Tibial Non Unions
Tibial Non Unions
Tibial Non Unions
Because the spectrum of injuries to the tibia is so great, no single method of treatment is applicable to all nonunions. Therefore, it is important for surgeons who
treat tibial nonunions to be skilled in several different methods of treatment. In
patients with significant deformities, electrical stimulation, isolated fibular osteotomy, and bone grafts alone are unsatisfactory treatment options. In aseptic
nonunions, the use of intramedullary nailing or compression plating appears to
have many advantages. In previously closed and selected grade I and grade II open
fractures, reamed intramedullary nailing is a safe and effective method of treatment. Because of the risk of infection, reamed nailing is not recommended after
external fixation of open fractures. In these cases as well as others, the authors
prefer plate osteosynthesis. With few exceptions, the plate should be placed, under tension, on the convex side of the tibia. Used in this fashion, the plate can assist in correction of any deformity and can also provide stable internal fixation.
Half-pin external fixation is used primarily in the management of infected fractures. Ilizarov and other small-wire circular fixators have proved effective in
treating complex-composite deformities associated with sepsis, bone loss, shortening, angulation, or malrotation. Amputation may be warranted if a functional
limb cannot be achieved.
J Am Acad Orthop Surg 1996;4:249-257
Nonunion of the tibia after highenergy trauma continues to be a common problem. Treatment is influenced by the location of the
nonunion, the integrity of the soft tissues, the presence or absence of infection, the angular and rotational alignment of the limb, the degree of
instability at the nonunion site, and
the radiographic appearance. If rational treatment is to be instituted, the
surgeon must have a clear understanding of the personality of the
nonunion, since no single method of
treatment is applicable in all situations. The approach to treatment
may be nonoperative or surgical and
can be broadly viewed as functional,
electrical, mechanical, biological, or
some combination thereof. Results
Tibial Nonunion
fixation with either small-wire or
conventional devices.
Although there have been a large
number of clinical studies, the definition of tibial nonunion remains arbitrary. Traditionally, a finite period of
time was allowed to elapse before a
fracture was defined as being characterized by delayed union or nonunion.
If fracture stability or bridging callus
was not present between 16 and 20
weeks, the fracture was described as
delayed union. The term nonunion was usually reserved for those
fractures that had not healed after 9
months of adequate treatment. This
passive approach undoubtedly prolonged morbidity in many patients
with tibial fractures.
In the past two decades, orthopaedic surgeons have become increasingly aware that many highenergy tibial fractures are slow to
consolidate despite adequate initial
treatment. Rather than being limited by a definition of nonunion that
involves a set time frame, they have
come to realize that earlier and more
aggressive treatment is warranted.
Several authors have shown that
surgical intervention is usually indicated 3 to 5 months after injury if the
fracture fails to show progressive
signs of healing on monthly radiographs. 2-4 In this environment, a
nonunion or at least delayed union
can be predicted, and a change in
treatment is justified. Therefore, the
designation of a delayed union or
nonunion is currently made when
the surgeon believes that the fracture has little or no potential for
union and additional treatment is
Although the etiology of tibial
nonunion is diverse, the vast majority
of these injuries fail to unite because
the initial fracture displacement has
damaged the surrounding soft tis-
Two important factors in the classification of nonunions are the expected
vascularity at the fracture site and the
presence or absence of infection. One
method of classifying nonunions is to
indirectly assess the vascularity at the
fracture site on radiographs or radionuclide scans. With a hypertrophic nonunion, there has been an
obvious attempt at bone healing, with
the production of callus leading to
flared, often dense bone ends. As a
general rule, hypertrophic nonunions
are well vascularized. In contrast, in
an atrophic nonunion, there has been
little or no effort to heal. Callus is
scanty or absent, the bone ends are tapered and osteopenic, and bone vascularity may be deficient. Nonunions
characterized by bone loss or congenital pseudarthrosis are unique types
that do not fit well into a classification
based on vascularity alone.
Nonunion can also be classified
on the basis of infection. The fracture may be noninfected, previously
infected, or currently infected.
tegrity of the soft tissues, the presence or absence of infection, the angular and rotational alignment of
the limb, the degree of instability at
the nonunion site, and the radiographic appearance. If rational
treatment is to be instituted, the surgeon must have a clear understanding of the individual characteristics
of the nonunion, since no single
method of treatment is optimal in all
cases. The patients nutritional status, weight, associated medical
problems, smoking history, neurovascular status, and soft-tissue envelope must be carefully assessed.
