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Integrative Regulatory Therapy - A Multi-Focal Strategy for Cancer Control

By Francisco Contreras, MD, Jorge Barroso-Aranda, MD, PhD,

and Mark F. McCarty.
Published by Oasis of Hope Press
1685 Precision Park Lane, Suite L
San Diego, CA 92173
Tel. (619) 428-0930
Fax. (619) 428-0994
Publisher & Editor: Daniel E. Kennedy
Researchers & Contributors: Francisco Contreras, MD,
Jorge Barroso-Aranda, MD, PhD, Mark McCarty, Daniel E. Kennedy,
Leticia Wong, and Bruce Northey.
Additional Support: Shary Oden
Cover Design/Graphic Design/Formatting: Viviana Flores
This book or parts thereof may not be reproduced in any form, stored in a
retrieval system or transmitted in any form by any meanselectronic,
mechanical, photocopy, recording or otherwisewithout prior written
permission of the publisher, except as provided by United States of America
copyright law.
Copyright C 2008 by Oasis of Hope Health Group
All Rights Reserved
International Standard Book Number: 978-1-57946-008-2
This book is not intended to provide medical advice or to take the place of
medical advice and treatment from your personal physician. Readers are
advised to consult their own doctors or other qualified health professionals
regarding the treatment of their medical problems. Neither the publisher nor
the authors take any responsibility for any possible consequences from any
treatment, action or application of medicine, supplement, herb or preparation to
any person reading or following information in this book. If readers are taking
prescription medications, again, they should consult with their physicians and
not take themselves off of medicines to start supplementations or nutrition
program without the proper supervision of a physician.
Printed in the United States of America


In 1963, the late Dr. Ernesto Contreras, Sr. opened the Oasis
of Hope Hospital and initiated what would become a healing tradition
known as the Total Care Approach. Dr. Contreras is recognized in
multiple publications as a pioneer in body, mind, and spirit medicine.
At the foundation of his philosophy were two principles inspired
by Hippocrates, the father of medicine, and Jesus Christ, The Great
Physician: 1) First, do no harm; 2) Love your patient as you love

Because of his philosophy, Dr. Contreras taught his medical
staff to never prescribe treatments that would destroy the quality of
life of the patient. He also insisted that Oasis of Hope physicians
offer therapies that they would be willing to take if in the same
circumstances. His emphasis on the doctor-patient relationship,
along with his integration of natural and conventional therapies with
emotional and spiritual counseling, were the principle reasons why
more than 100,000 patients from 55 nations have come to Oasis of
Hope for treatment over the last 45 years.

Dr. Contreras believed that to be effective as a physician,
one had to blend art and science. When treating cancer patients,
Dr. Contreras looked beyond the obvious. He would find the root
needs of his patients and develop personalized therapies to address
the unique circumstance of each. His commitment to treat his
patients with professionalism, ethics, and compassion made him a
beloved doctor. As a researcher, Dr. Contreras explored hundreds of
treatment modalities in his constant quest to help his patients. His
untiring determination inspired his staff and patients alike.

At age 88, after 62 years of medical practice, Dr. Contreras
went on to be with the Lord. Two of his significant contributions
to humanity were his model for intregrative medicine and the

development of a tremendous platform for the advancement of cancer

research, treatment, and control. The Oasis of Hope is home of the
healing legacy of Dr. Ernesto Contreras, Sr. and the staff continues
to utilize the Total Care Approach and develop and design new and
effective protocols for comprehensive cancer management.

Oasis of Hope practitioners are not satisfied with the
traditional goal of oncology, which is tumor destruction. When
reviewing cancer survival rates, it becomes apparent that focusing
solely on tumor destruction is not sufficient. This book proposes a new
set of treatment goals, medical protocols, and ideologies. It outlines
a unique cancer treatment approach that has been developed by the
Oasis of Hope Clinical Research Organization under the leadership
of oncologist Francisco Contreras, MD; Jorge Barroso-Aranda, MD,
PhD; and Mark F. McCarty. The Oasis of Hope founder and his
successors have championed goals that are much more effective,
sophisticated and profound than the traditional emphasis on direct
tumor destruction.

The explanation of the scientific basis for cancer treatment
at Oasis of Hope, and the review of results that are presented in this
book, support the premise that cancer treatment must be integrative
and multi-disciplinary, and that the efficacy of chemotherapy,
radiation, and surgery increases when used in conjunction with
nutraceuticals, diet, exercise, counseling, and spiritual support.

This book is written as an entry-level medical publication
with the intention of inspiring further study and practice of integrative
cancer management protocols. It embraces Dr. Ernesto Contreras,
Sr.s vision of treating the whole person, and it demonstrates how
to effectively integrate conventional medicine, neutraceuticals,
diet, exercise, counseling, and spiritual support. After reading this
book, please visit www.oasisofhope.com/whitepapers to find more
information about Oasis of Hope therapies.
Daniel E. Kennedy
Chief Executive Officer
Oasis of Hope Health Group

About the Authors

Francisco Contreras, MD is Oasis of Hopes Chairman and

President. He is the son of Oasis of Hopes founder, Dr. Ernesto
Contreras, Sr.. Dr. Contreras specialized in surgical oncology at
the University of Vienna, Austria, and has led the Oasis of Hope
since 1983. Dr. Contreras has authored 12 books and lectures
regularly at universities and conferences throughout the United
States, Mexico, Central and South America, Europe, and Asia.
Jorge Barroso-Aranda, MD, PhD is Oasis of Hopes VicePresident of Medicine and Research. He has a Bachelor of
Science in engineering. He is an MD, who also completed a
PhD in Bioengineering at the University of California San Diego
(UCSD). He also received the degree of Postdoctoral Fellow in
Bioengineering from USCD. From 1992 to 1996, Dr. BarrosoAranda served as Director of the Environmental Protection Agency
for the state of Baja California, Mexico. Dr. Barroso-Aranda
has worked on numerous research studies with Dr. Benjamin W.
Zweifach, considered to be the father of microcirculation. Dr.
Barroso-Aranda is widely published in medical journals.
Mark F. McCarty is a nutritionist and a researcher who obtained
his undergraduate education in biochemistry at the University
of California San Diego, Revelle College. He has published
over two hundred articles on a wide range of biomedical topics
in the peer-reviewed medical literature. He has been awarded
seven U.S. patents for a variety of applied nutritional measures.
McCarty co-founded NutriGuard Research and worked for many
years as the research director for Nutrition 21. He brings his
expertise in nutrition and his research experience to the Oasis of
Hope Clinical Research Organization.


My people perish for lack of knowledge, wrote the
prophet Hosea. How true this is in the arena of cancer. For that
reason, continual education of ourselves, of our patients, and
of society at large is a paramount commitment of the Oasis of
Hope Health Group. Finding practical ways to avoid and control
the scourge of cancer is the chief focus of these efforts.

As is well known, the risk for developing specific types
of cancer by a given age is quite often a function of modifiable
lifestyle factors. More and more, epidemiology suggests that one
can greatly lower the risk for certain cancers by measures such
as: 1) Adopting a quasi-vegan diet low in fatty animal products.
This diet includes an ample intake of fruits and cruciferous
vegetables such as cabbage, broccoli, and cauliflower. It also
includes vegetables rich in alliums such as garlic and onions; 2)
Maintaining leanness and good insulin sensitivity with regular
exercise and smart eating habits; 3) Achieving good vitamin D
status and optimal selenium nutrition; 4) Avoiding overt mutagens
such as tobacco smoke or excessive sun exposure.

Nonetheless, the probability of developing some lifethreatening form of cancer is significant, even if every feasible
effort is taken to lower ones risk. Thats not true for a number
of the other dangerous disorders that afflict Western society. At
least until recently, coronary heart disease and diabetes have been
virtually unheard of in many cultures where the traditional diets
are low in fatty animal products and an active lifestyle helps to
keep people lean. Stroke, and even Alzheimers disease, seem to
be quite rare wherever people have eaten an unsalted diet most
their lives.

Conversely, thanks largely to clean water, sanitation,
and vaccination programs, people in the First World now enjoy
substantial protection from infectious disorders such as smallpox,
cholera, typhus, the plague, and tuberculosis that wiped out
tens of millions of people in past centuries. But cancer has
been an uncontrolled threat for centuries, and continues to be.
The inevitability of cancer as one ages, reflects the fact that
mutations gradually accumulate in body cells that have replicative
potential (stem cells) and sooner or later, these mutations will
give rise to colonies of rogue cells that evade normal growth
control mechanisms, and eventually gain the ability to spread
unchecked throughout the body. Unfortunately, cancer is an
equal opportunity offender that respects no gender, age or social

Hoping for the cure is not recommended. Thats
because cancer isnt just one disease its a family of hundreds of
diseases. Within each histological type of cancer, each persons
individual case of cancer is distinct the cells in one persons
breast cancer are bio-chemically distinct from another persons
breast cancer. Since cancer cells usually continue to accumulate
new mutations at an accelerated rate, the characteristics of cancer
cells within a single case of cancer in a single person may vary
markedly, depending on location. This rapid mutability also
means that cancers are good at evolving resistance to whatever
therapeutic measures are thrown at them.

Of course, many cancers are curable by surgery or
radiotherapy if caught at a sufficiently early stage. But,
unfortunately, cancers are often caught too late for this satisfying
outcome to be feasible. For most adult cancers, once stage 4 is
reached, the cancer is generally considered to be incurable.

But incurable is not the same as untreatable or
uncontrollable. Thanks largely to the rapidly evolving science
of molecular biology, cancer scientists are gaining much greater

insight. In other words, researchers are learning why many cancers

behave the way they do, at a molecular level how they evade
usual mechanisms of growth control, how they evoke the growth
of new blood vessels to feed tumor growth, how they migrate
through the body and establish new colonies in distant organs,
and how they defend themselves from the immune cells that can
recognize deviant cells. These new understandings, in turn, are
helping cancer scientists to devise new and clever ways that can
impede the growth and spread of cancers. These new strategies
usually dont amount to cures only rarely will advanced stage
4 cancers be completely eliminated from the body but they
do mean that, in a growing number of patients, it is feasible to
manage cancer as a chronic disease much like diabetes or heart
disease rather than as an inexorable terminal disease.

Oasis of Hopes objective is to use every feasible strategy
to achieve cancer control and improve the patients quality of
life. Destroying cancer cells, per se, is no triumph. Helping a
patient extend his life and participate in as many normal activities
as possible is more important. Of course, treating cancer is a
delicate balancing act, because some effective therapies inevitably
entail some measure of toxicity and risk. No pain, no gain, is
often as true in cancer therapy as it is in athletics; but at Oasis of
Hope, maintaining negative side effects at a bare minimum is a

Oasis of Hope is developing a truly integrative program
that incorporates chemotherapy protocols when warranted
but in the context of adjuvant measures that are intended to
alleviate side effects while making the therapy more effective for
eradicating cancer.

The following pages will describe the integrative
regulatory therapy (IRT) protocols currently in use at Oasis of
Hope. You will note that a wide range of agents are employed
including a number of nutraceuticals and safe, well-established
drugs that are used as adjuvants.

The intent is to use every feasible measure, as supported by

clinical data, that may be effective in slowing or reversing cancer
spread, while making cancer patients more comfortable and
boosting their spirits.

By and large, Oasis of Hope is for patients who wish to
collaborate actively with their doctors to do everything rational,
feasible, and reasonably safe to keep their cancer at bay and, if
possible, reverse it. There are certain limitations to what can
be offered at Oasis of Hope. The drugs that are employed are
almost always time-tested, and many of them have been around
for decades. Often this is an advantage because their potential
toxicities are known, and they are usually relatively affordable.
Oasis of Hope does not do treatment protocols with experimental
new drugs not yet approved for general use. Even if we wanted to
do such studies, our patients receive a wide range of nutrients and
medications; the combined effects of these adjunctive therapies
would likely make it difficult to properly assess the impact of
a new medication used concurrently. Also, Oasis of Hope does
not have access to some of the hyper-technical cutting-edge
strategies in radiotherapy, immunotherapy, or drug delivery
that are available at a few specialized research centers. If such
measures are potentially beneficial to an Oasis of Hope patient,
she is encouraged to incorporate such interventions when feasible.
It is common, for Oasis of Hope to collaborate with home
physicians in the management of patients in other words, some
of a patients therapy is administered at Oasis of Hope, and other
therapeutic measures are employed at medical centers closer to
the patients home. In our experience, long-term outcomes are
often superior when there is appreciative collaboration between a
patients home physicians and those at Oasis of Hope.

Therapy at Oasis of Hope is tailored for the needs of each
individual patient. The measures described in this book are all
available for use at Oasis of Hope but whether they are employed in

a given patient will hinge on the judgment of that patients

physician and the Oasis of Hope medical team and of course,
the consent of the patient. A team of specialists discusses the
patients case at a biweekly medical board meeting. In this
way, each patient benefits from the expertise of a diverse group
of physicians, who bring their own unique training and varied
experience to the table. It is in these board meetings that a
patients treatment program is customized to address the specific
needs of the patient. At each subsequent meeting, the team of
doctors looks at new diagnostic information, re-evaluates the
patients case, and makes adjustments as necessary.

Another key feature of therapy at Oasis of Hope is that we
take pains to insure that patients have a reasonable understanding
of the rationale behind their therapies. Every week, Oasis of
Hope patients are encouraged to attend a question-and-answer
session at which they can ask staff physicians and medical
scientists any questions they might have about their disease
or their therapy. There is true give and take at these sessions,
and they are sometimes as helpful for the physicians as they
are for the patients. Indeed, a few of the therapeutic measures
currently included in our protocols came to our attention owing
to comments made by patients at these meetings. Dr. Francisco
Cecena, who usually presides at these meetings, often encourages
our patients to share with us their cancer wisdom. At Oasis of
Hope, patients will find physicians who will really listen to them
and do their best to address their concerns.

The science at Oasis of Hope is unique in that there is
no disconnect between the research department and the attending
physicians. There is a direct connection from the medical
literature to the medical practices. This truly is one of the most
important factors about Oasis of Hope and greatly responsible for
the value of the information presented in the following pages.

Table of Contents

Cancer is a Tough Opponent
Cancer can be and often is a very wily opponent. In large
measure, this reflects the fact that it is a constantly moving target.
To understand why cancers can be so elusive, one must start with
how cancers arise.

How Cancers Arise

Throughout life, the human body accumulates mutations
in the genetic material of its stem cells cells that retain the
capacity to divide. This genetic material (DNA) can be damaged
by activated carcinogens derived from the environment, or
by oxidant chemicals produced as a natural part of cellular
metabolism. Mutations can also arise when DNA is mis-copied
or inappropriately distributed during cellular replication. This is
one reason why cancers are most prone to spring up from tissues
in which cells have been dividing rapidly. Fortunately, cells have
mechanisms for repairing damaged DNA but these mechanisms
are less than perfect, so that permanent alterations of DNA
structure are progressively acquired by stem cells. Most of these
mutations are either innocuous, having no significant impact on
the behavior or survival of the cell, or are deleterious to the cell,
dooming it to an early death. But occasionally a mutation arises
that is not only tolerated by the cell, but increases the capacity
of the cell to survive, proliferate, and migrate. In adult tissues,
the total number of cells remains relatively constant owing to a
careful balance between cell proliferation and programmed cell
death a process known as apoptosis.

Integrative Regulatory Therapy

Tumors develop when this balance is disrupted by mutations

that either boost the rate of cellular multiplication, or that protect
the aberrant cell from appropriate programmed death. Some of
these oncogenic (cancer-causing mutations) boost the intensity
of growth signals that cause the cell to multiply, or disable key
proteins that restrain these growth signals. Others impair the
function of proteins that are required for efficient apoptosis. Some
mutations, often observed during the early evolution of cancers,
increase the propensity of cells to accumulate further mutations.
Such mutations typically reduce the cells capacity to repair
damage to its DNA. A loss of the p53 protein is an example
of this. Mutations can increase the probability that dividing cells
will end up with too many or too few chromosomes, which is
a phenomenon known as aneuploidy. Pre-cancerous cells
as well as fully evolved cancers tend to be very genetically
labile. In other words, their genetic material mutates faster than
that of most healthy cells. Fortunately, a high proportion of stem
cells that have acquired potentially oncogenic mutations die off
before they can do any harm. That is because many mutations
that boost growth signals are somehow sensed by the cell
as abnormal, inducing the cell to commit suicide. But, this
protective apoptotic response can sometimes be vetoed if the
cell is exposed to excessive levels of certain growth-promoting
hormones that suppress apoptosis. Prominent in this regard
are sex hormones estrogen and testosterone as well as the
hormones insulin and insulin-like growth factor-I. The main
reason why so-called Western cancers including cancers of
the breast, colon, prostate, ovary, and pancreas have been so
much more common in advanced societies than in relatively
poor Third World cultures is that diets rich in calories, highquality protein and fats, in conjunction with sedentary lifestyles,
tend to boost the levels and activities of these cancer-promoting

Cancer Is A Tough Opponent

Even if incipient cancer cells manage to avoid self-induced

apoptosis, they are often vulnerable to attack by marauding natural
killer immune cells, which can recognize them as the enemy.
Sometimes, pre-cancerous cells manage to survive long enough
to acquire additional mutations that render them less susceptible
to apoptosis or that shield them from attack by natural killer cells.
Such cells are prone to give rise to full-blown cancers, which
may be relatively difficult to kill with chemotherapy or radiation.

A stem cell, which has acquired mutations that promote
its proliferation and survival, may give rise to a tumor. In benign
tumors, the cells have not gained the capacity to spread through
healthy tissues and establish new distant colonies (metastases).
Unless they arise in places where surgery is impractical certain
brain tumors, for example most benign tumors are little more
than a nuisance that can be surgically removed if need be.
Some mutated cells gain additional mutations that render them
more aggressive, enabling them to spread throughout the body.

A cancer with malignant and metastatic potential must
have a remarkable range of capacities. It must produce proteolytic
enzymes that enable it to eat its way through membranes and
healthy tissues, and it must produce angiogenic hormones that
cause the vascular system to establish a new network of blood
vessels to feed the growing tumor. The cancer must gain the ability
to invade the blood circulation or lymphatic system to survive
while circulating in the blood or lymph, latch on to the wall of small
blood vessels or lymphatic ducts, eat its way into new host tissue to
establish a metastasis, and evade the natural killer cells that wipe out
many incipient metastases before they can establish themselves.
Its quite a feat of molecular engineering to accomplish all this,
reflecting a delicate balance of multiple acquired mutations. Thats
why, even though stem cells accumulate many millions of mutations
during a lifetime, malignant cancers tend to arise only once or twice
over the lifespan. It is frequently feasible to cure localized cancers

Integrative Regulatory Therapy

with surgery or radiotherapy before they acquire the capacity to

spread to distant sites. Theres no doubt that the most definitive
way to truly cure a cancer is to catch it early, before it spreads.

Every Cancer is Unique and Wily

Cancers arise by progressive accumulation of random
mutations. Each cell has tens of thousands of genes, and each
of these genes can be altered in literally hundreds of ways. So
each cancer is absolutely unique. Moreover, because cancers
tend to acquire mutations more rapidly than healthy cells, they
are constantly evolving the cells within a given tumor are often
diverse, and a cancer tends to evolve over the course of time.
This evolution is often directed by the stresses that the cancer
is subjected to. For example, when a cancer is assaulted with a
cytotoxic chemotherapy drug, the few cells in the tumor that have
acquired mutations that enable them to detoxify or expel this drug,
or that otherwise render them relatively resistant to the toxicity of
the drug, are prone to survive. These cells will then predominate
when the tumor grows back following chemotherapy. The result
is a tumor that will be less responsive to that particular drug and
possibly other drugs as well the next time that chemotherapy is
attempted. Analogously, if a cancer is treated with anti-angiogenic
agents that impair its ability to elicit the growth of new blood
vessels, cancer cells which mutate in a way that boosts their
ability to produce pro-angiogenic factors may be able to continue
spreading and promoting renewed tumor growth. Cancers can
also mutate in ways that render them relatively resistant to killing
by natural killer cells, which makes it more difficult to eradicate
small tumors with immunotherapy. Cancer is in fact a formidable

Although each cancer is unique, there is a tendency for
cancers, which arise from a given tissue and that have certain

Cancer Is A Tough Opponent

common properties. For example, clinical experience teaches

that initially, certain types of cancer tend to be susceptible to
destruction with a specific cytotoxic drug, or perhaps radiotherapy.
Moreover, certain specific types of mutations tend to be highly
common in certain types of tumor. This can have implications for
the measures that may be effective for controlling the growth, or
exterminating, that type of cancer. Well-trained oncologists arent
just flying blind. They can make educated, and often accurate,
guesses regarding the therapeutic strategies that are likely to be
useful in a given type of cancer. But, because every cancer is truly
unique, there is never one-hundred-percent certainty that a given
therapy will be effective and, because cancers are constantly
evolving, a therapy that formerly was highly effective may prove
to be considerably less so when it is attempted again.

