School Based Experience Report
School Based Experience Report
School Based Experience Report
Figure 1 shows the teacher showed some examples for pupils guidance
Then, she instructed the groups to make five questions each and exchange it with
other groups to make a Q&A session. It was interesting because most of them were able to
make questions and answer them correctly. Questions were asked also accurate and they
used other vocabulary other than the examples that had been given by the teachers.
Figure 2 shows one of the representatives of the group to present their questions to
their peers.
Therefore, based on the teaching and learning materials that I have prepared for
Teaching of listening and speaking skills for the primary ESL classroom coursework. From
what I have found during my observation for the English class. I believed that I need to make
some improvement in my presentation stage where pupils only watch the video and not
knowing what is the meaning of the word used in the video. Some improvement such as
highlight the words used in extend,accept and decline an invitation. By doing this, itll be a lot
easier for the pupils to conctruct the correct sentences.
Not only that, I found that my production stage content is quite difficult for the pupils
to comprehend. The pupils from this school have a low proficiency level in English language
even though there were in a first class. During the production stage, I will asked each group
to create a conversation that contains accepting and declining invitations based on the topic
given. ( Pupils must have a character each).
Some changes that may help them in improving their speaking skills is besides giving
them topics to be presented in front of the class. Pupils must be assisted with some
guidance of the vocabulary and grammar during the teaching and learning session. Provide
many examples to gain their confidence in speaking as well as interactions between teacher
and students or students and students. There is much attention given to listening and
speaking. Following this changes, I want to encourage the pupils to integrate i-think in their
learning environment.
Making a mind map is an excellent way for you to be able to sort through your
thoughts and ideas. This activity increases creativity and productivity because its an
excellent tool to generate more ideas and effectively improve memory and retention. From
my observation. Most of the pupils have the trouble to speak in front of the class because
they ran out of ideas, therefore in order for them to be ready is to do a mind map to
brainstorm so that the flow of ideas is not blocked or hampered the linear thinking does.
As difficult as this task to be carried out, it was very beneficial to me. I am happy I
was able to have this opportunity as it opens my eyes and my mind to better my teaching
practice. They gave me many great knowledge and ideas to a variety of ways to implement
various activities. My teaching and learning materials will be much better because of what I
have learnt.