant personality disorder when it was due to
feelings of inadequacy. Reluctance to try new activities was attributed to PTSD (or depression) if it was due to a loss of interest
in activities or a tendency to isolate, whereas it was attributed to
avoidant personality disorder when it was due to a fear of embarrassment. On the basis of these guidelines, we found that 12.2%
(n 14) of the veterans with PTSD in our study were diagnosed
with comorbid avoidant personality disorder.
Case example: A 49-year-old Vietnam veteran expressed a lifelong
pattern of avoidance, stating I dont like to do things with others
watching. Im shy and dont get involved. Anytime Im meeting
anyone, I [feel] judged. Im afraid to be thought of as stupid. Im
afraid Ill say the wrong things. Ive always felt that way. I hang my
head and Im afraid of being laughed at. Consistent with Guideline
5, the veteran was diagnosed with avoidant personality disorder,
because the reason for his avoidance was concern about criticism and
rejection. As noted earlier, similar considerations would be utilized in
differentiating social phobia from avoidance symptoms of PTSD.

In assessing for paranoid personality disorder, we found that

veterans with PTSD often reported suspiciousness that others were
trying to harm them. We considered this a symptom of PTSD, not
a personality disorder, when it was associated with a sense of
betrayal during the traumatic experience or at homecoming, re-



sulting in mistrust of others, such as the government or those who

have not experienced combat. In contrast, we counted suspiciousness as a symptom of paranoid personality disorder when it was
more generalized and was not directly related to the trauma. A
reluctance to confide in others, when ascribed to PTSD, reflected
difficulties in feeling close to others because of emotional numbing; by contrast, when the difficulty was due to paranoid personality disorder, it was more strongly related to a fear that others
would use information maliciously against the individual. Angry
reactions to perceived insults are commonly found in Vietnam
combat veterans with PTSD and may be related to past experiences
of being discriminated against or criticized for being a Vietnam
veteran, whereas anger due to paranoid personality disorder involves highly distorted or exaggerated perceptions of insults that
are not directly related to being a veteran. On the basis of these
guidelines, 17.4% (n 20) of the veterans with PTSD in our study
were diagnosed with paranoid personality disorder distinct from
Case example: A 52-year-old Vietnam veteran expressed considerable
distrust of everyone and felt threatened in general. The distrust extended to multiple areas of his life and involved numerous individuals,
including neighbors, VA staff, clergy, relatives, and his spouse. For
example, he was reluctant to confide during psychotherapy sessions,
and he felt that the staff used the information to hurt him. He doubted
the loyalty of almost all of his relatives. The veteran indicated that
ex-wives had cheated on him, and he felt his current wife was doing
the same. He noted that his wife said he was paranoid.

In applying our diagnostic guidelines in the differentiation of

personality disorders from symptoms that are more specific to
PTSD, we found that our overall rates of personality disorders
were lower than those reported in the two other major studies with
veterans (Bollinger, Riggs, Blake, & Ruzek, 2000; Southwick,
Yehuda, & Giller, 1993) that utilized structured assessments for
the full range of personality disorders (Dunn et al., 2004), although
the other studies consisted predominantly of inpatient participants.

Implications for Practice

Clinicians in mental health settings should be aware that those
suffering from PTSD might present with symptoms that initially
point to diagnoses other than PTSD and that mistaken diagnoses in
the PTSD population can have a detrimental clinical impact. Of
particular concern is the possibility that PTSD-related hallucinations may be seen as a primary psychotic process. This is more
likely to occur with clinicians unaccustomed to dealing with PTSD
patients. Similarly, diagnosing a personality disorder for behavior
that is actually related to PTSD would seriously misrepresent the
patient. In these and other clinical dilemmas that we have discussed, mistaken diagnosis can lead to ineffective treatment.
We believe that the guidelines described here can lead to greater
reliability in the diagnosis of PTSD and related comorbid conditions. It is widely recognized in the field that PTSD symptoms
overlap with other diagnoses. However, we have found no literature that explicitly denotes how these overlapping symptoms are
counted in the determination of specific disorders. Our diagnostic
guidelines may indeed serve as an initial way to operationalize the
directive in the DSMIV sections on differential diagnosis that
diagnosis of a given condition must not be better accounted for

(American Psychiatric Association, 1994) by another condition.

Thus, the implications of counting symptoms once or twice are
largely unknown, but establishment of our rules, based on clinical
judgment as described here, makes the attribution more specific so
that it can then be tested in a more formal way. Increased reliability, the goal of these guidelines, is the first step in enhancing the
validity of psychiatric diagnoses. Future research might also empirically examine which specific symptoms are improperly designated to non-PTSD diagnoses.
Accurate diagnoses of PTSD and comorbid conditions are
clearly a prerequisite for the determination of the most effective
treatments in patients who have a very complicated clinical presentation. For example, in the case of a patient who has PTSD and
a paranoid personality disorder (or even paranoid personality disorder alone), the individual might receive antipsychotic medication
for the personality disorder, and group psychotherapy would be
contraindicated. In contrast, the patient with only PTSD might
receive an antidepressant medication and psychotherapy directed
toward trauma-focused work (e.g., cognitive processing therapy).
As another example, psychopharmacological treatment (e.g., antidepressants) may be similar for a patient with PTSD alone versus
one with PTSD and depression, but the options for psychotherapy
intervention would differ. For example, cognitive processing therapy may impact both PTSD and depressive symptoms, whereas
exposure therapy would be an appropriate treatment for PTSD but
not for depression.
A similar implication concerns recent efforts in the field to
examine treating patients who have PTSD and certain comorbid
conditions with combined psychotherapies, rather than treating the
conditions sequentially. For example, seeking safety (Najavits,
2002) is a psychotherapy intervention that is geared toward simultaneously treating PTSD and substance abuse issues in patients
with that dual diagnosis. Multiple channel exposure therapy (Falsetti & Resnick, 2000) is another example of a combined
cognitive behavioral intervention designed to treat patients who
have PTSD and panic attacks. In all of these cases, accurate
differential diagnosis is essential in determining the appropriate
treatment modality.
Although the sample on which we based these guidelines contained only veterans, this sample also had extensive premilitary
and postmilitary traumas similar to those experienced in other
civilian populations, and the guidelines could be adapted accordingly. For example, a woman who was raped in the parking garage
of a mall may present with a specific phobia related to parking
garages. The presumed irrational fear may be better understood as
avoidance related to the trauma associated with PTSD, rather than
as indicative of a specific phobia.
Thus, we believe that the guidelines described can be adapted
and extended to aid other epidemiologic and therapeutic studies of
PTSD. Additionally, the guidelines may also aid the instruction of
trainees who may be unfamiliar with the complexities of PTSD
and comorbid conditions in a given clinical setting. As noted
earlier, this is particularly important in the clarification of PTSDrelated hallucinations versus those denoting a primary psychotic
Clearly, our guidelines do not cover every diagnostic dilemma,
and they may at times be reasonably overridden by other diagnostic information. They can also be considered as hypotheses to be
tested when future research uncovers independent gold standards


for diagnosing PTSD and frequently comorbid disorders. For example, if independent biological markers of PTSD and paranoid
personality disorder become known, it would be possible to compare the differentiation of these two disorders according to the
clinical guidelines and according to the biological markers. In the
meantime, the guidelines represent a helpful starting point for
more consistent diagnosis of PTSD.

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Received October 10, 2006

Revision received June 13, 2008
Accepted June 16, 2008

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