Oasis of Hope Integrative Regulatory Therapies:
A Multi-Focal Strategy for Cancer Control
Cancer is heavy-handed. There is nothing subtle at all
about the presence of a malignant tumor in the kidney or lung.
Cancer makes no attempt to veil its threat. It is a disease that can
gather momentum quickly and attack with frightening ferocity.
Only a concerted and combined effort can repel such an attack.
Dr. Contreras, Sr. believed that to defeat cancer, it was necessary
to attack it from every possible angle. He understood the
importance of both direct and indirect approaches. The foundation
of the Metabolic Therapy that he devised is its multi-faceted
approach. Yes, we do attack the tumor, but we also stimulate the
immune system, shield normal healthy tissues from the attack,
and address causal factors. The total care approach requires the
patients full participation. Cancer treatment is not a spectator
sport. The patient must be prepared for the fight. We go through
a process of structuring a patient for success by providing the
necessary resources to face the threat at the physical, emotional,
and spiritual levels. There is no question that the alliance between
body, mind, and spirit can even the playing field against cancer.
In the chapters that follow, the Oasis of Hope body/mind/spirit
medicine therapeutic protocols will be explained. The present
chapter constitutes an overview that will explain how Oasis of
Hope attacks cancer, sensitizes it to this attack, cuts off its supply
lines, and block its avenues of spread.

It is probably unrealistic to expect that the wonder
drug for curing cancer is just about to emerge from some

Oasis of Hope Integrative Regulatory Therapies

pharmaceutical lab. Cancer is so wily that the chance that

it will remain permanently responsive to any single agent
is quite low. Thats why an integrative cancer therapy
approach, that intervenes simultaneously in as many ways
as is feasible to promote the death and impede the spread
of cancer cells, is likely to remain the most effective and
logical way to control cancers that are no longer localized.

In addition, it is important to remember that the ultimate
goal when treating advanced cancer is to insure that patients can
enjoy a reasonably high quality of life during the months and
years that they are managing cancer. All too often, traditional
oncologists are so focused on the tumor that they show insufficient
regard for the overall psychological and physical health of their
patients. Truly compassionate cancer therapy should address
the psychological and spiritual well being of cancer patients as
a way of helping them to maintain a hopeful, and reasonably
cheerful, attitude even if the chance of definitive cure must
realistically be viewed as small. After all, mortality is a reality
that most well adjusted people learn to cope with while enjoying
life and being grateful for the time on Earth that they are allotted.
There is no reason why the attitude of cancer patients, even
those with advanced disease, should be any different provided
that appropriate measures are taken to minimize the pain and
disability that often accompany cancer and cancer therapy. So
the purpose of integrative cancer therapy should be, not just to
maximize survival, but also to maximize the number of months
and, hopefully, years of high-quality life that the patient can enjoy.

Now that an overview of the nature of cancer and
of the fundamental goals that underlie the Oasis of Hope
approach to cancer therapy has been presented, a closer
look at the strategies that Oasis of Hope employs in its
Integrative Regulatory Therapies (IRT) for cancer will follow.

The Oasis of Hope IRT Protocols

Patients at Oasis of Hope are enrolled into one of two
main protocols, known as IRT-Q and IRT-C. Although these
protocols share many common features, they are differentiated
by the fact that patients on the IRT-Q protocol receive cytotoxic
chemotherapy, whereas those on the IRT-C protocol do not, but
rather receive extra infusions of high-dose intravenous vitamin
C as an alternative approach to attacking the cancer. Patients
on each protocol receive a range of additional interventions
including oxidative preconditioning therapy, redox regulatory
therapy, cell signal transduction modulatory therapy, metronomic
chemotherapy, cancer-retarding anti-inflammatory therapies,
optimal diet and exercise, and emotional and spiritual support.
This may sound very complicated, but in the following pages, the
why and how of each of these approaches will be explained.

Destroying Cancer Cells with Chemotherapy the

IRT-Q Protocol

For some types of advanced cancer, specific cytotoxic
chemotherapy drugs are known to have at least some efficacy in a
high proportion of cases especially if the patient has not received
that drug previously. For patients who fall into this category, and
whose physical condition makes chemotherapy feasible, Oasis of
Hope physicians will usually recommend an IRT-Q protocol. The
Q reflects the fact that the Spanish word for chemotherapy
is quimioterapia. Patients enrolled in an IRT-Q protocol will
visit the clinic at least three times for a course of appropriate
chemotherapy. The chemotherapy regimens employed at Oasis
of Hope are well documented in the medical literature, and are
used in the full doses shown to have potential efficacy.

What sets Oasis of Hope apart from many other clinics
employing chemotherapy is its use of many adjuvant measures
intended to make the chemotherapy more effective at annihilating
cancer cells, while simultaneously minimizing the damage done to
healthy tissues. These measures are cited very briefly here. Later
in the book, a more detailed explanation of these measures, with
citations of the relevant biomedical literature, will be provided.

Coping with Tumor Hypoxia

One way to make chemotherapy more effective is to insure
that cancer cells are adequately oxygenated. Because tumors
tend to have haphazard blood supplies, some parts of tumors
tend to receive relatively little blood flow, and are thus poorly
oxygenated (hypoxic). For reasons that are not yet entirely clear,
hypoxic cancer cells are often harder to kill with chemotherapy.
So we use several strategies for improving the oxygenation of
tumors. Prior to the administration of chemotherapy, patients
are infused intravenously with a perfluorocarbon polymer called
Perftec. This is an oxygen carrier that complements the ability
of red blood cells to deliver oxygen to the tumor. Because the
particles of Perftec are so much smaller than red blood cells,
they can flow through constricted capillaries that would exclude
red blood cells. The oxygen-carrying capacity of Perftec is
boosted by having the patients breathe oxygen-enriched air when
chemotherapy drugs are subsequently administered. Another
way in which we improve tumor oxygenation is by administering
ozone autohemotherapy prior to chemotherapy. This strategy
has been shown to make red blood cells more flexible and blood
less viscous, thereby boosting blood flow through hypoxic tumor
regions. Ozone autohemotherapy also increases the capacity of
red blood cells to deliver oxygen to the tumor.

Oasis of Hope has also developed a novel strategy for
increasing the chemosensitivity of cancer cells that nevertheless
remain hypoxic. Recent research demonstrates that hypoxia
protects tumor cells, at least in part, by diminishing the capacity
of these cells to produce an intracellular signaling factor known
as cyclic GMP (cGMP). Prior to chemotherapy, Oasis of Hope
administers high oral doses of the B-vitamin biotin. In high
concentrations, biotin has been shown to directly stimulate cGMP
production, both in tumors and healthy tissues. Fortunately,
increased cGMP doesnt seem to influence the chemosensitivity
of cells that are well oxygenated, so biotin shouldnt boost the
chemosensitivity of healthy tissues.

Chemosensitizing Agents

Recent rodent research shows that high but tolerable
intakes of the antioxidant nutrient selenium can boost the
chemosensitivity of many types of cancer while making healthy
tissues more chemoresistant. With this rationale, Oasis of Hope
employs high-dose selenium supplementation prior to and during
chemotherapy. Another agent, which boosts the chemosensitivity
of many cancers is the activated metabolite of vitamin D
(calcitriol). Since some cancers are capable of making their own
calcitriol when supplied with vitamin D, we use high but safe
doses of that vitamin in conjunction with chemotherapy.

In many cancers, their relative chemoresistance reflects
increased intracellular activity of a factor known as NF-kappaB.
Since the natural drug salicylate and the herbal compound
silibinin have shown the capacity to inhibit NF-kappaB activity
in clinically feasible doses, these agents are also employed as
chemosensitizing agents in the IRT-Q protocols.

Other agents which have potential for chemosensitizing

certain tumors, and that are often administered in conjunction with
chemotherapy at Oasis of Hope include boswellic acids (derived
from an Ayurvedic herbal preparation with anti-inflammatory
activity), and the drugs pioglitazone, diclofenac, and valproic
acid. Suffice it to say that we spare little effort to insure that
the chemotherapy we employ will kill as many cancer cells as is
physically possible.

Protecting Healthy Tissues

One reason why the IRT-Q protocols are gaining increased
popularity with our patients is that we incorporate several measures
to protect healthy tissues, which makes chemotherapy a less
traumatic experience. The ozone autohemotherapy mentioned
above has a dual purpose in addition to improving tumor
oxygenation, it also provides oxidative pre-conditioning. The
chemically altered compounds in ozonated blood are perceived
by healthy tissues as a sign of oxidative stress. In response, these
tissues boost their production of antioxidant enzymes and other
protective factors. Then, when chemotherapy is subsequently
administered, these tissues are better able to cope with the prooxidant activity of these cytotoxic drugs, so that they are less
damaged. This translates into less bone marrow damage, less
nausea, and fewer side effects of other kinds.

As noted, the high-dose selenium employed with IRT-Q
has the potential to protect normal tissues. Another component of
IRT-Q that is protective in this regard is the hormone melatonin,
which mitigates chemotherapy-induced damage of the bone
marrow. In addition, supplementation with the amino acid
glutamine, a key source of calories for cells in the intestinal tract,
is employed to reduce damage to these cells.

Quite commonly, patients comment on how much better
they tolerated chemotherapy at Oasis of Hope compared with
prior negative experiences with chemotherapy at other clinics.
This, despite the fact that Oasis of Hope physicians dont hold
back when it comes to dosing. The increase in efficacy, coupled
with the decrease in negative side effects, reflects thoughtful

An Alternative Strategy for Eliminating Cancer


Some types of cancer are not very responsive to available
chemotherapeutic drugs. Some patients may have clinical
conditions, such as bone marrow depression or bile duct blockage
that make chemotherapy inadvisable. On occasion, some patients
simply refuse to accept chemotherapy, owing to negative past
experiences with it in their own lives or that of a loved one. For
patients who fall into these categories, Oasis of Hope offers an
alternative protocol known as IRT-C. The intent of this strategy is
to induce oxidative stress in the tumors by employing intravenous
infusion of sodium ascorbate (a form of vitamin C) and Vitamin
K3 (menadione) to generate hydrogen peroxide in the tumor. For
the many cancers that are relatively deficient in the antioxidant
enzyme catalase, this approach has the potential to kill cancer
cells selectively while healthy cells remain unharmed. We have
found that some patients show a very gratifying response to this
strategy. In patients whose tumors are potentially responsive to
chemotherapy but whose physical condition is not yet ready to
tolerate it, IRT-C often provides enough tumor control to give
their normal tissues a chance to heal, so that they again become
appropriate candidates for chemotherapy.

It stands to reason that hypoxic tumor cells are likely to

be less responsive to intravenous ascorbate, owing to the fact
that ascorbate must react with molecular oxygen to generate the
hydrogen peroxide that can be toxic to the tumor. To combat
tumor hypoxia, Perftec and ozonated autohemotherapy are
included in the IRT-C protocol, as well as the chemosensitizing
agents employed with IRT-Q.

Oasis of Hope At - Home Therapies

With most chemotherapies, it is necessary to give the
body at least a few weeks to heal before another course of
chemotherapy is administered. This is why Oasis of Hope patients
go home for several weeks in between courses of chemotherapy.
Oasis of Hope provides its patients with an elaborate at-home
therapeutic regimen with the intent of slowing the grow-back of
remaining tumors between sessions of chemotherapy. The rate
of tumor grow-back between cycles of chemotherapy can have
an important impact on the chances for a curative outcome, or
at least for significant tumor control. If the tumor grows back
so rapidly that the number of malignant cells eliminated by a
course of chemotherapy is entirely replaced by the growing
tumor before another round of therapy can be administered, the
at-home strategy will at best temporarily keep the tumor in check.
On the other hand, chemotherapy may have a chance to induce a
substantial remission if each course kills a significant number of
cells, and grow-back between chemo sessions is slow.

Patients in the IRT-C protocol also return home for several
weeks between their courses of ascorbate infusions. They receive
the same At-Home therapeutic regimen as patients receiving
IRT-Q. The rationale of the At-Home therapy in IRT-C is the
same to slow the grow-back of tumor between sessions of inhospital vitamin C infusions.

The therapeutic strategies described here are also
employed in the long-term follow-up (or maintenance) therapy
prescribed for Oasis of Hope patients after they have completed
an IRT-Q or IRT-C protocol.

The intent here is to slow the growth of residual tumor, postponing

as long as possible the need for further cytotoxic therapies.
The tumor-retardant strategies employed in the Oasis of Hope AtHome regimens have several goals:
To slow tumor growth by intervening directly in signaling
pathways that make cancer grow more rapidly and aggressively;
To inhibit the angiogenic process that makes tumor spread
possible by providing new blood vessels for the tumor;
To boost the capacity of natural killer cells to eliminate new
small metastases or residual nests of cancer cells;
To decrease risk for new metastases by intervening in the
metastatic process;
To minimize risk for cachexia, a common paraneoplastic
complications of tumor spread, entailing substantial loss of
muscle mass.

Slowing Tumor Growth

One way in which we strive to suppress tumor growth is
by decreasing blood levels of certain pro-growth hormones, such
as insulin, free IGF-I, and free estrogen, that promote increased
growth and survival of many types of cancer cells. This is
achieved with a lifestyle program that stresses a low fat, wholefood vegan or quasi-vegan diet, a regular program of aerobic
exercise training, such as brisk walking, and a reduction of excess
body fat in overweight patients fighting cancers in which obesity
has a known negative prognostic impact.
A number of nutraceuticals and drugs employed in the Oasis of
Hope At-Home regimens have the potential to act directly on
many tumors to slow tumor growth. These include: salicylic acid
(salsalate), silibinin, diclofenac (an inexpensive cox-2 inhibitor),
boswellic acids, pioglitazone, vitamin D, valproic acid, and soy
isoflavones in prostate, colon, and ovarian cancers.

Suppressing Angiogenesis

A key strategy that Oasis of Hope uses to impede the
angiogenic process is called metronomic chemotherapy. This
entails the daily use of one or more chemotherapy drugs in a dose
so low that no significant toxicity to healthy tissues or side effects
result. Remarkably, such chemotherapy has been shown to be
selectively toxic to endothelial cells that are engaged in building
new blood vessels for the tumor. There is reason to believe that
the anti-diabetes drug pioglitazone, included in the At-Home
regimens, will further boost the sensitivity of endothelial cells to
metronomic chemotherapy.

Other nutraceuticals and drugs employed in the At-Home
regimens with potential for slowing angiogenesis include: The
chief compound in green tea polyphenols (EGCG), the amino acid
glycine, salsalate, silibinin, diclofenac, valproic acid, vitamin D,
and fish oil.

Supporting the Immune Attack on Cancer - Boosting

Natural Killer Cell Function

The At-Home regimen includes a number of agents that
can aid the immune systems ability to attack cancer by boosting
the function of natural killer cells. One of the most intriguing is
the hormone melatonin, administered once daily before bedtime.
Multiple clinical studies in Italy show that this regimen tends to
have a very favorable, statistically significant impact on survival
in cancer patients. This favorable impact of melatonin on natural
killer cell function seems likely to be the chief mediator of this
benefit. Other agents with likely benefit in this regard employed
by Oasis of Hope include selenium, diclofenac, valproic acid, and
glutamine. Moreover, there is recent evidence that metronomic
chemotherapy has a favorable impact on the capacity of natural

Preventing Metastases

The At-Home regimens include one agent that specifically
targets the metastatic process modified citrus pectin derived
from the chief form of fiber in citrus fruits. This absorbable form
of pectin interacts with galectin-3, a type of molecular hook that
cancer cells, when circulating in the bloodstream, use to attach
themselves to the walls of small blood vessels (capillaries). This
sort of attachment is required before a cancer cells can migrate
through the capillary wall to establish a new metastasis. Modified
citrus pectin suppresses this process by blocking the grasping
function of galectin-3.
Preventing Cachexia

A substantial loss of muscle mass (cachexia) is a common
complication of advanced cancer. Although loss of appetite
associated with decreased calorie consumption is typically
seen with this syndrome, the substantial loss of muscle mass
associated with cachexia reflects an inflammatory reaction in
skeletal muscle fibers that is much more severe than that loss of
muscle mass seen with caloric restriction alone. In some patients,
this loss of muscle mass becomes so severe that it contributes to
death by severely weakening the respiratory muscles. The Oasis
of Hope At-Home regimen includes several elements that have
potential for preventing cachexia, including salsalate, melatonin,
glutamate, and fish oil.

Supporting The Whole Person

Oasis of Hope was one of the first cancer clinics to include
music, laughter, and art therapies as options for its patients.

The hospital features a lovely non-denominational chapel and

prayer partners to whom patients have ready access. Spirituallythemed lectures stressing hope and compassion are often presented
at Oasis of Hope. Patients are encouraged to wear regular clothes
instead of hospital gowns, to eat together in the communal dining
hall where three delicious quasi-vegan meals are served each
day, and to develop friendships and share experiences with their
fellow patients. Frequent communication between doctors and
patients is also encouraged. Every week there is a question-andanswer session in which several physicians strive to answer any
question that the patients care to ask about their therapy. The
sincerely respectful relationship between patients and caregivers
at Oasis of Hope a contrast to the rather perfunctory attention
from doctors that patients often receive at more traditional cancer
clinics undoubtedly contributes to the more positive, hopeful
attitude which patients often develop during their association
with us. No doubt the hopeful atmosphere is aided by the fact
that, as patients can readily see, the clinic staff work hard to help
them in any way feasible. These efforts frequently translate into
excellent clinical results.

Alteration of Lifestyle
While patients receive treatment at Oasis of Hope, we begin to
educate them on how to live healthy lives when they return home
and how to continue therapy. Oasis of Hope doctors and nurses
work with patients and their loved ones to teach them how to
effectively self-administer therapies. This is a very cost-effective
way for patients to continue therapy for a prolonged period of

Doctors at Oasis of Hope Hospital have observed that
the patients who get the best results are those who make a real

commitment to the program, the ones who have the discipline

and desire to adhere to the therapies prescribed. A tragic error
that many patients make is to abandon therapy as soon as they
start to feel better or when they experience remission. Those who
continue therapy, adhere to the nutrition program, and come back
for the maintenance treatments and the follow-up program gain
the best results.

This is why the hospitals administration developed a
program for patients to come back every six months for a twoday follow-up visit with their doctors at no charge. The follow-up
program lasts a full five years at no additional cost to the patient.
At these follow-up visits all the doctors monitor the patients
progress and make any modifications to the home care therapy
that will better meet the patients healthcare needs. We believe
that the periodic phone calls we make to the patients have been
vital because people need the encouragement and need to know
that their doctor really cares.

Every patient is encouraged to completely adhere to the
therapies and embrace the lifestyle changes recommended at
Oasis of Hope. A patients commitment to the therapy is the single
most important factor that determines how effective treatment is.
That is why this final component of the Oasis of Hope medical
treatment program is just as vital as the others.

The Oasis of Hope Difference

The therapy regimens offered by Oasis of Hope are
distinguished by the fact that they are:

Personalized Although the IRT-Q and IRT-C regimens
are rather well defined, they are personalized in line with the
particular needs of each patient. The choice of chemotherapy
drug employed will depend upon the type of cancer, the stage
of its spread, and the physical condition of the patient. The
adjuvant regimen can be modified as needed to insure that that it
is well tolerated by the patient, and that it is the most appropriate
regimen for the tumor type. Patients who prefer to avoid cytotoxic
chemotherapy drugs can be treated with the IRT-C protocol. Oasis
of Hope doctors do their best to inform patients of the potential
benefits and risks associated with the therapeutic protocols which
they recommend and it is ultimately the patient who decides
whether a recommended protocol is implemented.

Integral and Integrative As should be clear from the
foregoing discussion, no effort is spared to maximize both the
efficacy and the tolerability of therapy regimens. The focus
is on a diverse array of targets and the utilization of a wide
range of available nutraceuticals and safe drugs. This is done
within the context of a program that strives to optimize the
psychological and overall physical status of the patient, with the

intent of maximizing good quality survival. Thats why Oasis of

Hope therapies are regarded as integral since they integrate a
broad range of measures and goals. This strategy may also be
characterized as integrative, since it strives to combine, in a
logical fashion, the most credible and effective resources of
conventional and alternative medicine.

Permanent A patients relationship with Oasis of Hope
is intended to be permanent. After a total course of IRT-Q or
IRT-C is completed, patients return home with an elaborate
maintenance regimen intended to control the growth of any
remaining tumor cells. Patients are encouraged to return on
a regular basis for follow-up evaluations, which may result in
further therapy courses when advisable. The intent of therapy,
at least in patients who cant be completely cured, is to turn
cancer into a chronic disease that can be managed on a longterm basis, much like diabetes or hypertension are treated. An
effort is made to aid patients maintain a high-quality lifestyle
while coping with their disorders. Therapy protocols at Oasis of
Hope are constantly being up-dated, to keep pace with the latest
developments in cancer research. Occasionally, on follow-up
visits, patients may have access to new therapeutic options that
werent available during their previous visits. These follow-up
visits can also be helpful to other Oasis of Hope patients, since it
can be inspiring and encouraging for them to meet with veteran
Oasis of Hope patients who have achieved cancer control and a
good quality of life. The patients have the comfort of knowing
that their caregivers at Oasis of Hope are part of their team for
life and that they themselves are valued partners in this team.

