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Exam Explorer Repetytorium Do Gimnazjum

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Dorota Ostaszewska
Ksymena Klemiriska



Unit 1:
Unit 2:
Unit 3:
Unit 5:
Unit 6:
Unit 7:
Unit 8:
Unit 9:
Unit 10:
Unit 11 :
Unit 12:
Unit 13:
Unit 14:

Unit 15:

Cztowiek Be yourself / 3
Zycie rodzinne i towarzyskie
Make friends / 11
Dom Feel at home / 19
Praca Keep up a good work! / 27
Zywienie Eat well / 35
Zdrowie Take care ofyourself! / 43
Sport Keep fit! / 51
Zakupy i ustugi Get yourself
something nice / 59
Kultura Look for inspiration / 67
Podr6iowanie i turystyka
Travel the world / 75
Swiat przyrody Get back to nature / 83
Nauka i technika Surf the Net / 91
Szkota Live and learn / 99
Elementy wiedzy 0 swiecie
i krajach danego obszaru j~zykowego
Polish up your English / 105
Srodki masowego przekazu
Change the world / 111



Trese (1) / 118

Sp6jnose i logika wypowiedzi (1) / 119
Poprawnose srodk6w j~zykowych (1) / 120
Zakres srodk6w j~zykowych (1) / 121
Trese (2) / 122
Sp6jnose i logika wypowiedzi (2) / 123
Poprawnose srodk6w j~zykowych (2) / 124
Zakres srodk6w j~zykowych (2) / 125
Trese (3) / 126
Sp6jnose i logika wypowiedzi (3) / 127
Poprawnose srodk6w j~zykowych (3) / 128
Zakres srodk6w j~zykowych (3) / 129
Trese (4) / 130
Sp6jnose i logika wypowiedzi (4) / 131
Bank wyrazen / 132

Present simple / 136

Present continuous / 137
Present simple & present continuous / 138
Past simple / 140
Past continuous / 141
Past simple & past continuous / 142
Present perfect / 144
Present perfect & present simple / 145
Present perfect & past simple / 146
Past perfect / 148


Past perfect & past simple / 149

Past tenses / 150
Be going to & will / 152
Present tenses with future meaning / 154
Time clauses / 155
Modal verbs / 156
Modal verbs (2) / 158
Verb patterns / 160
Questions / 163
Indirect questions / 165
Reported speech - statements / 166
Reported speech - commands / 167
Reported speech - questions / 168
Passive voice / 170
Conditional sentences / 172
Countable & uncountable nouns / 174
Quantifiers / 175
Plural nouns / 176
Nouns: possessive forms / 177
Articles / 178
Indefinite pronouns & determiners / 181
Pronouns / 182
Relative pronouns & relative clauses / 184
Adjectives / 186
Adverbs / 188
Prepositions / 190
This, that, these, those, it & there / 193
Linking words & expressions / 194
Srodki j~zykowe


Ttumaczenie fragment6w zdan / 196

Transformacje / 200
Uzupetnianie zdan / 206
stowotw6rstwo / 209
POD LUPJ\ - przewodnik po egzaminie



Poziom egzaminu / 214

Zadania na dobieranie / 215
Zadania na uzupetnianie luk w tekscie / 219
Zadania prawda/fatsz / 220
Zadania wielokrotnego wyboru / 223


lekcje dodatkowe


Slownik z zapisem fonetycznym


Lista czasownik6w nieregularnych




0:. ........._
Ustyszysz szesc odpowiedzi na pytanie 0 ulubione ubranie. Przyporzetdkuj
przedstawiajetceje ilustracje (A-F) poszczegolnym osobom, wpisujetc numery (1-6). Postuchaj nagrania
ponownie i podpisz rysunki zgodnie z jego tresciet.

D _ __


D _ __

D _ __

Podpisz zdj~cia (A-F) odpowiednimi

rzeczownikami z ramki. Odpowiedz na
pytania w odniesieniu do wszystkich rzeczy
wymienionych w ramce.

_ _ D _ __

D _____

What's your
piece of
that makes
you feel
Which of
your clothes
are of
value to

Postuchaj nagrania i wpisz brakujetce stowa. Odpowiedz

na pytania.
What kind of clothes do you like wearing? What kind of clothes
do you prefer others to wear?

Which do you like more?

1 a casual style or an
something fashionable or something _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ shoes or high-heels
4 tight-fitting T-shirts or _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ T-shirts
5 short-sleeved
or sleeveless ones
or polo-necks
or checked ones
or plain ones
W podanych pytaniach zakresl prawidtowet opcj~. Odpowiedz na

1 What colour do you think doesn't suit / fit you?

Are you wearing / carrying a belt? Is it made ofleather or fabric?
Do you always wear / carry an umbrella on rainy days?
4 Do you get dressed / get changed after school?
Do you often buy clothes to match / suit things you already have?
6 When did you last go to a fancy-dress party? What did you dress up /
get dressed as?
Postuchaj nagrania i wpisz brakujetce stowa. Przyjrzyj si~
osobom na zdj~ciu i odpowiedz na pytania zgodnie z wtasnet
ocenet. Porownaj odpowiedzi z innymi osobami w klasie.

Which clothes are mainly worn by women?
Which are always plural? Which usually
come in pairs?
Which are usually worn on formal occasions?
Which of them is a suit made up of?
4 Which are mostly worn at home?
Which of the clothes can have buttons or
6 Which can have a collar?


Is beauty in the eyes of the beholder?

Take the quiz and find out


Do you think the girl looks plump or very

- - - - - - -?
Does the boy look
or too thin?
Do you find the boy _ _ _ _ __
or not very attractive?
In your opinion, is the girl quite pretty or

- - - - - - -?
Do you think the girl is fairly _ _ _ _ __
or she only seems to be so?
Do you think the boy's of medium height

W podanych zdaniach zakresl

prawidtowit opcj~. Odpowiedz na pytania.

The girl has got straight / wavy / curly hair

with a ginger / dyed pink fringe.
Her hair is short / shoulder-length and dark
/ fair.
She's wearing it loose / in plaits
/ in a ponytail.
4 The boy has a crew cut / dreadlocks
/ a spiky Mohican.

Do kaidej sytuacji (1-5) dobierz odpowiedniit
reakcj~: A, B lub C.

Have you ever

wanted to try
a different
Would you
dye your
hair pink or
blue? Do you
like the punk
look? Do you
think these
hairstyles are
too eccentric?

Uzupetnij zdania odpowiednimi wyrazami z ramki. Nast~pnie

zakresl prawidtowit opcj~. Odpowiedz na pytania.

Do you know any adults who don't look their age?

What do you think you will look like when you're
I can / may be
like my father. He lost his hair
when he was twenty something.
or even white hair.
I'll maybe / probably have
I don't think I'll / I'm going to get fat or _ _ _ _ _ __
4 I'll / I might definitely have a lot of
around my
I suppose I'll have poor eyeSight and I will have to / must wear
I doubt if / that I'll have a _______ and a moustache.


Jak pozdrowisz koleiank, kt6rq widzisz po raz

pierwszy dane go dnia?
A How are you?
8 Are you all right?
What do you do?
Jak zapytasz koleg 0 opini na temat swojego
Do you need my opinion?
8 How do I look?
( What are you looking at?
Kolega przymierza w sklepie kurtk
w niewlasciwym rozmiarze. Jak powiesz, ie
kurtka nie pasuje na niego?
It doesn't fit you.
8 It doesn't match.
It doesn't suit you.
4 Jak poprosisz koleiank, aby opisala wyglqd
swojego najlepszego przyjaciela?
What does your best friend look like?
8 What does your best friend like?
How is your best friend doing?
Chcesz kupic buty. Jak zapytasz, czy moiesz je
A Can I take them off?
8 Can I put them on?
( Can I try them on?

Przeczytaj poniiszy tekst, a nast~pnie uzupetnij
luki (1-5) jednym z wyrazow z ramki, tak aby
otrzymac poprawny i logiczny tekst. Pi~c
wyrazow podano dodatkowo i nie pasujit one do
iadnej z luk.


Uzupetnij luki (1-8) odpowiednimi wyraieniami z ramki. Napisz

pytania do podanych odpowiedzi.

I'm Polish.
What _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __
I was born in Torur\..
Where _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __
My name's Jagoda Borowska.

I'm 1.65m tall.

I'm 15.
I weigh 60 kilos.
I live at 20 Kopernika Street.

It's 48102595.

Pari lives in Canada, but her parents come from

Iran. They're quite strict about a lot of things.
For example, Pari isn't 1
stay out late, even at weekends. When she goes
out she 2
to tell them where
she's going and she mustn't
_ _ _ _ _ _ make-up or high-heeled
_______ . At home, they're more
easy-going. They 5
her have
friends around and they can stay as long as
they like.


1 ~ Posluchaj nagrania i wpisz brakujetce slowa. Odpowiedz na pytania.

What are your hobbies? When did you _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ? What got you interested in them?
Can you think of something you were

as a child? When did you _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ it?

Do you know anyone _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ photography?

4 Do you and your friends

the same interests?

What do you think is the favourite

of Polish teenagers?

Do you know any teenagers who have unusual hobbies, for example girls who are _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __
rugby or boys with a great


tE!1D Podpisz zdj~cia (A-F) odpowiednimi

wyraieniami z ramki. Posluchaj wypowiedzi trzech
os6b i przyporzetdkuj im odpowiednie zdj~cia,
wpisujetc numery (1-3). Odpowiedz na pytania.
Do you collect anything?
If so, how big is your collection?

vintage bags

fridge magnets
vinyl records

~ Posluchaj nagrania i wpisz brakujetce slowa.

Napisz odpowiedzi na pytania.

What kind of behaviour makes you feel _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __
or even
How did you feel when you got your last school test results: pleased
Why are students often bored and _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __
4 Were you pleasantly
or rather
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ the last match the Polish football team
Do you _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ when you have to speak in
Is it easy to make you _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ? When were you
last really _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __

Uzupelnij punkty (1-8), wpisujetc z ramki przymiotniki

o przeciwnym znaczeniu. Odpowiedz na pytania.

tidy - _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __
not very clever - _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __
4 quiet - _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __
rude- _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __
6 moody - _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ - self-confident
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ - flexible

H.~ ~s.~

~ i4~~J ~
3J..J.CI CV--<:;t



What are
the most
about Polish
Do you think
they're fair?
do your
say are the
points and
weak points
of your class?

Uzupetnij zdania odpowiednimi przymiotnikami

z ramki. Dwa przymiotniki podano dodatkowo i nie pasuj,!
one do zadnej z luk. Z ktorymi zdaniami si~ zgadzasz?

Uzupetnij luki odpowiednimi przedrostkami, aby

utworzyc przeciwienstwa wyroznionych przymiotnikow.
Z ktorymi zdaniami si~ zgadzasz?

My parents are ___ tolerant of the music I listen to.

They find it strange.
I quickly become ___ patient with children. I couldn't
work as a teacher.
___ responsible and ___ reliable people really
annoy me.
4 Some students don't think that cheating in tests is
It's typical of most of my friends to be ___ punctual.
Shop assistants are often _ __ helpful and
_ __ friendly to teenagers.

I can't stand it when people are _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __

of the things I have or of my success.
I think that girls do better at school because they're more
_ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ than boys.
I wouldn't have the courage to do a bungee jump. I'm not
so _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __

4 When I'm haVing problems, I prefer to talk to a girl

because they're always _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __
These days you mustn't be too _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __
You have to show how good you are.
Grandparents are always more _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __
with money and presents than parents.
W punktach (1-8) zakresl prawidtow'! opcj~. Przeczytaj
tekst ponownie i wybierz jedn,! z odpowiedzi: A, B lub C,
zgodnie z tresci,! tekstu.

Do kazdego tekstu (1-5) dopasuj jedno zdanie (A-F).

Jedno zdanie podano dodatkowo i nie pasuje one do
zadnego z tekstow.






Please queue here




Hi. I'm Agata. I'm an 1 extrovert / introvert who never feels

lonely / alone. I'm really 3 sociable / selfish and 4 funny /
fun to be with. I ask lots of questions, which makes people
think that I'm 5 noisy / nosey. This isn't true at all. I'm just
6 interesting / interested in everyone. My hobby is baseball
and I play in the local girl's team. My sister believes that
girls are too 7 sensitive / sensible to play, but I don't think so.
This year the coach has asked me to be the team captain.
My best friend says this is because I'm 8 quite / much bossy.

In her profile Agata writes about

what people think about her.
the hobbies she and her friends share.
her character and interests.

Do joggers wear dresses? Do joggers look smart?

Please wear respectful clothing

Personal Information


First Name
Last Name
Email Address

When asked, you must present your ID.

This is an email address.
It reminds visitors about the dress code.
It informs shoppers of how many pieces of clothing they
can tryon.
This is a form to fill out.
It informs visitors where they can leave their coats and



The boys ...

have totally different opinions about the clothes.
like exactly the same clothes.
don't agree on everything.

0l!m Ustyszysz dwukrotnie trzy nagrania.

Z podanych moiJiwosci: A, B lub C wybierzjednq, zgodnq
z tresciq nagrania.
What does the missing girl look like?


6 Rob ...
wants to buy new sports shoes.
likes bright colours.
prefers casual clothes.



Przeczytaj trzy ogloszenia dotyczqce planowanych

wydarzen oraz pytania odnoszqce si~ do tych ogloszen.
Do kaidego pytania dopasuj wlasciwe ogloszenie. Wpisz
w pola (1-4) odpowiedniq liter~ (A-C). Uwaga! Jedno
ogloszenie pasuje do dw6ch pytan.

- - ---

What is Anna going to wear to the party?

Which event would be best for

What are the people talking about?

a hobby


oD!mll) Ustyszysz dwukrotnie dwa teksty. Z podanych
moiliwosci: A, B lub C wybierz jednq, zgodnq z tresci q
nagrania. Pierwsze trzy zadania (1-3) odnoszq si~ do
pierwszego tekstu, a kolejne (4-6) do drugiego.

D someone who wants to learn something new?

D someone who's keen on fashion?
D personality?
someone who wants to change something in their
D someone who has too many clothes?


Do you feel like you have nothing

to wear for your next date even
though your wardrobe is packed full
of clothes? A simple solution might be
our wardrobe swap party! Exchange
what you don't need for something you 'd die
for and feel trendy again!

WHEN: Saturday, May 4th, 10 a.m.

WHERE: in the main hall

Ustyszysz monolog.

What do the boy's school friends think of him?

He is sociable.
He is amusing.
He is fun.
The boy says that
his teachers are wrong about him.
his teachers don't think he's intelligent.
he isn't hard-working enough.
The boy...
gets angry when he's told to clean his room.
gets annoyed when his room is messy.
is always in a good mood.

Ustyszysz rozmow~ dwojga przyjaci61.

4 What are the boys doing?

They're broWSing in a clothes shop.
They're watching a fashion show.
They're trying clothes on in a fitting room.

The Happiness Workshops

Saturday, May 4th
Everyone goes all shy or loses their confidence
allimes. Bul if your shyness is a real problem
lhat slops you from talking to people, or if
you're simply too shy to wear something
fashionable because you're afraid of standing
out, you must allend this session.

The workshop is free but we recommend early

booking as places are limited.

itew RectlA(e. series

OYt PSlfc~oRoqlf

Your handwriting can tell much more about your

personality than your clothes. Next week Dr Rita
Karlson is going to talk about how to analyse
hand-written texts. If you're interested, come along
to this practical talk, the first one in the new series,
on May the fourth.

All our talks are open to everyone at 2.



Przeczytaj tekst. Zaznacz, ktore ze zdan (1-5) sit zgodne
zjego tresciit (P - Prawda), a ktore nie (F - Falsz). Zakresl
liter~ P lub F.

Przeczytaj informacje 0 trzech osobach i cztery

ogloszenia osob poszukujitcych nowych znajomosci.
Przyporzitdkuj kaidej osobie jedno ogloszenie, ktorego
tresciit najbardziej bylaby zainteresowana. Wpisz w pola
(1-3) odpowiedniit liter~ (A-D). Jedno ogtoszenie
podano dodatkowo i nie pasuje one do iadnej osoby.

Sci-fi clothing
Michelle lives in a village in the Welsh
mountains. She loves the holidays best
when she can explore the areas but
sometimes feels lonely. She wants to
meet someone she could talk to about the
ancient civilizations and the old way people
spoke in the area she lives in. She also likes
to read fantasy and adventure stories.

Have you ever

thought what
clothes will look
like ten or twenty
years from now?
It may sound
like an idea from
a science-fiction
novel, but spray-on
clothes have already
been invented. In
2007, Manel Torres,
a student at the
Royal College of
Art in London, developed a fabric that comes in a spray
can. He called his invention Fabrican and it can be used to
create skin-tight tops and dresses. Although the product
is already available to buy, will people actually wear it?
Fabrican clothing is very thin and does not provide much
cover or warmth. Until someone invents a thicker version,
fashion models will probably be the only people to use it.
Dresses that change colour with your mood? This probably
seems like an idea straight out of Star Trek. However,
Smart Clothes are tomorrow's street fashion. Thanks to
advances in LED technology, it will soon be possible to
produce electronic lights and screens which will be light
enough to wear as part of your clothing. Sensors will cause
lights to change colour each time your mood changes.
Smart clothes will also allow you to change the patterns
and designs on your clothes whenever you like. If you get
bored with the design on your T-shirt, all you will need to
do is download an image from the Internet and onto an
invisible screen.

Richard lives in an area where there was

a lot of heavy industry: ship building, steel
factories and coalmines. He wants to return
the area to its natural beauty. Recently,
he took part in a campaign that showed
people how to make less rubbish. He often
criticises friends and teachers at school for
not recycling their rubbish. They think he is
too bossy.
Charlene's father works for his country's
diplomatic service. She enjoys the lifestyle
of a diplomat's daughter as it has taught her
a lot about how people live in other parts
of the world. She's in South America at the
moment and is enjoying the chance to learn
Spanish. She often explores the country
with her mum. They love to meet new
people on their trips.
My name is Joanna and I'm worried about how people
destroy the environment. I want to write to people who
- ...believe in recycling and protecting wildlife. My teachers
_ _~ think I am very confident, but they also think I can


dominate and not give my classmates a chance to speak,

but I don't think that's true!
I'm Daniel; my mum is French and my father is from
Mauritius, but I grew up in England. As a result I know
three languages fluently. I travel a lot because I have
family allover the world. I find it very easy to get on with
people and I'm interested in writing to someone with a love
of different cultures.

Quite soon it will be possible to buy Fabrican in the

The writer believes that spray-on clothes will soon
be very popular.
Clothes with electronic lights and screens in them
aren't available yet.
4 The patterns on Smart Clothes change automatically
when your mood changes.
In the future, you will be able to download clothes
from the Internet.



Hi, I'm Rob and I'm really into the popular music scene. I'm
interested in how south American music influences disco
music in Europe and I like it so much I now learn Spanish
_ _--' so I can understand what the songs are about. It is my
dream to become a famous DJ and play in clubs around
the world. I'm very sociable and have many friends. I don't
work very hard but always do well in tests!
Hello, my name is Peter. I like to read Tolkien's The Lord of
the Rings; it's had a big influence on me. I spend most of
my free time patiently working on the different languages
_ _--' that Tolkien invented for the book. I'm a bit lost in my own
world because it's difficult to meet someone with similar
interests in languages and mysterious worlds .



blouse - bluzka
briefs - majtki, slipy
coat - plaszcz
collar - kolnierz
dress - sukienka
hoodie - bluza z kapturem
jacket - marynarka
jeans - diinsy
?"jiama~ - pi~allla
scarf - szalik
shirt - koszula
shorts - szorty, krotkie
skirt - spodnica
socks - skarpety
sweater - sweter
tights - rajstopy
top - bluzka bez rerkawow
tracksuit - dres
trousers - spodnie
waistcoat - kamizelka
wei lies - kalosze

.rmf.ii:Jbelt - pasek
button - guzik
combat boots - glany, buty
w stylu wojskowym
flat shoes - buty na plaskim
hat - kapelusz, czapka
high-heels - buty na
wysokim obcasie
sandals - sandaly
slippers - kapcie
tie - krawat
trainers - buty sportowe
umbrella - parasol
zip - zamek blyskawiczny


baggy - luzny, workowaty

casual - codzienny,
classic - klasyczny
elegant - elegancki
fashionable - modny
loose - luzny
polo-neck - golf (typ swetra)
short-sleeved - z krotkim
sleeveless - bez rerkawow
smart - elegancki
tight-fitting - obcisly
V-neck - z dekoldem w szpic


cheerful - radosny
clever - bystry
dishonest - nieuczciwy
easy-going - niefrasobliwy
flexible - elastyczny
generous - hojny
hard-working - pracowity
honest - uczciwy
impatient - niecierpliwy
intolerant - nietolerancyjny


checked - w krater
patterned - we wzory
plain - gladki
striped - w paski

bOUM"'cQttQn - bawetna.

iH~-:''PC'(',:.ib\ "

fabric - tkanina
leather - skora; skorzany
woollen - welniany



attractive - atrakcyjny
beard - broda
fat - gruby
glasses - okulary
good-looking - atrakcyjny,
medium height - sredniego
middle-aged - w srednim
moustache - Wqsy
obese - otyly
overweight - z nadwagq
plump - pulchny
pretty - ladny
short - niski
slim - szczuply
tall - wysoki
thin - chudy
white hair - siwe wlosy
wrinkles - zmarszczki

bald -lysy
crew cut - fryzura na jeia
curly - krercony
dark - ciemny
dreadlocks - dredy
dye - farbowae
fair - jasny
fringe - grzywka
ginger - rudy
grey - siwy
loose - rozpuszczony
(in) a ponytail- (upleciony)
w konski ogon
(in) plaits - (upleciony)
short - krotki
shoulder-length - do ramion
spiky Mohican - irokez
wavy - falowany

be interested in interesowae sier (czyms)

be into - bye (czyms)
be keen on - bye zapalonym
do (czegos)
favourite pastime - ulubiona
passion - pasja
share interests - dzielie
zain teresowania
take up - ZaCZqe uprawiae


autograph - autograf
fridge magnet - magnes na
jewellery - biiuteria
stamp - znaczek
vintage bag - staroswiecka
vinyl record - plyta winylowa

amused - rozbawiony
angry - zly
disappointed - rozczarowany
feel embarrassed - czue
furious - wSciekly
laugh - smiech
lonely - samotny
shocked (by) - zaszokowany
surprised - zdziwiony
upset - zmartwiony,



bossy - apodyktyczny
brave - odwainy


jealous - zazdrosny
layabout -leniuch
lazy - leniwy
mean - skqpy
messy - balaganiarski
modest - skromny
moody - 0 zmiennych
noisy - halasliwy
nosey - wScibski
open-minded - bez
uprzedzen, otwarty
patient - cierpliwy
polite - uprzejmy
proud - dumny
quiet - cichy, spokojny
reliable - solidny
responsible odpowiedzialny
rude - bezczelny
self-confident - pewny siebie
selfish - samolubny
sensible - rozsqdny
sensitive - wrailiwy
shy - niesmialy
sociable - towarzyski
strict - surowy, wymagajqcy
stubborn - uparty
sympathetic - wspolczujqcy
talkative - gadatliwy
tidy - uporzqdkowany
unfriendly - nieprzyjazny,
unreliable - niesolidny,


be fashion conscious - znae
sier na modzie
Blue suits you. - Do twarzy ci
w niebieskim.
get changed - przebierae sier
take after sb - odziedziczye
po kims (cecher wyglqdu
lub charakteru)
These shoes don't match your
outfit. - Te buty nie pasujq
do twojego ubrania.
tryon - przymierzae


IDE. Uslyszysz szesc odpowiedzi na pytanie 0 rodzinne fotografie. Przyporz<tdkuj
przedstawiaj<tce je ilustracje (A-F) poszczegolnym osobom, wpisuj<tc numery (1-6). Postuchaj nagrania
ponownie i podpisz rysunki zgodnie z jego tresci<t.

D _____ D _ __

D _ __

. nut Postuchaj nagrania i wpisz brakuj<tce stowa.

Odpowiedz na pytania.

Have you got any brothers or sisters, or are you

Do you like
at family
Do you ask
your parents
about the
people in the
to know more
about them?




Uzupetnij zdania odpowiednimi wyrazami z ramki. Dwa

wyrazy podano dodatkowo i nie pasuj<t one do iadnego ze
zdan. Odpowiedz na pytania.


How well do you know your

_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ family?
Do you have any ____________________ abroad?
4 How many ____________________ have
your grandparents got?
Have you ever met any of your

How many generations can you draw in your

--------------------- ?

Do you find it easy to

Do you have a large
of friends?
How long have you known your
4 What do you and your friend have in ________
were you friends
How many of your
with in your previous school?
6 How important are honesty and a sense of humour in

Przeczytaj opisy rodzinnych powi<tzan. W punktach

(1-4) zakresl prawidtowe opcje. Uzupetnij zdania (A-D).

Modern Familie
After my mother's death
my dad went/got married
again, so Jessica is actually
my stepmother. I've
always treated her like my
mum, though.

Anita is my sister-in-law.
I think she and my brother
are a great couple / pair.
They can't have children of
their own and they've just
decided to adopt.

Uncle Tony is my
godfather. He's not
actually a relative, but he's
like a person / member of
the family to us. He's my
parents' best friend . Uncle
Tony treats me like his own
son. Maybe it's because
he's single and doesn't
have kids of his own.

I've been brought up /
educated by my mum.
My parents are divorced
and my father's got a new
family. Two years ago he
had a son, Tim, so I've got
a little half-brother.

Adele is Jessica's _____________________

Mark is Anita's ______________________
Ian is Uncle Tony's _____________________
Brenda is Tim's ______________________




Uzupetnij zdania odpowiednimi przyimkami.

Odpowiedz na pytania.
What do you enjoy doing in your free time?
Do you often go out with your friends or are you
more of a homebody?
___ my spare time I mostly hang out with my
friends. We like going ___ a cafe.
___ weekends we often go out for a meal. Now and
again we also go clubbing.
___ Monday I often stay in. I need to spend some of
my free time ___ my own.
4 _ _ _ the evening I usually walk my dog. My best
friend often goes ___ a walk with me then.
5 _ _ Friday evening I occasionally have friends round.
6 ___ night I either watch TV or do nothing. I'm a bit
of a couch potato.
W podanych zdaniach zakresl prawidtow<t opcj~.
I spent my summer holidays at my grandparents' /
grandparents house.
I'd like to meet up with my cousins / my cousin's.
Every family has its / it's own traditions.
4 Shall we meet at Adam's / Adam?
This photo is the most precious thing in our family. Its /
It's got a long history.
I'm not sure whose watch it is, but it's / its probably my
brother's / brgtk r.




Uzupe.nij zdania czasownikami z ramki w odpowiedniej

formie. Odpowiedz na pytania. Por6wnaj swoje odpowiedzi
Z odpowiedziami innych os6b w klasie.

Uzupetnij dialogi (1-4) 0 brakujClcCl wypowiedijednej
z os6b, wybierajClc sposr6d podanych odpowiedzi: A,
B lub C.

.. Thanks a lot for your help. _

l> No problem.

Morning, sweetheart!

A I really appreciate it.

B What a shame!
Is there a problem?

Are you often in a hurry? Which daily

activities eat up most of your time?
1 What time do you usually
on a school

.. Have you met my sister Joanna?

l> No, I haven't. _


Do you often wake up before your alarm

A Hello, Joanna. Nice to meet you.

B It was nice talking to you, Joanna.
C I'm really pleased for your sister.

- - - - - -?

How many times have you _ _ _ _ _ __

this month?


Do you _ _ _ _ _ _ your bed in the morning?

How much time do you spend _ _ _ _ __

a shower?

Do you _ _ _ _ _ _ breakfast at home or on the

way to school?
Have you ever forgotten _ _ _ _ _ _ _ the door in
the morning?

Uzupe.nij pytania Roya s.owami z ramki. Trzy s.owa

podano dodatkowo i nie pasujCl one do iadnego z pytan.
Uzupe.nij odpowiedzi Sylwii podanymi zdaniami (A-D).

l> It's a quarter to six.
.. It's getting late. I've got to go now.

How long do you spend _ _ _ _ _ _ _ your teeth

your hair?

A Do you wear a watch?

B Have you got a minute?
Have you got the time?

.. Do you feel like going out for dinner?

Sure. Shall I ask Chris to come with us?

.. I really don't mind. _

A It's up to you.
I'm easy-going.
It depends.

Przeczytaj tekst, a nast~pnie uzupe.nij luki (1-5) jednCl

z podanych moiliwosci: A, B lub (, tak aby otrzymac


Are you doing anything


tekst poprawny pod wzgl~dem gramatycznym

i logicznym.

Do you feel 2
going to a club?
I'll pick you up then. Does 9 o'clock 3 _ _ _ _ _ __
Sylvia: _
Roy. How about half4
Sylvia: _
Yes, that would be better for me.
Can we make it a bit later?
No. Why do you ask?
Yes, that would be great.
Dopasuj odpowiedzi (A-F) do pytan (1-5). Jedna
odpowiedi nie pasuje do iadnego z pytan.
1 What can you say to introduce someone?
2 How do you greet someone at 9 p.m.?

How do you say goodbye to a friend you're going to meet

again soon?
4 What can you say to introduce yourself?
How can you ask someone to give your regards to
someone else?
Good evening.
This is Jeremy.
Hi, I'm Jeremy.
Say hello to Vicky for me.
See you later, ViCky.
Good night.

Hi Kate,
Are you doing anything tonight? I thought we could
go out 1_ .I'm getting bored sitting at home all
day. Actually, I never thought that having too 2 _
free time could be such a problem. Besides, my sister
is coming over with her little daughter 3 _
evening. I like my 4 _ , but I don't feel like 5 _
her today.
A nowhere
A many
A at
4 y ousin
Y A playing

B anywhere
B much
B on

B nephew
B to play

C somewhere
C lots of

( in
C niece
C play


W podanych punktach (1-6) zakresl prawidtowCl opcj~.

W podanych punktach (1-6) zakresl prawidtowCl opcj~.

Odpowiedz na pytania.

Are you
Ih. Ilf. and .oul
of Ih. party?
1 Do you like going to / on pa rties?
2 Do you dance at / on house parties?
3 your
Have you ever given a party to celebrate / notice
When someone is in their early teens, they're under age /
over the age of 16.
When someone has / is 29 years old, they're in their mid
twenties / late twenties.
When someone is in their sixties / seventies, they must be
a pensioner.
4 When someone has just come of age, they've turned 18 /

How many people did you invite

party you've ever made / thrown?

for / to the biggest

5 the
How can you do / create a fun atmosphere and get
party going?

Do you enjoy family get-togethers / bonds?


When you think that someone is fortyish, they're exactly

/ about 40 years old.
6 If someone learnt something at the age of 8, they did it in
their childhood / teens .

. ...mb Uzupetnij zdania odpowiednimi wyrazeniami

z ramki. Odpowiedz na pytania. Postuchaj nagrania
i zaznacz, na ktore z pytan (1-6) odpowiadajCl poszczegolne
osoby (A-C).







Would you like to live to



Are you friends mostly with people your age or

- -_ _ _ _ _ older?
What's the best age to

a family?

Do the elderly people you know like talking about

Are you sometimes afraid of _ _ _ _ _ __
Do adults ever say that you're _ _ _ _ _ __
for your age?

Is a friend of yours your only friend?


Dopasuj cz~sci zdan, tak aby utworzyty logicznCl catosc.

Odpowiedz na pytanie.

How do you get on with your family?

Whenever I quarrel with my father, _ .

I hate it
My mum never gets offended, _ .
4 I never make up with my brother _ .
I often disagree with my sister, _ .
6 We didn't have a good
relationship when I was
younger, _ .
when my parents are
criticising me!
but we never really argue.
we always shout at each
but we get on well now.
if he/d.oesn't apologise.
even when I answer her

_ 3.iWO.. Postuchaj nagrania i wpisz brakujqce stowa.

Z ktorymi zdaniami si~ zgadzasz?

I don't mind _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ and hugging

passionately in public.
I wouldn't know how to cheer up my friend if she
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ___ her boyfriend.
I think young people __
early - it distracts them from school.
4 I
but I can't confide in
Most parents don't approve of the person who's
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ their teenage child.
It's very easy to
you're a teenager.

W punktach (1-8) zakresl prawidtowq opcj~. Przeczytaj

tekst ponownie i uzupetnij zdanie jednq z podanych
moiliwosci: A, B lub C, zgodnie z jego tresciq.
In the western world 1 dead / death has become a taboo
subject. When someone 2 passes away / goes away, we are
completely unprepared to deal with the 3 loss / lost. We
often don't know how to 4 comfort / sympathise a friend
who's just 5 hidden / buried their parent or a 6 widower /
widow who's lost her husband. Some people don't even
attend 7 funerals / cemetery or visit the 8 graves / caves of
their ancestors. That's why Six Feet Under, a revolutionary
TV series about
an American
family of
is such an
production. It
draws attention
to the fact that
death makes life
meaningful ...

The text is the beginning of

a film review.
a letter to a friend.
a letter of condolence.

Uzupetnij zdania odpowiednimi wyraieniami z ramki.

Cztery wyraienia podano dodatkowo i nie pasujq one do
iadnego ze zdan. Odpowiedz na pytanie.

Do kaidego tekstu (1-6) dopasuj jedno zdanie (A-F),

' You're such a great friend! ,


Has anyone in your family celebrated their

wedding anniversary lately?

room honeymoon marriage reception regist

People get _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ before they get

The _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ traditionally wears
a white dress and a veil.
Most people prefer to have a white wedding and
a religious
in church.
4 At the
the best man makes
a toast to the newlyweds.
After the wedding the newlyweds go on

a ___________
6 The couple celebrates their first wedding anniversary
after one year of a happy _ _ __ _ __ _ _ __

There's no way I'm going

to apologise to him.


We are very sorry

for the inconvenience.
This is an apology.
This text is a compliment.
This notice is an invitation.
This text is a refusal.
This gives official permission.
This notice gives information about a restriction.



.~ Ustyszysz dwukrotnie wypowiedi na temat rodziny. Na
podstawie nagrania zaznaez, kt6re ze zdan (1-5) Set zgodne z jego
tresciet (P - Prawda), a kt6re nie (F - Fatsz). Zakreslliter~ P lub F.

The boy is an only child.

The boy doesn't get on well with his cousins.
The boy's mother comes from a small family.
4 The boy likes meeting his extended family.
The boy's grandfather is in his eighties.



Ustyszysz dwukrotnie eztery wypowiedzi na temat

przyjaini. Przyporzetdkuj kaidej wypowiedzi odpowiadajetee
jej zdanie, wpisujete w pola (1-4) odpowiednie litery (A-E).
Jedno zdanie podano dodatkowo i nie pasuje one do iadnej

20 30 40

My friendships teach me to appreciate the differences between

I need to know that I can rely on my friends when I'm in trouble.
Some of my friends are intolerant of each other's opinions.
It's important for me to have a lot in common with my friends.
A good friend accepts me for who I am.


Przeezytaj e-mail. Zaznaez, kt6re ze zdan (1-4) Set zgodne z jego
tresciet (P - Prawda), a kt6re nie (F - Fatsz). Zakreslliter~ P lub F.

Dear Sally,
I've just had an argument with my parents. I shouted at them and
I probably said too much, but I was right. Look, they don't want to let
me go to my cousin's birthday party this weekend. She's having the
party at a night club in Leeds and I'd like to sleep over at her place.
Actually, they say I can go, but they want to collect me from the club
at midnight. They'd embarrass me in front of everyone. I'm not a child
any more, am I? Now they're angry with me. The thing is that I don't feel
sorry and I don't see any reason why I should apologise to them again.
But I know that if I don't, they'll be offended for a week or so. What
a nightmare! How can I make them change their mind? I need to talk to
you so when you get this, please call me. I have no credit on my mobile.


Przeezytaj tekst. Do kaidego fragmentu (1-4)
dopasuj odpowiedni nagt6wek (A-E). Jeden
nagt6wek podano dodatkowo i nie pasuje on do
iadnego fragmentu.

Teen Issues
How to get on well with your parents
Your parents need you too. They'll be delighted
if you suggest some leisure activities for the
whole family. Going for a long walk, a cycling
trip or even a game of cards strengthen family
bonds. Your parents will also appreciate it if you
show them something you know well which
they've never tried or seen before. And if you
ask them about their past, they'll be happy to
share some memories with you.
Don't wait for your parents to tell you what to
do. Just do something that will surprise them .
For example, instead of going out with friends
all the time you can stay at home and play with
your younger brother or sister, tidy up the flat or
just wash the dishes after a meal.
I think it's important you show your parents that
you are an adult. If your parents have complete
confidence in you, they will let you do almost
anything, because they will know that you're
a responsible person and they can rely on you.
Telling the truth is the most important thing
in relations between teenagers and parents. If
you've got a problem, talk to your parents about
it. You don't solve problems by hiding them or
telling lies. Besides, if your parents catch you
lying to them, it may be difficult for them to
trust you again.

Love, Cilia

Cilia has had a little disagreement with her parents.

Cilia doesn't want her parents to pick her up from the party.
Cilia has apologised to her parents.
4 Cilia needs Sally's advice.


Ask important questions

Be honest
Build trust
Help with the housework
Spend quality time together

Przeczytaj informacje 0 trzech osobach

i cztery propozycje na sp~dzen ie nocy sylwestrowej.
Przyporz'ldkuj kai dej osobie jedno ogtoszenie, kt6rego
tresci'l najbardziej bytaby zainteresowana. Wpisz w pola
(1- 3) odpowiedni'lliter~ (A-D). Jedno ogtoszenie
podano dodat kowo i nie pasuje one do iadnej osoby.
Rachael's bored of the usual New
Year's party. She recently watched
a documentary on TV that was about
people who have to spend Christmas
and New Year in hospital and it made
her realise that there are many people
in a society who can't always have a big
party with friends.

Robert has only recently moved to

the area and wants to get to know the
town. He's quite interested in finding
out more about his new home but
hasn't had time to visit the local library
yet. Because he hasn't the chance to go
home this year, he's worried he will be
alone on New Year's Eve.

Karen has always loved a big party

where she can get together with
her friends and have a laugh doing
something different. She wants to
study art and design or fashion when
she leaves school and likes looking at
how today's fashion is influenced by
the past.

Go back in time this

Nerv Years rvilh Harlestone
Manor's 5-day break.
This year's theme is
the 1920s and you'll have
the chance to dress up and
experience life as it rvas
almost 700 years ago: the
food, the games and the
dances. Our team of experts
mix the fun rvith a series of
lectures about the period.

Why not do something for other

people this New Year's by joining
our team of volunteers
in the local children's
home? A range of
activities have been
arranged including
clowns, games and
a specially prepared supper,
but we still need people to
help serve the food and be
a friend for the kids on thi s
special night of the year.

Have you ever wanted to find out

more about the myths and legends
connected with the place you live? If
so, join our group and make new friends
this New Year's as we go for a late
night walk with a local historian who
will bring alive the story of the town 's
development. You may even see one of
the ghosts that 'live' in the town.


adopt - adoptowae
approve of - aprobowae,
bring up - wychowywae
confide in - zwierzae si~
couple - para (osob)
extended family - dalsza
family bonds - wi~zi
family get-together - zjazd
family tree - drzewo
generation - pokolenie
have confidence in - miee
zaufanie do (kogos)
hug - obejmowae
only child - jedynak,
raise a family - utrzymywae

relative - krewny
rely on - polegae na
start a family - zalozye

trust - ufae

be intolerant of- nie

wykazywae tolerancji
wobec (czegos)
be judgmental - bye
krytycznym, latwo

break up with - zerwae

z (kims)
cheer up - rozweselie
criticise - krytykowae
disagree - nie zgadzae si~
get offended - obrazie si~
get on well with - miee
z (kims) dobr~ relacj~
have a good relationship bye w dobrych stosunkach
make up with - pogodzie
si~ z
quarrel - klocie si~
respect - szanowae
shout at - krzyczee na

divorced - rozwiedziony
engaged - zar~czony
married - zonaty, zam~zna
single - w stanie wolnym
widow/widower - wdowa/

anniversary - rocznica
best man - druzba, swiadek
pana mlodego
birthday - urodziny
bride - panna mloda
bridesmaid - druhna
ceremony - uroczystose
fall in love - zakochae si~
funeral - pogrzeb
get engaged - zar~czye si~
get married - pobrae si~
groom - pan mlody
honeymoon - miesi~c
loss - strata
newlyweds - nowozency
pass away - odejse, umrzee
reception - przyj~cie
registry office - urz~d stanu
veil- welon
wedding - slub

answer back - niegrzecznie

apologise - przeprosie
be critical - bye krytycznym


aunt - ciotka
brother - brat
brother-in-law - szwagier
daughter - corka
father - ojciec
first cousin - brat cioteczny/
siostra cioteczna
godfather/godmother ojciec chrzestny/matka
godson/goddaughter - syn
chrzestny/corka chrzestna
grandchild/grandchildren wnuklwnuczka/wnukowie
grandfather/grandpa dziadek/ dziadzio
grandmother/grandma babka/babcia
grandparents - dziadkowie
great-grandparents pradziadkowie
half-brother/half-sister brat przyrodni/siostra
husband - m~z
mother - matka
nephew - siostrzeniec/
niece - siostrzenica/

sister - siostra
sister-in-law - szwagierka
son - syn
stepfather - ojczym
stepmother - macocha
uncle - wujek
wife - zona

adult - dorosly
at the age of - w wiek
be in sb's eighties - bye po

child/children - dziecko/
come of age - stae si~
early teens - wczesny okres
eldery people - starsze osoby
fortyish - okolo czterdziestki
grow old - starzee si~
late thirties - przed

mature - dojrzaly
mid twenties - pomi~dzy

a trzydziestk~
pensioner - emeryt/
turn 18 - osi~gn~e 18 Oat)
youth - mlodose

circle of friends - kolo

przyj aciolf znaj omych
classmate - kolega/
koleanka z klasy
close friend - bliski przyjaciel
friendship - przyjain
have a lot in common - miee
wiele wspolnego
make friends - zaprzyjainiae

couch potato - osoba

sp~dzaj~ca wi~kszose

czasu na ogl~daniu
telewizji, kanapowy len
give sb regards - przekazae
go clubbing - chodzie do
nocnych klubow
go out - wychodzie (w
celach rozrywkowych)
go to a cafe - wyjse do
greet - witae (kogos)

hang out (with friends)

- sp~dzae czas
(z przyjaciolmi)
have friends around zapraszae przyjaciol
do domu, sp~dzae czas
z przyjaciolmi
homebody - domator
introduce sb - przedstawiae
meet up with - spotykae si~,
umawiae si~ z (kims)
pick sb up - podjechae po
say goodbye - pozegnae si~
spare time - czas wolny
spend time on one's own sp~dzae czas sam emu
stay in - zostawae w domu

be in a hurry - spieszye si~

brush one's teeth - mye z~by
do one's hair - czesae wlosy
get up - wstawae
have a shower - wzi~e
have breakfast - zjese
make the bed - poslae lozko
oversleep - zaspae
wake up - budzie si~
walk the dog - wyprowadzae

apology - przeprosiny
ban - zabraniae, zakazywae
be the life and soul of
the party - bye dusz~
compliment - komplement
create a fun atmosphere
- stworzye atmosfer~
date - umawiae si~ na
get the party going rozkr~cie imprez~/

give a party - wydae

przyj~cie, zrobie imprez~
go to a party - ise na imprez~
have a laugh - usmiae si~
invitation - zaproszenie
invite - zaprosie
permission - zgoda,
refusal - odmowa
throw a party - wydae
przyj~cie, zrobie imprez~


. ...ow.

Uslyszysz szesc odpowiedzi na pytanie 0 zmiany w araniacji pokoju. Przyporz<tdkuj

przedstawiaj<tce je ilustracje (A-F) poszczegolnym osobom, wpisuj<tc numery (1-6). Postuchaj nagrania
ponownie i podpisz rysunki zgodnie z jego tresci<t.





D ~~~~_ D ~




Go '301M. Postuchaj nagrania i wpisz brakuj<tce stowa. Odpowiedz na


Have you ever _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ a piece of furniture by

What do you keep in your _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ or chest of
drawers besides your clothes?
in your room?
Would you like to put up any
your CDs in a rack? If so, how many will it
Do you have _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ or wood panels in your room?
Do you have any fitted cupboards _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __
Podpisz zdj~cia (A-F) odpowiednimi rzeczownikami z ramki. Dwa
stowa podano dodatkowo i nie pasuj<t one do iadnego zdj~cia. Odpowiedz
na pytanie.

Where do you keep these things at home?


What have
you bought
for your
room lately?


Przyporz<tdkuj wyrazy z ramki do zdan

(1-6). Do jednego ze zdan pasuj<t dwa wyrazy.
Jeden wyraz nie pasuje do iadnego ze zdan.

It's a part of a toilet.

You can turn it on
and turn it off. It
can be hot or cold.
You can see your
reflection in it. It
often steams up.
4 They're put
in kitchens,
bathrooms and on
roofs and floors.
Water flows through
You can wash your
hands or dishes in it.

. ""'d.

nagrania i wpisz
brakuj<tce stowa.
Odpowiedz na pytania.

1 Do you have your own room or do you

have to
Isyourroom _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ___
or rather small and cramped?
Do you think it's cluttered
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ? What
would you like to get rid of?
4 Does your room look
Do you like your room to be well-lit or

- - - - - - - - -- -- ?

Do you like _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ___

from your window? What does your room


Przyjrzyj si~ zmianom w pokoju. Uzupetnij zdania odpowiednimi

wyrazami z ramki. Dwa stowa nie pasujCl do iadnego ze zdan.
Odpowiedz na pytanie.



Do kaidej sytuacji (1-5) dobierz odpowiedniCl
reakcj~: A, B lub C.
Jak zaprosisz kogos do srodka?
Come on!
B Why don't you come along?
Please come in.
Jak zapytasz kolei:ank~, od jak dawna
mieszka w Wielkiej Brytanii?
How long are you in the UK for?
B When did you live in the UK?

How long have you lived in the UK?

Would you like to give your room a makeover?



The _ _ _ _ _ _ _ has been removed.

The walls and the
have been _ _ _ _ _ __
The pictures have been taken down and a new _ _ _ _ _ __
has been _ _ _ _ _ __
4 The wooden
has been renovated.
5 The
have been replaced with blinds.
There are fewer knick-knacks on the window _ _ _ _ _ __
W podanych zdaniach zakresl prawidtowCl opcj~. Napisz podobne
zdania 0 swoich doswiadczeniach z pobytu w hotelu.

Co moiesz powiedziec swoim gosciom, aby

poczuli si~ u Ciebie swobodnie?
Make yourselves at home.
Feel free.
Stay home.
4 Co moiesz powiedziec na dobranoc osobie,
ktora idzie spac?
Did you sleep well?
Sleep well.
Take a nap.
Odwiedzasz koleg~ bez uprzedniej
zapowiedzi. Jak zapytasz, czy zastalaSi
zostald go w domu?
A Is Adam in?

Where is Adam?
Can I speak to Adam?
The worst hotel ever!
1 I didn't like anything / something / nothing in the room we stayed
in. It was ugly and tasteless.
2 There were three small windows, but you couldn't open either /
any / none of them.
3 There were two single beds, but either / neither / none of them
was comfortable enough.
4 We stayed there for a week but no one never / hardly ever / ever
cleaned the room or changed the sheets.
5 There was anywhere / somewhere / nowhere to put the luggage.
6 The toilet wouldn't flush and nobody / anybody / somebody knew
how to fix it.

Przeczytaj poniiszy dialog, a nast~pnie
uzupetnij luki (1-5) jednym z wyraz6w z ramki,
tak aby otrzymac poprawnCl i 10gicznCl catosc.
Pi~c wyraz6w podano dodatkowo i nie pasujCl
one do iadnej z luk.
quite shelves very wheels wide

Dopasuj pytania (1-5) do odpowiedzi (A-F). JednCl odpowiedz
podano dodatkowo nie pasuje ona do iadnego z pytan.
1 How long is your father away for?
2 Where shall we meet?
~ Is your brother in?
4 Does your brother still live with your parents?
5 Shall I look after your flat?

He's not going home.

No, he left home a year ago.
No, he's out at the moment.
No, thanks. I'm only away till Friday.
Why not come round to my place?
He should be back home on Thursday.

Clare: What do you think of this room?

Troy: I I
like it. I think the
furniture 2
Clare: That's right. It's got 3 _ _ _ _ _ __
so you can move it around easily.
Troy: But I'm not very keen on the bed.
Clare: No, I don't like it, 4 _ _ _ _ _ __
It's very 5 _ _ _ _ _ __



Zdecyduj, co oznaczajil podane odpowiedzi (1-6). Wpisz

well (I slept well.) lub badly (I slept badly.). Odpowiedz na
What do you like about your bed?
What do you need to have a good night's sleep?
total darkness a large duvet
an extra blanket
two pillows
a firm mattress
a lucky mascot
Did you sleep well?

Uzupetnij podpisy pod zdj~ciami (A-F) jednym

z wyraz6w z ramki. Odpowiedz na pytania.
Where do you like to hang out in your
neighbourhood? Is it clean and well-kept?
What would you like to see more of in your

well/ badly

1 I had a sleepless night.

I dreamt about someone I love.
I had a nightmare.
I fell asleep immediately.
I slept like a log.
6 I lay awake all night.

. ...Un.

Postuchaj nagrania i wpisz brakujilce stowa.

Odpowiedz na pytania.

Photo competition
Send us your photos with your favourite
place to sit in your city.



Next to a _ _ _ __

Did you grow up in a city or _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __

Would you like to leave your hometown or _ _ _ __
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ in the future?
Would you prefer to live _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __
or in the city centre?
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ where you live?
4 What's the

lna _ _ _ _ __

. ...uu.

Postuchaj trzech os6b m6wiilcych 0 swoim

miejscu zamieszkania. Przyporzildkuj kaidej osobie (1-3)
odpowiednie stwierdzenie (A-D). Jedno stwierdzenie
podano dodatkowo i nie pasuje one do iadnej z os6b.

o 20

lna _ _ _ _ __
_ _ _ _ _ _ cafe



A I live in a tiny studio in a high-rise building.

B I live on the fourth floor of a new block of flats.
- I live in a ground-floor flat in a low-rise.
I live in a terraced house.
W zdaniach (1-6) zakresl prawidtowil opcj~, tak aby
stanowita opis rysunku.

Onthe _ _ _ __
_ _ _ of a building

On a park _ _ __

This is a detached I semi-detached house.

There are two attic I basement rooms.
There is a utility room in the underground I basement.
4 There's a large terrace I balcony above the garage.
There's a garden at the front I at the back.
There's a satellite dish next to the roof I chimney.


Onthe _ _ _ __

Postuchaj nagrania i wpisz brakuj'lce stowa.
Dopasuj zdania (1-8) do punktow (A-D). Odpowiedz na

What are the pluses and minuses

of living in you r area ?

It's convenient _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ and public transport.
It's in the middle of _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __
It can be _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ late at night.
the city centre.
It has
facilities for young people.
because of the traffic.
It's two
from the nearest shop.
S It's a
, family-friendly neighbourhood.
It's a great place to live.

It's not the best place to live.

My family has never moved _ _ _ _ __

to a big house
My mum would like to
in the country.
I don't know exactly how much rent my parents
Some people in my family have _ _ _ _ _ _ _ to the

A lot of young people have m oved out of my

The number of _ _ _ _ _ _ _ people where I live has
gone up recently.
Do kazdego tekstu (1 - 5) dopasuj jedno zdanie (A- E). Do
jednego z tekstow pasuj'l dwa zdania .

It's a long way away from anywhere.

It's in a good location.

Uzupetnij zdan ia odpowiednimi w yrazami z ramki. Dwa

stowa podano dodatkowo i nie pasuj'l one do zadnej z luk.
Z ktorymi zdaniami s i ~ zgadzasz?

Do you need a pencil to draw the curtains?

W punktach (1-6) zakresl prawidtow'l opcj~. Przeczytaj

tekst ponownie i wybierzjedn'l z odpowiedzi: A, B lub ( ,
zgodnie z jego tresci'l.


North London. 07847339930

We always deliver on time 24n.

Because I arrived in Galway late, finding student' property
/ accommodation turned out to be quite difficult. I had to
2/et / rent a room through an 3 estate agent / housekeeper,
which is a far more expensive option than if you find
somewhere to live yourself. I'm sharing a two-bedroom flat
with another girl. I like my 4 fiatmate / housewife - we're
getting on very well. We've been lucky with my 5 landlord
/ landlady too - she's a very friendly, helpful woman. She
even promised to 6/et / give the place to us next year for
a bit less.

The author of the text

is thinking of moving out next year.
wants to share her room with another girl.
is pleased with the place she's renting.

This notice would be interesting for

an owner who needs help with selling their flat.
someone who wants to send something to their friend's
someone who wants to buy a property without an estate
someone who's moving house.
someone who's looking for a flat to rent.






Przeczytaj trzy internetowe oferty oraz pytania

dotyczitce tych ofert. Do kaidego pytania dopasuj
wtasciwit ofert~. Wpisz w pola (1-4) odpowiedniit liter~
(A-C). Uwaga! Jedna oferta pasuje do dw6ch pytan.

,.':I!!11.ED Ustyszysz dwukrotnie wypowiedzi czterech

os6b. Przyporzitdkuj kaidej osobie (1-4) prawidtowe
stwierdzenie (A-E). Wpisz w pola odpowiedniit liter~.
Jedno stwierdzenie podano dodatkowo i nie pasuje one
do iadnej z os6b.

Which offer would be best for someone who

D is interested in second hand furniture for storing

D doesn't have their own transport.
D wants more space for clothes.
D has less than 1S0 to spend on redecorating their

D Vicky
D Paul
D Sandra
D Andrew

doesn't like their roommate.

spends most of the time in their room.
has just moved into a new flat.
is going to buy some furniture.
is looking for a new place to live.

,---, HOUSE


":I!mlD Ustyszysz dwukrotnie wypowiedzi na temat
planowanych zmian w centrum miasta. Na podstawie
nagrania zaznacz, kt6re ze zdan (1-4) sit zgodne z jego
tresciit (P - Prawda), a kt6re nie (F - Fatsz). Zakreslliter~
P lub F.


Special Offer.
Brand new stylish corner sofa. Ideal for a spacious living
room. It easily converts to a bed and has extra storage
space for bed linen. For more information visit our website
We do free same day or next day delivery all over London.

I'll give away myoid wooden shelves for free. Apart from
some minor marks and scratches, they're in very good
condition. Available for collection from Parker Street,
ideally this Saturday. If interested, send an email to
(arI9l @box.uk

The city council think that there are enough green

spaces in the city.

The fountain in the main square only attracted
people when it was working.
, It's not a good idea to build a new youth club next to
the station.
The city council are sure to re-open the ice-rink
before next year.




A classy 2-door wardrobe with a deep bottom drawer for

only lSO. lt goes very well with any of the pine beds and
bookcases from our Stockholm collection. Very easy to put
together. Pick up only.



Przeezytaj poniiszy artykut Z podanyeh odpowiedzi:

A, B lub ( wybierz prawidtowq, zgodnq z tresci q tekstu.

Feng Shui for Your Bedroom

Feng shui is an old Chinese system of furnishing
homes and buildings. The Chinese believe that the
position of your furniture and the decor of your place
affect your happiness and well-being. Here are a few
tips on organising your feng shui bedroom.
On average, we spend one third of our lives in our
bedrooms, sleeping and relaxing. Getting it right
guarantees a good night's sleep, and consequently,
positive energy for the whole day. In a good feng-shui
bedroom, your bed should be as far away from the door
as possible. You should also position the bed so that
you can see the door from where you sleep. That will
give you a sense of security. Avoid sleeping directly on
the floor and keep the space between the mattress and
the floor clear. Any clutter under the bed can disturb
your sleep and energy circulation.
According to feng shui, we should keep any electrical
appliances, such as personal computers or radios,
outside the bedroom. Interestingly, a mirror in the
bedroom is another no-no. Seeing your own reflection
while in bed can have a negative effect on you.
It's important to create a relaxing atmosphere in
the bedroom by chOOSing the right kind of lighting.
Feng shui suggests avoiding very bright lights. In
fact, candles are the best bedroom lighting, but make
sure your candles are made of natural materials like
beeswax. And finally, remember to make your bed in
the morning - this will give your day a perfect start.

What's the purpose offeng shui?

To make traditional Chinese furniture popular.
To organise the perfect bedroom.
To decorate a home in a way that makes people feel
What do you have to avoid in your bedroom?
Storing things under your bed.
Placing the bed opposite the door.
Sleeping on a mattress.
Which of these items are not allowed in a feng shui
4 In the article you can
read about the history of feng shui in China.
find practical advice on how to feng shui bedroom.
find the scientific explanation of feng shui rules.

Przeezytaj tekst, z ktorego usuni~to eztery zdania.

Dobierz brakujqee zdania (A-E), tak aby otrzymac spojny
i logiczny tekst, wpisujqe w luki (1-4) prawidtowq liter~.
Jedno zdanie podano dodatkowo i nie pasuje ono do
iadnej z luk.

Our house is one of a kind

For many people the ideal house should be the only
one of its kind. A popular way to own a house that is
different from any other houses in the world is by
converting an existing building into a home. Many
industrial places
like old factories
and warehouses
have been turned
into living spaces.
There are now
private houses in old
farm buildings,
water towers or even
There's another way to realise the dream of a unique
home. Some people build houses which don't look like
houses at all. 2 _
You can see houses in the shape of
a boot, a football, or
even a toilet. One of
the most amazing
deSigns is the
Mushroom House in
the state of New
York. It's hidden
among trees and
looks like four giant
An ideal location is somewhere in unspoilt
countryside, on the waterfront or just on water. More
and more people
are choosing house
boats and floating
houses for their
homes. Living on
water has a lot of
advantages. It has
an extremely
relaxing effect and
creates a sense of
isolation. 4

The strange houses by the sea have become a local tourist

And you can quickly move to a different city by a river.
Sometimes it's the beautiful scenery that makes a house
Their strange forms are inspired by ordinary things or the
surrounding nature.
That would explain why some people go for more
unusual properties.





bath - wanna
bed linen - posciel
blanket - koc
blinds - ialuzje
candle - swieca
candlestick - swiecznik
carpet - dywan
chest of drawers - komoda
clothes peg - klamerka do
wieszania mokrych ubran
coffee table - stolik do kawy,
curtains - zaslony
cushion - poduszka (na

desk lamp - lampa na biurko

duvet - koldra
fitted cupboard - szafka na
wymiar/do zabudowy
flush - spluczka
ironing board - deska do
knick-knack - bibelot,
light bulb - iarowka
mattress - materac
mirror - lustro
napkin - serwetka
photo frame - ramka na

pillow - poduszka (do

pipe - rura
poster - plakat
rack - stojak
rocking chair - fotel bujany,
fotel na biegunach
rug - dywanik, chodniczek
sheet - przescieradlo
shelf/shelves - polka/polki
shower - prysznic
sink - zlew
tablecloth - obrus
tap - kran
tile - plytka
wallpaper - tapeta
wood panels - panele


attic - strych
balcony - balkon
basement - piwnica,


bathroom - lazienka
bedroom - sypialnia
ceiling - sufit
chimney - komin
floor - podloga
garage - garai
garden - ogrod
kitchen - kuchnia
lift- wind a
living room - pokoj dZienny,
roof - dach
study - pracownia
terrace - taras
utility room - pomieszczenie
wall- kiana
window sill - parapet

4?M 3"'Ui4;j@t.m.

hang - powiesic
paint - pomalowac
redecorate - remontowac,
remove - usunqc
renovate - odnowiC
replace - wymienic
take down - zdjqc

accommodation zamieszkanie,
flatmate - wspolmieszkaniec
grow up - dorastac
homeless - bezdomny
hometown - miasto,
w ktorym si~ urodzilo
landlord/landlady wlasciciellwlakicielka
move houseprzeprowadzac si~
move out - wyprowadzic si~
pay a rent - placiC czynsz
property - wlasnosc,
rent - czynsz
roommate - wspollokator

close - bliski
cluttered - zagracony
convenient - dogodny
cosy - przytulny
cramped - ciasny,
dangerous - niebezpieczny

excellent - wspanialy
family-friendly - przyjazny
noisy - halasliwy
practical - praktyczny
safe - bezpieczny
spacious - przestronny
spectacular - imponujqcy,
tasteless - w zlym guscie
ugly - brzydki
well-lit - dobrze oswietlony

can't afford - nie moc sobie
pozwolic (finansowo)
draw the curtains - zaciqgnqc
dream about - snic 0
fall asleep - zasnqc
have a nightmare - miec
koszmar senny
leave home - wyprowadzic




block of flats - blok

cottage - domek wiejski,
detached house - dom
floor - pi~tro
ground-floor - parterowy
high-rise (building) wysokosciowiec,
low-rise (building) - niski
semi-detached house - dom
bliiniaczy, bliiniak
skyscraper - drapacz chmur
studio - kawalerka
terraced house - dom
szeregowy, szeregowiec
top floor - najwyisze pi~tro

let a place - wynajqc dom/

lie awake -Idec w loiku
i nie moc zasnqc
middle of nowhere odludzie
put a rent up - podnieSc
put together a piece of
furniture - zloiyc mebel
put up a shelf - zawiesiC



sleep like a log - spac jak

sleep well/badly - ile/dobrze
sleepless night - bezsenna

city - miasto
city centre - centrum miasta
in the country - na wsi
suburbs - przedmieScia
village - wioska

bench - lawka
building - budynek
cafe - kawiarnia
city council - rada miejska
estate agent - agent
facilities - infrastruktura,
budynki uiytecznosci
fountain - font anna
ground - ziemia
pavement - chodnik
playground - plac zabaw
step - stopien

ifEi:- UStyszysz szesc odpowiedzi na pytanie 0 wymarzony zawod. Przyporzetdkuj przedstawiajetce je ilustracje
(A-F) poszczegolnym osobom, wpisujetc numery (1-6). Postuchaj nagrania ponownie i podpisz rysunki zgodnie z jego tresciet .


D _____

D _____ D _____

D _ __

D _ __

Utworz wi~cej rzeczownikow ztoionych okreslajetcych

zawody. Uiyj rzeczownikow z poprzedniego cwiczenia.
1 a train/taxi _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __
2 a(n) airlinelfighter _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __
a(n) interior/web _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __
4 a social/care _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __
5 a driving/riding _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __
6 a flight/museum _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __

. ... an

Postuchaj nagrania i wpisz brakujetce stowa.

Odpowiedz na pytania.

Would you prefer to work

or a zoo-keeper?
1 as
or a firefighter?
as an estate agent or _ _ _ _ _ __
4 as a dressmaker or _ _ _ _ _ __
5 as
or a bank clerk?
as _ _ _ _ _ _ _ or a coal miner?
Uzupetnij zdania czasownikami z ramki w odpowiedniej
formie. W punktach (7-8) napisz wtasne definicje, uiywajetc
pozostatych czasownikow. Odpowiedz na pytanie.

A mechanic is someone who

_ _ _ _ _ _ _ and services cars.
Do you know
A plumber is someone who
anyone who
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ and repairs water
does these
jobs for
A carpenter is someone who
a living?
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ things out of
4 An optician is someone who tests people's eyes and
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ glasses.
A shopkeeper is someone who runs or
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ a small shop.
A farmer is someone who
plants or
breeds animals.
A postman is _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ __ _ __
An architect is _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __


What did
you want
to be when
you were
a child?
What would
be your
dream job

D _ __
W podanych punktach zakresl
prawidtowet opcj~. Odpowiedz na
pytania. Zakryj tekst cwiczenia i podpisz
zdj~cia z pami~ci.
a television speaker / presenter
a chef / boss working in a busy
restaurant kitchen
a tour pilot / guide
4 a conference interpreter / translator
a conductor / guard on an express
a school director / headmaster

Who do you
think has
the most
stressful job?
Whose job
is the most


W podanych zdaniach zakresl prawidtowCl opcj~.

Zaznacz zdania, z ktorymi si~ zgadzasz.
1 I think that some people in the medical profession as /
like nurses and therapists are underpaid.
For me working in an office would feel as / like being in
a prison.
I wouldn't like to work as / like a teacher or a librarian.
Where I live, young unskilled workers can only find jobs
in such places as / like fast food bars or warehouses.
My mother can sew as / like a professional dressmaker.
As / Like a young boy, my father worked on a farm.

Utworz nazwy zawodow od poszczegolnych wyrazow

w ramce za pomocCl podanych ponii:ej przyrostkow i wpisz
je w luki obok. Odpowiedz na pytanie.
Which of the jobs are mostly done by women,
and which by men?

assist decorate dust

law politics program


Ustyszysz dwukrotnie pi~c pyta.,.
PrzyporzCldkuj kai:demu z nich prawidtowCl odpowiedz.
Wpisz w pola (1-5) odpowiedniClliter~ (A-F). JednCl
odpowiedz podano dodatkowo i nie pasuje ona do
i:adnego z pyta.,.

- 3UWo.


5 -ist
6 -or
Uzupetnij pytania.
What _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ for a living?
I'm a software engineer.
How _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ worked for this
Since last summer. I joined it a year after my graduation.
I worked as an IT specialist in a car factory.
4 What
on at the moment?
I'm developing a new program for the hotel industry.

20 30 40 50

A I live far away from my workplace.


I work in a bank, but I don't like it.

I don't really mind.
It's quite stressful, but well-paid.
Not at all.
I'm working on my monthly report.

Przeczytaj ponii:szy tekst, a nast~pnie uzupetnij luki
(1-5) jednym z wyrazow z ramki, tak aby otrzymac

poprawny i logiczny tekst. Pi~c wyrazow podano

dodatkowo i nie pasujCl one do i:adnej z luk.

Dopasuj pytania (1-6) do odpowiedzi (A-G).

Can you help me fix my bike, please?
Could you take these documents to my office?
Will you give me a hand with my history project?
4 Do you mind giving me a lift to the station?
Would you like me to carry these boxes upstairs?
6 I wonder if you could look after my dog.
Yes, of course. Where shall I put them?
Not at all.
Sorry, but I'm still busy doing mine.
Yes, sure. How long for?
All right. I'll go and get the tools.
Yes, I do. What time then?
No, it's OK, I can manage all right on my own.

What does a caretaker usually take care of?




My passion for making furniture started when I was young.

My granddad was a 1
carpenter and he
me everything I know. After university,
I got a job 3
a manager in a furniture
store but I continued to work 4
my own
deSigns in my spare time. I design mainly tables and chairs.
I make them in my workshop, 5
I spend
most of my weekends. This year, I'm going to try and sell my
work at a craft fair.


. 31U'.

Postuchaj nagrania i wpisz brakuj'l.ce stowa.

Odpowiedz na pytania.

Do you know any teenagers who have a part-time job

Uzupetnij wyraienia odpowiednimi

rzeczownikami z ramki. Postuchaj nagrania i zaznacz, ktor'l.
z wymienionych prac wykonywat mowi'l.cy.

---------------------- ?

______________________ voluntary work?

In the future, would you prefer to
______________________ as a freelancer or work for
a big multinational company?
work night shifts to earn
more money?

Summer job vacancies

Click on the links below to find out more about:
1 picking
in greenhouses

W punktach zakresl prawidtow'l. opcj~. Przeczytaj tekst

ponownie i wybierz jedn'l. z odpowiedzi: A, B lub C, zgodnie
z tresci'l. tekstu.

2 cutting

3 helping in a

and tidying up

4 delivering

for busy parents

6 stacking shelves in

Dopasuj prace domowe (1-6) do zdj~c (A-F). Odpowiedz

na pytania.

In England teenagers aren't 1 legal/legally allowed to

work 2 until/to they're 13. A 13-year-old can only work
up to two hours 3 in / on a school day and up to five
hours on Saturdays. During the summer break these
limits are 4 risen / raised to 5 hours a day. Older pupils
(15-16) can work a bit longer. The problem is that before
someone turns 18, the law doesn't set a minimum
5 wage / money, so teenagers are badly paid, or they're
paid 6 cents / peanuts as we sometimes say.