After a detailed examination of the
extremity and a careful review of
imaging studies, the surgeon must
choose the method of treatment that
appears most likely to lead to fracture union. The approach to treatment may be nonoperative or surgical, and the options can be broadly
viewed as functional, electrical, mechanical, biological, or some combination thereof. It is the surgeons
role to identify the proper stimulus that will lead to uneventful
fracture healing.
For example, in the case of patients with hypertrophic tibial
nonunions, several authors have
shown that the failure to unite is
primarily a mechanical problem. In
this environment, the proper stimulus is stable fixation of the fracture, which reduces micromotion at
the nonunion site, allowing capillary ingrowth with endochondral
ossification. The addition of a biological stimulus in the form of a
bone graft is not necessary or indicated. If the fracture fragments are
well aligned, it is not necessary to
take down the nonunion because
the mesenchymal tissue between
the bone ends retains the capacity
to form osseous tissue in the proper
environment. However, atrophic
nonunions, with their restricted
blood supply, require the additional stimulation provided by
Diagnostic Workup
When evaluating a patient with a
tibial nonunion, it is essential to
carefully review pertinent prior
medical records and imaging studies
before initiating additional treatment. The vast majority of patients
with a long and complicated history
of tibial nonunion are unable to provide accurate information about
such factors as previous open
wounds, degrees of contamination,
culture reports, and antibiotic sensitivities. Unlike acute injuries, tibial
nonunions rarely require immediate
intervention. The urge to operate
should be tempered by the knowledge that these injuries can be extremely challenging and fraught
with the potential for multiple complications.
An anteroposterior and a lateral
radiograph will generally allow adequate assessment of the nonunion
site. However, in some cases, the
obliquity of the nonunion may be
out of plane on these two views,
giving the false impression of adequate healing. If the fracture morphology is not clear or there is persistent pain at the fracture site,
40-degree internal- and external-rotation oblique views may be very informative. Occasionally, examination of the limb under fluoroscopy,
with or without stress views, may
help to identify subtle motion at the
fracture site. Linear tomography can
also be useful in the evaluation of
fracture healing, particularly in the
presence of fixation hardware. In
the absence of fixation devices, computed tomography and magnetic
resonance imaging have supplanted
linear tomography in the assessment
of fracture healing.
The role of radionuclide scanning
in the assessment of delayed union
extend through the skin and subcutaneous tissues into defects in the
bone and marrow.
Magnetic resonance imaging can
also play a vital role in the assessment and planning of the surgical
treatment of patients with acute or
chronic osteomyelitis complicating
fracture healing, because it can be
used to define the intramedullary
extent of the infection before surgical debridement. In one study, 13
bone infection was identified with a
diagnostic sensitivity of 100%, a
specificity of 63%, and an accuracy
of 93%.
Tissue biopsy remains a useful
technique for evaluating infection
complicating fracture repair.14 Antibiotic therapy should be discontinued for at least 72 hours before
biopsy, and several representative
biopsy specimens should be obtained for analysis. Cultures should
be sent for aerobic, anaerobic, fungal, and acid-fast studies as indicated. Gristina et al14 have reported
that even open biopsy techniques
may yield information that is less
than complete because of the problem of analyzing bacteria protected
by external glycocalyx.
Nonsurgical Treatment
Functional Casts or Braces
In a small number of cases, continued nonoperative treatment of a tibial nonunion may be appropriate.
Occasionally, a fracture treated in a
non-weight-bearing long-leg cast will
heal after conversion to a weightbearing cast or brace. The introduction of weight bearing provides a
functional stimulus that alters the
fracture environment, leading to callus formation and fracture consolidation.15 The stimulus of weight bearing and intermittent loading can be
sufficient to induce healing in a fracture not subjected previously to loading. This method of treatment allows
Tibial Nonunion
mobilization of the knee, ankle, and
subtalar joints. Fracture bracing improves muscle and skin quality and
rarely is a bridge-burning procedure. Although disability may be extended, the costs are minimal, and the
risks appear relatively low. If the
fracture fails to unite, alternative
methods of treatment are possible
with little additional risk.