Dynamic The medical scientists who devise the IRT-Q and IRT-C
regimens are constantly scanning the latest credible biomedical
literature to enhance their understanding of cancer and to improve
the efficacy and scope of the Oasis of Hope therapy regimens.
That means that these regimens are in a constant state of revision
and new agents, or improved forms or dosages of agents already
in use, are frequently incorporated into them. Oasis of Hope
strives to define the cutting edge of integrative cancer treatment.

Supporting Patients in Every Way

The logical rationale for virtually every element
incorporated into Oasis of Hope treatment protocols is supported
by data published in hundreds of medical journal articles.
Every effort is made to use nutraceuticals and drugs that are
safe, relatively well tolerated, and reasonably affordable when
compared with newly-approved cancer drugs, which may cost
many thousands of dollars per month. Most of the patients at
Oasis of Hope are there because they have already been through
traditional medical therapies, which, despite the best-intentioned
efforts of their doctors, ultimately failed to provide an adequate
measure of cancer control. For these patients, Oasis of Hope can
indeed be the oasis of hope that its name implies. We use our
best judgment, based on diligent study of the medical literature,
to develop therapy regimens that incorporate the most recent and
promising findings. Our commitment is to continuously improve
and update our therapies in line with the most recent clinical data

Oxidizing Cancer to Death
Oxidant Stress and How Cells Cope with It

It is common knowledge that free radicals and
oxidants are important mediators of disease but what are
these compounds? In most stable molecules, electrons occur
in pairs. Molecules that contain unpaired electrons tend to be
unstable and are known as radicals or free radicals. Because
they are unstable, they have a tendency to extract another electron
from another molecule, or to donate their unpaired electron to
another molecule. In either case, the attacked molecule is usually
converted to a radical in the process. In living cells, this can give
rise to a chain reaction of molecular damage.

The chief way in which free radicals arise in a bodys cells
is by donation of an electron to molecular oxygen, generating a
compound known as superoxide. This reaction can be catalyzed
by several natural enzymatic reactions in cells. Superoxide
can then, via spontaneous or enzyme-catalyzed reactions, give
rise to other reactive compounds such as hydrogen peroxide or
peroxynitrite. These compounds are not themselves free radicals,
but they often give rise to free radicals, and they also can act to
alter the structure and function of proteins by oxidizing them.
Unsaturated fatty acids in membranes are also prone to oxidation
by free radicals.

Because unabated damage by free radicals and oxidants
can cause major and often adverse changes in the structures
of cellular proteins and fats, living organisms have developed
antioxidant mechanisms.

Certain enzymes, as well as electron-donor molecules
known as antioxidants, can fix free radicals by electron

This can work in other ways to prevent or undo the
damage to biological molecules wrought by oxidant reactions.
Examples include enzymes such as superoxide dismutase,
catalase, glutathione peroxidase, and thioreductase, and
antioxidant molecules such as glutathione and vitamins C and E.
In normal healthy cellular metabolism, the production of oxidants
is balanced by the action of antioxidant mechanisms that prevent
free radical damage from getting out of hand and overwhelming
the cell. But sometimes, either because of excess production
of radicals and oxidants, or because of inadequately protective
antioxidant mechanisms, free radical damage can get the upper
hand a condition known as oxidant stress. Oxidant stress is
not always bad. In fact, induction of oxidant stress is one way in
which some cytotoxic drugs kill cancer cells. On the other hand,
as we shall see, a constant moderate level of oxidant stress in
some cancers renders them more aggressive and harder to kill.

Ahigh proportion of cancers have low activity of the enzyme
catalase, which degrades the oxidant chemical hydrogen peroxide1-3.
This adaptation may be beneficial to the cancer. Although oxidant
chemicals can be toxic to cells, moderate increases in oxidant
stress aid the growth and survival of many cancers4-7. However,
low catalase makes cancers potentially vulnerable to attack with
hydrogen peroxide. Recently, researchers at the National Institutes
of Health have discovered that high concentrations of vitamin
C (ascorbate) can react spontaneously with molecular oxygen
within tumors to generate large amounts of hydrogen peroxide,
which can be lethal to tumor cells whose catalase activity is low8,9.

Such large concentrations can only be achieved by high dose

intravenous infusions of vitamin C. Oral administration is
ineffective in this regard10. These findings rationalize several
previous case reports of objective tumor regression in cancer patients
treated repeatedly with high-dose intravenous vitamin C 11-13.

Vitamin C is not toxic to normal healthy tissues because
they have ample amounts of catalase activity. The current protocol
insures that blood and tissue levels of vitamin C will remain high,
with millimolar levels close to those of blood sugar for at least 4

Vitamin K3 as an Adjuvant

The ability of ascorbate (vitamin C) to generate hydrogen
peroxide in tumors apparently hinges on the presence of unknown
catalysts that can transfer electrons from ascorbate to oxygen
molecules, generating the unstable compound superoxide8,9. The
latter is rapidly converted to hydrogen peroxide, which can move
into cancer cells, and mediates the tumor cell death achieved with
successful ascorbate therapy. Dr. Mark Levine, whose research
encouraged us to develop the IRT-C protocol, speculates that
extracellular protein-bound iron serves as this catalyst9. It is
conceivable that the availability of this catalyst might vary from
tissue to tissue and person to person, depending on nutritional
status or genetics. Furthermore, there is no reason to assume that
levels of this catalyst are sufficient to permit an optimally intense
generation of hydrogen peroxide in tissues.

However, it is not necessary to rely on unknown
endogenous catalysts for this purpose. Certain small soluble
organic molecules can perform the same catalytic function,
expediting the transfer of electrons from ascorbate to oxygen.
In particular, menadione, also known as vitamin K3, has this
capacity14. Menadione may be particularly appropriate for

this purpose, as it has long been in clinical use as a source of

vitamin K activity 15.

Moreover, there is substantial research literature
demonstrating that joint incubation with sodium ascorbate
and menadione is often selectively toxic to cancer cells. This
phenomenon has been demonstrated with a wide range of human
and rodent cancer 16-20. In striking parallel to the studies which
report that high concentrations of ascorbate alone can exert such
toxicity, it has been shown that concurrent incubation with the
enzyme catalase which destroys hydrogen peroxide markedly
alleviates this toxicity, demonstrating that hydrogen peroxide
mediates this cancer-killing effect.

Furthermore, cancer cells which express relatively low
levels of catalase are more susceptible to this toxicity than cancer
cells with higher levels of this activity. The selective susceptibility
of cancer cells, as contrasted to normal cells, reflects the tendency
of cancers to have lower levels of catalase and other enzymes
which dispose of hydrogen peroxide14,21. This, in turn, may reflect
the fact that low concentrations of hydrogen peroxide promote
cellular proliferation and survival in many cancers. In other
words, low catalase activity, by enabling cancers to sustain modest
concentrations of hydrogen peroxide, may make some cancers
more aggressive and viable21 that is, until they are assaulted
with high concentrations of ascorbate.

Researchers at the Catholic University of Louvain,
Belgium, have played a pioneering role in demonstrating the
potential utility of ascorbate/menadione in cancer therapy.
In particular, they have shown that injection, or even oral
administration of these agents, can retard cancer growth and
metastasis in tumor-bearing rodents14,22,23. They report that this
therapy is well tolerated, without any evident damage to healthy
tissues, and they recommend that this strategy should be assessed
in clinical trials.

They also demonstrate that ascorbate/menadione can
interact synergistically with certain cytotoxic chemotherapy
drugs in killing cancer cells, presumably because a concurrent
increase in oxidant stress can make these drugs more lethal 24. This
observation has been independently confirmed25. Indeed, there are
reports that menadione alone can potentiate the cytotoxicity of
certain chemotherapy agents, presumably because, in sufficiently
high concentrations, intracellular menadione can generate oxidant
stress by transferring electrons from intracellular molecules to
oxygen26,27. Injectible vitamin K3 is administered, just prior to the
vitamin C infusions, with the hope and expectation that inclusion
of menadione in the ascorbate infusions will markedly potentiate
generation of hydrogen peroxide in tumors, enabling a more
substantial cell kill in those cancers that are sufficiently low in
catalase activity.

Tumor Oxygenation Ozone and Perftec

However, this strategy can only work well in tumors that
have adequate levels of oxygen, as ascorbate reacts with oxygen
to produce the hydrogen peroxide. Portions of many tumors tend
to be hypoxic, as the blood flow through tumors is often sluggish
compared to that which supplies normal tissues. This evidently
could compromise the anti-tumor efficacy of vitamin C therapy.

To overcome this problem, Oasis of Hope Hospital employs
several complementary techniques that can boost the oxygen
content of tumors. Ozone autohemotherapy (O3-AHT) alters the
properties of blood so that it is less viscous, its cellular elements
are more flexible, and its oxygenated red blood cells surrender
oxygen to tissues more readily. This is shown as a rightward shift
of dissociation curve. It also promotes vasodilation by stimulating
nitric oxide release by the endothelial lining of small arteries 28.

The net result is more oxygen delivery to the tumor 29,30. Many
tumors contain regions in which oxygen content is low, and
hypoxic tumor cells typically are harder to kill with radiotherapy
or chemotherapy. Thus, protocols which can boost tumor oxygen
levels have potential as adjuvant measures in cancer therapy.
Recently, researchers at the Canary Islands Institute for Cancer
Research recruited 18 cancer patients and used special needle
probes to measure the oxygen content of their tumors before and
after 3 sessions of O3-AHT. They were in fact able to establish
that there were fewer hypoxic tumor regions following O3-AHT 29

At Oasis of Hope, O3-AHT is used not only in conjunction
with chemotherapy, but also with high-dose intravenous sodium
ascorbate therapy for IRT-C. This strategy involves drawing 200
ml of a patients blood, treating it with a mixture of ozone and
oxygen, and re-infusing it.

This procedure is typically repeated several times weekly.
It is important to stress that Oasis of Hope employs an O3-AHT
protocol that has been widely utilized in Europe for decades with
an excellent safety record. The safety of this strategy reflects
the fact that no ozone is infused into the body. Ozone is very
unstable, and for practical purposes is completely dissipated
before the ozone-treated blood is returned to the body. Thus,
the body is exposed to ozone oxidation products, rather than
ozone itself. Exposure of blood to ozone in clinically appropriate
amounts does not cause lysis of red blood cells, or compromise
the functional viability of white cells. No evident side effects are
noted in patients receiving O3-AHT.
Oasis of Hope also has a novel perfluorochemical emulsion
known as Perftec that is an oxygen carrier. When infused into
a patient, it greatly boosts the total oxygen carrying capacity of
blood31. After Perftec infusion, patients are asked to breathe air
that is enriched in oxygen content, so that the circulating Perftec
is loaded with optimal amounts of oxygen.

The combination of ozone autohemotherapy and Perftec
infusion can be expected to improve oxygen availability in
hypoxic regions of tumors. This in turn should boost the ability
of intravenous ascorbate and vitamin K to generate hydrogen
peroxide in tumors.

Concurrent Chemotherapy

Many patients will also receive cancer chemotherapy on
the same day that they receive intravenous vitamin C. There are
reasons to believe that the oxidant stress induced by the vitamin
C in the tumor, as well as the improved tumor oxygenation made
possible by ozone therapy and Perftec, will often increase the ability
of the administered chemotherapy drugs to kill cancer cells 32-38.
The Oasis of Hope Vitamin C Protocol has been designed to
exploit these complementary interactions so that destruction of
cancer cells can be maximized without increasing the toxic risk
to healthy tissues.

Although many patients will be treated with chemotherapy,
some will not. In some cases, the type of cancer is known to be
resistant to available chemotherapy drugs. In other cases, patients
elect to forego chemotherapy for personal reasons. For these
patients, it is hoped that a vitamin C & K3/tumor oxygenation
regimen will be sufficient to achieve worthwhile destruction of
the tumor.

Other Adjuvant Measures

We are currently employing additional adjuvant measures
that, in at least some tumors, are likely to potentiate the killing of
tumor cells achieved through our vitamin C & K3/chemotherapy
regimen. The natural compound salicylate is derived from white
willow bark, which has been for centuries as an anti-inflammatory
therapy. It can enhance the sensitivity of many tumors to

chemotherapy and hydrogen peroxide by inhibiting the activity
of NF-kappaB 39,40. This factor is activated in a high proportion
of advanced cancers, and works in multiple ways to render these
cancers less sensitive to chemotherapy and oxidant stress 41,42.
Although the drug aspirin is a chemical relative of salicylate,
the latter does not have the potential to cause bleeding ulcers or
. The main common side effect
kidney failure as aspirin does
of salicylic acid therapy is a reversible impairment of ear function
associated with a mild loss of hearing acuity and/or ringing in
the ears (tinnitus). These problems go away after salicylate is
discontinued 45. At Oasis of Hope Hospital, the form of salicylate
we use is known as salsalate (Disalcid). This is less likely to
cause stomach upset than is sodium salicylate .

Prior to receiving vitamin K3 and vitamin C (and possibly
chemotherapy), patients are also supplemented with the nutrient
selenium and the herb silymarin, which is a source of the natural
anti-inflammatory compound silibinin.

Like salicylate, these agents have potential for sensitizing
tumors to destruction by chemotherapy or oxidant stress.
Silymarins activity in this regard may be similar to salicylates.
. Recent studies show
It suppresses activation of NF-kappaB
that high doses of organic selenium can make cancer cells more
sensitive to many types of chemotherapeutic drugs 49. There
are reasons to believe that selenium may also make hydrogen
peroxide more lethal to tumors. We now administer selenium in
a form known as methylselenocysteine (MSC), which is a natural
organic form found in certain foods. MSC is the preferable form
for this application because it is rapidly metabolized to release
the organic selenium metabolites useful in cancer therapy. We
also will be exploring the use of activated vitamin D (calcitriol)
as a chemosensitizing agent in cancer therapy.

Calcitriol appears to be quite safe if administered in only one or

two doses a week, and if the concurrent diet is relatively low in
calcium 50. Calcitriol has been shown to boost the sensitivity of
many cancers to chemotherapy drugs or hydrogen peroxide 51,52.
During their stay at Oasis of Hope Hospital, patients will also
be supplemented with various nutrients such as fish oil, green
tea polyphenols, and melatonin. The purpose is to slow tumor
growth by blocking new blood vessel formation (angiogenesis)
or boosting the bodys immune capacities. Supplementation with
these nutrients will continue after patients return home between
hospital therapy sessions. This after-therapy can be crucial for
improving chances of a cure or at least achieving a worthwhile
prolongation of high-quality life.

Dont Be Confused
Controlled clinical studies that show that vitamin C therapy
does not work in cancer only assessed oral vitamin C therapy 11.
As noted, oral vitamin C can achieve only very modest increases
in blood ascorbate levels. Intravenous vitamin C therapy has far
greater credibility, and indeed is currently being formally evaluated
in clinical trials at the U.S. National Institutes of Health.

Modulating Cellular Signal Transduction

Over the last several decades, molecular biology has
gradually been unraveling the way in which the bodys cells
work. Signal transduction refers to the way in which cellular
proteins undergo small and usually reversible alterations in their
structure to induce alterations in cell behavior. For example,
the catalytic activities of many enzymes are altered through a
process known as phosphorylation. In this process, phosphate
groups are attached to specific amino acids usually serine or
tyrosine. The enzymes which attach phosphate groups to proteins
are known as kinases. Their activity is opposed by another
group of enzymes, phosphatases, which remove phosphate
groups from proteins. Oftentimes, kinases and phosphatases
are themselves susceptible to phosphorylations that change
their activities 1. Another common way in which the functional
properties of cellular proteins are altered is by oxidation.
Oxidant stress can lead to the production of hydrogen peroxide,
which can interact with certain cysteine amino acids in proteins
to change their functional properties 2,3. These alterations can be
reversed by another group of enzymes known as reductases.

These considerations may sound very abstruse to someone
who hasnt had a chance to study molecular biology, but they
have very practical implications for the way cells behave. For
example, hormones which bind to cellular receptors often induce
these receptors to undergo self-induced phosphorylations of
tyrosines in these receptors.

This in turn sets off a chain reaction of alterations in the
structures of many proteins that can trigger cellular multiplication
or migration, and that can make the cells harder to kill with
cytotoxic chemotherapy or radiation 4. Moderate levels of
intracellular oxidative stress often act to reinforce these changes,
by causing temporary inhibition of phosphatases that remove
tyrosine phosphate groups.

Cancer cells are distinguished by the fact that, owing
to mutagenic alterations in their DNA, or so-called epigenetic
(potentially reversible) changes in their DNA structure, the
amount of certain proteins made by these cells is increased or
decreased, and/or the structure of these proteins is altered in
ways that influence their function 5. In cancer, the net impact
of these changes is to boost the activity of signal transduction
mechanisms that support cellular multiplication, tissue invasion,
and metastasis to distant organs, and that protect the cells from
being killed by radiation or chemotherapy. Often, cancer cells
express increased amounts of cell receptors, phosphorylate
tyrosines, or make mutant receptors that are constantly active
in this regard 6-8. The pro-growth, pro-survival impacts of these
receptors are often amplified by increased oxidant stress in cancer
cells, which prevents phosphatase enzymes from turning off the
signals triggered by these receptors 9,10.

One of the goals at Oasis of Hope is to use nutrients,
phytochemicals, and currently available drugs to suppress signal
transduction pathways that are overactive in cancer cells, or boost
pathways that are underactive. The intent is for cancer cells
to grow slower, make them aggressive, or make them easier to

Oxidative Pre-conditioning Therapy:
Ozone and UV Light

When most people hear the word ozone, they think of a
protective layer of the atmosphere but arent really sure what it
is beyond that. Ozone is oxygen but with the molecular structure
O3 instead of O2. This additional molecule makes ozone a highly
reactive oxidant. If inhaled, ozone can do some serious damage to
our bodies. However, there is an application of this substance that
is very therapeutic. But first, lets take a closer look at ozone.

In nature, ozone has a good side and a bad side. In the
stratosphere, it acts as a shield, deflecting harmful UV irradiation.
However, in the troposphere, ozone is a major component of the
smog that harms humans, animals, and plants. When we breathe
it, ozone can cause serious pulmonary and systemic side effects
because it is such a powerful oxidant.

On the world scene, ozone therapy became an innovative
medical approach in 1954, when Wehrly and Steinbart first
described its application. They found that while the human
respiratory tract reacts very negatively to ozone, human blood does
not. In fact, when exposed to appropriate ozone concentrations,
our blood tames the strong oxidant properties of ozone, thus
eliminating any acute side effects. The benefits derived from this
therapy are staggering.

The ozone autohemotherapy (O3-AHT) standard technique
is to withdraw 150-200 ml of blood and expose it to an oxygen/
ozone mixture at a specified ozone concentration, followed by
intravenous reinfusion of this blood into the patient.

Ozone rapidly decomposes in blood to generate reactive oxygen

compounds that act as an oxidative stimulus to the body and
interact immediately with several substances, namely fatty acids,
cholesterol, proteins, and carbohydrates.

An important role of O3-AHT in the Oasis of Hope IRT
protocols is to serve as a technique for oxidative preconditioning
. Exposing cells to an acute and repeated mild oxidant stress
typically leads to a compensatory increase in antioxidant defenses.
This increase in tolerance to oxidative stress can be protective if
a subsequent stronger oxidative stress is applied. Although the
only cells exposed to oxidative stress during O3-AHT are the
blood cells that are directly mixed with ozone 2 and reinfused, it
seems likely that these cells will generate by-products of oxidant
stress that other cells can interpret as signs of oxidative damage.
This leads to induction of antioxidant defenses. In fact, several
studies show that, when rats are pre-exposed to ozone (usually
by rectal administration), they subsequently are protected from
various oxidant stressors, including the chemotherapy drug
cisplatin, the hepatotoxin carbon tetrachloride, the diabetesinducing drug streptozotocin, endotoxin, and a brief cut-off of
blood flow (ischemia-reperfusion) 3-8. In the study with cisplatin,
it was intriguing that the ozone pretreatment did not influence
that antioxidant status of the kidney in healthy rats. But, in
rats treated with cisplatin, it prevented a decrease in kidney
antioxidants (glutathione and antioxidant enzymes) seen in the
rats given cisplatin without O3-AHT pretreatment; O3-AHT also
maintained normal kidney function in the cisplatin-treated rats3.