The text is about:

the average pay teenagers earn.
how long English teenagers can work.
summer jobs in England.


washing the dishes

doing the laundry
4 taking out the rubbish

vacuuming the carpets

Do you tidy up your room yourself? Do you

help with the housework? How do you share
the domestic chores in your family?


W podanych zdaniach zakresl prawidlow'l opcj~.

Odpowiedz na pytan ia.
1 Do you know anyone who is trying to do / make a living

as a bicycle messenger?
Do you think it's easy to do / make business in Poland?
What time do you usually do / make your homework?
4 Who mostly does / makes the shopping and the cooking
in your family?

Do kazdej tabliczki informacyjnej (1-5) dopasuj jedno

zdanie (A-F). Jedno zdanie podano dodatkowo i nie pasuje
ono do zadnej tabliczki.



Have you done / made any progress in English since you

started using this book?
How many mistakes have you done / made in the
exercise? (If none, then you've done / made a good job!)


Uzupelnij zdania czasownikami z ramki w odpowiedniej

formie. Dwa czasowniki podano dodatkowo i nie pasuj'l one
do zadnego ze zdari Odpowiedz na pytanie.



Are the people (1-6) satisfied or dissatisfied

with their current jobs?
TIME: 11.00
TODAY'S DATE: 10(12.-

I wouldn't like to lose

this job. I get a lot of
benefits. And I've
been _ _ _ __

3 It's a temporary job.



because I'd been

unemployed for
a long time. I'm still
looking for something
regular, though.


I'm going to give up

this job. I've already
- -_ _ _ for
a new post.

o letter

~ packet

4 They fired me so



own business. I'm

doing very well now.

6 I'm employed as

I think I'll
- -_ _ _ on
strike. I haven't got
a pay rise for the last
five years.

a sales manager. I did

rather badly at the
job interview, but
they _ _ _ __
me the job anyway.
I'm glad they did.

,.wn Posluchaj nagrania i wpisz brakuj'lce slowa.

Odpowiedz na pytanie.



_ _

This information has been left by a postman.

This text is the employer's request fo r urgent help.
The staff are reminded to wear safety helmets.
This sign reminds the staff to keep the kitchen clean.
This text is a job offer.
This sign says that the area is restricted to employees.

Would you apply for this job?

Start a new career a am :D.IC@ 1Cll'@amJ. 1t:@1t:@ll'!

A suitable candidate
1 lhOUIHdl
ll1@1W skills q[UIlliClliiHy,
2 dlo@ll1'1t:
qualifications Oll' amy previous experience,
;) wllHH receive training :D.ll1 @V@ll'Y _ _ _ _ __
11 lhOUIHdl1b@ aN@ 1t:0 carry out their duties _ _ _ _ __




Przeczytaj trzy oferty pracy oraz pytania dotycz'l.ce tych
ofert. Do kazdego pytania dopasuj wtasciw'l. ofert~.
Wpisz w pola (1-4) odpowiedni'l.liter~ (A-C). Uwaga!
Jedna oferta pasuje do dwoch pytan.

'ImriD Ustyszysz dwukrotnie wypowiedi. Na

podstawie nagrania zaznacz, ktore ze zdan S'l. zgodne
zjego tresci'l. (P - Prawda), a ktore nie (F - Fatsz). Zakresl
liter~ P lub F.
The boy and his sister do the same domestic chores.
The boy washes the dishes.
The boy helps his sister with the ironing.
4 The boy gets some money for his share
of housework.




-l!!Dm Ustyszysz dwukrotnie cztery wypowiedzi na

temat pracy. Przyporz'l.dkuj kazdej z nich odpowiadaj'l.ce
jej zdanie. Wpisz w pola (1-4) odpowiedni'l.liter~ (A-E).
Jedno zdanie podano dodatkowo i nie pasuje ono do
zadnej wypowiedzi.

We are looking for a group leader in their teens for

our fun-packed summer camps.
If you enjoy working with children aged 5-10 and
have good organisational skills, this job is for you.
Experience is an advantage, but not necessary as we
provide full training.

As a sports instructor you will be responsible for

organising different sporting activities for young
children at our youth club. The suitable candidate
must be over 21 and have some previous experience.
If interested, send your application to

If you're a schoolboy/schoolgirl with some

gardening or DIY experience, we've got the summer
job for you. As busy parents we don't have the time
to look after our garden. We need someone to cut the
grass and take care of our children's mini playground.
Call us in the evenings on 0131 7488292

Which job would be best for


I like the freedom I have in my job.

I enjoy the variety at work.
I have a very stressful job.
I can find some time for myself at work.
I'm going to give up my job.


D someone who doesn't mind physical work?

D someone who has some experience of teaching?
D teenagers who like looking after their younger
brothers or sisters?
D someone who's never worked before?


Przeczytaj tekst. Do kaidego fragmentu (1-5), dopasuj odpowiedni nagt6wek (A-F).
Jeden nagt6wek podano dodatkowo i nie pasuje on do iadnego fragmentu.

Winter break with a difference

Natalie Brown, a student from
Cambridge, tells us what she did on
her last winter holidays, working as
a volunteer in Portugal.

I took part in a project called One

Million Seeds for the Coa Valley. Its
main purpose is to save the native
trees of the region by collecting and
planting one million seeds over the
next five years. A lot of native trees
are becoming rare because of forest
fires. There are also fewer farmers
who want to grow cork oaks in the
First of all, you should have lots
of enthusiasm. Of course, if you're
interested in environmental issues,
it makes the work much easier, but
previous experience isn't essential.

Przeczytaj tekst. Zaznacz, kt6re

zdania (1-5) sFgodne zjego tresciil
(P - Prawda), a kt6re nie (F - Fatsz).
Zakreslliter~ P lub F.

Ben Southall found a job while

he was on holiday in Australia.
During his stay on the island,
Ben had to contact the media
to promote tourism.
Ben was too busy to enjoy the
benefits of the job.
Ben was disappointed with his
stay in Australia.
Ben has given up working for
the state of Queensland.

There is, however, one special

condition: you have to speak English
or Portuguese.
I got a lot out of it. I learnt so much
about trees, especially the cork oak.
I also loved the views - this part of
Portugal has magnificent scenery.
And I also enjoyed being with people
from all over the world.
The weather, I think. It got quite
cold and windy. I didn't think the
Portuguese winter could be so cold.
The project is going to continue for
the next five years, so you can join in
practically at any time. All you have to
do is send an application to ATN, the
Portuguese organisation responsible
for the project.

What's needed for this

voluntary work
The benefits of the work
How to get involved
The hardest thing
Environmental education
A description of the project

The best job in the world

What do you think would be an
ideal job? One that involves a lot of
travelling, or one that brings you
loads of money? Or maybe one that
seems like a six-month paid holiday
in a luxurious tropical paradise?
The person who knows it best is Ben
Southall, a charity worker from Great
Britain who won the Best Job in
the World contest organised by the
Australian state of Queensland. Ben
was offered a half-a-year contract
as the caretaker of a tropical island

with the salary of 73,400. However,

he didn't have to carry out any
repairs. His job involved swimming,
exploring and relaxing on the island.
His only serious task was to write
a blog to promote local tourism. But
doesn't it seem too good to be true?
Now, when the contract is over, it
turns out that the dream job was
actually really hard work.
Ben was busy seven days a week
carrying out his duties that went far
beyond the initial arrangements. He
gave 250 interviews, posted more
than 75,000 words in 60 separate
blogs and uploaded more than 2,000
photos. In fact, he didn't have much
time left for using his private pool.
Despite all the hard work, he enjoyed
every minute of it and would love
to repeat the experience again.
Actually, he did so well in the job
that he was offered another contract
- promoting Queensland round the
world. It seems he has changed his
early career for good.


accountant - ksi~gowy/-a
architect - architekt
assistant - asystentl-ka
babysitter - opiekunka do
bank clerk - urz~dnik
boss - szef
caretaker - dozorca
carpenter - stolarz
chef - kucharz
child-minder - opiekun/-ka
do dzieci
coal miner - g6rnik
conductor - dyrygent
conference interpreter tlumacz konferencyjny
construction worker budowlaniec
cook - kucharz/kucharka
decorator - malarz/tapeciarz
dressmaker - krawiecl
dustman - smieciarz
electrician - elektryk
estate agent - agent
farmer - rolnik
fashion/interior/web designer
- projektant modyl
wn~trz/stron www
firefighter - strazak
fisherman - rybak
flight attendant - stewardl
guard - konduktor
hairdresser - fryzjerl -ka
pilot - pilot helikopteral
IT specialist - informatyk
journalist - dziennikarzl
lawyer - prawnikl
librarian - bibliotekarzl
lorry/taxi driver - kierowca

mechanic - mechanik
nurse - piel~gniarzl

optician - optyk
petrol station/museum
attendant - pracownik
stacji benzynowejl
plumber - hydraulik
police officer - policjantl

postman - listonosz
programmer - programista
receptionist - recepcjonista
sailor - marynarz
school headmaster - dyrektor
shopkeeper - sldepikarz
ski/driving/riding instructor
- instruktor narciarstwa/
jazdy/jazdy konnej
social/care worker pracownik opieki
software engineer programista
soldier - zolnierz
television presenter prezenterl -ka telewizyjny
therapist - terapeuta
tour guide - przewodnik
train driver - maszynista
travel agent - agent biura
vet - weterynarz
zoo-keeper - pracownik zoo



breed animals - hodowae

deliver letters and parcels dostarczae listy i paczki

design buildings projektowae budynki
fix and service car naprawiae i serwisowae
grow plants - uprawiae
install and repair water pipes
- zakladae i naprawiae
instalacj~ wodoci'!gow'!
make things (out of wood/
metal) - robie rzeczy
(z drewna/metalu)
run a shop - prowadzie sldep
sell glasses - sprzedawae
test eyes - sprawdzae wzrok

car factory - fabryka
fast food bar - bar szybkiej
hotel industry - przemysl
multinational company firma mi~dzynarodowa
office - biuro


petrol station - stacja

warehouse - magazyn,


academic qualifications wyksztakenie
apply for a new post - starae
si~ 0 now'! posad~
be employed as - bye
zatrudnionym jako
be legally allowed to work bye zatrudnionym legalnie
be paid peanuts - dostawae
marne wynagrodzenie
be promoted - zostae
be under stress - bye
w stresie
be unemployed - bye
carry out duties - wykonywae
do badly/well at the job
interview - poradzie sobie
zle/dobrze w trakcie
rozmowy 0 prac~
do business - robie interes
fire (sb) - zwolnie (kogos)
get a pay rise - otrzymae

get benefits - dostawae

dodatkowe korzysci
give up a job - zrezygnowae
z pracy
go on strike - zastrajkowae
job vacancy - wolna posada
lose a job - stracie prac~
make a living - zarabiae na
offer a job - zaoferowae prac~
organisational skills
- umiej~tnosci
part-time job - praca na cz~se
previous experience uprzednie doswiadczenie
start a business - zalozye

suitable candidate odpowiedni kandydat

take a job - podj,!e prac~
team spirit - duch zespolowy
training - szkolenie
voluntary work - praca
dobrowolna, wolontariat
wage - wynagrodzenie
work long hours - pracowae
do p6zna

work night shifts - nocna

work under pressure pracowae pod presj,!

boss - szef
employee - zatrudniony
employer - pracodawca
freelancer - pracownik
staff - zaloga, personel

cook - gotowae
cut grass - Scinae traw~
do the laundry - prae
dust - scierae kurz
housework - prace domowe
iron - prasowae
rake up dead leaves - grabie
suche liscie
share the domestic chores dzielie si~ obowi,!zkami
shop - robie zakupy
take out the rubbish wynosiC smieci
tidy up - sprz'!tae
vacuum the carpet odkurzae dywan
wash the dishes - zmywae

craft fair - targ rzemiosla
do a job for a living wykonywae jakis zaw6d
dla pieni~dzy
do one's best - robie cos
najlepiej jak si~ potrafi
dream job - wymarzona
hard-working - pracowity,
ci~zko pracuj,!cy
it's not my cup of tea (idiom)
- to nie moja dzialka, nie
interesuj~ si~ tym
physical/mental workfizyczna/umyslowa praca
spare time - wolny czas
stressful/challenging job stresuj ,!ca/wymagaj ,!ca
team player - zawodnik
underpaid job - praca
unskilled worker - pracownik

. . m..

Uslyszysz szesc odpowiedzi na pytanie 0 ulubionC! przekC!sk~. PrzyporzC!dkuj przedstawiajC!ce je ilustracje

(A-F) poszczegolnym osobom, wpisujC!c numery (1-6). Postuchaj nagrania ponownie i podpisz rysunki zgodnie z jego tresciC!.

Do you eat

D _ __

D _____

D _ __

What's your

Do you
think it's


D _____

D _ __

Postuchaj nagrania i wpisz brakujC!ce stowa.

Odpowiedz na pytania.
Which do you prefer:
1 pears or _ _ _ _ _ __
_______ carrots or cooked
baked beans or _ _ _ _ _ __
4 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ or margarine?
porkor _ _ _ _ _ __
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ or pasta?
black coffee or _ _ _ _ _ __
8 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ water or fizzy water?

c. itjolf#, Postuchaj nagrania i wpisz brakujC!ce stowa.

Odpowiedz na pytania.
Which is richer in _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ : apple
or pineapple?
Which is a better source of _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __
nuts or doughnuts?
Which contains less _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __
cheese or cottage cheese?
Which is lower in _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __
bread or gingerbread?

W podanych zdaniach zakresl prawidtowC! opcj~.

Zaznacz zdania, z ktorymi si~ zgadzasz.
1 I always have a / - breakfast before going to school.
Today I had a / some toast and jam for a / - breakfast.
I'm haVing a / - fish for a / - lunch today.
In the summer we often have a / - barbecue.
I think I eat enough fruit / fruits and vegetables.
I'm trying to watch my weight, but I'm not on a / - diet.

D _ __
Uzupetnij zdania odpowiednimi przymiotnikami
z ramki.

Add more honey to the cream. It's not _ _ _ _ _ __

I put twice as much salt as was necessary. It's too
There's too much lemon juice in the dressing. It's too
4 The soup needs some salt and
pepper. It's _ _ _ _ _ __
There was a lot of chilly in my
curry. It was very
I don't like very strong
coffee. It's much too
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ formy

Przeczytaj poniiszy tekst. W zdaniach (1-3) skresl jednC!

nieprawidtowC! opcj~.


Saturday 9 May

I went to Mike's birthday party last night. Here are

three points I'd like to make about his birthday cake.
1 It looked great / beautifully / lovely.
2 And it smelt well / very good / so fresh.
3 But it tasted awful/like cotton wool/badly.



Postuchaj nagran ia i wpisz brakuj<t ce
stowa. Odpowiedz na pytania petnymi zdaniami.

What do you like most about your

_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ? Is it the atmosphere,
the food or the service?
When did you last go _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __
a pizza with your friends?
Does your family often _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __
4 How often do you get a fast food

Uzupetnij dialogi (1 -5) 0 brakuj <tc<t wypowiedi jednej z os6b,
wybieraj<tc sposr6d podanych odpowiedzi: A, B lub C.

1 ~ Here's your lunch.

!> Thank you.

~ Can you pass the bread?


B Go on.
e Have fun.

Did you take any food with you when you last
? If so, what kind of
What food do you usually take with you when
you go _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __


Thank you.

You're welcome
B Here you are.
e Please.

Do you feel like having something to eat?

Yes, but I feel like something light.
How about some fish?


A I'm afraid I'm not very keen on seafood.

B No thanks, I couldn't eat another thing.

e I don't think I could manage any more, thank you.

Odpowiedz na pytania. Wpisz W (Waiter) lub
G (Guest).


Who takes orders?

Who serves a dessert?
Who leaves a tip?
Who books a table?
Who asks for the menu?
Who pays the bill?
Who recommends a main course?
Who has a starter?

Do you want a second helping?


A I don't need any help, thank you.

B Yes, I'll have the beef for the second course.

e No thanks, I'm full.

Przeczytaj tekst , a nast~pnie uzupetnij luki (1-5) jedn<t z podanych
moiliwosci: A, B lub (, tak aby otrzymac tekst poprawny pod
wzgl~dem gramatycznym i logicznym.

Dopasuj pytania (1-6) do odpowiedzi (A-F).

Kt6re pytania m6gtby zadac kelner?

1 Are you ready to order?

Do you take sugar in your coffee?
How was the chicken?
4 Would you like a dessert?
5 Could I have another slice of cake?
Would you like some more rice?
Thank you. It was lovely. I really enjoyed it.
Yes, I'll have a green salad for a starter.
Yes, certainly. Help yourself.
Two spoonfuls, please.
Yes, please, but only a little.
No, thank you. I've had enough. Can I have the
bill, please?

If something smells, does it smell nice or

does it smell bad?

I went to Style Cafe last Saturday with three of my friends. It's

very popular at the moment because it's only just opened and
cheeseburgers and chips.
everyone wants to go there. We' _
Our 2 _
was friendly and smiled a lot, and the service was
excellent - the food arrived quickly and was nice and hot. The
burger tasted absolutely 3 _
and the chips were fantastic.
The food was probably a bit 4 _
expensive than other cafes in
the area, but we had 5 _
an enjoyable time that we didn't
really mind. I can recommend Style Cafe to anyone.

A ordered
A chef
A delicious
4 A less
A very

B asked
IS horrible
B more

e wanted
e waitress



Zakresl prawidtowil opcj~. Odpowiedz na pytania.

Are you good at / in cooking?
Do you follow recipes / prescriptions, or do you like experimenting with food?
Do you use cookery / cooking books, or do you find recipes on the Internet?
4 Which of these dishes can you make / do? What basic ingredients do you need to prepare them?
scrambled eggs pancakes a fruit salad

W6i: zdania (A-F), tak aby powstatlogiczny i sp6jny tekst stanowiilcy przepis kulinarny.


Greek salad
A Once you've cut up all the vegetables, mix them
together in a bowl.
B First, wash the cucumber, peppers and tomatoes.
C Put the olives and pieces of feta cheese on top.
D Then slice them.
E Next, slice the onion finely.
F Finally, add some olive oil mixed with salt and
pepper and a bit of oregano.

Uzupetnij zdania odpowiednimi czasownikami z ramki. Podpisz rysunki (A-F).

You can
You can
You can
4 You can
You can
You can




an egg in a pot and water in a kettle.
a banana with your hands or a kiwi-fruit with a sharp knife.
bread or cakes in an oven.
fish or eggs in a pan.
turkey or chicken in an oven.
carrots in a food processor.

. Postuchaj nagrania i wpisz brakuj'lce stowa.

Przyporz'ldkuj pytania (1-4) do odpowiedzi (A-D).
How long does it take _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __
Should I eat spaghetti _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __
How long does it take to boil an egg

Uzupetnij list~ zakupow stowami z ramki.

- - - - - - - - - - -?


What should you do _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __

without crying?


'f- 0



There are a few useful tips: keep it in the fridge

before cutting it, open the window and use a very
sharp knife. However, the best method is to ask
someone else to cut it up for you.

S- O



e\ef"ql1 dri~k


Jakie informacje umieszczone na produktach

spozywczych s'l wazne dla kupuj'lcych? Przyporz'ldkuj
kazdemu zdaniu (A-F) odpowiedni'l informacj~ 0 produkcie
(1-6). Odpowiedz na pytania z ankiety.

First of all, this is a risky method as it is sure to

explode, so do it in a pan. Three minutes is enough
for a soft-boiled one. And if you like it hard, boil it
for five minutes.
Usually between 5-10 minutes, but it depends on
the variety. You should stick to the cooking time
on the packaging. Be careful not to overcook it - it
should be firm .
I think you should - pasta is a bit messy to eat.
Table manners are quite relaxed now so anything
goes. But if you ask true Italians, they will tell you
that just a fork should be enough .

,UU' Postuchaj nagrania i zaznacz, ktorych

produktow Mike uzyt do zrobienia kanapki. Odpowiedz na

May contain traces of nuts.

Store in a COol, dry place

Once opened, Use within two days.

Typical values

per 100g







GDA adult
Spec/a I offer

300/0 OFF


Do you read food labels?

If so, what do you pay attention to?
What's in your lunchbox today?
Make your favourite sandwich. Choose one
product from each group.


Uslyszysz dwukrotnie wypowiedi ucznia

z norweskiej szkoly. Na podstawie nagrania zaznacz, ktore ze
zdan (1-4) s'l zgodne z jego tresci'l (P - Prawda), a ktore nie
(F - Fatsz). Zakreslliter~ P lub F.
School canteens are very popular in Norway.
Lunch breaks are quite long.
There are very few vending machines
in Norwegian schools.
4 Schoolchildren get milk and fruit for free.

I only pay attention to the sell-by-date.

I always read the ingredients. I'm allergic

to some products.


If you want to eat healthily, you must

read the nutritional information.
I only take a look at the price.

I check the weight to see if it's good

value for money.

I think the 'how to use' instructions are

very important.




.'1!!IrZD Ustyszysz dwukrotnie trzy nagrania.

Z podanych moiliwosci: A, B lub C wybierzjednit,
zgodnit z tresciit nagrania.

Przeczytaj menu meksykanskiej restauracji. Zaznacz,

kt6re ze zdan (1-5) sit zgodne z jego tresciit
(P - Prawda), a kt6re nie (F - Fatsz). Zakreslliter~ P lub F.

1 What does the man ask the waitress for?

1 Course - 5.95
Any 2 Courses - 7.95
Any 3 Courses - 8.95
What did the boy have for lunch at school?

, I

Creamy tomato soup with garlic bread

Mexican salad (mixed green leaves with sour
cream and grilled peppers)


What were the sausages like?

too salty
very hot



Grilled chicken wings with tomato salsa

(children's portion available)
Beef and bean chilli
Fish of the day with red pepper salsa
Fiesta wrap with grilled vegetables and
cheese (suitable for vegetarians)


Ustyszysz dwukrotnie reklam~ radiowit.

Na podstawie nagrania zaznacz, kt6re zdania (1-5)
sit zgodne z jego tresciit (P - Prawda), a kt6re nie
(F - Fatsz). Zakreslliter~ P lub F.


Frozen pineapple cream

Fried banana with cinnamon topping and
vanilla ice

Your Personal Chef

All mains come with Mexican rice or home-made chips.

What can I do for you?

You decide on your party menu together with your

personal chef.
You have to do the shopping for your party.
Your personal chef serves the food to your guests.
Your personal chef cleans up after the party.
You can go on the Internet for additional
information about the service.


These dishes are very hot. Tell your server if you

prefer a milder version.

'il' 207 24 36 88



The restaurant is in the UK.

Restaurant guests are warned that some courses
are very spicy.
It's possible to order smaller portions of one
of the dishes.
There aren't any main courses for people who
don't eat meat.
You have to pay extra for rice or chips.



Przeczytaj tekst, z ktorego usuni~to
cztery zdania . Dobierz brakujqce
zdania (A- E), tak aby otrzymac spojny
i logiczny tekst, wpisujqc w luki (1-4)
odpowiedniq liter~. Jedno zdanie
podano dodatkowo i nie pasuje one do
iadnego ze zdan.

Bananas are also grown in Europe.

There are many kinds of bananas.
Red bananas taste a little like
Unlike sweet dessert bananas, they must
be cooked.
Even banana flowers have found a place
in Asian cooking.

Przeczytaj reklam~ lekcji gotowania w Luang Prabang, dawnej stolicy Laosu. Do kaidego fragmentu (1-4),
dopasuj odpowiedni nagtowek (A-E). Jeden nagtowek podano dodatkowo i nie pasuje on do iadnego fragmentu.

Use the Lao spices and ingredients

Join us
Enjoy the food and the company
Tryout the recipes
Visit the food market

Lao Cooking Classes

in Luang Prabang

Our cookery class takes

place every day in
surroundings. We meet
at The Lemon Grass Cafe
at 9 a.m. The cost is $30
per person, including
food and transport. We recommend signing up at least
one day beforehand, as the number of participants is
limited to eight people.

Before you start the actual cooking, your teacher

will take you around the places where all Laotians in
Luang Prabang do their daily shopping. As you can get
practically everything that is used in Lao recipes there,
from fish sauce and live larvae, to dried bats. This will be
a valuable lesson on Lao ingredients.


After a short ride by tuk-tuk, we'll take you to our special

outdoor 'classroom; located on a river bank. You'll quickly
learn how to cook perfect sticky rice or Mok Po - fish
wrapped in banana leaves. We'll teach you how to peel
(or rather chop) Lao spice wood, which tastes like pepper,
and how to make the most of lemon grass. And doesn't
red rice cooked in coconut milk with pineapple sound
delicious for dessert? Just imagine surprising your guests
when you cook all this again back at home!

At the end of the lesson, you'll have

a chance to relax over the food
you've cooked by yourself with the
other participants at the dining
area in our exotic garden. This will
definitely be the perfect moment
for a little chat and swapping your
best recipes. Around 6 p.m. we'll
take you back to the meeting
point at The Lemon Grass Cafe.

~"# ~ _ .

~ I"'~ .~".:"

. . '



beef - wolowina
cold meats - w~dliny
ham - szynka
lamb - jagni~cina
pork - wieprzowina
sausage - kielbasa


chicken - kurczak
duck - kaczka
turkey - indyk


cod - dorsz
salmon - losos
shrimp - krewetka


beans - fasolka
beetroot - burak
broccoli - brokul
cabbage - kapusta
carrot - marchewka
cauliflower - kalafior
celery - seIer
cucumber - ogorek
eggplant - baklazan
horseradish - chrzan
leek - por
lettuce - salata
mushrooms - grzyby
onion - cebula
peas - groszek
potato - ziemniak
radish - rzodkiewka
red pepper - papryka
tomato - pomidor

apple - jablko
blueberry - jagoda
cherry - wisnia, czeresnia
gooseberry - agrest
grapefruit - grejpfrut
grapes - winogrona
lemon - cytryna
lime - limonka
melon - melon
peach - brzoskwinia
pear - gruszka
pineapple - an an as
plum - sliwka
raspberry - malina
strawberry - truskawka
watermelon - arbuz



butter - maslo
cheese - ser
cream - smietana
margarine - margaryna


basil - bazylia
cinnamon - cynamon
garlic - czosnek
olive oil - oliwa z oliwek
parsley - pietruszka
pepper - pieprz
salt - sol
vinegar - ocet

Qifiii BVmsalad - surowka, salatka
soup - zupa


cake - ciasto (z kremem)
candy bar - batonik
candy floss - wata cukrowa
chewing gum - guma do
chocolate - czekoladka
chocolate cake - tort
gingerbread - piernik
honey- miod
ice-cream - lody
lollipop -lizak
pie - ciasto (placek)
sugar - cukier


bread - chleb
cereals - platki sniadaniowe
crisps - chipsy ziemniaczane
doughnut - p'!czek
dressing - sos do salatek
egg (soft-boiled/hard-boiled)
- jajko (na mi~kko/na
french fries - frytki
fried eggs - jajka sadzone
garlic sauce - sos czosnkowy
pancake - naleSnik
pasta - makaron
rice - ryz
roll- bulka
scrambled eggs - jajecznica
snack - przek,!ska


-hi i;,

herbal tea - herbata ziolowa

hot chocolate - czekolada na
juice - sok
tea - herbata
water (fizzy/still) - woda
(gazowana/ niegazowana)

bitter - gorzki
bland - mdly
salty - (zbyt) slony
sour - kwasny
spicy/hot - mocno
przyprawiony, pikantny
sweet - slodki


bowl- miska
cooker - kuchenka
cup - kubek
fork - widelec
fridge - lodowka
glass - szklanka
kettle - czajnik
knife (sharp/blunt) - noz
( ostry/t~py)
plate - talerz
pot - garnek
sink - zlewozmywak
spoon -lyzka


bag of (flour) - torebka
bottle of (water) - butelka
bowl of (soup) - miska (zupy)
can of (coke) - puszka (coli)
jar of (jam) - sloik (dzemu)
packet of (biscuits) - paczka
tin of (herrings) - puszka


baked - pieczony
cooked - gotowany
fresh - swiezy
fried - smazony
frozen - mrozony
overcooked - przegotowany
raw - surowy
roast - pieczony
cut - ci,!c
peel - obierac
grate - trzec
slice - ci,!c na plasterki
chop - siekac
grill - grillowac
boil- (za)gotowac
bake - piec, wypiekac
roast - piec, opiekac
fry - smazyc

cafe - kawiarnia
cafeteria - bufet
school canteen - stolowka

barbecue - przyj~cie
z grillem
be keen on (seafood) - bardzo
lubic (owoce morza)
book a table - zarezerwowac
Can I have the bill, please?
- Czy mog~ poprosic
o rachunek?
chef - szef kuchni
cookery book - ksi,!zka
Do you take sugar in your
(coffee)? - Czy slodzisz

flavour - smak
for my liking - na moj gust
I'll have (a green salad) for (a
starter), - Wezm~ (salatk~)
na (przystawk~),
leave a tip - zostawic
on a diet - na diecie
pay the bill - zaplacic
picnic - piknik
recommend a main course polecic danie glowne
second helping - dokladka
serve '- podawac
suitable for vegetarians
- odpowiednie dla
table manners - dobre
zachowanie przy stole
take an order - przyj,!c
takeaway - na wynos
unhealthy - niezdrowy
waiter - kelner
waitress - kelnerka
watch one's weight pilnowac wagi ciala

. ,.Uh.

Ustyszysz szesc odpowiedzi na pytanie, czego ludzie nie akceptuji} w swoim wygli}dzie.
Przyporzi}dkuj przedstawiaji}ce je ilustracje (A-F) poszczegolnym osobom, wpisuji}c numery (1-6).
Postuchaj nagrania ponownie i podpisz rysunki zgodnie z jego trescii}.


D _ __

D _ __

D _ __

D _~~~~

D _ __

D _ __

. ,.Ut!:.

Postuchaj nagrania i wpisz brakuji}ce stowa.

Odpowiedz na pytania. Zakryj tekst i uzupetnij podpisy pod
rysunkami z pami~ci.

Is the _ _ _ _ _ _ _ part of your arm or your hand?

Is the _______ a joint or a muscle?
Is the
part of your foot or your
4 Do you wear jewellery around your
your neck?
How many fingers, thumbs and
a person have?
6 Do you greet your close friends with a kiss on the
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ ,onthe
the forehead?


a NM. Postuchaj nagrania i wpisz brakuji}ce stowa.

Odpowiedz na pytania.


Why do
feel selfconscious
about their
bodies? Are
you worried
about your

Uzupetnij zdania odpowiednimi rzeczownikami z ramki.

Zakryj tekst i uzupetnij podpisy pod rysunkami z pami~ci.

Do you know what's good or bad for your health?

What are the most harmful addictions?
1 Oilyfishisgoodforyour
2 Smoking can cause
3 Going to school on an empty
4 Too much salt is bad for your
5 Alcohol is harmful to the
6 Milk products are good for your

is bad for
and your

Uzupetnij zdania odpowiednimi

rzeczownikami z ramki. Odpowiedz na pytania.

Do you get a stiff

sitting at your computer for too long?
Do you always use sun cream to avoid
- - - - - - -?
Have you ever lost your _ _ _ _ _ __
from singing?
4 When did you last have a bad
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ ? Did you take any
Do you feel travel _ _ _ _ _ _ _ on
a bus?
Do you complain about stomach
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ when you're stressed?

A Why don't you drink tea with lemon and honey?

B How about putting some ice on it? And try not to scratch it!
C If I were you, I'd go to see the dentist at once.
D Avoid watching TV before going to bed.

You should talk to someone about your problems.

Try inhaling steam from a bowl of hot water with aromatic oil.
Dopasuj pytania (1-6) do odpowiedzi (A-F). Przecwicz dialog
w parze z koleiankct/kolegct.

W podanych zdaniach zakresl prawidtowy

zaimek. Odpowiedz pisemnie na pytania.
1 I once hurt me / my
back badly when I lifted
a heavy suitcase.
I cut me I myself with
a knife when I was slicing
Have you ever
suffered an
I've got a nasty bruise on
my knee. My friend hit
Was it
me I myself aCcidentally
with his bag.
How did it
4 I once broke my / myself
arm while I was doing
sport. I had it in plaster
for a few weeks.
I twisted my ankle when I and my friend ran
into each other I ourselves in a PE lesson.
I burnt me I myself with a hot pot when I was

Przeczytaj poniiszy tekst. W poszczegolnych
zdaniach (1-5) skresl jedno niepasujctce stowo.
Odpowiedz na pytanie.

Does uncle Jim remind you of

someone in your family?

1 What's wrong with your arm?

How long has it been like that?
How did it happen?
4 Does it hurt?
5 Is it getting better?
6 Have you been to see your

A I slipped and fell over.

B Not yet, but I'm going to.

C It's quite painful.
D It's getting worse, actually.
Since Monday.
I think I've pulled a muscle.

What does it mean when someone is black and blue?

Do kaidej sytuacji (1-5) dobierz odpowiednict reakcj~: A, B lub C.
1 Tw6j kolega jest przezi~biony. Zycz mu powrotu do zdrowia.
A Get well soon!
B Good luck!
C Take care!
Zapytaj koleiank~, co jej dolega.
A What's going on?
B What's up?
C What's the matter?
Jak pocieszysz zasmuconego koleg~?
A Stand up!
B Cheer up!
C Come on!
4 Twoja koleianka ile si~ czuje. Poradi jej, aby si~ poloiyla.
A Don't lie down.
B Why did you lie down?
C Why don't you lie down?
Jak powiesz, ie jest Ci niedobrze?
A I'm ill.
B I feel sick.
C I don't feel well.

Przeczytaj poniiszy tekst, a nast~pnie uzupetnij luki (1-5) jednct
z podanych moiliwosci: A, B lub C, tak aby otrzymac tekst poprawny
pod wzgl~dem gramatycznym i logicznym.


My uncle Jim is such a hypochondriac. He

always worries about his health.
1 He says his legs hurt I ache I pain.
2 He feels a(n) hurt / ache / pain in his back.
3 He says his arms are painless / painful /
4 Every week he aches / has / suffers from
a different disease.
S To make things worse, nothing can finish /
reduce I stop his pain.

Do kaidego problemu (1-6) dobierz odpowiednict rad~ (A-F).

I have toothache.
4 I've had a blocked nose for two
I can't sleep.
I've got an itchy mosquito bite.
My voice is hoarse.
6 I've felt depressed lately.

This is a photo of my younger sister.

A week ago she hurt' _ badly during
a PE lesson. While she 2 _ , she suddenly
felt a sharp pain in her right foot. It got
worse so she was taken to hospital. It
turned out that she'd twisted her 3 _ .
The doctor said it was quite a serious 4 _
so he decided to put her leg in 5 _
for four weeks.