Surgical Treatment
Fibular Osteotomy
Osteotomy of the fibula in an attempt to encourage tibial union is
Bone Grafts
Autogenous bone transplantation, usually involving grafts from
Electrical Stimulation
The use of electrical stimulation in
the management of delayed union
and nonunion continues to be controversial. To date, the exact mechanism
of bone healing by electrical stimulation is not completely understood.
While there is a large volume of literature advocating its use, there are few
prospective, double-blind, randomized studies.16,17 The technique is best
indicated in a compliant patient with
a stable hypertrophic nonunion with
little or no clinical deformity.
The technique requires excellent
patient compliance, is expensive,
and generally requires immobilization. The major drawback is the inability to address the associated
problems of angulation, malrotation, and limb shortening that often
occur in patients with tibial nonunions. Furthermore, lack of compliance by many patients also limits
its use. In our experience, electrical
stimulation has often been recommended for patients with unstable,
mobile, atrophic nonunions, in
whom the technique has little or no
chance of success. Although they
are doubtless well intentioned, surgeons may prolong patient morbidity and increase costs attempting to
avoid the more risky but successful
approach of surgical management.
Fig. 1 A, Bone loss associated with a grade IIIB fracture of the tibia in association with a segmental fibular fracture affecting ankle stability.
After irrigation and debridement, the tibia was stabilized with half-pin external fixation, and a plate was applied to the distal fibula. B, Five
days after injury, the soft tissues were reconstructed with a rectus abdominis free-tissue transfer. At 6 weeks, the flap was elevated, and an
iliac-crest bone graft was placed anteriorly into the tibial defect. C, At follow-up at 18 months, complete healing was seen, with maintenance
of length and alignment.
Plate Osteosynthesis
Although the use of plating techniques in the treatment of acute tibial fractures has decreased with the
introduction of interlocking tibial
nails, its use in posttraumatic reconstruction has increased in recent
years.21,22 The major advantage of
compression plating in the management of nonunion is the ability to
correct deformity, restore function,
and promote healing (Fig. 2). It can
be used in virtually any location
along the tibia, from the knee to the
Tibial Nonunion
Fig. 2 A, Fourteen weeks after multiple blunt trauma, this closed, displaced, angulated tibial shaft fracture remained painful and nonunited.
B, Open reduction and internal fixation with plate osteosynthesis was performed without bone graft. A lag screw was used to increase interfragmental compression. C, Radiographs obtained at 15 months show uneventful fracture healing.
Intramedullary Nailing
Closed intramedullary nailing
with reaming is perhaps the optimal
method of management for tibial
nonunions and delayed unions.23-26
It provides enough mechanical
Fig. 3 A, Nine months after a grade I open tibial fracture with an intact fibula, nonunion was seen, with a 12-degree varus deformity. B,
Treatment consisted of placement of a reamed intramedullary interlocking nail and a fibular osteotomy. Despite the fibular resection, complete deformity correction was not achieved, leaving 7 degrees of residual varus angulation. C, At 1-year follow-up, the fracture had united
with an excellent functional result.
Tibial Nonunion
canal before the guide wire can be
successfully passed. Nailing can be
done on a radiolucent table or on a
fracture table. A tourniquet should
not be used, to avoid thermal damage
during reaming. The reamings
should be cultured.
A nail with locking capabilities is
strongly recommended. Unlike
acute fractures, most tibial nonunions
have begun to heal and are inherently
stable after nailing without static
locking. In very proximal and distal
nonunions, the addition of locking
screws to increase stability in the
short fragment is often helpful. In
nonunions in the middle third, locking is usually not necessary.
The role of nonreamed tibial nails
in the management of established
nonunions remains investigational.27
Fig. 4 A, Treatment of a grade IIIB open tibial fracture that became infected involved multiple procedures, including a free flap. Thirteen
months after injury, a complex-composite deformity remained, with 23 degrees of varus deformity and 3 cm of shortening. B, Treatment
with an Ilizarov external-fixation device. C, A corticotomy was made just proximal to the apex of the deformity to allow correction and leg
lengthening. D, Radiographs obtained at final follow-up at 19 months show restoration of length and alignment.
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