In addition to cisplatin, a number of chemotherapy agents
are known to generate oxidant stress in the body. This stress
can contribute to the damage to healthy tissues that can make
chemotherapy a traumatic experience and limit the doses that can
be used. For this reason, Oasis of Hope employs O3-AHT as
an oxidative preconditioning strategy in an effort to limit the

the damaging impact of chemotherapy to healthy tissues such as

the bone marrow, intestinal tract, kidney, and heart.

In addition to treating blood with ozone, we also expose
it to ultraviolet light before reinfusing it into the patient. This is
intended to boost the generation of oxidative stress and thereby
improve the efficacy of oxidative preconditioning therapy.
Without question, ozone therapy is rapidly becoming an essential
tool for oncologists and an integral part of comprehensive
treatment programs.

The IRT Anti-Inflammatory Therapies

The Oasis of Hope IRTs make use of three antiinflammatory drugs, each of which has been in use for decades:
salsalate, disulfiram, and diclofenac. These drugs are used
to target key proteins that, in many cancers, promote cancer
growth and spread while inducing resistance to chemotherapy or

Pro-inflammatory Factors

One of these targets is known as NF-kappaB. This protein
complex regulates the synthesis of a number of other proteins by
binding to DNA in the cellular nucleus. In a high proportion of
advanced cancers, NF-kappaB is either continuously activated or
is rapidly activated in response to chemotherapy 1-5. One of the
most important roles of NF-kappaB is to boost the production of
a number of proteins that act in a variety of ways to prevent the
process of apoptosis. This is the cell suicide process that is
the most common way in which cytotoxic anti-cancer drugs kill
cancer cells 6. Moreover, NF-kappaB also increases production
of a multi-drug resistance membrane protein that functions to
pump various cytotoxic chemicals, including many anti-cancer
drugs, out of cells 7. For these reasons, NF-kappaB activation,
either chronic, or triggered by chemotherapy, tends to protect
cancer cells during chemotherapy. Conversely, many studies show
that inhibitors of NF-kappaB activity can make resistant cancer
cells much more sensitive to chemotherapy and/or radiation 8-11.

Chronic activation of NF-kappaB also makes cancers
act more aggressively. This reflects: increased production of

angiogenic factors that promote the development of new

blood vessels required forcancer growth; increased production
of proteolytic enzymes which enable cancer cells to penetrate
and migrate through tissues; and increased production of certain
factors that promote rapid cellular multiplication 12.
The bottom line is that cancers, which have evolved high NFkappaB activity, tend to spread more rapidly and aggressively,
and they are harder to kill off.

Another cancer protein which Oasis of Hope IRTs
target is cyclooxygenase-2, more conveniently referred to as
cox-2. Cox-2 is an enzyme that functions to generate a group
of hormone-like compounds known as prostanoids, many of
which have inflammatory and pain-promoting activity. Thats
why inhibitors of cox-2 are frequently used to treat inflammatory
conditions. However, many cancers also express elevated activity
of cox-2 13. Some of the prostanoids it produces have growth
factor activity for these cancers 14. This growth factor activity
promotes increased cancer proliferation, boosts angiogenesis,
and also can make cancers harder to kill 15-19. Furthermore, some
prostanoids have local immunosuppressive activity that blunts
the effectiveness of immune cells that attack the tumor 20.

It should be noted that both NF-kappaB and cox-2 play
a direct role in angiogenesis. Activation of these factors occurs
in endothelial cells the cells that give rise to new blood vessels
- during the angiogenic process. Agiogenesis is required for
efficient production of new blood vessels 21-23. Thus, inhibition of
these proteins has the potential to directly suppress angiogenesis
by targeting endothelial cell function.

As if NF-kappaB werent already pernicious enough for
cancer patients, this factor is now known to be a key mediator of
the muscle protein loss associated with cancer cachexia 24. Thus,
effective inhibition of NF-kappaB likely has the potential to help
cancer patients preserve their muscle mass.


Fortunately, several drugs are available which can suppress
the activity of either NF-kappaB or cox-2. One of these is salicylic
acid, a natural compound found in white willow bark that has
been used for many decades to treat inflammatory disorders such
as rheumatoid arthritis. In the late nineteenth century, German
chemists first synthesized aspirin (acetylsalicylic acid) by adding
an acetyl group to salicylic acid. Salicylic acid, like aspirin, can
inhibit cyclooxygenase enzymes, but its activity in this regard is
very weak and reversible, for which reason salicylic acid doesnt
produce the dangerous side effects sometimes seen with chronic
use of aspirin or related drugs, such as bleeding stomach ulcers or
kidney damage 25-27. It is now known that the anti-inflammatory
effects of high-dose salicylic acid are more likely to reflect
inhibition of NF-kappaB activation. Salicylic acid binds to
and inhibits an enzyme that is usually required for NF-kappaB
activation 28,29.

Although pharmaceutical companies are working
feverishly to develop expensive new inhibitors of NF-kappaB,
few medical scientists have considered the possibility of using
natural, inexpensive salicylate in cancer therapy 30. There is,
however, recent research establishing that salicylate has cancerretardant and anti-angiogenic activity. At Oasis of Hope, we
believe that salicylic acid has considerable potential for use in
cancer therapy, to potentiate the efficacy of chemotherapy in
certain cancers, to slow the growth and spread of cancer during athome therapy, and to slow or prevent the progression of cachexic
muscle degeneration 31,32.

Several pharmaceutical forms of salicylic acid are
available. We have chosen to use salsalate, a complex which is
broken down in the intestinal tract to release free salicylic acid,
which is then absorbed 33.

Salsalate is less likely to induce gastric irritation that
other forms of salicylic acid. It was developed in Japan about
50 years ago, and has been in use since that time for treatment
of inflammatory disorders. Salsalate wont produce dangerous
toxicity when used as directed. However, in optimally effective
anti-inflammatory doses, it can produce reversible ear dysfunction
tinnitus and mild hearing loss 34. Fortunately, these problems
resolve as soon as the drug is discontinued, and no permanent
damage is done. For the occasional patient in whom these side
effects are highly troubling, a dosage reduction can often solve
the problem. It is necessary to use these high doses to achieve
effective inhibition of NF-kappaB.


Another drug with potential for inhibiting NF-kappaB
is disulfiram the drug more commonly known as Antabuse.
This drug was developed many years ago to help alcoholics
abstain from alcohol. If they drink alcohol while using Antabuse,
they become ill, owing to increased blood levels of the alcohol
metabolite acetaldehyde. More recently, it has been discovered
that disulfiram can inhibit cellular components known as
proteasomes 35,36. Proteasomes are responsible for degrading
cellular proteins which have been specifically targeted for
degradation. They play a crucial role in the activation of NFkappaB by degrading a protein that inhibits this activation. Thus,
inhibition of proteasome function usually decreases NF-kappaB
activity 37. Recent studies show that disulfiram and related sulfurcontaining compounds can inhibit proteasomes and thereby
suppress NF-kappaB activity in cancer cells. This renders them
less aggressive and more susceptible to eradication 36. In usual
clinical doses, disulfiram is a reasonably well tolerated drug as
long as the patient does not drink any alcoholic beverage. The
dose-limiting toxicity is gastrointestinal upset.


With respect to cox-2, there are many drugs, commonly
referred to as NSAIDs, which can inhibit this enzyme. Some
of these drugs are relatively selective to cox-2 including the
prominently advertised drugs Vioxx and Celebrex. In other words,
these drugs have little impact on the other form of cyclooxygenase
(cox-1). Prolonged effective inhibition of cox-1 can lead to serious
complications such as bleeding stomach ulcerations and kidney
damage. For that reason, pharmaceutical companies developed
cox-2-specific inhibitors for use in the treatment of inflammatory

Instead of using the expensive, highly advertised and
relatively new cox-2-specific inhibitors Celebrex or Vioxx,
we at Oasis of Hope have decided to use a much older drug,
diclofenac. Diclofenac has an activity spectrum nearly identical
to that of Celebrex, producing effective inhibition of cox-2 in
concentrations that only modestly impact cox-1, but it is much
less expensive 38. When administered in standard clinical doses,
diclofenac is more effective than Vioxx at inhibiting cox-2 in the
human body 39. While diclofenac has recently been shown to
increase heart attack risk like other cox-2-specific inhibitors do
, we always use it in conjunction with low-dose aspirin, which
likely will largely offset that risk.

Metronomic Therapy

In 2000, two cancer research groups published a
remarkable observation, in tumor-bearing rodents, low-dose
chemotherapy, too low to evoke side effects or have a meaningful
direct impact on tumor cells, when given on a daily or near-daily
schedule, could markedly retard tumor growth 1,2. This proved to
be true even when the tumors were known to be resistant to the
chemotherapeutic drugs employed. The solution to this riddle was
that the chemotherapy was slowing or preventing angiogenesis.

During angiogenesis, new endothelial cells are extremely
fragile as they branch off from existing blood vessels, multiply,
migrate into a tumor in response to chemical signals secreted
by tumor cells, and eventually form themselves into tubular
structures to give rise to new vessels. Whereas the endothelial
cells lining established vessels only rarely multiply, are stabilized
by growth factors provided by neighboring cells, and are rarely
killed by clinically feasible doses of chemotherapy drugs. The
endothelial cells engaged in angiogenesis are extremely sensitive
to killing by these drugs, much more so than most cancer cells.
Thus, when low-dose chemotherapy is administered on a daily
schedule (known as metronomic because it is regular and even
like the beat of a metronome) the continual death of endothelial
cells attempting to form new blood vessels can substantially
disrupt the angiogenic process, slowing it down notably.

One of the particular merits of this metronomic approach
centers around cancer drug resistance. Whereas conventional,
high-dose chemotherapy tends to select tumor cells that are
resistant to the drugs used, metronomic chemotherapy targets
normal endothelial cells that do not grow resistant to the drugs.

In other words, metronomic chemotherapy keeps on
working when conventional therapy fails. Tumors may be able to
adapt to a degree by increasing their production of pro-angiogenic
factors that promote endothelial cells survival. This explains
why cancers, which initially regress in response to metronomic
therapy sometimes grow back despite continuing therapy. The
cancer confers this relative resistance; not the endothelial cells

Recently, a further benefit of metronomic chemotherapy
has been established. It tends to selectively kill a population of
immune cells, called T-reg cells, that function to suppress the
activity of immune cells capable of attacking the tumor. These
are the natural killer (NK) cells and T-cytotoxic cells 3. T-reg cells
often congregate within tumors and secrete hormone-like factors
that turn off the immune cells trying to attack the cancer. Thus,
metronomic chemotherapy has emerged as a useful adjuvant to
therapeutic strategies intended to boost the tumor-killing capacity
of NK and T-cytotoxic cells 4,5.

The utility of treating rodent tumors, including transplanted
human tumors, with metronomic chemotherapy has now been
confirmed in a great many studies 6,7. In some of these studies,
combining such chemotherapy with other measures attacking the
angiogenic process has led to complete remissions of pre-existing
aggressive tumors 2,8. Other studies also showed that metronomic
chemotherapy can be useful when used in conjunction with
conventional chemotherapy 9.

The most extensive published clinical experience
with metronomic chemotherapy regimens has been provided
by oncologists in Milan, who have documented the longterm responses of patients with metastatic breast cancer to a
metronomic regimen involving daily cyclophosphamide (50mg)
and two weekly doses of methotrexate (5mg per dose) 10,11.

From the patients using this regimen, 32% achieved
either a complete or partial remission, or a stabilization of disease
lasting at least 24 weeks. In about 16% of patients, no tumor
progression was noted for over a year. Even in the patients in
whom progression did occur, it seems likely that the therapy was
often slowing the spread of the disease. The especially good news,
since metronomic chemotherapy is intended for long-term use, is
that this regimen was essentially free of annoying side effects.
Only a mild suppression of white cell count was observed in a
small minority of the treated patients.

Since metronomic therapy is directed against endothelial
cells, not cancer cells, a metronomic regimen that works well
with one type of cancer should work well with all types of cancer
dependent on angiogenesis for growth. At Oasis of Hope, we use
a metronomic regimen like that tested by the Milanese doctors.
It is based on cyclophosphamide, also known by its trade name
Genoxal. We also include methotrexate for selected patients.

The Oasis of Hope IRT at-home protocols include
additional agents intended to slow the process of angiogenesis.
These include salsalate, silymarin, fish oil, the glycine in GPG,
and the green tea polyphenols in Synerpax. Thus, we are
attacking angiogenesis from as many angles as we feasibly can.

IRT Nutraceuticals for Cancer Control

At Oasis of Hope, we employ a broad spectrum of safe
nutraceuticals. They are used as components of the in-hospital
therapy and for continuing use when patients return home.
These agents are intended to modulate cell signaling pathways
in ways that should provide a diverse array of benefits such as
sensitizing cancers to cytotoxic chemotherapies or intravenous
vitamin C, slowing the growth of tumors, blocking the process of
metastasis, inhibiting the angiogenic response required for tumor
growth, boosting or disinhibiting the immune systems capacity
to attack the cancer, protecting normal tissues from the toxicity of
chemotherapies, and helping to control so-called paraneoplastic
syndromes that erode bones or decrease muscle mass. Here are
the chief nutraceuticals we use with the explanation of why and
how they are used.

Melatonin is a natural hormone produced primarily by the
pineal gland at the base of the brain. Secretion of melatonin is
regulated by light exposure. Also, a burst of melatonin secretion
occurs at nighttime during the onset of sleep. One of the primary
roles of melatonin is to synchronize endocrine and nervous system
rhythms in line with day-night cycles. For this reason, melatonin
is traditionally given at bedtime so that natural biorhythms are
reinforced rather than disrupted.
Melatonin exerts a range of physiological effects, some of which
are of direct relevance to cancer therapy.

Of particular interest is its ability to boost the function
of NK cells and helper-T lymphocytes. These components of
the immune system can help to control the growth and spread
of many tumors 1,2. NK cells usually have little impact on large
pre-existing tumors, but they do a better job of controlling the
small nests of tumor cells that can give rise to new metastases 3,4.
NK cell activity tends to decline as people age. This is at least
partially attributable to the fact that the pineals production of
melatonin tends to decline during the aging process 5.

Melatonin also functions as a major antioxidant. Although
melatonin itself can function as a free radical scavenger, this effect
is probably of little physiological significance because natural
concentrations of melatonin are quite low. The major impact
of melatonin on antioxidant defenses reflects its ability to boost
the production of many antioxidant enzymes in many tissues
. This antioxidant effect of melatonin can provide protection
when cancer patients receive cytotoxic drugs that can damage
healthy tissues by inducing oxidant stress. In experimental
studies, melatonin administration has been shown to lessen
the adverse effects of drugs such as doxorubicin and cisplatin,
without lessening the therapeutic impact of these drugs 8-11. The
heart, kidneys, and peripheral nervous system are among the vital
organs that melatonin protects.

Melatonin also functions to support the growth and survival
of bone marrow cells that give rise to circulating neutrophils,
lymphocytes, monocytes, which are immune cells, and platelets,
which are required for proper blood clotting. It apparently does
this by boosting the marrows production of certain key growth
factors 12,13. This effect is of evident relevance to cancer therapy
since many cytotoxic cancer drugs are highly toxic to the bone
marrow. The resulting decline in blood levels of white cells or of
platelets can increase risk for infection or bleeding complications,
and may require chemotherapy to be terminated or postponed.

This would impair its therapeutic efficacy.

Melatonin has been tested in clinical trials in a wide range
of cancers. Sometimes it is used as a stand-alone therapy in
patients for whom further chemotherapy would be inappropriate,
and sometimes as an adjuvant to standard chemotherapy or
radiotherapy regimens. In general, the results of these studies
have been remarkably consistent 14-18. With or without concurrent
chemotherapy, the patients receiving melatonin tended to survive
significantly longer. When chemotherapy was administered,
therapeutic response, defined as objective remission or stable
disease, tended to be significantly greater in those getting the
melatonin. Furthermore, side effects of chemotherapy tended to
be less severe in the melatonin group. In particular they were less
prone to severe bone marrow depression. Chemotherapy with
melatonin was also less likely to damage the heart or peripheral
nervous system. Also, the patients receiving melatonin were
less prone to cachexia, the severe loss of muscle mass that often
complicates advanced cancer 19.

Given the scope of these benefits, it is remarkable that
nocturnally administered melatonin appears to be virtually free
of side effects. Some people report that melatonin helps them to
remember their dreams more vividly. Aside from this, it tends to
be well tolerated, and some people find that it helps them to get a
restful nights sleep. Moreover, in light of the age-related fall-off in
melatonin secretion, supplemental melatonin may be particularly
beneficial to the overall health of people who are middle-aged or
older. It supports improved immune and antioxidant defenses.

Cancer patients at Oasis of Hope frequently report that
their experiences with chemotherapy tend to be less harsh and
traumatic than were their previous chemotherapy regimens at
other hospitals. We suspect that our inclusion of melatonin in the
IRT protocols has a lot to do with this.

Fish Oil

Fish oil is a uniquely rich source of the long-chain omega-3
fatty acids EPA(eicosapentaenoic acid) and DHA(docosahexaenoic
acid). A small structural difference distinguishes these fatty
acids from the omega-6 fatty acids found in plant-derived oils.
Within our bodies, a portion of ingested omega-6 fatty acids are
converted to the compound arachidonic acid. This in turn is the
precursor for a wide range of hormone-like compounds, known
as prostanoids, that play a key role in inflammatory processes.
EPA and DHA are very similar in structure to arachidonic acid,
and, when consumed in adequate amounts, they can act in various
ways to antagonize the production of active prostanoids. For this
reason, diets rich in fish oil tend to have anti-inflammatory effects
in rheumatoid arthritis and certain other chronic inflammatory
disorders20. Furthermore, one of the prostanoids whose production
is antagonized by fish oil is thromboxane, which plays a role in
blood clot formation by promoting aggregation of the platelets.
This discovery led to speculation that the relatively low risk for
heart attack among aboriginal Eskimos may reflect their high
consumption of seafood rich in EPA and DHA 21. Also, omega-3
fats reduce the risk to develop dangerous cardiac arrhythmias.

EPA and DHA have a valuable role to play in cancer treatment.
A number of studies show that a diet rich in fish oil tends to slow tumor
growth 22-25. At least part of this effect can be attributed to a suppressive
effect of fish oil on angiogenesis. Remember that angiogenesis is the
process by which new blood vessels develop to enable the growth and
spread of tumors 24-27. EPA has been shown to decrease the expression
of a key receptor required for response to the pro-angiogenic compound
vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF) 28.

Another key factor in angiogenesis is the enzyme Cox-2, which
produces prostanoids required for vascular tube formation during the
angiogenic process 29.

A high intake of fish oil has the potential to antagonize the role of
Cox-2 in the angiogenic process by decreasing the production of
Cox-2-derived prostanoids.

Fish oil also has the potential to act directly on tumor cells
to slow their proliferation. In some tumors, prostanoids produced
by Cox-2 or other enzymes known as lipoxygenases can promote
the multiplication and spread of cancer cells and/or protect them
from apoptosis 30,31. Fish oil can antagonize the pro-proliferative
activity of these prostanoids by suppressing their synthesis.

Fish oil has the ability to fend off cachexia, the severe
loss of muscle mass that often complicates late-stage cancer
. Although cachexia usually entails a loss of appetite that can
contribute to weight loss by decreasing calorie intake, the lifethreatening selective loss of muscle mass often seen in cancer
reflects a very specific inflammatory process in muscle fibers that
is not seen in healthy dieters. It has been discovered that EPA
interferes with the inflammatory mechanisms that cause loss of
muscle mass.

Finally, a number of experimental studies demonstrate
that fish oil, particularly DHA, can boost the responsiveness
of cancer cells to chemotherapy and radiotherapy 36,37. The
mechanism of this effect is not well understood, but it is suspected
that DHA, which is polyunsaturated and highly susceptible to
oxidative damage, serves to amplify oxidative stress in cancer
cells assaulted by cytotoxic chemicals or radiation. Cell culture
studies suggest that normal healthy cells are less susceptible to
this sensitizing effect of DHA for reasons that remain unclear.
The potential impact of DHA on response to chemotherapy is one
reason why fish oil is included in the in-hospital supplementation
regimen for cancer patients at Oasis of Hope.
Most of us have a lot of fat in our bodies, including the omega-6
fats for which EPA and DHA serve as functional antagonists.