A her
A ran
A ankle
4 A injury
5 A painkiller

B hers
B was running
B elbow
B bruise
B bandage

C herself
C have run
C wrist
C bite
C plaster


~~~. Postuchaj nagrania i wpisz brakujClce stowa.

Odpowiedz na pytania.

Do you have problems with your eyesight? Do you wear

giasses or
How often do you go
a checkup?
? Have
Are you afraid of
you thought of becoming a blood donor?
4 Have you ever been in hospital? Have you ever had

W podanych zdaniach zakresl prawidtowCl
opcj~. Podpisz rysunki (A-F). Postuchaj wypowiedzi trzech
osob i przyporzCldkuj im odpowiednie rysunki, wpisujClc
numery (1-3).

Your GP examines / studies you.

A nurse makes / gives you injections and takes / measures
your temperature.
A surgeon performs / has an operation.
4 A pharmacist prescribes / supplies drugs.
5 A patient takes / studies medicine.
6 A paramedic gives / donates first aid.

~'Io:I.::.IIoI.ICooI'I Odpowiedz na poniisze pytania. Postuchaj

dialogu w gabinecie lekarskim i zaznacz symptomy, ktore
wymienit pacjent.

When did you last catch a bad cold or flu?

What symptoms did you have?
Did you stay in bed? How long were you off sick?

Check your symptoms!
a fever
aching muscles
a dry cough
a bad throat

a runny nose
cold chills
an upset stomach

If the symptoms persist, make an appointment

with your G P.

W punktach (A-F) zakresl prawidtowCl opcj~. Przeczytaj

tekst ponownie i odpowiedz na pytania (1-2), wybierajClc
jednCl z podanych moiliwosci: A, B lub ( zgodnie z tresciCl


The other day, Magda gave

me something really unusual
from her trip to Barcelona.
It looked like a first A aid /
help kit, but B instead of!
except fortablets and plasters
there were different kinds
of sweets. Magda said she'd
bought it in a funny sweet
shop, called Happy Pills. The
shop looks like a C chemistry
/ pharmacy. You choose your
assortment of sweets and
the assistant packs them
in bottles or boxes like real
omedicine / recipe. You can also choose a funny sticker with
the recommended E usage / dosage and other instructions.
The sticker on my present said: F To cure / To recover a broken
heart. I adore creative ideas like this. I think I'd spend all my
money if I went there, but I don't really think sweets can
solve the problems with my love life.

~_ _


What is the text about?

an unusual pharmacy
the packaging of pills
a sweet shop
What does Magda think of Happy Pills?
It's original.
It's useless.
It's expensive.

Podpisz rysunki (1-9). Odpowiedz na pytanie.

Przyporz'!dkuj wypowiedziom (A-D) odpowiednie produkty.
What would you put in your first aid travel kit?
nose drops
safety pins


bandages and plasters

insect repellent
a thermometer

W podanych zdaniach zakresl prawidlow'! opcj~.

W niektorych zdaniach oba warianty s,! poprawne. Napisz
trzy prawdziwe zdania 0 sobie z wybranymi czasownikami.
1 HIV positive patients are cured / treated with special
There are better ways to heal/treat cancer than in the
In the future we'll be able to cure / treat people of every
4 If you have a viral infection, stay in bed until you get
better / get well.
5 It takes six weeks for a broken wrist to cure / heal.
6 Don't go back to school if you haven't recovered from / got
over the flu.

Do kaidej tabliczki informacyjnej (1-5) dopasuj jedno

zdanie (A-F). Jedno zdanie podano dodatkowo i nie pasuje
ono do iadnej tabliczki.

Adults: 1 lozenge every 3 hours.
Maximum 8 lozenges in 24 hours.

A I got badly bitten by

ants last summer.
Now I always
remember to take it
with me.

It's really important "

to have something
to clean a cut with
before you put
a plaster on it.

They're an essential .,
part of my travel kit.
I often have a sore
throat after a long



Life vest
under your seat

This is the basic stuff .,

to stop bleeding.
I realised how useful
they were when my
little daughter cut
her foot badly on our

Uzupelnij zdania wyrazami z ramki w odpowiedniej

formie. Z ktorymi zdaniami si~ zgadzasz?
psychology physics aggression depression addiction art

Most people look after their

more than their mental health.
Nearly all people become
when they
can't cope with stress.
- - - - - - _ activities help many people to reduce
stress levels.
4 Some people get
to drugs as a result of
too much stress in their lives.
These days more and more people feel
- _ _ _ _ _ _ , or even suicidal.
The majority of people are embarrassed to see
or a psychiatrist.

A This information is important for someone taking

This sign informs people how to give first aid.
This sign might be useful for a woman who's going to
have a baby.
D This sign warns people about a possible risk of injury.
E This information is useful for a disabled customer visiting
a restaurant.
In an emergency this information is important for plane




Ustyszysz dwukrotnie wypowiedzi czterech

osob. PrzyporzCldkuj kaidej osobie (1-4) odpowiednie
stwierdzenie (A-E). Wpisz odpowiedniClliter~ w kaide
pole. Jedno stwierdzenie podano dodatkowo i nie
pasuje ono do iadnej z osob.

D Monica

D Jason
D Kate
D Mathew


Przeczytaj teksty. W zadaniach (1-3) z podanych
odpowiedzi wybierz prawidtowCl, zgodnCl z tresci<t
tekstu. Zakresl odpowiednio liter~: A, B lub C.

must see the dentist.

is going to a pharmacy.
has a food allergy.
has a temperature.
has caught a cold.


.'1!!mD Ustyszysz dwukrotnie dwa teksty. Z podanych

moiliwosci: A, B lub ( wybierzjednCl, zgodn<t z tresciCl
nagrania. Pierwsze trzy zadania (1-3) odnoszCl si~ do
pierwszego tekstu, a kolejne (4-6) do drugiego.

Ustyszysz fragment audycji radiowej na temat stresu.

1 According to Dr Stephenson
every method of reducing stress is good.
we mustn't keep problems to ourselves.
doctors prescribe harmful drugs to cope with stress.
In Dr Stephenson's opinion, which of these activities can
help people relax?
Calling friends.
Watching television.
Joining a choir or a drama club.
In order to reduce stress
levels, Dr Stephenson
suggests taking
a short nap.
warns against
sleeping late.
doesn't recommend
sleeping during the

Why did Susan text Mike?

To wish him a quick recovery.
To ask him what the matter was.
To remind him to be careful.

C;wee-t~rort I

r.! W\ qoiV\q for W\y eLfesiqt-.t test

strCtiqH Ctfter work ]:. t-.ope. it wo0. t
tCtke. R0V\q' ner~s soW\e. SOIAP i0. tt-.e.
f(idqe. if yOIA/(e. t-.1AV\q(y CtHer sct-.ooR.
What is the note about?
A school test
A long working day
A doctor's appointment

Ustyszysz rozmow~ dwojga przyjaciot.

4 The boy
has his ankle in plaster.
has injured his leg.
has pulled an arm muscle.
The boy feels disappointed
because he's not able to take part in the
with his preparation for the championships.
with the girl's reaction.
The girl
is not interested in the boy's situation.
is worried about the boy's health.
is trying to make him feel better.


Hi Julia,
I'm having a wonderful time in Greece. I feel great
although I felt pretty rough yesterday. I was very sick on
the ferry to the mainland. The thing is that I'm usually
well prepared for all kinds of injuries, but I forgot to put
my travel sickness tablets in my first aid kit. I can't wait to
see you.

What problem did Martha have?

She'd forgotten her first aid kit.
She had an injury.
She suffered from sea sickness.



Przeczytaj informacje
o trzech osobach i cztery
ulotki na temat zdrowia.
PrzyporzCldkuj kazdej
osobie jednCl ulotk~, ktorej
tresciCl najbardziej bytaby
zainteresowana. W pole
(1-3) wpisz odpowiedniCl
liter~ (A-D). JednCl ulotk~
podano dodatkowo
i nie pasuje ona do zadnej

Anna doesn't get enough

Simon had a serious bike

accident when he was
on holiday in France. He
survived thanks to the help
of a passer-by. Despite
two operations and a long
recovery, he never got
depressed. Now that he's
returned to full health he
wants to learn how to help
other accident victims.

sleep. She also doesn't

eat healthily. Although
she doesn't have a weight
problem, she's weak
and often gets throat
infections. Last year she
was off sick for almost
two months altogether.
On her doctor's advice
she's trying to change her

Graham is going to visit his

uncle who is a Psychology

professor in India. He's
really nervous about the
trip. He doesn't know how
to prepare himselffor the
long flight, or even what
to put in his first aid kit.
He's also worried about
his stomach problems.
He doesn't have any food
allergies, but spicy food
doesn't agree with him.



Here are a few tips on how to prepare yourself for the cold season.
With some help your body can easily defend itself from common colds
or flu. Get your five portions of fresh fruit and vegetables every day.
They're rich in vitamins and antioxidants. And eat nuts if you're not
allergic to them. Take regular exercise and remember to find time to relax
- it has a very positive effect on your immune system.

We all experience difficult life events or dramatic changes at

some point. It's natural to feel sad from time to time. However,
it's important to notice when a feeling of unhappiness becomes
difficult to deal with. If you have problems getting to sleep or if you're
so nervous and worried that you can't think calmly, it may be a sign
of depression. Other symptoms often include losing interest in life
or eating disorders, such as loss of appetite or weight.


If you plan to travel to different climates abroad, you must be aware
of the potential health risks. Read this leaflet to find out about how
to stay healthy far away from home. It also contains other practical
information such as tips for reducing jet lag. However, you mustn't forget
to ask your GP for advice on what can protect you from the common
infections in the area you're going to.

Przeczytaj tekst, z ktorego usuni~to

cztery zdania. Dobierz brakujClce
zdania (A-E), tak aby otrzymac spojny
i logiczny tekst, wpisujClc w luki (1-4)
odpowiedniCl liter~. Jedno zdanie
podano dodatkowo i nie pasuje one
do zadnej luki.

Slow food has become a synonym for

food that is good, ecological and fair.
And why is eating fast food bad for
your health?
If you want to celebrate the next one,
simply avoid saying '1 don't have
:J If so, 'slow food' might be close to
your heart.
Today it has over 100,000 members
in 132 countries.


We offer a number of practical first aid courses. Our aim is to teach
you how to deal with a real life emergency, no matter where
you are - at home or on holiday. We are going to discuss the most
common first aid situations from bleeding to serious-allergy reactions.
All participants receive a certificate and a professional first aid kit.


If you had a choice between a cheap

meal at a burger bar and your
grandma's Sunday lunch, would you
go for the home-cooked meal? l _
In fact, 'slow food' is the name of an
international non-profit organisation
that was founded in 1989 to combat
the harmful effects of fast food and
the fast pace of modern life. Since
then the movement has grown
tremendously in popularity. 2 _
One of its main purposes is to
preserve traditional food as well as
promoting healthy eating. It aims to
remind people how important it is to
know where their food comes from,
or how their food choices affect the

rest of the world. 3

Food that fits
into this category is often marked
with the slow food symbol - a snail.
The slow food movement also
promotes a relaxed life style. For the
last few years more and more people
around the world have organised a
'Day of Slowness: 4 _
Enjoy a
walk, read a book instead of
watching TV, cook a good meal, and
do it all at a snail's pace.


Gl4i3i30 !.'
arm - rami~
back - plecy
bone - kose
brain - mozg
cheek - policzek
chest - klatka piersiowa
chin - broda/podbrodek
elbow - lokiee
finger - palec u r~ki
foot - stopa
forehead - czolo
hand - r~ka
heart - serce
heel- pi~ta
joint - staw
kidney - nerka
knee - kolano
liver - w,!troba
lung - pluco
muscle - mi~sien
neck - szyja
shoulder - bark
stomach - zol,!dek
t~umb - kciuk
toe - palec u stopy
wrist - przegub

dental braces - aparat na

ears that stick out - odstaj'!ce

flushed cheeks zaczerwienione policzki
potbelly - duzy brzuch
red and irritated skin zaczerwieniona
i podrazniona skora
sensitive skin - wrailiwa
skinny legs - chude nogi
spotty face - twarz
z pryszczami


backache - bol plecow
earache - bol ucha
headache - hOI glowy
stomachache - bol zoladka
toothache - bol z~ba


be black and blue - powaznie

si~ posiniaczye, poobijae
blister - p~cherz, b,!bel
break a bone - zlamae kose
bruise - siniak

burn oneself - sparzye si~

cut oneself - skaleczye si~
hurt one's back - uszkodzie

pulled muscle -



twist an ankle - zwichn'!e


(food/drug) allergy alergia (pokarmowa/na
appendicitis - zapalenie
wyrostka robaczkowego
be allergic to pollen/dust bye uczulonym na pylkil
cancer - rak
cold - przezi~bienie
flu - grypa
food poisoning - zatrucie
measles - odra
mumps - swinka
sunburn - oparzenie
travel sickness - choroba

"i1Ma "'.w,

blocked nose - zatkany nos

cold chills - zimne dreszcze
cough - kaszel
diarrhea - rozwolnienie
fatigue - zm~czenie
feel depressed - czue si~

fever - gor,!czka
hoarse voice - ochryply glos
itchy eyes - sw~dz,!ce oczy
rash - wysypka
runny nose - katar
sneezing - kichanie
sore throat - bol,!ce gardlo
stiff neck - sztywny kark
upset stomach - zaburzenia
vomiting - wymioty

be addicted to - bye
drugs - narkotyki
overdose - przedawkowae
overeating - przejadanie si~
shopaholic - osoba
uzalezniona od zakupow
smoking - palenie


workaholic - osoba
uzalezniona od pracy


-Uid W
checkup - wizyta kontrolna
have an operation - miee

injection - zastrzyk
massage - masaz
stitches - szwy
vaccine - szczepionka
X-ray - przeSwietlenie

antiseptic - srodek
cream - mase
drops - krople
lozenge - tabletka do ssania
nose drops - krople do nosa
painkiller - srodek
pill - pigulka



blood donor - dawca krwi

GP (general practitioner) lekarz ogolny/pierwszego
midwife - polozna
nurse - piel~gniarka
paramedic - sanitariusz
patient - pacjent
pharmacist - farmaceuta
psychiatrist - psychiatra
psychologist - psycholog
surgeon - chirurg

Q!.j3 f'

health centre - osrodek
hospital - szpital
operating theatre - sala
pharmacy - apteka
ward - oddzial

be off sick - bye na
zwolnieniu lekarskim
be under weather - czue si~
niewyrainie, niezdrowo
cope with stress - radziC
sobie ze stresem
disabled - niepelnosprawny
feel self-conscious (about one's
looks) - bye wrazliwym na
punkcie wygl,!du
feel sick - miee nudnosci
first aid kit - apteczka
pierwszej pomocy
get better/worse - polepszyC/
pogorszye si~
healthy, balanced diet zdrowa, zbalansowana
immune system - system
in an emergency - w naglym
life vest - kamizelka
look after one's health troszczye si~ 0 zdrowie
make an appointment umowie si~ na wizyt~
play it safe - zachowywae
si~ w bezpieczny sposob,
przestrzegae zasad
pregnant - w ci,!zy
prescription - recepta
priority seat - miejsce
relieve stress - redukowae
scratch - ' drapae
suffer injury - odnieSe

take risk - podejmowae

take temperature - zmierzye

worry about one's looks martwie si~ (swoim)


bandage - bandaz
insect repellent - srodek
odstraszaj,!cy owady
plaster - gips
safety pin - agrafka
scissors - nozyczki
thermometer - termometr
wheelchair - wozek

Uslyszysz szesc odpowiedzi na pytanie 0 ulubiony sport na swiezym powietrzu.

Przyporz'ldkuj przedstawiaj'lce je ilustracje (A-F) poszczegolnym osobom, wpisuj'lc numery (1-6).
Posluchaj nagrania ponownie i podpisz rysunki zgodnie z jego tresci'l.

D ______

D ______

What's your

Where did
you last

play sports

D ______ D ______
Posluchaj nagrania i wpisz brakuj'lce slowa.
Odpowiedz na pytania.

D ______

Posluchaj nagrania i wpisz brakuj'lce slowa.

Odpowiedz na pytania.

1 Would you prefer to work as a football coach or

Who is the fastest long-distance
your class?
Was Leszek Blanik a gymnast or a _ _ _ _ _ __
4 What kind of sports does an
5 Who earns more: a professional jockey or an amateur
6 Are there a lot of keen _ _ _ _ _ _ _ in your class?
Uzupelnij zdania odpowiednimi czasownikami z ramki.
Dwa czasowniki podano dodatkowo i nie pasuj'l one do
zadnego ze zdan. Odpowiedz na pytania.

Which do you prefer: water sports such as

_ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ and canoeing or winter
sports like skiing and
Which do you enjoy more: individual sports such as
skateboarding and
or team
sports like basketball and _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __
Which would you prefer to try: martial arts such as
karate and
or extreme
sports like mountain biking and

- - - - - - - - - - - -?
Uzupelnij zdania odpowiednimi rzeczownikami z ramki.
Odpowiedz na pytania.

How often do you

in-line skating / skiing?
When did you last
basketball / hand ball?
Do you
in your PE lessons?
4 Have you ever
metres / a marathon?
Where can you
your area?
6 Would you like to
like archery or sailing?

running /
table tennis /
aerobics / gymnastics / yoga
on a treadmill / 1000
a bike / a horse in
a less popular sport

W podanych zdaniach zakresl prawidlow'l opcj~.

Zaznacz zdania, z ktorymi si~ zgadzasz.

Have you got a tennis

or table tennis
- - - - - - - -?
Have you ever lost your swimming _ _ _ _ _ __
Have you ever worn boxing _ _ _ _ _ __
4 When did you get your first in-line _ _ _ _ _ __
or ice
Has anyone in your family got walking
- - - - - - -?
Do you wear a cycling _ _ _ _ _ __


My all / whole family should get more exercise.

Every / All my friends are very good swimmers.
3 I could spend an all / a whole day kicking a ball.
4 My dad can watch football all / whole day.
I'm a bit of a couch potato. I could stay at home every / all
the time.
6 Every / All time I do some sport, I feel more energetic.

Uzupetnij ponizszy test na temat sprawnosci

fizycznej, przyporzildkowujilc podane pytania
poszczeg61nym sekcjom. Odpowiedz na pytania.

Are you strong?

Dopasuj pytania (1-6) do odpowiedzi (A-F).

Do you have to wear a cycling helmet in New Zealand?

Can I do a bungee jump?
How can I get into shape fast?
4 Can I jump into the pool?
5 Can I take skis on board the train free of charge?
6 What advice can you give to a beginner jogger?

A You should go Nordic-walking. It's really good for you.

B You must remember to warm up before you start running.
( No, you can't. You have to pay extra for any bulky sports
D Yes, you mustn't cycle without head protection.
No, diving is not allowed. The water is too shallow here.
Yes, but you must have your parents' permission.

2 _ _ _ _ __
Are you supple?

3 _ _ _ _ __

If two teams drew, does it mean that they made drawings

during the match?

4 _ _ _ _ __
Do you have stamina?
5 _ _ _ _ _ __
6 _ _ _ _ __


Can you skip for five minutes

without getting breathless?
Do you work out with weights?
Can you touch your toes easily?
How many lengths of the pool can you swim
in half an hour?
How many press-ups can you do?
Do you do stretching exercises every day?

Dopasuj zdania (1-6) do zdan (A-F).



Why do people go to the gym?

~ Ustyszysz dwukrotnie pi~c pytan. Przyporzildkuj

kazdemu z nich prawidtowil odpowiedi. Wpisz w pola (1-5)
odpowiedniilliter~ (A-F). Jednil odpowiedi podano dodatkowo
i nie pasuje ona do zadnego pytania.

20 30 40 50

A Usually for about two hours.

B Neither of them. I don't like winter sports.

Twice a week.
D Why don't you take some exercise?
It's a very good way to keep fit.
No, but I'm going to take up snowboarding.

Przeczytaj ponizszy tekst, a nast~pnie uzupetnij'poszczeg6lne
luki (1-5) jednym z wyraz6w z ramki, tak aby otrzymac poprawny
i logiczny tekst. Pi~c wyraz6w podano dodatkowo i nie pasujil one
do zadnej luki.

1 I'm not very strong.





2 I'm not very fit.

3 I'm under a lot of stress.
4 I've put on a couple of kilos lately.
5 I'm in pretty good shape.
6 I get tired quickly.
A I go to the gym just to keep fit.
B I must lose some weight.
C My ambition is to get into shape before the
summer holidays.
D I want to improve my stamina.
E I have to build up my muscles.
F Going to the gym helps me relax.


on a lot of weight
last year so I decided to go on
a diet. It's not a strict diet, just
a case of healthy eating really. I also
a gym three weeks
ago and I've lost two kilos
_ _ _ _ I started going. I try
to work out regularly. I especially
like working out on machines and
aerobics classes with elements of
_ _ _ _ . Unfortunately, I've
been busy 5
week so
I've only been to the gym twice.


Postuchaj nagrania i wpisz brakujetce stowa. Przyporzetdkuj pytaniom prawidtowe odpowiedzi. Odpowiedz na pytania.

A Now and again, when I want to kill time. I prefer

solving sudoku puzzles, though.
B My grandpa taught me to play, but I'm a horrible
player. I prefer draughts. It's a lot easier.
( I like playing Scrabble with my brother. This is
not about throwing dice, it's a great game for
stimulating the brain.
D I loved playing hide-and-seek. I must admit I still
play it from time to time although I'm 1S.

1 (an you play

2 Did you enjoy
games when you were a child?
3 Do you often do crossword
4 What kind of
games do you play? Who with?

~[!!l!.~.1J' Odpowiedz na pytanie. Postuchaj nagrania

i zaznacz, ktoret z wymienionych aktywnosci opisuje mowietcy.




kite flying

Some people think of these activities as sports.

What's your opinion?


~ PotetCZ wyrai:enia z obu kolumn. Podpisz rysunki (A- F). Postuchaj wypowiedzi trzech osob i przyporzetdkuj im
opisywane przez nich miejsce, wpisujetc obok odpowiednich rysunkow numery (1 -3).

D- - - - - - -

D --------------- D --------------- D --------------UNIT 7 KEEP FIT!

.fiJi,. Posluchaj nagrania i uzupelnij brakuj<tce

fragmenty. Odpowiedz na pytania.

If a player is shown _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ , can he continue playing?
Where were the last _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __

Which is _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __
_ _ _ _ in the world: Wimbledon or the French Open?
4 Which British universities _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __

W punktach (A-J) zakresl prawidlow<t opcj~. Przeczytaj

tekst ponownie i zaznacz, ktore zdania (1-3) scl zgodne
zjego tresci<t (P - Prawda), a ktore nie (F - Falsz). Zakresl
liter~ P lub F.


Uzupelnij pytania odpowiednimi wyrazami z ramki.

Trzy slowa podano dodatkowo i nie pasujCl one do iadnego

When did the last sports day take

your school? Did you take _ _ _ _ _ __
Have you ever won first
in a sports
competition? What was it?
Do you remember your last running race? How did you
the finishing line?
feel when you
4 Would you prefer to
a swimming
competition or a cycle race?
Do you
for any school team?
What football team do you


W podanych zdaniach zakresl prawidlowCl opcj~.

Most spectators found the race really excited / exciting.
A lot of amateur runners are interested / interesting in our
3 I must say that the whole game was amazed / amazing!
4 The umpire looked surprised / surprising when one of the
players suddenly gave up.
The fans were rather bored / boring with the match.
I had a really tired / tiring training session today.

It has been an exciting

weekend in the
world of sport. In
the athletics A contest

/ championships
yesterday, British
athlete John Alwanga
B set / broke the existing
world record for the
100 metres. Another
great surprise was
the C victory / loss of
an unknown Polish
runner Karol Burza, who came first in the 800
metres Drace / competition.

Do kaidej tabliczki informacyjnej (1-5) dopasuj

jedno zdanie (A-F). Jedno zdanie podano dodatkowo
i nie pasuje ono do iadnej tabliczki.

Depth 1.5 m.
No diving.

However, the Kenyans

have E won / got most of
the medals including the
women's 200 and 400
metres, the longjump
and the high jump.

Ticke-ts for t~e. tOLA(~C4Vl;\eV\t


In football, Manchester
United F beat / won
Liverpool 2-1. Mark
Corner G shot / scored
both goals for his
team. Liverpool's Wayne Jinx H missed / lost an
opportunity to make it a 2-2 I draw / points in the
last minute. Liverpool are having a lot of bad luck
this season and have Jfailed / lost every game so far!

A new world record for the men's 100 metres was

set yesterday.
Karol Burza was the favourite to win the men's 800
Wayne Jinx scored a winning goal for his team.



A You might see this sign in a gym.

B This information might be important for supporters.

This sign warns swimmers not to jump into the pool.

You might see this sign at an ice rink.
This sign is a warning to hikers.
This sign reminds cyclists to reduce speed.



'..I!DD Uslyszysz dwukrotnie trzy nagrania.

Z podanych moiliwosci: A, B lub C wybierzjednCl,
zgodnCl z tresciCl nagrania.


Przeczytaj teksty. W zadaniach (1-3) z podanych
odpowiedzi wybierz prawidtowCl, zgodnCl z tresciCl
tekstu. Zakresl odpowiednio liter~: A, B lub C.

What time does the match start?

What is the girl going to buy herself?

What does the boy do in his free time?

He plays chess.
He goes fishing.
He learns to play tennis.


'l!!mD Uslyszysz dwukrotnie dwa teksty. Z podanych
moiliwosci: A, Blub C wybierz jednCl, zgodnCl z tresciCl
nagrania. Pierwsze trzy zadania (1-3) odnoszCl si~ do
pierwszego tekstu, a kolejne (4-6) do drugiego.

Uslyszysz rozmow~ dwojga przyjaci6t.

1 What are the girl and boy talking about?

Their favourite racket sports.
The school basketball team.
Taking part in the sports day.
The girl is thinking of
running the 1,000 metres race.
playing tennis.
entering the badminton tournament.
The boy would like to
take part in the same competition as the girl.
play basketball.
support the school teachers' team.

Dear All,
I just wanted to remind you that our soccer team is
playing against Barkley School next Monday. I think the
boys are going to need a lot of support. We can't let them
down! And how about asking the teachers to come along?
Why don't we talk it over after tomorrow's PE lesson?
Best wishes,

The email is about

PE lessons.
a school football match.
sports teachers.


When I downloaded MapMyJog onto

my mobile, I'd heard a lot of mixed
opinions about it. Now after using it
for a month, I must say it's worth every
pound I spent on it. The program shows
your running route on a map as well as
your running speed, the distance you've
run and how many calories you've
burnt. I think it offers every runner all
they need. Get it right now!


Why did Jogger write the post?

To offer advice about jogging.
To warn mobile phone users.
To recommend something.


Uslyszysz wypowiedi osoby zwiClzanej zawodowo ze


What does the man do for a living?

He's a professional football player.
He works as a referee.
He coaches a football team.
The man decided on this career because
someone from his family advised him to try it.
he'd always wanted to play football.
he liked volleyball.
What does he say about his job?
He doesn't like taking responsibility.
He feels disappointed.
He finds it interesting.


Tuesday, 4 May
Today I got up at 6 and went for a swim at the leisure
centre. In the afternoon the pool gets too crowded to
swim. I'm always disappointed when I have to swim slowly
and be extra careful not to bump into someone. Anyway,
I had the pool practically to myself and I swam non-stop
for an hour. Some people may find it boring but it always
helps me relax. I felt wonderful all day.

How did Anna feel at the swimming pool?

She felt relaxed.
She was disappointed.
She got bored.


Przeczytaj artykul obok. Z podanych
odpowiedzi: A, B lub C wybierz prawidlowet,
zgodnet z tresciet tekstu.

What does the article say about ice skating?

Children should always ice skate with
their parents.
You can only enjoy it when you're a good
It's always fun if there aren't too many
people on the rink.
Why is the ice rink on the Eiffel Tower worth
a visit?
Because of its size.
Because of the views.
Because it's very popular with other
Why does the author think the Dutch are
such successful speed skaters?
Because ice skating is extremely popular
in Holland.
Because of the Dutch climate.
Because there are specially made long
canals in Holland to train on.
According to the article, the ice rink on the
Rideau Canal is ...
visited by a lot of people.
so big that it's always empty.
ideal for hockey matches.

Przeczytaj tekst. Zaznacz, kt6re ze zdan (1-5) set zgodne z jego tresciet (P - Prawda), a kt6re nie (F - Falsz). Zakreslliter~ P lub F.

Time flies in the Tempelhofer Park

Since May 2010 Berliners have been able to enjoy their free time in a really
unusual place - the Tempelhofer Park. This was once one of the city's
airports and played an important role in the post-war history of the divided
Berlin. After it closed down, it was turned into a big recreation area.
Although it's called a park, you can't see any trees there. There are, however,
enormous grassy fields between the runways - the home of many rare
birds and insects. That's why some people come here in the summer not
only to ride a bike or jog, but also to watch birds. The summer time is also
perfect for a meal in the open air at the special barbecue area - possibly
the biggest you've ever seen. The two old runways, which are each about
2 kilometres long, are extremely popular with in-line skaters. They say it's so
much fun speeding down the runway - you feel like a real jet plane before
take-off. Although no plane has landed there for months, the sky is still full
of model aeroplanes and kites.
Next time you go to Berlin, plan a little stop-over at the old airport. It's well
worth it, and it's all free of charge!

As well as being an important historic site, the old Berlin-Tempelhof airport is now a huge recreation area.
In the Tempelhofer Park you aren't allowed to do sport because it's a nature reserve.
In the park there's a special place where you can have a picnic.
4 Small passenger planes still land at the airport.
S The author of the text suggests visiting the Tempelhofer Park.


aerobics - aerobik
archery - lucznictwo
badminton - badminton
baseball - bejsbol
basketball - koszykowka
boxing - boks
bungee jumping - skoki na
linie (z duiej wysokoki)
canoeing - kajakarstwo
cycling - kolarstwo
diving - nurkowanie
football/soccer (AmE) - pilka
gymnastics - gimnastyka
hand ball - pilka r~czna
hiking - piesze w~drowki
(np. po gorach)
hockey - hokej
horseriding - jazda konna
ice-skating - jazda na
indoor climbing - wspinaczka
in-line skating - jazda na
jogging - jogging
judo - judo
karate - karate
mountain biking - kolarstwo
sailing - ieglarstwo
skateboarding - jazda na
skiing - narciarstwo
ski jumping - skoki
snowboarding - jazda na
swimming - plywanie
table tennis - tenis stolowy,
volleyball - siatkowka
weightlifting - podnoszenie

windsurfing - windsurfing
wrestling - zapasy
yoga - joga

extreme sports - sporty
individual sports - sporty
indoor sports - sporty halowe
martial arts - sztuki walki
outdoor sports - sporty na
swieiym powietrzu
summer sports - sporty letnie
team sports - sporty


water sports - sporty wodne

winter sports - sporty



boxing gloves - r~kawice

club - kij golfowy
cue - kij bilardowy
cycling helmet - kask
ice skates -lyiwy
in-line skates -lyiworolki
pin - kr~giel
skateboard - deskorolka
swimming goggles - okulary
table tennis bat - rakietka do
tennis racket - rakieta
trainers - buty sportowe
walking poles - kije do


bend - sklon
knee bend - przysiad
press-ups - pompki
sit-ups - brzuszki
skipping - skakanie
stretching - rozci,!ganie


(Olympic) stadium - stadion
football pitch - boisko
gym - silownia, sala
ice rink -lodowisko
indoor swimming pool - kryty
leisure centre - centrum
tennis court - kort tenisowy


boat race - wyscig 16dkami
(World) championships mistrzostwa (swiata)
football/soccer match - mecz
golf tournament - turniej
Olympic Games - olimpiada

Paraolimpics - olimpiada dla

tennis tournament - turniej



board games - gry planszowe

chess - szachy
draughts - warcaby
hide-and-seek - zabawa

lose - przegrae
(gold/silver/bronze) medal (zloty/srebrny/br,!zowy)
miss - nie trafiC, chybie
penalty - rzut karny
point - punkt
support - dopingowae
victory - zwyci~stwo
win - wygrae



amateur - amator
athlete - sportowiec,
champion - mistrz
coach - trener
cyclist - kolarz
fan - fan, kibic
goalkeeper - bramkarz
gymnast - gimnastyk!
jockey - diokej
jogger - osoba uprawiaj,!ca
long-distance runner biegacz na dlugie dystanse
professional - zawodowiec
referee - s~dzia (na meczu
pilkarskim, bokserskim)
skier - narciarz
spectator - widz
sportsperson/sportspeople sportowiec/sportowcy
team - druiyna
umpire - s~dzia (na meczu
tenisa, bejsbola)


angling - lowienie ryb
billiards - bilard
bowling - kr~gle
bridge - brydi
crossword puzzle krzyiowka
kite flying - puszczanie
shooting - strzelanie
sudoku puzzle - sudoku


CS.@U iii1m

beat - pokonae
doping - stosowanie
substancji/ doping
draw - remis

be fit - bye sprawnym

be supple - bye elastycznym
break/beat a (world) record pobiC rekord (swiata)
build up muscles - wyrabiae

cross the finishing line przekroczye lini~ mety

do a sport - uprawiae sport
d ru g test - test
enter a sports competition wzi,!e udzial w zawodach
get breathless - stracie
get into shape - nabrae
have stamina - miee sil~,

in good shape - w dobrej

form ie, k6ndycji
keep fit - utrzymywae dobr,!

score a point - zdobye punkt

take up a sport - rozpocz'!e
uprawianie sportu
throw the dice - rzucie kosci
warm up - rozgrzewka,
rozgrzewae si~
work out - eWiczye

Nin. ustyszysz szesc odpowiedzi na pytanie 0 kupno prezentow. Przyporz'ldkuj

przedstawiajet ce je ilustracje (A-F) poszczegolnym osobom, wpisuj'lc numery (1-6). Postuchaj nagrania
ponownie i podpisz rysunki zgodnie z jego tresci'l.

D _ __

D _ __

D _ __

D _ __

D _ __

D _____

Do you
enjoy buying
What would
makea good
gift for
a teenager?
Do you
any special
you have
Are you good
at wrapping

. .. ofiUj Postuchaj nagrania i wpisz brakuj'lce stowa.

Odpowiedz na pytania.

Uzupetnij zdania odpowiednimi przyimkami.

Odpowiedz na pytania.

What would you prefer to get as a present:

like toiletries
1 some sweets or
(for example a deodorant or shower gel)?
a top-up card
or some nice
some _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ accessories or some
4 some stationery or _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __

1 When you go to the shops, do you remember to take

a canvas bag
your groceries?
Do you like brOWSing
Do you often go window-shopping
shopping centres?
4 When did you last go
a shopping spree?
clothes? Do you know
Where do you shop
any good second-hand clothes shops?
Do you often shop online? What did you last buy
_ _ _ _ the Internet?

. . .m,.,

Postuchaj nagrania i wpisz brakuj'lce stowa.

Odpowiedz na pytania.
1 Which is closer to your home: a butcher's, a newsagent's, or
Do you buy fruit at a greengrocer's, at a local farmers'
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ , or in a supermarket?
Which shop would you prefer
: a florist's
or a print shop?
4 What can you buy
and at an off-licence?
Which do you prefer: discount stores like Lidl or
_ _ _ _ _ _ like Zabka?
Do you know where _ _ _ _ _ _ _ DIY store is?

W podanych zdaniach zakresl prawidtow'l opcj~.

Z ktorymi opiniami si~ zgadzasz?

Uzupetnij zdania odpowiednimi rzeczownikami z ramki.

Zaznacz, ktore zdania opisujet zalety (+), a ktore wady (-)
zakupow w supermarkecie.

Shopping in a supermarket:
1 They offer a wide _______ of goods. Most of
them are good value for money.
It's hard to find a parking _ _ _ _ _ __
at weekends.
+/There are long queues at the _ _ _ _ _ __
+/4 You never have the right coin for a shopping
+/There are special
so you end up
+/ _
buying more than you need.
Despite low
, many products aren't
worth the money because of their poor quality.


What do shoppers say about the summer sales?

1 Less / Fewer people buy in the sales because of
excellent offers on the Internet.
There are lots of things at bargain prices so you spend
fewer / less money.
It seems there are always too few / too little fitting
4 I don't regret buying anything in the sales. I generally
buy very few / very little things on impulse.
I always pick up a few / few real bargains in the sales.
I'm a real bargain hunter.
6 I've tried to haggle over the price on a few / a little
occasions but I've never got a discount.



FjU. Ustyszysz szesc odpowiedzi na pytanie 0 kupno prezentow. Przyporzildkuj

przedstawiajct ce je ilustracje (A-F) poszczegolnym osobom, wpisujctc numery (1-6). Postuchaj nagrania
ponownie i podpisz rysunki zgodnie z jego trescict.

Do you
enjoy buying


D _ __

D _ __

D _ __

What would
makea good
gift for
a teenager?
Do you
any special
you have

Are you good
at wrapping

D _ __

D _ __

mUj Postuchaj nagrania i wpisz brakujctce stowa.

Odpowiedz na pytania.

What would you prefer to get as a present:

like toiletries
1 some sweets or
(for example a deodorant or shower gel)?
or some nice
a top-up card
some _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ accessories or some
4 some stationery or _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __
f!itij Postuchaj nagrania i wpisz brakujctce stowa.
Odpowiedz na pytania.

1 Which is closer to your home: a butcher's, a newsagent's, or

Do you buy fruit at a greengrocer's, at a local farmers'
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ , or in a supermarket?
Which shop would you prefer
: a florist's
or a print shop?
4 What can you buy
and at an off-licence?
Which do you prefer: discount stores like Lidl or
_ _ _ _ _ _ like Zabka?
Do you know where _ _ _ _ _ _ _ DIY store is?

D _____


Uzupetnij zdania odpowiednimi przyimkami.

Odpowiedz na pytania.
1 When you go to the shops, do you remember to take
a canvas bag
your groceries?
Do you like brOWSing
Do you often go window-shopping
shopping centres?
4 When did you last go
a shopping spree?
clothes? Do you know
Where do you shop
any good second-hand clothes shops?
Do you often shop online? What did you last buy
_ _ _ _ the Internet?

W podanych zdaniach zakresl prawidtowct opcj~.

Z ktorymi opiniami si~ zgadzasz?

Uzupetnij zdania odpowiednimi rzeczownikami z ramki.

Zaznacz, ktore zdania opisujct zalety (+), a ktore wady (-)
zakupow w supermarkecie.

Shopping in a supermarket:
1 They offer a wide _______ of goods. Most of
them are good value for money.
It's hard to find a parking _ _ _ _ _ __
at weekends.
+/There are long queues at the _ _ _ _ _ __
+/4 You never have the right coin for a shopping
+/There are special
so you end up
+/ _
buying more than you need.
Despite low
, many products aren't
worth the money because of their poor quality.


What do shoppers say about the summer sales?

1 Less / Fewer people buy in the sales because of
excellent offers on the Internet.
There are lots of things at bargain prices so you spend
fewer / less money.
It seems there are always too few / too little fitting
4 I don't regret buying anything in the sales. I generally
buy very few / very little things on impulse.
I always pick up a few / few real bargains in the sales.
I'm a real bargain hunter.
6 I've tried to haggle over the price on a few / a little
occasions but I've never got a discount.


Dopasuj zdania, ktore opisuji'l wady (1-8), do

ponizszych produktow (A-D). Do poszczegolnych
punktow moze pasowac kilka produktow.

Uzupetnij dialogi (1-5), wybieraji'lc sposrod podanych
odpowiedzi: A, B lub C brakuji'lci'l wypowiedz jednej z osob.

II yoghurt

Can I help you?

No, thank you. I think I'll leave it.

I'm looking at the cameras.
No thanks, I'm just looking.
~ I had to exchange the coat I bought yesterday.
t> Why's that?
~ _
I hadn't noticed that earlier.
A There was a price tag missing.
B It was the right size.
It was stained.
~ Look what I bought at the sales. Everything was reduced.
t> Wow! This is a very nice bag. How much was it?

II a book

~ $5. _

It was a great deal of money.

B It was a real bargain.

II an MP3 player


It was a special occasion.

a sweater

~ Is it possible to return this DVD?

Is there something wrong with it?

No, it's fine, but I've already got it.
t> I see.
A Could I have the receipt, please?
Could I take it back, please?
Could I get a refund, please?


It's faulty.
It's broken.
It's cracked.
4 It's past its

There's a page
6 It's got a hole in it.
7 It's stained.
8 It's scratched.

Odpowiedz na pytania (1-6). Zaznacz, kto

wypowiada poszczegolne pytania, wpisuji'lc
odpowiednio C (Customer) lub S (Shop assistant).

1 Who takes things back?

Who makes a complaint?
Who sorts out a complaint?
4 Who offers an exchange?
5 Who asks for a receipt?
6 Who gets a refund?

Przeczytaj ponizszy tekst, a nast~pnie uzupetnij poszczegolne
luki (1-6) jednym z wyrazow z ramki, tak aby otrzymac
poprawny i logiczny tekst. Cztery wyrazy podano dodatkowo
i nie pasuje one do zadnej luki.





Dopasuj zdania (1-8) do wypowiedzi (A-H).

Ktore pytanie mogtby zadac sprzedawca?
1 What time does the chemist's open on Sunday?
2 Can I return it if it has something wrong with it?
I'm afraid there's something wrong with this
I'd like to get my money back.
Is there something wrong with it?
I'm looking for the first album by Coldplay.
Can I pay by credit card?
8 Could I have a tube of toothpaste, please?

A You can bring it back as long as you've got the

B I'm afraid we don't give refunds.
C I'm very sorry, but it's out of stock at the moment.
o I'm sorry, but we only take cash.
I'm afraid, it doesn't work.
It's closed at the weekend.
G That's 2.29.
H I see. Is it still under guarantee?

Do you have to pay for things in a charity


Black Friday, the first day after Thanksgiving in the USA, has
made its name as a real shopping holiday. It officially marks the
beginning of the Christmas shopping season and it's been the
busiest shopping day of the year 1
2005 . Most
as 4 a.m. but you can see
shops open as 2
of people long before midnight. Black Friday
is so popular with shoppers because of 4
other kinds of promotions. You can buy Christmas gifts for
than usual. Besides, a lot of people get a day
off work and have 6
time for shopping.


Postuchaj nagrania i wpisz brakujClce stowa.
Odpowiedz na pytania.


Postuchaj nagrania i wpisz brakujClce stowa.

Z ktorymi radami si~ nie zgadzasz?

How much money do you usually _ _ _ _ _ _ __

Do you keep loose change _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __

_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ or in your pocket?
Doyou _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __
_ _ _ _ _ pocket money? Do you think it's enough?
4 Do you sometimes _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ pocket money? In what way?
" .
Uzupetnij zdania odpowiednimi wyraieniami
z ramki. Postuchaj wypowiedzi m~iczyzny i zaznacz, jakie
jestjego zrodto utrzymania.

My mum works in a bank. She earns _ _ _ _ _ __

How to budget yourself

on holiday abroad?
1 It's easier to take control of your money when
rather than by
credit card.
2 It's better to take out only a small amount of
money from __________
at a time.
3 Don't shop around for the best exchange rate
It's a waste of time.
4 Analyse
. Think
what you could possibly economise on.

My grandpa is retired. He gets _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __

My sister studies medicine. She gets _ _ _ _ _ _ __

My uncle doesn't have a job. He gets _ _ _ _ _ _ __

W punktach (1-5) zakresl prawidtowCl opcj~. Przeczytaj

tekst ponownie i wybierz jednCl z odpowiedzi: A, B lub (,
zgodnie z jego tresciCl.

Uzupetnij pytania wyrazami z ramki. Trzy

stowa podano dodatkowo i nie pasujCl one do iadnego ze
zdan. Odpowiedz na pytania. Postuchaj nagrania i zaznacz,
na ktore pytanie odpowiadajCl osoby: A, B lub C.

Are you careful with money? Would you like to be more

- - - - - - - - - -?

Are you saving up

at the moment?
Who is a big spender in your family? What do they
their money on?
4 Who do you think is the most _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __
person in your family?
Have you spent your last birthday money yet? If so, what
did you spend it
Would you
money from
someone if you were broke or just short of cash?

SpeakerB D
SpeakerC D

Build your dreams with us!


I think this is an advertisement I for / of a bank. The

coins and wallet are arranged to look like a house,
which means that the bank can help you to build or
buy your dream home. I think that the coins might
represent our 2 tax / savings and the wallet might be
a symbol of the money that the bank has 3 borrowed
/ lent us. It all seems very easy but we should
remember that once we've taken out a home 4 loan /
debt, we'll have to 5 pay it back / return it.

This text is
A a recommendation.
B a bank advertisement.

a picture description.


Uzupetnij pytania odpowiednimi wyrazami z ramki. Dwa

wyrazy podano dodatkowo i nie pasujct one do zadnej luki.

Do kazdej tabliczki informacyjnej (1-6) dopasuj jedno

zdanie (A-G). Jedno zdanie podano dodatkowo i nie pasuje
ono do zadnej tabliczki.

Odpowiedz na pytania.


How much are you

_ _ _ _ _ _ by
advertising? Can you give
an example of
misleading advertising?
Do you watch TV
commercials? If not,
what do you usually do
during a commercial
- - - - - - -?
Do you browse through
_______ mail,
or do you throw it away
without reading it?
4 What kind of

Women5 cut and blow dry - 35



product samples have you received lately? Did they

encourage you to buy any of the products?
Do you always take the
that people
give out on the streets?
6 Do you think Poland has already become



Przyporzctdkuj slogany reklamowe (1-4) odpowiednim

komentarzom (A-E). Jeden komentarz podano dodatkowo
i nie pasuje on do zadnego sloganu.




A It must be an advertisement for cosmetics; it's probably

a face cream.
B It's definitely a slogan advertising package holidays in the
Canary Islands.
It might be an ad for some kind of washing powder or
washing-up liquid.
D It sounds like an advertising slogan for pet food.
It's probably a car insurance advert or something like

A This is an advertisement for the sales.

B You can see this information at a butcher's.
This information is important for customers shopping for

D This sign informs people where they can take out money.

This information is important for supermarket customers

paying by credit card.
This sign informs you where you can exchange cash.
G You can see this sign at a hairdresser's.






-l!mt Uslyszysz dwukrotnie wypowiedzi czterech

osob. Przyporz'ldkuj kaidej osobie (1-4) odpowiednie
stwierdzenie (A-E). Wpisz odpowiedni'lliter~ w kaide
pole. Jedno stwierdzenie podano dodatkowo i nie
pasuje one do iadnej z osob.


4 D

Przeczytaj teksty. W zadaniach (1-3) z podanych

odpowiedzi wybierz prawidtow'l, zgodn'l z tresci'l
tekstu. Zakresl odpowiedni'lliter~: A, B lub C.

P~r /A.A.~rk,


- Vf..\ VIlAVIMer


A has bought something online.



needs advice about where to go shopping.

is short of money at the moment.
is going to buy some cosmetics.
is going to do their shopping in a supermarket.


-D!mD Uslyszysz dwukrotnie fragment audycji

radiowej. Na podstawie nagrania zaznacz, ktore ze zdan
(1-5) s'l zgodne z jego tresci'l (P - Prawda), a ktore nie
(F - Fatsz). Zakreslliter~ P lub F.

~ few frieYtds rOVfMd for

diMMer +oMier~+. L did +~e.. s~oppirtcr
ljes+erd~lj bvt+ L've.. jVfS+ re#\e#\bered
L Meed fr es~ Ix~d ~Md Vf..\ore..
+o~+oes. CaM ljOVf ere..+ Vf..\e.. +WE
POVfMds of +~e#\ OM ljoVfr W~lj frOVf..\
sc:-~ooR, p~~se..? TheLf'Ve.. ero+ r~RRlj
MIce.. V~erles ~+ +~e.. err~rocer' s
rOVfMd +~e.. corMer. POM'+ bO+~er ~bOVf+
+~e.. Ix~d, +~OVfer~. L'RR ere..+ SOVf..\e..
froVf..\ +~e.. b~kerlj Merr +0 Vf..\lj off7ce..
What does Mark's mum want him to do?
To buy something at the greengrocer's.
To make dinner.
To get some bread.

If you feel you haven't got anything to wear on your next

date but your wardrobe is full of clothes, I have an idea for
you. Why don't you come to my swap party next Sunday
and exchange some of the clothes you don't wear with
other girls. Why pay for something new or spend hours
looking for bargains if you can get great things for free?
Interested? Email me at: hopinandswap@mail,uk

What's the text about?

fashion tips
advertising a private event
being economical

Practical Action is an online gift shop.

According to the programme, the presents offered
by Practical Action mean your money is always
well spent.
You can order a live animal as a practical present.
4 Practical presents are delivered to you immediately.
5 When you order a practical present as a birthday gift
for someone, they will be informed about this.


Hi Sarah,
I bought a pair of jeans the other day. They were quite
tight when I tried them on but the shop assistant said
that they should be tight. Anyway, when I put them
on at home, the zip broke! I'm going to take them back
tomorrow and ask for a refund. Will you come with me,

Why has Jade written to Sarah?

To make a complaint.
To ask for her help.
To express regret.



Przeczytaj artykul obok 0 dawnych formach placenia.
Zaznacz, ktore ze zdan (1-4) sit zgodne z jego tresciit
(P - Prawda), a ktore nie (F - Falsz). Zakreslliter~ P lub F.

Bartering became popular when money

was invented.
People used different types of shells as money.
Cowries were used as a currency in many places
around the world.
4 The use of shell money has completely disappeared.


Przeczytaj poni:iszy artykul 0 automatach do sprzedaZy,

z ktorego usuni~to pi~c zdan. Dobierz brakujitce zdania
(A-F), tak aby otrzymac spojny i logiczny tekst, wpisujitc
w luki (1-5) odpowiedniit liter~. Jedno zdanie podano
dodatkowo i nie pasuje ono do zadnej luki.
A In Spain, for example, anglers don't have to dig up live

worms to use as bait.

B Then you insert coins and get a receipt.


And what if your dog gets hungry or bored during

a walk?
There are also vending machines which sell live pet
animals, such as fish and insects.
Others offer cigarettes, newspapers and public transport
They offer an exceptionally wide choice of products.

Can I pay in shells?

Do you know how people paid for things before
they started using coins and banknotes? In
many early societies, the most popular form of
payment was 'bartering'. 'Bartering' is a system
where people exchange one type of product
for another. If someone grew vegetables, for
example, they could swap them for other
things they needed like animal skins or wool.
Later, sea shells became real units of exchange
as they were small and light, and easy to carry.
Shell money was simply whole sea shells or
pieces of shell on a string. However, people
only used the shells from one type of snailcowries. Cowrie shells are shiny and look as
if they're made of porcelain. They were found
around the Indian Ocean, but they were used
practically everywhere: from Africa to Australia
to North America.
In some Polynesian cultures shell money is
still used today, but mostly just for special
occasions. Traditionally, a man pays for his
future wife with shell money. It's often given as
a present or as an apology. As we know, money
doesn't grow on trees but it seems we can easily
find it on a beach.

Strange vending machines

Vending machines are
machines you put money
into to 'buy' the products
inside. The most popular
vending machines are
those that sell sweets and
drinks. 1 _ They generally
save time as you don't have
to queue to buy a cup of
coffee or a packet of crisps.
However, in some
countries vending
machines sell really
unusual products. 2 _
They only need to find
a vending machine with
a big photo of a fish on it in
order to buy some.
A country where
vending machines sell
practically everything is
Japan. 3 _
In addition to
the usual snacks and
drinks, the Japanese can
also get eggs and rice or

even umbrellas and ties

without going to the
shops. In many Japanese
noodle bars customers
actually have to pay for
their meals using special
vending machines, usually
placed outside. You press

a button with the picture

of the dish you want. 4 _
Once you've done this, you
can go into the bar and
exchange it for your
chosen food.
An American
company, called

Hey Buddy, manufactures

vending machines which
offer all kinds of pet
products, from food to
toys. The company claims
that Hey Buddy is the only
vending machine out there
for pets.



butcher's - sklep micrsny

charity shop - sklep,
z ktorego zyski
bargain - okazja
przeznaczone s,! na cele
bargain hunter - lowca okazji
canvas bag - p16cienna torba
- apteka
na zakupy
corner shop - maly sklepik
discount - upust
fitting room - przymierzalnia
discounter - dyskont
groceries - artykuly
DIY store - sklep
z narzcrdziami do
haggle (over the price) majsterkowania
targowae sicr (co do ceny)
florist shop - kwiaciarnia
out of stock - wyprzedane
greengrocer's - warzywniak
price tag - metka z cen,!
(local farmers') market - targ
reduced price - obniiona
(z lokalnymi produktami
sales - wyprzedai
newsagent's - kiosk
shopping spree - szalenstwo
off-licence - sklep
under guarantee - na
online shop - sklep
vending machine - automat
shop - drukarnia
do sprzedaiy (napojow,
second-hand clothes shop slodyczy, papierosow itd.)
sklep z odziei,! uiywan,!
shopping centre - centrum
U]J.iili!~':!tlQ;ji1nitstall- stoisko na targu
bottle of fine wine - butelka
bottle of perfume - flakonik
basket - koszyk
bunch of flowers - bukiet
change - reszta
checkout - kasa
funny gadget - zabawny
customer - klient
price - cena
gift voucher (worth 20) - bon
products - produkty
towarowy (wart 20 euro)
promotion - promocja
(handmade) soft toy queue - kolejka
(rcrcznie robiona) zabawka
receipt - paragon
- wozek na zakupy
jewellery - biiuteria


mobile phone accessories _

dodatki, dodatkowy sprzcr t
do telefonu komorkowego
stationery - papeteria
sweets - slodycze
toiletries (deodorant/shower
gel) - przybory toaletowe
(dezodorantliel pod
traditional handicrafts _
tradycyjne rcrkodzielo
underwear - bielizna
wrapping paper - papier do
pakowania prezentow
wrapping presents pakowanie pre zen tow


413hWbakery - piekarnia
bookshop - kSicrg arnia


ask for a receipt - poprosie
o paragon
be under guarantee - bye
w okresie gwarancji
broken - zepsuty
cracked - porcrkany
faulty - wadliwy
get a refund - otrzymae
zwrot pienicrdzy
hole - dziura
make a complaint - skladae
offer an exchange zaproponowae wymiancr
page missing - brakuj,!ca
past its sell-by-date - po dacie
przydatnosci do spoiycia
return - zwrocie


scratched - zarysowany
stained - poplamiony
take a product back - oddae


TV commercial - reklama


Anything else? - Czy cos

borrow - poiyczae (od
be a big spender - bye
budget - budiet
be broke - bye bez pienicrdzy,
cash - gotowka
bye splukanym
cash machine - bankomat
be careful with money
commission - prowizja
- ostroinie wydawae
consumer - klient, konsumer
credit card - karta kredytowa
be in debt - miee dlugi
economise - oszczcrdzae
be retired - bye na
exchange rate - kurs
be short of cash - miee malo
expenses - wydatki
(foreign) currency - (obca)
buy on impulse - kupowae
pod wplywem impulsu
generous - hojny
Can I help you? - Czy mogcr
lend - poiyczae (komus)
w czyms pomoc?
loan - kredyt, poiyczka
go window-shopping _
loose change - drobniaki
ogl,!dae wystawy sklepowe
mean - sk'!py
have money on one - miee
save up - oszczcrdzae
przy sobie pieni,!dze
savings - oszczcrdnosci
How much is it? - Ile to
tax - podatek
waste - marnowae; strata
pay (a loan) back - splacie
pay by credit card - placie
kart,! platnicz'!
pay in cash - placie gotowk,!
pension - emerytura
pick up a bargain - znaleie,
pocket money - kieszonkowe
wypatrzye okazjcr
salary - pensja
Thank you, I'm just looking.
student grant - stypendium
- Dzicrkujcr, po prostu sicr
unemployment benefit rozgl,!dam.
zasilek dla bezrobotnych
wage - wynagrodzenie
(zazwyczaj tygodniowe)

4 !"it3!i'U"!M


Cd'N i;li fii m.

advertisement/advert/ad _
billboard - billboard
commercial break - przerwa
consumer society
- spoleczenstwo
flyer - ulotka
free product sample
- darmowe probki
junk mail- spam, niechciane
misleading advertising reklama wprowadzaj'!ca
slogan - haslo reklamowe

Ustyszysz szesc odpowiedzi na pytanie 0 ostatnio wypozyczon<t ksi<tzk~ z biblioteki.

Przyporz<tdkuj przedstawiaj<tce je ilustracje (A-F) poszczegolnym osobom, wpisuj<tc numery (1-6).
Postuchaj nagrania ponownie i podpisz rysunki zgodnie z jego tresci<t.

D -------'------- D - - - D - - -


D- - - - - D _ __
Postuchaj nagrania i wpisz brakuj<tce stowa.
Odpowiedz na pytania.
Which do you prefer:
or hardbacks?
short stories or _______ stories?
fiction or _ _ _ _ _ __
or drama?
5 tabloids or glossy fashion _ _ _ _ _ __
on global issues?
gossip columns or
Uzupetnij pytania odpowiednimi rzeczownikami
z ramki. Dwa rzeczowniki podano dodatkowo i nie pasuj<t
one do zadnego zdania. Odpowiedz na pytania.

Are you a
? What sort of books do you
like reading?
? Has hel
Who is your favourite living
she published any books lately?
How would you describe the last set _ _ _ _ _ __
you read at school: gripping, average or rather boring?
4 Do you read modern Polish
5 Do you prefer ebooks and online newspapers or their
Do you keep a
or write a blog?
_""""'~. Podpisz zdj~cia (A-F) odpowiednimi
rzeczownikami z ramki. Postuchaj nagrania i wpisz brakuj<tce
stowa. Odpowiedz na pytania.



What library
books have
you borrowed
lately? Have
you ever paid
a fine for an
Can you
renew your
library books

D- - - - -

Are you musical? Can you play _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __

_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ?What
musical instrument would you like to learn to play?
Areyou _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ___
_____________ ? Do you sing in a choir?
mainstream popular music? Can you think of a catchy
song that you can often hear on the radio at the moment?
4 Do you sometimes translate the lyrics of _ _ _ _ __


Do you prefer live music or _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __

Doyou _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ____
___________________ ?Haveyou
ever listened to a string orchestra in a concert hall?

W podanych zdaniach zakresl prawidtow<t opcj~. Napisz

swoje opinie 0 koncercie, na ktorym ostatnio bytas/bytes.

I went to see my favourite band .


post your comments

1 I went to / on the concert with my friends. They said

they were disappointed.
2 The band made / gave a fantastic performance.
3 Unfortunately, the rehearsal/trial was actually better
than the gig.
4 They only played the songs from their latest / solo
S The guitarist played out of tune / melody.
6 The atmosphere was electric. The viewers / audience
sang along to their smash hits.



PrzyporzCldkuj poszczeg61ne wystawy (1-6) muzealnym

pomieszczeniom (A-F). Odpowiedz na pytania.

Dopasuj pytania (1-6) do odpowiedzi


What kind of museum did you last visit? Which of

the exhibitions below would you most like to see?

a collection of abstract
ancient Greek pottery
an exhibition of old

4 drawings by Leonardo da Vinci

modern sculptures
historic artefacts

What's the title of the book?

Where is it set?
What do you think of it?
When did it come out?
What is it about?
Did it sell well?
It's a gripping story and it reads welL
It became a bestseller.
I forgot, but there's a picture of a stone on
the cover.
It's set in a little town south of London.
It's about a boy who thinks that he's a wizard.
It was first published in 1997.


a 3.mi.

Uzupetnij zdania czasownikami z ramki w odpowiedniej formie.

Dwa czasowniki podano dodatkowo i nie pasujCl one do iadnego pytania.
Odpowiedz na pytania.

Ustyszysz dwukrotnie pi~c

pytan. PrzyporzCldkuj kaidemu z nich
prawidtowCl odpowiedi. Wpisz w pola (1-5)
odpowiedniCl liter~ (A-F). JednCl odpowiedi
podano dodatkowo i nie pasuje ona do
iadnego pytania.

D 2D 3D 4D sD

A I can't play the piano.

B No, but I'd like to. When is the gallery

Yes, it was amazing. The pianist is a great
o It's well written, but I didn't find it
That's a terrible idea. I'm useless at
An article about hip-hop artists.


ad<Utt aItt?

Who was this picture _ by?

A Rembrandt B Leonardo da Vinci

.~.- -:.~,~

Who _ the Fifth Symphony?

A Beethoven B Mozart

Who _ the famous pop-art portrait of Marilyn Monroe?

A Picasso
B Andy Warhol

Where can you see the original statue of David _

A in Rome
B in Florence

Who was We are the champions originally _

B Freddie Mercury
A Elton John

How old was Michael Jackson when his first album was

A 14

Przeczytaj ponii:szy tekst, a nast~pnie
uzupetnij luki (1-5) jednCl z podanych
moi:liwosci: A, B lub (, tak aby otrzymac
tekst poprawny pod wzgl~dem
gramatycznym i logicznym.



B 20

@)rl;!!1&ijii1 aJ1ti
Uzupetnij zdania czasownikiem go w odpowiedniej formie. Dopasuj
propozycje (1-6) do odpowiedzi (A-F).

Shall we
to the opera this Friday?
out and do something.
How about
to the ballet?
Would you like
to the circus?
We could
for a pizza before the concert
We're _ to a rock festival in June. Do you want to come along?
Of course, but all the shows in this tour are already sold out.
They've cancelled the show because of the dancer's illness.
I'm sorry I can't How about next weekend instead?
I'd love to, but I'll be at a summer camp.
Actually, I feel like staying at home tonight
That sounds great I'm starving.

In April 2009, Susan Boyle

auditioned for the TV
programme Britain's Got Talent.
She 1
I dreamed a dream
from the musical Les Miserables.
The 2 _
were absolutely
amazed at her powerful voice.
Susan only came second in the
competition. 3 _ , she didn't need to win
- she was already an international star.
After Britain's Got Talent finished, Susan
her first album, 5 _
sold millions
of copies all over the world.

was sung
A audience

4 A gave
A who

has sung
B visitor
B painted

C readers



A .
Postuchaj nagrania i wpisz brakuj'lce stowa.
Odpowiedz na pytania.

. '.Wh

Postuchaj wypowiedzi trzech osob

mowi'lcych 0 tym, czego oczekuj'l po dobrym filmie.
Przyporz'ldkuj kaidej wypowiedzi odpowiednie punkty,
wpisuj'lc litery: A, B lub C. Jedna wypowiedi odnosi si~ do
dwoch punktow. Odpowiedz na pytania.

1 Do you think _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __
television? Who is a real couch potato in your family?
- - - - - - - - - - - - - -_ _ can you get
on your TV? Do you often channel surf?


- - - - - - - - - - - - -_ _ _ ontelly
tonight? What kind of programmes do you prefer?
chat shows
the news
game shows
wildlife programmes
reality shows
breakfast TV
talent shows
- - - - - - - - - - - - -_ _ _ the last
episode of your favourite TV series or soap opera?
- - - - - - - - - - - - - -_ _ really gets
on your nerves?
Do you agree that the media _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __
- - - - - influence in our lives?

What makes a good movie? How important are

these aspects in a good film?

a moving story with a happy ending

a gripping plot with a surprising twist
real-life characters rather than supernatural
lots of action and special effects
amusing situations and a funny dialogue
a strong cast and good acting

-............._, Uzupetnij zdania odpowiednimi wyrazami

z ramki. Postuchaj wypowiedzi i zaznacz, co przeszkadza
mowi'lcemu podczas seansu w nowoczesnym kinie.
Odpowiedz na pytanie.

Uzupetnij zdania odpowiednimi wyraieniami z ramki.

Odpowiedz na pytania.




o I can't stand it when people eat _ _ _ _ _ __

during the film.
o I don't like it when people
on the
o I hate long
before the film.

What kind of films do you prefer? Have you seen
any of these films? Which of them did you watch
on DVD / on your computer / at the cinema?

o read
I hate
the subtitles.

Fahrenheit 9.11 is a controversial _ _ _ _ _ __
about the terrorist attack on the World Trade Centre.
Shrek is an extremely successful _ _ _ _ _ __
produced by Pixar.
Avatar, the most expensive 3D movie ever made, is
a fantasy
directed by James Cameron.
4 Love Actually is a hilarious
, which
became an immediate blockbuster all over the world.
The girl with the dragon tattoo is a _ _ _ _ _ __
based on a bestselling novel by Stieg Larsson.
The Ring is a great remake of a Japanese


I can't stand queuing for


at the box
in the front row. You can't

I'm not very keen on multiplexes. The tickets are

Does a conductor have anything to do

with music?

W kaidym z podanych zdan przekresl niepoprawnct


A well-known Hollywood actress rarely plays / stars / acts

in a low-budget film.
An unknown actor usually plays / acts / takes
a supporting role.
An extra doesn't have / play / act a speaking part.
4 A stunt artist does / makes / performs stunts such as
falling from buildings or car chases.
Every director wants to do / make / shoot a successful
6 A critic writes / receives / publishes reviews.

Do kaidej tabliczki informacyjnej (1-5) dopasuj jedno

zdanie (A-F). Jedno zdanie podano dodatkowo i nie pasuje
one do iadnej tabliczki.




W punktach (1-8) zakresl prawid.owct opcj~. Przeczytaj

tekst ponownie i wybierz jednct z odpowiedzi A, B lub C,
zgodnie z jego trescict.

I went to see The Black Swan the other day. The film
is 1 on / played as part ofThe Dance Film Week in my
city. It 2 tells / says the story about the rivalry between
two ballet dancers, competing for the leading role in
Tchaikovsky's Swan Lake. The film 3 acts / stars Natalie
Portman, who won a number of 4 awards I rewards,
including an Oscar, for her outstanding performance.
Despite some mixed reviews, I think it's a truly great
film. Perhaps the 5 scenery / script isn't highly original,
but there are a lot of thrilling 6 stages I scenes and the
film keeps you on the edge of your seat. I also liked
the 7 soundtrack I lyrics - a mix of electronic music by
The Chemical Brothers and classical compositions by
Tchaikovsky. The Black Swan is well worth 8 to watch I


The text is
a positive review.
a negative review.
a mixed review.

. Fiii.


Admission free






This information might be interesting for cinemagoers.
You might see this sign in a bookshop.
This sign says you can get free cinema tickets.
This text informs people about a free musical event.
You might see this information in a library.
This information is important for visitors to an art

Pos.uchaj nagrania i uzupe.nij brakujctce fragmenty. Odpowiedz na pytania.

When did you last go to the theatre? What _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __

Was it the opening night performance?
Is there _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ in your school? Is it popular with students?
Has your class ever performed a play? Did you
4 Do you suffer from stage fright during _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __




This is an excellent choice for beginners.

Ustyszysz dwukrotnie wiadomosc

pozostawionil na poezcie glosowej. Na podstawie
nagrania zaznaez, ktore ze zdan (1-4) sil zgodne z jego
tresciil (P - Prawda), a ktore nie (F - Falsz). Zakresl Jiter~
P lub F.

The recipes are very simple and easy to follow. I've

tried most of them and I must say they're delicious!
Although this book was written a long time ago, it's
still a bestseller and it's looked upon as a classic.

This is a detective story with a difference _

it contains both humour and an exciting, original
plot. Inspector Smilie is investigating a series of art
thefts. However, he makes a lot of mistakes and the
consequences will make every reader laugh.

Poet Tom Keating lived a full and interesting

life. After months of research and interviews with
his family, Sally Hughes has written a brilliant
biography about this fascinating man and his poetry.

Mike has already bought tickets for a Lady Gaga

A ticket for a Lady Gaga concert costs 50 if you
buy it online.
There are lots of tickets for the concert still available
on the Internet.
Mike is excited about going to the concert.





Przeezytaj poniiszy tekst. Z podanyeh odpowiedzi: A, B
lub C wybierz prawidtowil, zgodnil z jego tresciil.



,0'l3!Dm Ustyszysz dwukrotnie eztery wypowiedzi

na temat filmow. Przyporzildkuj kaidej wypowiedzi
odpowiadajilee jej zdanie, wpisujile w poJa (1-4)
odpowiednie litery (A-E). Jedno zdanie podano
dodatkowo i nie pasuje one iadnej wypowiedzi.




A It's a good idea to read film reviews.

I learnt a lot from the film.
Watching a comedy series makes me feel happy.
D I don't quite understand why some films are so successful.
The last film I saw was a waste of time.


Przeezytaj reeenzje trzeeh ksiiliek oraz pytania
dotyezil ee tyeh reeenzji. Do kaidego pytania
dopasuj prawidlowil reeenzj~. Wpisz w pola (1-4)
odpowiedniilliter~ (A-C). Uwaga! Jedna reeenzja pasuje
do dwoeh pytan.
Which book would be best for someone:



who is interested in the history of literature?

who enjoys reading thrillers?
who likes funny stories?
who wants to learn to cook?


Dancing Matt

I first saw Dancing Matt last week when someone sent me

a link to his videos. In the last couple of days, I've found out
a lot about the man behind these funny films.
His name is Matt Harding. In the past he worked as a video
game deSigner, but at some point he gave up his job and
began travelling widely. During his trips he shot short films of
himself danCing (rather badly) in different places around the
world. He combined the films into longer videos and uploaded
them onto the Internet. Over the last few years, millions of
people have watched his videos and shared them with friends.
This way, Matt has become a real internet celebrity.
To date, Matt has created four of these videos. In the last two
he used a new formula - he asked local people to dance with
him. In 2010 he made a special video to celebrate the World
Cup, It shows him dancing with people in different locations
in South Africa. Don't you think that it's very easy to become
famous with the help of the Internet these days?

The writer discovered a video

of Dancing Matt
when he was surfing the
because it had been
recommended to him.
while he was playing a video
game designed by Matt
According to the text,
Matt always dances alone.
Matt shot an official video for
an international sports event.
Matt is extremely popular with
Internet users.
The writer seems surprised that
Matt has made so many videos.
Matt is such a good director.
the Internet can give you
celebrity status so easily.

Przeczytaj uwainie tekst ze strony

internetowej muzeum Salvadora
Oali w Figueres, w Hiszpanii.
Do kaidego fragmentu dopasuj
odpowiedni nagl6wek. Wpisz
w pola (1-5) odpowiedni<lliter~
(A-E). Jeden nagl6wek podano
dodatkowo i nie pasuje on do
iadnego fragmentu.

Online booking
The DaIi Theatre-Museum
History of the museum
Opening times
Dali by night

The museum you're going to visit is the largest surrealistic object in the
world created by one of the greatest surrealist artists - Salvador Dali.
The building itself is a fascinating piece of art which attracts crowds night
and day. It has the largest collection of Da!i's paintings, drawings and

Early in the 1960s Salvador Da!i decided to build his museum inside the
ruins of the Municipal Theatre of Figueres, which was almost completely
destroyed by a fire in 1939.
He designed every detail of the new museum, from the special exhibition
rooms to the spectacular egg-like sculptures on the roof. The museum
opened in 1974. It was also Da!i's home for many years.

You can visit the museum from 9.00 a.m. to 6 p.m. every day ofthe year.
In peak season, from 1 July to 30 September, the museum closes at 8 p.m.
in the evening. Last entry is 30 minutes before the closing time.

Every year in August our visitors have a chance to see the museum outside
the normal opening times. For the special price of C12 you can admire
Da!i's art from 10 p.m. to 1 a.m. We recommend advance booking through
our website as the number of visitors is limited to 500.

An individual ticket costs Cu. Reduced charges apply for students, senior

citizens (65+) and groups of more than 25 people. Children under nine are
free of charge.


catchy song - piosenka, ktora

couch potato - osoba, ktora
latwo wpada w ucho
sp~dza caly czas przed
choir - cMr
concert hall - filharmonia,
episode - odcinek
sala koncertowa
telly - telewizor (potocznie)
gig - wyst~p muzyczny
live music - muzyka na iywo
lyrics - tekst piosenki
mainstream - dominuj'}cy
breakfastTV - telewizja
rehearsal - proba
soap opera - opera mydlana,
sing along - spiewae
the news - wiadomosci
sing out of tune - falszowae
smash hit - wielki przeboj,
wildlife programme _
