In the last
The symptoms of GERD are troublesome, recurrent
and annoying thus prompting patients to consult often
and take medications for a considerable duration.
These symptoms diminish their quality of life and affects
negatively their work and productivity. When the typical
clinical presentation is present a clinical diagnosis of
GERD can be made in the physicians office and an
empiric PPI treatment may be started even without
performing an upper endoscopy, most especially in those
with no alarm features. In this guideline, the indications
of upper endoscopy in GERD is well articulated and we
encourage all practitioners to exercise careful attention
when recommending the procedure to GERD patients.
PPIs remain the cornerstone of treatment for erosive
esophagitis and several strategies are recommended
for those whose symptoms do not respond completely,
i.e., switching to another PPI or doubling the dose of
the currently-administered PPI. The pathophysiology
of the extraesophageal manifestations of GERD is
still poorly understood. PPI therapy in these patients
will often reduce their GERD symptoms but not as
efficiently their extraesophageal symptoms. Adjuvant
therapies are recommended to relieve bothersome,
episodic GERD symptoms. Most endoluminal forms of
treatment have not shown durable long-term benefits.
The recommendation/s on the role of ambulatory pH
monitoring are described well and is tempered by the
realization that these facilities are still very few in the
country and thus, currently cannot be accessed easily
by our GERD patients. Given that Hp infection is still
highly prevalent in the Philippines, we recommend that
an opportunistic testing for Hp be performed on GERD
patients, whenever the occasion presents. A histologic
confirmation of Barretts epithelium is emphasized and
targeted biopsies during endoscopic surveillance can
lead to early detection of high-grade dysplasia and
early adenocarcinoma.
These recommendations are aimed to improve
patient care and ensure better treatment outcomes. They
are based on scientific evidences accessible currently
to the authors and thus, we are aware that future
studies may affirm or effect a modification of these
recommendations. In addition, there may be clinical
situations where these guidelines may not be applicable
and thus, we encourage physicians to exercise good
clinical judgment when using it as reference. We are
committed to update this document if and when future
published evidence will have created a major impact
on our confidence regarding the recommendations
included herein.
The authors extend special appreciation to the
scientific contributions of Maria Carla Tablante, M.D., for
the preparation of the endoscopic video images utilized
during the workshops on inter-observer variations of the
cardioesophageal junction, LA Classification, hiatal hernia
and BE.
Deep gratitude also goes to the organizational
efforts of Ms. Diana Jhoy Maquilan during the regular
meetings of the Core Working Party and during the
consensus development conference. We acknowledge
the participation of Yvonne L. Mina, M.D., and Madelinee
Eternity D. Labio, M.D., who represented the Philippine
Society of Digestive Endoscopy and Hepatology Society
of the Philippines, respectively.
This clinical practice guideline was developed thru
an unrestricted educational grant provided by Takeda
Pharmaceuticals, Inc.
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