For that reason, it usually takes at least several months
for fish oil intake to achieve its maximal physiological effects.
The ratio of omega-3 to omega-6 in the bodys tissues is a key
determinant of the efficacy of fish oil supplementation. A given
daily dose of fish oil will presumably have a greater and faster
impact in people who are maintaining their total daily fat intake

In summary, the ample EPA/DHA intake provided with
the Oasis of Hope IRT protocols is intended to: suppress the
angiogenic process required for the growth and spread of tumors;
act directly on some susceptible cancers to slow their proliferation;
help prevent loss of muscle mass (cachexia); and improve the
responsiveness of cancers to certain chemotherapeutic agents or

Vitamin D

Growing evidence confirms that good vitamin D status
not only decreases risk for many prominent cancers, but also can
improve the results of chemotherapy and lengthen survival in
people who already have cancer. Vitamin D is often called the
sunshine vitamin because the skin manufactures it when rays
of ultra violet (UV) light interact with a cholesterol precursor in
the skin. The resulting compound is then quickly transformed in
the liver to a derivative, calcidiol, which circulates in the blood.
Calcidiol can also be produced from vitamin D obtained from
supplements or foods. Calcidiol, per se, has little physiological
activity. In order to do its metabolic job, calcidiol must be further
transformed to calcitriol, which can bind to vitamin D receptors
in the nucleus of cells. Most of the calcitriol found in the blood is
produced in the kidneys.

Just within the last few years, scientists have learned
that many types of epithelial cells (type of cells that give rise to
most of the dangerous solid tumors) are capable of converting

calcidiol to calcitriol and the rate of this conversion is proportional

to blood calcidiol levels 38,39. In other words, epithelial cells
can make more calcitriol when vitamin D status is improved
by effective sun exposure or with supplemental vitamin D.
Increased calcitriol levels in epithelial cells reduce the risk that
these cells will give rise to malignant tumors. This reflects the
fact that calcitriol works in various ways to slow down the cell
multiplication while also increasing the propensity of mutated
cells to commit suicide 40.

Peoples vitamin D status tends to vary a great deal,
primarily owing to the fact that the skins capacity to manufacture
vitamin D is influenced by a number of factors 41. The UV content
of sunlight declines during the winter and in northern latitudes
the winter sunlight is virtually devoid of UV. Certain types of
air pollution that absorb UV also decrease the UV content of
sunlight. Furthermore, skin production of vitamin D is lower
in people who fail to get much sun exposure, who are darkly
complected, or who use artificial sunscreens to prevent UVmediated skin damage. Most natural foods are essentially devoid
of vitamin D unless it is included as an additive. Traditional
supplemental doses of vitamin D, typically 400 IU daily, are so
low that they are just sufficient to prevent rickets. Neither food
nor supplementation has had much impact on vitamin D status in
most people. Consider the fact that, with optimal UV exposure,
people can make up to 10,000 -20,000 IU of vitamin D daily 42.

Since UV exposure is the chief determinant of vitamin D
status for most people, it should follow that, if vitamin D activity
has a major impact on cancer risk, logic would dictate that there
would be a greater incidence for many cancers in parts of the
world where UV exposure is often low. This, in fact, is precisely
what epidemiologists have been demonstrating over the last
decade 43-48.

In other words, people who have spent most of their lives
in sunny regions, tend to be at lower risk for cancer than people
who live in northern latitudes. It has been estimated that sub
optimal UV exposure is responsible for over 23,000 premature
cancer deaths per year in the U.S. alone 38,49. The types of cancer
whose risks are influenced by vitamin D status include cancers of
the breast, colon, rectum, ovary, prostate, pancreas, stomach, and
uterine endometrium, as well as non-Hodgkins lymphoma.

But what does this have to do with therapy of pre-existing
Fortunately, some of the cancers that arise from
epithelial cells capable of making calcitriol retain the capacity
to make calcitriol and express vitamin D receptors 38,50. In these
cancers, an increase in blood levels of calcidiol, achieved by better
UV exposure or supplemental vitamin D, leads to an increased
production of calcitriol in the tumor. This calcitriol can slow
the proliferation of the cancer cells while increasing their ability
to commit suicide 51-53. Moreover, the impact of calcitriol on
capacity for apoptosis can sometimes render these cancers more
susceptible to cytotoxic chemotherapy or radiotherapy 54-57.

Recently, epidemiologists around the world have noted
that cancer patients diagnosed during summer typically survive
longer than patients diagnosed in winter 58-60. This presumably
reflects the fact that, in those cancers still capable of making
calcitriol, the relatively good vitamin D status during summers
renders the cancers more sensitive to chemotherapy and/or slows
the growth of the cancer. At Oasis of Hope, we make sure that our
patients are being treated in summer by giving them 10,000 IU
of vitamin D daily.

One pioneering study from Toronto has examined the
influence of supplemental vitamin D (2,000 IU daily) on prostate
cancer patients whose PSA levels remained measurable following
surgery or radiotherapy 61. During this supplementation, the rate of
tumor growth, assessed by PSA measurements, slowed markedly
in 14 of the 15 subjects enrolled in the study.


Milk thistle extract has been used for many decades
in the treatment of liver disorders. Approximately 80% of this
extract consists of silymarin, a mixture of several compounds
known as flavonolignans. Silibinin, the most prominent of these
compounds, accounts for about 60% of the weight of silymarin,
and is believed responsible for most of the liver-protective activity
of silymarin and milk thistle extract. Just within the last decade,
scientists have learned that silibinin has considerable potential
for preventing and treating cancer.

In concentrations that may be feasible to achieve with
high-dose clinical regimens, silibinin has been shown to have
growth inhibitory effects on a wide range of human cancer cell
lines including cancers arising from the prostate, breast, colon,
lung, liver, bladder, and cervix 62-69. Silibinin can suppress the
proliferation of these cells, while at the same time increasing
the rate at which they die by apoptosis. In addition, silibinin
can sensitize cancer cell lines to the killing effects of certain
cytotoxic chemotherapeutic drugs 70. Thus, silibinin may have
potential both for retarding the growth and spread of cancer and
for boosting the response of cancers to chemotherapy.

The mechanisms responsible for these effects have been
studied most intensively in human prostate cancer cells 71. It
should first be noted that these studies show that concentrations
of silibinin, which retard the growth of these prostate cancers, do
not influence the growth of cells from healthy normal prostate. In
other words, the effects of silibinin on cell proliferation appear
to be specific to cancer cells. The anti-proliferative effects of
silibinin on prostate cancer cells have been traced to decreased
function of the epidermal growth factor receptor (EGF-R).

This is a key mediator of growth signals in prostate
cancer and in many other types of cancer 72. Silibinin binds to
this receptor and prevents it from interacting with hormones
that activate it. Some of these are produced in prostate cancers.
Furthermore, silibinin induces prostate cancer cells to make more
of a compound, known as IGFBP-3, that binds to and inhibits
the activity of insulin-like growth factor-I (IGF-I), a key growth
factor for many cancers 73.

Silibinin has also been shown to decrease the activation
of NF-kappaB 74,75, a protein complex that, when activated, tends
to make cancer cells more aggressive and renders them less
sensitive to chemotherapy or radiotherapy 76,77. In many prostate
cancers, and indeed in many other types of cancer, NF-kappaB
is continuously active. The effect of silibinin on NF-kappaB
helps to rationalize silibinins ability to increase the sensitivity of
cancers to certain chemotherapy drugs. The effects of silibinin
on growth factor signals, which promote cancer cell survival, also
contribute in this regard.

The impact of orally administered silibinin on the growth
of human tumors in immunodeficient mice has been studied with
three different types of tumor prostate, lung, and ovarian 78,79.
In each case, silibinin has been found to have a substantial and
dose-dependent suppressive effect on tumor growth in doses that
had no apparent toxicity to the treated animals.

Examination of the silibinin-treated tumors revealed that
they had a much less developed vasculature than control tumors.
In other words, there were less blood vessels in the tumor to
provide nourishment and oxygen 78,79.

Follow-up studies showed that in some cancers silibin
could suppress secretion of a compound known as vascular
endothelial growth factor (VEGF), which plays a key role in
inducing the growth of new blood vessels into tumors 78,80,81.

Furthermore, other studies show that clinically feasible
concentrations of silibinin have a direct effect on endothelial
cells. Silibinin can suppress the proliferation of these cells and
reduce their ability to migrate, invade tissues, and roll themselves
into tubes, which is how new blood vessels are formed 74,80. These
findings suggest that the growth-slowing impact of silibinin on
tumors reflects the interaction of at least three phenomena: a
direct anti-proliferative effect on cancer cells; a suppression of
VEGF production by these cells; and a direct inhibitory effect on
the capacity of endothelial cells to build new blood vessels.

The use of selenium in cancer therapy is motivated, in part, by
substantial evidence that good selenium nutrition can reduce
cancer risk 82. Dr. Larry Clark, and colleagues, conducted a massive
double blind clinical study that recruited over 1,300 American
subjects known to be at high risk for skin cancer, but free of any
serious cancers at the time of enrollment 83. For over a decade,
these volunteers received either selenium (200 mcg daily) or a
matching placebo. Although the supplemental selenium failed
to reduce subsequent risk for skin cancer, the researchers were
encouraged to find that the cancer death rate in the seleniumsupplemented group was only half as high as that in those receiving
the placebo, 29 vs. 57. Indeed, the researchers were forced to
terminate the study earlier than planned, as they considered it
unethical to continue with the placebo supplementation. The
lower cancer death rate in the selenium group was primarily
attributable to a substantial reduction in the i incidence of new
serious cancers in the lungs, colon, and prostate84,85.

Epidemiological studies have also pointed to decreased
risks for certain cancers in people who have relatively high

selenium intakes, or who live in regions of the world where soil

selenium levels are relatively high 84,85.

One reason why people with poor selenium nutrition
may be at increased cancer risk is that selenium is an important
antioxidant nutrient that supports the production of enzymes that
protect our cells against oxidant stress 86. Since oxidants can
damage DNA, leading to potentially carcinogenic mutations,
good selenium status clearly has anti-mutagenic potential.

Of course, preventing cancer and treating cancer are two
different things. In animal studies, selenium isnt as effective for
controlling pre-existing cancers as it is for preventing cancer. But,
the ability of selenium to prevent cancer in carcinogen-treated
animals suggests that selenium administered in conjunction with
chemotherapy may well reduce the chance that treatment with
DNA-damaging cytotoxic agents could ultimately give rise to
new cancers.

Furthermore, although selenium alone usually isnt
effective as a cancer therapy, there is exciting recent evidence
that, as an adjuvant to high doses of intravenous vitamin C,
chemotherapy or radiotherapy, supplemental selenium can
render cancer cells more sensitive to these measures, while
simultaneously protecting normal healthy tissues 87,88. By using
selenium in conjunction with chemotherapy, scientists achieve
higher cure rates in rodents with transplanted tumors. This is
because the tumors become more sensitive to the chemotherapies,
and because the researchers can use higher doses of the drugs
without producing life-threatening toxicities. Clinical studies are
now in progress at Roswell Park Memorial Hospital evaluating
supplemental selenium as an adjuvant to chemotherapy regimens.
Preliminary reports indicate that the selenium is helping to maintain
effective white cell counts, reduce the need for transfusions, and
decrease side effects such as nausea, vomiting, and hair loss 89.
The Roswell researchers are giving their chemotherapy patients

2,000mcg selenium daily prior to and during chemotherapy.

One recent study demonstrates that selenium protects
normal cells from cytotoxin-mediated DNA damage by boosting
the ability of a protective protein known as p53 to trigger DNA
repair mechanisms in cells 89. Since the p53 protein is absent
in most advanced cancers, this might explain why the protective
benefit of selenium is confined largely to normal cells.

A further reason for using selenium in cancer therapy is
that high intakes of this mineral have been shown to boost immune
responses. In particular, the types of immune cells involved in
cancer control, cytotoxic T lymphocytes and NK cells, function
more effectively with increased intakes of selenium 90,91.
In summary, the likely benefits of selenium in clinical cancer
therapy, especially when used as an adjuvant to chemotherapy,
are: improved response of cancers to chemotherapy and high
doses of intravenous vitamin C; a reduction in chemotherapy side
effects; increased capacity of the immune system to fight cancer
spread; and reduced risk that chemotherapy may eventually give
rise to a new cancer.


Synerpax is a multi-ingredient nutritional supplement
used in conjunction with both the in-hospital and at-home IRT
regimens. It provides a blend of phytochemicals: green tea
polyphenols, curcumin, piperine, resveratrol, and grape seed
extract. These have demonstrated cancer retardant efficacy.
Synerpax also includes Selenium and Zinc, which are important
elements in the fight against cancer.

Green Tea Extract

Perhaps the most clinically significant of these ingredients
is green tea extract. The extract employed is highly potent,
comprising 98% polyphenols, the most prominent of which is the
compound epigallocatechin-gallate, better and more conveniently
known as EGCG. Recent research shows that EGCG can
achieve worthwhile inhibition of an important receptor on
endothelial cells in concentrations that can feasibly be reached
after oral administration. The receptor in question responds to
a crucial stimulant of angiogenesis, vascular endothelial growth
factor (VEGF). Many cancer cells produce VEGF. It is such a key
mediator of angiogenesis that several new hyper expensive cancer
drugs target the bioactivity of VEGF. The strategy employed by
Oasis of Hope is to attack angiogenesis from as many angles as
feasible, in the hope that the cumulative effect will be a clinically
worthwhile retardation of tumor growth 92-96.


Another intriguing phytochemical supplied by Synerpax
is curcumin the agent that makes turmeric yellow. Curcumin has
slowed growth, promoted cell death by apoptosis, and increased
responsiveness to chemotherapy drugs in a wide range of cancer
cell lines 97-101. Oral curcumin may indeed prove to have value
for prevention of colon cancer 102, which reflects the fact that
curcumin taken up by the mucosal cells lining the colon can exert
a worthwhile effect in these cells before it is metabolized.


To expedite the absorption of curcumin and perhaps other
constituents of this supplement, Synerpax includes piperine,
also known as Bioperine. It is a compound found in black
pepper. Piperine has been shown to enhance the absorption
of numerous phytochemicals and drugs, in part because it is a
potent inhibitor of a protein pump that pushes a wide range
of chemicals out of intestinal cells 103. A clinical study assessing
absorption of curcumin found that concurrent administration
of piperine improved absorption about 20-fold 104. A favorable
effect on piperine on absorption of EGCG in mice has also been

Grape Seed Extract

Synerpax also provides grape seed extract and resveratrol.
These agents, like EGCG and curcumin, have exerted favorable
effects on cancer cells in culture. Grape seed extract is rich in
antioxidant flavonoids known as proanthocyanidins. Recent
studies show that a high oral intake of grape seed extract can
markedly inhibit the growth of human colorectal and prostate
cancers implanted in mice 106,107. These findings suggest that,
at some sufficiently high intake, grape seed extract may prove
useful in clinical cancer therapy.


Resveratrol is an antioxidant phytochemical found in
red wine. Resveratrol, like curcumin, has potential to block the
activation of NF-kappaB, a protein complex that makes many
cancers more aggressive and resistant to chemotherapy 108.


A nutritional dose of zinc is included in Synerpax since
this mineral plays a key role in effective function of the immune
system. It is desirable to insure that the zinc nutrition of cancer
patients is at least adequate 109.

Boswellic Acids

Boswellic acids are a group of closely related compounds
found in salai guggul, a resinous extract from the tree Boswellia
carteri traditionally used in Ayurvedic (Indian) medicine as
an anti-inflammatory agent 110. In the early 1990s, German
researchers discovered the mechanistic basis for salai gugguls
anti-inflammatory efficacy. Boswellic acids are very potent
inhibitors of the enzyme 5-lipoxygenase (5LPO), which plays an
essential role in the generation of a family of hormone-like proinflammatory compounds known as leukotrienes 111.

There is increasing evidence that 5LPO is often expressed
by many types of cancer, and that this enzyme generates
compounds that have potent growth factor activities for these
cancers 112-114. Inhibiting 5LPO typically retards the growth of
cancer cell lines dependent on 5LPO, and often increases the rate
at which these cells die by apoptosis. Human cancer cell lines
derived from prostatic, pancreatic, breast, esophageal, colorectal,
bladder, gastric, and renal cancers, as well as mesotheliomas and
leukemias, have shown 5LPO dependency 115-122. Not all such
cancers are 5LPO dependent.

The impact of 5LPO activity on the sensitivity of cancers to
chemotherapy or radiotherapy has so far received little attention.
However, one fascinating recent report indicates that, concurrent
expression of 5LPO is associated with substantial protection from
the cytotoxicity of chemotherapeutic cancer drugs 123.

Conversely, suppression of 5LPO in these cancers greatly
enhances their sensitivity to these drugs. This implies that 5LPO
inhibitors, administered prior to and during chemotherapy,
should enhance the responsiveness of a high proportion of human

Zileuton, a drug approved for treatment of asthma, works
by inhibiting 5LPO, and has shown cancer-retardant activity
in hamsters with pancreatic cancer 124. However, we have
chosen to use boswellic acid-rich extracts in Oasis of Hope IRT
regimens because they are considerably less expensive and can
be presumed to be safe based on centuries of use in traditional
medicine. Moreover, a number of cell culture studies indicate
that boswellic acids, most notably one known as acetyl-11-ketobeta-boswellic acid, can slow the proliferation and boost the death
rate of various human cancer cell lines 125-129. The only published
clinical experience with boswellic acids in the treatment of cancer
dealt with the use of these agents in patients with progressing
brain cancers 130,131. Although some of the children experienced
improved neurological function during this treatment, this
might have reflected an anti-inflammatory effect of leukotriene
suppression rather than tumor regression. Nonetheless, the
observed benefit was worthwhile. In rats transplanted with
gliomas, treatment with boswellic acids could more than double
survival time 132. In the in-hospital IRT protocol and at-home
regimen, we include a potent dose of boswellic acids.


GPG is a nutraceutical, developed by Oasis of Hope
scientists, that features Glycine, Modified Citrus Pectin and
Glutamine. Recent research has demonstrated that these three
active ingredients have the potential to: slow the growth and

spread of cancer by blocking the processes of metastasis and

angiogenesis, enhance the immune system, help prevent cachectic
loss of muscle mass, and protect healthy tissues from the toxic
effects of chemotherapy.

Glycine is a non-essential amino acid that has a pleasant
sweet flavor. Glycine doesnt target a tumor directly, but rather
inhibits the process of angiogenesis 133-135.
Modified Citrus Pectin

Another key component of GPG is Modified Citrus Pectin
(MCP). Pectin is a soluble fiber found in citrus fruits. MCP is a
special form of pectin that has been partially hydrolyzed so that it
is less branched and more absorbable.
Studies have shown that orally administered MCP can impede the
metastatic spread of implanted tumors 136. In order for metastasis
to occur, cancer cells in the bloodstream must first attach
themselves to the walls of small blood vessels. This binding
is achieved by membrane proteins known as galectins 137,138.
Modified Citrus Pectin binds to galectins, blocking their ability
to promote adherence of cancer cells to vessels walls 139.

Galectins also play a role in the angiogenesis process by
helping endothelial cells to roll up into tubes so that they can form
new vessels 140. In a recent clinical trial in patients with prostate
cancer, the rate of tumor growth slowed significantly when the
patients received MCP 141. In studies with rodents, MCP showed
the ability to block formation of new metastases.


The last ingredient of GPG is the amino acid glutamine.
This amino acid serves as an important source of food calories for
immune cells as well as the gastrointestinal tract. Skeletal muscle
constantly generates and exports glutamine to aid the nutrition of
these tissues 142.

Glutamine also has the potential to protect immune
and gastrointestinal cells from damage by radiation and/or
chemotherapy 143-145. A recent study observed that supplemental
glutamine helps the white blood cell count (neutrophils) to
recover faster following chemotherapy 146.

The potential benefits of supplemental glutamine to cancer
patients are multi-faceted: reducing some of the dangerous side
effects of radiation and/or chemotherapy, without protecting
tumor cells 143-147; boosting the capacity of natural killer cells to
attack the tumor, thereby helping to control the spread of cancer,
particularly new metastases; and helping to prevent the severe loss
of muscle mass (cachexia), a common complication of advanced


Most tumors have a rather haphazard blood supply
that leaves some regions of the tumor poorly perfused and low
in oxygen. It has long been known that when cancer cells are
in a hypoxic environment, they tend to be less sensitive, not
only to radiotherapy, but also chemotherapy. The basis of this
phenomenon has not been fully clarified, but scientists recently
have proposed an intriguing explanation 148-151. Most tumors
generate a gaseous compound known as nitric oxide, which has
a range of important physiological effects. Synthesis of nitric
oxide can be substantially reduced in hypoxic tumor regions,

since oxygen is required for the production of this compound 152,153.

Researchers have reported that adding small amounts of nitric
oxide (or rather chemicals like glyceryl trinitrate, which generate
this volatile compound) to cancer cells incubated in low oxygen,
can substantially boost the ability of cytotoxic chemotherapy
drugs to kill these cells. Conversely, in cancer cells that are
normally oxygenated, administration of drugs which inhibit
production of nitric oxide reduces the sensitivity of these cells
to cytotoxic chemicals in effect, mimicking the impact of low
oxygen exposure. Thus, it is now believed that the reduction in
tumor production of nitric oxide associated with tumor hypoxia is
largely responsible for the diminished sensitivity of cancer cells
to chemotherapy in hypoxic tumor regions.