program przyrodniczy
string orchestra - orkiestra

author - autor
average - przeci~tny
bookworm - mol ksi'}ikowy
borrow - poiyczae
cover - okladka
edition - wydanie
headline - nag16wek
in stock - na skladzie
keep a diary - prowadzie




library - biblioteka
literature - literatura
overdue book - wypoiyczona
kSi'}ika, ktorej termin
oddania min'}l
publish - wydae
return - zwracae
set in - umiejscowiony
(0 akcji kSi'}iki/filmu)



accordion - akordeon
drum - b~ben
harmonica - harmonijka,
trumpet - tr'}bka
violin - skrzypce

GPii!,:t.t.!:f1'n o

best-seller - bestseller
biography - biografia
comic book - komiks
N ;,
fairy tale - bajka, basil
fiction - beletrystyka,
(abstract) painting - obraz
literatura pi~kna
glossy fashion magazine _
artefact - dzielo czlowieka
ilustrowane czasopismo
compose - komponowae
o modzie
draw - rysowae
gossip column - rubryka
drawing - rysunek
towarzyska, plotki
exhibition - wystawa
guidebook - przewodnik
paint - malowae
hardback - kSi'}ika w twardej
pottery - garncarstwo,
non-fiction - literatura faktu
release - publikacja;
novel - powiese
online newspaper - gazeta
SCUlpt - rzeibie
sculpture - rzeiba
paperback - kSi'}ika
w mi~kkiej oprawie
poetry - poezja
print edition - wydanie
composer - kompozytor
self-help book - poradnik
critic - krytyk
set book - kSi'}ika z listy
director - reiyser
extra - statysta
short story - opowiadanie
painter - malarz
textbook - podr~cznik
poet - poeta
sculptor - rzeibiarz
stunt artist - kaskader
writer - pisarz





(give) a performance - (dae)

audience - publicznose
band - zespol muzyczny
be musical - bye muzykalny

channel - kanal teIewizyjny


script - scenariusz
seat - siedzenie, miejsce
soundtrack - scieika

speaking role - rola

star (verb) - grae jedn'}
z g16wnych rol
strong cast - mocna obsada
subtitles - napisy dialogowe
successful - ciesz'}cy si~
supernatural hero - bohater
o nadnaturalnych mocach
supporting role - rola
surprising twist - zaskakuj'}cy
zwrot akcji
ticket - bilet
thriller - dreszczowiec,
thrilling stunt - trzymaj'}cy
w napi~ciu numer
trailer - zwiastun filmu

action film - film akcji

amusing situation - smieszna
award - nagroda
based on - oparty na
blockbuster - szlagier
box office - kasa biletowa
costume - kostium
film - film animowany
drama club - kolko teatralne
opening night - premiera
controversial (teatralnal filmowa)
perform a play - wystawiae
documentary - film
play - sztuka
stage fright - trema
film industry - przemysl
flop - kIapa
funny dialogue - zabawny
good acting - dobre
pay a fine - zaplacie kar~
renew a book - przedluiye
gripping plot - trzymaj'}ca
okres wypoiyczenia
w napi~ciu fabula
hilarious - bardzo smieszny,
write a blog - pisae bloga
horror movie - horror, film
low-budget film - film
moving story - poruszaj'}ca
multiplex - kino z wieloma
salami projekcyjnymi
real-life character realistyczna postae
remake - nowa wersja (np.
review - recenzja
romantic comedy - komedia
row - rz'}d
scene - scena



-Pi!i'i.hnMb;f-!iin t.,

. 3mg, Ustyszysz szesc odpowiedzi na pytanie 0 spos6b przemieszczania si~.

Przyporzildkuj przedstawiajilce je iJustracje (A-F) poszczeg61nym osobom, wpisujilc numery (1-6).
Posluchaj nagrania ponownie i podpisz rysunki zgodnie zjego tresciil.

0 _ __

0 _ __

0 _ __

0 _ __

D _ __

0 _ __

Uzupelnij luki odpowiednimi przyimkami. Odpowiedz na pytania.

When did you last go somehere:
a crowded bus?
4 - - - _ your parents' car?
5 - -_ _ a borrowed bike?
- _ _ _ hitch-hiking?
- -_ _ a suburban train?

. m3

Posluchaj nagrania i wpisz brakujilce slowa. Odpowiedz na pytania.

Have you ever travelled _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __
Do any of your classmates commute _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __

from where you live?

How far is
Do you have a monthly ticket? Is it valid on all means of public transport?
What's the usual fare _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __
Are you often
because of traffic jams?
Do you think that more cycle paths and bus lanes would solve _ _ _ _ __

you usually
get around
where you
live? How
do you
usually get
to school?

. NM. Posluchaj
nagrania i wpisz brakujilce slowa.
Odpowiedz na pytania.
What's the longest train journey
you've ever made? Was your train
delayed or
How do you usually
- - -_ _ _ _ on a train?
- - - - -__ carriages or
carriages with compartments?
on a sleeper

Zakresl prawidlowil opcj~.

Odpowiedz na pytania.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -_ _ where you live?

Have you ever flown? Where
did you take your last flight?

Uzupelnij luki (1-6) odpowiednimi czasownikami z ramki. Dwa czasowniki

podano dodatkowo i nie pasujil one do iadnej luki. Odpowiedz na pytanie.








How would you prefer to travel from Warsaw to London?

How much do you know

about air travel?
1 Can you arrive at the airport
fifteen minutes before the

You can take a cheap direct flight
from Warsaw to London. Remember,
however, that the airports that lowcost airlines 1
are far away from the city centre so
you'll need to 2 _ _ _ _ _ __
a train or a bus, which can cost as
much as the flight.

By rail
Take a night train to Brussels where
for the Euro
you'll 3
Star train. It will take you under the


English Channel direct to the centre of

London in two and a half hours. This
high speed train 4 _ _ _ _ _ __
a top speed of 300 kph.

By road and sea

If you don't get carsick or seasick,
why not travel on a comfortable
coach to the Hook of Holland and
- - - -___ on a night ferry
to the UK, where you will continue
your trip to London on the same bus.
The whole journey
- - - -___ about 24 hours.

take-off I start?

Do you have to show your

passport when you check in I
book for a flight from Poland to
the UK?

Do you have to close I fasten your

seatbelts for landing?

Can you take your own bottle

of water, a laptop computer or
a pair of scissors on board I on the


Do you have to unpack your

hand luggage when you go
through a security check I control?

Uzupetnij zdania odpowiednimi wyrazami z ramki. Dwa

wyrazy podano dodatkowo i nie pasujq one do iadnego ze zdan.






Find your way to the hostel.

1 Go
the park and turn left - - - - - - Red Street.
Go _______ on as far as Blue Avenue and turn right.
Then go _______ Blue Avenue until you come to
a huge fountain
a shopping centre.
4 Turn left
the junction and go
_______ the bridge and down Yellow Street.
of Yellow
There's a tall office building on the
Street and Black Alley.
Your hostel is right _ _ _ _ _ _ _ this building.

Przyporzqdkuj osobom (A-D) odpowiednie pytania (1-4).

Uzupetnij pytania w mowie zaleinej.
an air passenger
a bus passenger
a train passenger
a pedestrian

Do kaidej sytuacji (1-5) dobierz odpowiedniq
reakcj~: A, B lub C.
Jak zapytasz 0 drogy na lotnisko?
A Can you take me to the airport, please?
B Excuse me, how do I get to the airport?
( Can you pick me up from the airport?
Jak powiesz, ze siy zgubild?
A I think I've lost my way.
B I'm afraid I've lost the address.
( Are you lost?
Chcesz dojechac do muzeum autobusem.
Jak zapytasz kierowcy, gdzie wysi'}sC?
A Which bus goes to the museum?
B Where's the nearest bus stop to the museum?
( Where should I get off for the museum?
4 Odbierasz kolegy z lotniska.
Jak zapytasz 0 jego lot?
A Have a nice flight.
B How did you book the flight?
( How was your flight?
Zamierzasz jechac poci'}giem na jeden dzien
do Oxfordu. Jak kupisz powrotny bilet?
A A return to Oxford, please!
B One to Oxford, please!
( A Single to Oxford, please.

Przeczytaj poniiszy tekst, a nast~pnie uzupetnij
luki (1-5) jednq z podanych moiliwosci: A, B lub C,
tak aby otrzymac tekst poprawny pod wzgl~dem
gramatycznym i logicznym.

London Buses

Is there a zebra crossing or an underpass near here?

Do you know _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __
Where's gate 14?
Can you tell me
' please?
Does number 15 stop here?
Excuse me, do you know - - - - - - - - - - - - - 4 Which platform does the 9 a.m. to London go from?
Excuse me, do you know_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __

Dopasuj pytania (1-5) do odpowiedzi (A-F). Jednq odpowiedz
podano dodatkowo i nie pasuje ona do iadnego pytania.
Is this seat taken?
How often does this tram run?
What time is the next bus?
4 How long does it take to drive to the airport?
How far is it to the museum?
Every ten minutes at peak times.
No, it's free.
It's about five hundred metres. A good five-minute walk.
It's two kilometres long.
Probably in twenty minutes. Why don't you check the

About thirty minutes when it's not the rush hour.

London's famous buses come in all shapes and

sizes, many are still red but other companies run
buses for the London Transport Service too, in
their own colours. You can' _ a bus at two
kinds of bus 2_ :
Compulsory - Buses will automatically stop
they are full.
Request - Buses will only stop when you signal
with your arm. Remember to give the driver
plenty of time to stop.
When you want to 4 _ the bus, ring the bell
once. On board the bus, take a 5 _ when one is
available or if you have to stand, hold on tight.
A miss
A stops
A if
4 A get off
A chair

B get
B stations
B unless
B take off
B sit


get out


Podpisz rysunki (A-F) wyrazeniami z ramki. Odpowiedz

na pytania.

Uzupelnij zdania odpowiednimi wyrazami z ramki.

Odpowiedz na pytania.

'1.1 .1=. ,e



What are the main tourist attractions where you

live? Which of these sights and attractions did
you see on your last holidays?

Which of these did you take with you when you last
travelled abroad?
Do you travel light or do you pack too many things?
Do you make a checklist of things to take on holiday?
4 Do you mostly travel with a backpack, a bag or a rolling
Uzupelnij punkty (1-6) odpowiednimi wyrazeniami
z ramki. Odpowiedz na pytania.

Which holiday would you prefer? Why?

A seven-day
Spain with your parents.
your best friends.
A sailing

A school

a royal _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ or palace
of an ancient
monument or a prehistoric site
a church, a cathedral or a _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __
4 a museum or a _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ park
an area of outstanding natural

an observation _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __

W punktach (1-8) zakresl prawidlow'! opcj~. Przeczytaj

tekst ponownie i wybierz jedn,! z odpowiedzi: A, B lub C,
zgodnie z jego tresci,!.

holiday in
break in Berlin with
on the Polish
alone in Romania.
bus tour around
to Sweden.

. .. tflJI:- Przeczytaj punkty (1-3) i zakresl prawidlow'!

opcj~. Odpowiedz na pytanie. Posluchaj nagrania i zaznacz,

KoPhi Phi

ktory typ wakacji opisuje mowi'!cy.

What do you like doing on holiday?

On holiday I mostly make / go sightseeing. I try to find

out something about the local culture and history. And
I always take / make photos of all the interesting places
and Sights I've seen.
I prefer a(n) activity / foreign holiday. I mostly choose
places where I can play sports or do / have a summer
course and learn something new.
My holidays are a time for relax / relaxation. I always
go to places where I can just laze around, do some
sunbathing / suntan and simply recharge my batteries.


My holidays on Ko Phi Phi island in Thailand didn't

really match the promises of the holiday 1 brochure
/ prospect that I got from my travel 2 agent / office.
Well, the island looks like a 3 paradise / landmark from
a distance, but 4 mass / massive tourism has changed
it into a busy 5 resort / port with noisy nightlife. It's too
6 touristy / famous even in the low 7 season / time. And
since The Beach with Leonardo DiCaprio was shot there,
one day 8 excursions /journeys to the island have become
a must for thousands of tourists.
The text is an extract from
a blog.
a travel brochure.
a guidebook.

. ... EM. Postuchaj nagrania i wpisz brakuj<tce stowa.

Odpowiedz na pytania.
1 Where can _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __

Do kaidej tabliczki informacyjnej (1-5) dopasuj jedno

zdanie (A-F). Jedno zdanie podano dodatkowo i nie pasuje
one do iadnej tabliczki.

accommodation in your area?

Do you know anyone in the UK who could put you up

- - - - - - - - - - -?

When did you last _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ at

a campsite?
4 Have you ever _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ a youth
Would you like to run a small
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ or a guesthouse in the
6 Why would it be interesting to work in a luxury

Uzupetnij zdania odpowiednimi wyraieniami z ramki.
Odpowiedz na pytania.
Would you like to stay at the hotel you can see in
the photo? How much do you think a night in this
hotel costs?

airport transfer
double bed




Check-out time: noon

continental breakfast
check in
in advance
reception desk

We advise you to book a room at least a month

_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ as we are often fully
You can _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ at any time from 1
The _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ is open 24/7.
4 Each room has a _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __
a functional bathroom and a Wi-Fi connection.
The room price includes a _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __
served from 6 a.m. to 10 a.m.
6 We can arrange an _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ for you.



You might see this sign at a hotel reception desk.

Follow this sign to collect your bags if this is your final
Passengers continuing their journey by plane should
follow this sign.
You mustn't take luggage on the plane.
You must always have your suitcases with you.
You might see this sign on a hotel room door.

What does it mean if someone gave you a lift

What does it mean if you took the lift to your flat?




'l'!!mD Ustyszysz dwukrotnie wypowiedzi czterech

os6b. Przyporzetdkuj kazdej osobie (1-4) odpowiednie
stwierdzenie (A-E). Wpisz odpowiednietliter~ w kazde
pole. Jedno stwierdzenie nie pasuje do zadnej z os6b.

D Jacob
D Linda

D Robert

D Joanna

did a lot of sightseeing.

went on holiday by train.
spent the holidays with their parents.
got bored on holiday.
slept in an unusual place.

In the summer I'm going to visit my family back in
Poland. We're going to spend about three weeks there.
We haven't decided what to do next. We might catch
a ferry to Sweden or hire a car and drive down to Croatia
or Italy. So, what about you? What are you going to do
this summer?


: I

Przeczytaj teksty. W zadaniach (1-3) z podanych

odpowiedzi wybierz prawidtowet, zgodnet z tresciet
tekstu. Zakresl odpowiednio liter~: A, B lub C.

.~ Ustyszysz dwukrotnie fragment reklamy

radiowej. Na podstawie nagrania zaznacz, kt6re ze zda.,
(1-5) Set zgodne z jego tresciet (P - Prawda), a kt6re nie
(F - Fatsz). Zakreslliter~ P lub F.


What is Magda writing about?

Her last visit to Poland.
Her car journey to Italy.
Her summer plans.

The special prices for South Africa holidays last for one
Tourist will have to pay extra for their hotels.
Tourists cannot change the tour.
4 Swaziland is part of South Africa.
Cape Town is a good place for watching marine life. '0



There are five metro lines in

Washington: Blue, Green, Orange,
Red and Yellow. Metro stations are
marked by tall white columns with
a large "M" sign on each side. You
can see the name of the station and
the line it serves on the column .

What is the general idea of the text?

To help tourists to find a metro station.
To encourage tourists to use public transport.
To advertise Washington metro.


W~(e. il'\

10(01'\+0 o.l'\d W~(e.

wOl'\de.rhlR +iw-e..
~es+e.rdo.'1 we. we.V\+ +0 +"-e.
(es+o.lA(o.l'\+ il'\ +"-e. c./-t Towe.r.
The. food wo.s 1IAi+e. uPe.V\siv'e.
bIA+ +"-e. v'ie.w w-o.de. i+ WO(+"qoil'\q +"-e.re.. We. o.Rso Wo.R~ 01'\
+"-e. fo.w-olAS qRo.ss Roo( - ,+ s sO
scu.r'1' 1Ow-o((ow W~(e. d(iv'il'\q +0
se.e. /-tio.qo.(o. Fo.RRs. .r: co.l'\' + wo.i+1
<;"0.'1 "-e.RRo +0 '10IA( sis+e.r.



JIARio. o.l'\d 1Ow-e.k


The authors of the postcard

are complaining about
the prices in Canada.
are enjoying their
holidays in Canada.
are scared of driving in


Przeczytaj informacje
o trzech osobach i cztery
ulotki reklamujetce
jednodniowe wycieczki.
Przyporzetdkuj kaidej
osobie jednet ulotk~,
ktorej tresciet najbardziej
bytaby zainteresowana.
Wpisz w pola (1-3)

Helen has travelled a lot for her
age. Before taking a trip, she
likes to read about the place she's
going to visit. Even when she
goes on a package holiday, she
always tries to explore the area.
Helen is keen on art and she's
thinking of studying architecture.
Her problem with visiting exotic
places is her strong phobia about
insects and snakes.


(A-D). Jednet ulotk~

podano dodatkowo i nie
pasuje ona do iadnej



The Ecopark - a new animal-friendly type of zoo - has something for

everyone. Experience a close encounter with native birds, snakes and
Komodo dragons living like in their own natural habitat. Enjoy afull
commentary on the history of the wildlife during a special guided tour.
The park has a great gift shop with a wide choice of books and traditional
crafts. On our way back we'll make a stop at a wild beach for a picnic
lunch. Our bus will pick you up from your hotel between 8a.m. and 9a.m.

Hop on the open-deck bus to see all the sights of our capital city.
Our experienced guides will show you round, telling you fascinating
stories about the past and present of this vibrant city. We guarantee
that you won't miss a single monument. The price includes a visit to
the National Museum with its great collection of ancient artefacts
and modern paintings. This will allow you to avoid the usual crowds
queuing for tickets at this time of the year. The trip lasts seven hours
with a 30-minute lunch break.

Przeczytaj tekst. Zaznacz,

ktore ze zda., (1-4) Set
zgodne z jego tresciet
(P - Prawda), a ktore nie
(F - Fatsz). Zakreslliter~
P lub F.
Machu Picchu was
discovered in 1450
by Spanish invaders.
Machu Picchu is not
popular with tourists
because of the cost of
Tourism has had
negative effects on
Machu Picchu.
4 Machu Picchu was
closed for four
months in 2010.

Mike's idea of a perfect holiday

is a sandy beach or a deckchair
next to a hotel pool. He's not into
sightseeing, but he quite likes
visiting zoos and theme parks,
especially those connected with
the history of life on Earth. He
avoids travelling by bus as he
often gets carsick.

Joanna prefers activity holidays.

Lying on a beach all day long
doesn't appeal to her. Wherever
she goes, she tries to find out
something about the culture
and customs ofthe people who
live there. Joanna believes that
sitting in a cafe and observing the
residents can teach us more about
the world than visiting museums.
She's also keen on trying local


Why not join us on a special day trip to see the greatest attractions
in the area. We'll take you in a comfortable air-conditioned coach to
a few villages where life goes on as it has for centuries. We'll also visit
a busy local market. With the help of your guide, you'll be able to buy
some fresh ingredients to try later in some traditional dishes prepared
by our chefin a nearby restaurant. No trip to this part ofthe country is
complete without a visit to the world's biggest butterfly farm, where
you can see many other native species of insects.


Discover the spectacular open-air Natural History Museum situated

on an old archaeological site in the middle of the jungle. This is
a wonderful place to explore, and the unusual scenery brings the
lifelike dinosaur models alive. Getting to the site is also an adventure in
itself. Meet your guide at the railway station and take a two-hour ride
on a vintage steam train to the small village of Karere, where you can
either walk to the museum or take the shuttle bus.

Machu Picchu, which means Old

Mountain, is a UNESCO World Heritage
Site at 2,430 metres above the Urubamba
Valley in Peru. Most archaeologists think it
was built around 1450 for the Inca emperor
Pachacuti. It is unusual because it was never
discovered and destroyed by the Spanish
invaders like so many other Inca sites. In
fact, it was almost unknown to the outside
world until books about it were written by
an American called Hiram Bingham in 1911.
The site has urban and agricultural areas,
the buildings are often built out of huge
blocks of carefully cut stone.

Watch List of the 100 most endangered

sites in the world, because of the
environmental damage caused by tourists.
In January 2010 heavy rains destroyed
roads and railways, and trapped thousands
of tourists and local people, so the site was
closed until the end of April 2010.

Machu Picchu is now a major tourist site.

Although getting to Peru can be very
expensive, it is visited by almost half
a million people a year. This has caused
problems, and in 2008 it was put on the


,ij{.j.iiii;H?fiUijjilbike - rower
bus/tram runs - autobusl
tramwaj jeidzi
catch (a train/bus) - lapac
(pociqgl auto bus )
change - przesiadac sier
commute - dOjezdzac
ferry - prom
hitch-hiking - autostop
on foot - pieszo
pedestrian - pieszy
scooter - skuter
suburban train - pociqg
underground - metro


I g.J.]j{.tD
accident - wypadek
(not) arrive on time - (nie)
przyjechac na czas
cancelled - odwolany
crowded bus/train zatloczonyautobus/pociqg
delayed - opoiniony
get carsick - miec chorober
heavy traffic - duzy ruch
peak time - godziny szczytu,
pora najwierkszego
naterzenia ruchu
rush hours - godziny szczytu
seasick - choroba morska


-""U t3 f.tCii'iii(.j:j'fi'"
bus/air/train passenger pasazer w autobusiel
carriage with compartments _
wagon z przedzialami
check-in (at the airport) odprawa (na lotnisku)
coach - autokar, autobus
compulsory bus stop regularny przystanek, na
ktorym auto bus sier zawsze
fasten one's seatbelts - zapiqc
pasy bezpieczenstwa
gate - wyjScie do samolotu
(na lotnisku)
hand luggage - bagaz


high speed train - pociqg

duzej prerdkosci
on board - na pokladzie
open carriage wagon - wagon
bez przedzialow
platform - peron
request bus stop - przystanek
na zqdanie
return (ticket) - (bilet)
seat (taken/free) - miejsce
security check - kontrola
single (ticket) - (bilet)
w jednq stroner
sleeper train - pociqg
take-off - start (samolotu)
timetable - rozklad jazdy

across the bridge - przez
down the street - wzdluz
ulicy, ulicq
go along - isc wzdluz
go past - przejsc obok
go straight (on) - isc prosto
junction - skrzyzowanie
on the corner - na rogu
turn left/right (into) - skrercic
w lewD Iprawo (w)


underpass - przejscie
podziemne, przejazd pod
zebra crossing - przejscie dla

do a summer course - zrobic
kurs wakacyjny
do sightseeing - zwiedzac
do sunbathing - opalac sier
excursion - wycieczka
holiday brochure - folder
journey - podroz
laze around - obijac sier,
low season - (okres) poza
mass tourism - turystyka
recharge battery - doladowac

resort - miejscowosc
snapshot - migawka, zdjercie
suntan - opalenizna
take photos - robic zdjercia
(too) touristy - przepelniony
travel agent - agent biura
trip - wycieczka

bed and breakfast - pokoje
goscinne (ze sniadaniem)
campsite - pole kempingowe
guesthouse - pensjonat
luxury hotel - luksusowy
put sb up for a night przenocowac kogos
tent - namiot
youth hostel - hostel


airport transfer - dojazd z/do

book a room - zarezerwowac
check in (at the hotel) zameldowac sier (w hotelu)
continental breakfast sniadanie w stylu
double bed - podwojne
fully booked - w calosci
zarezerwowane, brak
wolnych miejsc
in advancez wyprzedzeniem, z gory
(0 platnosci)
reception desk - recepcja

ancient monument starozytny zabytek
landmark charakterystyczny obiekt,
punkt orientacyjny
observation deck - punkt
prehistoric site - miejsce
royal castle - zamek
temple - swiqtynia
theme park - (tematyczny)
park rozrywki

backpack - plecak
checklist - lista kontrolna
money belt - pasek
z kieszeniq na pieniqdze
i dokumenty
phrasebook - rozmowki,
zbior wyrazen i zwrotow
rolling suitcase - walizka na
sun cream - krem
torch - latarka
towel- rercznik
travel adapter - adapter

activity holiday - wypoczynek
backpacking - werdrowka
z plecakiem
guided bus tour wycieczka objazdowa
z przewodnikiem
package holiday - wakacje
zorganizowane przez
biuro podrozy
sailing camp - oboz zeglarski
school trip - wycieczka
weekend break - wypad


dream destination wymarzone miejsce
foreign countries - obce kraje
go abroad - jechac za granicer
pass the time - sperdzac czas
travel on one's own podrozowac na wlasnq

. ... fiU. Uslyszysz szesc odpowiedzi na pytanie 0 domowe zwierz~ta. Przyporz'!dkuj

przedstawiaj,!ce je ilustracje (A-F) poszczegolnym osobom, wpisuj,!c numery (1-6). Postuchaj nagrania
ponownie i podpisz rysunki zgodnie zjego tresci,!.

D _ __

D - - _ D _ __

D _ __

D - - _ D _____

Uzupetnij zdania odpowiednimi czasownikami

z ramki. Odpowiedz na pytania.

Have you
got any
pets? How
do you look
after them?
What pet
would you
like to have?

Podpisz zdj~cia odpowiednimi wyraieniami z ramki. Uzupetnij

pytania (1-4) jednym z 6 stow z ramki w odpowiedniej formie.
W ktorym pytaniu wpisane stowo rna nowe znaczenie?

What breed of dog do you like more: a husky,

a spaniel or a pit bull? Which of them is
_______ as a dangerous dog breed?
Do dog owners in your neighbourhood
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ after their pets?
Would you prefer to
a cat
from an animal shelter or buy a pedigree one?
Which animal do you think _ _ _ _ _ __
a good pet: a tortoise, a hamster, or a budgie?
Do you
wild birds in winter?
Have you ever made a bird table yourself?
If you lived on a farm, what animals would you
prefer to
: sheep, goats, cows
or bees?
"""r.:L:oI;:.wil Postuchaj nagrania i wpisz
brakuj,!ce stowa. Odpowiedz na pytania.

How interesting, exciting or scary would

these experiences be for you?

, zebras and
giraffes at night-time in a safari park
swimming with a dolphin, a killer whale or
a _ _ _ _ _ __
riding a camel, an
a donkey
stroking a mouse, a kangaroo or a polar

Do you sleep on a _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ pillow?

Do you like BBQ chicken _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __
3 Does anyone in your family wear a __________ coat?
4 Have you ever swum with
and a mask?
Uzupetnij zdania odpowiednimi rzeczownikami z ramki.
Odpowiedz na pytania.

Do you have green fingers?


Have you got any

plants in your room?
Do you often forget to water them?

hand feeding crocodiles, squirrels or

Are you growing

on a window sill? Which can
you grow by planting its root: parsley or basil?

watching a wildlife programme about

_______ , spiders or bats
meeting a wolf, a _ _ _ _ _ _ _ or a deer
in the wild
watching _______ and apes at the zoo


Have you ever tried to grow a citrus tree from _ ----;;:--_ __




Do you like gardening? Have you ever cut a _ _ _ _ __

How many
by their leaves?

grow from bulbs: roses or tulips?

of tree or bush can you identify

Postuchaj nagrania i wpisz brakujetce stowa.
Zaznacz zdania, z ktorymi si~ zgadzasz.
The weather doesn't affect my mood. I like _ _ _ _ __
I don't like it when _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __
, I'm always in a good mood.
I like gazing
, especially on a starry night.
I always check the weather forecast _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __
6 I hate people
the weather.
Uzupetnij nazwy por roku pod zdj~ciami. W zdaniach (1-6)
zakresl prawidtowet opcj~. Dopasuj zdania do poszczegolnych
por roku (A-D). Odpowiedz na pytania.

Dopasuj pytania (1-6) do odpowiedzi (A-G). Jednet

odpowiedi podano dodatkowo i nie pasuje ona do
iadnego pytania.
1 What's the weather
What's the weather
forecast for tomorrow?
Is it raining?
4 Is it cold outside?
S What's the temperature
6 Is it windy today?

Yes, it's just begun to

Yes, it feels quite chilly.
It's two degrees
Yes, I like this kind of
It's going to snow.
Yes, it's blowing hard.
It's warm and sunny.

'fiZE' Ustyszysz dwukrotnie pi~c pytari.
Przyporzetdkuj kaidemu z nich prawidtowet
odpowiedi. Wpisz w pola (l-S) odpowiedniet liter~
(A-F). Jednet odpowiedi podano dodatkowo i nie
pasuje ona do iadnego z pytari.

0 20 30 40 S0
I like all the seasons.

B It's going to be quite warm for this time of the year.

I like walking in this kind of weather.

I take him to a nearby park.
I had a dog when I was living in the country.
I don't like it when it's raining or if it's foggy.

Przeczytaj poniiszy tekst, a nast~pnie uzupetnij
luki (l-S) jednet z podanych moiliwosci: A, B lub (,
tak aby otrzymac tekst poprawny pod wzgl~dem
gramatycznym i logicznym.

What's your favourite season of the year?

What's your favourite kind of weather?

It's / There's mild and sunny, but it / there may be hail or

snow showers.

It's / There's snowing heavily.

It's / There's ten degrees below zero.
4 The air is hot and humid. It's / There's going to be a big storm.
S It's / There's foggy and rainy.
6 It / There isn't a cloud in the sky and it's / there's boiling hot.

,FUt., Postuchaj nagrania i wpisz brakujetce stowa.
Odpowiedz na pytania.

Should I wear _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ when it's freezing?

Isit _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __
in a breeze or in a blizzard?
Should 1 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __
with me when there's a gale or when it's pouring down?
4 Which
: lightning or thunder?
of the Sahara humid or dry?
Can you
when it's misty?

In the picture' _ a boy staring at some kind of

lizard or iguana, which is probably his pet. Actually,
I've never 2 _
an animal like this so I can't say
exactly what 3 _
it is. The boy, who is about ten, is
a cabbage leaf to the lizard. As we can see, the
lizard hasn't eaten much of the leaf 5
but it
looks like it's got a big appetite.
A it's
A species
4 A growing


C yet


Odpowiedz na pytania.

What do the letters on the

face of a compass stand for?

N- ________
S - ______________

. !IEjZ!:. Uzupelnij punkty (1-6) odpowiednimi

wyrazami z ramki. Odpowiedz na pytania. Posluchaj
nagrania i zaznacz, ktore z miejsc opisuje mowi'lcy.

E - ______________
W- ________
Have you ever got lost in
a forest? Can you find your
way using the position of
the sun or the stars?
Where is the nearest national park to the place where
you live? Can you describe its location using the cardinal
4 Where is the Slowinski National Park? Have you
ever been there? What is it known for: sand dunes,
underwater caves, green hills or deep valleys?
Dopasuj zdania (1-6) do zdan (A-F). Odpowiedz na
pytanie. Zakryj tekst cwiczenia i opisz zdj~cia z pami~ci.






Do you enjoy nature and spending time

outdoors? Where would you like to camp

on top of a rocky _ _ _ _ _ __
on a desert
off the coast of Thailand
on a river
in the Amazon rainforest
4 in a small meadow in the _ _ _ _ _ __
5 on a long sandy _ _ _ _ _ __
6 at the
of a spectacular waterfall
Uzupetnij zdania odpowiednimi wyrazami z ramki. Cztery
wyrazy podano dodatkowo i nie pasuj'l one do zadnego ze
zdan. Przyporz'ldkuj naglowki (A-F) do zdan (1-6).
hurricane tornado tsunami

What's the landscape like where you live?



Five killed in the Swiss Alps

- East Africa faces famine
due to dry weather


Southern China under water
A natural disaster causes flight chaos

Tens of villages have been cut off by

- - - - - - - -__ after weeks of heavy rainfall.
The tragic
was probably
caused by a group of careless skiers.
Firefighters are trying to put out the worst-ever forest
- - - - -_____ in this country.

It's mainly rural and flat.

It's urban and ugly.
It's very hilly.
4 It's still wild and untouched.
5 It has many large areas of water.
It was industrial in the past.
It's a concrete jungle.
There are countless lakes and ponds.
The area is surrounded by deep forests.
There are a lot of green spaces now.
There are wheat fields everywhere.
You can also see high mountains on the horizon.

The cloud of smoke and ash caused by a volcanic

- - - - - - -_ _ in Iceland has grounded
all the planes in Europe.

A huge underwater earthquake was the cause of the

- - - - - - -_ _ that has destroyed many
popular tourist resorts in Thailand.
The lack of rain may lead to a severe


in many parts of the region.

Is a shower light or short rain?


. mn

Postuchaj nagrania i uzupetnij brakujilce

fragmenty. Odpowiedz na pytania.

~OJ. WJ-~





How much rubbish does your

family _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __

Do you recycle waste paper,

cardboard and _ _ _ _ _ __

Do you use a lot of disposable

products such as batteries, cutlery,

How do you _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __
Do you think that people drop
litter in the streets because
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Iitter bins?

W podanych zdaniach zakresl prawidtowil opcj~.

Zaznacz zdania, z ktorymi si~ zgadzasz.

Do you sometimes _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __
____ how they can protect the environment?

W punktach (1-8) zakresl prawidtowil opcj~. Przeczytaj

tekst ponownie i wybierzjednil z odpowiedzi: A, B lub C,
zgodnie z jego tresciil.

Many people in Poland aren't aware enough of

environmental problems such as air pollution / polluted
or waste disposal.
Most recyclable materials in Poland go straight to
rubbish dams / dumps.
Global warming / heat isn't caused by the greenhouse
effect. It's part of natural climate change.
4 In 2020 20 % of energy in Poland will come from
ecological/renewable sources.
Solar I Wind turbines look ugly and spoil the landscape.
6 Poland shouldn't build a nuclear power / electricity

Do kazdej tabliczki informacyjnej (1-5) dopasuj jedno

zdanie (A-F). Jedno zdanie podano dodatkowo i nie pasuje
one do zadnej tabliczki.






Earth is home to the most amazing 1 monsters / creatures

and natural wonders. But, what will happen to the
2 planet / moon if we don't look after it? The truth is that, if
we 3 aren't / won't be careful, we'll turn our beautiful world
into a 4 dessert / desert environment where many plants
and animals won't survive. If we continue to cut 5 down /
out the forests, we'll destroy the natural 6 habit / habitat
of many 7 dangerous / endangered species. As a result,
gorillas and tigers will quickly become 8 extinct / dead.
The author of the text seems:
optimistic about the state of our planet.
worried about the future of the Earth
amazed by how people are changing the Earth



This information is about the material used for

This sign reminds dog owners to keep the place tidy.
This information is a weather warning.
This sign reminds people not to litter.
This sign is a warning to hikers.
You might see this sign in a zoo.



.7mm!) Ustyszysz dwukrotnie trzy nagrania. Z podanych
moiliwosci: A, B lub C wybierz jedn~, zgodn~ z tresci~ nagrania.
What's the weather like at the moment?


Przeczytaj tekst 0 matpie, zwanej nosaczem.
Zaznacz, ktore ze zda., (1-3) s~ zgodne z jego
tresci~ (P - Prawda), a ktore nie (F - Fatsz).
Zakreslliter~ P lub F.

What pet is the girl going to have?

Where did the boy spend his weekend?


.1!ma Ustyszysz dwukrotnie dwa teksty. Z podanych

moiliwosci: A, B lub C wybierz jedn~, zgodn~ z tresci~ nagrania.
Zadania (1-3) odnosz~ si~ do pierwszego tekstu, a zadania
(4-6) do drugiego.

Ustyszysz rozmow~ dwojga przyjaciot

How does Julie feel?

Which green product didn't Julie buy?
Fairtrade bananas
recycled paper
Fairtrade T-shirts
What does Sally suggest Julie should do?
try some other shops
buy normal products
recycle paper

Ustyszysz wypowiedz chtopca na temat psa.

4 The boy thinks that Bobby

has unusual abilities.
can't do the simple things which other dogs can do.
is as intelligent as other dogs.
Bobby remembers
complicated instructions.
where things are.
who has hidden his favourite ball.
The boy is always amazed
when Bobby finds the hidden ball.
to see Bobby swimming in the local river.
at how Bobby shows people that he wants to go for a walk.


Apart from orangutans, the island

of Borneo is the home of another
unusual primate - the proboscis
monkey. The males have got huge noses.
They also have really big bellies, which is
the result of their special diet. They eat so
many leaves that their full stomachs weigh
a quarter of their whole bodyweight.
Although they mostly live in trees, they're
also very good swimmers. Another
interesting thing is their ability to walk
on two feet, which makes them look a lot
like humans. Indonesian people call them
orang belanda, which means 'Dutchman'.
They thought that the Dutch colonisers
looked like the monkeys because many of
them had large noses and big bellies too.
Unfortunately, the proboscis monkey is
a rare animal. Its population has fallen to
1,000 in the last forty years and it is in
serious danger of extinction.
Proboscis monkeys spend all their lives in
Proboscis monkeys are similar to people.
Proboscis monkeys are very common in
the Borneo.


Przeczytaj tekst, z ktorego usuni~to cztery zdania.
Dobierz brakujqce zdania (A-E), tak aby otrzymac
spojny i logiczny tekst, wpisujqc w kai:dq luk~ (1-4)
odpowiedniq liter~. Jedno zdanie podano dodatkowo
i nie pasuje ono do i:adnej luki.

The Busy Bee

One of the busiest
animals working for us is
the bee. Every summer
bees make and share
tonnes of its best product
- honey. People have been using honey
for centuries. The oldest image of a human collecting
honey comes from the Cave of the Spider in Spain. l _
In fact, producing honey is a very hard task. A bee has to
visit between 100 and 1,500 flowers to fill its stomach with
nectar. 2 _ As soon as it returns to the hive, it passes the
nectar it's collected to other bees which specialise in
turning it into actual honey. One bee makes up to 24 such
trips every day.
Most of the honey we eat comes from bees looked after by
beekeepers. 3 _ In Nepal, for example, high-quality
organic honey is made by Himalayan cliff bees, the largest
honeybees in the world. Twice a year groups of Nepalese
men, called honey hunters, meet up at the cliffs to collect it.
In order to create the smoke that is used to calm down the
bees, honey hunters make a fire at the bottom of the cliffs.
To get to the honey, which is halfway down the cliffs, the
hunters attach themselves to ropes and descend from the
top of the cliff. 4 _
It's a dangerous job not only because
of the risk of fall ing but also because of the painful bee
stings that the hunters get despite the smoke.

Przeczytaj ponii:szy artykut Z podanych odpowiedzi:

A, B lub C wybierz prawidtowq, zgodnq z tresciq tekstu.

Vienna Zoo - always amazing!

Vienna Zoo was founded in 1745 as the
Emperor's private collection of animals
and birds. Il's situated in the beautiful
gardens of Schonbrunn Palace. This
is the oldest zoological garden in the
world. Il's been open to the public
since 1778.
The nrst elephant arrived al the zoo in 1770, and 30 years
laler there were already polar bears, wolves, wild cats and
kangaroos. In lhose days exotic animals were a huge
attraction, which pulled in crowds of visitors. However, the
zoo became a real sensalion when the first giraffe was
presenled in 1828. 250 years after its foundation, Vienna Zoo,
as parl of the Palace and Gardens of Schonbrunn, was
included on UNESCO's World Heritage List.
One of the greatest attractions ofthe zoo today is a young
pair of pandas. They were borrowed from the People's
Republic of China and transferred to Vienna in March 2003.
Nexl to Berlin, Schonbrunn is the only zoo in Europe that
keeps pandas. Bul if you want lo see them lhere, you must
hurry because they will only be in Austria for a few more
years before they are sent back home. The zoo director
says lhat these fascinaling animals remind visitors how
importanl it is lo
prolect the global
environmenl. The
giant panda is one of
the most endangered
species in the world.
Probably only one
thousand of them live
in the wild.
When were the first visitors to Vienna Zoo?
in 1745
in 1770
in 1778
What happened when the first giraffe arrived at Vienna
The zoo became more popular.
The zoo became less popular.
The zoo became a UNESCO World Heritage Site.

When they reach the honey, they cut off big pieces.
This rock painting, referred to as Man of Bicorp, dates
from about 15,000 years ago.
There are, however, places in the world where a lot of it is
still produced by wild bees.
On the other hand, honey bees are dying across the world
and Nepal is no exception.
When it's full up, it weighs twice as much as normal,
which makes flying back quite difficult.

Why do the two pandas from Vienna Zoo have to leave

Because they are normally kept in Berlin Zoo.
Because they belong to the People's Republic of China.
Because all pandas born in zoos are released into the
4 What does the zoo director say about the presence of the
pandas in Vienna Zoo?
The pandas are important to the zoo because they
fascinate the visitors.
Pandas kept in zoos are more dangerous than wild
It makes people more aware of ecological issues.



ape - malpa czIekoksztaltna
bat - nietoperz
bee - pszczoia
budgie - papuzka falista
butterfly - motyl
camel - wielbl'!d
chicken - kura
cow - krowa
crocodile - krokodyl
deer - jelen
dolphin - delfin
donkey - osiol
duck - kaczka
elephant - sion
giraffe - zyrafa
goat - koza
goose - gfts
guinea pig - swinka morska
hamster - chomik
insect - owad, insekt
lion -lew
lizard - jaszczurka
monkey - malpa
mouse - mysz
parrot - papuga
rabbit - kr6lik
rat - szczur
rhino - nosorozec
seal- foka
shark - rekin
sheep - owca
snake - w'!z
spider - paj,!k
squirrel- wiewi6rka
tiger - tygrys
tortoise - z6Iw l,!dowy
turtle - z6Iw morski
whale - wieloryb
wolf- wilk



feather - pi6ro
flipper - pletwa
fur - futro
horn - r6g
tail- ogon
wing - skrzydio

j"f1"Wbush - krzak
citrus tree - drzewo
herbs - zioia
parsley - pietruszka
rose - r6za
tree - drzewo
tulip - tulipan




bulb - cebula, bulwa

flower - kwiat
leaf -lisc
root - korzen
seed - nasiono


.;leUR'" g'm'! Itboiling hot - ekstremalnie

chilly - chIodny
(10) degrees below zero
- (10) stopni ponizej zera
dry - suchy
foggy - mglisty
freezing - ekstremalnie
humid - wilgotny
mild - umiarkowany
misty - mglisty
rainy - deszczowy
sunny - sioneczny
warm - cieply
windy - wietrzny


fJBW fi 3 j g'!fi'! nnW.

blizzard - zamiec snieina
blow hard - mocno wiac
breeze - lekki wiatr
cloud - chmura
fog - mgIa
gale - huragan
hail- grad
lightning - blyskawica
pour down -lac (0 deszczu)
snow/rain shower - przelotne
odpady sniegu/deszczu
storm - burza
thunder - grzmot


autumn - jesien
spring - wiosna
summer - lato
winter - zima


Mil,!:';,.,bank - brzeg
beach - plaza
cliff - klif
coast - wybrzeze
desert - pustynia
field - pole
forest -las
green space - zielona


hill - wzg6rze
horizon - horyzont
island - wyspa
lake - jezioro
meadow - I,!ka
moon - ksiftzyc
mountain - g6ra
pond - staw
rainforest - las deszczowy
river - rzeka
sand dune - wydma
star - gwiazda
underwater cave - jasknia
valley - dolina
waterfall- wodospad
wood -las


j{.jItUi,ajf.!I,!:I;6*3'concrete jungle - betonowa

flat - plaski
hilly - pag6rkowaty
industrial - przemysiowy
rural- wiejski
untouched - nietkniftty
urban - miejski

compass - kompas
East - wsch6d
North - p6Inoc
South - poludnie
West - zach6d

ash - popi61
avalanche - lawina
cut off - odciftty
drought - susza
earthquake - trzftsienie ziemi
fire - ogien, pozar
flame - plomien
flood - pow6di
heat wave - fala gor,!ca, dlugi
okres upaI6w
hurricane - huragan
put out - zgasic
smoke- dym
tsunami - tsunami
volcanic eruption - wybuch

, I ,

battery - bateria
cardboard - karton, tektura
cut down - scinac, wycinac

disposable - jednorazowego
endangered species - gatunki
extinct - wymarly, wygasly
greenhouse effect - efekt
habitat - srodowisko,
litter bin - kosz na smieci
nuclear power station elektrownia atomowa
plastic bag - reklam6wka
plastic bottle - butelka
pollution - zanieczyszczenia
protect - chronic
recyclable - nadaj,!ce sift do
recycle - przetwarzac,
odzyskiwac surowce
renewable source - ir6dIa
rubbish - smieci
rubbish dump - wysypisko
survive - przetrwac
throwaway - wyrzucac
waste disposal gospodarowanie
waste paper - makulatura
wind turbine - silnik
wiatrowy, elektrownia

animal shelter - schronisko
dla zwierz'!t
bird table - karmnik
breed - rasa
care about green issues troszczyc sift 0 kwestie
check the weather report
- sprawdziC prognozft
clean up - uprz,!tn,!c
dog owner - wlaSciciel psa
drop litter - rozrzucac smieci,
feed - karmiC
look after - opiekowac sift
pet - zwierz'!tko domowe;
save energy/water oszczftdzac energift/wodft
spoil the landscape - psuc


. .. mU- Uslyszysz szesc odpowiedzi na pytanie 0 urzetdzenia domowe zasilane bateriami.

Przyporzetdkuj przedstawiajet ce je ilustracje (A-F) poszczegolnym osobom, wpisujetc numery (1-6).
Postuchaj nagrania ponownie i podpisz rysunki zgodnie z jego tresciet.

D _ __

D _____ D _____

D _ __

D _ __

. . mn

Postuchaj nagrania i wpisz brakujetce stowa.

Odpowiedz na pytania.

1 Which device would you most like to get: a smart phone,

_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ or a netbook?
Which domestic appliance do you think you can easily
do without: a cooker, a toaster or _ _ _ _ _ _ __
Have you ever operated a sewing machine,
- _ _ _ _ _ _ _ , or a fruit juicer?
4 Which do you think is more useful to have: a microwave
oven or
Potet CZ wyrazenia z obu kolumn. Podpisz obrazki (A-F).
Odpowiedz na pytania.
When did you last use these appliances?
Do you know all their features and functions?
Do you sometimes read the user manuals?


What batterypowered
devices do
you use?
Do you use
batteries or
regular ones?

D _ __
Postuchaj nagrania i wpisz brakujetce stowa.
Odpowiedz na pytania.
What accessories for your mobile phone
have you got?
What accessories would you like to have?


1 original _ _ _ _ _ __
2 an extra memory _ _ _ _ _ __


3 a spare _ _ _ _ _ __
4 a new long life _ _ _ _ __
5 a bluetooth _ _ _ _ __
6 a


a photo of your favourite artist

Uzupetnij zdania odpowiednimi rzeczownikami z ramki.

Odpowiedz na pytania.




Is your pen
bigger than 2GB?
How much does a new cartridge for your
_______ cost?
Do you have a webcam and
to your desktop computer?
4 Do you prefer using the
or a mouse
while using a laptop?
Can you connect your mobile to your computer with
6 Would you prefer a mobile with a _ _ _ _ _ __
or a touch screen?

Zdecyduj, czy w podanych zdaniach brakuje przyimka.

Wpisz w luki przyimek albo wstaw - , jezeli przyimek nie jest
potrzebny. Odpowiedz na pytania.

1 Do you often explain _ your parents how to do something

_ the computer?
How much time did your parents spend _ the Internet
Do your parents use Skype to call _ their friends or family?
4 Do your parents ever talk _
the phone when they are
Which websites that you visit would you recommend _
your parents?
How does the Internet influence _ the lives of your

Uzupetnij dialogi (1-4), wybieraj'lc sposrod
podanych odpowiedzi: A, B lub C brakuj'lc'l
wypowiedz jednej z osob.


No, that's OK. I can manage.

Do you think so?

Hello, could I speak to Mr Robinson?

Sorry, it's a bad line. I can't hear you. Can you
speak up a bit, please?
~ I'd like to speak to Mr Robinson from the IT
I> Oh, _
A I'm afraid you're wrong.
B I'm afraid you've made a mistake.
I'm afraid you've got the wrong number.
~ Oh no, I think I've lost all my files.

1:1 IJ It has crashed again.

4 1:1
6 1:1


It's got a virus.

The battery runs down too quickly.
The reception is not very good.
I've forgotten my password.
I've lost some important data.
I've dropped it and it's not working.
I have no credit on it.

have you
had with
your mobile
or computer

Pot'lcz rozdzielone cz~sci zdan. Zakryj

jedn'l z kolumn i dokoncz zdania z pami~ci.

1 Open the file

2 In order to free up more memory space,
This web cam won't work
4 When you've recharged your phone,
You'll be able to change the settings
To reset your phone,
delete unused programs.
if you select Options from the main menu.
press and hold this button for five seconds.
by double-clicking on its icon.
unless you install special software.
don't forget to unplug the charger.

Would you like me to copy these papers for


A Of course, I like you.

Zaznacz, ktore problemy odnosz'l si~ do

komputera, do telefonu komorkowego, a ktore
do obu urz'ldzen. Odpowiedz na pytanie.

2 1:1 IJ

I deleted them by mistake. Can you believe it?

A How did it happen?

B How can I find them?

How does it work?

Yes, sure. What's the problem?

Do you know how to change the cartridges in
the printer?
I> I have no idea. Why don't you ask Steven?
A Sorry to bother you, but have you got
a minute?
Are you busy?
I hope I'm not disturbing you.

Przeczytaj ponizszy tekst, a nast~pnie uzupetnij luki
(1-4) jednym z wyrazow z ramki, tak aby otrzymac
poprawny i logiczny tekst. Cztery wyrazy podano
dodatkowo i nie pasuj'l one do zadnego zdania.
also busy iron on oven through too working

Dopasuj pytania (1-6) do odpowiedzi (A-F).

Have you seen the photos I sent you?

How do you switch it on?
Can I speak to the manager?
4 Shall I turn the photocopier off?
5 Do you want to leave a message?
6 Can I copy these two pages?
You just have to press the black button.
Yes, can you tell him to call me back?
Sorry, I haven't checked my mail yet.
He's out, I'm afraid. Can I take a message?
Sorry, the photocopier isn't working.
No, leave it on. I'm still using it.

What does it mean when you call someone

on their landline?

In the photo there's a young woman who seems

really 1
She's checking
something on her laptop computer while holding
an 2
in her left hand. She's
_ _ __ ___ talking to someone on the
phone. I suppose the caller has asked her to find
the Internet.
out something 4


- 3tfiAfit Posluchaj nagrania i wpisz brakujqce slowa.

Odpowiedz na pytania.

W punktach (1-8) zakresl prawidlowq opcj~.

Przeczytaj tekst ponownie i wybierzjednq
z odpowiedzi: A, B lub C, zgodnie zjego tresciq.

Do you have a pay-as-you-go mobile or do you

Advances 1 in /ofinformation
technology have many
practica I 2 appliances /
applications, which allow
engineers to 3 invent / discover
more and more interactive
devices. But are they always
such useful 4 tools / hardware
that make life easier? Think of
one of the latest 5 discoveries / inventions _ the
smart fridge. Instead of opening the door to
check the contents of your fridge, you can look
at the screen which 6 displays / appears what
products are inside. It's 7 joined / connected to
the web and your mobile phone so it can text
you a shopping list or even order your food
online. Well, unless you forget to 8 scan / read
the barcodes of all your groceries, of course.

How often do you _ _ _ _ _ _ your phone?

Have you ever
your network?
4 How many people
any apps or ring tones
onto your mobile?
Do you store a lot of photos and _ _ _ _ __
on your mobile phone?

Uzupelnij zdania odpowiednimi czasownikami z ramki. Odpowiedz

na pytania.

What anti-virus software do you use to _ _ _ _ _ _ _ your

What search engine do you use to _______ information
on the Internet?
What media player do you use to
4 What word processor do you use for _ _ _ _ _ _ _ texts?
What web browser do you use for
the net?
6 What photo editor do you use for
your pictures?

- N4t

Uzupelnij zdania odpowiednimi wyrazami z ramki. Dwa

wyrazy podano dodatkowo i nie pasujq one do i:adnego zdania.
Odpowiedz na pytanie. Posluchaj nagrania i zaznacz, do ktorego
punktu odnosi si~ mOwiqcy.




The author's attitude to interactive devices is

rather sceptical.
very negative.
very enthusiastic.
Uzupelnij pytania odpowiednimi wyrazami
z ramki. Odpowiedz na pytania. Zakryj zdania
i powtorz informacje 0 poszczegolnych
naukowcach z pami~ci.



What are these scientists

famous for?
What do
you use the


Alexander Bell Maria Sklodowska-Curie

Charles Darwin Albert Einstein
Alexander Fleming Ivan Pavlov

I have an account on a few social networking sites to keep in

- - - - - - _ with my friends.
I can always _ _ _ _ _ _ _ any information I need.
The Internet
me to work from home.
4 I visit chat rooms and _ _ _ _ _ _ _ . It's easy to get to know
new people this way.
I mostly use the Internet to instant message my friends. I prefer it
6 People can visit my website where I _______ photos from
my journeys.


Which physicist and mathematician

- - - - - - _ the theory of
------of the telephone?

Which physicist and chemist

did pioneering research on
radioactive _ _ _ _ _ __

Who carried out

------with dogs as part of a study of
conditioned reflexes?

Whose accidental discovery

revolutionised the treatment of
infections caused by _ _ _ _ _ __

Who proposed the theory of

evolution which aimed
to explain the
- - -____ of
life and its diversity?

Ul6i zdania (A-F) w logicznej kolejnosci. Odpowiedz na


Do kaidej tabliczki informacyjnej (1-5) dopasuj jedno

zdanie (A-F). Jedno zdanie podano dodatkowo i nie pasuje
ono do iadnej z tabliczek.

Our theory suggests that

constant texting makes
teenagers bad spellers.
When we receive the results, we'll have to
analyse them.
For example, we could make careful
observations of a group of teenagers.
So to prove our
theory, we'll have
to use scientific
methods to test it.
If they show that we
are wrong, we'll try
to find out why.
But if the
results confirm
our theory, we'll be
able to publish it.
We could also set up
an experiment.

Do you think this theory might be true?

risk of
electric shock



Uzupetnij zdania wyrazami z ramki w odpowiedniej

formie. Odpowiedz na pytanie.

Do you agree with these p redict io ns about

future developmen ts i n scien ce?

We'll establish _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ with life

forms on planets outside the solar system.
will develop further
and everyone will be able to travel into outer space.
understand the
functions of all human genes.
4 We'll be able to recreate dinosaurs which
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ from the earth millions of
years ago.
Advanced technology will allow the
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ of a railway tunnel between

Europe and America.

However, a brain transplant will still be

This sign informs people that they're entering a building
This means that you don't have to pay for going on the
This information says that the appliance is not working
This says that you can place an order on the Internet.
This reminds air passengers to stop using their mobiles
and computers.
The sign warns people not to touch the device.



-13:'m Uslyszysz dwukrotnie trzy nagrania. Z podanych moiliwosci:

A, B lub C wybierz jednCl, zgodnCl z tresciCl nagrania.

Where are the speakers?

Scientists are certain that

technology affects the way the
brain works.
When we read, we process more
information more qUickly than
when we use the Internet.
People who play video games
a lot develop better hand-eye
4 Dr Jarvis has done research into
the effects of technology on how
doctors work.
Young people who spend a lot of
time using technology could lose
certain social skills.

What is the radio advertisement for?

What did the boy have a problem with?

his printer
his pen drive
his computer


Przeczytaj tekst. Zaznacz, kt6re ze zdan (1-5) sCl zgodne
zjego tresciCl (P - Prawda), a kt6re nie (F - Fatsz). Zakresl
liter~ P lub F.
Darwin's father was a doctor.
Darwin went to Cambridge to study geology.
He spent five years on the Beagle.
4 He published On the Origin of Species while he was
travelling round the world.
Everyone accepted Darwin's ideas on evolution.


Charles Darwin was born in 1809, and after attending

school in the country he went to the University of
Edinburgh Medical School to become a doctor like his
father. However, he found the lectures boring and the
surgery unpleasant, and so he spent much of his time
studying natural history. In 1828 his father sent him to do
an arts degree at Christ's College, Cambridge so that he
could become a priest. Once again, Darwin spent most of
his time studying natural history, and from December 1831
until 1836 he travelled round the
world on a ship called the Beagle.
His main research task was to look
at the geology of South America,
and he collected many fossils, as
well as different forms of life. His
studies led him to publish On the
Origin of Species in 1859. Many
people did not like his theories but
they eventually changed the way
people looked at evolution.


-l'm11:D Uslyszysz dwukrotnie

fragment audycji radiowej.
Na podstawie nagrania zaznacz, kt6re
ze zdan (1 - 5) sCl zgodne z jego tresciit
(P - Prawda), a kt6re nie (F - Fatsz).
Zakreslliter~ P lub F.



Przeczytaj artykut 0 historii plastiku. Z artykutu usuni~to cztery zdania. Dobierz brakujetce zdania (A-E), tak aby otrzymac
sp6jny i logiczny tekst, wpisujetc w kazdet luk~ (1-4) odpowiedniet liter~. Jedno zdanie podano dodatkowo i nie pasuje one
do zadnej luki.

Plastic is the name given to a wide range of similar

materials which are waterproof, cheap to
manufacture, and easy to press into any shape.
Think of some of the things you own: toothbrush,
computer keyboard, CD case, food bags - the list is
endless. 1

However, there are

problems with plastics

The first plastic was invented in 1855 by an

Englishman called Alexander Parkes, who lived in
Birmingham. Named Parkesite, it was made using
cellulose - a natural material found in plants. 2 _
It was discovered in 1907 by Leo Hendrik Baekeland,
a Belgian chemist living in New York. It was made
public in 1912, and was soon used in the cases for
equipment such as clocks, phones and radios.

Plastics have replaced

many more traditional
materials such as glass,
wood, leather and metal.

We cannot use them in some situations

because they are not strong enough to carry heavy
weights. Many plastics cannot stand too much heat or they will melt. A more recent concern
comes from environmental pollution. It is impossible to destroy many plastics unlike natural
However, the plastics industry has responded to this issue, and
materials such as wood. 4 _
many drinks bottles are now fully recyclable.

Since then the

production of plastic
boxes has grown by 10%.

This means that the

beaches and countryside
of the world are now
littered with used plastic
bottles and bags.
The first plastic which
was truly synthetic was

Panic on a bridge
Przeczytaj tekst. Z podanych
odpowiedzi: A, B lub ( wybierz
prawidtowet, zgodnet z jego tresciet.

What does the article say about the

typical reaction to crossing a rope
It's absolutely natural for most
people to be amazed.
It's normal for people to feel
It's human nature to be scared.
According to the article, what bridge
would be especially frightening for
people with gephyrophobia?
A bridge over a river.
A bridge over a road.
A small unsafe bridge.
Who especially suffers from a fear of
Police officers.
Why might some people be afraid
of crossing the Millau Viaduct in
Because it's the longest bridge in
the world.
Because it's too expensive.
Because of its record size.

When you see a photo of a rope bridge, you

probably feel nervous and wonder if you'd be
able to cross it. This is perfectly normal as
most of us are afraid of heights and avoid
anything that looks unsafe. On the other
hand, going over a spectacular modern
road bridge is a thrilling experience. We
admire not only the great views but also
the amazing technology used to build it.
However, there are people who feel a paralysing fear
whenever they have to cross any bridge, no matter how safe it looks. This
phobia, called gephyrophobia, is in fact more common than we think. Those
who suffer from it say that the worst bridges are those that are long, high
and go over water.
Drivers are more affected than people who cross the same bridge on foot .
They're often scared of having a panic attack in the middle of the bridge
and not being able to turn back. In some cases the police have had to help
drivers that suddenly stopped on a busy bridge and were unable to drive on.
There are more and more bridges that
amaze most of us but could frighten
others to death. Think of the Millau
Viaduct in southern France. It's the
world's highest bridge, rising almost
343 metres above a river valley. And it's
almost 2.5 kilometres long, although
there are many longer ones in the world.
Would you rather pay seven euros to drive
across it or find an alternative route?



barcode - kod kreskowy
battery-powered device urzqdzenie na baterie
rechargeable battery - bate ria
wielokrotnego ladowania,
replacement batteries baterie na wymian~
run on batteries - dzialae na
techie - entuzjasta nowych
user manual - poradnik



be on facebook - bye na
check email - sprawdzae
poczt~ elektronicznq
download - sciqgnqe (np.
z sieci)
facebook account - konto na
go on the Internet - wejse do
instant message rozmawiae przy
pomocy komunikatora
search engine wyszukiwarka
social networking site - portal
surf the net - serfowae po
upload - zamiescie (np.
w sieci)
web browser - przeglqdarka
website - strona internetowa

anti-virus software oprogramowanie
bluetooth headset sluchawka
cartridge - wklad z tuszem
(zwykle do drukarki)
case - etui do telefonu
change the network zmienie operatora sieci
change the settings - zmienic
charger - ladowarka
delete - usunqe


desktop computer komputer stacjonarny

digital camcorder - kamera
double-click - kliknqe
download apps/ring tones sciqgnqc aplikacje/
earphones - sluchawki
file - plik
free up memory - zwolnie
pami~c (udost~pnie wi~cej

hardware - sprz~t
have a contract - miec
hold button - przytrzymac
install software zainstalowae
landline - telefon stacjonarny
long life battery - bate ria
o duiej pojemnosci
media player - odtwarzacz
memory card - karta pami~ci
mouse - myszka
pay-as-you-go mobile komorka na kart~
pen drive - pami~c
photo editor - edytor zdj~e
press buton - nacisnqc
printer - drukarka
recharge a phone naladowac telefon
reset - zrestartowac
scan - skanowae
screen - ekran, monitor
screen keyboard - klawiatura
select - wybrac
speakers - glosniki
store photos/music files przechowywac pliki

text sb - wyslac komus SMS

top up the phone doladowac konto
touch screen - ekran
touch pad - panel dotykowy
unplug - odlqczyc
USB cable - kabel USB
webcam - kamera
wireless mouse - myszka

word processor - edytor



alarm clock - budzik
coffee maker - ekspres do
cooker - kuchenka
dishwasher - zmywarka
fridge - lodowka
fruit juicer - wyciskarka do
hair dryer - suszarka do
microwave oven - kuchenka
photocopier - kserokopiarka
remote control - pilot (do
telewizora, odtwarzacza
DVD itd.)
satellite receiver - odbiornik
sewing machine - maszyna
do szycia
steam iron - ielazko parowe
toothbrush - szczotka do

vacuum cleaner - odkurzacz

washing machine - pralka

-Yi{.J;I'@fiMi :1

battery runs down quickly bateria szybko si~
crash - zawiesie si~
(0 komputerze, komorce)
forget a password zapomniec hasla
lose data - utracie dane
no credit - brak srodkow na
koncie (telefonu)
reception - zasi~g

, ,31 3
carry out an experiment przeprowadzic
chemist - chemik
confirm a theory potwierdziC teori~
develop - rozwinqc
discovery - odkrycie
establish communication nawiqzae lqcznosC!

find out - dowiedziec si~,

gene - gen

invention - wynalazek
inventor - wynalazca
mathematician - matematyk
origin (of life) - poczqtek/
pochodzenie (iycia)
outer space - przestrzen
physicist - fizyk
predictions - przewidywania
prove a theory - udowodniC

radioactive element pierwiastek radioaktywny

recreate - odtworzye
reflex - odruch
research - badac, badanie
space exploration - badanie
przestrzeni kosmicznej
the theory of evolution teoria ewolucji
the theory of relativity - teoria

transplant - przeszczep

Przyporzqdkuj przedmioty
nauczania z ramki do wypowiedzi (1-6).
Dwa przedmioty nie pasujq do iadnej
wypowiedzi. Odpowiedz na pytania.

Uzupelnij zdania odpowiednimi wyrazami z ramki. Odpowiedz na pytania.

Do you remember any songs or rhymes from your nursery


What's your favourite subject?

What subjects are you rather
weak at?

Which - - -_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ school did you go to?

Have you chosen your new_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ school yet?
4 Do you think private schools are better than _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __
Is it common for pupils in your school to take _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __
lessons in English?

It's extremely important to learn about

past events to understand the present.
I like learning how to read a map, but
I don't find studying world population
or rock structures interesting.
Our teacher says we should know
how to apply it to everyday life. So
we do a lot of practical problems and
4 It's a key to our understanding of
natural phenomena such as light,
heat, sound or electricity.
We've discussed a wide range of
topics, from the structure of plant cells
to the anatomy of the human body.
It's such a diverse subject. It's
fascinating to know how different
substances react with each other. And
it opens doors for a career in pharmacy
and medicine.

Postuchaj dwukrotnie
nagrania. Uzupetnij plan lekcji,
a nast~pnie wpisz brakujqce fragmenty
zdari (1-4). Odpowiedz na pytanie.

o Do you want to go to - -_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ when you leave school?

If so, what would you like to study?

- - - Postuchaj nagrania i wpisz brakujqce slowa. Odpowiedz

na pytania.

!2uiz: Do you have a good memory for names?

Do you remember Lhe name of...
7 your

inLroduce yourself in English?

3 your formel' _______ Leacher?

4 the

5 your most
6 and the

11.10 -12.10
12.10 -12.55
1.00 - 2.00


The text is about:

English schoolchildren.
school subjects in English schools.
compulsory exams in England.

Wpodanych zdaniach zakresl prawidlowq opcj~. Napisz odpowiedi na pytanie.

How are you preparing for your end-of-school exams?


ICT, which is information and

- - - - - - - technology, is
4 Citizenship lessons are about our
rights and duties in society, and
generally about _ _ _ _ _ __


Leacher you've ever had?

1 At / In the age of 16 English teenagers take their national school exams called
GCSEs. It's 2 responsible / obligatory to take these exams 3 in / from English,
maths and science (which combines elements of physics, chemistry and
biology), and sometimes in a 4 national/foreign language such as French or
German. The exam S results / scores matter a lot because they determine the
ways in which pupils can continue their education. Excellent exam grades also
give them a sense of 6 achievement / failure.


PE stands for _ _ _ _ _ __
Religious education classes are about

Leacher of your primary school?

Polish Leacher?

W punktach (1-6) zakresl prawidlowq opcj~. Przeczytaj tekst ponownie

i wybierz jednq z odpowiedzi: A, B lub C, zgodnie z jego tresci .

Are there similar subjects

on the curriculum in Polish
t b e
B.50- 9.50
10.50 -11.10

form teacher aL primary school?

you how Lo

2 your English Leacher who


I spent the whole

weekend learning /

At the moment I'm

repeating / revising
for the English

I'm cramming
hard. If! fail/take
one of the exams,
I won't go / get into
my chosen school.
I'm not good at
science so I'm
learning a lot of
things by heart /

I'm well prepared.

I'm sure to pass
/ take the exams
with top marks.

I've done all the

past papers to test
my knowledge /

Podpisz zdj~cia (A-H) odpowiednimi rzeczownikami

z ramki. Postuchaj nagrania i wpisz brakujetce stowa w pytaniach
(1-6). Odpowiedz na pytania.

Dopasuj wypowiedzi (1-5) do zdan (A-F). Jedno

zdanie podano dodatkowo i nie pasuje one do
iadnej wypowiedzi.
1 Please be quiet. There's an exam in progress.
2 Time's up.
You have 30 minutes to complete the test.
4 The deadline is next Friday.
Dictionaries are not allowed.
You can hear this at the end of the exam.
You have to do all the tasks in half an hour.
Candidates mustn't look up the meaning of
unknown words.
You mustn't disturb the students who are taking
the exam.
Candidates aren't allowed to talk during the test.
You're supposed to submit your work by this date.

Can everyone go to a public school

in England?

Which of the things in the photos do you always carry in your


Do you know exactly how many felt-tip pens you've got in your


Who do you usually borrow stationery or

from when you forget yours?
4 Is there a
or a whiteboard in your
Do your teachers use coloured chalk or __________________
6 How often do teachers use an __________________ in class?

~ Ustyszysz dwukrotnie pi~c pytan.
Przyporzetdkuj kaidemu z nich prawidtowet
odpowiedz. Wpisz w pola (1-5) odpowiedniet
liter~ (A-F). Jednet odpowiedz podano
dodatkowo i nie pasuje ona do iadnego pytania.

D 2D 3D 4D

W podanych zdaniach zakresl prawidtowet opcj~. Odpowiedz na

Do you have the same school rules?

You don't have to wear a school uniform / suit, but you should
follow the school dress code.
Once a month you can be late for / to school without a good
You only need a note from
your parents if you're
absent at / from school for
more than a week.
4 You can be expelled from
school for playing / going
truant, copying homework
from the Internet or bad
If your teacher forgets to
mark / judge your test or
correct your homework,
you automatically get
a better mark.
6 If you swear / promise
in front of your teacher,
you get suspended from


Yes, it's my favourite subject at school.

No, I go to a private school.
Yes, I want to study biology.
I passed it with a good mark.
OK. We had an English test.
We're revising for the final exams.

Przeczytaj poniiszy tekst, a nast~pnie uzupetnij
luki (1-5) jednet z podanych moiliwosci:
A, B lub C, tak aby otrzymac tekst poprawny
pod wzgl~dem gramatycznym i logicznym.

Hi Rob,
Sorry, I haven't written for a long time. I'm
my university exams next week and I've
been really busy studying. I'm worried
my lectures regularly
because I didn't 2 _
and now it's very difficult to catch up. Luckily,
. He's
my friend has lent me his lecture 3 _
such a hard-working 4 _
. I'll call you when
the exams are 5 _








Ustyszysz dwukrotnie wypowiedz na temat

wymiany mi~dzyszkolnej. Na podstawie nagrania
zaznacz, ktore ze zdan sil zgodne z jego tresciil
(P - Prawda), a ktore nie (F - Fatsz). Zakreslliter~ P lub F.

Przeczytaj ogtoszenia (1-4). Do kaidego z nich dobierz

odpowiednie zdanie (A-E). Jedno zdanie podano
dodatkowo i nie pasuje ono do iadnego ogtoszenia.

Due to the instructor's sick leave,

today's lesson is cancelled.

Hi everyone!

1 A lot of English pupils go on a school exchange to

The girl had to walk to her Thai school in Bangkok.
Thai students spend a lot of time at school.
4 The girl thinks that the school exchange was a good



We're organizing an open debate

about school rules next Friday.
We need to know how many of
you are gOing to come so that
we can choose a suitable room.
If interested, please text Martin on


'7!:m Ustyszysz dwukrotnie cztery wypowiedzi

na temat szkoty. Przyporzildkuj kaidej
z nich odpowiadajilce jej zdanie. Wpisz w pola
(1-4) odpowiedniil Iiter~ (A-E). Jedno zdanie podano
dodatkowo i nie pasuje ono do iadnej wypowiedzi.

I've found a French t;extf:;xx)k

for year 6 along wit;h some
lesson not;es and a few
privat;e phot;ographs.
Call Magda on 209000111.

This text is an invitation.

This is a text message to a friend.
This is a notice for someone who's learning to drive.
You can see these rules in a library.
This is a notice for someone who has lost something.

The teachers are disappointed with my exam results.
The subject I've chosen to study may be very practical.
I have difficulty preparing for an exam.
My problem is a lack of strong motivation.
I haven't decided what subject to study.



Przeczytaj informacje 0 trzech osobach i cztery
ogtoszenia na temat zaj~c pozalekcyjnych.
Przyporzildkuj kaidej osobie jedno ogtoszenie, kt6rego
tresciil najbardziej bytaby zainteresowana. Wpisz w pola
(1-3) odpowiedniilliter~ (A-D). Jedno ogtoszenie
podano dodatkowo i nie pasuje one do iadnej osoby.

Why not join us and discover the secrets behind

some of the most amazing tricks. With the help of an
experienced magician you can learn how to make playing