Importantly, adding a source of extra nitric oxide to cells
that are normally oxygenated does not seem to alter their sensitivity
to cytotoxic chemotherapy 148. Evidently, whereas a small amount
of nitric oxide is needed for optimal chemosensitivity, excess
amounts do not further boost this sensitivity. Thus, clinical
strategies which increase levels of nitric oxide throughout the body
or which mimic the physiological effects of this compound, would
not be expected to increase the toxic impact of chemotherapy on
normally oxygenated healthy tissues.

One of the chief physiological effects of nitric oxide is
to activate the enzyme guanylate cyclase, which generates an
important regulatory compound known as cyclic GMP. This
appears to be the main mediator of nitric oxides favorable impact
on cancer chemosensitivity 148. Thus, measures which boost
cyclic GMP production in hypoxic cancer cells increase their
chemosensitivity the way that nitric oxide does.

How should this new knowledge be applied in cancer
therapy? One recent study shows that the ability of doxorubicin,
a cytotoxic chemotherapy drug, to control the growth of a
transplanted human prostate cancer in mice, is significantly

enhanced if the mice are concurrently treated with glyceryl

trinitrate patches that boost levels of nitric oxide throughout the
body 151.

Although it would probably be feasible for us to use
similar patches in conjunction with chemotherapy, we have
chosen a somewhat more elegant, more natural, and less expensive
approach high-dose biotin. Biotin is a physiologically essential
B vitamin. However, in concentrations roughly ten-fold higher
than physiological levels, biotin acts as a direct activator of
guanylate cyclase 154. In other words, biotin mimics the impact
of nitric oxide in this regard, boosting production of cyclic
GMP. In light of the fact that biotin appears to be quite safe,
even in high doses, we have decided to use mega-dose biotin as
a nitric oxide mimetic, in an effort to boost the chemotherapeutic
responsiveness of poorly-oxygenated cancer cells.

IRT Nutraceuticals for Specific Cancers

Not all cancers are alike. Each type of cancer has its
own special properties. Thats why some phytonutrients have the
potential to aid control of certain cancers, but not others. Thus,
the Oasis of Hope IRT regimens include some agents that are used
only for the treatment of one or several specific cancers. Agents
that fall into this category include soy isoflavones, lycopene,
pomegranate extract, coenzyme Q10, resveratrol, curcumin, and

Soy Isoflavones

There are two types of estrogen receptors: alpha and
beta 1. The alpha form of the receptor (ERalpha) tends to have
growth promotional activity in tissues that express it. Thus, when
estrogens activate ERalpha in breast or the uterus (endometrium),
they promote proliferation and increase the risk that a cancer will
arise in the stimulated tissue. Once a cancer does arise, estrogens
tend to support the growth and survival of the cancer cells at
least until the tumor evolves to estrogen independence. By
way of contrast, the beta form of the estrogen receptor (ERbeta)
tends to have anti-proliferative actions. In the tissues, which
express it, activation of ERbeta helps to prevent cancer, and, in
cancers which express ERbeta, its activation tends to slow cancer
spread and improve therapeutic response 2. There is, however, a
tendency for expression of ERbeta to decline as cancers evolve
over time. This adaptation likely reflects selection for more
aggressive cancer cells 3-5.

Epithelial cells of the colon, prostate, and ovary tissues that
express ERbeta are not usually thought of as estrogen responsive.
The cancers that arise from these tissues often continue to express
ERbeta, and can be controlled to some degree by estrogens which
activate ERbeta 6-12. While it is well known that postmenopausal
estrogen replacement therapy increases risk for breast cancer, it
is less appreciated that such therapy reduces risk for colorectal
cancer. This presumably reflects the protective activity of
ERbeta 13.

Using estrogenic drugs to control colorectal, prostate, or
ovarian cancers is a less than ideal proposition. Such hormones
would have feminizing effects in men and could increase risk for
breast or uterine cancer in women. Thus, it is extremely fortunate
that soy isoflavones preferentially activate ERbeta, in serum
concentrations that can feasibly be achieved by heavy ingestion
of soy products or the use of concentrated supplements, but that
have very little impact on ERalpha 1,2. Thats why soy-rich diets
dont feminize men, but still have phytoestrogen activity.

These considerations help to rationalize the numerous
epidemiological studies which conclude that people whose diets
are relatively rich in soy products are at lower risk for colorectal,
prostate, or ovarian cancer 14-16. They also help to explain why
diets high in soy or soy isoflavones tend to reduce the incidence of
these cancers in carcinogen-treated rodents 17-19. Such diets also
can inhibit the growth of transplanted human prostate tumors,
and/or render these cancers more sensitive to control by chemoor radiotherapy 20.

More importantly, several pilot clinical trials in men with
prostate cancer and steadily rising PSA values have shown that
soy isoflavones or a soy-rich diet can slow the rise in PSA in
some instances causing a moderate temporary reduction in this
biomarker 21.


The role for dietary lycopene in the prevention and
treatment of prostate cancer was first suggested by epidemiological
studies pointing to a decrease in risk for serious prostate cancer
in men who consumed an ample amount of tomato products 22.
Tomatoes are very rich in the carotenoid lycopene, and tomato
products represent the chief source of lycopene in most diets.
Subsequent studies showed that diets enriched in lycopene
could slow the growth of transplanted human prostate cancers in
mice 23. Moreover, two clinical reports from India indicate that
surprisingly modest daily doses of lycopene can reduce or slow
the rise in PSA in patients with metastatic prostate cancer 24,25. In
a Dutch controlled clinical study targeting patients with rising
PSA despite recent prostatectomy, a complex dietary supplement
featuring lycopene, soy isoflavones, silymarin, and antioxidants
was shown to slow the rate of PSA increase 26. All of these
neutraceuticals are included in Oasis of Hope IRT regimens for
prostate cancer. Another study showed that heavy consumption
of tomato products by patients scheduled for prostatectomy can
exert an antioxidant effect on the prostate, reducing the level
of oxidatively damaged DNA 27. This suggests that lycopene,
and perhaps other constituents in tomato sauce, may play a
physiologically important role in protecting the prostate from
oxidative damage.

Pomegranate Extract

The other tumor-specific nutraceutical that Oasis
of Hope uses with prostate cancer patients is pomegranate
extract. Although most pomegranate research has focused on
potential benefits for cardiovascular health, the possibility that

pomegranate extracts could influence the induction and growth

of cancer is now receiving attention. Indeed, two recent studies
have demonstrated that oral administration of pomegranate fruit
extract can slow the growth of transplanted human prostate
cancers 28,29. These favorable findings are now complemented by
a recent clinical study in which patients with rising PSA values
after initial treatment were asked to drink 8 ounces of pomegranate
juice daily. Subsequently, a marked slowing of tumor growth
was observed 30. In light of these promising recent findings, the
Oasis of Hope IRT protocols for prostate cancer patients now
include pomegranate fruit extract daily.

Pomegranate extract may ultimately prove to have broader
utility in cancer management. For example, there are recent
reports that oral administration of pomegranate fruit extract
slows the growth of a transplanted human lung cancer, as well as
of lung cancers induced in mice by carcinogen pre-treatment 31,32.
If further positive reports are forthcoming, we may broaden the
use of pomegranate extract in Oasis of Hope IRT protocols.

Coenzyme Q10

During the 1970s, the antioxidant nutrient coenzyme
Q10 (CoQ) began to attract attention as a possible adjuvant for
cancer therapy. This interest was prompted initially by several
studies showing that CoQ supplementation could boost the
function of macrophages, immune cells that help to recruit other
types of immune cells that can attack cancers 33,34. Subsequently,
physicians affiliated with CoQ expert Dr. Karl Folkers began to
employ CoQ, in doses as high as 390 mg daily, in the treatment of
patients with metastatic breast cancer. Several of these patients
were reported to experience complete or partial regression of
metastases while on CoQ therapy 35,36. In addition, a study found
that 38% of patients with metastatic breast cancer had serum
levels of CoQ that were abnormally low 37.


Another nutraceutical potentially useful in breast cancer
is resveratrol. This phytonutrient, a key antioxidant in wine, is
included in Synerpax, and is discussed elsewhere in that context.
So far, the only type of transplanted human cancer that has been
shown to respond to resveratrol is breast cancer 38.


Another key ingredient of Synerpax is curcumin. This
phytonutrient seems likely to have its greatest impact on colorectal
or intestinal cancers that are still in their original location, not
having been removed surgically. Under these circumstances,
curcumin may be able to reach some of the cancer cells before it
has been extensively metabolized in the process of absorption.


Oasis of Hope at-home supplementation for colorectal
cancer includes high doses of the B vitamin biotin. This is because
moderately high concentrations of this vitamin can activate
the enzyme guanylate cyclase, which produces an intracellular
regulatory compound called cyclic GMP (cGMP). Many studies
show that cGMP slows the rate of proliferation of colon cancer
cells, while increasing their tendency to commit suicide via
apoptosis. Increased production of cGMP also appears likely to
reduce risk for colorectal cancer. Why these beneficial effects
of cGMP appear to be specific for colorectal cancer remains

IRT Specific Drugs for Cancer Control

Oasis of Hope IRT protocols, in addition to including a
range of anti-inflammatory adjuvant drugs, also include several
other drugs that usually are not considered anti-inflammatory.
These include the drugs cimetidine and valproic acid, each of
which has been used safely for decades. We also use drugs that
modulate sex hormone activities in patients who have hormonesensitive breast or prostate cancers. The following provides an


Cimetidine, also known as Tagamet, has been in wide
use for many years as a treatment for gastrointestinal ulcers. It
functions to suppress production of gastric acid by blocking socalled H2 receptors for the hormone histamine. In 1988, Danish
researchers reported that, in patients with gastric cancer, concurrent
cimetidine therapy was associated with improved survival 1.
Since then, cimetidine has been reported to improve survival
in patients with colorectal cancer 2,3 and occasional objective
responses have been observed in patients with melanoma or renal
cell cancer treated with cimetidine alone or in conjunction with
the anti-coagulant drug coumari. 4,5. Cimetidine has also shown
growth-retardant effects on certain cancers in rodents 6,7. It was
initially suspected that these benefits reflected a significant role
for histamine as an immunosuppressive or growth-stimulant
hormone in clinical cancer. However, cancer clinical studies
evaluating other anti-ulcer drugs that block H2 receptors failed

to show survival benefits, suggesting that the favorable responses

to cimetidine might reflect an idiosyncratic effect of this drug
unrelated to histamine antagonism 8,9.

Since the incidence of metastases was found to be
substantially decreased in colorectal cancer patients treated
with cimetidine, Japanese researchers suspected that cimetidine
might influence the capacity of cancer cells to bind to endothelial
cells, an essential step in the formation of new metastases. They
were in fact able to demonstrate that clinical concentrations of
cimetidine did inhibit the adhesion of certain cancer cells to
endothelial cells. This reflected cimetidines ability to suppress
endothelial expression of a key adhesion protein known as
E-selectin 10. E-selectin is able to bind to certain types of complex
carbohydrate chains that are frequently expressed on the surfaces
of cancer cells that have the capacity to metastasize, but not by
the healthy tissues from which they arise 11. In fact, the Japanese
researchers were able to demonstrate that cimetidine treatment
only improved the survival of colorectal cancer patients whose
tumors expressed these types of carbohydrate chains 3. Moreover,
they showed that pre-treatment with cimetidine suppressed the
formation of liver metastases in mice injected with cancer cells
. So it seems that cimetidine makes endothelial cells more
slippery by suppressing the E-selectin adhesion protein, thus
making it harder for cancer cells circulating in the bloodstream
to bind to the endothelial lining of blood vessels. Other H2antagonist anti-ulcer drugs did not influence E-selectin expression
by endothelial cells consistent with the failure of these drugs to
influence survival in clinical cancer 10.

One fascinating clinical study concluded that administration
of cimetidine for only a one-week period, prior to and following
surgery, improved the prognosis of colorectal cancer patients
. This likely reflects the fact that the inflammatory response
triggered by surgery induces increased expression of E-selectin

by endothelial cells, while surgery also can dislodge cancer cells,

increasing the number of such cells circulating in the blood. 11. So
the days immediately following surgery may be associated with
high risk for new metastasis formation. Cimetidine administration
at this time may thus be particularly protective.

This slippery endothelium hypothesis helps to explain
how cimetidine works to prevent metastases and prolong survival
in many types of cancer. However, it doesnt completely explain
cimetidines impact on cancer, because in some animal studies
cimetidine has slowed the growth of the primary tumor. This
appears to reflect an inhibitory impact of cimetidine on the
angiogenic process that is essential for the growth of solid tumors.
Thus, one recent study shows that, in mice bearing transplanted
colon cancers, cimetidine therapy decreases the vascularity of the
tumor 13. Cimetidine did not lessen the ability of the cancer cells
to make angiogenic factors (hormone-like agents that activate
angiogenesis), so it seemed to be acting directly on endothelial
cells. Indeed, clinical concentrations of cimetidine were shown
to diminish the capacity of endothelial cells in culture to roll
themselves into tubes - a necessary step in the formation of new
capillaries. This is likely because of its impact on endothlelial
expression of E-selectin 14.

Cimetidine has been in use for a number of years. It is
generally well tolerated, and appears to be quite safe. The dose
schedule we are using in cancer care is the same as that approved
for use in prevention and treatment of ulcers. However, high doses
of cimetidine have the potential to increase estrogenic activity
by blocking the CYP450 enzyme that metabolizes estrogens.
Occasional cases of gynecomastia (inappropriate breast growth)
have been reported in males treated with high doses of this
drug 15.nFor this reason, Oasis of Hope chooses not to use
cimetidine in women with estrogen-sensitive breast cancers.

Valproic Acid

Valproic acid is a member of a class of drugs known as
histone deacetylase inhibitors that have recently shown versatile
anti-cancer effects in animal studies. Acetylation, in which
chemical structures known as acetyl groups are enzymatically
linked to proteins is often required for efficient transcription of
genes. Transcription is the process whereby nuclear DNA is used
as a template for production of messenger RNA which in turn
serves as a template for synthesis of new proteins. Acetylation
of DNA-binding proteins known as histones usually aids the
transcription of genes. Proteins known as co-activators promote
acetylation of histones near specific genes to promote their
transcription. However, it is sometimes physiologically desirable
to suppress gene transcription, so cells also produce enzymes
known as histone deacetylases (HDACs). As their name implies,
they remove the acetyl groups from histones and other acetylated

In many cancers, anomalously decreased transcription
of certain genes, known as suppressor genes, contributes to the
malignant behavior of cancer. These genes code for proteins
that have anti-proliferative effects in the cell. Some years ago,
it occurred to cancer scientists that excessive or inappropriate
HDAC activity might be responsible for the suppressed
transcription of certain suppressor genes. They reasoned that,
if this were the case, drugs which inhibit HDACs might boost
the transcription of these suppressor genes and thereby make the
cancer less aggressive and more controllable. When they treated
cancer cells with chemicals that could inhibit HDAC, they were
gratified to observe that the cancer cells often decreased their rate
of multiplication, were more prone to apoptosis, and were easier
to kill with cytotoxic cancer drugs. In some cases, the drugs had
a redifferentiating effect, meaning that the cancer cells looked

and acted more like the healthy tissues from which they were
derived. In mice transplanted with human cancers, treatment with
HDAC inhibitory drugs slowed cancer growth and increased the
efficacy of cytotoxic chemotherapeutic drugs or radiotherapy 16-22.

However, the researchers were surprised to find that
increased expression of proteins coded by suppressor genes
usually was not clearly responsible for these benefits of HDAC
inhibitors. In fact, many proteins inside and outside the nucleus
are susceptible to reversible acetylation, and so HDAC inhibitors
may be influencing the structure and function of a great number
of regulatory cellular proteins by boosting their acetylation.
Why HDAC inhibition tends to have such a favorable effect
on the behavior of cancer cells remains unclear and is a subject
of active investigation. Perhaps one way to look at it is this:
the unregulated growth and relative invincibility of cancer cells
reflects a carefully balanced regulatory system. Treating with
HDAC inhibitors is rather like throwing a monkey wrench into
this mechanism, inducing an alteration of cellular behavior.
Fortunately, this alteration tends to be positive for the patient.
Moreover, HDAC inhibitors tend to be well tolerated, having
comparatively little impact on the function or viability of most
healthy tissues 23.

Remarkably, HDAC inhibitors also have anti-angiogenic
effects, acting directly on endothelial cells to slow the development
of new blood vessels required for cancer growth and spread
. These drugs can also suppress tumor production of certain
angiogenic factors, notably vascular endothelial growth factor
(VEGF), which are crucial stimulants to tumor angiogenesis
. This latter effect is at least partly attributable to decreased
activity of a protein (transcription factor) known as hypoxiainducible factor-1, which promotes the angiogenic process
in poorly oxygenated tumors 28,29. Yet a further benefit is that

HDAC inhibitors can increase cancer cell production of certain

membrane proteins that help NK cells and cytotoxic lymphocytes
bind to and target cancer cells 30. So HDAC inhibitors can provide
a versatile range of benefits in cancer therapy.

German researchers discovered a few years ago that a
time-tested anti-epileptic drug, valproic acid, acts as an HDAC
inhibitor in concentrations that can be achieved clinically 31-33.
Furthermore, aside from the fact that valproic acid sometimes
produces mild sedation, it is usually quite well tolerated, and thus
could be suitable for long-term use in the management of cancer.
Experimental studies have confirmed that valproic acid has the
cancer retardant and anti-angiogenic effects seen with other
HDAC inhibitors 25,31,34-39. As contrasted with other agents that
are being developed as new drugs for HDAC inhibition, valproate
has the merit of being currently available, with an acceptable side
effect profile that is well known, and it is a relatively inexpensive
old drug.

Cancer scientists in Mexico City have already conducted
a Phase I study of valproic acid as a cancer drug 40. This study
confirmed that administration of valproic acid in a clinically
tolerable dose range was able to increase the acetylation of
histone proteins in the majority of patients, showing that this
drug does indeed function as an HDAC inhibitor in humans when
administered in feasible amounts. We currently use a dose range
of 1,500-2,000 mg daily, which is within the range validated in
this study.

Hormone Blocking Agents

Some cancers are dependent on specific hormones for
optimal growth and survival. For example, many breast cancers
require estrogen, and are said to be estrogen-sensitive.

Analogously, many prostate cancers require testosterone
to grow and thrive. This is especially true during the earlier
stages of the disease. Thats why medical science has developed
specific drugs that can inhibit the production or activity of these
sex hormones, for use in cancer therapy. This strategy has become
a standard part of cancer management, with well-documented
benefits for controlling cancer spread and prolonging patient
survival. So these hormone-blocking drugs are included in the
IRT protocols for hormone-dependent breast and prostate cancers.
The good news about these agents is that they dont have the
range of side-effects that cytotoxic chemotherapies have. The
unavoidable bad news about them is that loss of estrogen in women,
and of testosterone in men, can have undesirable physiological
effects. In particular, men lose sexual potency when deprived
of testosterone. Many of our patients with hormone-sensitive
prostate cancer choose not to use testosterone-blocking drugs. As
is always the case at Oasis of Hope, the patient is the final arbiter
regarding the therapy that he or she receives.

With respect to estrogen-sensitive breast cancers, our
therapeutic approach depends on whether the woman is pre- or
post-menopausal. In pre-menopausal women with estrogensensitive breast cancers, we standardly use the drug tamoxifen,
which binds to the estrogen receptor in a way that diminishes its
growth-promoting activity in breast cancers. Tamoxifen is known
as an estrogen antagonist, because it prevents estrogen from
binding to the receptors that mediate its hormonal activity. The
use of tamoxifen effectively entails the induction of menopause
in pre-menopausal women. This is unfortunate. But menopause
is part of the natural life cycle in any case, so most women learn
to live with this. Tamoxifen is generally considered a safe drug,
though its long-term use does increase risk for cancers of the
uterine endometrium.

In post-menopausal women, the ovaries are no longer
generating estrogens. Nonetheless, a certain amount of estrogen
is still produced in fat cells. Fat cells (adipocytes) contain an
enzyme called aromatase that can convert circulating androgens to
estrogen. Please note that healthy women normally produce very
small amounts of male hormones. Drugs known as aromatase
inhibitors can inhibit this fat-mediated conversion of androgen
to estrogen, and so can greatly reduce estrogen levels in postmenopausal women. They dont influence ovarian production of
estrogen in pre-menopausal women, and so arent used in premenopausal patients. Studies show that aromatase inhibitors do
a better job than tamoxifen for slowing or reversing the spread of
estrogen-sensitive breast cancers in post-menopausal women, so
this is the option which Oasis of Hope uses in the management
of estrogen-sensitive post-menopausal breast cancer 41. Several
different aromatase inhibitors are now available for clinical use
with generic names like anastrazole or letrozole. Since
it is not yet clear which of these drugs is clinically superior, our
doctors use their own judgment in choosing them. Aside from
the fact that these drugs induce a loss of estrogen activity, they
are well tolerated.

Years ago, the traditional therapy for testosteronedependent prostate cancer was a surgery known as orchiectomy,
which is the medical term for castration. Because this was a less
than popular option with most patients, pharmaceutical companies
have developed drugs that can inhibit the function or production
of testosterone, while allowing the patient to keep his testicles.
Not surprisingly, this strategy has proved much more popular,
and is the approach we recommend at Oasis of Hope.

Two drug-based strategies are commonly used for
suppressing testosterone activity in androgen-dependent prostate
cancer. One of these is to block the testosterone receptor with a

drug such as Casodex, also known as bicalutimide. This approach

is quite analogous to the use of tamoxifen in estrogen-sensitive
breast cancer. The drug binds to the androgen receptor in a way
that inhibits its activity. An alternative approach is to suppress
testicular testosterone production with a drug that works on the
brain to block its production of a hormone known as luteinizing
hormone (LH). LH activity is crucial for efficient testosterone
production by the testes. The drugs most commonly used to
achieve this are known as luteinizing hormone releasing hormone
(LHRH) agonists, because they mimic the activity of LHRH, a
brain hormone that stimulates LH release 42. One would think
that such drugs would increase LH release and in fact they do so
temporarily but prolonged continual use of these drugs actually
causes a sustained decrease in LH release, owing to the fact that
the brain loses its sensitivity to LHRH stimulation. The LHRH
agonist drugs that are currently available are goserelin (Zoladex)
and leuprolide (Lupron). They are injected in depot formulations
once every several months.

The loss of LH activity associated with the prolonged
use of LHRH antagonist drugs causes a temporary atrophy of the
testes. The good news is that, after these drugs are discontinued,
testosterone production usually returns to normal levels within 18
months 43.

Surgery and Radiation Therapy at
Oasis of Hope

Localized tumor masses can often be effectively treated
by radiotherapy or surgical excision. Such measures are often
curative in early stage cancer, and can be used to relieve pain
or pressure in patients with more advanced disease. Like other
credible cancer clinics, Oasis of Hope uses surgery or radiotherapy
when they are warranted. But, unlike most other cancer clinics,
we use a variety of adjuvant measures that are intended to make
radiotherapy more effective, and surgery less traumatic.

Tumor cells are often hypoxic because the vascular
system feeding tumors tends to be haphazard and inefficient.
Unfortunately, effective cell killing by radiation requires the
presence of molecular oxygen, as this catalyzes the damage to
cellular DNA 1. Thus, hypoxic tumor cells can be less sensitive
to radiotherapy than are healthy normal tissues that are well
oxygenated. For this reason, Oasis of Hope employs several
adjunctive strategies intended to boost tumor oxygen content.
The oxygen-transporter Perftec, the anti-inflammatory agent
pentoxifylline, and ozone autohemotherapy work in various
complementary ways to: increase the oxygen content of the blood;
make red and white blood cells more distensible so that blood can
flow through tumors more efficiently; and increase the capacity
of red blood cells to deliver oxygen to tissues 2-5. These strategies
have a selective impact on the radiosensitivity of hypoxic tumor
regions, since increasing the oxygenation of healthy tissues that

are already well oxygenated has little impact on the radiation

response of healthy tissues. These measures are also used in
conjunction with chemotherapy or intravenous vitamin C, since
poor oxygenation can make tumor cells less responsive to these
therapies as well 6-7.

Pentoxifylline is a safe anti-inflammatory drug that has
been in use for decades. Numerous studies in tumor-bearing
rodents have shown that administration of tolerable doses of
pentoxifylline can boost the oxygen content of tumors and thereby
improve the responsiveness of these tumors to radiotherapy 3,4.
Pentoxifylline appears to achieve this by making leukocytes as
well as red cells more distensible an effect similar to that of
ozone autohemotherapy while also lessening the resistance to
tumor blood flow by decreasing tumor interstitial pressure.
Since Perftec is currently available only in Mexico and Russia,
pentoxifylline may be a good alternative for cancer clinics that
Oasis of Hope will open in the future around the world.

Oasis of Hope employs additional strategies to make
cancers more sensitive to radiotherapy. Salsalate and silibinin,
by suppressing the activation of a cellular factor known as NFkappaB 8-11, block a key mechanism whereby radiated tumor
cells increase their survival 12. Good vitamin D status, assured
through effective vitamin D supplementation, can also improve
the radiation responsiveness of some tumors 13-14. Glutamine, a
prominent component of our GPG supplement, has been shown to
protect the health of intestinal tissues exposed to radiation 15-16.

With respect to surgery, the comprehensive nutritional
support provided to our patients can be expected to promote
efficient healing. One of the risks associated with cancer
surgery is that the systemic inflammation, immunosuppression,
and dislodgement of tumor cells associated with such surgery
can increase the risk that new metastases will form in the

post-surgical period. Anti-inflammatory agents such as cimetidine

and salsalate, as well as immunosupportive nutrients such as
melatonin and selenium, are employed by Oasis of Hope in
conjunction with surgery, and are intended to minimize the risk
that surgery will provoke new metastasis formation 17-22.

When our patients undergo major surgery that entails
significant blood loss, we are able to employ a type of artificial
blood, an oxygen-carrying chemical emulsion known as Perftec
. This ensures that the patients brain and other vital organs
continue to receive adequate oxygenation during the surgery and
recovery period, without the need for blood transfusions. Blood
transfusions, especially if the blood has been stored for long
periods of time, can often trigger inflammatory reactions that can
complicate post-surgical recovery, and in some instances can lead
to life-threatening multiple organ failure 23. Perftec, or analogous
blood substitutes, are not available in the U.S. or most other
countries as of yet. It was registered for commercial medical
use in Mexico by the Secretary of Health in November 2005 and
is used in Oasis of Hope and other leading medical institutions
throughout the nation.

A recent clinical trial, conducted in patients subjected
to cardiac surgery with cardiopulmonary bypass, showed that
infusion of Perftec emulsion enhanced patient safety during
periods of intraoperative anemia, decreased the percentage of
patients who required blood transfusion, reduced the units of
allogeneic packed red blood cells transfused per patient, and
significantly reduced the use of blood derivatives 23.

Oasis of Hope Diet and Exercise

Throughout most of the twentieth century, age-adjusted
death rates for many of our most common cancers were vastly
lower in much of the Third World than in comparatively wealthy
industrialized countries such as the United States. These types of
cancers thus became known as Western cancers. They include
cancers of the breast, prostate, colon, ovary, uterine endometrium,
and pancreas cancers that, along with tobacco-induced lung
cancer, constitute the main causes of cancer mortality in the U.S.

Why have these cancers been so less common in poorer
societies? The most reasonable current explanation seems to be
that, in poor societies, blood levels of two key growth factors
insulin and free insulin-like growth factor-I (IGF-I) tend to be
much lower than in wealthier countries 1,2. Insulin and/or IGF-I
stimulate the proliferation of the epithelial tissues from which
these cancers arise. They also inhibit the process of apoptosis,
which is an important way in which the body gets rid of cells which
have sustained mutagenic DNA damage 3. The combination of
increased proliferation which makes DNA damage more likely
and suppression of the mechanism that rids the body of mutated
cells, is a potent stimulus to cancer induction.

What aspects of a Western diet and lifestyle are primarily
responsible for our higher levels of insulin and free IGF-I? We
speak of free IGF-I because there are various proteins in the
blood that bind to IGF-I, rendering it inactive. Only the unbound
free IGF-I can interact with cell receptors. Factors such as

abdominal obesity, fatty diets, especially those rich in saturated

fats, and sedentary lifestyle are typically associated with increased
blood levels of insulin. Under these conditions, skeletal muscle
becomes less sensitive to the glucose-transporting activity of
insulin. Because of insulin resistance, the body tends to increase
the secretion and slow the removal of insulin to compensate
for this. This increase in insulin levels tends to increase blood
levels of free IGF-I, since insulin acts on the liver to boost IGF-I
production while also slowing the production of a binding protein,
IGFBP-1, that antagonizes IGF-Is activity 4.

Another lifestyle factor that promotes increased IGF-I
levels is a relatively high intake of high quality protein. In
Third World societies where people eat a mostly plant-based
vegan diet, total daily protein intakes tend to be relatively low.
The proteins consumed tend to be lower in certain nutritionally
essential amino acids, such as methionine, for example, than the
high quality animal proteins that predominate in Western diets.
The relative paucity of certain essential amino acids in vegan diets
of moderate protein content can lead to a decrease in the livers
production of IGF-I, and an increase in IGFBP-1 production 5,6.
Its no coincidence that, in rural China, where most people have
eaten a quasi-vegan diet for centuries, the provinces with the
highest intakes of animal protein are the ones at highest risk for
most types of cancer. This has been revealed by the worlds most
ambitious epidemiological investigation, the China Study 7,8.

These considerations imply that lean people who consume
quasi-vegan diets that are low in fat and moderate in protein, and
who get regular exercise, can be expected to have relatively low
levels of both insulin and free IGF-I, and to enjoy decreased risk
for Western cancers. At least until recently, a high proportion of
people in Third World societies fit this description.

As noted, the relatively high levels of insulin and free
IGF-I characteristic of advanced societies can act directly on
their target tissues to promote cancer induction. They can also
act in indirect ways to boost cancer risk. In particular, this
pattern of hormone activity tends to accelerate sexual maturation
in girls and increase blood levels of free sex hormones 9,10.
These circumstances are known to increase risk for breast and
endometrial cancers. Obesity, per se, increases estrogen levels
in postmenopausal women, as fat cells are capable of producing
estrogen from other circulating steroid hormones 11.

Of course, at Oasis of Hope we are primarily focused on
treating cancer rather than preventing it. What is the relevance of
these considerations to cancer treatment? Insulin and/or free IGF-I
have growth factor activity for many, though not all, cancers. This
growth factor activity makes cancer cells multiply faster, increase
their capacity to spread throughout the body, evoke angiogenesis,
lessen their rate of spontaneous cell death, and render them less
sensitive to elimination by chemotherapy 12. In other words, if
a cancer is sensitive to either insulin or free IGF-I, a patients
prognosis will be better if the insulin and free IGF-I levels are
kept relatively low. Admittedly, some cancers arent responsive
to these hormones. Since there arent any simple inexpensive
tests that can determine this, its prudent to assume that a cancer
is responsive to these hormones.

Working with volunteers enrolled in the Pritikin dietexercise program, Dr. James Barnard and colleagues of UCLA
have done some studies that beautifully illustrate these points
. They took serum samples from patients who were about
to enroll in the program, and then took serum from the same
patients after they had been on the program for 3 weeks. They
also obtained serum from people who had followed the Pritikin
Program for a number of years. To clarify, the Pritikin Program

requires people to eat an unrefined quasi-vegan diet, very low

in total fat, moderate in protein, and high in carbohydrate, while
engaging in regular aerobic exercise. People who are overweight
typically lose weight rapidly, a factor that contributes to the
impact of this program on insulin sensitivity. As expected, Dr.
Barnard was able to confirm that, after only 3 weeks, this regimen
was associated with rather substantial reductions in blood levels
of both insulin and free IGF-I.

These researchers then took human prostate cancer cell
lines and incubated them in the various serums obtained from
the Pritikin patients and the long-term Pritikin devotees. They
observed that the cancer cells grew more slowly, and were more
prone to apoptotic cell death, when incubated in the post-Pritikin
serum (the serum obtained after 3 weeks of the program) than
when incubated in the pre-Pritikin serum. The serum from longterm Pritikinists was even less supportive of cancer cells growth.
The cancer cells grew 44% more slowly, and had a manifold
higher rate of spontaneous cell death as contrasted to cells grown
in pre-Pritikin serum. More recent studies with breast cancer cell
lines have yielded similar though less dramatic findings 15.

Meanwhile, Dr. Dean Ornish has been conducting a
remarkable study with volunteers who are in the early stages
of prostate cancer 16. Volunteers were randomized either to
participate in a special diet-lifestyle program or to receive
standard care. The program consists of a very-low-fat (about
10% fat calories), wholly vegan diet, emphasizing whole foods,
complemented by regular aerobic exercise and stress control
training. This program is rather like a more stringently vegan
version of the Pritikin Program. Ornish is following the clinical
progress of these patients by monitoring their PSA levels. During
the first year, PSA decreased on average by 4% by those enrolled
in this lifestyle program, while on average it rose 6% in the

control group. Furthermore, as in Barnards Pritikin studies, a

prostate cancer cell line grew much less rapidly in serum obtained
from patients enrolled in the lifestyle program, as compared to
serum obtained from the patients serving as controls.

Of related interest are recent studies in women with breast
cancer. Those with relatively high insulin levels have a decidedly
poorer prognosis than those with relatively low insulin levels
. In patients with either breast or colorectal cancer, significant
aerobic exercise training equivalent to brisk walking for a halfhour a day has been linked to improved prognosis. This is hardly
surprising since exercise tends to improve insulin sensitivity.
The effect was substantial as optimal levels of exercise were
associated with reductions in risk of cancer mortality of 50% or
more 19-21. Studies also demonstrate that exercise training prior to
and during cancer chemotherapy may have a favorable impact on
immune function, tends to offset the fatigue often associated with
such therapy, and may have other favorable effects on perceived
quality of life 22,23.

We thus have strong reason to suspect that lifestyle
factors can have a major impact on survival in prostate, breast,
and colorectal cancers. Not unlikely, comparable findings will be
established with respect to certain other cancers as well once the
pertinent studies are conducted.

Oasis of Hope thus recommends its cancer patients to
modify their lifestyles in ways that will reduce their blood levels
of insulin and free IGF-I. This recommendation is of particular
importance for patients with breast, colorectal, or prostate cancer.
It may be prudent for patients with other types of cancer to heed
this advice as well.

Ideally, it is desirable for patients to adopt a wholly plantbased diet. The exception is fish oil capsules, which will not have
a negative impact on insulin sensitivity. Ideally, it is desirable for
patients to adopt a wholly plant-based diet.

The exception is fish oil capsules, which will not have a negative
impact on insulin sensitivity. This diet is low in total fats
(under 15% of calories) and moderate in protein. Bean and soy
consumption should be moderate as well. Since high-glycemicindex carbohydrates can markedly boost post-meal insulin levels,
it may be advisable to emphasize whole-food carbohydrate
sources that are relatively low in glycemic index. This includes
pastas, most whole fruits, and whole-grain products that are
relatively structurally intact. For example, sprouted wheat breads
as compared to wheat flour breads.

This dietary program should be complemented by regular
aerobic exercise. Exercise where the patient supports his/her own
weight, such as brisk walking, stair-climbing, elliptical gliders, or
treadmills, is preferable. For patients less than ideally thin, Oasis
of Hope has a very effective regimen for fat loss. The Oasis of
Hope Leanness Program is based on a mini-fast with exercise
strategy developed by Austrian physician Dr. Babak Bahadori 24.
When volunteers from the hospital staff tried this program on
themselves, the participants on average lost one-quarter of their
initial body fat. The best thing about this program is that it is
sustainable for life, and does not require calorie counting or carb

For patients that are unwilling to adopt a fully vegan diet,
a more modest benefit can result by adopting a Mediterranean
diet in conjunction with regular exercise. The Mediterranean
approach to eating discourages the consumption of red meat and
fatty dairy products, allows moderate amounts of lean white meat
or fish, and emphasizes large intakes of fruits, vegetables (often
sauted in olive oil), beans, and whole grains. This approach
tends to improve insulin sensitivity because it minimizes intakes
of saturated fat while often increasing those of unsaturated fat. A
low ratio of saturated to unsaturated fats tends to improve insulin
sensitivity 25.

This strategy probably wont lower free IGF-I or boost insulin

sensitivity as effectively as a low-fat vegan diet, but it is likely
to be protective relative to the fatty meat-based diets favored by
most Americans.

The Mediterranean dietary tradition encourages
moderated consumption of wine with meals. In fact, there is
some evidence that moderate regular alcohol consumption (beer
or liquors count too, not just wine) can have a favorable influence
on insulin sensitivity 26, is associated with slightly lower free
IGF-I levels 27,28, and may even increase life expectancy 29,30. So
there doesnt seem to be any good reason why cancer patients
should abstain from alcohol if consumption stays in a healthful
range. Excessive alcohol intake can degrade insulin sensitivity
and create many health risks. For men, that means no more
than three drinks a day. Since women absorb alcohol more
efficiently, they should consume no more than two drinks a day.

Are there any foods that may be specifically beneficial
to cancer patients? Certain vegetables notably cruciferous
vegetables (cabbage, broccoli, cauliflower, kale, etc.) and allium
vegetables (onions and garlic) contain compounds that induce a
so-called phase II response. That is, they cause the bodys cells
to make higher levels of various antioxidants as well as enzymes
which assist in the detoxification of carcinogens and drugs 31,32.
Theoretically, this could make healthy normal tissues more
resilient when they have to cope with cytotoxic chemotherapeutic
drugs or radiotherapy. Whether this strategy could be of real
practical importance to patients undergoing chemotherapy
is not yet clear. In any case, such foods might reduce risk for
developing additional cancers, and they certainly wont harm the
overall health of a person.

Another food with particular promise for cancer patients
may be spirulina. Very recent research shows that spirulina contains
high amounts of a phytonutrient known as phycocyanobilin

(PCB for short not to be confused with the polychlorinated

biphenyls that are environmental hazards!) that can act as a potent
inhibitor of the chief source of excess oxidant stress in the body,
the enzyme complex NADPH oxidase 33,34. There is growing
evidence that NADPH oxidase is activated in many cancers,
and this activity tends to boost the proliferation and spread of
cancer cells while protecting them from apoptotic cell death 35-37.
Moreover, NADPH oxidase activity in endothelial cells is now
known to play a key role in the process of angiogenesis 38,39. Thus,
there is good reason to suspect that partial inhibition of NADPH
oxidase may help to slow the spread of certain cancers, both by
direct effects on cancer cells and by an anti-angiogenic effect.
Oral administration of spirulina in rodents has anti-inflammatory
effects that probably are attributable to inhibition of NADPH
oxidase. It seems likely that suitably high intakes of spirulina
would have a comparable impact in humans.

A further potential advantage of spirulina for cancer patients
is that it contains polysaccharides that have immunostimulant
activity when administered orally. This might boost the ability of
natural killer cells or cytotoxic T lymphocytes to slow or prevent
the metastatic spread of a cancer 40. Thus, until more relevant
data is available, it is prudent for cancer patients to take up to
two heaping tablespoons of spirulina daily (one twice daily).
Spirulina is most palatable when incorporated into smoothies
featuring such ingredients as fruit juice, soy milk, and bananas or
other whole fruit.

The Oasis of Hope Kitchen

Virtually anyone who has had the opportunity to dine at
the Oasis of Hope could testify that the food served is one of the
highlights of the overall experience. Though the doctors, nurses
and medical scientists do their best for the patients, the true
genius of the Oasis of Hope kitchen staff must be acknowledged.
The food served at Oasis of Hope is consistent with the dietary
principles discussed above. Everything is either vegan, or contains
modest amounts of fish, chicken, or eggs, in the Mediterranean
style. Whole grains are emphasized, fruits, fresh juices, beans,
vegetables, and soups are available in profusion, and the dishes
are almost always low in fat and salt. This may sound a bit
spartan but in fact the food is invariably delicious. The dining
experience at Oasis of Hope teaches that it is feasible to eat a
diet that promotes optimal health while providing real culinary
pleasure at the same time. Our intent is that patients will take
this insight home with them, and will continue eating healthfully
in the way they have learned at Oasis of Hope.

Meal times are not just about food; they are also an occasion
for friendship, camaraderie, and laughter. In the dining commons,
patient and staff interact and it is often difficult to tell who the
patient is because they are encouraged to dress in comfortable
clothing verses the typical hospital gown that often leaves much
to be desired. It is frequent to see diners continuing to receive
i.v. infusions of chemotherapy or vitamin C while they enjoy the
delicious food. Meals are an excellent chance for patients to get
to know each other better, and to share their experiences coping
with cancer. It is heartwarming to see how often laughter breaks
out, as diners exchange jokes and amusing anecdotes. For the
patients, dining at Oasis of Hope not only nourishes the body, but
also contributes to promoting their emotional and spiritual well
being its a key part of the healing experience.

Emotional Support at Oasis of Hope

What if a person facing cancer was forced to decide
between being cared for by a doctor or a counselor? Whom
would he/she choose? Most people recognize that speaking with
a counselor would be helpful - but not at the cost of not being
able to see their doctor. A person might be thought crazy if they
chose to see a psychologist instead of the oncologist. In most
hospitals, patients do not encounter this dilemma. The choice has
already been made. It is rare to find counseling provided in cancer
treatment centers. At best, there may be a social worker who
comes for a quick interview. Notes are entered into the medical
file and that is it. Two years ago, the Oasis of Hope director of
counseling attended the annual convention of the Association of
Oncology Social Workers. The director came back very excited
about working at Oasis of Hope, explaining during breaks at the
conference, other social workers would ask about the program at
Oasis of Hope. They all were amazed that Oasis of Hope truly
integrates emotional support into its treatment program, and they
stated that they could only dream of working in such a place. In
most cancer treatment centers, emotional support is a nice thought
that happens minimally if at all.