cards disappear or handkerchiefs change colour. You will
also learn to be more confident as there is the opportunity
to show off your new skills in a live performance.

Science Club
Debbie's favourite subject at school
is history. She's also quite good at
science subjects; biology is the one
that she's best at. She has her exams
now and hasn't had any free time
to relax. She would really like the
opportunity to get away from it all
and take things easy
When she was younger Polly went
to the circus. She liked the clowns
most. It is still her dream to be on
the stage, but she is too shy to get
up in front of other people and
entertain them. She would love to
learn if she has the necessary talent
todo it.
Harry recently had to write
a science fiction story for
homework. Normally, he isn't very
good at this sort of thing, but his
new teacher encourages the class
to express themselves more. He was
surprised when the teacher asked
him to read his work out in class as
he didn't think it was that good!

If you like to make things go with a 'bang', then the

Science Club is for you. We guarantee something both
fun and educational. Our qualified teachers will show
you how different elements react, but the best thing is
that you get the chance to do experiments yourself!

The Actors' Club

hopes to stage a Shakespeare play this year
and is looking far people interested in choosing'
a suitable play and writing a modern version.
Yo u'll work as a group and will also have the
chance to perf'orm the final work.
Our experienced writers and actors are available
to give advice.

Why not come on the school's Camping Club trip
this summer? This year we're going to Cornwall,
where you'll have the chance to watch seals, go
down an old tin mine and explore the secrets of this
fascinating region. Don't expect home comforts,
however, as we sleep in tents and prepare our food
everyday on an open fire.

Przeczytaj recenzj~ filmu. Do kaidego
fragmentu (1-4), dopasuj odpowiedni
nagt6wek (A-E). Jeden nagt6wek
podano dodatkowo i nie pasuje on do
iadnego fragmentu.
Fascinating relations
Important lessons
A surprising topic
A true picture
Personal recommendation

It's hard to believe that real school

life can be interesting enough for the
cinema. But for a lot of cinema-goers
and critics The Class was one of the
best films in 2008. It also won the
Golden Palm at (annes Film Festival.

The director, Laurent (antet, made

a film which looks like a documentary.
He chose real students and a real
teacher to play the main roles instead
of professional actors. Most of the
action takes place in a real classroom
in a French middle school, where you
can see a dedicated French teacher
with his multi-ethnic class of 15-yearolds. Every lesson brings fun as well
as the usual school problems.

The teacher is quite strict but fair,

friendly and very creative. But even
his unusual teaching methods are
sometimes unsuccessful. Actually,
everyone makes mistakes in this
story: the students, the parents and
the teachers. But when you observe
the characters from a distance, you
can see that there is something
magical between them and their
mistakes don't really matter.

I enjoyed every minute of the story.

And I'm sure that The Class will hold
your attention right to the end too,
even if you prefer good action movies
to documentaries.


achievement - osiqgni~cie
after-school activities - zaj~cia
po szkole
bad behavior - zle
be absent - bye nieobecnym
be expelled - bye
be late for school - spozniae
si~ do szkoly
break - przerwa
by heart - na pami~e
classroom - sala lekcyjna
compulsory exam - egzamin
copy homework - sciqgnqe,
przepisae zadanie domowe
correct homework poprawiae zadanie
cram (hard) - wkuwae
curriculum - program
deadline - term in koncowy
drama club - k6lko teatralne
end-of-school exams egzaminy koncowe
fail (a test/an exam) - nie zdae
failure - porazka
follow the dress codeubierae si~ zgodnie
z ustalonymi zasadami
get suspended - zostae
grade - stopien, ocena
leave school - skonczye

mark- ocena
mark homework - oceniae
zadanie domowe
note from parents usprawiedliwienie od
obligatory - obowiqzkowy,
pass (a test/an exam) - zdae
(test/ egzamin)
play truant - wagarowae
prepare (for a test/an exam) przygotowywae si~ (do
testu/ egzamin u)
revise - powtarzae
(material), uczye si~
student exchange - wymiana
submit - dostarczae
take (a test/an exam) przystqpie (do testul


take private lessons - chodzie

na lekcje prywatne,
timetable - plan lekcji
wear school uniform - nosie
mundurek szkolny


nursery school - przedszkole
primary school - szkoia
private school - szkola
public school - szkoia
secondary school - szkoia
state school - szkoia

art - plastyka
biology - biologia
chemistry - chemia
citizenship - wychowanie
geography - geografia
history - historia
ICT (information and
technology) - informatyka
maths - matematyka
music - muzyka
PE (physical education) wychowanie fizyczne
physics - fizyka
RE (religious education) religia
science - przedmiot scisly

blackboard - tablica szkolna
( tradycyjna)
chalk - kreda
compasses - cyrkiel
eraser - gumka
felt-tip pen - mazak
highlighter - zakreslacz
LCD projector - projektor
LCD (cieklokrystaliczny)
marker - pisak do pisania na
pencil case - pi6rnik
punch - dziurkacz
ruler - linijka
schoolbag - teczka szkolna
scissors - nozyczki
sharpener - temper6wka
stapler - zszywacz

whiteboard - tablica szkolna


classmate - kolega/koleianka
z klasy
form teacher - wychowawca/
wychowawczyni klasy
head teacher - dyrektor/


brilliant - bystry, zdolny
creative - tw6rczy
diligent - pilny, pracowity
fair - sprawiedliwy
friendly - przyjacielski
good at - dobry w (czyms)
hard-working - pracowity
motivated - zmotywowany
shy - nidmialy
strict - surowy, wymagajqcy
tolerant - tolerancyjny
wea k at - slaby w (czyms)



anatomy of the human body budowa ciala czlowieka

calculation - obliczenie
cell - kom6rka
natural phenomena zjawiska naturalne
past events - wydarzenia
practical problem praktyczne zagadnienie
read a map - czytac map~
rock structures - budowa skal
substance - substancja
world population - populacja

Odpowiedz na pytania, uzywajClc odpowiednich wyrazow z ramki.


Which two of these adjectives don't refer to languages?

Which language is spoken in Holland?
Which three of the languages come from Latin?
4 Which three are Germanic languages, like English?
Which language is spoken in some parts of eastern Poland?
Which three languages are similar to Polish?

Dopasuj reklamy (1-6) do wyrazen z ramki

oraz zdj~c (A-F). Odpowiedz na pytanie.

New Zealand

Hong Kong
South Africa
the USA

Go 'Down Under' this year. Drive across

the outback to Ayers Rock. Learn about
Aborig!n~~. ~usto~s and traditions.


. ...mt,. Odpowiedz na pytania. Posluchaj nagrania i popraw te

zdania sposrod (A-E), ktore sCI falszywe.
How many languages can you count to five in or say thank you in?
What languages would you like to be fluent in?
Have you ever spoken English with native speakers? If so, did you
have problems understanding them?
Do you know anyone your age who is bilingual in English and Polish?
4 Where are Gaelic and Welsh spoken in Europe? What do you know
about these languages?

Gaelic and Welsh are Celtic languages. They are similar to English.
Gaelic is the second official language of Ireland.
In Scotland, everyone is taught Gaelic at school.
All Irish official documents and public signs are bilingual.
There are now more than 17,000 speakers of Irish Gaelic in Ireland.

. ...&AI.

Posluchaj brytyjskiej wersji nagrania i wpisz brakujClce

slowa. Zamien zaznaczone slowa na ich amerykanskie odpowiedniki

z ramki. Posluchaj drugiej cz~sci nagrania i sprawdz swoje odpowiedzi.



rest room


Can you get me - _ _ _ __ _~-- crisps?

I'm afraid the lift is _ __ _ __ _ _ __

Take the tram to the top of Victoria Peak

to admire the great view of this former
British col~ny..

Fly over the Great Lakes from Toronto


~o the Niagara F~lI~. ,..,

Climb Table Mountain and visit Robben

Island, where Nelson Mandela spent 18
years i~ prison.

Which English speaking country would

you like to visit most?

- - - - - - - - - - a taxi or do you want to take the tube?

- - - - - - - - - - and a chocolate biscuit, please.
There's a small flat - _ _ _-----,:--_ _ _ _ on the ground floor.
6 Excuse me, is there a toilet _ _ _ __ _ _ _ __

Przeczytaj quiz i do kazdego zdania (1-6) dobierz odpowiednie

zakonczenie (A-C).


The United Kingdom consists of England, Scotland, Wales


A Northern Ireland B Ireland C Great Britain

The official languages of Canada are English and _
A German B French C Inuit


Hawaii, known as the Hawaiian Islands is _ .

A an American colony
B the 50th state in the USA
C A US dependant territory like Puerto Rico
The capital city of Australia is _ .
A Canberra B Melbourne C Sydney
New Zealanders are informally called _ .
A Yankees B Aussies C Kiwis
English is the official language of three EU member states:
Great Britain, Ireland and _ .
A Cyprus B Gibraltar C Malta



Do people go to banks on a bank


W podanych zdaniach zakresl prawidtowCl opcj~.

Boxing Day is the day after / before Christmas Day.
Great / Good Friday is the Friday before Easter.
In Ireland people wear green / orange to celebrate St Patrick's Day
on the 17th of March.

4 Thanksgiving is celebrated in the USA and Canada / Australia. Roast

turkey / duck is traditionally served for a Thanksgiving dinner.

By tradition, people in Great Britain eat pancakes ,:it~ sugar and
lemon juice on Pancake Day, which marks the beginning / the end
of Lent.
Independence Day, often called the Fourth of July, is celebrated
across the USA with fireworks and parades. It commemorates the
declaration of independence from Great Britain / France in 1776.

uzupetnij zdania odpowiednimi wyraieniami z ramki. Popraw zdanie,

ktore zawiera bt~dnCl informacj~.
Every British
is Head of the Church of England.
Family's surname is Windsor.
There's a Union Jack on the roof of the White House - the official

residence of the US - - - - - - Margaret Thatcher was the first woman in the UK to become

The prime minister's official residence is 10

is the Queen's official London home.

$UEi postuchaj nagrania i wpisz brakujClce sumy. Uiyj symboli

walut. Odpowiedz na pytania, positkujClc si~ wyrazami z ramki.
Which city is each speaker from?
What are their cities famous for?

Do kaidej sytuacji (1-5) dobierz
odpowiedniCl reakcj~: A, B lub C.
1 Jak poprosisz kogos, aby powtorzyt, co
wtasnie powiedziat?
A Excuse me.
B I'm sorry.
( Pardon?
2 Jak zareagujesz, kiedy ktos kichnie
w Twojej obecnoSci?
A Cheers!
B Bless you!
( Ta!
Ktos opowiedzial Ci 0 swoim pechowych
zdarzeniu. Jak wyrazisz swoje
A Tough luck!
B Lucky you!
( Good luck!
4 Widzisz, ze ktos moze si(( niechqcy
zranic. Jak go ostrzezesz?
A Watch out!
B Cheer up!
( Come on!
Ktos dzi((kuje Ci za przystug((, ktor'!
zrobilaslzrobileS. Jak zareagujesz na
A It doesn't master.
B I don't care.
( Don't mention it.

Przeczytaj poniiszy tekst, a nast~pnie
uzupetnij luki (1-6) jednym z wyrazow
z ramki, tak aby otrzymac poprawny
i logiczny tekst. Cztery wyrazy podano
dodatkowo i nie pasujCl one do iadnej z luk.

A good kilt can cost up to - - - -

2 A small bottle of maple syrup costs - - - 4

I last paid
for a pint of Guinness.
I bought a John Lennon poster for my
friend. It was on sale for only - - - Maori souvenirs are quite expensive here.
But you can get a sheep fridge magnet for just

Dopasuj pytania (1-6) do odpowiedzi (A-F).

Do you have good manners?

What do you say
1 when someone wishes you a Happy New Year?
2 when someone is going away?
3 when you are offering some food to someone?

In Great 1
Day is 2
not only by
eating pancakes. A lot of English towns
and villages follow the old
_______ of a pancake race.
People 4
the streets with frying pans, tossing
thin pancakes. And if your pancake
_______ out of the pan, you
lose or you have to start again. The
oldest pancake race has been held in
the town of Olney 6 _ _- - - 1445.

4 to someone who has a birthday?

5 to someone who is going to a party?
6 when you want someone to sit down?

A Enjoy yourselfl


Same to you!
please take a seat!
D please help yourself!
E Many happy returns!
F Have a safe journey!




.7mDD Uslysz ysz dwukrotnie

Na podstawie nagrania zaznacz, ktore ze zdari (1-4) sil
zgodne z jego tresciil (P - Prawda), a ktore nie (F _ Falsz).
Zakreslliter~ P lub F.
The girl had English breakfast at her B&B
in London.
The girl thinks London is a special place because
it's multicultural.
The girl didn't see Buckingham Palace.
4 The girl waited two hours to get into
the British Museum.

Uslyszysz fragment audycji radiowej na temat Irlandii.



-'Imm Uslyszysz dwukrotnie dwa teksty. Z podanych

mozliwoki: A, B lub C wybierz jednil, zgodnil z tresciil
nagrania. Pierwsze trzy zadania (1-3) odnoszil si~ do
pierwszego tekstu, a kolejne trzy (4-6) do drugiego.

4 What is the most popular image of Ireland among

It's got beautiful beaches.
It's very wet.
It's very green.
According to the expert,
going to the pub for good beer is part of Irish culture.
the Irish drink more wine than beer.
the Irish are the heaviest drinkers in Europe.
6 What do tourists find most attractive about Irish pubs?
Live music.
Celtic traditions.
Irish beer.

Uslysz ysz rozmow~ dwojga przyjaciol.

The man says that kiwi fruits
are native to New Zealand.
grow wild in China.
have just been introduced to China.
2 Who made up the commercial name for the kiwi fruit?
American shoppers
European importers
New Zealand farmers
The woman
seems uninterested in what the man is saying.
doesn't understand what the kiwi fruit has in common
with New Zealand.


PrzyporZildkuj kazdej tabliczce (1-4) odpowiednie
zdanie (A-E). Jedno zdanie podano dodatkowo i nie
pasuje ono do zadnego tekstu.

is surprised that the man knows so much about kiwi


This text is important for British drivers.

The text is a European Union traffic regulation.
You might see this on an Irish bus.
This is information for foreign visitors to Great Britain.
This is an American street sign.



Przeczytaj informacje
o trzech osobach i cztery
ulotki na temat kurs6w
j~zyka angielskiego.
Przyporzctdkuj kazdej
osobie jednct ulotk~,
kt6rej trescict najbardziej
bytaby zainteresowana.
Wpisz w pola (1-3)
odpowiednict liter~
(A-D). Jednct ulotk~
podano dodatkowo i nie
pasuje ona do zadnej
z os6b.

Marta is studying architecture.

Last year she spent half ayear
as an exchange student in
Cambridge, which helped her to
improve her English, especially
her writing skills. Although she's
learned English since she was
ten, she still speaks with astrong
Polish accent, but would like to
change it.

Adam doesn't think he's good

at learning languages, but he
realises how important it is to
study English. For afew years
he's learnt German, but he feels
uneasy about writing, speaking
as well as his pronunciation. At
school he had one year of English,
but he has forgotten everything.
He only remembers how to count
to ten and greet someone. He
thinks he should start from zero.

Pawet is currently living in

London. He moved there ayear
ago when he graduated from
Poznan University of Economics.
He works as an assistant in the
customer service department of
a big tourist agency. Pawet deals
with customers' complaints mostly
in writing, both in Polish and in
English. Although his English is
excellent, he thinks he could still
improve some of his skills.



This creative writing course will teach you a number of strategies to help
you develop as awriter. The main focus ofthe course is on writing fiction,
writing poetry, and writing biographies. Forget about the restrictions of
academic writing - it's time to fire your imagination! And don't worry
about starting from zero. All our courses are suitable for beginners.

Join us for awide range of general English courses at all levels,

including beginners. In our school we know how to bring an English
class alive so learning a language is no longer a hard task. The courses
we offer focus mainly on speaking. We guarantee that even shy
students will feel confident about their English.


Who wouldn't like to sound like a native speaker? If you feel your
pronunciation needs improvement, sign up for one of our pronunciation
courses. There is awide choice of classes for intermediate and advanced
students, all with a bit of theory and loads of practical training.

Przeczytaj tekst. Z podanych

odpowiedzi: A, B lub ( wybierzjednct
zgodnct z trescict tekstu.

According to the article,

linguists don't know where most
European languages come from.
Ukrainian is the oldest language in
most European languages come
from the same old language.
The text explains
why it's easy to understand some
foreign languages.
what exactly the proto-IndoEuropean language sounded like.
why there are so many language
families in Europe.
Which language has nothing in
common with Polish?
The author of the article thinks that
Spanish will become the official
language of the European Union.
people may speak Modern IndoEuropean in the future.
everyone in Europe will speak
English in 20-40 years from now.

Business English College offers all kinds of specialised courses for

advanced foreign students using English in the workplace. In the
summer term we are introducing three new courses, focusing on
telephoning, negotiations and formal writing. Our highly qualified
teachers and small groups are guaranteed to help you succeed.


We are fauUly


8 11 "
More than a hundred national languages
are spoken in Europe and most of them
come from the same 'parent' language,
called proto-Indo-European. It was used
about ten thousand years ago, probably
somewhere in the eastern part of
Ukraine, as we know it today. Although
linguists have developed good methods
for reconstructing old languages, we can
only guess what that language sounded
So why don't we understand each other if
languages such as Polish, English, French
and Greek all belong to one big IndoEuropean family? It all depends how close

our language is to other family members.

Slovak and Polish, or Danish and Swedish,
for example, are like brother and sister.
They're so similar to each other that their
users can understand a lot of the other
language. On the other hand, English
and Polish are like distant relations . They
have very few words which come from
their shared ancestors . But if you take
a closer look at some words, you can see
surprising similarities. Sister - siostra, two
- dwa or new - nowy are modern versions
of old proto-Indo-European words.
There are of course some European
languages that are like friendly neighbours
but not our cousins: Hungarian, Finnish,
Maltese or Basque belong to completely
different groups . Basque, in fact, isn't
similar to any other language. It's spoken
mainly in northern Spain and it seems to
be the oldest language in Europe.
In 2006 two Spanish students developed
a Modern Indo-European language.
They believe it may become the official
language of the European Union in 2040 years from now. Who knows? Maybe
your grandchildren will learn Europaio at
school instead of English.






English Channel



PrzyporzCldkuj zdania (1-6) do wypowiedzi (A-F). Odpowiedz

na pytanie.

Have any of these crimes ever affected you

or your family?

On my last holiday, I was attacked by two men. They robbed me

at knifepoint.
Someone stole my wallet on a train.
A lot of benches in my neighbourhood have been completely
When we were away, our house was broken into.
In primary school an older boy constantly threatened to hurt me.
I was really frightened of him.
I once saw someone stealing something from a shop. I was too
scared to report it.
My friends had warned me about pickpockets, but how was
I supposed to recognise a thief?
Luckily, the muggers were caught and I got all my possessions
The burglars stole my laptop and collection of DVDs.
Anyway, the shoplifter didn't get away with it and was stopped
by the security.
We still don't know who the vandals were.
Fortunately, the bully was expelled from school.

W punktach (1-8) zakresl prawidtowCl opcj~.

Przeczytaj tekst ponownie i wybierzjednCl
z odpowiedzi: A, B lub C, zgodnie z tresciCl tekstu.

The police are carrying out I a trial/an investigation

into an attempt to 2 hijack / kidnap a taxi last night.
Two teenage girls got into the car shortly after
midnight in Barkley Street and informed the driver
they were 3 robbing / stealing the car. But when the
taxi driver stopped the car in Limerick Street and
resisted, the young 4 offenders / prisoners escaped.
The police are appealing for eye 5 witnesses / victims
to the 6 accident /
The text is
a detective story.
a police report.
a news report.
ut6i zdania (A-F) w logicznej kolejnosci. Zakryj
tekst, sp6jrz na zdj~cia i opowiedz lub napisz
histori~ z pami~ci.

. ...Ff4iit Odpowiedz na poniisze pytania. Postuchaj nagrania

i zaznacz, kt6re z wymienionych przest~pstw opisuje m6wiClcy.
Do you think these are serious crimes or more minor
offences? What does it depend on?

bike theft
forgery of someone's signature
4 smuggling of alcohol
5 music piracy
6 bribery

. "oFfU.

Postuchaj nagrania i uzupetnij brakujClce fragmenty.

Odpowiedz na pytania.
Do you think any of these laws are not genuine?
Are there any strange or funny laws in Poland?
Do people actually obey them?

The world's strangest laws.

1 In Thailand it's against the law to _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __
without your shirt on.
2 In Singapore _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ was banned in

3 In Venice it's strictly forbidden to feed pigeons. If you ignore
the ban, you can pay a fine of
4 In Russia you're breaking the law if you drive
5 In Bangladesh you commit an offence if you cheat
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ . You can even go to jail for it.
6 In New Zealand it's illegal to ride a bike


Someone saw Mr Flame making a bonfire near an

old garage.
_ The judge sentenced him to a month in
- At the of end of the trial the jury found him
- Soon after that he was arrested for setting
fire to the garage.
- Instead of going to prison, Mr Flame did
1,000 hours of community service.
_ In court, all of Mr Flame's neighbours gave
evidence against him.
_ To his surprise, he was charged with arson.

Uzupetnij tabel~. Wi~kszosc stow znajdziesz

w cwiczeniach (1-5).

steal something
steal something
from a shop


somebody of
burgle a house
smuggle goods
from abroad
mug somebody
forge documents /
bribe someone


a plane
set fire to
a building
murder someone
rape someone

W podanych pytaniach zakresl prawidtow'l opcj~.

Odpowiedz na pytania.


How much do you know about global issues?



Where did the last European civil war break out

A In the former Yugoslavia B In the former


Which is the older international human /

humanitarian organisation?
A Amnesty International B The Red Cross

Who first used non-violent protests in his

struggle for political and human laws / rights?
A Nelson Mandela
B Mahatma Gandhi

Who carried out / on the terrorist attacks On

New York and Washington on September 11,







Are you interested in politics? If you could vote

in elections, which political party or politician
would you vote for? What are the most urgent
problems that the Polish government should

Who was received / awarded the Nobel Peace

Prize for peaceful opposition to Communism in
B Pope John Paul II
A Lech Wat~sa

Which charity raises / donates money to protect

children's rights?
A Greenpeace

Uzupetnij poszczegolne wiadomosci wyrazami z ramki

w odpowiedniej formie, tak aby otrzymac catosc poprawn'l
pod wzgl~dem logicznym i gramatycznym. Niektore z form
sktadaj'l si~ z kilku stow. Jeden wyraz nie pasuje do iadnej


An earthquake ' _ _ _ _ _ __
a small town in eastern Turkey early
this morning. Thousands of people
have been left 2 _ _ _ _ _ __
and are going to spend the night in
Read more ...

The Blue Party

Vote for your future!
1 Our
priority is to combat crime.
2 We are going to reduce unemployment


is to fight poverty.
3 Our
4 Our ambition is to improve
S We promise to lower and raise
6 We know how to develop the

A passenger plane has crashed after

an emergency landing in Costa Rica.
First reports suggest there have been
eighty casualties. Rescue teams are
still looking for 3 _ _ _ _ _ __
Read more ...

Is capital punishment the same as the death

B 10 suicide


Uzupetnij zdania odpowiednimi wyrazami z ramki. Dwa

wyrazy podano dodatkowo i nie pasuj'l one do iadnego ze
zdan. Odpowiedz na pytania.


A 19 suicide hijackers

According to the UN, tens of

thousands of people have
of starvation in
Somalia after s _ _ _ _ _ __
drought in East Africa in sixty years.
Some 12 million people in the region
may need food aid.
Read more ...




.~ Ustyszysz dwukrotnie wypowiedi na temat dobroczynnoSci.

Na podstawie nagrania zaznacz, ktore ze zdan (1-6) sit zgodne zjego
tresciit (P - Prawda), a ktore nie (F - Falsz). Zakreslliter~ P lub F.
Nowadays, most famous people give money


Brad Pitt has recently donated $5 million dollars to a well-known

Politicians are not interested in celebrities and their charities.
Bono has met with world leaders to discuss
his charity work.
Some people think that celebrities only do
charity work because it is good pUblicity.
6 The 'Nobel Peace Laureates' are special awards for celebrities who
do a lot of work for charity.


Przeczytaj tekst. Dobierz brakujitce zdania

(A-D), tak aby otrzymac spojny i logiczny
tekst. Wpisz w kaidit luk~ (1-3) liter~,
ktorit oznaczono brakujitce zdanie. Jedno
zdanie podano dodatkowo i nie pasuje
one do iadnej z luk.


Living in divided cities

I was born in Mostar in BosniaHerzegovina. My city has always been
famous for its beautiful bridge. 1 _ The
military conflict lasted for four years. It
cost more than a hundred thousand lives
and left the country in ruins.


Ustyszysz dwukrotnie cztery wypowiedzi na temat

przest~pczosci. Przyporzitdkuj kaidej wypowiedzi odpowiadajitce jej

zdanie. Wpisz w pola (1-4) odpowiedniit liter~ (A-E). Jedno zdanie

podano dodatkowo i nie pasuje one do iadnej wypowiedzi.



The speaker took someone to be a thief.

The speaker lives in a dangerous area.
The speaker was once robbed by a pickpocket.
The speaker called the police to report a crime.
The speaker helped the victim of a crime.


When tourists ask me if children
from different ethnic groups are going to
school together once more, I tell them
that the city is still divided, with Muslim
Bosnians living on one side of the bridge
and Christian Croats on the other. 3 _
the Mostar Gymnasium - the school
Where I work as a teacher. It's the only
mixed school in the city. Actually, Muslims
and Croats mostly have separate classes
but at least they meet at break times or
during games lessons. And when I see
them making friends, I know that I want
them to become our future political

Although the bridge was rebuilt in 2004,

our life hasn't got back to normal since the
Unfortunately, I was quite pessimistic
about the peace process.
Luckily, there's a ray of hope that may
bring the people together again.
The original one from the 16th century
was completely destroyed during the civil
war which broke out in 1992.


Przeczytaj tekst. Zaznacz, kt6re ze zdan (1-4) sil zgodne z jego

tresciil (P - Prawda), a kt6re nie (F - Fatsz). Zakreslliter~ P lub F.

Zapoznaj si~ z reklamC} konkursu fotograficznego.

Do kazdego fragmentu (1-3) dopasuj
odpowiedni nagt6wek (A-E). Dwa nagt6wki
podano dodatkowo i nie pasujC} one do zadnego

Photo Competition
Living in Peace

Isn't it a fake?
There are many kinds of crime which involve copying
something of value and trying to sell it as an original.
Sometimes people try to copy banknotes and coins, which is
known as counterfeiting, but perhaps the most interesting
form of copying is forgery.
Throughout history a lot of painters got a name for forging
famous pictures rather than creating their own works. In the
past it was relatively easy to fool people into buying fakes .
Nowadays, however, forging an old painting is very difficult
because of modern technology - X-rays, lasers and carbon
dating techniques can easily show that a painting isn't as old
as it is supposed to be.
A SOO-year-old painting
by Leonardo da Vinci does
not just have to look like
other paintings by him,
but the wood it is painted
on and the paint itself
have to either be, or seem
to be, SOD years old too.
It is much easier to forge
a modern painting, but
unless it is a Picasso or
a Van Gogh, it will not
make as much money as an old master. Another problem
is that the forger cannot paint ten new Leonardo da Vinci
works, when there are so few originals, as this would make
people very suspicious. He can probably only paint one.

There's a new theme every three months.

You have to send in three photos for two
different themes. So it's not too late to start
for this year. At the end of the year the single
best photo will be awarded the Grand Prize.
For April, May and June, the subject is Living
in Peace.

Entries for the Living in Peace category must

be received by July 15. Photos coming in
after the deadline won't be accepted. The
organisers of the competition reserve the
right to publish the winning photographs in
their own promotional materials. For details
visit our website.

If you take the year's best photo, it won't

be long before you're on a plane to your
dream destination. The Grand Prize is a Star
Alliance round-the-world ticket, travelling
first class. We hope the trip will be a source
for further artistic inspiration.

Are you looking for inspiration?

What can you win?
Who are the organisers?
How does it work?
What's the closing date?

Despite the problems, every year a famous art gallery

somewhere in the world announces that a painting in its
collection is not an original but a forgery.
It was easier to sell forgeries in the past.

The forgers have technology like X-rays and lasers to help

Forgers get richer if they copy old master paintings.
4 Despite the experts, art galleries still get fooled by forgeries.


(cyber)stalking nachodzenie, ncrkanie
(przez internet)
(minor) offence - (drobne)
banned - zakazany
break into - wlamae sicr
capital punishment - kara
court - sqd
death penalty - kara smierci
evidence - dowody
fake - podr6bka
fool sb - oszukae kogos
forbidden - zabroniony
get away with - uniknqe kary
(za cos)
illegal- nielegalny
investigation - sledztwo,
law- prawo
life imprisonment - kara
dozywotniego wicrzienia
obey (the law/rules) _
przestrzegae (prawal
offence - wykroczenie
report - zglaszae (wypadek,
sentence - wyrok
serious crime - powazne
set fire - podlozye ogien
steal- krasc
street crime - przestcrpczosc
suspicious (0 czfowieku,
zachowaniu) - podejrzany
threaten - grozie
trial - proces
valuables - cenne,
wartosciowe rzeczy
weapon - bron

drink-driving - prowadzenie
samochodu w stanie
forgery - falszerstwo
hijacking - porwanie
kidnapping - porwanie
mugging - napad, rozb6j
murder - morderstwo
piracy - nielegalne
kopiowanie, piractwo
rape - gwalt
robbery - rabunek, napad
shoplifting - kradziez
smuggling - przemyt
theft - kradziez
vandalism - wandalizm,



,Q;hWWMjudge - scrdzia
iN IF" j P;f1 fi i!4'i iItI. jury - lawa przysicrglych
"WiIi;J.Ii1Ulawyer - prawnik

arson - podpalenie
blackmail - szantaz
bribery - przekupstwo,
bullying - przeSladowanie,
zncrcanie sicr
burglary - wlamanie,
kradziez z wlamaniem
counterfeiting - podrabianie
(pienicrdzy, dokument6w

offender - przestcrpca, osoba,

kt6ra zlamala prawo
prisoner - wicrzien
prosecutor - oskariyciel
suspect - podejrzany
victim - ofiara
witness - swiadek






border - granica
citizen - obywatel
coalition - koalicja
democracy - demokracja
election - wybory
head of state - glowa
independence niepodleglos e
leader - przyw6dca
political party - partia
politiCian - polityk
population - populacja,
liczba ludnosci
Prime Minister - premier
priority - priorytet
vote for - glosowae na

rescue team - zesp6l

society - spoleczenstwo
starvation - gl6d,
przymieranie glodem
struggle for - walczye 0
suicide bomber _
zamachowiec-s amob6jca
survivors - osoby ocalale
terrorist attack - atak
the Nobel Peace Prize _
Pokojowa Nagroda Nobla
urgent problem - palqcy
volunteer - ochotnik
war- wojna



attract media attention _

zwracae uwagcr medi6w
be against the law - bye
be arrested - zostae
be charged with - bye
oskarzonym 0
break out - wybuchnqe
(0 wojnie)
break the law - zlamae prawo
combat crime - zwalczae
campaign - kampania
carry out - wprowadzae,
commit an offence - dokonac
casualties - ofiary (wypadku
lub wojny)
defend human rights - broillC
celebrity - celebryta,
praw czlowieka
develop the (transport)
osoba bardzo popularna
infrastructure - rozwinqe
civil war - wojna domowa
discrimination (transportoWq)
do community service _
emergency landing _
odpracowywae prace
lqdowanie awaryjne
ethnic group - grupa
fight poverty - zwalczae
food aid - pomoc
find sb guilty - uznae kogos
give evidence - przedstawie
government - rZqd
homeless ness - bezdomnosc
human rights - prawa
go to jail/prison - ise do
improve health care _
humanitarian organization _
usprawnie opiekcr
organizacja humanitarna
investment - inwestycja
lower taxes - obnizye
military conflict - konflikt
pay a fine - zaplacie karcr
non-violent protest - protest
raise salaries - podniese
pokojowe (bez przemocy)
peace process - proces
reduce unemployment_
peaceful opposition _
ograniczae bezrobocie
sentence sb (to a month in
pokojowa opozycja
racism - rasizm
prison) - skazae kogos (na
raise money - zbierae
miesiqc wicrzienia)
pieniqdze, fundusze
vote in elections - glosowae



Trese to gtowne kryterium, wedtug ktorego jest

oceniana pisemna wypowiedi na egzaminie
rozszerzonym. W swojej pracy musisz odniesc
si~ do wszystkich trzech podpunktow zawartych
w poleceniu oraz w petni je rozwinetc. Za tresc moiesz
otrzymac ai 4 punkty z 10 moiliwych do zdobycia za cate
zadanie pisemne.
Wyobrai sobie, ie poniiszy profil stanowi wzorcowet
odpowiedi na zadanie egzaminacyjne. Przeczytaj go,
a nast~pnie sposrod podanych podpunktow wybierz trzy,
ktore znalazty si~ w poleceniu do tego zadania.

o Napisz, jakie sq dobre i zle strony Twojego charakteru.

o Popros, aby osoby odwiedzajqce Tw6j profit pozostawily
o Zach~c odwiedzajqcych Tw6j profit do kontaktu z Tobq.



Opisz swojq rodzin~.

Napisz, jak wyglqdasz.
Napisz, jakie szkolne przedmioty sprawiajq Ci trudnosci.
Napisz, dlaczego lubisz uczyc si~ kzyk6w obcych.
Przedstaw si~ i napisz, gdzie mieszkasz.
Opisz swoje zainteresowania.


Hi, I'm Kuba. I've just turned 15.

I think I'm a typical teenager
from Poland. I live in a village
near Krakow. My family moved
here two years ago from
Warsaw. Although I grew up in
a big city, I enjoy the peace and
quiet of the countryside.
I go to school in a nearby town. My favourite subject
is biology. In the future I'd like to become a genetic
engineer. I'm also keen on languages. My ambition is to
pass FCE in two years. In my free time, I like skateboarding
and taking photos. I'm especially interested in wildlife

Napisz, czym si~ interesujesz.

A I'm interested _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __
I'm really keen _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __
My hobbies _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __

Dokoncz pytania, odnoszetc si~ do podanych punktow.

Zapytaj koleg~ a jego rodzin~.
B Have you

from a small or large family?

an only child?

Popros koleiank~, ieby opisala swojq najlepszq przyjaci6Ik~.

A So, what kind of person _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __
B Can you describe _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __

I'd like to know

Rozwin podane punkty, dopisujetc do kaidego z nich

dwa petne zdania. Zwroc uwag~, ie rozwijajetc mysl,
przechodzimy od ogolnego stwierdzenia do szczegotow.
Napisz, co robisz w weekendy.
My weekends are usually quite busy. For example,
on Saturdays _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __
Napisz, jakiej muzyki sluchasz.
I listen to different kinds of music, such as _ _ _ __
I especially _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __

Napisz, jakie masz wady.

What are my weak points? Well, _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __

If you like my profile, click on my photo and write to me.

Dokoncz zdania, odnoszetc si~ do podanych punktow.
Zwroc uwag~, ie poietdanet informacj~ moina wyrazic na
kilka sposobow.
1 Napisz, ile masz lat.


B 1'11 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ next _ _ _ _ _ __
( Last
I turned _ _ _ _ _ _ __
Napisz, czy zawsze mieszkalaslmieszkales w tym samym
A I'm from _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __
I've lived there _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ born.
B I live in


Utworz swoj profil internetowy. W jego tresci:

napisz, ile masz lat i jak wygletdasz,
sketd pochodzisz i gdzie obecnie mieszkasz,
co lubisz robic w wolnym czasie.

I moved there when I was

I think of _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ as my home town

although I grew up _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __


Zapytaj koleg~, co robi w wolnym czasie.

A What
your leisure time?
B Can you tell me how _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __
your free time?
What's your favourite _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __
your spare time?

Rozwin w wypowiedzi kaidy z trzech podpunktow,

pami~tajetc, ie dtugosc tekstu powinna wynosic od
50 do 100 stow.

Kolejnym kryterium oceny jest sp6jnose

i logika wypowiedzi. Zarowno poszczegolne
zdania, jak i cat)' tekst muszit bye ze sobit
logicznie powiitzane i stanowie spojnit catose. Aby
uzyskae taki efekt, musisz uiywae licznych spojnikow
i wyraien, ktore titCZit ze sobit poszczegolne elementy
tekstu.O spojnosci listu lub e-maila stanowi rowniei
jego odpowiedni poczittek i zakonczenie. Za sp6jnose
i logik~ wypowiedzi moiesz otrzymae 2 punkty z 10
moiliwych do zdobycia za cate zadanie pisemne.
Przeczytaj pytania sktadajitce si~ na kwiz i zaznacz
poprawne odpowiedzi. W niektorych punktach dwie
odpowiedzi sit poprawne.




How do you start an email to a friend or

someone your age?
A Dear Peter,
B Hi Peter,

2 How do you start a letter to your teacher?

A Hi Mr Nowak,
B Dear Mr Nowak,
Good morning, Teacher.

3 Which of these expressions do you normally

write at the beginning of a letter / an email?
A I'm looking forward to your email.
B Drop me a line if you have time.
e Thanks for writing to me.
4 Which of these expressions do you normally
write at the end of a letter / an email?
A It was great to hear from you.
B Hope to hear from you soon.
Keep in touch.

5 Which of these endings can you use in

a letter to your teacher?
A Best regards,
B Love,
e Best wishes,

Otrzymatas/otrzymates e-mail od kolegi z Wielkiej

Brytanii, w ktorym pyta Ci~ 0 rol~ przyjaciot w Twoim
iyciu. W odpowiedzi:
napisz, jak dtugo znasz swojego najlepszego
opisz niektore zalety i wady jego charakteru,
popros koleg~, aby opisat Ci swojego najlepszego
Podpisz si~ jako XYZ. Rozwin w wypowiedzi kaidy
z trzech podpunktow, pami~tajitc, ie dtugose tekstu
powinna wynosie od 50 do 100 stow.

Uzupetnij zdania wyraieniam i z ramki.

I hate shopping. My sister can't stand it

I'm quite tall for my age. My older brother is tall
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ so we can borrow one another's
I've always been keen on skiing. I _ _
snowboarding and hockey.
My cousin plays the guitar. And
, he's
got a unique singing voice.
My best friend is very artistic. _ _ _ _ _ __
painting and drawing, she's brilliant at graphic design.
Potitcz kilka zdan w jed no. Wykorzystaj wyraienia
podane w nawiasach.

My mother can't tell jokes. My father can't tell jokes

either. (neither)
I've got two cousins. One of my cousins lives in Warsaw.
The other cousin lives in Warsaw too. (both)
I and my sister are very similar. I'm shy. My sister is shy
too. (both)
4 In his free time, Ted plays chess. He also builds model
planes. (as well as)
Marta is an excellent student. She's also great at sport.
(not only... but also)
Uzupetnij e-mail, wpisujitc w kaidit luk~ jedno
wyraienie z ramki, tak aby otrzymae spojny i logiczny tekst.
Jeden wyraz podano dodatkowo i nie pasuje on do iadnej

Hi Kate,
Thanks for you r email. It was so interesting to read about
your family.
_______ , in my family everyone has a strong
personality too, 2
we all get on well
together. 3
my grandma, who lives
with us, is very bossy. 4
giVing us
orders, she likes tell ing us how we should behave.
My parents are quite similar to each ot her. Th ey're
practical but 6 _ _ _ _ _ __
very well organ ised . And they 7
th ink
they're always right!
My sister can be a bit moody. 8 _ _ _ _ _ __
communication isn't her strong point.
She spends most of her time in her bedroom, reading or
pa inting.
9 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ , we're a happy family - most of th e
t ime!
Keep in touch.


Na ocen~ wypowiedzi pisemnej rna rowniei

wptyw poprawnosc j~zykowa. Jesli Twoja praca
jest bezbt~dna lub tei zawiera jedynie nieliczne
bt~dy gramatyczne, leksykalne lub ortograficzne,
moiesz otrzymac za jej poprawnosc 2 punkty z 10
moiliwych do zdobycia za cate zadanie pisemne.

o'J3:!DlD Postuchaj nagrania i wpisz brakujqce
fragmenty zdan. Jaki ortograficzny problem testuje to
cwiczenie? Czy takie same zasady obowiqzujq w polskiej

Do you have access _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __

I've got _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __
We're going on _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __
4 I've just started _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __
5 I had to write _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __
6 There aren't enough educational


Postuchaj nagrania i wpisz brakujqce

fragmenty zdan. Jakie ortograficzne problemy testuje
to cwiczenie? Pisowni~ ktorych przyktadow naleiy po
prostu zapami~taC? Jakie znasz sposoby zapami~tywania
nieregularnej pisowni?
I think the final exams are _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __

Our school once had _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ team.

two years ago.
My English book is _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __
information about the world.
, I'll be
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ sports camp.
Send the project to your _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __
I felt both _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ and
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ when I failed the test.
I think they

Uzupetnij poszczegolne zdania odpowiedniq formq

jednego ze stow z ramki. W jakich wypadkach opuszczamy
w pisowni koncowe -e? Kiedy koncowka -y przechodzi
w pisowni w -i-?



Do you remember the _ _ _ _ _ _ day at your

primary school?
Although she _ _ _ _ _ _ hard, she keeps getting
low marks.
Stop _ _ _ _ _ _ about the test. You're
4 I _ _ _ _ _ _ need to revise spelling rules before
the exam.
The teacher says we're not _ _ _ _ _ _ enough
6 I've seen an _ _ _ _ _ _ for a memory training
course. I'm going to sign up.
Przeczytaj tekst i pop raw bt~dy w podkreslonych

FClVt-\iR'1 frCldifioYt
Lts iV\trestiV\q tl1.M- Vf..\tt
fatl1.er wev\t to tl1.e.
saVf..\e. sc.l1.ooR as L c{o
V\ow. 73lAt at tl1.e. beqiV\iV\q
of tl1.e. 19'60S tl1.e. sc.l1.ooR
Rooked totaRt-t c{iferev\t.
Me. satts it was aV\
awflARR qr~ btAiRc!iV\q. There.
werev\Jt aV\ i rooVf..\ aV\c{
a Sc.eiV\c.e. Rab. [{ow tl1.e.
sc.l1.ooR Rooks woV\c{erfIARt-t
Vf..\oc{erV\ aV\c{ its Vt-\IAc.11.
biqer tl1.aV\ks to tl1.e. V\et.V
e;><fev\sioV\. We. e.v'ev\ l1.ave.
olAr OWV\ swiVf..\iV\q pooR!
UV\fortIAMtRt-t, Vf..\tt sc.l1.ooR
baq is l1.etlvt-ter tl1.aV\ tl1.e.
OV\e. Vf..\tt fatl1.er c.arrt-ted
to sc.l1.ooR. 73lAt LJVf..\ V\ot
slAre. if we. ac.tlAaRt-t RetlrV\
Vf..\ore. /Mtt fatl1.er especiaRt-t
r eJ.-1;o.eJ.-1;o.bers OV\e. t etlc.l1.er
- /Mrs. WaRorc.'2-Lfk, wl1.o
tOlAql1.t l1.iVf..\ poRisl<... 73eP.ive.
it or V\ot I sl1.~ s Vf..\tt
tetlc.l1.er too .

;;::,~ Twoja pisemna wypowiedi b~dzie


rowniei oceniona pod wzgl~dem zakresu

zastosowanych srodkow j~zykowych. Innymi
stowy, egzaminator przeanalizuje, jak bogaty jest zasob
uiytych przez Ciebie stow i struktur gramatycznych.
Za odpowiednio szeroki zakres uiywanych srodkow
j~zykowych w swojej wypowiedzi moiesz otrzymac
2 punkty z 10 moiliwych do zdobycia za cate zadanie

Przepisz poniisze zdania, wstawiaj'lc podane

w nawiasach przymiotniki w odpowiednie miejsce.
Uiycie przymiotnikow pozwala odbiorcy Twojego tekstu
precyzyjniej wyobrazic sobie opisywane przez Ciebie rzeczy.

There's a desk in the corner of the study. (wooden)

My parents promised to buy a sofa for my room.
There's a rug on the floor. (colourful)
4 I share a wardrobe with my sister. (large)
5 The room seems old-fashioned because of the curtains.
I'm going to put up some posters on the walls. (modern)
Przepisz poniisze zdania, wstawiaj'lc podane
w nawiasach przystowki w odpowiednie miejsce.
Przystowki podkreslaj'l znaczenie uiytych przymiotnikow
i czasownikow, dzi~ki czemu moiesz lepiej wyrazic swoje

I'm sorry that I didn't come to your house-warming

party. (terribly)
My room looks fantastic with the new furniture.
I like the view from the balcony. (very much)
4 It's important for me to have some privacy. (extremely)
Our old flat was small. (really)
I was wrong about the idea of painting the wall red. It
looks great. (totally)

W podanych zdaniach zamien zaznaczone proste

okreslenie na jedno z wyraien z ramki. Uiycie wyszukanego
stownictwa swiadczy 0 bogactwie Twojego j~zyka.
absolutely wonderful
extremely excited

really tiny

so huge

I was very happy when my parents decided to move into

a house.
The house looks very, very nice.
Our old flat was very, very small.
4 We lived in a very bad neighbourhood!
5 My new room is very big.
6 My stereo is very old. The CD-player keeps jamming!
Popraw poniisz'l wypowiedi. Wzbogac zdania
o dodatkowe przymiotniki i przystowki. Zamien proste
okreslenia (nice / big) na bardziej precyzyjne stownictwo.
Dopisz dwa dodatkowe zdania do opisu pokoju. Moiesz
wykorzystac wyrazy z ramki.




Hi Jamie,
I'm sorry I haven't written for so long. We moved house
last month and I was busy. Now I've got my own room at
last! It's big and it looks very nice. I've also got new
furniture: bookshelves, a desk and a chair.

And the view is very nice. I can see a very big field and
a nice lake.
How about your room? Do you like it?



Opisz swoj ulubiony dzien tygodnia, w ktorym idziesz

do szkoty. Napisz:
dlaczego ten dzien jest Twoim ulubionym dniem
w szkole,
ktore lekcje szczegolnie lubisz i dlaczego,
co robisz tego dnia po lekcjach.
Rozwin w wypowiedzi kaidy z trzech podpunktow,
pami~taj'lc, ie dtugosc tekstu powinna wynosic od SO
do 100 stow.

Twoja koleianka z USA poprosita Ci~ w e-mailu, abys

przestatlprzestata jej zdj~cie swojego pokoju.
W odpowiedzi:
napisz, co szczegolnie lubisz w swoim pokoju,
napisz, co chciatbys/chciatabys zmienic w swoim
pokoju i dlaczego,
zapytaj koleiank~, czy lubi swoj pokoj i co by w nim
Podpisz si~ jako XYZ. Rozwin w wypowiedzi kaidy
z trzech podpunktow, pami~taj'lc, ie dtugosc tekstu
powinna wynosic od SO do 100 stow.


W instrukcji do zadania pisernnego rnoiesz

znalezc polecenia odnosz'!ce si~ do roinych
funkcji j~zykowych, np.: popros 0 rad~,
zaoferuj pornoc, poradi albo zapytaj. Analizuj,!c
zadanie, podkresl kluczowe stowa w poleceniu. W tresci
zadania uiyj typowych zwrotow, ktore stui,! wyraianiu
okreslonych funkcji.

Przyporz'!dkuj zdania (1-10) poszczegolnyrn punktorn


A Ktos prosi 0 rad~.

B Ktos udziela rady.
Ktos prosi 0 przyslug~ .
D Ktos oferuje przyslug~ .
Why don't you ask someone for help?
Do you think I should offer them help?
Do you mind going there with me?
4 Let me give you a piece of advice.
5 I need a favour. I'd like to borrow your notes.
Shall I bring you my notes?
Can I ask your opinion about something?
How about asking your parents' advice?
Do you want me to give you a hand?
10 If! were you, I wouldn't do it.
W poszczegolnych punktach (1-3) pot'!cz oba pytania
w jedno wedtug podanego przyktadu.

Which profession should I choose? What do you think?
Which profession do you think I should choose?
When should I apply for a summer job? What do you
When ____________________________________
Where can I find some information about part-time
jobs? What do you think?
Where ____________________________________

Dokoncz zdania, odnosz'!c si~ do podanych punktow.

Nie wiesz, jak znaleiC prac~ jako wolontariusz. Popros
nauczyciela 0 rad~.

A I'm thinking of _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ___

What should _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __
B I'd like to _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __
What do you suggest _________________
What do you think _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ___
in order ____________________
Poradi koleiance, jak si~ ubrac na spotkanie w sprawie pracy.

A In my opinion, you should __________________

B Take my advice and ________________________
C The best thing is _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __

Zaoferuj koleiance pomoc w przygotowaniu szkolnej


A Can _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __
B Would you like _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __
Do you need ____________________________

Rozwin podane punkty, dopisuj,!c do kaidego z nich

dwa petne zdania.
Chcialbys projektowac strony internetowe. Popros koleg~

o rad~, gdzie moiesz si~ tego nauczyc.

Can I ask your advice on something? ________
Twoja koleianka przygotowala prezentacj~ najutrzejszq
Poradi jej, co powinna zrobic, aby odniesc sukces.


If you ask me, I would definitely rehearse the

presentation. _______________________________
Organizujesz dni kariery w szkole. Popros koleg~ 0 pomoc.

I'm organising a careers advice day at our school. ______

How much could I earn giving out leaflets? What do you
How _____________________________________



4 He had a dessert even though

W tej lekcji powtorzysz spojniki i wyraienia,

ktore podkreslajct przeciwienstwa lub
kontrastujct informacje.

We decided to give a garden party in spite

The cake came out very well despite the fact

W poszczegolnych punktach przeksztaU pary zdan,

uiywajctc podanych w nawiasie siow bctdi wyraien.

Fast food is tasty. Fast food is very unhealthy. (but)
The pizza was crispy. The topping was a bit too spicy. (but)
The restaurant looks old and cheap. The food is excellent.
(on the one hand / but on the other hand)
4 I drink a lot of milk. My brother hates milk. (whereas)
I enjoyed the meal. The service was a bit slow. (however)
6 They serve a light continental breakfast. The portions for
the buffet lunch are really generous. (while)
Poictcz pary zdan w jedno zdanie zioione.
Most students bring a packed lunch. There's a canteen in
our school.
Although _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __
I added lots of sugar. The apple pie wasn't sweet enough.
Even though _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __

Przepisz poniiszy tekst. Zastctp spojnik but innymi

wyraieniami podkreslajctcymi kontrast. Dokonaj
koniecznych zmian w tekscie.

I.jesterd()t-t ]:. ()Ytd w.t-t best

frieYtd l P()IAR I weYtt to
() d-iYtese. rest()lAr()Ytt. We!d
w.()de. () reserV()tioYt I btA.f we.
~()d to w()it for () t()bRe. for
() qood tweYttt-t w.iYtlAtes. Th()t
w()S () probRel.1 ~t we. were.
stiRR iYt () qood w.ood ()Ytd kept
R()lAq~iYtq ()Ytd jokiYtq. ]:. ordered
() vet:te.t()ri()Yt stir-frt-tl bt It




wit~ C~iYtese.


The cafe is always full. The prices are high.

Despite _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __
4 I was very hungry. I didn't eat much.

In spite of the fact _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __

Dokoncz poniisze zdania wediug wiasnego pomysiu.

My mum isn't a great cook but
I can only follow a recipe, whereas

U1t-t portioYt W()S

P()IAR qot () r()t~er
sw.()RR OYte.. ARR iYt ()RR 1 t~e.
food W()S vert-t t()stt-t l t-Mt
t~e. serVice. W()S dis()ppoiYttiYtq .
The. stMf were. sRow ()Ytd
IAYtfrieYtdRt-t. ]:. reCtRise. t~()t t~~
()re. b()dRt-t-p()idl t-Mt ]:. t~iYtk
t~~ s~olARd eit~er do t~eir
job we.RR or Ytot do it ()t ()RR.

~lAqe.1 t-Mt

I ate up the soup although




Przygotowujesz prezentacj~ na lekcj~ j~zyka

angielskiego 0 popularnych piatnych zaj~ciach
wykonywanych przez brytyjskich uczniow w czasie
wakacji. W e-mailu do kolegi z Londynu:
opisz temat swojej prezentacji,
popros 0 rad~, gdzie moiesz znaleiC informacje na
ten temat,
popros koleg~, aby opisai Ci swoje dotychczasowe
wakacyjne zaj~cia.
Podpisz si~ jako XVZ. Rozwin w wypowiedzi kaidy
z trzech podpunktow, pami~tajctc, ie diugosc tekstu
powinna wynosic od 50 do 100 siow.

Twoja koleianka rna zamiar przygotowac piknik dla

grupy przyjacioi z okazji urodzin. W e-mailu pyta Ci~
o zdanie i ewentualne porady.
W odpowiedzi:
napisz, co sctdzisz 0 jej pomysle,
poradi koleiance, co mogiaby przygotowac na swoj
zaoferuj jej przesianie wiasnych przepisow.
Podpisz si~ jako XVZ. Rozwin w wypowiedzi kaidy
z trzech podpunktow, pami~tajctc, ie diugosc tekstu
powinna wynosic od 50 do 100 siow.


Czy wiesz, jakie bt~dy gramatyczne najcz~sciej

popetniasz? Moie zapominasz 0 koncowce -s
w trzeciej osobie czasu present simple? Stworz
wtasn'l.list~ punktow kontrolnych. Przeczytaj swoj'l.
prac~ ponownie pod k'l.tem typowych dla siebie bt~dow.

Popraw poniisze zdania. Kaide zdanie zawiera

popularny bt'l.d popetniany przez polskich uczniow.
Napisz wtasne przyktady z uiyciem ktopotliwych konstrukcji.

1 I very like jogging. X

2 I hate when people smoke in my company. X

, Znajdz bt~dy gramatyczne w poniiszych zdaniach. Jeieli
nie potrafisz dostrzec bt~du, przeczytaj zdanie ponownie
pod k'l.tem podanych punktow kontrolnych.

3 In the school wasn't a first aid kit. X

1 I've broke my arm. X

Has your friends visited you in hospital? X

I'm very interesting in medicine. I'd like to be

a surgeon. X

My doctor told me something what really worries me. X

I'm often thinking about changing my diet. X

4 Everyone in my family eat healthy food. X
I must to stay in bed for a few days. X
What medici.ne you takin<6~ X


6 My grandma should leave hospital next week. I'm really

looking forward to see her. X

Punkty kontrolne
czy nie brakuje kork6wki-s
czy nie brakuje czasownika posilkowego
(be / have / did itp.)
czy uiylas/uiyles wlasciwego czasu gramatycznego
czy bezokolicznik powinien bye poprzedzony slowem to
czy uiylas/uiyles poprawnej formy nieregularnej
czy forma czasownika zgadza si~ z podmiotem zdania


Przeczytaj poniiszy e-mail i popraw zaznaczone


Hi Silvia,
I was sorry to hear about your flu. I hope you (2!)better
soon. Well, I'm feeling out of sorts too. Everyone ~
asking me what's wrong with me.Vim often getting)
headaches and I don't sleep ~ I feel like I'm ~
with everything most of the time! My teacher0

that I'm

Popraw poniisze zdania. Kaide zdanie zawiera bt'l.d

w uiyciu rzeczownikow niepoliczalnych lub przedimkow.

not(concentrated) on the lessons. (1alrea dy seen) my doctor.

I couldn't find many useful informations about my

allergy. X

He may(have rl gh~ -I @ so (muc h) things to do lately. He

He ~ I'm just stressed-out and I should (to relax mysel~

suggested (me to do)something (w hat)1really like, so I'm

going to ~ for (wee ken C1. I'1i write more when ~

2 The good news are that I'll be able to run again soon. X

Take care,

3 I don't know any natural cure for runny nose. X

4 The dentist gave me an advice about brushing my

teeth. X

5 Use sun cream if you're going to stay in sun. X

6 I had cold and I'll have to stay off school for two days. X



,. 1m wi~kszy masz zasob stow, tym

!,,' precyzyjniej potrafisz wyrazie swoje
mysli. Precyzyjne okreslenia pozwalajq
rowniei uniknqe zb~dnych powtorzen lub
dtugich opisowych zdan. Pami~taj, ie Twoja
praca nie powinna bye dtuisza nii 100 stow.

Skroe poniisze zdania, uiywajqc rzeczownikow ztoionych

(rzeczownik + rzeczownik).

In the last PE lesson we had a special test to check our fitness.
In the last PE lesson we had a special fitness test.

Uiywajqc odpowiedniej formy jednego

z czasownikow z ramki, popraw poniisze zdania, tak
aby uniknqe prostych sformutowan oraz powtorzen.

I like sports that you can only do in winter.

Our school has excellent facilities where we can do different
kinds of sports.
I prefer sports that people play in a team such as volleyball or
4 We have a new coach who is teaching us to play basketball.
I couldn't find my goggles which I wear when I go swimming.
6 I'm going to join the local club for people who play hockey.

Mark came first in the school running race. He was
the fastest runner.
Mark won the school running race.

Potqcz rzeczowniki z obu kolumn w jeden rzeczownik ztoiony.

Napisz zdania odnoszqce si~ do Twoich doswiadczen z uiyciem
utworzonych rzeczownikow.

My basketball skills aren't very good. I'd like to be

better at basketball.
I do judo and I'd like to do it for as long as I can.
We planned a match but we had to change our
plans. The match didn't happen because of the
4 I want to weigh less than I weigh now.
I like the Black Eagles. I go to watch every game
they play.
Nobody won. We scored two goals and the Black
Eagles scored two goals.


Uiywajqcjednego z przymiotnikow z ramki,

popraw poniisze zdania, tak aby uniknqe dtugich
opisowych sformutowan.




Martial arts teach you many skills that can help you
do or get what you want in your life.
Martial arts teach you many useful skills.
I'm still upset that I lost the game. I know
I shouldn't let little things and small problems
make me feel unhappy and sad so easily.
I'm the kind of person who will do a lot to gain
success. I train hard for competitions every day.
As a person who really likes being with other
people, I don't enjoy individual sports.
4 They started to think they're actually more
important than other people after theyu beaten
our team.
I do boxing, but it doesn't mean that I'm a person
who always wants to attack and hurt other
6 Some people think that there are lots of dangers
connected with rock climbing.




Twoj kolega z Wielkiej Brytanii przestat Ci krotk q wiadomose,

ie si~ przezi~bit. W e-mailu do niego:

wyrai. wspotczucie,
zapytaj, jak doktadnie si~ czuje,
poradi. mu, co moie zrobie, aby poczue si~ lepiej.
Podpisz si~ XVZ. Rozwin w wypowiedzi kaidy z trzech
podpunktow, pami~tajqc, ie dtugose tekstu powinna wynosie
od 50 do 100 stow.

Na swoim profilu internetowym chcesz umiescie wpis 0 roli

sportu w Twoim iyciu. Napisz:
jak wainy jest sport dla Ciebie,
jak oceniasz swojq sprawnose fizycznq,
jaki sport chciatbys/chciatabys uprawiae w ramach lekcji
wychowania fizycznego.
Rozwin w wypowiedzi kaidy z trzech podpunktow,


ie dtugose tekstu powinna wynosie od 50 do 100 stow.




TRESe, czyJi jak






dJf"~: ~~;:,l

Pis~'C~na\te~~~-~':: ':~~~~ri. ~!~~' .~.



ii:>.':..'rr. ,; i~ ,,.

W tej lekcji powtorzysz typowe zwroty, sluz<tce

do opisu wad i zalet, Przypomnisz sobie
rowniez, w jaki sposob mozna komus cos
polecic lub odradzic orazjak napisac krotk<t reklamacj~,





"'~"" '",,,,~ ''''''i.








Z podanych zdan uloz list. Jedno zdanie podano

dodatkowo i nie pasuje ono do tresci listu. Podkresl typowe
zwroty uzywane w pisemnych reklamacjach.

Dokoncz zdania, odnosz<tc si~ do podanych punktow,

Podaj jednq zalet~ zakup6w z przyjacielem.

A One of the advantages of shopping with a friend _ _

B The good thing about shopping with a friend _ __

A The. iVtfo(W0tioVt OVt tl<.e. website. SCAid

tl<.CAt t-t01A offe.re.d fre.e. deJ!ive.rt-t to
tMrope. OVt books CAVtd fiEw-s.

The plus point of shopping with a friend _ _ _ __

Napisz, jaki widzisz minus wyprzedaiy.

A The sales have a few bad points. For example, _ __

.:r:. e.VtGRose. tl<.e. re.c.eipt.

o J>espite. tl<.is I .:r:. WCAs cl<.CArqe.d CAVtotl<.e.r
f: (o

Dokoncz zdania, odnosz<tc si~ do podanych punktow,

Zarekomenduj placenie za komunikack miejskq przez telefon

for tl<.e. postCAqe..

A week. CAqO I .:r:. orde.re.d CA J>l;J> frovv-

B The main disadvantage of the sales _ _ _ _ _ __

One of the minuses of the sales _ _ _ _ _ _ __

.:r:. CAvv- writiVt.cf to COvv-pRCAiVt CAbolAt tl<.e.

serVice. CAVCAiRcMe. tkow:(l<. t-t0lAr website..

t-t 01A for


~olArs fCAitl<.fIARRt-t I
G PReCAse. cOIARd ~OIA reilAV\.d tl<.is SlAVVCAS SOOVt CAS possibRe..

'8est wisl<.es I

A I strongly recommend _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __
B I suggest _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __
If I were you, I'd _____________
Odradi zakup kosmetyk6w przez internet.

A I wouldn't recommend _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __
_ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ anyone.
B I don't think it is a good idea _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __

Rozwin podane punkty, dopisuj<tc do kazdego z nich

dwa pelne zdania.
Wyjasnij, dlaczego odradzasz zakup telefonu kom6rkowego,

z kt6rego obecnie korzystasz.

I wouldn't recommend buying this kind of mobile.

If I were you, _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __
Wyjasnij, dlaczego chcesz reklamowac zakupiony film DVD.

I am writing to complain about the DVD I bought from

your shop.

Przedstaw wady i zalety kupowania ubran przez internet.




!l 1. l


Shopping online for clothes has both pluses and minuses.

W tej lekcji powtorzysz sposoby, jak li:}czyc
zdania, aby wyrazic przyczyn~ oraz jakich
zwrotow uzyc, aby uporzi:}dkowac kolejnosc
zdarzen w opisywanej historii.

PrzeksztalC podane zdania, uzywaji:}c podanych

w nawiasie wyrazen.

There was a violent storm so the concert was cancelled.

(due to)
A lot of people prefer to watch films on DVD because the
cinema has become very expensive. (as a result)
Martin was late so we missed the beginning of the show.
(because oj)

We walked out of the film because it was really stupid.

(the reason)
My friend lent me the money for the ticket so I was able
to go to the concert. (thanks to)
I watch as many films as possible because I'd like to
become a film director. (that's why)


W punktach (1-8) zakresl odpowiednie wyrazenie,

tak aby otrzymac spojny i logiczny tekst. Wyjasnij, dlaczego
drugi wariant jest nieprawidlowy.

1 ~Fte.n~rc{s ( AFtef SG~ooR ..:r:. Wle+ Wll-f

Fne.0.c{ J~Gk il't ~ G~re.. We ~~c{ ~ ROl'tq
G~M bec~lAse We ~~c{I't' + s~ ~G~ o+~er
For weeks. 2 AFtef ( AFte..r +~M, we
We.0.+ +0 +~e I'te.w WlIARtipRe,x Gil'tew..~. We
qo+ +~ere 1lAi+e ~rRl-f bec~lAse We c{ic{I't' +
kl'tow w~iG~ FiRWI +0 G~OOse. :3 F,rs+ (
Firs+Rl-f , ..:r:. w~I't+ec1 +0 see +~e RMes+
PoRis~ GOWlecll-f. 4 Vte-?(+ ( Vte-?(+ +iWle J~Gk
SlAqqes+ec1 w~+G~il'tq ~ w~r FiRWI. We l't~rRl-f
~~c{ ~ 11A~rreR( 5 Gve-t+IA~RRl-f ( A+ +~e e..Ytc{1
we dose ~ ~orror FiRWI. ..:r:. c{ic{I't' + Rik
+~e FiRWI, +~olAqk ..:r:. +~olAq~+ i+ W~SI't' +
sG~rl-f M ~RR. (Joweverl 6 +0 Wll-f slArprise (
IAI'tFor+IAI'tMeRl-f , i+ WI~c{e ~~RF +~e peopRe
SG(~WI wi+~ +error. 7 W~iRe ( J>lAnl'tq
w~+G~il'tq i+, ..:r:. eVe.0. w~I't+ec1 +0 w~Rk
01A+1 blA+ J~Gk s~ic{ i+ W~SI't' + SO b~C{.
8 App~re.0.+Rl-f ( <;1AC{c{e..YtRl-f1 ..:r:.'WI ~~rc{ +0


Poli:}cZ pary zdan w jedno zdanie zlozone, uzywaji:}c

podanych w nawiasie przyimkow.

Dokoncz ponizsze zdania wedlug wlasnego pomyslu.

I listened to the album. Then I decided to read the

reviews. (after)

Last night I went to see a band that I'd never heard of

before. To my surprise, _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __

I read the book first. Then I watched the film adaptation.


When we got to the box office, after queuing for an hour,

the film was sold out. In the end, _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __

First we visited the museum. Then we went to the

museum shop. (after)

They began to play their greatest hit and the audience

went wild. Suddenly, _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __

4 The actor signed autographs. Then he left the theatre.


4 I went to the theatre to see Cats. During _ _ _ _ __



Na forum internetowym chcesz umiescic swoji:}

na temat programu komputerowego do nauki
angielskiego, ktory ostatnio zakupHas/zakupiles.
kiedy i dlaczego kupilas/kupiles ten program,
jakie rna wady i zaiety,
czy polecilabys/polecilbys innym zakup tego

Rozwin w wypowiedzi kazdy z trzech podpunktow,

pami~taji:}c, ze dlugosc tekstu powinna wynosic od 50
do 100 slow.



Niedawno bylas/byles na koncercie swojego

ulubionego wykonawcy. W liscie do kolegi z Anglii:
napisz, kiedy i z kim poszlaSlposzedles na
wspomniany koncert,
opisz swoje wrazenia z koncertu,
zapytaj, czy Twoj kolega byl ostatnio na jakims
interesuji:}cym koncercie.
Podpisz si~ jako XYZ. Rozwin w wypowiedzi kazdy
z trzech podpunktow, pami~taji:}c, ze dlugosc tekstu
powinna wynosic od 50 do 100 slow.


o poprawnosci Twojej pracy stanowi r6wniez
prawidtowo uzyte stownictwo. Zwracaj
uwag~ na state potqczenia st6w, szczeg61nie
czasownik6w z rzeczownikami oraz przyimk6w. Uwaiaj
na tzw. falszywych przyjaciol, czyli stowa, kt6re podobnie
brzmiq w obu j~zykach, pomimo r6znic w znaczeniu.

W podanych zdaniach popraw popularne bt~dy

w stownictwie, popetniane przez polskich uczniow.
1 You can cut the vegetables quickly in a{kitchen robot) X

2 We have three lessons of ~ntormatici} a week. X

W podanych zdaniach zakresl prawidtowy czasownik.

Do you know who discovered / invented the phone?

I never answer / take the phone if there's no number on
the display.
I can take / make good quality photos with my mobile.
4 I set / put the alarm clock on my mobile for 6 a.m.
My mobile phone battery had run down / had finished,
but I didn't have the charger.
Scientists are doing / making research into the health risks
from using mobile phones.

My ambition is to become an engineer and (project)

bridges. X

Why don't you (go to the Internetlto find out more about
space stations. X

2 Can you [explain me] how to use this photocopier? X

Can you [eventuaIIYJ send the files to my email address? X

5 I've just downloaded a new [criminalJ onto my tablet. X

2 Popraw ponizsze zdania. Kazde zdanie zawiera

popularny btqd w uzyciu przyimkow popetniany przez
pol skich uczniow. Napisz wtasne przyktady z uzyciem
problematycznych konstrukcji.

What ~ is your DVD-player? X

Przepisz ponizszy e-mail, poprawiajqc zaznaczone



Adam Smith <adams97@mail.net>


Maggie Jones <maggie.jones@mail.net>

Subject: Webcam

It's (tYpical tor my cousinlto text me in the middle of the

night. X

Hi Maggie,
sorry to ~ you, butO'm

4 I think computer games can QntIuence on your

dream~ X


trou blE) with my

new webcam and I can't ~ it.

I'm not very good @ computers.lt's@
but I wanted to be a (p rogrammls~ -

5 Will you lphone to me] as soon as you get this message? X

.. A.
Tft.i;r U nu

EH:5 tM

when l(had ten year~ Anyway, can you @ me


how to connect the webcam to my computer?

To tell you @

In class we @iscussed about the most important scientihc

discoverie~ of the last century. X

I don't even know what to start

~roml l read some information @ the Internet, but

it didn't ~ much sense to me. If you don't have

the time to write, I can call @ you @ the weekend.
Best wishes,



Aby pokazac peten wachlarz znanych Ci

srodkow j~zykowych, uiywaj bardziej
zaawansowanych form gramatycznych.
Stosowanie w odpowiednim kontekscie czasow perfect,
zdan warunkowych, zdan ztoionych, mowy zaleinej czy
strony biernej na pewno podniesie ocen~ Twojej pracy.

Autor poniiszej pracy uiyt jedynie dwoch czasow
gramatycznych: present simple i past simple. Ponadto praca
zawiera kilka niezr~cznych powtorzen. Popraw zaznaczone
zdania, uiywajitc bardziej zaawansowanych form


W poszczegolnych punktach uzupetnij zdania tak, aby

wyraiaty tresc zdan w pierwszej linijce. Nazwij struktury
gramatyczne w uzupetnionych zdaniach.

I last went abroad when I was twelve.

_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ since I was twelve.
Is this your first visit to the USA?
Have _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ___
Is it possible to get to Ireland by ferry? Do you know?
Doyouknow _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ___

I can't go by plane because the tickets are expensive.

If the tickets
by plane.
People built Malbork castle in the thirteenth century.
Malbork castle _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ___
I had a great time in Turkey. I didn't want to come home.
Ihadsuch _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ____

Uzupetnij zdania tak, aby wyraiaty tresc zdania

pierwszego. W kaidym punkcie uiyj czasu past perfect.

We got lost because we didn't have a map.

We got lost because we hadn't _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __
The train left before I arrived at the station.
When I arrived at the station, _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __
When I got to the airport, I realised I didn't have my
When I got to the airport, _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __
___________________ athome.

We reached our hostel after it got dark.

When we reached our hostel, _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ___

W podanych punktach potitcz pary zdan w jedno zdanie


We went to the National Museum. You can visit it for free

every Sunday.
We went to the National Museum, _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __
We always go somewhere together in August. We are all
free then.
In August, _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __
we always go somewhere together.
My mum got a bit panicky before the flight. My mum is
afraid of flying.
My mum, _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __
got a bit panicky before the flight.
4 I was born in Gdansk. This is a lively city with many
beautiful sights.
Gdansk, _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ___
is a lively city with many beautiful Sights.

24 August
I'm in Madrid. M sister
lives here. She moved to

I think my sister is really

brave. When she moved
here, it was her first visit to
Besides, she only knew a
few words of Spanish!
Madrid is a city of fascinating art museums. The other
day, for example, my sister took me to the Reina Sofia
Museum. We saw some paintings by Dali and Picasso
there. They cmened the museum in 1990 in an old hospital
building. It wasn't very popular with tourists then. Now it's
a popular tourist attraction.


I love Madrid. I'd like to stay here longer, but I can't

because I have to go back to school next week.

Twoj kolega pyta Ci~ w e-mailu, czy jestes

zadowolona/zadowolony z telefonu komorkowego,
z ktorego obecnie korzystasz. W odpowiedzi napisz:
od jak dawna go posiadasz,
zjakich dodatkowych funkcji tego telefonu
najcz~sciej korzystasz,
czy chciatabySlchciatbys zamienic go na inny model.
Podpisz si~ jako XYZ. Rozwin w wypowiedzi kaidy
z trzech podpunktow, pami~tajitc, ie dtugosc tekstu
powinna wynosic od 50 do 100 stow.

Wyobrai sobie, ie przebywasz w wymarzonym

miejscu, do ktorego zawsze chciataSlchciates pojechac.
Na swoim profilu internetowym zamierzasz opisac
wraienia z pobytu. Napisz:
dlaczego postanowitas/postanowites tu przyjechac,
jak przebiegta podroi do tego miejsca,
jak zamierzasz sp~dzic tu czas.
Rozwin w wypowiedzi kaidy z trzech podpunktow,
pami~tajitc, ie dtugosc tekstu powinna wynosic od 50
do 100 stow.


W tej lekcji przypomnisz sobie, w jaki sposob

wyrazic kolejne wazne funkcje j~zykowe:
podzi~kowanie i przeprosiny. Powtorzysz
rowniez typowe zwroty, ktorych uzywamy sktadajctc
komus gratulacje oraz przesytajctc zyczenia lub
Dokoncz zdania, odnoszctc si~ do podanych punktow.

Popros koleg~, aby pogratulowal w Twoim imieniu swojej

siostrze zdobycia pierwszego miejsca w szkolnym konkursie
A Give your sister _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ___