This is not the case at Oasis of Hope. Counseling is
an integral part of the treatment program. Why? Cancer, its
symptoms, and treatments, will tax the strongest of people.
Fear, anxiety, anger and other strong emotions are promoted by
cancer, and few people have had to deal with such a difficult
situation that stresses them in so many different ways at the same
time. The whole experience can affect a persons sense of self,

employment, energy level, sexuality, interpersonal relationships,

hopes and dreams, hobbies, and faith. All of these issues, if
not managed adequately, can have a negative influence on the
treatment outcome of a patient. In fact, depression is fairly
common in cancer patients, and this is quite understandable 1.
More than 2000 years ago, the Greeks recognized instinctively
that health and emotions always came together. For Hippocrates,
the father of medicine, some factors were essential to achieving
health, like a healthy diet, pure water, exercise, and support of
family and friends. But essential too were the emotions, as well
as relaxing activities that soothed them 2.

The Oasis of Hope approach likewise emphasizes the
connection between the emotions and physical outcome. An
individuals constitution at birth, which is mainly genetically
determined, and his/her coping skills, which depend largely on
personality, can lead to the development of disease later in life 3,4.
Some decades ago, scientists began to define the ways in which
emotional distress can affect our immunity and predispose us to
certain illnesses such as cancer 5.

Beginning back in the 1950s, L. LeShan 4,6 dedicated
decades to studying and reviewing the literature on this matter,
and concluded that there were four key types of personality
characteristics that tended to lead to the beginning of malignancy
in cancer patients 7:

1. The loss of an important emotional relationship

2. An inability to express anger or resentment
3. An unusual amount of self-dislike and distress
4. Feelings of hopelessness and helplessness

Furthermore, chronic stress affects the body negatively in
several other ways. Through imbalance of the autonomic nervous
system, it affects the rhythm of the beats of the heart, and may

induce abnormal cell division that could potentially promote

cancer 8. Also, stress might be able to impair the bodys defenses
against cancer by altering the molecular mechanisms responsible
for repairing faulty DNA in cells 9.

At Oasis of Hope, there are a number of counselors on
staff to help patients learn how to manage the stress of cancer, and
to help them transition from a feeling of hopelessness to a feeling
of empowerment. The counselors help patients experience and
work through the normal emotional stages of a cancer crisis.

The first stage experienced by most people is shock.
Imagine being blind-sided so unexpectedly and hard that you had
no clue what hit you? That is exactly the feeling that overwhelms
a person when a doctor states, We found cancer. When a person
is in shock, family, friends and a support team are critical.

The next stage is denial. Think of a child falling down
hard on the playground during P.E. and hearing the other kids
gasp, ooooohhhh. The natural instinct is to pop right up and
declare, Im okay! only to look down and see the bloody knee.
Then, the delayed tears would come. When a patient is diagnosed,
he may wish to bounce right back stating, Im okay, Im going to
be okay. He may state, Those doctors are wrong, I am going to
get a second opinion. He may have even waited days or weeks
until he was willing to share the news with loved ones. This is

Fear is the third emotional stage. A flurry of questions
and doubts begin to race through when reality sets in. All the
unknowns create strong emotions of fear and anxiety. Patients
often contemplate many unsettling questions such as, Am I
going to die? Am I going to have lots of pain? Will I suffer much
from the treatments? If I die, who is going to take care of my
children? The natural tendency is to keep these fears private.
The unnatural thing to do is to externalize and address fears. The
healthy thing to do is to share with others exactly what is being

Grief is a normal part of experiencing a diagnosis of
cancer and the ensuing treatment. Few people realized how
many feelings of loss a patient goes through. The seeming loss
of hopes and dreams for the future can bring on grief. The loss
of a normal routine can feel devastating. A person should not go
through this process alone.

Feelings of loss are normally followed by the fifth stage,
which is anger. Think of a child who has his toy snatched away
from him by a bully. At first, he doesnt know what happened.
Then, he cant believe it. His fear of the bully is paralyzing and
then he starts to cry. After a time of crying, he gets angry. It is
common for a patient to express anger and frustration.

Anger is followed by a stage of guilt. Questions of Why
me? and What did I do to deserve this? are common. With the
help of Oasis of Hope counselors, the feelings of anger and grief
can be transformed into the seventh stage, which is acceptance
and resolve. When a patient is able to accept the situation, she
is emotionally ready to hope and believe that healing is possible,
and then she can find the courage to take action, knowing all the
time that the treatment outcome may not be what is desired.

Sarah Mahoney authored a great guideline for what to
do when diagnosed with cancer entitled This is Your Brain On
Illness 10. In her article, Mahoney acknowledges the emotional
stages that a cancer patient experiences, and she specifies actions
that can be taken to manage the stress and make effective
treatment decisions. Her main points are: 1) The first 5 minutes:
Youre in shock, just take it all in; 2) The first 24 hours: You seize
control. Dont commit to treatment yet; 3) The first week: You hit
a slump; 4) Identify your feelings; 5) Recruit your A team; 6)
Investigate self-management programs; 7) Embrace your inner
grouch; 8) Resist redefining yourself.

There is a close link between the experience of mind
and the physiological performance of the body 11. The body is

equipped with psychological and biological mechanisms that

allow the brain and immune system to communicate with each
other. Physical function and the way a person thinks, reacts,
copes, and perceives emotions, are all connected and influence
each other.

All cognitions, feelings and emotions are chemical. They
influence the biochemistry and physiology of a person at the
cellular level. They can produce changes within the endocrine
and immune systems in diverse ways, including modulation of
specialized nerve pathways and chemical messengers 11. The
renowned pathologist David Felton first discovered that the
spleen contains nerve fibers that are intimately associated with
the cells of the immune system, such as lymphocytes and natural
killer cells. Both the nerve endings and the immune cells produce
similar message molecules, such as neuropeptides, referred to
by Candace Pert in her book as the Molecules of Emotion 12.
Norman Cousins, the great scholar and humanitarian, confirmed
this concept in his book Head First: The Biology of Hope with
this statement, The human mind converts ideas and expectations
into biochemical realities 13.

The Oasis of Hope counselors have the insight that when
negative emotions and stressors are managed adequately, the
patient can leverage his/her emotional energy toward healing.
One of the most effective ways to help a patient transition from
fear and anxiety to hope and faith is by helping him/her build a
social support system. This is unnatural at first. The tendency for
people in crisis is to withdraw socially. But isolation increases
emotional distress. Activities that facilitate communication and
social interaction help decrease a patients anxiety and stress
levels. Story telling 14, group therapy, and even cancer support
groups through video conferencing 15 are all effective at improving
a patients outlook. The main point is that cancer is

not a journey that should be taken alone. To successfully navigate

all of the roadblocks, pitfalls, and sinkholes of cancer, one must
reach out to others.

The attitude and will that a patient has can have a big
impact on whether or not health will be recovered. At Oasis of
Hope patients are active partners in all stages of treatment, rather
than passive recipients of medical intervention. By becoming
actively involved in a self-healing process, patients can shift from
the feelings of helplessness and hopelessness that increase the
impairment of the immune system, to a sense of control. There is
evidence that being empowered with knowledge and being part
of the decision-making process results in an improved health
outcome; whereas passivity and apparent lack of control may be
harmful to health 16. The Oasis of Hope Emotional Support Team
helps each patient participate in her own healing process, develop
a passionate involvement with life, and find a unique purpose and
meaning in illness and in health. This is the principle reason why
Oasis of Hope has not reduced emotional support to a single visit
from a social worker for a quick assessment. The counseling
program has daily activities and is a full part of the treatment
Through education sessions, group therapy, individual
counseling, laughter therapy, and music and art programs, the
counselors at Oasis of Hope support patients as they transform a
paradigm of helplessness to a new hope-filled outlook. Patients
learn the advantages of taking care of the physical, emotional,
and spiritual aspects of their lives. Counselors motivate patients
and companions to make positive changes in their thinking style
by helping them to understand the big impact that the mind has
on health.

If a shift from a perception that a person is dying from
cancer can be made toward a renewed sense that a person is
dealing with cancer, much of the emotional distress and burdens
are alleviated. People need permission to engage in life and
enjoy each day whether cancer is present or not. The essence of
the Oasis of Hope emotional support program is just that. It is an
invitation to live each day to the fullest.

Caring for the Spirit at Oasis of Hope

Patients at Oasis of Hope in the 1960s through the early
2000s, would daily witness a kind old gentleman in a doctors
coat getting out of his burgundy Mercury Grand Marquis and
pulling out his briefcase and guitar case from the trunk. As aged
and frail as he was, his heart-felt smile and greeting brought
strength to anyone who was so fortunate to have met him. Dr.
Ernesto Contreras, Sr., founder of the Oasis of Hope, had been
providing his unique blend of scientific medicine and healing art
to the patients at the hospital for more than 35 years.

Dr. Contreras, Sr. would see patients in his consultation
office in the mornings to go over lab work and explain medical
treatments. In the afternoons, he would get together with all of
his patients for fellowship. He would take his guitar and a joke
book. Often his jokes were stale but he would laugh so hard
and sincerely that everyone would join in the fun. When it came
time to sing, he would pull out his songbook. When he realized
he couldnt read the small type, he would borrow glasses from
the person closest to him. Often, a woman named Peggy would
lend her oversized pink framed glasses to Dr. Contreras. He may
not have sung like Elton John, but some of the glasses he would
borrow could have come right out of Sir Elton Johns private

He loved to share incredible facts such as ironic doctors
names he came across including the pediatrician named Dr. Kidd,
the radiotherapist named Dr. Burns, and the cardiologist named
Dr. Hart. What was remarkable was to see smiles come across the
faces of many people in the room who were facing the difficult
reality of cancer.

Many of his songs were comical as well. He would take
lyrics penned by his patients and sing them to the tune of popular
folk songs. Imagine singing to the tune of Deep In The Heart
of Texas words like, The Contreras diet, you better best try it
(clap, clap, clap, clap), deep in the heart of Oasis. The enzymes
too, you need a few (clap, clap, clap, clap), deep in the heart of
Oasis. As he would have his patients sing along with him, more
smiles would brighten and an occasional tear of relief would be
shed. When a patient was discharged, Dr. Contreras would sing
his Farewell song to send him off with a blessing and love until
the next time they would meet.

After jokes and songs, he would ask everyone to form a
circle, hold hands and pray. He would pray in a very low and
humble voice. He had a simple faith that was contagious. To
close, he would prescribe 12 hugs and more tears of relief and joy
would often come to the eyes of many.

This story is more than heartwarming; it is fundamental
for the treatment approach at Oasis of Hope. Though there were
no published clinical trials on the healing importance of a patients
spirituality when Dr. Contreras, Sr. opened Oasis of Hope in 1963,
intuitively, he knew that he must address the needs of the whole
personbody, mind and spirit. It was because of Dr. Contreras,
Sr.s vision of lifting a patients spirit that he would integrate
music, laughter, prayer and hugs into his medical program. This
integration of spiritual support continues to be a hallmark of the
Oasis of Hope total care approach - a 45 - year healing legacy.

As scientists, we do not fully understand how the
spirituality of a patient impacts his or her health. A number of
clinical studies are beginning to skim the surface of this intriguing

One explanation of how the spirit of a person can impact his/
her physical health could include the linear relationship between
the spirit, mind and body. If there were one word to sum up this
linear relationship, it would be psychoneuroendocrinology.

Imagine that a person receives a diagnosis of cancer. This
person may be riddled with fear and anxiety related to death,
symptoms, and treatment. If the patient had faith that God was
going to help, no matter what the outcome would be, this faith
would generate positive emotions of peace and maybe even joy.
When these emotions were transferred from the soul of the person
to the brain, the brain would send signals to the endocrine system
that would then produce chemicals that could bring relief from
pain and a sense of well-being to the patient.

Another patient with no faith may feel hopeless. This
would generate negative emotions that would arrive to the
brain. When distress signals are received by the brain, orders are
fired out to the endocrine system to produce chemicals such as
adrenaline and cortisol to help the patient fight or flee from the
perceived danger. These chemicals are helpful in short bursts
but when a patient is distressed over a long period of time, the
chemicals begin to depress the immune system. A depressed
immune system will not help a patient heal.

The interconnection of a persons body, mind and spirit
is really not linear at all. It is more like overlapping circles. But
it is easy to see how the spirit can affect the emotions that in
turn stimulate a physiological response. There are many studies
that confirm that a patients spirituality can ease psychological
stress. Patients report that spirituality is an excellent way of
coping 1. Patients have indicated that sharing prayer and religious
expression has been effective at lowering emotional distress even
when it is done through online chat rooms 2.

Because Oasis of Hope goes beyond cancer eradication to
concentrate on the quality of life the patient experiences, spiritual
support is emphasized. Clinical studies confirm that religious
coping has a positive impact and improves the quality of life in
cancer patients 3.

In one study with 27 breast cancer patients, 26 out of the
27 stated that spiritual faith could help cancer patients recuperate,
citing prayer, dependence on God, and social support from the
faith community as being effective 4. Another study with 84
patients concluded that helping a patient find meaning in life
through spirituality had a positive impact on a patients ability to
manage the emotional strain of cancer 5.

Whether a person professes a belief in God or not, everyone
has spiritual needs. In cancer patients, some of the top spiritual
needs include: time to think; hope; dealing with unresolved
issues; preparation for death; expression of true feelings without
being judged; and the opportunity to speak about important
relationships 6. Such needs should not be overlooked. In most
hospitals, a visit by a chaplain may happen or it may not. Some
families may call a local pastor to come and visit. Usually a time
of sharing followed by prayer will happen in these cases and the
patient and family members often feel supported. At Oasis of
Hope, spiritual support is not an optional accessory. Spiritual
health and needs are acknowledged and addressed to the extent
that a patient is open to the opportunities from devotions, praise
and worship, and prayer times.

Clinical trials confirm the importance of faith, prayer,
religious expression, and shared faith. Dr. Contreras, Sr.
envisioned an Oasis of Hope with spiritual healing. Today, the
spiritual support program thrives as patients become active parts
in their healing and the healing of others.

A missionary who provides spiritual counseling at Oasis
of Hope recounts some of his experiences:

This is a story of a woman that came to Oasis of Hope as a
patient. Even before she came she recognized that she had a need
to get rid of any baggage that she might have from her past in
order for a complete healing. After a few days at Oasis of Hope,
during one of the morning devotions, she burst out and talked
about the hurts of her past and how they had affected her whole
life and she did not know how to forgive. Our Spiritual Support
Team came together and talked with her and offered comfort and
prayer. It was during that time that she was able to release those
hurts and feel Gods love for her in a tangible way. A year later
she still attributes her healing to this moment knowing that what
she would do medically would work because she had laid down
that burden.

This other story tells us about a patient who came through
the Oasis of Hope Program for three consecutive treatments. At
the end of her treatment she was given a report of being cancer
free. A report that many people hope to hear. She broke down
crying and came to the spiritual team one day. She couldnt be
happy about her good report. She was sure the cancer would
come back if she did not change how she felt about her husband.
Our team prayed with her, so that she would let go of the things
of the past.

Oasis of Hope IRT Survival Statistics

Though the scientific basis for the IRT protocols have
been substantiated in this book, for many, it all comes down to
survival statistics. Recently, we analyzed the survival of the first
group of patients who have been treated with our relatively new
IRT-Q and IRT-C protocols. Because these protocols have been
in place for only several years, we obviously have not been able to
calculate 5-year survivals yet, but we have been able to determine
meaningful 1- and 2-year survivals for the most common types
of cancer treated with the IRT-Q protocol. For the current IRT-C
protocol, which has now been in use for a little under 2 years,
we have had enough experience to calculate 1-year survivals in
breast, lung, and colorectal cancer. Since most patients who come
to Oasis of Hope have advanced metastatic disease when they get
here, we have restricted this analysis to patients who were stage
4 at the time of diagnosis, so that our results can be compared
objectively with those of other medical centers. Stage 4 usually
means that metastases are present in distant organs. Also, we
have included only those patients who were sufficiently healthy to
complete at least 3 courses of therapy, which usually takes about
3 months. In patients diagnosed with stage 4 breast cancer, we
have also done a separate analysis for those patients who arrived
at Oasis of Hope within 6 months of their diagnosis. For many
of these patients, Oasis of Hope was their first treatment option.

Tables I and II display our results. The results of
conventional treatment which we have included for comparison
are derived from the National Cancer Institutes recent (2007)

SEER Survival Monograph Cancer Survival Among Adults

U.S. SEER Program, 1988-2001. This publication provides
average cancer survival rates in major regions of the United
States. Unfortunately, this volume does not provide 2-year
survivals rates for colorectal cancer, so in this case we have used
the 2-year survival results of a major medical center in Toronto.
The results seem reasonably concordant with the 1-year results
published in the SEER monograph.
Table I. Survival Rates for Stage IV Cancer IRT-Q
Type of

Oasis IRT-Q

Conventional Treatment *

Survival (%)

Survival (%)

Survival (%)

Survival (%)

























*National Cancer Institute: U.S. SEER survival monograph 2007

**Patients in whom Oasis of Hope was the 1st treatment option

It is clear that, in terms of survival, Oasis of Hope patients
are doing better than those receiving the average standard of care
in the U.S. In particular, survival in lung cancer is strikingly better.
We are not doing as well with colorectal cancer. This cancer is
typically resistant to available chemotherapies. But, even here
our results appear to be superior to conventional treatment. Note
also that our results with stage 4 breast cancer patients who came
to Oasis soon after diagnosis are quite good a doubling of twoyear survival relative to conventional therapy.

With respect to the admittedly preliminary results of the
IRT-C protocol, it is encouraging that, even without chemotherapy
treatments, our patients have been doing better than those on
conventional therapy.

Admittedly, we cant claim that many of these patients
have been cured in the sense that the cancer has been
eliminated and wont come back. But it does seem that we are
making some progress toward the goal of turning advanced
cancer into a chronic disease that can be managed in the long
term rather like diabetes as opposed to a rapid death sentence.
And remember that our IRT protocols are in a constant state of
evolution barely a month goes by that we dont add some new
element to our regimens, or modify them in a way that seems
likely to improve their efficacy. So we are cautiously optimistic
that we are on the right track, and that our results will continue to
improve over the coming years.
Table II. Survival Rates for Stage IV Cancer IRT-C

Type of

Oasis IRT-C


Survival (%)

Survival (%)












*National Cancer Institute: U.S. SEER survival monograph 2007

**Patients in whom Oasis of Hope was the 1st treatment option

These results are promising and suggest that Oasis of
Hope should continue to evaluate new therapies and find ways
to integrate new proven modalities into a comprehensive cancer
management program that can improve the prognosis of a patient,
his quality of life, and his ability to engage in normal activities.
This is the commitment of the members of the Oasis of Hope
Health Group.


Uncertainty complicates any and all endeavors; acquiesce
to it, and failure is assured. The innumerable variables cancer
poses makes it a formidable foe. Those that remain static in their
quest to conquer it are doomed, be they researchers, oncologists,
or patients. Every advance in the knowledge of cancers intricate
biology brings along a new set of uncertainties; but new
opportunities also arise.

No one can deny the success that basic research has
brought about in the last three decades. Billions of dollars have
been granted to hundreds of thousands of scientists who have
gained fame in the prestigious world of cancer research, over
1.5 million scientific publications attest to their relentless work

It is largely due to the constant stream of new information
coming from this research that has made it possible for the Oasis
of Hope Clinical Research Organization to develop and improve
its Integrative Regulatory Therapies. Whether some of the
research of the various institutes and companies has been profit
driven or not, the reality is that we are able to take much of this
information and provide benefit to our patients.

Im proud of the percentage of patients we have been
able to help survive cancer in the history of our institution. As
we advance and modify our therapies, many have advised that I
should not change our proven approach. But the patients that
we could not help are a constant reminder that the good is the
enemy of the excellent. Not everything that is new is better and
not everything that is old is outdated. A balance of the innovative
with the time-tested is the premise of our forward approach to a
dynamic development of new therapies.

In the ideal world, researchers, clinicians, and investors
should be working together to develop therapies that are successful,
well tolerated by the patients, easy to apply, and affordable.
Though this point of view may categorize me as an idealist, I
persist in the quest to develop effective and efficient therapies.
Im proud, blessed, and extremely grateful for the enormously
talented team that has joined the Oasis of Hope to envision and
seek the impossible dream of alleviating the world of cancer.

Francisco Contreras, MD
Chairman & President
Oasis of Hope Health Group

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