_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ prize in the school song contest.

B Let me _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ __
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ the school song contest.
ral&e __________________
_________ first in the school song contest.

Podzi~kuj koledze za pomoc.

A Many thanks _~~~~~~~~~~~~~_

Rozwin podane punkty, dopisujctc do kazdego z nich

dwa petne zdania.

B Thank you so _~~~~~~~~~~~~_

116i koleiance iyczenia z okazji urodzin. Przepros jq, ie

spoinisz si~ na jej przyj~cie urodzinowe.

I'd like ~_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __


Happy birthday to you! _ _ _ _ _~_ _ _ _ __

r really appreciate it.

Pogratuluj koledze zdania egzaminu pisemnego i iycz
mu dalszych sukcesow na egzaminie ustnym. Przekai
pozdrowienia od swoich rodzicow.

Congratulations on passing your written exam!, _ _ __

Przepros koleiank~ za zgubienie poiyczonej od niej ksiqiki.
A I'm so sorry _~~~~~~~_ _ _ _ _ _ __

B Let me say how sorry _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _~

r apologise _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __

Wyobrai sobie, ie sp~dzilaS/sp~dziles tydzieri w domu Twojej

koleianki w Anglii. Popros jq, aby podzi~kowala w Twoim
imieniu swoim rodzicom za goscin~.

Once again, thanks for everything. _ _ _ _ _ _ __

Dokoncz zdania, odnoszctc si~ do podanych punktow.

Iycz koledze udanej wyprawy w gory.

Enjoy ~~~~~~_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __

B r wish ~~~_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __
Have _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _
Popros koleg~, aby pozdrowil od Ciebie swoich rodzicow.

A Andsay _ _ _ _~_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ___

_______________ for me, please.
B Give my love _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __

________________ my regards.
Dokoncz zdania, odnoszctc si~ do podanych punktow.
Pogratuluj koleiance ukoriczenia maratonu.

! You completed
the marathon!
B Congratulations on _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __
ral&eto _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __

Miesictc temu Twoj kolega ze Stanow Zjednoczonych

przestat Ci list z zyczeniami z okazji Twoich urodzin.
W liscie do niego:
podzi~kuj za przestane zyczenia,
przepros i podaj przyczyn~, dlaczego dtugo nie
odpisywatas/odpisywates na jego list,
opisz najciekawszy prezent, jaki otrzymatas/
otrzymates na urodziny.
Podpisz si~ jako XYZ. Rozwin w wypowiedzi kazdy
z trzech podpunktow, pami~tajctc, ze dtugosc tekstu
powinna wynosic od 50 do 100 stow.


Aby napisae spojny tekst, musisz wiedziee, jak
rozpocz<!.e lub zmienie w<!.tek wypowiedzi oraz
jakj<!. podsumowae. W tej lekcji powtorzysz
rowniei sposoby przytaczania przyktadow oraz
podkreslania wtasnej opinii.

.. ..

Wyobrai sobie, ie chcesz rozpocz<!.e lub zmienie w<!.tek

w swojej wypowiedzi. Rozwin podane punkty, rozpoczynaj<!.c
kaide zdanie jednym z wyraien z ramki.

Zapytaj kolegcr, czy ostatnio widzial jakis ciekawy

program przyrodniczy?
Odpowiedz na podane pytania. Rozpocznij kaide zdanie
jednym z wyraien z ramki.
As I see it,
In my view,

In my opinion,
(Personally), I (don't) think

POinformuj koleiankcr, ie wygralaS/wygraleS szkolny

konkurs fotograficzny.

Do you think that shops should give away free plastic bags?
Zapytaj koleiankcr, czy wci,!i pracuje jako wolontariusz
w schronisku dla zwierz,!t.
Do you agree that parking charges in the city centre
should go up?
4 POinformuj kolegcr, ie rodzice obiecali kupic Ci psa na

3 Why do you think people drop litter in the streets?

How can we encourage people to recycle plastic bottles?

Uzupetnij luki jednym wyraieniem z ramki, tak aby

otrzymae spojny i logiczny tekst. Dwa wyraienia podano
dodatkowo i nie pasuj<!. one do iadnej luki.

Dokoncz poniisze zdania wedtug wtasnego pomystu.

My family cares a lot about saving energy. For example,


2 People often don't recycle things like

In the biology lesson we discussed different

environmental problems such as _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __

My friend, who is a vegan, doesn't eat any animal

products including _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __

Przed zbliiaj<!.cym si~ weekendem chcesz polede

czytelnikom swojego blogu ciekawe miejsce, gdzie
lubisz odpoczywae blisko natury. Napisz:
dlaczego uwaiasz to miejsce za interesuj<!.ce,
podaj przyktady, co moina tam robie,
iycz swoim czytelnikom udanego weekendu.
Rozwin w wypowiedzi kaidy z trzech podpunktow,
pami~taj<!.c, ie dtugose tekstu powinna wynosie
od 50 do 100 stow.

I love spending time outdoors.

_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ , this is the best way to
relax after a busy school day. I'm lucky because I live
a short distance from the woods. I walk there practically
every day. You can do different things in the woods.
___________ , I like watching insects
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ those huge black beetles
or busy ants. In the summer you can collect bilberries,
wild strawberries 4 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __
whereas in the autumn you can pick yummy mushrooms.
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ , you can't get bored in
the woods - no matter what season it is.
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ , do you switch your
mobile off when you go for a walk in the countryside?


Jak opisac osob~?

I'm similar 0 my father in many ways.

She has a strOl g personal \ .
Both of my cousins are my age.
Neither of my brothers is as tall as me.
He's much fitter than the rest of us.
My grandfather can be a bit moody.

Jak opisac przedmiot?

It's made of glass.

It's got a lot of buttons.
It looks like an old-fashioned radio.

Jak opisac miejsce?

It's located in the south of Poland.

My favourite part of the city is the Old Market.
There are a lot of things to do and see in my town.
It's a great place to spend time with friends.
Jak przedstawic wady i zalety?

The place has a few bad points / good points.

Creativity is one of my sister's strong points.
One of the advantages of the computer is its low price.
I see some disadvantages too.

Jak wyrazie rady i rekomendacje?

You should discuss the problem with your parents.

Why don't you invite your cousin?
How about going on a picnic tomorrow?
Take my advice and pack some warm clothes.
If I were you, I'd take a taxi.
I suggest you ask permission first.
I can recommend the fIlm to anyone.
I wouldn't recommend staying at the campsite.
I would definitely book the tickets in advance.

Jak ustalie plan spotkania?

Shall we meet at 5?
I suggest meeting earlier. What do you think?
I thought we could go to a cafe afterwards.
Can you call me when you get there?
Would it be all right if we all met at your place?

Jak pop rosie kogos 0


I need a favour. I'd like to use your printer.

Can you help me with the packing, please?
Could you possibly pick me up from the station?
Do you mind lending me your camera for the weekend?

Jak wystosowae zaproszenie?

I'd like to invite you to my garden party.

We're going to the club tonight. Would you like to join us?


Jak wyrazic podzi~kowanie?

Many thanks for the postcard!

Thank you so much for coming to the party.
I'd like to thank you for the present.

Jak kogos przeprosie?

Sorry, I haven't written to you for so long.

I'm really sorry that you had to wait for the answer so long.
I want to apologise for my behaviour last night.
Let me say how sorry I am for forgetting your birthday.
Jak przekazae komus gratulacje?

Well done!/You came first again!

Good job! That was a great performance!
You've won again! Congratulations!
Congratulations on your exam results!
Give your sister my congratulations!

Jak ztozye komus zyczenia?

Good luck with the exam!

Have a wonderful time in Paris!
I wish you a safe journey / lots ofluck.
It's your birthday next week, isn't it? Happy birthday!
Wish your brother many happy returns!

Jak przekazae pozdrowienia?

Say hello to everyone.

Give my love to Martha.
Give your parents my regards.
My sister says hi!
Jak podkreslie r6znic~?

My brother and I have different characters, but we get on

Although / Even though I was cold and tired, I kept on
I really like maths. However, some of my friends think it's
In spite of / Despite the fog, our plane took off on time.
I love going to concerts, whereas / while my brother prefers
listening to recordings.
On the one hand, the fIlm was funny and clever, but on the
other hand I found it much too long.

My friends listen to hip-hop. I like it

I don't know French and I can't speak German
great at cooking l. he Iso bakes fantastic
riding a bike, I go swimm. ",.
people and places, I love to take pictures of my
Jak wyjasnic przyczynE;?
I asked Mathew for advice because he knows a lot about
We gave up climbing to the top because of the rain.
I'm sending you a plan so that you can find the place easily.
Due to the stormy weather, the school match was cancelled.
There was a heavy thunderstorm. As a result, we couldn't
finish the match.
The reason why I often oversleep is that I go to bed after

20 Jak rozpocz'lc lub zmienic temat?

How is school?
Guess what! I've just passed my driving test.
You'll never guess who I've just met. Our primary school
Anyway, have you got any holiday plans yet?
By the way / BT\o\, Susan wrote me an email the other day.
Jak podac przyktady?

Jak napisac instrukcjE;?

First, cut the apples into halves.

First of all, avoid using frozen fruit.
Next, add some sugar.
Finally, remember to save the copy.
Don't forget to delete the meso
18 Jak podkreslic kolejnosc zdarzen?

First we went for a long walk.

Then / Next / After that we took a bus to the city centre.
We went to a nice cafe afterwards.
Eventually / In the end / Finally we went to my place to
At first I felt a bit nervous, but I began to relax soon.
At the beginning of the show the band played their new
At the end of the show we heard their greatest hits.

Jak podkreslic, ze wyrazamy wtasn'l opiniE;?

I (don't) think that travelling alone is dangerous.

In my opinion, we shouldn't have to wear school uniform.
In my view, Zakopane is the best place to spend the winter
From my point of view, we get too much homework.
Personally, I don't understand why people listen to this
kind of music.
As I see it, you should ask your parents' permission first.
If you ask me, watching a good comedy is the best way to

There are many sights to see, for example the ruins of

a castle.
For instance, you can visit the cathedral.
I'm keen on winter sports, like skiing and ice-skating.
I have to revise a lot for the exam, including grammar and
We can also learn less popular languages such as Swedish
or Japanese.
In our school you can join the drama group, the volleyball
team, the English club and so on.
Jak podsumowac swoj'l wypowiedz?
All in all, I had a wonderful holiday.
In short, I've never been on a better trip.
To sum up, you must see this mm.
In conclusion, I want to thank you again for all your
Jak zakonczyc nieformalny list lub e-mail?
Anyway, I'll write to you soon.
Please write to me soon.
I'm looking forward to your letter.
Best wishes / Love / All the best / rake care
Jak zakonczyc formalny list lub e-mail?
E-mail / List: (Dear Mrs Smith) -7 (Best) regards,
List: (Dear Mr Brown) -7 Yours sincerely,
List: (Dear Sir / Madam) -7 Yours faithfully,


Ostatniej noey przysnil Ci si~ Twoj kolega z Anglii, z ktorym dawno si~ nie
kontaktowalaSikontaktowald. Napisz do niego e-mail, w kt6rym:
zapytasz, co u niego slyehac,
opiszesz swoj sen,
. poprosisz go, aby do Ciebie jak najszybciej napisal.
Podpisz si~ jako XYZ. Rozwin w swojej wypowiedzi kazdy z trzeeh
podpunktow, pami~taj~e, ze dlugosc e-maila powinna wynosiC od 50
do 100 slow. Oeeniana jest umiej~tnosc peine go przekazania informaeji,
spojnosc, bogaetwo j~zykowe oraz poprawnosc srodkow j~zykowyeh.



1t'. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __

strCtl'\qe. t~Ctt ]:. feN ]:. ~Ctd

WrUe to me M


YO'1rn M

;1'\ tOIAC~ w;t~ ~OIA.

you CMf.. I'm reatlf ~ (brw-aA'd to Y(JUY' ~.




to qe.t

i logika
wypowiedzi jtrzykowych jtrzykowych

1 {])



.. . .


.. . . ...

2 punkty (z 4 moiliwych do zdobycia)
Niestety, w odpowiedzi autor pracy nie odniosl si~
do ostatniego podpunktu polecenia - zabraklo
prosby 0 szybkil odpowiedi. Zauwai, ie ten brak
to strata ai dwoch punktow. Gdyby w e-mailu
znalazty si~ dopisane przez egzaminatora zdania
(Write to me as soon as you can. I'm really looking
forward to your email.), praca zostalaby oceniona
na maksymalnilliczb~ punktow.

Spojnosc i logika wypowiedzi:

2 punkty (z 2 moiliwych do zdobycia)
Zarowno poszczegolne zdania, jak i caty
tekst Sil ze sobil1ogicznie powiilzane
i stanowiil spojnil calosc. Aby uzyskac
taki efekt, autor pracy uiyllicznych
wyraier'i, takich jak: believe it or not
/ and then / to everyone's surprise
/ although.

Zakres srodkow j~zykowych:

2 punkty (z 2 moiliwych do
Aby precyzyjnie wyrazic swoje
mysli, autor uiyl wyszukanego
slownictwa (a huge audience
/ get in touch / superstitious)
oraz roinorodnych form
gramatycznych (haven't heard
/ you were dancing / so strange
that I felt).

Poprawnosc srodkow j~zykowych:

2 punkty (z 2 moiliwych do zdobycia)
Praca jest napisana poprawnym j~zykiem. Jej autor
popelnil jedynie dwa drobne bl~dy w uiyciu
przedimkow (taking part / in the air) oraz dwa bl~dy
w pisowni (believe / surprise), ktore nie stwarzajil
jednak problemow ze zrozumieniem tresci e-maila.


Szczeg61nym przypadkiem w czasie present simple jest czasownik

be, poniewai czasownik ten jest takie operatorem. Pytania
z ezasownikiem be wymagajq przestawienia operatora (danej
formy czasownika be) przed podmiot zdania:

W czasie present simple uiywasz czasownika
w formie podstawowej, np.: eat, live, think, play.
People in the USA eat a lot ofjunk food.
We think this book is fascinating.

Josh IS a hard-working student.

Is Josh a hard-working student?

Jedynie w trzeciej osobie liczby pojedynczej

konieczne jest uzupelnienie tej formy 0 konc6wk~ -s
lub -es. Zasady dotyczqce prawidlowego dodawania
konc6wek znajdziesz na stronie 278.
Our dog always sleeps on the sofa.
She practises yoga for an hour every evening.
As an astronomer, professor Smarts studies stars
and planets.
Pytania w czasie present simple tworzysz za pomocq
operatora (zwanego tei czasownikiem posilkowym)
do, a w trzeciej osobie liczby pojedynczej does:

Do you travel to school by bus?

What do they usually have for breakfast?
Where does he keep his collection of old cars?
, W pytaniach w trzeciej osobie liczby pojedynczej
znika konc6wka -s/-es przy czasowniku; dzieje si~
tak dlatego, ie pojawia si~ ona w formie operatora:
Tych samych form operatora uiyjesz takie do
tworzenia zdan przeczqcych.
I do not (don't) do my shopping in supermarkets.
Timothy does not (doesn't) speak Italian.
R6wniei i w tym przypadku obecnosc konc6wki -es
w slowie do es powoduje znikni~cie konc6wki -s lub
-es przy czasowniku.

Uzupetnij zdania pojedynczymi slowami.

_ _ _ _ _ _ _ Jack and Tom twin brothers?
What does your best friend
in her
free time?
Mr and Mrs Parton play golf _ _ _ _ _ __
4 I only come here _ _ _ _ _ _ _ a year.
Steven does
like tomato soup.
Uzupelnij zdania czasownikami z ramki
w odpowiedniej formie. Jeden czasownik podano
dodatkowo i nie pasuje on do iadnego ze zdan.





Tigers are not domestic animals.

Czasu present simple uiywasz, kiedy:
m6wisz 0 tych elementach terainiejszosci, kt6re Sq niezmienne,
Blood transports oxygen from the lungs to all parts of the
Krew przenosi tlen z pluc do wszystkich cz~sci ciala
(jest to stala funkcja krwi).
m6wisz 0 aktualnych stanach, np. umyslowyeh ezy
She believes everything you say.
Ona wierzy we wszystko, co m6wisz.
m6wisz 0 ezynnosciaeh, kt6re



All the members of the group meet every Friday to discuss their
Wszyscy czlonkowie grupy spotykaj'l si~ co pi'ltek, by
om6wiC swoje zadania.
Uiywaj przysl6wk6w ez~stotliwosei, takieh jak always, often,
sometimes, seldom, never oraz wyraien ze slowem every (np.: every
day, every Wednesday, every year), aby poinformowac, jak cz~sto
dana czynnosc si~ powtarza. Moiesz takie uiywac takich zwrot6w
jak: once a month, twice a week, three (four, five) times a year.

UI6i wyrazy we wlasciwej kolejnosci, aby otrzymac zdania

poprawne pod wzgl~dem logicznym i gramatycznym.
at / day / does / first / his / John / not / remember / school
cake / do / how / make / strawberry / you / ?
a / always / does / has / phone / problem / she / she / when /
you/ ?
4 do / does / funny / machine / this / what / ?
5 drives / every / his / morning / sister / Tim / to / work

. 'fiii

Uslyszysz szesc kr6tkich wypowiedzi. Do kaidej

z nich dobierz prawidlowit reakcj~: A, B lub C.


How often _ _ _ _ _ _ _ you _ _ _ _ _ __

your dog?
My mother _ _ _ _ _ _ _ most of the housework
on Friday afternoon.
Claire _ _ _ _ _ _ _ how to repair her computer.
4 Where
The factory in our town _ _ _ _ _ _ _ washing


Aby utworzyc przeczenie, dodajesz not do operatora - ezyli danej

formy czasownika be:

I don't do it.
I'm an architect.
I sometimes do

Do you need a hand

with it?
Oh, yes, it does. I'm sure
you don't need to take all
these things.
I don't travel with
suitcases, I always take
a bag.

No, I don't work.

I work for the telephone
Yes, I do.

A How do you do.

I do well.
I'm fine, thank you.

How does he do?

What does he look like?
I don't like him.

Yes, I do.
I know it is.
It's on the second floor.


Uiywaj czasu present continuous, kiedy:

Aby utworzyc zdanie w czasie present continuous,

potrzebujesz dw6ch czasownik6w. Jednym z nich jest
zawsze czasownik be, kt6ry petni tu rol~ operatora i kt6rego
uiywasz w formie odpowiedniej do podmiotu zdania.
Do drugiego czasownika dodajesz konc6wk~ -ing.

m6wisz 0 czynnosciach wykonywanych w danej chwili:

We are cleaning the house. (We're cleaning the house.)

David is studyingfor a test. (David's studyingfor
a test.)
I am taking driving lessons. (I'm taking driving lessons.)

Zasady pisowni czasownik6w z konc6wkq -ing znajdziesz

na stronie 278.
Aby utworzyc pytanie w czasie present continuous,
przestawiasz operator przed podmiot zdania:
Are you listening to me?
What is this woman in a white dress doing?
Where are they waitingfor us?

W zdaniach przeczqcych stowo nottqczy si~ z operatorem:

Claire is not (isn't) working in the garden.
I am not reading the newspaper.
We are not (aren't) staying in the Ritz Hotel.

Opisz kaide ze zdj~c jednym zdaniem w czasie

present continuous.

You are reading a grammar explanation at the moment.

W tej chwili czytasz objasnienie gramatyki.

m6wisz 0 czynnosciach rozpocz~tych, kt6re si~ jeszcze
nie skonczyty - Sq w trakcie wykonywania:
John is learning to dance.

John uczy si~ tanczyc. (Niekoniecznie tanczy w tej

chwili, ale bierze udziat w trwajqcym kursie tanca).
m6wisz 0 dokonujqcych si~ wtasnie zmianach:
More and more people
are saving energy.

Coraz wit;cej ludzi oszcz~dza

energi~ elektrycznq.
opisujesz zdj~cie lub ilustracj~:
The woman in the photo
is doing her shopping. She
is choosing some frUit. She
is wearing a white sleeveless
dress and a scarf

Uzupetnij zdania czasownikami podanymi

w nawiasach w czasie present continuous.
Look, this boy
(stand) on his head!
______ Patricia and Phillip _ _ _ _ __
lfight) again?
(paint) Jack's portrait.
4 Why
the car ______ (make)
this strange noise? Let's stop.
Be quiet, please. These people ______

Uzupetnij zdania odpowiednimi czasownikami

z ramki w czasie present continuous. Dwa czasowniki
podano dodatkowo i nie pasujct one do iadnego ze zda.,.







Mr and Mrs Smart _______ money to build

a swimming pool in their garden.
The police
him about a burglary in
the neighbourhood.
This week I
night shifts.
4 Look at this little girl, she
faces. She's adorable!
The train
, but I can't see a station.
Is there something wrong?
Ut6i wyrazy we wtasciwej kolejnosci tak, aby
otrzymac zdania poprawne pod wzgl~dem logicznym
i gramatycznym.
1 but / cold / is / is / it / shining / sun / the / very
2 a / blue / boy / crying / in / is / jacket / little / this /
why /?
her / in / is / Jessica / not / office / today / working
4 and / animals / are / becoming / endangered / more /
more / of / species
are / puzzle / solve / to / trying / which / you / ?


PRESENT SIMPLE & PRESENT CONTINUOUS , Poniewai: wiele angielskich czasownikow rna wi~cej nii: jedno
znaczenie, uwai:aj na takie czasowniki, ktore czasem opisujq
(zasy present simple i present continuous opisujq
dzialania, a czasem stany. Por6wnaj:
r6zne spojrzenia na terainiejszosc. (zas present simple
I have a flat in the centre of the city.
informuje 0 tym, co state, niezmienne, powtarzalne,
Can you call me later? I'm having a bath.
a czas present continuous 0 tym, co wtasn ie trwa,
co jest tymczasowe, zmienne.
W pierwszym zdaniu czasownik have odnosi si~ do posiadania,
Por6wnaj ponizsze sytuacje:
a wi~c opisuje stan. W tym znaczeniu czasownik have nigdy
I am a personal
nie jest uzywany w czasie present continuous. W drugim zdaniu
assistant. I work for
czasownik have opisuje dziatanie - kqpanie si~.lnnym tego
Mrs Buckley. I answer
typu czasownikiem jest czasownik think, kt6ry moze opisywac
the phone, type Mrs
stan (uwaiam, ie) lub dziatanie (rozwaiam np. zakup nowego
Buckley's letters and

make appointments
for her.

I think Mercedes cars are very good. I'm thinking about

buying a Mercedes.

Sekretarka pani Buckley jest zatrudniona na state,

codziennie wykonuje te same czynnosci.

Do czasownik6w tego rodzaju nalezq mi~dzy innymi:

I am a private eye. I'm workingfor Mrs Buckley

now. I'm trying to find her missing jewels. I'm
observing her husband at the moment.
Prywatny detektyw.pracuje dla pani Buckley
tymczasowo, dop6ki nie
odnajdzie zaginionej
bizuterii. W ramach

tego zadania w tej

chwili sledzi m~za pani
, ,







Stany i dziatania

Niektore czasowniki zazwyczaj nie wyst~pujq

w czasie present continuous. Nalei:q do nich
czasowniki opisujqce stany: uczucia (love, hate, like,
dislike), wiedz~ i przekonania (know, remember,

understand, believe, realise, suppose, agree,

disagree, seem), potrzeby i ch~ci (want, need, prefer),
posiadanie (own, belong, consist of, contain) oraz
dopasowanie (fit).




I know this man. He is my new neighbour.

.. Is the dress the right size?
t> Yes, it fits me perfectly.
.. Are you listening to me?
t> I'm listening, but I don't understand.

Z podanych slow uloi: zdania ztoi:one. Slowa podano

we wlasciwej kolejnosci. Dodaj niezb~dne przyimki illub

Sylvia / normally / work / her office / but / this week / she

/ work / home.
Look, / Stella and Tim / sit / luxurious / restaurant /
although / they / usually / eat / dinner / home.
Mr Crabson / usually / read / evening / but / tonight / he /
solve / crossword puzzle.
4 I / take / bath / tonight / because / I / need / relax / but /
I / normally / take / shower.
Mrs Peters / always / wear / uniform / work / but / today /
she / wear / jeans / so / I / not / think / she / go / work.



measure, smell, taste, see, feel, look.


miec okreslony ci~iar:

okreslac ci~iar:

My dog weighs nearly 40


They're weighing our luggage.

miec okreslony rozmiar:

okreslac dlugosc. szerokosc itp.

The room measures 3 by

4 metres.

She is measuring the sofa to see

ifit's big enough.

miec okreslony zapach:


These flowers do not smell


The police dog is smelling his


miec okreslony smak:


This salad a.;tes delicious!

Is Peter osting the dessert



spotykac si~ z kims:

I see two women in the


Mr Grant is seeing an important


miec okreslonq faktur~,

dotykac, aby okreslic faktur~,



This sweater feels really


1m feeling her forehead to

check if she has a fever.

miec okreslony wyglqd:


These shoes look


This man is looking at you. Do

you know him?

Uzupelnij zdania odpowiednimi czasownikami z ramki.

W jednym ze zdan ui:yj czasownika w czasie present simple,
a w drugim tego samego czasownika w czasie present
continuous. Dwa czasowniki podano dodatkowo i nie pasujq
one do i:adnej pary zdan.

These people _ _ _ _ _ _ _ the level of noise here.

A typical volleyball court
18 by 9
_______ that this house is too small for us.
What _ _ _ _ _ _ _ you
This medicine _ _ _ _ _ _ _ like fresh apples.
In the photo, Sheila
her wedding

Uzupetnij zdania pojedynczymi stowami.

Why do your clothes _ _ _ _ _ __
of cinnamon?
What _ _ _ _ _ _ _ that tall man
looking at?
I go on holiday
a year:
in February and in July.
the company pay for
your business lunches?
I can't talk to you at the _ _ _ _ __
I'm washing my hair. Phone me later,

Uzupetnij luki w kartce pocztowej (1-6) jedn'l z podanych mozliwosci:

A, B lube.
Peilr IML-11-1-\ C.Me{ Pc.e{,

r'l-1-\ writiM"I frol-1-\ Pick.e.vts WorRe{l Tilis

pRc.ce is fcmtC<stic, it ' _ Roc.e{s of
(:.ttrC.ctiOMs C.Me{ ever'10Me ~ere is
e{ressec/ iM strc.l'lcfe, oRc/-fC<s~ioMec/

cRot~es. We ~_ c. wOMe{erfL-1R til-1-\el

W kazdym ze zdan zakresl prawidtow'l

iM c. '10L-1t~ ~osteR iM


We ._

Look, it snows / is snowing again.

What do you look / are you looking for?
The car keys?
She never travels / is never travelling by
plane. She is scared of flying.
4 Ms Mingles criticises / is criticising
everything I do.
Why do you change'/ are you changing
your hairstyle so often?

"OMe{OM. Gver'1 1-1-\0rMiM"I we ' _ to

t~e Mec.rest ~be stc.tiOM to tc.ke.

c. trc.iM to SOl-1-\e fc.l-1-\oL-1s pRc.ce.

IMs Crc.H'1' 1-1-\'1 tec.der? S'~e is

tc.kiM"I "I0oe{ cc.re of c.RR of L-1sl S'~e



L-1S to ec.t properR'1 C.Me{

to Rook c.Her oL-1rseRves, so e{OM't

c.bOL-1t l-1-\e!

Uzupetnij zdania czasownikami z ramki

w odpowiedniej formie. W jednym ze zdan
uzyj przeczenia. Dwa czasowniki podano
dodatkowo i nie pasuj'l one do zadnego ze
believe do draw get join keep look

It's late and I _ _ _ _ _ _ _ tired.

Let's go home.
Charles _ _ _ _ _ _ _ cartoons for
newspapers and magazines, and he loves
his job.
Turn down the music, Tony! Your sisters
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ their homework!
4 Come on, I'm sure it is not a ghost.
in ghosts!
More and more people _ _ _ _ _ __
this new gym. It has excellent equipment.
Pot'lcz podane zdania (1-6)
z odpowiednimi reakcjami (A-F).
1 Do you do any sports?
2 What is the weather like?
Do you believe Jack's story?
4 Peter looks tired.
5 This laptop costs too much.
Why are you taking an umbrella?

I'm sure he's lying.

B In the spring it often rains and I don't
want to get wet.
He's working very hard these days.
Well, I'm learning to surf.
I agree. We need to find something
It's cloudy, but it's not raining.


Do you remember

You remember

is having
are having
are staying
are walking
Are you remembering
is telling

Uzupetnij luki w wypowiedzi projektanta mody (1-6) wyrazami z ramki

w odpowiedniej formie. Niektore z form sktadaj'l si~ z kilku stow. Jeden
wyraz podano dodatkowo i nie pasuje on do zadnej z luk.

More and more people I

to wear smart-casual
styles. I often send my assistant to boutiques and she
people what they are interested in. I go to
the local supermarket every Friday, I 3
shoppers there. So many people, both men and women, are looking for
a completely new
smart jeans. That's why we 4
fashion collection. It's different
from what I usually
. You
know I normally design evening
clothes for VIPs. Well, this season
ordinary people. I'd like to give
them what they want: smart-casual



W czasie past simple postugujesz si~ formq czasownika, kt6rq w przypadku czasownik6w regularnych - tworzysz poprzez dodanie
do czasownika konc6wki -d lub -ed. Zasady pisowni obowiqzujqce
przy tworzeniu regularnych form przesztych znajdziesz na stronie
278. Czasowniki nieregularne majq nietypowe formy przeszte,
kt6rych najlepiej nauczyc si~ na pami~c (zobacz tabel~ czasownik6w
nieregularnych na stronie 277).

Czasownik lie ma zar6wno regularnCl, jak i nieregularnCl form~

przesztCl. Jeieli uiywasz tego czasownika w znaczeniu leiec, jest
on czasownikiem nieregularnym, a jego forma przeszta to lay: The
letter lay on her desk. Drugie znaczenie czasownika lie to klamac;
w tym znaczeniu jest to czasownik regularny: Peter lied to us about
his trip to Liverpool.
Tworzenie pytan i przeczen w czasie past simple wymaga
zastosowania operatora did:

Uiywaj czasu past simple, kiedy:

informujesz 0 jednorazowym wydarzeniu,
kt6re miato miejsce w przesztosci:

William the Conqueror



England in

Wilhelm Zdobywca najechal Anglit( w 1066

m6wisz 0 czynnosci, kt6ra powtarzata si~
w przesztosci:

When I was a child, my parents sometimes

ook me to a JunJair.
Kiedy bylam/bylem dzieckiem, rodzice
czasem zabierali mnie do wesolego
przedstawiasz chronologiczny ciqg wydarzen:

Did the train arrive on time?

Where did Mr Buckley go yesterday?
The police did not (didn't) arrest any oj the protesters after the
Peter did not (didn't) come to the meeting last week.

Zwr6c uwag~, ie pojawienie si~ operatora did w zdaniach

pytajClcych i przeczClcych powoduje, ie PotClczony z nim czasownik
przybiera form~ podstawowCl:

Did you recognise her when you saw her after all those years?
Josh wrote us a letter, but he did not (didn't) send us any photos.
Zajrzyj do albumu rodzinnego panstwa Grey. Opisz zdj~cia zdaniami
w czasie past simple. Uiyj czasownik6w z ramki.

My cat :c u~ht a fly in his mouth, but then 1

, oj course.
it on the carpet. The fly flel1
M6j kot zlapal mucht( do pyszczka, ale potem
zostawH j'l na dywanie. Mucha, oczywiscie,
m6wisz 0 stanach/sytuacjach utrzymujqcych
si~ w przesztosci:

We In' in the USA Jor 7 years.

Mieszkalismy w Stanach Zjednoczonych
przez 71at.

Uzupetnij zdania pojedynczymi stowami.

Luckily, Graham
not at
home when the fire started.
TV yesterday
Did you
In the past, doctors
know as much about viruses as today.
4 When Joyce was fourteen, she
_____________ jeans every day.
Tanya celebrated her birthday
_____________ Saturday.
Uzupetnij zdania czasownikami z ramki
w odpowiedniej formie. Jeden czasownik
podano dodatkowo i nie pasuje on do iadnego
ze zdan. W dw6ch zdaniach naleiy uiyc form

Uzupetnij pytania na podstawie podanych zdan.

Mrs Buckley started her company in 2004.

When ______________________________________________
It took Leonardo da Vinci 3 years to paint the Mona Lisa.

Howlong ___________________________________________
Simon graduated from Oxford University.
Which university _______________________________________
4 The settlers travelled to the West on foot.
How _________________________________________________
This watch belonged to my great-grandfather.
Who ______________________________________________






The day before the exam all my friends

_____________ me to wish me good
Surprisingly, Columbus _____________
America; the Vikings did.
After cleaning the house from top to bottom
4 The ship
immediately, so
the rescue services managed to save
It was so cold that we _____________ on
all the clothes we had with us.

(zas past continuous ma struktur~ podobnq do czasu present
continuous: wymaga uzycia form przedych czasownika be (was
lub were w zaleznosci od podmiotu zdania) oraz czasownika
z konc6wkq -ing:

Punktem odniesienia jest tutaj chwila, kiedyTim jq

dostrzegt. Wydarzenie stanowiqce punkt odniesienia
opisane jest w czasie past simple.
was getting off

It was raining heavily.

At that time my parents were working in England.

At five o'clock Jason was struggling with the rush

hour traffic on his way home.
o pi'}tej, w drodze do domu, Jason zmagal si~
z ruchem ulicznym wzmozonym w godzinach

Were you still reading at lOp. m. yesterday?

What was she wearing at the party?
W zdaniach przeczqcych not tqczy si~ z formq czasownika be:

m6wisz 0 dw6ch czynnosciach, kt6re wykonywane

byty jednoczesnie:

The orchestra was not (wasn't) playing yet.

Although it was late, they were not (weren't) sleeping.
(zas past continuous opisuje czynnosci, kt6re trwaty w jakims
momencie w przesztosci. Aby uzye tego czasu, potrzebujesz zatem
jakiegos punktu odniesienia - chwili, w kt6rej czynnose byta
w trakcie wykonywania. Moze to bye konkretna data czy godzina:

On July 12 the Buckleys were travelling around Japan.

12lipca panstwo Buckley byli w trakcie podr6zy po Japonii.

Joan was sitting completely still as the young artist

was drawing her portrait.
Joan siedziala zupelnie nieruchomo, kiedy mlody
artysta rysowal jej portret.
opisujesz do wydarzen, np. w opowiadaniu przypomina to troch~ zastosowanie stop-klatki
podczas oglqdania filmu:

were travelling
trip ended

Punktem odniesienia moze takie bye jakies wydarzenie:

When Tim saw her, she was getting off the train.
Kiedy Tim j'} zobaczyl, wysiadala z poci'}gu.

James Bond looked out of the window. It was

raining, but some people were walking down the
street with their umbrellas up, a taxi was waiting
at the kerb and a well-dressed man was running
towards it.
James Bond wyjrzal przez okno. Padal deszcz,
ale uliq szlo kilka os6b z otwartymi parasolami,
a przy kraw~zniku czekala taks6wka, ku kt6rej
biegl dobrze ubrany m~zczyzna.

Wczoraj 0 12 doszto do zuchwatej kradzieiy. Dzisiaj policja

przestuchata czterech podejrzanych, zadajqc kaidemu z nich pytanie:
What were you doing yesterday at noon? Sp6jrz na zdj~cia i podaj alibi
kaidego z podejrzanych. Uiyj czasownik6w z ramki.

Paul Stratton


Mike Smith


Peter Fibley


she was off the train

m6wisz 0 czynnosciach, kt6re trwaty w okreslonym

momencie w przesztosci:

Tworzenie pytan w czasie past continuous polega na

przestawianiu formy czasownika be (kt6ry petni tu rol~
operatora) przed podmiot zdania:

July 12

Tim saw her

Uzywaj czasu past continuous, kiedy:

Zasady dotyczqce pisowni czasownik6w z konc6wkq -ing

znajdziesz na stronie 278.

trip began


she was still on the train


W6i wyrazy we wtasciwej kolejnosci, aby otrzymac zdania

poprawne pod wzgl~dem logicznym i gramatycznym. Pogrubione
stowa znajdujet si~ we wtasciwym miejscu.
1 They / but / conversation / I / listening / not / talking / their / to /

was / were
What / discussing / joined / we / were / when / you / you / ?
The / because / carelessly / driving / Peter / police / really / stopped /
us / was
4 I / chopping / cut / finger / for / I / my / my / onions / sauce / tomato
/ was / when
Were / a / at / book / that / time / writing / you / ?

Uzupetnij zdania pojedynczymi stowami.

_______ you trying to catch a taxi
when I saw you?
Did you hear what that man _ _ _ _ _ __
talking about?
We were just beginning to understand genetics
repairing his car
4 Was he
when you saw him on your way home?
I fell down
I was skating.
Uzupetnij zdania czasownikami z ramki
w czasie past continuous. W jednym ze zdan
uiyj formy przeczetcej. Dwa czasowniki podano
dodatkowo i nie pasujet one do iadnego ze zdan.







I heard music and laughter late at night. I'm

sure my neighbours
a party.
He broke the key when he _ _ _ _ _ __
to open the door.
Half an hour later I
at the
same bus stop again.
4 To our surprise they
for us
although it was quite late.
at me, so I tapped his
arm gently to get his attention.



, Czynnosc opisana w czasie past continuous jest

Czas6w past simple i past continuous uiywasz do opisywania postrzegana jako tymczasowa.
przesztosci i do opowiadania 0 tym, co si~ wydarzyto.
And then we saw our friends. They were standing
Czas past simple jest bardziej uniwersalny; past continuous
under the trees.
natomiast ma stosunkowo ograniczone moiliwosci, poniewai
A potem zobaczylismy naszych przyjaciol. Stali pod
jego jedynq funkcjq jest podkreslenie, ie cos si~ dziato, jakas
czynnose byta wykonywana w okreslonej chwili w przesztosci.
Zastan6w si~ nad prostym pytaniem: co robHes wczoraj? Jak
And then we saw a palace. It stood among some tall
old trees.
zapytasz 0 to po angielsku? Jak odpowiesz?
potem zobaczylismy palac. Stal wsrod wysokich
Zar6wno pytanie, jak i odpowiedz powinny bye
starych drzew.
sformutowane w czasie past simple: What did you do

yesterday? I went to school, Ihad dinner, Idid my homework,

W pierwszym zdaniu sytuacja jest chwilowa: przyjaciele
then I surfed the net a bit and I went to bed. Uiycie past
stali pod drzewami, kiedy ich zobaczylismy. W drugim
continuous w pytaniu sprawia, ie zapytana osoba oczekuje
zdaniu mamy do czynienia z patacem, a patace nie stojq
okreslenia konkretnego momentu, 0 kt6ry pytasz, np. What
w danym miejscu tylko tymczasowo.
were you doing yesterday afternoon at five o'clock? albo What
were you doing yesterday when the storm began? Udzielenie , Kiedy m6wisz 0 przeszlosci, obowictzujct wszystkie
zasady dotyczctce uzycia czasownik6w opisujctcych
odpowiedzi w czasie past continuous stwarza wraienie,
stany i dzialania.
ie ktos przez caty dzien wykonywat jednoczesnie kilka

Wybor pomi~dzy czasem past simple a czasem

past continuous moie zupetnie zmienie znaczenie

When/While we were writing a history test, the lights

went out.
When we wrote a history test, the lights went out.
Pierwsze ze zdan informuje, ie swiatto zgasto, kiedy
uczniowie pisali test. W tym zdaniu moiesz zastqpie
wyraz when stowem while. Drugie zdanie opisuje
innq sytuacj~ - uczniowie zakonczyli jui prac~ nad
testem, kiedy zabrakto prqdu. Uiycie czasu past simple
w nast~pujqcych po sobie zdaniach wskazuje, ii opisane
czynnosci odbywaty si~ jedna po drugiej.

"I was taking care oj the baby, cooking, doing the

washing, driving, doing the shopping, drinking
champagne, working on my laptop and lifting weights."

Z podanych sl6w ul6z zdania ztozone w czasie past simple

illub past continuous. Slowa podano we wlasciwej kolejnosci.
Wykorzystaj wszystkie slowa, dodaj takie niezb~dne przyimki,
zaimki i/lub przedimki.

When / Joan / open / eyes / she / lie / ground / and / all her
friends / look / her.
The driver / get out / car / and / walk / slowly / flower shop /
3 The guests / arrive / while / I / take / bath.
4 When / Peter / come / home / his neighbours / stand / front
/ his house / and / look up / so / he / look up / too.
When / Mr Buckley / first / meet / Mrs Buckley / she / have /
a lot of money.

Zakresl prawidlowe formy czasownik6w w podanych


I saw / was seeing that my friends got / were getting tired of

climbing, so I decided / was deciding to take a short break.
His car broke down / was breaking down in an empty road
somewhere in Yorkshire so he walked / was walking almost
ten miles to the nearest village.


Czasu past continuous uiywasz takie w narracji, aby

przedstawic sytuacje i czynnosci stanowiqce do wydarzen
gtownych,o ktorych mowisz w czasie past simple.

While we enjoyed / were enjoying a wonderful show,

a burglar broke / was breaking into our house and stole
/ was stealing almost everything we had / were having.
4 Sue fell / was falling asleep when she remembered / was
remembering about her passport, so she got up / was
getting up to put it in her bag.
Uzupelnij zdania wyrazeniami z ramki. Jeden zwrot
podano dodatkowo i nie pasuje on do zadnego ze zdan.

at midnight





A month later my brother was

staying at
my place and trying to find a flat to rent.
It was a sunny day
, so we ate our lunch in
the garden.
What were you doing _ _ __
4 Four hours
Chris was sitting here at his
desk and now he is on holiday in Oslo.
After her husband's death, Queen Victoria _ _ __
got married again.

Uzupelnij zdania odpowiednimi czasownikami z ramki

w czasie past simple lub past continuous. W jednym ze zdan
uiyj formy przecz'lcej. Dwa czasowniki podano dodatkowo
i nie pasuj'l one do iadnego ze zdan.





look for


I opened the door. My guest

a huge
bouquet of roses in his hands so I couldn't see his face.
At the end of my tour of Canada I _ _ _ _ _ __
Ottawa and then I flew home.
Harriet was telling the truth, but Mr Owens
_______ her.
4 I looked around and saw that everyone else was working,
so I
the ringing phone.
someone to ask for directions
when we noticed a sign for the hotel we were staying in.
Uzupelnij zdania
odpowiednimi czasownikami
w czasie past simple
lub past continuous.
W kaidym przypadku jed en
z czasownik6w podano
dodatkowo i nie pasuje on do
iadnej z luk.

do, make, put on, run out,

I looked out of the window. Outside it _ _ _ _ _ __
lightly, Peter and Maggie _ _ _ _ _ _ _ a snowman
in their garden. I
a warm jacket and
_______ to join them.
get up, hear, stop, switch off
The office was completely quiet. Joe _ _ _ _ _ __
the computer and
to leave. Then he
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ music.
decide, not finish, not publish, record, not want
their fifth album when the bass
to leave the band, so they
_______ recording the album and
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ anything for the next five years.
4 be, get, live, move, quarrel, stop
in a small flat in the city and the
every day, but then we
_______ to the countryside and they
_______ separate rooms so they
_ _ _ _ _ _ fighting.

a .omn

Ustyszysz szesc kr6tkich wypowiedzi (1-6).

Do kaidej z nich dopasuj jedn'l z reakcji (A-G). Jedn'l reakcj~
podano dodatkowo i nie pasuje ona do iadnej z wypowiedzi.
A I was playing with my little brother when he hit me

I was sailing and I got seasick.
I went climbing in Scotland.
D The same thing happened to me once when I was talking
to someone.
Well, I was working on my laptop and it crashed.
What were you doing there?
G When did you last use it?

Uzupelnij luki w tekscie (1-6) odpowiednimi

wyrazami z ramki (A-G). Jedno slowo podano
dodatkowo i nie pasuje ono do iadnej z luk.

B looking
F were

C made
G woke

The journey I remember best is the one I made

almost five years ago. It was really done on impulse,
at some old family photos and
one day I was 1_
I started to think about visiting my cousins. The 2 _
day I packed a small bag and I boarded a night train
to Cardiff. I walked through the carriages until
I found the place I 3_ : two elderly women were
both reading thick books.
sitting close by, they 4 _
myself comfortable. I was
I said "Hello" and 5 _
sleeping when the train stopped at the next station
but I 6 _
up as the carriage door opened. A man
came in, sat down and smiled at me. That's how I first
met my husband.

Uzupelnij luki w tekScie (1-6) odpowiednimi

czasownikami z ramki w czasie past simple lub past
continuous. Jeden czasownik podano dodatkowo
i nie pasuje on do iadnej z luk.

It happened while we were staying in a tiny but cosy

hotel in a small town in Scotland. The hotel stood on

the edge of the town, and the only window in our
room 1
out on grassy hills and
snow-covered mountains in the distance. This was
a beautiful view.
That day we went trekking and then we
a late dinner in the local pub, so
we returned to the hotel about 11 p.m. Half an hour
later I 3
in bed and Josh
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ a shower. Suddenly, I heard
a quiet but clear knock on the window. I looked at
the dark glass, but all I 5
was the
reflection of the room. I realised no lights
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ outside the hotel and I felt a bit


W czasie present perfect uzywasz
czasownika have (has dla 3. osoby Ip.)
oraz czasownika regularnego z konc6wkq
-(e)d lub czasownika nieregularnego
w past participle (zobacz s. 277).
I have packed my suitcase.
Tom's mother has gone to the library.
The city has changed a lot since
I visited it in 2009.

Aby utworzyc pytanie w czasie present

perfect, wystarczy przestawic czasownik
have (has) przed podmiot zdania:
Has she arrived?
What have you done with the posters?
Where has your father gone?

W zdaniach przeczqcych do czasownika

have (has) dodajesz stowo not:

Peter has not (hasn't) finished his

We have not (haven't) found your
Tim and Maggie have not (haven't)
seen this film.

(zas present perfect tqczy terainiejszosc z przesztosciq. Uzywasz go, kiedy:

m6wisz 0 tym, co zacz~to si~ w przesztosci, ale nadal trwa:
I have been a teacher since 1990.

Jestem nauczycielem od 1990 roku.

m6wisz 0 tym, co juz si~ wydarzyto, ale ma wptyw na aktualnq sytuacj~:
My sister has broken her leg.

Moja siostra zlamala nog~ - innymi stowy, ma ztamanq nog~, nosi gips,
i pewnie trudno jej si~ poruszac.
m6wisz 0 tym, co sktada si~ na czyjes doswiadczenie zyciowe: uzywaj czasu
present perfect, m6wiqc 0 tym, czego ktos w zyciu zaznat, co przydarzyto si~ Tobie
lub innym osobom, pod warunkiem ze nie okreslasz czasu, kiedy to si~ stato:
Jasper has been to Sweden.

Jasper byt w Szwecji - innymi stowy, wie co nieco 0 zyciu w tym kraju, jego
kulturze i mieszkancach.
, Zwr6c uwag~ na r6inic~ w znaczeniu pomi~dzy dwiema formami: have /
has been to i have / has gone to. Pierwsza z form oznacza, ie ktos odwiedzit
jakies miejsce i jui wr6cit; druga - ie dana osoba gdzies poszta / pojechata
i jeszcze nie wr6cita.
Claire has been to the new club and she says it is a great place.

Claire byla w tym nowym klubie i mowi, ie to swietne miejsce.

Claire has gone to the new club, so she won't be back for some time.

Claire wybrala si~ do tego nowego klubu, wi~c niepr~dko wroci.

Przyjrzyj si~ zdj~ciom (1-6). Opisz kaide

z nich jednym zdaniem w czasie present perfect.

Uzupetnij zdania odpowiednimi czasownikami z ramki w czasie

present perfect. Dwa czasowniki podano dodatkowo i nie pasujq one do

iadnego ze zdan. Wjednym ze zdan naleiy uiyc przeczenia.








Stella and John _______ their car. They're going to cycle to

work every day.
How much sugar _______ you _______ in this
coffee? It tastes awful!
Ouch! I _______ my finger! Can you give me a plaster?
4 I
Mr Parker, so I don't know what he looks like.
your mother
back from her
Ut6i wyrazy we wtasciwej kolejnosci, aby orzymac zdania
poprawne pod wzgl~dem logicznym i gramatycznym.
1 have / how / invited / many / party / people / the / to / you / ?
examiners / have / marked / not / tests / the / the
buy / decided / dress / has / she / to / which / ?
4 any / given / has / letters / not / postman / the / us
S anyone / ever / famous / has / Josh / met / ?
Potcp podane zdania (1-6) z odpowiednimi reakcjami (A-F).
Is Lisa here?
A Call Jessie. She'll know what to
Do you know Professor
I'm afraid she's gone to the
Can I throw this newspaper
I have met her once or twice.
4 Who's opened the window?
0 I have. I needed some fresh air.
The computer has crashed.
E I think she's been to the library.
6 Lisa is carrying a bag of books.
Please, don't. I haven't read it



(zas present perfect naleiy do grupy czas6w terainiejszych. (zym zatem r6ini si~ od czasu present simple? Uiywajqc czasu
present simple, opisujesz szeroko rozumianq terainiejszosc: to, co jest state, powtarzalne. StosujqC czas present perfect,
dostarczasz rozm6wcy dodatkowych informacji - m6wisz nie tylko 0 tym, jaka jest sytuacja obecna, lecz takie 0 tym, od jak
dawn a ta sytuacja trwa.
I work in this office.
I have worked in this office since 2006.

Pierwsze zdanie dostarcza informacji 0 aktualnej sytuacji, a drugie m6wi takie 0 tym, jak dtugo ta sytuacja trwa:
terainiejszosc tqczy si~ tutaj z chwilq przesztq (momentem, kiedy sytuacja si~ rozpocz~ta). Wtasnie to potqczenie pomi~dzy
terainiejszosciq a przesztosciq jest charakterystycznq cechq czasu present perfect.
M6wiqc 0 sytuacjach rozpocz~tych w przesztosci i trwajqcych nadal, uiywaj st6w for i since.
For odnosi si~ do okresu czasu:
I have worked for this company for five weeks.
Mr and Mrs Brown have been married for fifty years.
Since odwotuje si~ do okreslonego momentu w przesztosci:

My aunt has had to walk with a stick since she had her accident.
They have owned a dog since last Christmas.

Ilekroc chcesz zapytac 0 to, jak dtugo jui trwa obecny stan rzeczy, uiywaj czasu present perfect:
How long have you lived here?
Since when has she had this bracelet?

(zasu present perfect uiywaj takie, kiedy informujesz 0 tym, ie robisz cos po raz pierwszy, drugi itd.
It's the second time I have helped you.
Is it the first time they have visited a museum?

W podanych zdaniach zakresl prawidtowCl opcj~.

Uzupetnij zdania pojedynczymi stowami.

Jasper is / has been interested in dolphins since he visited

the local aquarium.
I go / have gone shopping on Mondays.
How long do you work / have you worked for Mr Jones?
4 It's the first time I play / have played this game.
I know / have known Tina for years.
Uzupetnij zdania odpowiednimi czasownikami z ramki
w czasie present perfect lub present simple. Dwa czasowniki
podano dodatkowo i nie pasujCl one do zadnego ze zdan.








to the gym every afternoon.
Peter since I first met him.
this dish
This is the third time Mum
but she still can't remember the recipe.
4 Grandma
with us for nearly eight years.
5 It
the Earth a year to go round the Sun.
Uzupetnij zdania stowami for lub since.

She's been able to ride a horse _ _ _ _ _ _ _ she was

Mum has dreamed of her own garden _ _ _ _ _ __
The Johnsons have been here _ _ _ _ _ _ _ only five
4 Inspector Adams has suspected Paula _ _ _ _ _ __
he found her fingerprints on the gun.
Tom has been ill

Where _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Julia keep her pet snake?

Sue has always
problems with
Which school subject _ _ _ _ _ _ _ you most keen
4 Mr and Mrs Parker have _ _ _ _ _ _ _ married for
50 years.
How long _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Peter and Angela worked



(zas present perfect jest ezasem terainiejszym, ehoc m6wi 0 ezynnosei, kt6ra zostata jui wykonana, lub 0 wydarzeniu,
kt6re miato jui miejsee. Intenejq m6wiqeego jest przekazanie informaeji 0 sytuaeji obeenej, wynikajqeej z ezynnosci lub
wydarzenia, a nie 0 samej ezynnosci, ezy 0 samym wydarzeniu.

Stella: I've made you some tea.

Stella proponuje herbat~, kt6ra jest gotowa do wypicia.

Grandpa: Have you seen my glasses, Peter?

Dziadek zgubit gdzies okulary i pyta, ezy Peter wie, gdzie one sil.
Jesli eheesz dowiedziec si~, ezy dana osoba zna cos z doswiadezenia, pytasz: Have you ever.. . ?

Have you ever eaten lobster?

Zdania w ezasie present perfect nigdy nie zawierajil informacji 0 tym, kiedy cos si~ wydarzyto; nie uzywaj w nich
okreslen czasu takich jak yesterday, five years ago, czy last Tuesday. Kiedy postugujesz si~ czasem present perfect,
uiywaj przyst6wk6w just i already w zdaniach twierdzilcych, a przyst6wka yet w zdaniach pytajilcych i przeczilcych:

David: Lee, have you installed the new game yet?

Lee: I've just switched on my laptop to do it.
David: I've already installed it and it doesn't work.
Lee: That's because you haven't registered it yet.
Wydarzenia i ezynnosci opisane w ezasie past simple nie majil jui
bezposredniego zwiqzku z obeenq sytuaejq.
Por6wnaj dwie rozmowy:


It's half past eight in the morning.

II Mother:
Wash up the dishes, Stella!
Stella: I've already washed them up, Mum.


It's seven o'clock in the evening.

Mother: Wash up the dishes, Stella!
Stella: But I washed up the dishes after breakfast!
It's Peter's turn!


Rano, poproszona 0 pozmywanie naezyn, Stella oznajmia,

ie jui to zrobHa: naezynia Sq ezyste. Wieezorem, kiedy
mama zn6w zwraea si~ do Stelli, e6rka ezuje si~ pokrzywdzona - pozmywata
naezynia po sniadaniu; teraz, kiedy zlew ponownie jest peten, powinien si~
tym zajqc Peter. W drugiej rozmowie Stella uiywa ezasu past simple, poniewai
m6wi 0 ezynnosei, kt6ra nie ma jui wptywu na obeenq sytuaej~ - naezynia Sq
przeeiei brudne.

David: My sister has broken her leg.

Stella: Oh, I'm really sorry for her! What happened?
David: She slipped and fell over in her dance class yesterday.
David informuje, ie jego siostra rna teraz ztamanq nog~. Pytajqe 0 okolieznosci ztamania, Stella uiywa ezasu past simple,
poniewaijej uwaga koneentruje si~ na samym wypadku, ezyli na sytuaeji przesztej.llekroc w podobnej rozmowie eheesz
uzyskac albo podac wi~eej szezeg6t6w na temat wydarzenia lub ezynnosei, jakie kryjq si~ za obeenq sytuaejq, uiywaj ezasu
past simple.

Zakresl prawidtowil opcj~ i posta raj si~ uzasadnic


1 I have made / made some sandwiches. Help

When have you bought / did you buy these
trainers? They're very nice.
Have you found / Did you find the tickets? They're
calling our flight!
4 Yes, I have a reservation. My secretary has booked /
booked a room for me last Tuesday.
I have read / read everything Shakespeare has
written / wrote.


Uzupetnij zdania odpowiednimi wyrazeniami z ramki.

Zdecyduj, w kt6ril z luk nalezy je wstawic.
24 years ago

at one o'clock


last night


Brian had _______ his lunch break _ _ _ _ _ __

Have the guests
arrived _ _ _ _ _ __
built the theatre _ _ _ _ _ __
4 You don't need to phone Jack. I
_______ talked to him.
The sea was
very calm _______ so
we went swimming by moonlight.

Uzupetnij zdania odpowiednimi czasownikami z ramki

w czasie present perfect lub past simple. Dwa czasowniki podano
dodatkowo i nie pasujC! one do iadnego zdania.







The Johnsons _______ out. I wonder who's going

to live in their flat.
my watch! Thank you so much!
his company two years ago, and now
he is a successful businessman.
4 Here is the Radio 4 news: police officers _ _ _ _ _ __
the drunk driver who caused the accident in the M25.
Joan in Oxford Street yesterday.

Uzupetnij luki w liscie (1-5) jednC! z podanych

moiliwosci: A, B lub C.

Dear Louise,
I'm writing to tell you how much has
happened since we met two months
ago. You won't believe it, but we
house! The new
place is much bigger than our old flat,
so I 2
my oWn room
- at last! I'm sure you remember me
and my sister 3
a lot
when we lived together. I haven't
finished decorating the room
, but I know
exactly What I want to do With it.

Uzupetnij zdania pojedynczymi stowami.

Peter brought all these newspapers here?
left. If you hurry, you'll catch her at the bus
Luckily, they
not try to move the injured man.
4 I've
this horrible toothache for two days now.
S Have you cleaned up the mess in your room
Uiywaj'lc podanych w nawiasach stow, przeksztah': zdania
tak, by zachowac ich znaczenie.

I've got to go now, Mum's

baked some cakes
for the house-warming party
tomorrow and I've promised to clean
up the kitchen.

The Browns moved in the house next door a month ago. (lived)
The Browns
for a month.
They have never heard jazz before. (time)
I first met Alison when I was five. (known)
I was five.
4 The last time I talked to Jason was two weeks ago. (jar)
It's the first time Peter has driven a car. (before)
Peter _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __


Wybierz odpowiedniC! reakcj~ na podane wypowiedzi.


I've found my iPod!


Have you lost it?

Where was it?
Do you have it?

Have you ever ridden a horse?


I have, but I didn't like it.

I haven't ridden a horse before.
I didn't. Have you?

I've already seen it.

I've seen it before.
I haven't seen it yet.

has moved


Uzupetnij luki w tekscie wiadomosci radiowych

(1-5) wyrazami z ramki w odpowiedniej formie.
Jeden wyraz podano dodatkowo i nie pasuje on do
iadnej z luk.




not tell


Do you like his new film?

I> .

have moved
have had
have quarrelled

The guests have arrived!


Offer them some tea and biscuits, please.

Did you offer them tea and biscuits?
Would you like some tea and biscuits?

The Birmingham Police 1

thief who stole a famous painting from a private
collection belonging to Mr Adamson, the
well-known multimillionaire. The thief broke into
the Adamson mansion last week and escaped with
a valuable landscape by Claude Monet. So far, he
the police where the painting
is. Mr Adamson 3
more than
fifty works by various impressionist painters.
He 4
interested in art since he
was 8. He visited the Louvre Museum at this time
some amazing stories
and 5
about several famous artists.


Formy czasu past perfect sktadajq si~ z dw6ch element6w: operatora
had oraz czasownika w past participle (zobacz tabel~ czasownik6w
nieregularnych na stronie 277)

Lee knew how to play the game because he had played it before.
Sarah had had a few bad falls before she learnt how to ride
a bike.
Aby utworzyc pytanie w czasie past perfect, przestaw operator had
przed podmiot zdania:

Where had they been before they came to school?

How long had they lived in Britain before they became British

W zdaniach przeczqcych do operatora had dodaj stowo not:

We had not (hadn't) finished the test by the time the bell rang.
They didn't know about the problem because I had not (hadn't)
told them.
zaznaczasz, ie jedna z przesztych czynnosci zostata zakonczona,
zanim rozpocz~ta si~ druga:

They ate dinner as soon as they had cleaned the house.

Zjedli obiad, jak tylko posprz'ltali dom.
m6wisz 0 wydarzeniach/czynnosciach, kt6re miaty miejsce przed
okreslonym momentem w przesztosci:

By 2000, his clever invention had made him a rich man.

Jego sprytny wynalazek sprawil, ie w roku 2000 byl jui

Uzupetnij zdania odpowiednimi wyrazami z ramki. Jedno

stowo podano dodatkowo i nie pasuje ono do iadnego ze zdan.





By the _ _ _ _ _ _ _ I returned from the bakery, Pete had

made coffee.
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ midnight the charity workers had raised
almost 30,000.
as he'd finished reading the paper, he
threw it into a rubbish bin.
4 I phoned her but she had
left the office.
They made him a manager
he had worked
for the company for ten years.
Potil cz pocziltki zdan (1-6) z odpowiednimi zakonczeniami

Agatha didn't understand why

As soon as the Smiths had collected the lottery money,
By the time Shakespeare was 30 years old,
4 I suddenly remembered where
5 I was angry because
6 She had only known him for three months when
A he had already written several plays.
B he hadn't helped her friend.

he hadn't phoned before he came to see me.

I had seen the man before.
they decided to get married.
they gave up their jobs.


When I first met him, he had lived in Chicago

for a year and knew the city well.
Kiedy spotkalam go po raz pierwszy, mieszkal
w Chicago od roku i dobrze znal to miasto.
informujesz 0 kolejnosci wydarzen, jeieli nie Sq
one opisane chronologicznie:

Sarah opened the door and looked around the

room. She came to the desk and noticed that the
top drawer was open. It was strange because she
had locked it.
Sarah otworzyla drzwi i rozejrzala si~ po
pokoju. Kiedy podeszla do biurka, zauwaiyla,
ie gorna szuflada jest otwarta. To bylo dziwne,
bo (wczesniej) Sarah zamkn~la j'l na klucz.

I Pami~taj

0 rainiey w znaczeniu
formami gone to i been to!

Uiywaj czasu past perfect, kiedy:


informujesz 0 sytuacjach i stanach, jakie w danej

chwili utrzymywaty si~ od jakiegos czasu:


We wanted to visit Tom when we were in

London, but he had gone to Spain.
Podczas pobytu w Londynie chcielismy
odwiedzic Toma, ale wyjechal do Hiszpanii.
When we visited Tom, he had just been to
Spain so he showed us a lot of wonderful
Kiedy odwiedzilismy Toma, dopiero co byl
w Hiszpanii, wi~c pokazal nam mnostwo
wspanialych zdj~c.

Uzupelnij zdania stowami been lub gone.

We had
to five libraries before
we finally found the book. .
When we got to the cafe, Sue had
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ home, so we didn't meet her.
As she had
to Japan before,
she knew a few Japanese words.
4 She wasn't at home but nobody knew where she
I wanted to talk to the headmaster but he had
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ to a meeting.
Uzupetnij zdania odpowiednimi czasownikami
z ramki w czasie past perfect. Dwa czasowniki
podano dodatkowo i nie pasujil one do iadnego ze







By 1852, almost a million people

_ _ _ _ _ _ _ Ireland to find a better life in
I knew Mike _ _ _ _ _ _ _ the Valentine
card but I said nothing.
Josh went back to the place where he
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ his Mercedes, but the car
wasn't there.
4 Lee
for a lot of jobs before he
started his own company.
the cottage three times
before they finally decided to buy it.


(zas past perfect nazywamy czasem
zaprzesztym, poniewaz stuzy do
opisywania wydarzen i czynnosci,
kt6re miaty miejsce przed innymi
przesztymi wydarzeniami czy
czynnosciami, albo przed okreslonym
momentem w przesztosci. Uzywasz
go wtedy, kiedy m6wisz 0 przesztosci
i chcesz wspomniec 0 czyms, co
zdarzyto si~ jeszcze wczesniej:

The Buckleys arrived at the hotel

and saw a long queue of people at
the reception desk. They had made
a reservation, so the receptionist
soon gave them their room key.
Panstwo Buckley przyjechali do
hotelu i zobaczyli dlug<} kolejk<;
w recepcji. WczeSniej dokonali
rezerwacji, wi<;c recepcjonista
szybko wr<;czyl im klucz do

W j~zyku polskim uzywamy stowa wczesniej, aby zdanie byto catkowicie jasne;
w j~zyku angielskim zastosowana forma czasownika od razu informuje, jaka
byta chronologiczna kolejnosc czynnosci: rezerwacja - przyjazd do hotelu otrzymanie klucza.

I overslept yesterday. In fact, I overslept really

badly. I didn't want to be late for work,
so I qUickly washed my face, got dressed,
grabbed a slice of bread and called a taxi.
I left home in a hurry. When I got into the
cab, I realised I lladn't left any food in my
cat's bowl.
W tym przypadku czas past perfect
informuje, jaka czynnosc nie
zostala wykonana i w jaki spos6b
wplyn<;lo to na sytuacj<; - kot
zostal z pust<} misk<}.
(zasami potrzebujesz czasu past perfect, poniewaz chcesz wyjasnic przyczyn~
jakiejs przesztej sytuacji:

I wanted to use the torch, but when I tried to switcll it on, it didn't work. The
batteries had gone flat.
Latarka nie dzialala, bo wyczerpaly si<; baterie.

Zakresl prawidtowCl opcj~ w podanych zdaniach.

When it started to rain, she ran I had run back home because she left I
had left a window open in the living-room.
Ancient Britons built I had built Stonehenge about 4,000 years ago.
They probably used I had used it as an astronomical observatory.
The doctor discovered I had discovered that the children didn't eat I
hadn't eaten anything for more than two days. She was horrified.
4 Grace put her hand in the pocket but the key wasn't I hadn't been
there. She lost I had lost it.
Although he was only eighteen, he already earned I had already
earned nearly $2 million from the sales of the computer program that
he invented I had invented.
Poniisze zdania opisujCl wydarzenia w porzCldku chronologicznym.
Utworz zdania ztoione, korzystajClc z podanych poczCltk6w, zakonczen
i spojnikow. Uiyj sp6jnikow w kolejnosci, w jakiej zostaty podane.

He copied the homework from his classmate. The teacher punished

him. (because)
Theteacher ___________________________________________
__________________________ classmate.
I bought an i-Pod. My friend wanted to borrow 100. I didn't have
any money. (but, so)
My friend _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ money.
Pete ate a really big breakfast. His boss invited everybody to lunch.
Pete wasn't hungry. (because)
When Pete's boss _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ breakfast.
4 Mr and Mrs Fibley went to the cinema. The postman came with
a parcel for Mrs Fibley. He left the parcel next door. (but, so)
Thepostman _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __
_________________________ door.
I left my bus pass in my jacket pocket. The morning was cold. I put on
a coat. I wanted to take a bus. I realised that I didn't have the bus pass.
(so, and when, because)
The morning ______________________
________________________ pocket.

Uzupetnij zdania odpowiednimi

czasownikami z ramki w czasie past simple
lub past perfect. Dwa z czasownikow podano
dodatkowo i nie pasujCl one do iadnego ze zdan.








We didn't know that Greg ________

his job when we asked him about his boss. It
was all so embarrassing!
Sarah wanted to learn to drive, so she
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ a good driving school and
went on a course.
I recognised him when I saw him although he
4 He understood that he _ _ _ _ _ _ _ the
law and he paid the fine without protest.
The accident looked serious but nobody
________ hurt.
Przetlumacz podane w j~zyku polskim
czasowniki na j~zyk angielski. Uiyj czasu past
simple albo past perfect.

1 He took out his wallet to pay for the meal, but

too little money.
he (mial)
When I got to the bus stop, the bus (odjechal)
________ and I had to wait for the
next one.
Columbus left Spain to sail to India, but he
in America
4 I heard that Kate (miala) ________
a climbing accident, but I didn't know any
He promised to send the letter for me, but he
and I went to
the post office myself.



Dobor form czasownika rna duie znaezenie dla

tresci, jakq przekazuje tekst. Nie da si~ przypisac
poszczegolnym angielskim formom przeszlym stalyeh
zamiennikow w postaci dost~pnych w j~zyku polskim
form ezasownika, np. wyraienie it hod snowed moiesz
przedumaczyc na j~zyk polski zarowno jako spodl
snieg, jak i jako (wczesniej) podol snieg; z kolei polski
zwrot podol snieg moie w j~zyku angielskim przybrac
kaidil z trzeeh form przeszlyeh w zaleinosei od

Past simple, past continuous i past perfect Sq ezasami przeszlymi,

z ktoryeh kaidy odgrywa odr~bnq rol~ w narraeji. Przeezytaj
poniiszy tekst:

Josh looked out of the window. It was snowing but he

decided to go to the electrical shop because he had promised
to buy some light bulbs and batteries for Mrs Stanton, his
elderly neighbour.
Spojrz na sehemat, przedstawiajqey powyisze zdania na"osi
was snowing



had promised


W kolejnym fragmeneie tekstu wyst~pujq te same ezasowniki,

w tej samej kolejnosei, ale opowiada on zupetnie innq histori~:
Josh looked out of the window. It had snowed and the
pavements were covered with a thin white carpet. He decIded
to go out. 'I'll be back soon, Mum,' he promised.


had snowed

I jeszeze jeden fragment:

Josh was looking out of the window. It was snowing. Josh

had decided to drive to York but it was impossible with all
the snow on the roads. 'Tomorrow I'll fit the car with winter
tyres and go to York,' he promised himself.
was snowing, was looking


had decided


1 After I had eaten twelve candy bars

Had you taken any photos
I had met Mr Richards a few times
4 The ball flew over the fence and into the field
What were the kids doing
When I had climbed the 359 steps to the temple,

( before I started to work for him.

D before the battery went dead?
I felt really sick.
F I realised I had left my camera in the car.
G when you came home?
Uzupe.nij zdania odpowiednimi wyrazami z ramki. Dwa
s.owa podano dodatkowo i nie pasujil one do iadnego ze





By the time I
the office, I had
forgotten about the incident.
Charlene got to the airport late and saw that a lot of
waiting in a queue to check in.
not come to the party although
they had invited him.


When the guests arrived, Bess had tidied Uj the

spare bedroom.
When the guests arrived, Bess was tidying" p the
spare bedroom.
When the guests arrived, Bess tidied up the spare

_ _ _ _ _ _ _ put several jars of jam on the shelves

in the cellar when the lights went out.
I saw the film after I had
the book, so
I didn't enjoy the film at all.
Uzupe.nij zdania czasownikami z ramki w odpowiedniej
formie przesz.ej. Dwa czasowniki podano dodatkowo i nie
pasujil one do iadnego ze zdan.

A after you repaired it?

B because he had hit it too hard.


Zastosowanie r6i:nyeh form czasownika

w identyeznyeh poza tym zdaniaeh powoduje zmian~
znaezenia komunikatu:

Ktore ze zdan dowodzi, ie Bess jest dobril gospodyniil?

Potilcz pocziltki zdan (1-6) z ich zakonczeniami (A-F).

Jedno z zakonczen podano dodatkowo i nie pasuje one do
iadnego z pocziltkow.


At noon, the sun was shining although it had

snowed in the morning.
W poludnie swiecilo slonce, choc rano padal
It snowed on Christmas Eve.
W Wigili~ padal snieg.
It was snowing so we qUickly ran to the car.
Padal snieg, wi~c szybko pobieglismy do

down the river and we heard
a loud splash, so we thought someone had fallen
When they were building the new theatre, the people
about the
from the neighbourhood
noise a lot.
I felt quite confident because I had performed in front of
an audience before, but then I
crowd that had gathered in the school gym and my
confidence disappeared.
4 When the police arrived, I
the mugger
with my umbrella, so they didn't believe that I was the
victim and he had attacked me first.
Luckily, when the storm started, we _ _ _ _ _ _ _ all
the windows.

Przeczytaj pierwszet cz~sc opowiadania. Zakresl

prawidtowe formy czasownik6w.

I don't know if the story is true, it's probably just an

urban legend, but it's certainly worth telling.
A woman who had just started to work as a cleaner
in a bank was cleaning one of the offices when she
saw / had seen a man's wallet on the floor. It had lain /
was lying under a chair, so she thought it was falling /
had fallen out of a client's pocket. She picked it up and
opened / had opened it. Inside, there were a few credit
cards, quite a lot of cash, a lottery ticket and a driving
licence with the photograph and the name of the
owner. She found the man's address in the telephone
directory and because he lived / was living close by,
she took / had taken the wallet to give it back to him
on her way home.
Przeczytaj kontynuacj~ opowiesci. Wstaw w luki
(1-6) odpowiednie formy przeszte czasownik6w
podanych w nawiasach.

She arrived at the man's house, climbed a few stairs to

(ring) the bell,
the front door and 1
but there was no answer. She was walking back down
the steps to go home; she was telling herself she would
try again the next day, when she 2 _ _ _ _ _ __
(see) the man. She recognised him immediately
because he looked exactly the same as in the picture
(see) in the driving licence.
she 3
She 4
(give) him the wallet back and
he was very surprised. He 5
back from the police station, where he had been to
report that he had lost his wallet and his documents.
He wanted to give the cleaner some cash as a reward,
(not/want) any money, so
but she 6
he persuaded her to take the lottery ticket.
Przeczytaj zakonczenie opowiadania. Wstaw
w luki (1-6) czasowniki z ramki w odpowiedniej
formie przesztej. Dwa czasowniki podano dodatkowo
i nie pasujet one do zadnej z luk.

Uzupetnij luki w tekscie (1-6) jednet z podanych mozliwosci:

A, B lube.

When my parents decided not to sell Grandma's cottage

and to go and live in it instead, I was angry. I didn't want to
leave the city, my school and my friends. But to my Mum
the cottage was an important place because she 1_
We arrived at the cottage in the late afternoon, on a hot
Tuesday in June. We 2 _
tired after the long journey and
unhappy because we had left so many things in our city flat.
I got out of the car. A big dog was barking in our new
neighbours' garden, some ducks 3 _ , and the air 4 _
freshly cut grass. I looked at the cottage and I suddenly
at home when I remembered all the wonderful
summer holidays we 6 _
in the village.
grew up
was growing up
had grown up
had been
had quacked
was quacking
were quacking
had smelled
was smelling
had felt
was feeling
were having
had had

Uzupetnij luki w tekscie (1-6) czasownikami z ramki

w odpowiedniej formie przesztej. Dwa czasowniki podano
dodatkowo i nie pasujet one do zadnej z luk.

compare do give go notice not/take play win

A week later the cleaner 1

shopping in the mall near her block of flats when she
a lottery
shop and remembered the
ticket the man
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ her.
The ticket was still in her
purse, she
_______ it out.
She went into the shop
and 5 _ _ _ _ _ __
the numbers on the
ticket with the winning
numbers on the poster.
She couldn't believe her
eyes: she

I don't think I will ever forget the day when I cooked dinner
for the first time in my life. My mother had gone
to Manchester on business and my father was at work. I was
reading a book in my room and I 1 _ _ _ _ _ __
hungrier and hungrier when I remembered Mum
a pot of chicken stew on the kitchen
worktop. I went to the kitchen and I got quite a shock. Our
cat, Ninja, 3
the stew. I shouted at her and
she 4
away, but it was too late, the stew
was almost gone and it was all my fault. Mum and Dad
me a lot of times to remember not to let
Ninja in the kitchen and I had left the door open again!
no choice, I reached for my mother's
cookery book and found the recipe for chicken stew.

almost two million




Czasownik modalny will i konstrukcja be going to
stuiq opisywaniu przysztosci.

Po czasowniku hope moiesz uiyc zar6wno will, jak i czasownika

w czasie present simple:

Czasownik will ma jednq niezmiennq form~

i uiywany jest z podstawowq formq innych

Winter will COme soon.

He will be 16 next year.
Aby utworzyc pytanie, trzeba przestawic will
przed podmiot zdania:

Will you send this letter for me?

What will the weather be like on Saturday?
Aby utworzyc przeczenie, naleiy potqczyc
czasownik will z not:

They will not (won't) do that again.

I'm afraid Kate will not (won't) lend you the

I hope they will make it.


I hope they make it. (Marn

nadziej~, :i.e irn si~ uda).

Czasownik will cz~sto tqczy si~ takie z przyst6wkiem probably, kt6ry

zazwyczaj pojawia si~ bezposrednio po will, ale przed won't:

He will probably take the night train.

They probably won't like this idea.
Budowa konstrukcji be going to przypomina czas present continuous:

I am going 0 learn Chinese.

It is going to snow.
Utworzenie pytania wymaga przestawienia czasownika be przed

Is she going to sing?

What are you going to do with all this yellow paint?
Aby utworzyc zdanie przeczqce, do czasownika be naleiy dodac not:

Czasownika will uiywaj, kiedy:

prosisz 0 cos:

Will you keep an eye on my luggage?

sktadasz ofert~:

I a 71 not going to put up with your rude behaviour any longer,

They are not (aren't) going to help us.
Uiywaj konstrukcji be going to, aby:

I'll wash the dishes.

informowac 0 wtasnych lub cudzych zamiarach:

obiecujesz lub grozisz:

I will tidy my room, I promise.

Be quiet or I'll ask you to go out!

chcesz wyrazlc spontanlCZnq decyzJ~, podJ~tq
w danej chwili:

I'm going fa study law.

Jane 's going to read all of Shakespeare's works.
wyciqgac wnioski dotyczqce przysztych wydarzen z zaistniatych

Look out! You 're gOing to hIt your head on the door frame!
Susan: I have no printing paper and I need to
print out the photos for tomorrow's meeting! ' W tym znaczeniu konstrukcja be going to nie m6wi jui:
Josh: I'll borrow some paper from Chris next 0 planowanych, zamierzonych dziataniach, ale opisuje przyszte
wydarzenia, kt6re zapowiada terainiejsza sytuacja.
Josh dowiaduje si~, :i.e Susan nie rna
papieru do drukarki i znajduje rozwillzanie

wyraiasz wtasnq lub cudzq opini~ dotyczqCq

przysztych wydarzen - w tym znaczeniu
czasownik will bardzo cz~sto uiywany jest
z czasownikami wyraiajqcymi opini~ (think,

believe, expect, guess),



(fear, be afraid

I think George will take part in the

I'm afraid Claire won't listen to your advice.

Por6wnaj dwa uiycia konstrukcji be going to:

1) The boys are going fa

drench her!
2) She 's gomg to get wet!
W przypadku chtopc6w
konstrukcja be going to
opisuje zamiar; w przypadku
dziewczyny trudno m6wic
o zaplanowanym dziataniu
- na podstawie przedstawionej na rysunku sytuacji odgadujemy, co jq



Peter: Have you emptied your piggy bank?

Jane: Yes, I'm going to buy some jeans.

spontaniczna decyzja:

Shop assistant: Are the jeans the right size?

Jane: They are! I'll take them.

Jane ma zamiar kupic spodnie - zaplanowata ten

zakup, wyj~ta pieniqdze ze skarbonki .

Decyzj~ 0 zakupie tych konkretnych spodni Jane podejmuje

w chwili, kiedy je przymierzyta i stwierdzita, ie pasujq.



Look at those clouds, there's going to be a storm.

Widzqc ciemne chmury, stwierdzasz, ie za chwil~
b~dzie burza.


It will rain heavily in Glasgow tomorrow.

Prognoza pogody jest zazwyczaj podawana przy pomocy czasownika
opini~ meteorolog6w i rzadko w petni si~ sprawdz~

will- stanowi

Na podstawie zdj~c utworz zdania z uiyciem

konstrukcji be going to, opisujetce, co si~ zdarzy
lub jakie zamiary majet osoby przedstawione na
zdj~ciach. Wykorzystaj czasowniki z ramki.




You've forgotten your English textbook, and the teacher has asked
the class to read a text. You ask your friend:
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ? (share)
You need to do your homework, but your sister is listening to the
radio and you can't concentrate. You ask:
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ , please? (turn off)
Uzupetnij zdania odpowiednimi czasownikami z ramki
z konstrukcjet be going to lub z czasownikiem modalnym will. Jeden
czasownik podano dodatkowo i nie pasuje on do iadnego ze zdan.






Be careful! You _ _ _ _ _ _ _ the coffee!

I'm afraid the prices of food _ _ _ _ _ _ _ in the near future.
You've put too much on this shelf, it _ _ _ _ _ __
4 Calm down! I'm sure you _ _ _ _ _ _ _ your purse in your
We're saving money. We _ _ _ _ _ _ _ a family business.

Dopasuj odpowiednie reakcje (1-6) do

podanych wypowiedzi (A-F).

1 Beth has started a sewing course.

Jane's working too hard.
Look, the car in front of us has two bikes on the
4 What are you going to do with all this paint?
Why do you need so much food?
Why don't you throw this old clock away?

C get D going E is F sure G to H will




They're not going to fit under the bridge. Slow

Dad's going to redecorate the house.
I agree. She's going to make herself ill.
I'm going to repair it one day.
We're going to send some to Africa.
Yes, she says she's going to make her own clothes.
Zaoferuj pomoc kaidej z poniiej wymienionych
osob, korzystajetc z podanej podpowiedzi.

1 Carla: I don't have a pencil with me.

You: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __
Mike: My computer has crashed!
You: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __
(try to repair)
Grace: I have a stomach ache.
You: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ____
(mint tea)

co poprosisz w opisanych poniiej sytuacjach?

Skorzystaj z podpowiedzi.

1 You have bought a new CD player, but the

instruction manual is in Spanish. You ask your
friend who speaks Spanish:
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ , please? (translate)


Mike is back home from hospital.

I know, I'm 1_
to drop in on him later.
Good idea! I 2 _
go with you if you don't mind.
Of course I don't. I'm 3 _
he will be happy to see you.
Let's get a present for him.
Well, actually I have already got one. I'm going 4 _
him a tennis racquet. He'd broken his racquet just before
the accident so he 5 _
going to need a new one when his
arm heals and he can play again.
I think I'll 6 _
him a computer game. He's probably bored
and needs something to do while his arm is still in plaster.
Good idea!

Uzupetnij luki w rozmowie (1-6) czasownikami z ramki

z czasownikiem modalnym williub konstrukcjet be going to. Dwa
czasowniki podano dodatkowo i nie pasujet one do iadnej z luk.








Ron: Look! Look! Jack is ahead of the other runners! He

_ _ _ _ _ _ _ the race!
Madge: Yes! He's crossing the line! He's won! Well done, Jack!
Ron: Let's throw a party for him! I 2 _ _ _ _ _ __
everyone and invite them to my place.
Madge: And I 3
cakes. And we
_______ pizza!
Ron: Great! It's settled then. On Saturday?
Madge: Oh, no, I can't. I 5
my little sister to
the cinema, it's her birthday.
Ron: How about Sunday, then?
Madge: Sunday is fine.
Ron: Perfect! I can see Phil. Phil! Phil! We 6 _ _ _ _ _ __
a party on Sunday!



Do struktur stuiqcych do opisywania przysztosci naleiq
takie dwa czasy terazniejsze: present simple i present

W czasie present simple m6wisz 0 takich przysztych
wydarzeniach, kt6re wynikajq ze sporzqdzonego
wczesniej rozktadu (np. jazdy), planu (np. lekcji) lub
scenariusza (np. obchod6w Dnia Patrona Szkoty).
Sp6jrz na plan wizyty prezydenta panstwa:

2.00 p.m.
3.00 p.m.
4.00 p.m.
5.30 p.m.

W czasie present continuous m6wisz 0 wydarzeniach

przysztych, kt6re wynikajq z osobistych, sprecyzowanych

Mrs Buckley IS halll 'lg dinner with her friends at the Four
Seasons on Friday evening. She has already booked a table.
Pani Buckley poczynHa jui kroki w kierunku realizacji
plan6w - wybrata restauracj~ i zarezerwowata stolik.
Por6wnaj czas present continuous z konstrukcjq

President's arrival, welcoming ceremony

press conference, Town Hall
meeting with citizens
visit to children's hospital

be going to:

Mrs Buckley IS gomg to hal< dinner with her friends. She

hasn't seen them for a long time.
Pani Buckley podj~ta wprawdzie decyzj~
razie nie zrobHa nic wi~cej.

spotkaniu, ale na

Czasu present continuous uiyjesz zazwyczaj wtedy, kiedy

znasz jui termin (a cz~sto i miejsce) realizacji plan6w, co moie
wynikac z um6wienia si~ z kims, dokonania rezerwacji czy
zakupienia biletu:

Lee'- pic:~ lIg lip his new suit from the tailor's tomorrow.

Jutro Lee odbiera od krawca sw6j nowy garnitur.

Peter S ';0' 'lg to buy a new suit.
Peter zamierza kupic nowy garnitur.

Opisujqc t~ zaplanowanq wizyt~, powiesz:

The President arrives at 2 o'clock tomorrow. The

Mayor welcomes him and invites him to the Town
Hall. We hold a press conference in the Town Hall
between 3 and 4 o'clock. At 4 o'clock the President
meets the citizens of our town. At 5.30 the President
visits the children's hospital ...

Pami~taj, ie pytajqc 0 czyjes plany, takie uiyjesz czasu present


What are you doing in the afternoon? Are you going out?
Jeieli natomiast chcesz zapytac 0 wydarzenia wynikajqce
z rozktadu lub planu zaj~c, uiyj czasu present simple:

What time does the show begin?

Uzupelnij zdania czasownikami z ramki w czasie

present simple. Dwa czasowniki podano dodatkowo i nie

pasujq one do iadnego ze zda.,.








Oh, we must go now! The last bus

11.15 p.m.
The lesson
at ten to three, so wait
for me outside the school.
On Wednesday, we
the Metropolitan
Cathedral and the Maritime Museum in Liverpool.
4 The performance
at 6 p.m., so let's
meet in front of the theatre at half past 5.
The mall
at 9 p.m., so we have
enough time to buy some food.
Uzupetnij zdania czasownikami z ramki w czasie
present continuous. Dwa czasowniki podano dodatkowo
i nie pasuj'l one do iadnego ze zda.,.




I've made an appointment with the dentist.

her on Friday at noon.
He's booked a table at Rosie's. He _ _ _ _ _ __
dinner with Martha at 8.
I've bought a new sofa. They _______ it
4 She's rented a flat. She _______ next Friday.
I've bought an air ticket. I
to New
York next Tuesday.


Uzupelnij zdania czasownikami podanymi w nawiasach

w czasie present simple lub present continuous.

Could you buy some fresh fruit on your way home? The
(come) for dinner today.
the open air museum
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ (close) for the winter?
I'm sorry, I can't see you tomorrow. I _ _ _ _ _ __
(take) my little brother to the zoo.
4 Remember, we've promised to meet them at the station and
their train
(arrive) in half an hour!
(pick up)
from the airport on Friday?
Dopasuj odpowiednie reakcje (1-6) do podanych
wypowiedzi (A-F).

Wow, what a nice dress! You look great today! What's the
I hope you've checked the railway timetable.
We're throwing a party on Sunday.
4 When can we meet?
5 Have you made a booking for me, Ms Dalton?
6 We're going to the cinema after school. Are you coming?
A How about Monday? Are you doing anything then?

B I don't think so. I have basketball training at 2.00.

I have, and the next train to Moscow leaves tomorrow
morning, I'm afraid.
D I have. Your flight takes off at a quarter past two.
I'd like to come, but I'm babysitting for my older sister.
I'm meeting Jake after school and we're going to the theatre.

Zdania czasowe to zdania
okolicznikowe czasu:


When I got home, she was watching TV.

I always feed my cat as soon as I come
home from work.
Powyzsze przyktady odnoszq si~ do
przesztosci lub terazniejszosci; jednakie
na szczeg61nq uwag~ zastugujq zdania
czasowe, kt6re dotyczq przysztosci:

Jak rozpoznae zdania czasowe, aby wiedziee, kiedy nalezy uzye czasu
terazniejszego, m6wiqc 0 przysztosci? Zwr6e uwag~ na charakterystyczne
dla zdan czasowych sp6jniki, takie jak: after, as soon as, before, till, until,
when, while.

We will think about it after you have done your homework.

I'll be ready to leave as soon as you phone me.
Before I apply for the job, I'm going to learn as much as I can about the
She'll stay here till/until I come back.
My sister will look after my hamster while I am away.

Zdanie czasowe moze znajdowae si~ przed zdaniem gt6wnym albo po

Mum will be very happy when she hears
nim. Rozdzielasz te zdania przecinkami tylko wtedy, kiedy zdanie czasowe
the news.
poprzedza zdanie gt6wne.
The shop will open as soon as the
assistants have put all the goods on the , Na szczeg61nct uwag~ zastugujct sp6jniki till i until. Obydwa majct
to samo znaczenie - dopoki/do momentu kiedy. W j~zyku polskim
sp6jnik ten wictze si~ zazwyczaj z czasownikiem w formie przeczctcej:
Choe zdania m6wiq 0 sytuacjach przysztych,
Zaczekasz tu, dopoki nie wr6c~?
w zdaniach czasowych pojawiajq si~
j~zyku angielskim masz do czynienia z formct twierdzctcct, a nie
terazniejsze formy czasownik6w. Najcz~sciej
po sp6jniku dop6ki:
Sq to formy czasu present simple, ale jezeli
Will you wait here till/ until I return?
chcesz podkreslic, ze pierwsza czynnose
musi zostae zakonczona, zanim rozpocznie
Zasada nakazujqca uzywanie czasu terazniejszego w zdaniach czasowych
si~ druga, mozesz uzye form czasu present
odnoszqcych si~ do przysztosci obowiqzuje takie w przypadku zdan,
perfect, czego przyktadem jest drugie
w ktorych w zdaniu gt6wnym pojawia si~ tryb rozkazujqcy:
zdanie: towar musi bye roztozony na
Close the window before you leave.
p6tkach, zanim nastqpi otwarcie sklepu.
Don't sign any documents before you have read them.
PotctCZ poczcttki zdan (1-6) z odpowiednimi zakonczeniami (A-F).

After you pass the museum

I think the police will catch him
I'm going to get a malaria vaccine
4 They will continue the research
We will tell you our decision as
soon as
6 While they are here

I go to Africa.
they have found a cure for the
we will teach them basic survival
we've made it.
he tries to leave the country.
you'll need to turn left.

ut6z wyrazy we wtasciwej kolejnosci, aby otrzymac zdania poprawne pod

logicznym i gramatycznym. 5towa zapisane pogrubionct czcionkct
znajdujct si~ w odpowiednim miejscu. Pami~taj 0 wstawieniu przecink6w.


Paula / as / as / dinner / eaten / has / help / she / soon / us / will

When / better / feel/medicine / take / this / will / you / you
I'm / a / a / buy / car / fast / get / going / I / pay rise / to / when
4 Will / bike / Dad / free / has / he / my / repair / some / time / when / ?
5 Mike / am / at / house / I / the / tidy / while / will / work

Uzupetnij zdania czasownikami podanymi w nawiasach w odpowiedniej

George _ _ _ _ (not/stop) asking questions until he _ _ _ _ (find)
out the truth.
The doctor _ _ _ _ (see) you when the patient _ _ _ _ (leave).
After you _ _ _ _ (arrive) in York, _ _ _ _ you _ _ _ _ (give) us
a call?
(remove) all the unnecessary walls as soon as I _ _ __
4 I
(buy) this beautiful bungalow.
_ _ _ _ you
(check) the pockets before I _ _ _ _ (put)
your jeans in the washing machine?

Przettumacz podane w j~zyku

polskim fragmenty zdan na j~zyk
1 Will you let me use the garage while


tu mieszkac,) _ _ _ _ _ __

Don't put the jelly in the fridge (dop6ki

nie b~dzie zimna) _ _ _ _ _ _ __

(Czy on zostanie w Wielkiej Brytanii)

after he has graduated from university?

(Zanim wyjdziesz) _ _ _ _ _ __
I'm going to ask you something.
I'll give you his surname (jak tylko je
sobie przypomn~) _ _ _ _ _ _ __

Uzupetnij zdania odpowiednimi

formami czasownika be.
When you
tired, ask
someone to take over.
Don't play loud music while the baby
_ _ _ _ asleep!
I'll send you a postcard when
in Rome.
4 Sean
delighted when he
sees our present!
anxious until the children
_ _ _ _ back home.



, W czasie przeszlym, w czasach typu perfect oraz po

czasownikach modalnych zamiast czasownika must uzywasz
Do czasownik6w modalnych naleiq: can, could,
konstrukcji have to:
may, must, will, shall i should. Czasowniki te tqCZq
Then my fridge broke down and I had to buy a new one.
si~ z podstawowymi formami innych czasownik6w
I panicked; I had never had to take care of a baby before.
i petniq funkcj~ operator6w przy tworzeniu pytan
You will have to revise all the material before the
i przeczen. Ponadto czasowniki modalne nie Sq
uiywane w czasach typu perfect, nigdy nie wyst~pujq
z konc6wkq -ing, nigdy tei nie tqCZq si~ ze sob q
Konstrukcja have to uiywana jest takie w czasie terazniejszym,
ale ma wtedy troch~ inne znaczenie nii must. Must wyraia opini~
Umiej~tnosc: can, could
osoby m6wiqcej; have to wskazuje na koniecznosc wynikajqcq
z obowiqzujqcych regut lub z istniejqcych okolicznosci.
Podstawowe znaczenie czasownika can to umiec,
posiadac jakqs umiejl;tnosc:
I must read this book.
Musz przeczytac t kSi,!zk (uwazam, ze warto j,!
przeczytac) .
I have to read this book. It's on the reading list for school.
Musz przeczytac t kSi,!zk. Jest na szkolnej liscie lektur.
You must drive through Glasgow and visit us on your way to
Musisz jechac przez Glasgow i odwiedzic nas w drodze do
Aberdeen! (zaproszenie)
You have to drive through Glasgow. There's no other way.
Musisz jechac przez Glasgow. Nie ma innej drogi.

My little sister can tie her shoes.

Can your dog do any tricks?
Parrots cannot (can't) really speak, they just
repeat words.
W tym znaczeniu forma przeszta czasownika can to
Mozart could play the piano when he was only
three years old.
Could you skate when you were a child?
Einstein could not (couldn't) read or write at the
age of six.
, W czasie present perfect oraz po czasowniku will
zamiast czasownika can wyst~puje konstrukcja

be able to:
I have been able to read since I was four.
One day she will be able to paint as well as her
Prosba 0 pozwolenie: can, could, may
Can I go out, Mum?
Could I borrow your dictionary?
(bardziej uprzejma forma)
May I speak to Mrs Buckley?
(bardziej oficjalna forma)
Pozwolenie: can
Pozwolenie zazwyczaj wyraia si~ czasownikiem can:
You can eat my sandwich, I'm not hungry.
Zakaz: can't, mustn't
You can't park your car here.
Our children mustn't play in the street.
Prosba: will, can, could
Will you pass me the salt, please?
Can you give me a lift to school, Mum?
Could you spell your name, please?
Nakaz: must
You must fill in this form.
I must learn this definition by heart.

Brak obowiqzku/koniecznosci: don't / doesn't have to

, Forma must not wyraza zakaz, a nie brak obowiqzku:

You must switch the machine off

Musisz wyl,!czyc urz'!dzenie.
You mustn't switch the machine off
Nie wolno ci wyl,!czac urz,!dzenia.
Aby powiedziec, ie cos nie jest konieczne, czy wymagane, uiyj
konstrukcji don't/doesn't have to:
You don't have to switch the machine off
Nie musisz wyl,!czac urz,!dzenia.
He doesn't have to make the decision right now.
Nie musi podejmowac decyzji w tej chwili.
Powinnosc i porada: should
What should I do to be fit and healthy?
You should do more exercise and you shouldn't eat so much
fast food.
I should visit my Grandma more often.
You should apologise to Mrs Buckley. You were really rude to
her yesterday.
Oferta/propozycja: Shall I... ?Shall we .. . ?
Shall I carry your luggage to the taxi?
Shall we send you a catalogue of our products?
Moiesz takie uiyc podobnego pytania, aby zaproponowac
wsp61ne dziatanie:
Shall we sing the piece again?

Zakresl prawidtowy czasownik modalny.

Could / Should you move your books from the shelf? I'd like to put this plant there.
Can / May you drive us to the station?
3 This commercial for hamburgers drives me mad! They shouldn't / can't advertise fast food on TV.
4 Could / Can you sing? Our choir group is looking for new members.
You mustn't / couldn't download music from this website, it's illegal.


Uzupetnij zdania odpowiednimi czasownikami modalnymi.

W niektorych zdaniach moiesz zastosowac kilka roinych czasownikow
modalnych - sprobuj podacjak najwi~cej moiliwosci uzupetnienia.

1 You
take these pills until your
temperature returns to normal.
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ you bring us some tea?
Peter says he wants to buy a motorbike, so I think he
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ start saving money.
4 Secret agents, spies and undercover policemen
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ talk about their work.
.. This soup is stone-cold!
I> _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ I heat it up for you?
Tam, gdzie to moiliwe, uzupetnij zdania czasownikiem must.
W pozostalych przypadkach uiyj konstrukcji have to w odpowiedniej

Since I moved to the suburbs, I

take a train to work.
I'm afraid we
redecorate the flat before we start looking
for new tenants.
learn to be more patient, Jessica. Some things just
take time.
4 After the factory closed, hundreds of people _ _ _ _ look for
a new job.
see this new musical! It's brilliant!

Uzupetnij luki w rozmowie (1-6) jedn,!

z podanych moiliwosci: A, B lub C.

.. Mum, 1_
you give me sandwiches
instead of cereal for breakfast today?
I> Of course.
.. And Mum, 2 _
I go to the cinema after
I> Well, I think you should come straight
home. We're having guests tonight, and you
tidy your room.
.. But why? Aren't they going to sit in the
living room?
I> Their daughter is coming too. You 4 _
let her see how much mess you've made.
.. Mum, come on, her room is probably as
messy as mine.
I> Sheila, I 5 _
tidy your room last month.
You were furious and you said you had no
privacy. 6 _
I do it again?
.. No! I'll tidy up, I promise!

Uzupetnij zdania, wpisuj,!c mustn't lub don't/doesn't have to.

You _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ride a bike without your helmet on.

climb the stairs, there's a lift in the building.
stay in bed, but he shouldn't do any exercise.
4 The students
leave the room during the exam.
S You
have a passport to travel from Poland to Slovakia.



b ean

don't have to
had to

Pot'!cz wypowiedzi (1-6) z odpowiednimi reakcjami (A-F).

Could you help me move this

Dinner is almost ready.
Do I have to remember all the
customers' names?
4 It's a secret, you mustn't tell
May I have another piece of
6 You should write a thank-you
letter to Grandma.

A Certainly, help yourself!

B I will!

( I won't, I promise!
D Oh, I'm sorry, I can't. I have
terrible backache.
Shall I lay the table?
You should try to, it makes
them feel special.

Uslyszysz szesc wypowiedzi. Wybierz reakcj~ A, B lub C,

ktora najlepiej pasuje do kaidej z nich.

Could you switch on the

B Shall I switch on the lamp?
( May I switch on the lamp?
A I'm sorry, I have to work
B I can't, I'm too tired.
( I can, but I'm not very good
at it.
No, you don't have to do
B I'm afraid you can't.
Shall I lend you a pencil?

4 A Of course, here you are.

I'm sorry, you can't.
You should see it.
You don't have to clean it.
Yes, I'll have to clean it.
No, thank you. I'll clean it.
You should tell your
You mustn't lose it!
( Could you help me find it?

Uzupetnij luki w rozmowie (1-6)

odpowiednimi czasownikami modalnymi:
shall, may, could, can, must lub have to
i czasownikami z ramki. Jeden czasownik
podano dodatkowo i nie pasuje on do iadnej
z luk.
ask bring deliver email give have order

.. Corrigan&Best, how can I help you?

I> Oh, hello. 1
I _ _ __
a sofa, catalogue number 257S?
.. Of course. 257S, that's 480. 2 _ _ __
_ _ _ _ for your name and address?
I> It's Sarah Buckley, 23 Nunnery Lane,
York. 3
.. I'm afraid that's not possible, madam.
There's a certain procedure we follow, we
your order to our
Sales Department, they prepare the furniture
for delivery and take care of all the details.
All this usually takes three days.
That's terrible news! I 5 _ _ __
_ _ _ _ this sofa by Friday. I'm desperate!
My in-laws are coming for the weekend!
.. Well, 6
you the
phone number to the Sales Department?
I> Oh yes, please do!


I Przeczenie zawsze t'lczy si~ z czasownikiem may, a nie


z czasownikiem nast~puj'lcym po may!

Czasownika may i przeczenia may not uiyjesz takie, jesli Twoje
przypuszczenia odnoszq si~ do przysztosci:

Czasownik6w modalnych uiywasz takie do wyraiania

pewnosci i przypuszczen.

It may rain on Saturday.

W sobot~ moze padac.

We may be late tomorrow.

Mozemy si~ jutro sp6inic.

(Moiliwe, ie si~ jutro sp6Znimy).

He may not get the job he has applied for.
On moze nie dostac tej pracy, 0 kt6r,! si~ ubiega.

Za pomocq czasownik6w modalnych moiesz takie wyraiac

pewnosc i przypuszczenia dotyczqce sytuacji przesztych.

This photo shows three people. They are taking

a walk. It must be autumn because the leaves are
yellow but the day can't be very cold as the people
are not wearing coats.

Pierwsze dwa zdania opisujq fakty, ale trzecie

zdanie wyraia wnioski wyciqgni~te z obserwacji: to
z pewnosciq jest jesien (bo liscie sq t6fte), ale dzien no
pewno nie jest zimny (bo ci ludzie nie majq no sobie
plaszczy). Czasownik6w must i can't uiywasz, kiedy

masz niemal catkowitq pewnosc co do stusznosci

swoich wniosk6w. Czasowniki te majq przeciwstawne
znaczenia: pierwszy m6wi, ie cos jest pewne, drugi ie cos jest niemoiliwe. Wj~zyku polskim uiywasz ich
w taki sam spos6b: Musi byejesien. Dzien nie moie bye

She must have chosen the vegetables carefully because they

all look very fresh and tasty. She can't have bought all these
vegetables for herself, she may have offered to cook for the
whole family or she may have invited some guests to dinner.
She is reading a cookery book, so she may not have made
the dish before or she may have forgotten the recipe.


Do wyraiania przypuszczen stuiy czasownik may oraz

jego forma przeczqca may not.
The man may be the womans husband. The boy
may be five or six. He may not be their grandson.
He may be their nephew or their son.
Mozliwe, ze m~zczyzna jest m~zem kobiety.
Chlopiec moze miee pi~e lub szese lat. Moze
nie bye ich wnukiem. Mozliwe, ze jest ich
siostrzencem lub synem.

Znaczenie czasownik6w modalnych jest tutaj identyczne, jak

w przypadku sytuacji terainiejszych/przysztych. Have informuje
o tym, ie odnosisz si~ do sytuacji przesztej, a past participle
(czyli tzw. trzecia forma) wynika z uiycia have.

I Wkonstrukcjach z czasownikami modalnymi have wyst~puje

zawsze w tej samej formie i nigdy z przeczeniem!

Uiywajqc podanych czasownik6w modalnych

przeksztaU zdania tak, aby zachowac ich znaczenie.
I'm sure this woman lives nearby. (must)
This woman _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __
It's possible that I have met this man before. (may)
1 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __
I'm sure they go jogging every morning. (must)
They _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __

It's possible that we will win the match on Sunday. (may)

We _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __
It's possible that she didn't lock the back door. (may not)
She _____________________________


Zakresl prawidtow'l opcj~.

What a delicious smell! Mum must / may not have baked
a cake!
I gave you 50 yesterday! You may / can't have spent all of
They have just arrived. They must / can't be tired after
such a long journey.
4 The boys look exactly the same. They may / must be
identical twins.
Charles has put his hand up. He must / may know the
answer or he must / may just want to leave the room.

Uzupetnij zdania odpowiednimi czasownikami z ramki.

Zdecyduj, czy potrzebujesz czasownika w formie podstawowej,
czy have z czasownikiem w formie past participle. Jeden czasownik
podano dodatkowo i nie pasuje on do zadnego ze zdan.






This museum is very popular. It must _ _ _ _ hundreds of

visitors every year.
Sue came to the office very early today. Her husband must
_ _ _ _ her a lift to work.
Don't ring the doorbell. The baby may _ _ _ _ asleep.
4 We sent the invitation yesterday, so he can't
it yet.
5 Let's ask Tim to go to the cinema with us. He may not _ _ __
this comedy yet.
Przedumacz podane w j~zyku polskim fragmenty zdan na j~zyk

1 How does Jack know about the party? He (z pewnosciq nie slyszal)
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ our conversation!
Linda (mozliwe, ze nie sprawdza) _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __
her email account every day. I think we should call her.
They (mogli nie zauwazyc,)
4 John (na pewno nie chodzi piechotq) _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __
to school. I think he takes a bus.
Kate (moze b~dzie musiala) _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ work at
the weekend.
Rozwin kazdC} z wypowiedzi korzystajC}c z podanych wskaz6wek
i uzywajC}c odpowiednich konstrukcji z czasownikami modalnymi

must, can't i may.

Your son is top of the class. (he / very
He is smiling and waving at us. (he /
recognise us)
Beth doesn't play bridge very well. (she /
play it very often)
4 I have no idea how Paula got here. (she /
come by bus)
I asked Mick to buy some sugar, but the
sugar bowl is empty. (he / forget to buy it)
PotC}cz wypowiedzi (1-6) z odpowiednimi reakcjami (A-F).

Charles looks a bit pale today.

My daughter has won the school marathon.
These figures do not seem right, you must have made a mistake.
4 This coat must have cost a fortune!
5 Was it Joan I saw in the hall?
6 Why isn't he here yet?
A Actually, it didn't. I got it in the sales.
B He may have flu.

He may not know how to get to your place.

D I don't think I have, I've checked the calculations three times.

It can't have been. She doesn't work here anymore.

You must be really proud of her!

Uzupetnij luki w rozmowie (1-6) odpowiednimi

wyrazami z ramki (A-H). Kazdego stowa
mozesz uzyc tylko raz. Dwa stowa podano
dodatkowo i nie pasujC} one do zadnej z luk.

Tom: 1_
you help me with this? It's very
Josh: Of course ... It really is heavy! What is it?
Tom: Probably the netbook I ordered three
days ago.
Josh: It 2 _
be. Netbooks aren't so heavy and
they're much smaller than this parcel.
Tom: Let's open it and see. You're right, it's not
a netbook. They're books. But I haven't ordered
be a mistake and I will
any books so this 3 _
to send them back. What a nuisance.
do anything before you check if
Josh: You 5 _
it really is a mistake. The books 6 _
be for
somebody else, you don't live here on your
own, Tom. Let's look at the address on the box.
What does it say?
Tom: "Mr T. Prescott, 24 Chestnut ..."
Josh: Wait! Just T., not Thomas. And your
brother's name is Timothy. The books are
probably for him!

Uzupetnij rozmow~, ttumaczC}c podane

w j~zyku polskim fragmenty zdan na j~zyk

Where's my mobile? I 1_ _ _ _ _ _ __

(na pew no go zgubilam)!

I> Don't panic! You 2_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __
(mozliwe, ze zostawilas go) at home.

3_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _

_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ (Czy moglabys pozyczyc)

me your phone? I want Mum to check if! left it
on the kitchen table.
I> Sorry, I'm afraid the battery is dead.
~ Wait! I've got it. It was in my jacket pocket.
Silly me.
I> You 4_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ (nie wolno nosic}
your mobile in your jacket pocket! 5 _ _ __
(Mozesz go naprawd~ zgubic) one day!
~ I know J6_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __
(powinnam byc) more careful with it. You're


Aby tetczyc ze so bet czasowniki, musisz znac odpowiednie konstrukcje czasownikowe. Moiliwe Set nast~pujetce zestawienia:
czasownik + czasownik z kork6wket -ing (czasownik + rzeczownik odczasownikowy)
czasownik + to + czasownik w formie podstawowej (czasownik + bezokolicznik z to)
czasownik + czasownik w formie podstawowej (czasownik + bezokolicznik bez to)
Nie ma regut m6wietcych, kiedy stosowac poszczeg61ne konstrukcje. Trzeba je po prostu zapami~tac.

po czasownikach admit, avoid, continue, deny, enjoy,

fancy, finish, imagine, risk, postpone, suggest:

po czasownikach afford, agree, arrange, decide, deserve, fail,

learn, manage, plan, pretend, refuse, seem, tend, threaten:

He enjoys solving crossword puzzles.

We've finished checking the plane. The passengers
can board it now.

We've planned to travel at night.

The shop assistant refused to e. 'change the faulty mp3player.

po wi~kszosci czasownik6w ztoionych (np. give up,

carryon, take up, put off):

She has taken up dancing.

Don't put off tidying your room, please!
po przyimkach:

Jeieli zachodzi taka potrzeba, przed to pojawia

We persuaded Tom to come to the party.

He reminded his grandma to take her medicine.
po czasownikach ask, expect, help, promise, want, would like
z dopetnieniem lub bez dopetnienia:
I asked to talk to the manager. I asked him to gIve me

a refund.
I e tpect to ms 'er all the exam questions easily. I e...pect
my friends to congratulate me.

I like dancing and I would like to dance with you


~~te cooking so I


po czasownikach encourage, force, persuade, remind, teach,

tell z dopetnieniem:

He apologised for stepping on my foot.

I'm tired of driving, let's stop for dinner.
zazwyczaj po czasownikach hate, like i love, ale
nie wtedy, kiedy poprzedza je czasownik modalny


He pretended not to 'ee me.

They decide-l not to II the police.

would hate to work as a cook.

, Uiywaj rzeczownika odczasownikowego w prosbach z konstrukcjet Would you mind... ?:

Woman: Would you mind taking your bag off the seat?
Jack: Oh, of course not, I'm sorry!
Woman: Would you mmd if I sat here?
Kobieta najpierw zwraca si~ do Jacka z prosbet, ieby zdW bagai
z siedzenia; a nast~pnie pyta go, czy moie usietsc obok niego.
W pierwszym przypadku to Jack ma wykonac pewnet czynnosc,
w drugim wykonawq czynnosci jest kobieta.
Pami~taj, ie uiycie rzeczownika odczasownikowego po zwrotach
Would you mind i Do you mind oznacza prosb~ 0 wykonanie
czynnosci, natomiast zastosowanie konstrukcji Would you mind
if I did/opened/left lub Do you mind if I d%pen/leave jest prosbet
o pozwolenie na wykonanie czynnosci.

Set takie czasowniki, po kt6rych poprawne jest uiycie zar6wno czasownika z konc6wket -ing, jak i formy podstawowej
poprzedzonej przez to. Do tej grupy naleiet czasowniki start i stop, ale pomi~dzy tymi dwoma czasownikami istnieje
istotna r6inica. W przypadku czasownika start (jak r6wniei begin) wyb6r formy nie ma wptywu na znaczenie zwrotu, ale
w przypadku czasownika stop jest inaczej.

He stopped working.

On his way home, he stopped to buy pizza.

stop doing something = przestac cos robic

stop to do something = przerwac (jakqs czynnosc), aby cos zrobic



He s ,pped workmg to


some pizza.

, Istnieje kilka ezasownikow, ktore zmieniaj'l znaezenie w zaleznosci od tego, ezy nast~puje po nieh rzeezownik
odezasownikowy, ezy bezokolieznik poprzedzony przez to:

Do you remember coming here for the first time?

Czy pami~tasz, jak przyszlas tu po raz pierwszy?

Did you remember to book a table?

Czy pami~tales, zeby zarezerwowac stolik?

Pytanie dotyezy pami~ei adresata - ezynnosc zostata

wykonana, a interesuje ei~ to, ezy zapytana osoba pami~ta
wykonanie tej ezynnosei.

Zadajqe pytanie, eheesz wiedziec, ezy dana ezynnosc

zostata wykonana.

I was surprised to find the stamps in my bag. I'd forgotten

buying them.
Bylam zaskoczona, kiedy znalazlam znaczki w swojej
torbie. Zapomnialam, ze je kupilam.

+ -ing = testowac efekt wykonanej czynnosci (wykonujesz

ezynnosc i oeeniasz, ezy przyniosta zamierzony skutek):

+ to ... =pr6bowac cos zrobic (przyst~pujesz do ezynnosci,

ale nie wiesz, ezy uda ei

I tried using earplugs, but I still heard the terrible noise.

Wlozylam zatyczki do uszu (wypr6bowatam t~ metod~),
I ale wei'lz slyszalam ten okropny halas.


jq wykonac):

I tried to open the window, but it had been nailed shut.

Pr6bowalam otworzyc okno, ale bylo zabite gwozdziami.

, Po ezasownikaeh make i let uzywaj dopetnienia i bezokolieznika bez to:

Her friends made her change her mind. Jej przyjaeiele sprawili, ze zmienila zdanie.
Our teacher sometimes lets us play educational games in class.
Nasz nauczyciel czasami pozwala nam grac w gry edukacyjne podczas zaj~c.

Uzupetnij luki w tekScie (1-7) odpowiednimi

ezasownikami z ramki. Do kazdego z ezasownikow
nalezy dodac koneowk~ -ing. Dwa ezasowniki podano
dodatkowo i nie pasuj'l one do zadnej z luk.

cook eat (x2) go hear laugh look suffer talk

Jack suggested I
to George's
presentation and we all agreed. When we arrived,
George looked nervous. He started his speech by
asking if we enjoyed 2
fast food.
Well, who doesn't? Everyone nodded. George said
that we all risked 3
a heart attack.
He looked at his audience carefully and then he saw
us. This made him even more nervous. "Why don't
you give up eating?" he asked. There was silence in
the room and then somebody said, "Because if we
stopped 4
, we would die?" Some
people started 5
and George's face
went red. There was silence again. Eventually, George
apologized for the mistake and continued
about the dangers of fast food, but
he carefully avoided 7
at us during
the rest of his presentation.

Uzupetnij luki w tekscie (1-9) odpowiednimi ezasownikami

z ramki. Przed kazdym z ezasownikow nalezy dodac to. Dwa
ezasowniki podano dodatkowo i nie pasuj'l one do zadnej z luk.







Actually, George's presentations are always interesting. I remember

his audience
another one, when George wanted I
some photographs. He had prepared a slideshow so when he started
, he also clicked on the icon and the slideshow
began. However, George was then learning 3 _ _ _ _ _ __
eye-contact with his audience, so he failed 4 _ _ _ _ _ __
round and look at the screen. As he was talking about health and
vitamins and minerals, the audience were watching a very
interesting set of holiday snaps in which George, wearing only his
various tricks.
Bermudas, was teaching his dog 5
Some people laughed but George pretended not 6 _ _ _ _ _ __
that. We didn't know what to do because we had promised George
to his presentations. Finally, Jack stood up
not 7
and asked George where the photos had been taken. George had
just started saying something but he stopped 8 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ at
this memorable
the screen ... He still refuses 9


3 Uzupetnij zdania czasownikami z ramki w odpowiedniej

formie. Dwa czasowniki podano dodatkowo i nie pasuj'l one
do iadnego ze zdan.









Caroline tends _ _ _ _ _ _ _ about appointments,

so you should remind her _ _ _ _ _ _ _ to the
The guide advised the tourists to avoid _ _ _ _ _ __
their passports and money in their backpacks.
I can't afford
money on poor quality
things. When I buy something, it must be really good.
4 It's the first time Dad's let me
camera. I'll take hundreds of photos!
Bring a torch, please. Let's not risk _ _ _ _ _ _ _ off
the cellar stairs.
ut6i zdania z podanych wyraz6w i zwrot6w. Uiyj
podanych w nawiasie czas6w. Wykorzystaj wszystkie wyrazy.
Nie zmieniaj kolejnosci st6w/zwrot6w.

1 I / not / plan / join / the drama club / but my friends /

persuade / me / play the role of Juliet. (past prefect, past
I / cannot / imagine / work / as a doctor so / I / decide /
give up / study / medicine. (present Simple, present perfect)
Jack / always / dream about / become / a firefighter / and
he / really / seem / enjoy / help / other people. (present
perfect, present simple)
4 Jessica / refuse / let / her younger brother / use / her
laptop. (past Simple)
He / manage / finish / the race / although he / take up /
ride / only three months before. (past simple, past perfect)
Pot'lcz pocz'ltki zdan (1-6) z odpowiednimi
zakonczeniami (A-F).

We had forgotten sending them an invitation to our

wedding and
We had forgotten to send them an invitation to our
wedding and
3 We stopped buying the newspaper when
4 We stopped to buy a newspaper because
We tried downloading the company leaflet but
6 We tried to download the company leaflet but

Uzupetnij luki w tekscie (1-6) jedn'l z podanych

moiliwosci: A, B lub C.

That day Joe had walked

almost 15 miles and he was
tired, so when he noticed
a small farm down the road he
there for a day or
decided 1_
two. He hoped the farmer
would offer him a bed in
exchange for a helping hand.
He was not disappointed: the
owner, Mrs Peters, let him
the spare bedroom. She was a kind, cheerful
woman in her late thirties and she really loved 3 _
for her two teenage sons. She told Joe that she couldn't
him, but she needed someone to help with
afford 4 _
strawberries in
picking fruit. Joe remembered 5 _
Spain and the pain in his knees and back he had felt
and work in
after a day's work. Still, he agreed 6 _
return for the comfortable bed and three meals a day
that she had offered. The next morning, when Mrs
Peters smiled at him and said, "Let's go. The orchard is
behind the house;' he felt huge relief. The orchard!
Fruit trees and not strawberries!
to stop
to use
to cook
to pay
to pick
to stay

A our favourite journalist gave up writing for it.

B the hyperlink didn't seem to work.
( there was no useful information in it.
D we wanted to check if there was any information about
the accident.
we were surprised that they hadn't come.
we were surprised when they came.
Zakresl wszystkie prawidtowe opcje.

She admitted / denied / tended driving the company car

while on holiday.
I've forgotten / remembered / reminded to bring the photo,
you can look at it.
They decided / enjoyed / managed to ski down the slope
despite the bad weather conditions.
4 Fiona encouraged / made / persuaded us to organise
a dance competition.
They didn't want to admit / continue / risk lOSing the
money their sponsors had given them.


Uzupetnij luki w tekscie (1-6) czasownikami z ramki

w odpowiedniej formie. Dwa czasowniki podano
dodatkowo i nie pasuj'l one do iadnej z luk.

put off



stay up


E........... ,.-, IPS

alone and then with
a friend to see which works better for you.
Remember 2
breaks from time
to time. Go for a walk, talk to a friend, relax.
Write a list of questions about the exam material
and persuade your brother, sister or friend
to your answers. Thinking
aloud helps a lot!
Do not let your family and friends


Do not force yourself 5

when you feel exhausted. You won't learn much
when you are tired.
Avoid 6
late the night before
the exam. You need your sleep.


Who, what ezy which?

Tworzqc pytanie w j~zyku angielskim, zazwyczaj uzywasz

operatora: be, do, have lub czasownika modalnego:

Pytajqc 0 osoby, zazwyczaj uzywasz stowa who:

He is a famous actor.
---+ li. he a famous actor?
They had played two sets before Paul arrived.
---+ How many sets had they played before Paul arrived?
Joan can play the guitar.
---+ Can Joan play the guitar?

Jedynym operatorem, ktory nie wyst~puje w zdaniach

twierdzqcych, jest do/does/did:

Maria sing~ in the church choir every Thursday.

---+ When does Maria ID1g in the church choir?

The Buckleys opened a restaurant in York.

---+ Where did the Buckleys open a restaurant?

Who do you trust?

Jezeli jednak chcesz dac rozmowcy wybor pomi~dzy
konkretnymi osobami, uzyjesz which. Which zazwyczaj nie
wyst~puje samodzielnie, lecz poprzedza rzeczownik albo
zwrot rozpoczynajqcy si~ od of.

Which member ofyour family do you trust most?

Which of your classmates do you trust most?
There are two people in the street, a man and a woman
- which of them shall we ask for directions?

What odnosi si~ do zwierzqt, rzeczy, zjawisk, miejsc - do

wszystkiego, oprocz ludzi:
What did you see in Kenya?

Obecnosc operatorow does i didwymaga zastosowania

podstawowej formy czasownika.
Czasownik have/had, ktory jest operatorem w czasach typu
perfect, zazwyczaj nie petni roli operatora w innych czasach:

They have two cars.

---+ How many cars do they have?

Timothy had dinner in the Ritz Hotel.

---+ Where did Timothy have dinner?

, W czasie present simple uzywasz czasownika have jako

operatora, jezeli wyst~puje po nim stowo got:

They have got two cars.

---+ How many cars have they got?

Jedynymi pytaniami tworzonymi bez uzycia operatora Sq

pytania 0 podmiot, w ktorych miejsce podmiotu zajmujq
stowa who lub what:

Carla will be a famous singer one day.

---+ Who will be a famous singer one day?
His angry shouts woke me up.
---+ What woke you up?
Pytania 0 podmiot zawsze tworzysz w trzeciej osobie liczby

Maria and Joan are going to help us.

---+ Who is going to help us?
Claire and Lee have won the school lottery!
---+ Who has won the school lottery?
Od stow who i what rozpoczynajq si~ takle pytania
o dopetnienie, ktore podlegajq wszystkim typowym
zasadom tworzenia pytari:

Peter kissed Joan .

---+ Who did Peter kiss?

The volcano eruption has caused flight delays.

---+ What has the volcano eruption caused?
, Tworzqc pytania rozpoezynajqee si~ od who, what, which
i - ezasami - where, zwroc uwag~ na przyimki, ktore
muszil pozostac przy ezasowniku:

Josh is dancing with Julia.

---+ Who is Josh dancing with ?
They've just returned from Iceland.
---+ Where have they just returned from ?

Mozesz takle sprecyzowac pytanie, dodajqc po what

rzeczownik lub rzeczownik z przymiotnikiem:

What wild animals did you see in Kenya?

Which uzyjesz, kiedy chcesz, by rozmowca wybrat sposrod

dwoch lub wi~cej opcji:

Which wild animals do you like more - tigers or

giraffes ?
Give me your storybook - which story would you like to
hear today? (w ksiqzce jest ograniczona liczba opowiesci)
Which do you prefer - the seaside or the mountains?
, Pytania 0 imi~ i nazw~, ktore w j~zyku polskim
rozpoczynajil si~ od stowajak, w j~zyku angielskim
wymagajil zastosowania what, a nie how:
Jak masz na imi~?
What is your name?
Jak nazywa si~ ten slynny budynek w Rzymie?
What do you call that famous building in Rome?

Specyficznq konstrukcj~ majq takle pytania 0 wyglqd

i charakter:


What does she look like?

Jak ona wyglqda?
What is he like?
Jaki on jest?

How uzyjesz, by zapytac 0 czyjes samopoczucie:

How is John?
Jak John si~ czuje?



Wyjqtki od reguty przy tworzeniu

Question tags to zwroty pytajqce dodawane do zdan twierdzqcych

zdania rozkazujqce:

i przeczqcych. Skfadajq si~ z operatora (odpowiedniego do czasu

gramatycznego zastosowanego w zdaniu) i zaimka, kt6ry zast~puje
podmiot zdania. Jeieli zdanie jest twierdzqce, w question tag pojawia
si~ operator w formie przeczqcej; do zdania przeczqcego dodasz
question tag z twierdzqcq formq operatora:

Peter likes tomato soup, doesn't he?

That wasn't very clever of her, was it?

question tags:

Be quiet, will you?Don't shout, will you?

zdania rozpoczynajqce si~ od let's:

Let's have lunch, shall we?

zdania z I am:
Iam perfect, aren't I?

Uzupefnij pytania odpowiednimi sfowami pytajqcymi, a nastE:pnie dobierz do kazdego ze zdan (1-5) odpowiednie
zdj~cie (A-E).

1 ' _ _ _ _ did they ask for help?' 'John:

2 '
far is it from here to the railway station?' i\bout a mile:
3 '
have they done with their old furniture?' 'They've given it to a charity shop:
4 '
are you leaving for Jamaica?' 'Next Tuesday:
5 '
cake would you like - the chocolate one or the vanilla one?' 'The vanilla one, please:

Uzupefnij pytania odpowiednimi operatorami.

When _ _ _ _ you last play tennis?

they been before they came
What _ _ _ _ the weather be like at the
4 Why
she so angry with you yesterday?
How many people
you invited to
tomorrow's party?
Uzupefnij pytania sfowami: who,

what lub which.

_ _ _ _ film would you like to see - the

horror or the thriller?
_ _ _ _ has brought the fruit?
of his cats is the oldest?
kind of car does he drive?
_ _ _ _ have they told you to do?


Uf6Z pytania 0 informacje podkreslone w ponizszych zdaniach.

She is speaking Swedish.

Customers pay for the delivery.
You should talk to Jonathan.
We watched them because they-looked funn "
They called the cat Ninj~.

Uzupefnij zdania odpowiednimi question tags.

Clarissa and Paul have been here before, _ _ _ _ _ __

Don't forget to buy bread, _ _ _ _ _ __
Maria didn't stay here long, _ _ _ _ _ __
4 Shop assistants should be helpful, _ _ _ _ _ __
Let's ask Tom for advice, _ _ _ _ _ __

Kiedy chcesz zapytac 0 cos w ogl~dny spos6b, zachowac si~ grzecznie lub
sprostac wymogom oficjalnej sytuacji (na przyktad podczas pisania listu
oficjalnego lub rozmowy kwalifikacyjnejl, posluz si~ pytaniami posrednimi,
czyli takimi, kt6re rozpoczynajq si~ od uprzejmego wst~pu:

Would you mind telling me how much you earn?

May I ask how much you earn?
Zwrot6w, kt6re mogq poprzedzic pytanie, jest wiele. Do najbardziej
uprzejmych nalezq:

Would you mind telling me... }

May/Could I ask...
Could you (possibly) tell me ...

Can you tell me ... }

D o you k now...

W przypadku pytan og6lnych, czyli tych,

when the next train to Glasgow leaves.

h h d
w 0 as rawn t IS pIcture.

Najistotniejsze jest jednak to, ze uzycie wst~pnego zwrotu wymaga zmian

w samej strukturze pytania:

Where do you live?

Tell me, please, where you live.
What kind of books does he write?
I wonder what kind of books he writes.
Uzupetnij zdania odpowiednimi slowami pytajqcymi.

'I wonder
you were born: 'In Atlanta:
'Would you mind telling me
you have
applied for this job?' 'I am interested in computer
science and I have a degree in engineering:
'I would really like to know
they answered
your emails: 'Yes, they did:
4 'Tell me
paid for our lunch: 'George did:
'Do you know
often she visits her
hometown?' 'Only twice a year:
Pewien dziennikarz przygotowallist~ pytan, ktore
ehee zadac znanemu muzykowi podezas wywiadu.
PrzeksztalC pytania w pytania posrednie, korzystaj'le
z podanyeh zwrotow.

Stajqc si~ pytaniami posrednimi, pytania

tworzone przez inwersj~ r6wniez uzyskujq
gramatycznq form~ zdan twierdzqcych:

Where have you been ?

I'd like to know where you have been.
What is he doing here?
I wonder what he IS domg here.

how old you are?

Mozesz takie postuzyc si~ innymi zwrotami:

I would like to know... }

I wonder. . .
Tell me ...

W pytaniach posrednich brakuje

operatora do/does/did, a czasownik ma
form~ typOW'l dla zdania twierdzqcegoz pytania pozostaje wtasciwie tylko stowo

kt6re nie rozpoczynajq si~ od stowa/

zwrotu pytajqcego, w pytaniu posrednim
nalezy dodac wyraz if albo, w bardziej
oficjalnym kontekscie, whether:

DId his sister graduate from

I wonder if his sister graduated from
Is your grandfather retired?
Would you mind telling me whether
your grandfather is retired?

Utworz pytania 0 podkreslone informaeje, a nast~pnie

zbuduj pytania posrednie, uzywaj'le wybranego zwrotu.

Tim is going to bring some tuna salad and strawberry cake.

2 We've chosen organic vegetables because they're healthier.

3 JQID practised the piano yesterday.

4 I complained to the manager of the shop.

5 Johanna is staying in a small bed & breakfast.

Will you ever give a concert in Poland?

Iwonder ________________________________
When did you start taking music lessons?
Could you tell me __________________________
Why have you recorded only one album so far?
Would you mind telling me ___________________

4 Do you answer em ails from your fans?

MayIask _______________________________
Who is your favourite composer?
Iwonder ________________________________

Przetlumaez podane w j~zyku polskim fragmenty zdan na

j~zyk angielski.

Tell me (kiedy Wikingowie najechali) ________________

------------_____________ Britain for the first time.
I wonder (czy Maria bfdzie pamiftac,) ________________
----------------_________________ her promise.
Would you mind telling me (co pan studiowal) _________
------------_____________________ at university?
4 Do you know (gdzie zyjq. kangury) __________________
I don't know (czy Mark naprawil juz) ________________
-----______________________ the air conditioning.



Zawsze kiedy chcesz przekazae komus wypowiedzi innych os6b albo
zrelacjonowae trese rozmowy, uiywasz mowy zaleinej, kt6ra wymaga
wprowadzenia pewnych charakterystycznych zmian:

Przejrzyj tabel~ zmian charakterystycznych

dla mowy zaleinej:

Lee: I don't like grammar.

Lee's teacher: One of my students, Lee, said that he didn't like grammar.
Zmiana zaimka osobowego (J -+ he) spowodowana jest faktem, ie sfowa
Lee przekazywane Sq przez innq osob~ (jego nauczyciela). Zmiana czasu
(don't -+ didn't) wynika z przeszfej formy czasownika said: wypowiedi Lee
naleiy do przeszfosci; jego nastawienie do gramatyki mogfo si~ zmienie, wi~c
nie powinnismy zakfadac, ie w chwili obecnej nadal jej nie lubi.

Claire: We're going to discuss the project tomorrow.

Jeieli wypowiedi Claire przekazujesz komus innego dnia, jutro przestafo bye
jutrem; jest tei cafkiem moiliwe, ie zapowiadana dyskusja jui si~ odbyfa:

Claire said they were going to discuss the project the nextljollowing day.
Zmiany te wynikajq z przeszfej formy czasownika wprowadzajqcego (said,
told}. Jeieli czasownik wprowadzajqcy ma form~ terainiejszq, zmiany nie

I'm thinking about buying a car.

She has told me she is thinking about buying a car.


present simple -+ past Simple

present continuous -+ past continuous
present perfect -+ past perfect
past simple -+ past perfect
will -+ would

now -+ then
ago -+ before
today -+ that day
tonight -+ that night
tomorrow -+ the next/following day
yesterday -+ the day before,
the previous day
last (week) -+ the (week) before,
the previous (week)
next (Monday) -+ the next/following
here -+ there

Po czasowniku say nie podajemy adresata wypowiedzi:

The boss said (that) he wanted to see the whole team.

Jeieli chcesz zawrzee w zdaniu informacj~, do kogo skierowana byfa
wypowiedi, posfui si~ przyimkiem to; nie pomijaj wtedy sfowa that:

The boss said ill me that he wanted to see the whole team.
Uiycie czasownika tell wymaga podania adresata wypowiedzi:

The boss told me (that) he wanted to see the whole team.

Uzupetnij zdania czasownikami said lub told.

he was going to the cinema the next evening.
the kids had eaten too much ice cream.
his teacher that he would try to learn more.
4 The bus driver
to the old lady that she didn't need
a ticket.
We _ _ _ _ them that we had checked the timetable an
hour before.
Przekai cytowane wypowiedzi, uiywaj'lc mowy zaleinej.

'Our neighbours are moving out: they said.

They told me _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __
'This fIlm is not worth seeing: the critic said.
The critic said _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __
'Grace never returns the books she has borrowed: Paul said.
Paul told us _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __
4 'This winter will be long and cold: the old man said.
The old man said _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __
'I haven't seen such a big dog before: Lucy said.
Lucy said _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ __
Na podstawie podanych zdan w mowie zaleinej odtw6rz
faktyczne wypowiedzi.

Beth said that she wanted to talk to all of us.

_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ : Beth said.
The little boy said that he wouldn't climb the apple tree again.
the little boy said.


My grandfather told us that his old friend had visited

him the previous weekend.

my grandfather said.
The mechanic said that they were still repairing my
the mechanic told me.
Peter said that his sister hadn't recovered from the
Peter said.

Uzupetnij zdania czasownikami z ramki

w odpowiedniej formie. Dwa czasowniki podano
dodatkowo i nie pasuj'l one do iadnego ze zdan.
be block graduate like not/sell

not/stop play

One of the other passengers told them that the train

_ _ _ _ in Reading.
George told us that he
from school two
years before.
Brenda said that her older brother
20 the
next week.
4 The shop assistant said that they
Quippy laptops since the previous year.
Jim looked out of the window and said that a group
of angry protesters
the road outside.


Zdania rozkazujqce majq w j~zyku angielskim prostq

Aby przekazac zakaz, musiszjedynie dodac not:


Don't get upset.

She told me not to get upset.

Open the window.

Do your homework.

W mowie zaleinej zdania tego typu wymagajq uiycia

bezokolicznika poprzedzonego przez to:

Pami~taj, ie stowo not zawsze poprzedza to.

Don't let the cat out.

He told me not to let the cat out.
Don't give me orders!
She told me not to give her orders.

She told me to ope" the window.

John told his daughter to do her homework.




Nie kaide zdanie rozkazujqce stanowi rozkaz, w podobny

spos6b moiesz takie wyrazic prosb~:


Pass me the salt, please.

Please, pleas , let me go to the party!

Aby w mowie zaleinej zaznaczyc, ie przekazywane

zdanie stanowito prosb~, nie rozkaz, uiyjesz czasownika
wprowadzajqcego ask:

W przypadku zdan rozkazujqcych forma czasownika

wprowadzajqcego (tem nie wptywa na form~
czasownika w przekazywanym zdaniu. Jeieli jednak
czasownik wprowadzajqcy ma form~ przesztq (np.
told), a w zdaniu rozkazujqcym pojawiajq si~ zaimki
wskazujqce, okreslenia czasu lub wyraz here, stowa
te Sq zast~powane przez odpowiednie zamienniki,
zgodnie z obowiqzujqcymi w mowie zaleinej zasadami:

She asked me to pass her the salt.

Trish asked her mother to let her go to the party.
Zauwai, ie stowa

Specyficznym rodzajem zdania rozkazujqcego jest propozycja

sktadana przy pomocy wyraienia let's:

Let's play tennis tomorrow.

Put the boxes here.

He told me to put the boxes there.
Phone him tomorrow.
She told me to phone him the next day.
Now uiyte w zdaniach w trybie rozkazujqcym zmienia
si~ w mowie zaleinej w immediately:

Do it now!
He told me to do it immediately.

please nie uwzgl~dniamy w mowie zaleinej.

W mowie zaleinej tego typu zdania wymagajq uiycia

czasownika suggest:

She suggested playing tennis the next day.

, Jeieli zdanie rozkazujqce stanowi cz~sc zdania ztoionego,
w mowie zaleinej druga cz~sc zdania podlega wszystkim
charakterystycznym zmianom:

Take off your muddy shoes as I have just washed the floor.
The woman told us to take off our muddy shoes as she had
just wa,;hed the floor.

PrzeksztalC podane zdania, uiywaj'lc mowy zaleinej.

PrzeksztalC podane zdania, uiywajqc mowy zaleinej.

'Sit down and eat something; she said to the boy.

She told the boy _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __

'Please, heat up the soup when you come home,' my

mother asked me.

'Buy a candy bar for me, please; my younger sister said.

My younger sister asked me _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __

'Don't use pencils during the exam,' the teacher said to

the class.

'Press the button when you see the green light; the
instructor said.
The instructor told us _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __

'Let's get a guard dog,' Mike said.


'Let's have a party after we've finished the exams,' Peter


PrzeksztalC podane zdania, uiywaj'lc mowy zaleinej.

'Don't break this vase; Grace said to her brother.

Grace told her brother _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __
'Don't drive so fast, please; Julia said to the taxi driver.
Julia asked the taxi driver _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __
'Don't leave the house till I return; she said to her
She told her daughter _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __

Uzupetnij zdania stowami to lub that.

The teacher told us _ _ _ _ read all the books in the

The doctor told me
I had hurt my head really
put down the receiver
The operator told us
and call again.
4 The tennis instructor told Trish
she hit the
ball too hard.



Wszystkie pytania w mowie zaleinej Sq pytaniami posrednimi, wi~c
przyjmujq form~ charakterystycznq dla zdan twierdzqcych.
Jeieli czasownik wprowadzajqcy (np. ask, wonder, want to know) rna
form~ przesztq, pytanie podlega wszystkim zmianom typowym dla mowy

What are you working on?

Yesterday she asked me what I was working on.
Have your parents seen this mess?
He asked Grace if her parents had seen that/the mess.
DId you talk to Lee last week?
She wanted to know if I had talked to Lee the previous week / the
week before.
Where will he go on holiday next year?
Claire asked where he would go on holiday the following year / the
next year.

A few days ago I had a chance to talk to

Jonathan Cranes, the well-known actor.
I asked him how many films he had been
in. He said he had played in four. He told
me he also appeared regularly in a TV
comedy series. When I asked when his
acting career had begun, he said he had
played a prince in a school performance
at the age of seven. I wanted to know
how he prepared for a role and he said he
learnt the lines and he also tried to think
like his character. Finally, I asked him IVhat
his next film would be abou but he said
he didn't know yet. He told me he had got
two offers a week before and he still hadn't
decided which of them he would take.

Rozmowa w mowie zaleinej

Przekazujqc tresc rozmowy, pami~taj 0 wszystkich zmianach
charakterystycznych dla mowy zaleinej.

Maggie: How many films have you been in?

Actor: I've played in four. I also appear regularly in a TV comedy series.
Maggie: When did your acting career begin?
Actor: At the age of seven I played a prince in a school performance.
Maggie: How do you prepare for a role?
Actor: I learn the lines, of course, but I also try to think like my
Maggie: What will your next film be about?
Actor: I don't know yet. I got two offers a week ago and I still haven't
decided which of them I will take.

Uzupetnij zdania odpowiednimi czasownikami:

Uzupetnij zdania czasownikami z ramki

w odpowiedniej formie. Dwa czasowniki podano
dodatkowo i nie pasuj'l one do iadnego ze zdan.

The dentist asked me how many sweet things

in a week.
I usually
We looked at the gadget and wondered who
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ such a silly device.
A reporter asked the President whether he
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ the USA the following month.
4 The policeman asked me how well
my neighbours.
The teacher asked if we _ _ _ _ _ __
reading the text.


Elementy typowe dla j~zyka mowionego,

takie jak well czy of course, s'l zazwyczaj
pomijane w mowie zaleinej.

Przekai cytowane pytania, uiywaj'lc mowy zaleinej.

asked, said lub told.

Mr Peters
his students what they
usually did in their free time.
The football player
the journalist that
he had never had a serious accident.
The children
their parents had
promised them some new toys.
her to write the report
4 Her boss
The doctor
my cousin didn't need to
stay in hospital.

'Where did you buy these fantastic sports shoes?'

Jess asked her friend _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __
'Are the kids playing in the garden?'
Paulasked _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ____
'Why have you lied to Mr Piers?'
Trish asked her younger brother _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __

'Will you play in tomorrow's match?'

The coach asked him _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __
'Who do you usually inform about minor accidents?'
The new teacher asked us _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __

Na podstawie podanych pytan w mowie zaleinej odtworz

faktyczne wypowiedzi.
1 Jerry wondered where they would build a sports centre.
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ?' Jerry wondered.
Beth asked whether the guests had arrived yet.
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ?' asked Beth.
Jessica asked what time the plane had landed in Moscow.
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ?' Jessica asked.
4 Dad wondered if cars would cost less the following year.
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ?' Dad wondered.
The waiter asked how the guests would like their steaks.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - _?'

the waiter asked the guests.

Przeczytaj poniisz'l rozmow~, a nast~pnie uzupetnij raport


Police officer: Did you see the burglar?

Witness: Yes, I did.
Police officer: What did he look like?
Witness: He was tall and quite muscular.
Police officer: Do you remember his face?
Witness: I think he had a beard ...
Police officer: Will you recognise him if you see him in a photo?
Witness: No, I don't think so. I felt very scared!
Police officer: Do not get upset, please. Wh~ did the burglar

Uzupetnij luki w tekscie (1-6) wyrazami z ramki

(A-H). Dwa wyrazy podano dodatkowo i nie
pasuj'l one do iadnej z luk.

.r. Ctske4 t/<'e wit~ess iF s/<'e /<'{Ae! Seey\ t/<'e

/MrqR{Ar; s/<'e s{Aie! s/<'e Me!, so .r. Ctske4 /<'er,
9-.e toRe! Vt-\e /<'e
t{ARR {A~e! oVlite



UMet .r. Ctske4

/<'is F{Ace, s/<'e s{Aie!

/<'e Me! /<,{Ac{
iF s/<'e


{A /;>e{).re!, so

.r. Ctske4

iF s/<'e S{AW /<'iVt-\ iVt

{A p/<,oto {AM s/<'e s{Aie! s/<'e e!ie! ~ot t/<'iMk so. 9-.e
toEe! Vt-\e s/<'e
- - - - - - - - - - - - ver-~
sc{Ar"-'1 {A~e! s/<'e seew-.ed Vterv'OVlS so .r. {Aske4 /<'erVtext, .r. {Aske4

Na podstawie fragmentu listu odtworz rozmow~ pomi~dzy

ekspedientk'l a klientk'l w butiku.
so I decided to buy it. I took it to a shop assistant and
said that I would take the dress. She looked at me and then
at the dress and next she asked me if I had tried it on.
I told her I knew the dress would fit. She asked whether
I Was certain. I said I Was and I told her it Was the right
size. She said the shop didn't give refunds. This made me
really angry, I told her not to worry about my money and to
pack the dress for me. She said that she Was sorry and that
she Was just trying to be helpful. She Was about to scan it
when I saW that the size on the label Was 14 - much too
big for me! I'd taken the wrong size after all, she'd been
absolutely right I You can imagine how stupid I felt...

Shop assistant:
Shop assistant:
Shop assistant:
Shop assistant:

The woman who opened the door had a smile on

her face; she greeted us and asked
we had come to see the
puppies. We 2
we hadn't, but
then we noticed a dog behind her, and it was the
most charming animal we'd ever seen. The
woman told us that the dog's name
Nana and she led us to the
back of the house where the puppies were
sleeping in a basket; Nana lay down in front of it.
The woman said the dogs had been born three
months 4
and had to stay with
their mother for at least two more weeks.
I couldn't stop looking at them. I wanted one.
I heard myself saying I 5
back the 6

Uzupetnij luki w tekscie (1-6) czasownikami

z ramki w odpowiedniej formie. Jeden czasownik
podano dodatkowo i nie pasuje on do iadnej
z luk.

The next day we went to the beach again as we

didn't want to admit that we were bored with
swimming and sunbathing. We were lying on our
beach towels; we had run out of topics for
conversation. It was Graham who suddenly sat
a boat to
up and suggested 1
sail to a small island with a ruined castle. Alec
much too
said the weather 2
hot for rowing or sightseeing, Gina told Graham
that all ruined castles 3
a lot of
the same and that she 4
such places while on holiday the previous year,
Charlie asked if Graham 5 ____________
I was curious, however, or maybe I just wanted to
escape the beach, so when Marla and Sue told
Graham they 6
to the island
with him, I decided to join them.



(zasowniki takie jak give, offer, buy, sell, lend, show, tell,
mogq miec dwa dopetnienia:

Zdanie w stronie biernej budujesz, uiywajqc czasownika be

oraz formy past participle:

The rescuers have given the refugees some food.

Ratownicy dali (komu?) uchodicom (co?) troch~
The king showed his baby son [Q the people waiting
outside the palace.
Kr6l pokazal (kogo?) swojego synka (komu?)
ludziom czekaj,!cym przed palacem.

The offices are cleaned every evening.

Several changes have been made to the design of the new
Ancient Egypt was ruled by the pharaohs.
I'm sure this piece ofgossip will be repeated hundreds of
Tworzenie pytan w stronie biernej wymaga przestawienia
operatora przed podmiot zdania, a w przeczeniach do
operatora naleiy dodac stowo not.

, Zwr6e uwag~, i:e przy tej drugiej kolejnosci dopetnien

(najpierw colkogo, a potem komu) w zdaniu pojawia
si~ przyimek to.

Operatory w stronie biernej:

present simple, past simple

present perfect


Are his friends often

invited here?
Where was this car
The building is not used
as a stable anymore.
This photograph was not
taken by me.

Have you
been told
about the
This house
has not been
renovated for

When will the

new hospital
be built?
Dinner will
not be served
until all the
guests have

W stronie biernej podmiot zdania jest odbiorcq lub

przedmiotem danej czynnosci, a nie jej wykonawcq:

The statue of David was sculpted by Michelangelo.

Wykonawca - rzezbiarz - wymieniony jest na koncu zdania,
po przyimku by. Podmiotem jest pOSqg - to, co zostato
W stronie czynnej kolejnosc jest odwrotna: zaczynasz od
wykonawcy, a odbiorca/przedmiot czynnosci stanowi
dopetnienie - wymieniony jest po czasowniku:

A professional trainer has trained this dog to help the

This dog has been trained to help the blind by
a professional trainer.
, Zamieniaj'le zdanie ze strony ezynnej na stron~ biern'l
ui:yj formy ezasownika be zgodnej z ezasem ui:ytym
PrzeksztaU ponii:sze
zdania w zdania w stronie

Scientists often discover

new species in the
Amazon rainforests.
Wait here, Ms Jones, they
will soon prepare your
employment contract.
Someone has removed
all the chairs from the
4 Peter showed me some
holiday photographs.
Who put the car keys in
this drawer?


Zdania z dwoma dopetnieniami moiesz przeksztakac na

stron~ biernq na dwa sposoby:

The refugees have been given some food.

Some food has been given [Q the refugees.
Strony biernej uiywasz, kiedy odbiorca lub przedmiot
czynnosci jest istotniejszy od jej wykonawcy - na
przyktad dlatego, ie wykonawca jest nieznany lub
oczywisty i moiesz go pominqc:

Somebody has stolen our car! Our car has been stolen!
The police arrested a mugger. A mugger was arrested.

Jesli ehcesz ui:ye strony biernej, by zapytae

0 wykonawe~ ezynnosci, zakoncz pytanie przyimkiem

Who was this article written by?
(zasami uiycie strony biernej moie wynikac po prostu
z tego, ie to odbiorca lub przedmiot czynnosci znajduje
si~ w centrum zainteresowania:

This beautiful palace is one of the major attractions

of Brighton. It was built between 1787 and 1822 and
it was used as a royal summer residence until 1850,
when it was sold to the city of Brighton ...
Tematem tekstu jest patac, a nie osoby, kt6re go
zbudowaty, bqdz w nim mieszkaty.
Uiycie strony biernej jest takie bardzo cz~ste w listach
formalnych i innych tekstach 0 charakterze oficjalnym .

Uzupetnij zdania ezasownikami w nawiasaeh w stronie biernej w odpowiednim ezasie.

Luckily, the two missing children

(find). They are now in hospital.
(sometimes!criticise) for her decisions but she is very
The president
(elect) again next year.
popular and I'm sure she
3 All the clothes look new, it is clear that they
4 In 2008, the actress
(give) the role of Shakespeare's Juliet.
The new shopping centre
(open) as soon as a car park for it
- -_ _ _ _ (build) next year.
Ut6i: zdania, wykorzystuj'le wszystkie podane stowa i zwroty oraz odpowiednio
zmieniaj'le form~ ezasownik6w. Zdeeyduj, ezy ezasowniki powinny bye w stronie ezynnej,
ezy w stronie biernej. Nie zmieniaj kolejnosci st6w i zwrot6w. Dodaj niezb~dne przyimki.

Mr Peters / prefer / travelling / train / since / his luggage / lose / when / he / travel/plane
George / not suffer / any injuries / the accident / but / his car / seriously / damage.
The kids / take / the swimming pool/every Friday / but / last Friday / they / stay / horne.
4 Toothbrushes / invent / the Chinese / 1498/ but / Europe / they / produce / since / 1780.
5 In 1982/ the artist / photograph / several times / and / he / paint / a self-portrait.

Uzupetnij zdania czasownikiami podanymi w nawiasach

w stronie czynnej lub biernej w odpowiednim czasie.

1 When the company

(establish) in 1990, we
_ _ _ _ _ _ (decide) to use only the best quality
ingredients in our products and today our chocolate
_______ (still/make) from carefully selected cocoa
Puffy, Mr Chapston's dog,
(train) by its
owner to do various tricks. Everyone in the neighbourhood
_ _ _ _ _ _ (know) Puffy and Mr Chapston
_______ (often/ask) for advice on dog training.
Yesterday, he
(visit) by a journalist and
a photographer from the local newspaper. I'm sure an article
about Puffy
(publish) soon!

Uzupetnij zdania czasownikami z ramki w stronie

czynnej lub biernej w odpowiednim czasie. Dwa
czasowniki podano dodatkowo i nie pasujct one do
zadnego ze zda.,.








In Victorian schools all children _ _ _ _ _ __

reading, writing and arithmetic.
a unique opportunity to stay in
an underwater hotel and we are looking forward to it.
to Simon about the problem as
soon as she sees him.
4 These beautiful trees _______ about 1.20
metres a year so they are perfect for new gardens.
The plants in the greenhouse
a day.
PrzeUumacz podane w j~zyku polskim fragmenty
zda., na j~zyk angielski.

(Dano mil a choice

between a twin room and a suite. Which should
I take?
The plane engines
regularnie sprawdzane) for any problems.
Your bank statements _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __
(bfdq do pana przesylane) at the end of each month.
4 Which laptops
kupowane) most often?
Is it safe to eat these vegetables?
___________ (Czy one zostaly

Uzupetnij luki w tekscie (1-6) jednct

z podanych mozliwosci: A, B lub C.

The portrait on your right is a bit mysterious.

around 1860. It shows a young girl in
a green dress and a yellow hat, who is standing
in a garden. Who was the portrait painted
2_ ? Who is the girl? So far, only the garden
3_ : it is the rose garden of the nearby
abbey". The garden 4 _
to visitors since 1904,
when the monks" from the abbey 5 _
to repair the roof on the main building. But in
the 1860s no-one except the monks 6 _
beauty of the roses. Was the artist a monk?

Uzupetnij luki w tekscie (1-6) czasownikami z ramki

w odpowiedniej formie. Dwa czasowniki podano dodatkowo
i nie pasujct one do zadnej z luk.

It 1_

abbey - opactwo; monks - mnisi


was painted
has identified
has been opened
were needing
have enjoyed
were enjoyed

was painting
has been identified
has opened
were needed

The residents of a tower block in

Manchester have had a difficult day
because of a spider.
A tarantula was brought to a fourthfloor flat by a teenage girl who wanted
to show her pet to a friend.
Unfortunately, once the lid
off the shoebox in
which the spider was kept, the tarantula escaped. As a member of
a tree-climbing and extremely fast-moving species, the spider proved
difficult to find. The police were called; they soon came and they
a vet and a doctor with them. The residents of the
block were asked for help. However, the doctor 3 _ _ _ _ _ __
them not to touch the tarantula as spider bites may cause dangerous
allergic reactions. Since 2006, in the UK alone, 358 people
hospital treatment for bites from pet spiders.
The spider was finally found by Mr Lucas Hardby. He saw the
tarantula in his bathroom and immediately 5
with a glass jar to prevent it from disappearing again. Today,
; the tarantula has also
fortunately, no-one 6



Czasami r6iniea pomi~dzy pierwszym i drugim okresem

warunkowym sprowadza si~ do tego, ezy danq sytuaej~
postrzegamy jako wylqeznie hipotetyeznq, ezy jako
prawdopodobnq z uwagi na okolieznosei:

W j~zyku angielskim istnieje kilka rodzaj6w zdan

warunkowych, a wszystkie opisujq sytuacje, w kt6rych
spelnienie okreslonego warunku prowadzi do pewnych

If a beggar asked you for

money, would you give
them any?
Look at these beggars in
the square. If they ask
you for money, will you
give them any?

o If you heat water, it boils.

Powyisze zdanie opisuje pewnq og61nq zasad~ - jesli
podgrzewasz wod~, woda si~ gotuje - dzieje si~ tak
zawsze. Sp6jrz teraz na formy czasownik6w: w obydwu
ez~sciaeh zdania pojawia si~ ezas present simple. Ten rodzaj
zdania warunkowego nazywamy zerowym okresem

If I meet Sharon, I will tell her about Jack's request.

W tym zdaniu masz do ezynienia z konkretnq sytuacjq

dotyczqeq przyszlosci: jeieli spotkam Sharon, powiem jej
o prosbie Jacka. Skladam obietnic~, ale jej spelnienie
uwarunkowane jest spotkaniem Sharon. W zdaniu
warunkowym - tym, kt6re okresla warunek - pojawia si~
ezas present simple, mimo ie sytuaeja dotyczy przyszlosei;
konstrukcji przyszlej uiywamy w zdaniu gl6wnym, czyli
tym, kt6re opisuje konsekwencje spelnienia warunku. To
zdanie stanowi przyklad tak zwanego pierwszego okresu
2 If Dad was/were at home, he
would know what to do.
Zdanie opisuje sytuacj~ terainiejszq:
gdyby tata byl w domu, wiedzialby,
co robie. Zdanie warunkowe jest
w ezasie past simple, a zdanie
gl6wne zawiera ezasownik modalny
would w polqczeniu z ezasownikiem
w formie podstawowej. Jest
to przyklad drugiego okresu
warunkowego, w kt6rym:

albo warunekjest niemoiliwy do spelnienia, dlatego ie

m6wimy 0 sytuaeji terainiejszej i jedynie zastanawiamy
si~, co by bylo, gdyby:

I'm too tired to play tennis with you. If I wasn't/weren't

so tired, I would play tennis with you.

W pierwszym zdaniu pytanie jest hipotetyezne, wymaga

wyobraienia sobie opisanej sytuaeji i wlasnej reakeji;
w drugim zdaniu podane okolieznosei ezyniq opisanq
sytuaej~ bardzo prawdopodobnq - skoro na plaeu kr~q
si~ iebraey, moiliwe, ie za ehwil~ kt6rys z nieh poprosi
o wspareie.

albo spelnienie warunku w przyszlosei jest bardzo malo


If I won the lottery, I would buy a penthouse apartment.

W drugim okresie warunkowym ez~sto uiywasz formy
were niezaleinie od podmiotu. Uiycie tej formy podkresla
nierealnose opisywanej sytuaeji. Dobrym przykladem jest
tutaj konstrukeja wykorzystywana do udzielania rad:

Warto pami~tae, ie zdanie warunkowe weale nie musi

poprzedzae zdania gl6wnego:

I would be very disappointed if he didn't speak English.

She will come if you invite her.
Cats scratch you if you tease them.
, Jesli zdanie warunkowe nast~puje po zdaniu glownym,
przed spojnikiem nie ma przecinka.
W zdaniaeh warunkowyeh typu zerowego i pierwszego
opr6ez if moiesz takie uiywae sp6jnika unless, kt6ry ma
znaezenie przeezqee:

He doesn't wear a suit to work unless he has a meeting

with a client.
I'll see you tomorrow unless I have to go to Glasgow.

Nie uiywaj unless w drugim okresie warunkowym:

If I was/were not so tired, I would work in the garden.

Pami~taj takie, ie w pierwszym okresie warunkowym

moiesz uiye:

trybu rozkazujqeego w zdaniu gl6wnym:

If you see her at the party, pretend you don't know her.

ezasownik6w modalnyeh can, may, must, should zamiast


If they ask you about it, you should tell them the truth.
You can leave early if you finish your task before 2

If he is late again, Mum may stop his pocket money.

W drugim okresie warunkowym ezasownik modalny would
moie zostae zastqpiony przez could:

If I had more patience, I could work as a teacher.

If I were you, I wouldn't spend so much money on

computer games.
PO/itez poezittki zdan (1-6) z ich zakonezeniami (A-F), tak aby otrzymac rOinego rodzaju zdania warunkowe.

Who would you turn to

If you want to take part in competitions,
3 We will have a picnic on Saturday
4 If you have a hobby,
IfI knew how to cook,
6 If you don't understand anything,


A I'd make a chicken pie.

B you are never bored.

( you must first learn how to lose.

D if you needed help?
ask the teacher.
unless it is too cold.

Uzupetnij zdania czasownikami z ramki

w odpowiedniej form ie, tak aby powstaty zdania
w pierwszym okresie warunkowym. Dwa czasowniki
podano dodatkowo i nie pasuj'l one do iadnego ze

If Grace
complaining about her
job, I'll tell her how lucky she was to get it.
If we order a pizza, Mum
I'm sure she is as tired as we are.
She'll send my earring back if she
_______ it, but I'm not sure I lost it in
her house.
4 If you buy a melon, I
a delicious
If there
problems at work, I may
have to shorten my holiday.
Dopasuj pary czasownik6w z ramki do poniiszych
zdan, a nast~pnie uiyj kaidego z czasownik6w
w odpowiedniej formie, tak aby powstaty zdania
w drugim okresie warunkowym. Dwie pary
czasownik6w podano dodatkowo i nie pasuj'l one do
iadnego ze zdan.
live/walk not be/sleep not live/get play/practise
stop/not pack

Peter _______ the violin much better if

more often.
so tired all the time if
If I
in a block of flats,
_ _ _ _ _ _ a big dog.
our advice, he
4 If he
_______ for it.
_______ to find a better job if
_______ your experience and skills.
Uzupetnij zdania czasownikami podanymi
w nawiasach w odpowiedniej formie.

Ifher short stories

(be) so good,
why doesn't she publish them?
You would achieve more if you _ _ _ _ _ __
(not give up) so easily.
(start) fighting, put
If the kids
them in separate rooms.
4 I
(not throw) away all these old
(be) Chris. Some of
books if!
them may be very valuable.
(find) an envelope,
If I
_______ (you send) this letter for me
when you go to town?

Uzupetnij rozmow~, wstawiaj'lc w luki (1-6) stowa z ramki

(A-H). Cztery wyrazy podano dodatkowo i nie pasuj'l one do
iadnej z luk.

Is Lucy here?
No, she isn't. I haven't seen her since yesterday.
~ If she 1
to the office, will you ask her to
call me?
I> Of course. And if I don't see her, I 2 _ _ _ _ _ __
phone her. Wait a minute, why don't you phone her?
~ I3
if I had her phone number, but
I must talk to her about the project we're
working on. She's promised to send me a few photos of some
interesting buildings and I'm still waiting for them.
I> Well, don't worry. If Lucy promises to do something, she
it .. . sooner or later. Anyway, if
usually 5
she doesn't send you the photos soon, 6
know, I think I'll be able to help you out.

Uzupetnij luki w liscie (1-6) czasowniki z ramki

w odpowiedniej formie. Dwa czasowniki podano dodatkowo
i nie pasuj'l one do iadnej z luk.

Dear Martha,
Thanks for your letter. rWl really sorry
you are so unhappy in your ne'W school.
If I 'Were you, I 1
friends. ReWleWlber, if you sWlile at people, they
al'Ways respond in a friendly 'Way. So start sWliling!
rve been invited to Hannah's birthday party next
Saturday. If it 2
too cold, 'We 'Will
have a barbecue, sounds like fun! The only probleWl is
that rve no idea 'What I should buy her. If she
reading , I 4 _ _ _ _ _ __
that ne'W fantasy novel but she's not really keen on
books. \Jell, unless I think of sOWlething better,
her an unusual pair of earrings.
I 5
She has a lot of earrings, but I have never seen
her 'Wearing ones 'With fairies!
\Jell, that's all for no'W. If you 6 _ _ _ _ _ __
to talk, call Wle.

Z podanych wyraien ut6i zdania w odpowiednim okresie warunkowym. Nie zmieniaj kolejnosci wyraien.

If you / always / start / sneezing after smelling lilies, you / be / probably / allergic to them.
If Claire / not be / so shy, she / go out more often.
How / you / solve / this problem if you / be / in charge of the team?
4 Be careful, if you / slip / on this wet floor, you / hurt / yourself.
Sarah / call / you unless she / forget / your phone number again.



W j~zyku angielskim wyst~pujq dwa rodzaje rzeczownik6w:
rzeczowniki niepoliczalne i policzalne.
Te rzeczowniki, kt6rych nie spos6b policzye np. piasek,
naleiq do niepoliczalnych. Do tej samej kategorii naleiq
wszystkie substancje sypkie, pfynne, gazowe: sugar, flour,
water, juice, air, oxygen. Ponadto w tej grupie znajd q si~
takie r6inego rodzaju materiafy i surowce (np.: wood,
fabric, gold, concrete) oraz poj~cia abstrakcyjne (np.: love,

a chicken
A chicken is one
of the symbols of

We had chicken
for dinner

a room

There's no room
for any more
food in the

I'd like
to book
a room.

trust, peace, aggression).

Rzeczowniki niepoliczalne wyst~pujq wytqcznie
w liczbie pojedynczej i nie Sq poprzedzane przedimkiem
nieokreslonym a/an:

Rzeczowniki policzalne wyst~pujq w liczbie pojedynczej lub


W liczbie pojedynczej, rzeczowniki policzalne wyst~pujq

cz~sto z przedimkiem nieokreslonym

a coffee
Two coffees,

I can't

cut out of
a paper.

Water is necessary for the survival of all forms of life.

Money has often been the source of all kinds of

There is an egg in the nest.

There are (three) eggs in the nest.

~~ifz~~~~y ~

We have no
paper for the

, Zapami~taj ponii:sze rzeczowniki - one zawsze sit

niepoliczalne: accommodation, advice, baggage/luggage,


furniture, information, luck, progress, traffic, weather, money.

Rzeczownik hair jest zazwyczaj niepoliczalny:

I've just seen a cat.

She gave me an orange.

She has long blond hair.

Istnieje duia grupa rzeczownik6w, kt6re w zaleinosci od

ich znaczenia i kontekstu mogq bye zar6wno policzalne,
jak i niepoliczalne:

Sq jednak sytuacje, kiedy m6wimy 0 pojedynczym wtosie wtedy uiywamy tego rzeczownika jako policzalnego:

She picked a long blond hair from her black sweater.

a glass
May I have a glass

broken glass "'~i!!!Iiil1"
on the floor!

Rzeczownik fruit zazwyczaj jest niepoliczalny (Eat a lot of

fruit and vegetables), ale moie bye policzalny, kiedy odnosi
si~ do gatunk6w owoc6w (Citrus fruits are grown in warm

a chocolate
There's only
one chocolate
left in the

You've got
chocolate on
your chin.

jednostek miary: a kilo of sugar, two metres of silk

Rzeczowniki niepoliczalne moina"policzyC'; uiywajqc:

pojemnik6w/opakowan: a bottle of milk, a packet of tea

st6w takich jak piece, item, bar, loaf, cube, slice: a piece of

advice, a bar of soap, a loaf of bread, a slice of ham.

Zdeeyduj, ezy ponii:sze rzeezowniki
sit policzalne ezy niepoliezalne.

1 rice
4 housework
5 patience _
6 jewellery _

7 desk
8 leather

job _


Zakresl prawidtowit opcj~.

She bought a / - tomato and a / ketchup.

We need an / - information about an
/ - accommodation for tourists here.
3 Is / Are there money in the box?
4 His advice sound / sounds reasonable.
He makes furniture and sells it / them
via the Internet.


Uzupetnij zdania wyrazami z ramki. Tam, gdzie to niezb~dne, dodaj a/an.





A car journey can be safer or more dangerous depending on

______________________ and ______________________
"How are things going?" "We're making slow ______________________
Is there
for __________________ in the kitchen?
4 This airline often loses ______________________ , but they serve
------________________ which tastes like heaven!
I can't talk to you now, I have ______________________ to do.
Potitcz poczittki zdan (1-6) z ich zakonezeniami (A-F).

I only take one

Pour a drop of
Let me offer you a word of
4 They shared a chocolate
5 I've added
6 That's an exquisite item of

A advice on this matter.

B antique furniture.
( bar during the lunch break.
0 oil on the bread.
salt to the soup.
sugar lump in my tea.

Liczebniki nieokreslone, czyli quantifiers, to
grupa sl6w i wyraien opisujqcych ilosc lub
Zar6wno z rzeczownikami policzalnymi, jak
i niepoliczalnymi moiesz uiyc: some, a lot off
lots of, plenty of.

Some odnosi si~ do ograniczonej iloscilliczby

(troch~/kilka), podczas gdy dwa pozostale
zwroty dumaczymy jako "duio, mn6stwo'~
Some, a lot of/lots ofi plenty oflqczq si~
z rzeczownikami policzalnymi w liczbie mnogiej:

I have some question~ about your plan.

She has given us a lot of/lots of brochure~
describing the company's products.
Rzeczowniki niepoliczalne nie majq form liczby

There is some truth in his arguments.

The rich have plenty of money and time.
Sfowo some uiywane jest przede wszystkim
w zdaniach twierdzqcych oraz w pytaniach
b~dqcych prosbami lub ofertami:

Z rzeczownikami policzalnymi w liczbie mnogiej uiyjesz (how, too,

not) many, (a) few.

How many people came to the meeting?

There aren't many boo~ on the subject.
Pami~taj, ie w codziennych wypowiedziach slowo many zazwyczaj nie
jest uiywane w zdaniach twierdzqcych, chyba ie poprzedza je too/so:

The children have too many toy~.

W innych przypadkach uiywaj a lot of, lots oflub plenty of.
W stylu formalnym slowo many jest uiywane w zdaniach twierdzqcych:

Many customers have made formal complaints.

A few/few
a few = kilka, kilku (some)

few = niewielu, niewiele, nie dose:

The hotel has a few free rooms, so

we can easily book two or three of

The hotel has few free rooms,

so they don't accept any block

Hotel rna kilka wolnych pokoi,

wic moiemy z latwoSci<!
zarezerwowac dwa lub trzy z nich.

Hotel rna niewiele wolnych pokoi,

wic nie przyjmuje iadnych
zbiorowych rezerwacji.

Z rzeczownikami niepoliczalnymi uiyjesz (how, too, not) much oraz

(a) little.

How much cottage cheese do you need to make this dish?

This task is taking too much time!

Would you like some soup?

Could you show me some book~ for children?
We wszystkich pozostatych rodzajach pytan,
a takie w zdaniach przeczqcych, some jest
zast~powane przez any:

Do you have any information about it?

There aren't any eggs left.
W zdaniach przeczqcych moiesz takie uiywac
no, pami~tajqc 0 obowiqzujqcej zasadzie
pojedynczego przeczenia:

She was given no advice.

There are no trains to Aberdeen in the

Podobnie jak w przypadku many, slowo much jest zazwyczaj

przez a lot of, lots oflub plenty ofw zdaniach

A little / little

a little = troch~

little = niewiele

Doing a jigsaw puzzle takes a little

patience but can give you lots of

Claire has little patience, so

she wouldn't be able to work as
a teacher.

Ukladanie puzzli wymaga troch~

cierpliwoSci, ale moie dac wiele

Claire rna niewiele cierpliwosci,

nie moglaby pracowac jako

Uzupetnij zdania sfowami some, any lub no.

They didn't talk to
We've picked
May I eat
4 I'm afraid we have
tickets left for
today's show, but you could come tomorrow.
Have you seen
yachts in the harbour?
Zakresl wszystkie prawidfowe opcje.
I looked into the fridge: some / a little / any / many
bacon, a few / a little / a lot of / much eggs. All I need
for an omelette, I thought.
Greg knew he had little / no / any / much time so he
quickly wrote a message to Sarah.
I can't give you some / any / no / much advice but there
are some / a little / no / plenty of sources of information
you can use.
4 Did you visit many / any / some / lots of medieval
castles during your trip?
Would you like some / a few / a little / many help
with the housework? I see you've got a lot of / plenty
of / a few / much things to do.


Wstaw przedimek a tam, gdzie go brakuje. Wstaw symboltam, gdzie nie brakuje przedimka a.
I don't think we should give him the job. He has a lot of
confidence but _ little experience.
I admit I took _ few pears from the basket but _ few
people would say it's a crime!
Please register as a user before you download any files. It takes
_ little time and it offers _ few important advantages.
4 Let's set off now instead of waiting until the rush hour is over.
Although there is _ little traffic we will still save _ few

Zakresl prawidfowil opcj~.

Paula has done a little work / exercises but I don't think she is
well-prepared for the test.
There is plenty of room / shelves inside this wardrobe. It's
A lot of water / rivers in this area are polluted.
4 How much baggage / bags have they got?
The local bakery has closed down. They sold too few bread /
loaves to survive.


W wi~kszosci przypadk6w rzeczowniki w liczbie
mnogiej majq konc6wk~ -s lub -es:

desk - desks, dog - dogs, glove - gloves, story

- stories, box - boxes, hero - heroes. Zasady
pisowni rzeczownik6w w liczbie mnogiej
znajdziesz na stronie 279.
Rzeczowniki calf, elf, half, knife, leaf, life, loaf,
self, shelf, thief, wife, wolf wymagajq zamiany -f
na -v i dodania konc6wki -es: life -lives, shelfshelves, half - halves . Rzeczowniki dwarf, hoof
orazscarfmajq po dwie poprawne formy liczby
mnogiej: dwarfs / dwarves, hoofs / hooves, scarfs

/ scarves.
Istnieje grupa rzeczownik6w, kt6re majq
identycznq form~ w liczbie pojedynczej
i mnogiej, np.: sheep, deer, fish (oraz nazwy
gatunk6w ryb, np.: trout, tuna, salmon), aircraft,

means, series, species:

Do rzeczownik6w, kt6re majq nieregularne formy liczby mnogiej,

naleiq m.in.:

man - men, woman - women, child - children, foot - feet, tooth - teeth,
goose - geese, mouse - mice, ox - oxen, medium - media, phenomenon
- phenomena:

My feet were swollen from the long march.

Natural phenomena, like lightning or rainbows, have always
fascinated people.
Istniejq tei rzeczowniki, kt6re konczq si~ na -s w liczbie pojedynczej
i nie majq formy mnogiej: nazwy niekt6rych dziedzin nauki (physics,
mathematics), nazwy niekt6rych dyscyplin sportowych (athletics,
acrobatics, billiards), a takie rzeczownik news:

Physics is one of the most challenging school subjects.

I was delighted to hear this news.
Cz~sc rzeczownik6w wyst~puje tylko w liczbie mnogiej, np.: scissors,
clothes, trousers, congratulations, goods, outskirts, binoculars:

Give me those scissors.

The trousers don't fit, I need a smaller size.
Rzeczowniki okreslajqce grupy ludzi mogq tqczyc si~ z czasownikami

We need a means of transport. We can

w liczbie pojedynczej lub mnogiej:
choose between two different means of
The government is/are dissatisfied with the results of the
A new species of bird has been discovered.
My family has/have arrived.
Numerous bird species migrate south in the
, Wyj'ltkami s'l rzeczowniki police i cattle, kt6re zawsze t'lcz'l si~
We saw a deer walking gracefully towards
z czasownikami w liczbie mnogiej:
the waterfall. These woods are home to
The police have caught the burglars.
hundreds of deer, wild boars and bears.
The cattle are grazing in the meadow.

Uzupetnij zdania rzeczownikami z ramki w liczbie

mnogiej. Dwa rzeczowniki podano dodatkowo i nie pasuj'l
one do iadnego ze zda.,.



Zakresl prawidtow'l opcj~. Poprawne mog'l bye obydwie


In this small country the only accepted means of payment

is / are cash.
The team has / have already started training.
Do you know who scissors was / were invented by?
4 The police is / are observing the house.
S The news about the accident was / were brought by the
helicopter pilot.


The species is endangered.

B The species are endangered.


Let's make dinner. Will you peel the _ _ _ _ _ __

No-one has so far explained the strange
_______ in the Bermuda Triangle.
A child care worker needs to have a lot of experience in
taking care of young _ _ _ _ _ __
4 Children start losing their milk _ _ _ _ _ __
around the age of six.
Drivers often have to wait while lots of _ _ _ _ _ __
cross the road.

_"""""'~ Ustyszysz szese kr6tkich wypowiedzi (1-6).

Ola kaidej z nich wybierz odpowiedni'l reakcj~: A lub B.

I'm afraid your sister has borrowed them.

I'm afraid your sister has borrowed it.
Oh, yes, they look angry, don't they?
Oh, yes, he looks angry, doesn't he?
Let's find it.
Let's find them.
They aren't sharp enough.
It isn't sharp enough.
No, I've never seen her before.
No, I've never seen them before.

Przettumacz podane w j~zyku polskim fragmenty zda.,

na j~zyk angielski.

(Lornetka jest) _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __
_____ a useful tool if you want to go bird-watching.
(Dobre wiesci byly) _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ greeted with applause.
(Policja wlasnie zwr6cila) _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ the kidnapped cat to its owners.
4 Buy (trzy bochenki chleba) _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __
___________________ , please.
Everyone likes chocolate: (mrzczyini, kobiety i dzieci) __


Jeieli para rzeczownik6w pO~qczona jest sp6jnikiem and, dope~niacz

saksonski dodajesz tylko do drugiego rzeczownika:

W j~zyku angielskim przynaleinosc opisujesz

na dwa sposoby: pos~ugujqC si~ dopelniaczem
saksoilskim, czyli dodajqc do rzeczownika
apostrof is (5) lub uiywajqc przyimka of.

Mr and Mrs Fibley's garden, Peter and Claire's CD collection

Nazwy sklep6w i zak~ad6w us~ugowych bardzo cz~sto przybierajq
form~ rzeczownika z dopetniaczem saksonskim:

Dope~niacz saksonski dodajesz do rzeczownik6w:

the grocer's, the baker's, the hairdresser's

opisujqcych ludzi i zwierz~ta:

Uiycie dopetniacza saksonskiego oznacza, ie mamy na mysli sklep/


Tim 's book, Ms Carter's house, the doctor's

bag, the dog's teeth, the elephant's trunk

baker - piekarz, the baker's - "u piekarza" (piekarnia)

opisujqcych miejsca:

Podobnie pos~ugujesz si~ okresleniem at Ciaire's, majqc na mysli

mieszkanie Claire, czy at my grandmother5, m6wiqc 0 mieszkaniu babci.

the continent's major river, Poland's economy,

London's architecture

Tworzqc formy dzieriawcze od rzeczownik6w opisujqcych poj~cia

abstrakcyjne i rz-eczy, uiyjesz przyimka of:

odnoszqcych si~ do czasu:

today's incident, last week's conference

the roof of the house, a sign of approval

opisujqcych grupy ludzi, organizacje:

Przyimka of moiesz takie uiywac, tworzqc formy dzieriawcze

rzeczownik6w opisujqcych grupy ludzi i miejsca:

the team 's achievement, his family's help

Dope~niacz saksonski przy rzeczownikach
w liczbie mnogiej, kt6re konczq sie na -s, rna
form~ samego apostrofu:

the team's achievement = the achievement of the team

London's streets = the streets of London

the boys' toys, my parents' bedroom, the

Buckleys' yacht, nurses' protest, five minutes'
Do form liczby mnogiej, kt6re nie konczq si~ na
dodajesz 5:

Zawsze uiywaj ofw


women's rights, the children's idea, mice's tails

W uiyciu Sq r6wniei zwroty stanowiqce potqczenie dw6ch form

dzieriawczych, takie jak a friend of Julie5, a habit of my mother5, kt6re

oznaczajqjeden z przyjaci61 Julii, jeden z nawyk6w mamy.

Uzupe~nij zdania formami dzieriawczymi podanyeh

rzeezown i k6w.

After the race, the vet carefully examined the

_ _ _ _ _ _ _ (horses) legs.
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ (Yesterday) test was much more
difficult than
(last week).
Next Sunday we are celebrating _ _ _ _ _ __
(grandma and grandpa) fiftieth wedding anniversary.
4 I wonder how he can remember all these
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ (people) names.
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ (Cairo) street markets are also popular
among tourists.
Uzupetnij zdania zwrotami utoionymi z par
rzeezownik6w w ramee. Dwie pary rzeezownik6w podano
dodatkowo i nie pasujq one do iadnego ze zdan.

nast~pujqcych wyraieniach:

the top/bottom of (the page, the picture, the stairs, .. .)

the front/side/back of (the building, the machine, ... J
the beginning/middle/end of (the street, the year, the book, ... J

end/song lens/camera middle/square


The climbers hope to reach _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __

_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ by noon today.
What's _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ which flows through your hometown?
Please sign your name at _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __
4 These spots in the photo are probably the result of dust

on _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __
Be quiet! They're going to announce _ _ _ _ _ _ __

Z wyraz6w w nawiasie utw6rz poprawne gramatyeznie

i pasujqee do kontekstu zwroty, wykorzystujqe odpowiednie
formy dzieriaweze.

We were invited to _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ (private, the prince, rooms).
There was a _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __
_ _ _ _ (queue, cars, long) waiting to use the car wash.
Coal is _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ (major, export, the country).

_ _ _ _ _ _ _ (adventure, terrifying, Jack and Tom)

discouraged us from visiting the theme park.
Stephen looked at _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ (smiles, innocent, his sons).
Przettumaez fragmenty zdan podane w j~zyku polskim.

The mechanic examined the scratch in _ _ _ _ _ __

(tylnych drzwiach samochodu Beth).
This is a quotation from _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __
(jednego z wierszy Byrona).
Everyone was surprised by _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __
(werdyktem lawy przysifglych).
4 I must have left my prescription _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ (u lekarza).
I saw it on _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __
(pierwszej stronie dzisiejszej gazety).



I saw a car coming towards our gate. The car was dark blue.
They started playing their instruments. The music was very

Przedimki poprzedzajq rzeczowniki lub zwroty

sktadajqce si~ z przymiotnika i rzeczownika.
Wyroiniamy dwa rodzaje przedimka: nieokreslony.
ktory ma dwie formy: a ian, oraz okreslony - the.

nie ma wqtpliwosci, 0 ktorq osob~/ktory przedmiot chodzi:

Someone's knocking. Open the door, please.

(wiadomo, ktore drzwi)
I have a complaint so may I speak to the manager?
(wiadomo, z ktorym kierownikiem)

Przedimek nieokreslony a/an informuje, ie nast~pujqcy

po nim rzeczownik odnosi si~ do jednego z wielu
istniejqcych na swiecie ludzi czy przedmiotow danego
rodzaju, a nie do konkretnej osoby czy rzeczy:

istnieje tylko jedna taka osoba/rzecz:

I've bought a banana.

She found a key in the street.
Look, there's a young monkey in the tree.

The sun is shining.

The Mayor of London has arrived.
mowisz 0 zjawisku, gatunku, wynalazku,
itp., a nie 0 pojedynczym egzemplarzu/

Przedimka nieokreslonego w formie an uiywasz,

kiedy nast~pujqcy po nim wyraz rozpoczyna si~
od samogtoski: I've eaten an apple. Pami~taj, ie
o zastosowaniu przedimka an decyduje wymowa,
a nie pisownia wyrazu: a university, a user, a Ukrainian
student ale an hour, an honourable man.

The python is a constricting snake.

(pyton jest dusicielem - nie jeden wqi,
ale caty gatunek)


The microwave oven caused a revolution

in the food industry.
(kuchenka mikrofalowa spowodowata
rewolucj~ w przemysle spoiywczym
- nie jedna kuchenka, ale idea,

Przedimka nieokreslonego uiywasz wytqcznie przed

rzeczownikami policzalnymi w liczbie pojedynczej.
W przypadku rzeczownikow niepoliczalnych oraz
rzeczownikow w liczbie mnogiej w ogole nie uiywasz
przedimka nieokreslonego:

There's cheese in the fridge.

Footballers often have problems with their knees.


uiywasz przymiotnika w stopniu


Przedimka okreslonego the uiywasz, kiedy odnosisz si~

do konkretnej osoby, konkretnego przedmiotu, poj~cia,
czy zjawiska. W przeciwienstwie do a/an, the moiesz
zastosowac przed rzeczownikami niepoliczalnymi
oraz przed rzeczownikami w liczbie mnogiej. Stosuj
przedimek okreslony the, kiedy:



.' .'

This is the most attractive offer we can

She's the shyest person I have ever met.
uiywasz przymiotnika do opisania grupy osob: the poor and
the rich (biedni i bogaci); the English, the Spanish (Anglicy,
Hiszpanie); the elderly (ludzie starsi) .

wspominasz 0 czyms, 0 czym wczesniej byta jui

Nazwy wtasne

morza, oceany, rzeki, kanaty: the Baltic sea,

the Thames, the English Channel
archipelagi: the Bahamas
tarkuchy gor: the Himalayas
pustynie: the Sahara
nazwy panstw zawierajqce rzeczownik
pospolity, np. republic, states, kingdom:
the United States of America, the People's
Republic of China, the United Kingdom



imiona, nazwiska: George, Ms Buckley

kontynenty: Australia, Europe
panstwa: Germany, Bolivia (ale: the Netherlands, the Philippines)
szczyty: Mount Everest, Ben Nevis
wyspy: Crete, Madagascar (z wyjqtkiem nazw z of: the Isle gf Man)
miasta: Washington DC, Krakow, York (z wyjqtkiem the Hague)
ulice, place, parki: Oxford Street, Trafalgar Square, Piccadilly Circus,
Central Park (z wyjqtkiem the Mall, the Strand, the High Street)

muzea, galerie, kina, teatry, hotele,

restauracje, banki itp: the British Museum,
the Ritz, the Globe, the Bank of England

jeziora: Erie, Windermere

tytuty gazet: the Guardian, the Daily Mirror

hotele, restauracje, banki itp, w nazwach ktorych pierwszy czton

stanowi imi~ lub nazwisko zatoiyciela/wtasciciela zakonczone na s lub
's: Lloyds Bank, Jamie's Italian (siec restauracji)

tytuty i stanowiska, jeieli nie nast~puje

po nich imi~ illub nazwisko osoby: the
President, ale President Bush, the king, ale
King Henry VIII


lotniska, stacje kclejowe, uniwersytety: Heathrow Airport, Victoria

Station, Warsaw University (ale: the University gf Warsaw)

the uiywasz takie w statych zwrotach: in the

morning I the afternoon I the evening, go to the cinema
I the theatre I the library I the beach I the station I
the bank I the doctor's I the dentist's I the post office,
(in) the north I the south I the east I the west, play the
piano I the guitar I... , dance the tango I the cha-cha ...

Przedimki nie wyst~pujq przed nazwami positk6w

(breakfast, lunch, dinner, supper) ani w zwrotach: go to

work, start work, finish work, go home, at home, go
to bed, in bed, (travel) by train I by car I by plane I by
bicycle I on foot.

W zwrotach to/in (at)/out of school, university, hospital,

prison, church dodanie przedimka okreslonego the
zmienia znaczenie wypowiedzi.
Brak przedimka sprawia, ie szkola, uniwersytet, szpital,

Dodaj przedimek nieokreslony a/an tam, gdzie,

to niezb~dne. W nawiasie podano liczb~ brakujqcych

1 Prescott Avenue is quiet street with line of houses on each

side and old church at the end. (3)
He looked around the park: he saw young woman with
baby on his left and elderly man with walking stick on his
right. (4)
The doctor gave us lot of advice about our health: he said
that we should have balanced diet, drink bottle of mineral
water every day and take plenty of exercise. (3)
4 The brochure promises comfortable room with view of
the sea, as well as trip to Giza, all included in the price of
the holiday. (3)
We usually eat lunch in small Italian restaurant not
far from the office but on really busy day I just have
sandwich with cheese or ham and cup of coffee. (4)

wi~zienie i kosci61 pojmowane Sq nie jako budynki,

ale jako instytucje odpowiedzialne za pewne zadania

(np. szkota odpowiada za edukacj~, szpital za leczenie
itp.). Jeieli natomiast dodasz przedimek the, odnosisz
si~ do konkretnego miejsca. Por6wnaj:

He is in prison. = On siedzi w wi~zieniu, jest


We're in the prison. =Jestesmy na terenie wi~zienia

(np. zwiedzamy dawne wi~zienie).

Uzupetnij zdania odpowiednimi przedimkami: alan



Peter parked _ car and got out to buy _ newspaper.

_ canteen on _ ground floor serves _ worst coffee
Getting _ big dog is _ bad idea if you live in _
block of flats.
4 There is _
bag of crisps in _ cupboard above _
fridge, help yourself.
My brother has _ scar on _ chin so he has grown
beard to hide it.
Wpisz the tam, gdzie jest niezb~dne. Pozostale luki
uzupelnij symbolem - (brak przedimka).

1 _ highest peak in _ Alps is _ Mont Blanc.

_ Seine flows through _ Paris, _ capital of _
_ Queen Mary I married _ Prince Phillip, who later
became _ king of Spain.
4 _
Las Vegas is _ largest city in _ Mojave Desert.
S There are three things I would really like to do: learn to
dance _ samba, have a picnic in _ Greenwich Park
and visit
Dopasuj kaide ze zdan do odpowiedniej reakcji A lub B.

She's been taken to hospital. = Zabrano jq do

szpitala, bo potrzebowata pomocy lekarskiej.
She's gone to the hospital to visit her aunt. = Nie jest
pacjentkq, ale osobq odwiedzajqcq.

Sue is in hospital.
Grace is in the hospital.

A Oh dear, has she had an

B Is she working night
shifts this week?

Let's go to church.
Let's go to the church.

A Have they organised

I met Jane at school.

I met Jane at the school.

A Is her child in the same

another organ concert?

B What time does the
service begin?
class as yours?
B Wow, you've been friends
for quite a long time.

We go to church on Sunday. = jako wierni, na msz~

She took her old clothes to the church.
= np. w ramach akcji dobroczynnej


Uzupetnij luki odpowiednimi przedimkami lub

symbolem - (brak przedimka).

It happened on 1 _
frosty winter's day. I had just left 2 _
home and was walking down 3 _
Chestnut Street
towards 4 _
bridge over 5 _
river Avon when I heard
shout. I looked around and saw 7 _
small boy trying
to get out of 8 _
hole in 9 _
ice on 10_
river. I ran to
" _
river bank and stopped -I realised I couldn't walk on
12 _
ice. I knelt down and then lay down on 13 _
stomach. Slowly, I crawled towards 14_
boy. He was
frightened but he grabbed my hand. Crawling back was
one of 15 _
hardest things I have ever done but I pulled
16 _
boy out of 17 _
hole and onto 18 _
bank. He was
not hurt but his clothes were wet through and he was
shivering. Luckily, I saw 19 _
car coming down 20 _
and I waved at it. It stopped. 21 _
driver, 22 _
boy's house.
woman, agreed to take us to 23 _

Uzupelnij luki w tekscie (1-6) jedn'l z podanych

moiliwosci: A, B lub C.

I went on a trip to London with Sue to watch

a performance at 1_
Globe Theatre. We expected to
have a fabulous day but things started to go wrong as
soon as we'd left Victoria Station. 2 _
man on
a motorbike rode past Sue and grabbed her handbag
from her. Sue fell down and hurt her knees and hands.
We reported the theft, but Sue had lost all her money.
We went to a chemist's and bought plaster and 3 _
painkillers for Sue. After dreSSing Sue's scrapes, we felt
hungry so we went into a 4 _ . We had just enough
ham, two tomatoes and
cash to buy two buns, 5 _
a carton of juice. The weather was warm so we ate
lunch in St James's Park. And next we decided to
go home because Sue didn't feel very well.
lot of
a few
a little

Uzupelnij luki w tekscie (1-6) slowami z ramki

w odpowiedniej formie. Dwa slowa podano
dodatkowo i nie pasuj'l one do iadnej z luk.

W6i zdania z podanych wyraz6w i zwrot6w, nie

zmieniaj'lc ich kolejnosci. Dodaj niezb~dne przedimki.
W kaidym zdaniu uiyj podanych w nawiasie czas6w.

I / see / huge / spider / in / bathroom! (present perfect)

we / spend / weekend / in / mountains / and / we / have /

very nice / weather. (past simple)

blue whale / be / mammal/and / it / be / largest / animal

/ in / world. (present simple)

My grandpa is 78 and he's an amazing person. He plays

chess and solves crossword 1
to keep his
brain active and he's very good at both! He also likes
modern inventions a lot - as soon as the smartphone
was invented, he got one. And when I was trying to
repair my scooter, he gave me a few excellent
Grandpa loves sailing and he goes jogging
hour every day so he's fit and strong.
for 3
Five years ago he took up taekwondo and last month
he used it against two 4
who'd attacked
elderly twin sisters. The robbers were running away
purses when grandpa stopped
with the 5
them. They were arrested and the elderly ladies got
their purses back. Grandpa became one of the local
, of course.

Jessica / decide / buy / digital camera / because / she / fly /

to / Maldives / on / Tuesday / and / she / want / take / lots
of / holiday photos. (present perfect, present continuous,
present simple)

in / past / furniture makers / use / wood / to make /

tables / chairs / and / beds / but / nowadays / furniture /
be made / from / less expensive / materials. (past simple,
present simple passive)



Do zaimk6w nieokreslonych

Neither, none
stowo neither oznacza iadenJiadna z dwoch, a none
iaden/iadna z wielu. Zar6wno neither, jak i none uzywasz
zawsze z twierdzqcymi formami czasownik6w:

(indefinite pronouns) zaliczamy

every}+ body, one, thing

np. somebody, nothing, everyone,

Nellher of my parents is a doctor.

'Vone of his grandp 1 t rtts is retired.


ztoienia ze stowem some wyst~pujq w zdaniach

twierdzqcych, prosbach i ofertach:

Someone is waitingfor you outside.

Shall I give you something to drink?

Have you told anyone about the party?

I didn't find anything useful in the toolbox.
ztoienia rozpoczynajqce si~ od no majq znaczenie przeczqce:

No one offered to help him.

All (of) i none of mogq bye uiywane z rzeczownikami


The kids have done 011 tile housewc 'k today.

'one of our furniture is new.

Another oznacza inny:

stow somebody, someone, anybody, anyone, nobody, no one oraz everybody, everyone u:zywasz z czasownikiem

w liczbie pojedynczej, ale zaimkiem osobowym, ktory je

zast~puje, jest zaimek they:

Nobody gets everything they want.

Everyone has seen this film, haven't they?

Could you give me another pen ? This one doesn't

seem to work.

Another nie tqczy si~ z rzeczownikami w liczbie mnogiej,

chyba ie poprzedza je liczba:
I need {1 wther fil~ mmutes to finish this exercise.
Z rzeczownikami w liczbie mnogiej uiywasz stowa other:

All, both

All znaczy wszyscy, wszystkie, a both oznacza obydwa,

stowa all i both cz~sto tqCZq si~ z of:
All (of) his classmates sent him birthday cards.
I have seen both (of) tllesffilms.

Of nie uiywasz pomi~dzy all/both a samym rzeczownikiem:

.:111 birds have wings.

Show me some other I-shirts, please.

Moiesz takie uiywae stow a others, po kt6rym nie
wyst~puje rzeczownik:

Some children learn to read very qUickly; ocher need

more time.

The other oznacza ten drugi, ta druga, to drugie:

The shoe fits perfectly. Let me tryon Ihe other shoe.

We've talked to both organic farmers.

The others oznacza pozos tali, pozostale:

Uiycie of jest niezb~dne pomi~dzy all lub both i zaimkiem:

All gf us wanted to take part in the celebration.

Both gf them need a rest.

Are there enough chairs for

- - - - - - -?
He quickly hid
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ in his
This house has been empty for
ages. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ wants
to live in it.
4 Now tell me _ _ _ _ _ __
even the smallest details.
The canteen had no vegetarian
dishes so I didn't eat

Neither hotel H! a gym.

Another, other(s), the other(s)

There's nothing more in the envelope.

no- i-thing / -body.

None of the customers was/were interested in the

Neither of the two girls sings/ si 19 in the school choir.

Stowa anybody, anyone, anything pojawiajq si~ w wi~kszosci

zdan pytajqcych i w zdaniach przeczqcych:

Uzupetnij zdania stowami

zto:zonymi z every- / some- / any- /


John and Tim agreed but che oth rs didn't like the

Uzupetnij zdania stowami all,

both, neither lub none.

Have you drunk

the orange juice?
f> I've drunk
of it. Somebody else must have drunk it.
He's written two books so far. They are
fantasy novels.
~ Would you like tea or coffee?
____ . I'd like a glass of water.
4 I play
chess and football. And I'm really good at _ _ __
_ _ _ _ of the buildings in this town was built after 1920.
are older.
Uzupetnij zdania stowami

of them

another, other / others, the other / the others.

The little boy had a lollipop in one hand and a piece of cake in _ _ __
Let's find
restaurant. This one's too expensive.
are smaller.
That's the only Olympic-Size swimming pool in the city. All
4 Some viruses are more dangerous than _ _ __
5 The bag has a zip pocket where you can put your passport, money and _ _ __
important items.



Zaimki zwrotne, emfatyczne i wzajemne

Zaimki zast~pujq rzeczowniki.

Jeieli podmiot i dopetnienie zdania to jedna ita sama

osoba, funkcj~ dopetnienia petni q zaimki zwrotne:

The woman had a huge travelling bag.


She suddenly dropped it.

Dzi~ki zaimkom

moiesz uniknqc powt6rzen

w tekscie, musisz jednak umiec poprawnie

ich uiywac. Choc w j~zyku angielskim nie
ma odmiany przez przypadki, inne zaimki
petni q funkcj~ podmiotu w zdaniu, a inne
funkcj~ dopetnienia:



Stella visited me yesterday.

The boss wants to see you.
The doctor examined him.
George phoned her.
All the neighbours talked about it.
Chris has asked us for help.
Kids, Joan will take you to the zoo.
The shop offered them a discount.

Inne czasowniki tego rodzaju to np.: feel, relax, wash,

Zaimki emfatyczne majq identycznq form~ jak zaimki
zwrotne. Uiywasz ich, aby podkreslic, ie ktos zrobit
cos samodzielnie (The kids have built the sandcastle
themselves.) albo osobiscie (The Queen herself thanked

the guards.).
Zwroty takie jak by myself, by themselves itp. oznaczajet
samotnie lub samodzielnie, bez pomocy:

Let me show you my room. (przymiotnik dzieriawczy)

The room on the left is mine. (zaimek dzieriawczy)

Ata party:
~ Is this bag yours?
c> No, it's not mine. It may be
~ Is Carla here? I haven't seen her.
c> I'm sure she is. This brown
woollen coat is hers.
On a train:
~ Excuse me, but these seats are
c> Oh, so they are! I'm so sorry!

Zaimki dzieriawcze wyst~pujq w zwrotach z of: a friend of

mine, an idea of hers, a cousin of ours. Zwroty tego typu zwykle
dumaczy si~ na j~zyk polski jako jeden z: jeden z moich

Wiele czasownikow, ktore w j~zyku polskim

wymagajet zaimka zwrotnego, w j~zyku angielskim
wyst~puje bez takiego zaimka, np.:

shave, dress, turn, change, pray.

Kiedy mowisz 0 wtasnosci, moiesz uiywac przymiotnik6w lub

zaimkow dzieriawczych. Przymiotnik dzieriawczy poprzedza
rzeczownik; zaimek dzieriawczy zast~puje rzeczownik:


He's such an egoist!

He only cares about
We've done a good
job. We can be
proud of ourselves.

Nie mog~ si~ skupic. = I can't concentrate.

Czy moiemy si~ spotkac? = Could we meet?

Zaimki dzieriawcze a przymiotniki dzieriawcze



My son is too young to walk to school by himself.

Zaimki wzajemne to each other i one another.


Suddenly, we saw
ourselves on the
security monitor.
samych siebie)

The boys looked

at each other and
started laughing.
(spojrzeli na siebie

przyjaciot, jeden z jej pomyst6w, jeden z naszych kuzyn6w.

She showed them a painting of hers and they were

I believe I met a friend ofyours in Geneva.

Some people talk to themselves when they have to

solve a problem.
Ifyou want a strong team, choose people who get on
well with one another.

Zakresl odpowiedni zaimek.

Chloe had worked with he / him / his before and knew that he / him / his was patient.
She / Her / Hers task was to give they / them / their food and water.
I sometimes can't understand me / my / myself own actions: I promise me / mine / myself that I won't do something and
then I do it.
4 We / Our / Ours grandma keeps telling us / ours / ourselves to take good care of us / we / ourselves.
Peter decorated the house his / him / himselfbut since he's not into gardening, he asked him / his / he neighbours for help
and borrowed them / their / theirs tools.


Uzupetnij zdania odpowiednimi zaimkami.

Could I borrow your pen? I don't know where ___
Emily's in trouble. I think we should help _ _ .
Ned and Sue are moving out. I'm sure I will miss
___ a lot.
4 Could you help me? I can't do all the work ___ I
They've brought a friend of ___ to the party.

Dopasuj kaidy z poczC}tkow zdan do odpowiedniego

zakonczenia A lub B.
We haven't met so let me
A .. myself.
introduce ...
B ... my cousin Ted.
You haven't met so let me
introduce ...

Uzupetnij zdania odpowiednimi zaimkami z ramki.

Trzy zaimki podano dodatkowo i nie pasujC} one do
iadnego ze zdan.


one another

Susan cut
toe on a sharp piece of
Stop fighting! You should be ashamed of
- - - - - - -!
unusual architecture and
interesting history, the church is worth visiting.
4 The three sisters are really close. They always help
Our rooms are here, _ _ _ _ _ _ _ are upstairs.
They have a better view.

Have they seen

themselves ...
Have they seen each
other ...

A .. since their graduation

Claire has a baby sister and

talks ...
Claire's very self-centred and
she talks ...

A .. about herself a lot.

B ... in the photo in the


B ... about her a lot.

Uzupetnij luki w rozmowie (1-6) zaimkami z ramki (A-H).

Dwa zaimki podano dodatkowo i nie pasujC} one do iadnej
z luk.

Zastc}p wyroinione wyrazy odpowiednimi zaimkami.

Jack got into Jack's car and Jane got into Jane's. Jack
and Jane had just bought a house and Jack and Jane
wanted to start working on the house as soon as
possible. Jack and Jane's dream about opening an art
gallery was just beginning to come true.
My mother's hometown is not big, but the town
is beautifully located among mountains, hills and
forests. The town's narrow streets, quiet parks and
small shops make the town a pleasant place to live.
My parents and I often go there on holiday as my
parents and I love small towns with small towns'
wonderful atmosphere. My parents' and my favourite
holiday pastime is taking long walks and observing
people as people live people's everyday lives.

Brian: Hi! I'm home!

Nell: Shhh, Mum has a migraine. We mustn't disturb

Brian: Oh, I see. I'm hungry. I think I'll make

a sandwich.
Nell: You can have 3 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ , I didn't have time
to eat it at school.
Brian: Are you sure? Aren't you hungry?
Nell: Well, actually, I've had the rest of the tomato soup.
Brian: All right then, thanks, sis. Where is everybody?
Nell: Dad hasn't come back yet. Sue's brought a friend of
, they're in the living room, doing
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ homework. By the way, will you help
me with my history project later?
Brian: OK, I will. Brothers and sisters should help
, shouldn't they?

Przettumacz podane w j~zyku polskim fragmenty zdan na

j~zyk angielski.

Wstaw odpowiednie zaimki zwrotne tam, gdzie sCI

one niezb~dne. Uzupetnij pozostate luki symbolem -.
1 Some people find it hard to relax ___ .
Thank you for the party. We really enjoyed ___ .
I think Mike has changed ___ a lot. He's much
more responsible now.
4 Her problem is that she doesn't really like ___ .
Her self-esteem is too low.
All students should learn how to defend
against attack.

Try to
si~) on your task.
Dad is helping
z naszych sqsiad6w) to repair his car.
(sami kierowcy)
believe that the fines for careless driving should be
4 It's very important for children to learn how to
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ (wsp61pracowac ze sobq).
I prefer going on holiday _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __
My idea is good, but _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __
(wasz jest lepszy).


W zdaniach wzgl~dnych przyimki

koncu zdania:


Zaimk6w wzgl~dnych uiywasz w zdaniach wzgl~dnych
- w zdaniach podrz~dnych dostarczajqcych informacji
o ludziach, przedmiotach, zjawiskach i miejscach. Do
zaimk6w wzgl~dnych naleiq:

cz~sto wyst~pujq na

Claire is the new student who/that I told you about.

that - uiywany w odniesieniu do ludzi, zwierzqt, zjawisk,


Przeniesienie przyimka przed zaimek wzgl~dny wyklucza

uiycie that, a takie wymaga zamiany zaimka who na
zaimek whom:

Claire is the new student about whom I told you.

who/whom - uiywany wytqcznie w odniesieniu do ludzi,

which - uiywany w odniesieniu do zwierzqt, zjawisk,

Czasami moiesz pominqc zaimek wzgl~dny that,

which w zdaniu ztoionym:

who lub

The song she is singing was first recorded in 1984.

whose - uiywany w odniesieniu do wtasnosci/

Zaimek who/that moie byc pomini~ty, poniewai zast~puje

dopetnienie zdania wzgl~dnego:


where - uiywany w odniesieniu do miejsc.

Zdania ztoione

1. She is singing a song.

Zaimki wzgl~dne umoiliwiajq tqczenie zdan, w kt6rych

cz~sc informacji dotyczy tych samych os6b, przedmiot6w,
zjawisk, zwierzqt lub miejsc.

The sOng (which/that) she is singing was first recorded

in 1984.


We finally found a house. The house was big enough for

our family.

2. The song was first

" recorded in 1984.

zdanie wzgl~dne

Piosenka wyst~puje jako dopetnienie w pierwszym

zdaniu i jako podmiot w drugim. Zdanie ztoione zostato
zbudowane poprzez"wtoienie" zdania pierwszego
w drugie: zaimek wzgl~dny zastqpit stowo piosenka ze
zdania pierwszego, czyli dopetnienie. Zauwai, ie podmiot
pierwszego zdania - she - nadal jest na swoim miejscu,
zaraz po zaimku wzgl~dnym. W tym przypadku moiesz
pominqc zaimek wzgl~dny.

Jack's met a lot of people. They have pets.

Jack's met a lot ofpeople that/who have pets.

Zaimka wzgl~dnego nie moiesz pominqc, jesli zast~puje on

podmiot zdania:

Te dwa zdania moina potqczyc w jed no, uiywajqc zaimka

wzgl~dnego - that lub which:

We finally found the house

I that/which was big enough for our family. I

The reporter spoke to a woman. The womans luggage

had been lost.
The reporter spoke to the woman whose luggage had
been lost.

1. A SIIO~~d in my ~he shop sells flowers

street re~ and greetings cards.
The shop which/that opened in my street recently sells
flowers and greeting cards.

In the bookshop I found a book. Its cover looked

In the bookshop I found a book whose cover looked

Zauwai, ie stowem, kt6re w tym zdaniu nast~puje

po zaimku wzgl~dnym, jest czasownik - orzeczenie
pierwszego zdania. Tutaj nie moina pominqc zaimka

I was staying in a hotel room. I found a silver bracelet

in the room.
I found a silver bracelet in the hotel room where I was


Zaimka wzgl~dnego nie moiesz takie pominqc jeieli

poprzedza go przyimek:

The man to whom I complained was very helpful.


I found a silver bracelet in the hotel room in which I was


Moiesz pominqc zaimek, jeieli przestawisz przyimek na

koniec zdania wzgl~dnego:

The man (who/that) I complained to was very helpful.

I found a silver bracelet in the hotel room which/that

I was staying in.

W poniiszych zdaniach zaznacz zdania wzgl~dne.

I opened the door which led to the back garden.

They immediately noticed the balcony whose
balustrade was decorated with flowers.
She asked the man she saw in the street about the way
to the hotel.
4 We've just bought the house we looked at a week ago.
The town where I grew up is very beautiful but also


Uzupetnij zdania odpowiednimi zaimkami wzgl~dnymi.

The neighbourhood
they live is quiet and
The woman
dog won first prize is my neighbour.
I haven't found the information
I needed.
4 The police are looking for the witness
The painting
frame seems the least impressive is
actually the most valuable one.

Zakresl zaimki wzgl~dne, kt6re moina pomin,!c.

I'm sure this is the man that I saw at the station.

May I see the cover of the book which you're reading?
Peter took the keys that he had found to Lost Property.
4 This scarf belongs to the professor who has just left.
S The drawer in which she's put the documents has
a lock.

Uzupetnij luki w tekscie (1-6) jedn,! z podanych

moiliwosci: A, B lub C.

Pot'!cz podane grupy zda., w zdania ztoione,

uiywaj,!c zaimk6w wzgl~dnych.

1 A student was late. He tried not to interrupt the lesson.

I found a book on a train. The train runs between
London and Edinburgh. I decided to read the book.
A computer has crashed. The computer contained
data. I needed the data to complete my research.
4 A man has been taken to hospital. The man tripped
on a shopping bag and broke his leg. He had put the
shopping bag on the floor.
I once met a woman. The woman's cottage stands near
a house. A famous singer lives in the house.
Przettumacz podane w j~zyku polskim fragmenty
zda., na j~zyk angielski.

1 My neighbour (ktorego tona jest chirurgiem)

- -_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ says he hates late night
phone calls.
She sold the house (w ktorym mieszkala)
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ for 15 years.
The music (ktorq slyszysz) _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __
is coming from the flat upstairs.
4 We're trying to find a replacement for the teacher
(ktory wyjechal za granicf) _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __
I know the girl (z ktorq tanczy John)

Uiyj zaimk6w wzgl~dnych, aby dodac informacje

podane w zdaniach (A-F) w odpowiednich miejscach

We found the hotel and we were happy to see that

our room had a view of the castle. We were excited
and curious so we left our backpacks in the room
and immediately went out to explore the city. Our
first stop was the cafe. We had coffee there although
it was ridiculously expensive. Then we went to the
castle. There were hundreds of tourists there, both
individuals and organised groups. We chose the small
group of tourists and we jOined them. The guide
seemed to know everything about the place. We were
most impressed by the bedroom. The tour ended in
the beautiful gardens at the back of the castle, where
we admired the statue of the king.
A Famous artists had often met in the cafe at the

beginning of the 20th century.

The city prides itself on its history and cultural
The king's father had built the castle.
D The group of tourists were following a friendlylooking guide.
Various kings and queens had slept in the bedroom.
We had booked a room in the hotel.

A museum 1_
is truly interactive gives every visitor an
unforgettable experience. One such museum is the Jorvik
Viking Centre. This is probably the only place in the
world 2 _
you can see, hear and even smell life as it was
more than a thousand years ago.
You sit comfortably in an open car and go on a ride
around a busy Viking village. You see people 3 _
doing their everyday tasks. You can smell fish in the air
when your car gets close to the river and you can smell
someone is
food when you're passing the house in 4 _
cooking a meal. You hear the lively conversations of the
houses and workshops you visit. It all seems
Vikings 5 _
so real that you feel you have gone back in time.
1 who
C which

Przeczytaj tekst. PrzeUumacz fragmenty podane w j~zyku

polskim na j~zyk angielski.

Why do some people write blogs? Like the people (ktorzy

pis ali) 1
diaries in the past,
some bloggers want to record the events (ktore sq dla nich
watne) 2
They write about
the people (ktorych spotkali)
3 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ and the places (ktOre
odwiedzili) 4 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ For other
bloggers the Web is a place (gdzie mogq)
share their views. They
comment on politics, books or films and start online
discussions. Yet another group of bloggers look for
people (ktOrych zainteresowania)
are similar to their own.


Przymiotniki okreslajq rzeczowniki; w j~zyku angielskim okreslajqcy przymiotnik zawsze poprzedza okreslany rzeczownik:

She has blue eyes.

In the attic they found an old wooden box.
Jeieli chcesz uiye wi~cej niijednego przymiotnika do okreslenia danego rzeczownika, ustaw przymiotniki w odpowiedniej















Unikaj stosowania zbyt wielu przymiotnik6w jednoczesnie.

Pami~taj, ze przymiotnikow uzywasz takze po czasownikach be, get,

become, seem oraz po czasownikach opisujqcych wrazenia: look, feel,
smell, taste, sound:

It's getting dark.

He seems happy.

The soup smells delicious.

She looks smart in this dress.

Funkcj~ przymiotnik6w bardzo cz~sto pefniq imiesfowy kor'lczqce si~


-ing i -ed. Imiesfowy z konc6wkq -ing (w j~zyku polskim: -qcy, -qca,

-qce) opisujq cechy ludzi, rzeczy, zjawisk i doswiadczen, podczas gdy

imiesfowy z konc6wkq -ed (w j~zyku polskim: -ny, -na, -ne) opisujq
uczucia i stany, jakie ludzie, rzeczy, zjawiska i doswiadczenia wywofujq:

Do grupy drugiej naleiq wszystkie

przymiotniki jednosylabowe, przymiotniki
dwusylabowe, kt6re konczq si~ na: -y (np.
happy), -ow (narrow, shallow) oraz przymiotnik

Poland is larger than Switzerland but
smaller than France.
This is the happiest day of my life!
Zasady dotyczqce pisowni przymiotnik6w
w stopniu wyiszym i najwyiszym znajdziesz
na stronie 279.

His decision was surprising - we were surprised by his decision.

Her complaints are irritating - I'm Irritated by her complaints.
Their behaviour was shocking - we were all shocked by their

Grupa trzecia obejmuje pozostafe przymiotniki

dwusylabowe i wszystkie dfuisze przymiotniki:

Podobnie jak w j~zyku polskim, przymiotniki podlegajq stopniowaniu.

W zaleinosci od tego, jak tworzysz stopien wyiszy i najwyiszy,
przymiotniki moina podzielie na trzy grupy:

Snowboarding is more exciting but also

more dangerous than skiing.
The living room is the most spacious place
in the house.


nieregularnym stopniowaniu,

przymiotniki stopniowane poprzez dodanie konc6wek -erw stopniu

wyiszym i-est w stopniu najwyiszym,
przymiotniki stopniowane poprzez poprzedzenie przymiotnika
sfowem more w stopniu wyiszym i wyraieniem the most w stopniu
Grupa pierwsza obejmuje nast~pujqce przymiotniki:

r-stopien r6wny

stopien wyiszy



the bl!st


the ],torst



_ _ _--.::.fi_o_rtllerI tllrtlwr 2

stopien najwyiszy


fartfipst', the furthHl 2

1. farther i the farthest odnoszq si~ wy/qcznie do odleg/osci:

My house is farther from the station than yours.

2. further i the furthest mogq odnosic si~ do odleg/osci, ale majq takie znaczenie

It's the fIlrthestlfarthest YOIl can drive - there's no road ahead.
Ifyou want fIlrther information, you'll have to search for it yourself.

Przymiotniki clever i simple mogq bye

stopniowane zar6wno przez dodanie
konc6wek -er i-est, jak i przez more i the most:

This solution is sImpler/more simple than

the other one.
Peter is probably the cleverest/the most
clever person I have ever met.
Dokonujqc por6wnan, uiywaj nast~pujqcych

He sat in the corner as quiet as a mouse.

Train fares are not as/so expensive as air
Giraffes are (much/a lotlfar) taller than
Today she feels (a bit/a little/slightly)
better than yesterday.
This is the most difficult question in the test.
February is the shortest of all the months.

Uporzqdkuj podane w nawiasie przymiotniki.

The headmaster was sitting at a(n) (antique/wooden/large) _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __

Their footsteps echoed on the (rectangular/stone/beautiful) _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __
floor tiles.
3 She wore a(n) (cotton/oversized/white) _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ shirt.
4 They decided to eat in the (tiny/Italian!cosy)
pizzeria round
the corner.
I'm afraid this is a(n) (black and white/boring/old) _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ film.


Zakresl odpowiedni przymiotnik.

Peter and Jane are coming? Now, that's
exciting / excited news!
The kids were fascinating / fascinated
to see the fireworks.
Young children learn new skills with
amazing / amazed speed.
4 He is so annoying / annoyed! He has
a habit of asking people embarrassing
/ embarrassed questions and pretends
to be disappointing / disappointed
when they do not answer.
Mike's had a very satisfYing / satisfied
meal and enjoyed the interesting /
interested company but he's now
completely exhausting / exhausted.
Uzupelnij zdania przymiotnikami
z ramki w stopniu wyiszym. Dwa
przymiotniki podano dodatkowo i nie
pasuj'l one do iadnego ze zdan.

close comfortable deep


I think we need a _ _ _ _ _ __
sofa. No-one wants to sit on this one.
Thunder is now
the storm is getting _ _ _ _ _ __
They expect your decision today and
don't want any _ _ _ _ _ __
4 It rained all the time. Can you imagine
_______ weather for holiday?
than me. When
I won the lottery, it was 50 and he's won
40,000 today.

Uzupclnij zdania przymiotnikami z ramki w stopniu najwyiszym. Dwa

przymiotniki podano dodatkowo i nie pasuj'l one do iadnego ze zdan.

Charities work hard to help

She never changes her mind. She's
person I know.
Which is
route from Krakow to Paris?
4 Sometimes
solution is _ _ _ _ _ __
5 The Tower dates back to the 11 th century. It is one of _ _ _ _ _ __
buildings in London.

Uzupelnij zdania podanymi w nawiasach przymiotnikami w stopniu

wyiszym lub najwyiszym.
Nowadays city lights appear
(bright) than the stars. This
is called light pollution.
It is
(quiet) village I've ever visited. Life is much
- - - - - - _ (peaceful) here than anywhere else I have been.
The bat's sense of Sight is a lot
(poor) than its hearing.
4 In this photo Eve looks
(tall) than her sister, but in fact
she is
(short) person in her family.
If you believe driving is a
(safe) way to travel than flying,
you're wrong:
(bad) accidents happen on the road and
careless drivers are far
(dangerous) than you think.

Uzupclnij zdania pojedynczymi

Light is faster _ _ _ _ sound.
Cats are
intelligent as
John is not so patient _ _ __
his father.
4 I've never tasted a _ _ __
delicious dessert!
Diamonds are the _ _ _ _ precious
stones of all jewels.

Uzupelnij luki w rozmowie (1-6) slowami

z ramki (A-H). Dwa slowa podano dodatkowo
i nie pasuj'l one do iadnej z luk.

Uzupelnij luki w recenzji (1-6) slowami z ramki

w odpowiedniej formie. Dwa slowa podano dodatkowo i nie pasuj'l
one do iadnej z luk.

Charles: So, who are we going to take with us?

Helen: Well, Julia is the most outgoing 1_
the three candidates. She is not 2
experienced in sailing as Martin but I think
she is more responsible 3 _
Charles: I agree that she seems a 4 _
friendlier than Martin or Lisa. But what do
you think about Lisa?
Helen: She's 5 _
shyest. But, wait, she has
been on two long sailing trips. She is 6_
familiar with the sea than the other two. That's
a strong point to her advantage. Let's talk to
her again.

I had hoped the new novel by F.]. Derry would be

so I bought it before one of the
- - -_ _ _ _ flights one can take: the flight between
Heathrow and Sydney Airport. I was not 3
, the
book is a real page-turner!
The novel tells the story of two retired police officers who decide
to solve a cold case - a murder which took place in the 18th
century. At first they just want to break the boredom and they only
have a few facts but as they discover 4
about the victim and his life, they realise that this will be a far
crime than any case they have ever worked on
and that the truth may be very uncomfortable for some of the



Nie wszystkie stowa konczqce si~ na -Iy Sq

przyst6wkami. Friendly, lonely, silly, ugly, lovely,
lively, likely, cowardly i deadly to przymiotniki.
Nie da si~ utworzye od nich przyst6wk6w, moiesz
natomiast posluiye si~ zwrotem in a friendly/silly/

Istnieje wiele rodzaj6w przyst6wk6w. Znaszjui przyst6wki

sometimes, czy never. Przyst6wkami
Sq takie slowa takie jak very, quite, almost, czy really, kt6rych
uiywasz z przymiotnikami i innymi przyst6wkami. Okreslajqcy
przyst6wek wyst~puje przed okreslanym przymiotnikieml
cz~stotliwosci, takie jak always,

It is very cold outside, but our house is really warm.

The teacher explained it quite clearly.

Uiywaj przyst6wka too przed przymiotnikami i innymi

przyst6wkami, a przyst6wka enough ~ przymiotnikami i innymi

The soup is too hot to eat. Wait till it gets cooler.

He didn't run fast enough to catch the bus.
Do okreslania czasownik6w stuiq cz~sto przyst6wki sposobu.
Wi~kszose z nich pochodzi od przymiotnik6w - tworzy si~ je,

dodajqc do przymiotnika konc6wk~ -Iy:

Zasady pisowni przyst6wk6w znajdziesz na stronie 279.

well pochodzi od przymiotnika good:

Fortunately, we caught our train.

Surprisingly, the meeting took only half an hour.

Niekt6re przysl6wki majq takq samq form~ jak przymiotniki:

hard, late, high, deep, early, fast, long, low, short, close.
ie przys/6wki hard, late, high majq inne znaezenie nii
hardly, lately, highly:


ci~iko; mocno

You'll have to work

hard to be successful.
It's snowing really

late - pozno
She came home really
late yesterday.

high - wysoko
The helicopter flew
high above the trees.

Zdeeyduj, ezy wyroinione

slowa sCl przymiotnikami, ezy

1 He hit his head hard on the

door frame.
Your car is really fast.
Jason arrived late and
missed the beginning of the
4 You're walking too close to
the edge of the pool. Be
This scarf seems long
enough to go round your
neck twenty times! _ __


Przyst6wki sposobu konczClce si~ na -Iy mogq

pojawiae si~ w rMnych miejscach w zdaniu - po
czasowniku, po dopetnieniu czasownika lub przed
czasownikiem, kt6remu towarzyszy dopetnienie lub
inny zwrot:

Przyst6wki mogq takie okreslae cate zdania:

He's a good driver. He drives well.

hard -

We tried hard but we didn't solve the problem.

He hid the letter deep in the drawer.

He drove slowly.
She was reading the article carefully.
He unwillingly admitted the truth.

quiet - quietly, happy - happily, careful - carefully

t Pami~taj,

She is a friendly person. She welcomed me in

a friendly way.

Przys/owki sposobu, ktore nie konezq si~ na -Iy,

zawsze znajdujCl si~ po ezasowniku lub po jego

Too & enough


deadly... way/manner:

hardly - ledwie, prawie wcale

You've done hardly any work for
two hours.
I hardly ever meet Jason. We're
not good friends.

lately - ostatnio
I haven't heard anythingfrom her

highly - bardzo, w duiym stopniu

His plan was highly successful.

Podobnie jak przymiotniki, przyst6wki mogq bye

stopniowane. Wi~kszose przyst6wk6w wymaga
dodania more w stopniu wyiszym i most (zazwyczaj
bez the) w stopniu najwyiszym:

Cats move more gracefully than dogs.

She speaks English most fluently in her class.
Przyst6wki well i badly majq taki sam stopien
i najwyiszy jak przymiotniki good i bad:


She swims worse than you, so watch her.

Of all animals, bats hear best.
Moiesz takie uiywae przyst6wk6w w konstrukcjach

as (slowly) as, not so I as (hard) as:

Walk in as quietly as you can.
Josh doesn't work so hard as his brother.

Zakresl odpowiednie slowo: przymiotnik lub przys/owek.

The door opened slow / slowly. Interesting / Interestingly, his dog didn't bark.
The day was cold / coldly so we decided to dress warm / warmly.
3 He was extreme / extremely angry because of our foolish / foolishly dangerous game.
4 I don't know her good I well enough to ask her personal/personally questions like that.
Lucky / Luckily, the ambulance arrived quick / quickly.
Uzupe/nij zdania przys/owkami utworzonymi od podanyeh w ramee przymiotnikow.





I hope my stupid mistake is

The heavy bowling ball slipped out of my hand and rolled _ _ _ _ _ _ _ down the
He was nervous but he managed to speak _ _ _ _ _ __
4 "I'm already five:' the little boy announced _ _ _ _ _ __
You can't go out now, it's raining _ _ _ _ _ __

Uzupetnij zdania przymiotnikami z ramki lub

utworzonymi od nich przystowkami. Jeden przymiotnik
podano dodatkowo i nie pasuje on do iadnego ze zdan.






I have to admit that he dealt with the task very

Her voice sounded
so I knew the news
was good.
It's a miracle that no-one was
in the crash.
4 It soon got completely
so we decided
to continue the search the next day.
The cat jumped away, frightened by her
_______ movement.
Wstaw podane w nawiasach przystowki w odpowiednie
miejsca w zdaniach.

He eats out at weekends if he doesn't feel like cooking.

I hate doing jigsaw puzzles. I'm just not patient. (enough)
Sharon shouted at the boys. (angrily)
4 Josh was trying not to fall asleep. (hard)
5 The team hadn't listened to the weather forecast.

Uzupetnij zdania przystowkami podanymi w nawiasach

w stopniu wyiszym lub najwyiszym.

1 Some people perform

(well) when
they are under stress.
She behaves
(quietly) of all the
children I have ever met.
The recipe is the chef's
guarded secret.
4 I wonder why the plants here grow _ _ _ _ _ __
(slowly) than the ones near the house.
People learn
(effectively) when they
have clear goals.
Zakresl odpowiedni przystowek.

It's hard / hardly surprising that they lost the match. They
played awfully badly!
Mike pushed the car hard / hardly but it didn't move.
Eagles can fly very high / highly.
4 He phoned me late / lately at night to say that he missed
Contact with animals is high / highly beneficial to
disabled children.

Uzupetnij luki w tekscie (1-6) jedn'!. z podanych moiliwosci: A, B lub C.

Smallview Hotel to reopen

after renovation
Travellers will soon be invited to stay
at the Smallview Hotel, whose
renovation is almost complete. The
than the old one and
new lobby is 1 _
it has a lot of armchairs where the
guests can sit 2 _
and read or use
their laptops. All the rooms have been
redecorated and the suites are
luxuriously furnished. Two new
conference rooms have also been
added and each one is 3
accommodate 150 guests.
Those who are planning to stay at the
Smallview Hotel during the holiday
season are advised to book their
rooms 4 _
as possible - the hotel is
certain to be popular with tourists
because it is 5
located and not 6


more spacious
enough big
as early
more expensively


big enough
most convenient
expensive enough

Przeczytaj tekst reklamy. Uzupetnij

luki w tekscie (1-6) stowami z ramki
w odpowiedniej formie. Dwa wyrazy
podano dodatkowo i nie pasuj'!. one do
iadnej z luk.
careful comfortably easy efficient
lucky reasonably smooth stubborn

more spaciously
more comfortable
too big
most early
too expensive

Are you one of those people who

refuse to exchange
their PC for a laptop? Or are you
a proud owner of a small netbook
which you can 2
with you wherever you go? Whatever
kind of computer you use, you will
love our Personal Clickrazy mouse!
With Personal Clickrazy you work
and react with
lightning speed while playing games
because it fits into your hand
than any other
mouse - it simply adapts to the shape
of your palm!
Thanks to Airglide~ technology,
Personal Clickrazy moves
on all types of
surfaces. It's the lightest and the
priced cordless
mouse available on the market. Try it.
You will want no other mouse.


Przyimki miejsca i kierunku
Przyimki miejsca okreslajq gdzie ktos lub cos si~ znajduje. Nalezq do nich in, at, on, over/above, under/below, next to,
opposite, in frantof, behind, between/among.

the corner
of the room

the corner
of the street



next to

in front of


a lamp hanging over

the table

a child under the


a cat sitting next to

a dog

a family in front of
their house

a hammock between
two palm trees






a castle above the bay

a pool below the


a cat sitting opposite

a dog

a girl hiding behind

the sofa

a house among the


Pami~taj 0 przyimkach i wyrazeniach przyimkowych

przydatnych przy opisywaniu ilustracji/zdj~cia:

in the middle!

in the top

at the top

,I right-hand


Przyimki kierunku opisujq ruch. Nalezq do nich to, towards,

(away) from, up, down, into, out (of), onto, off, along, across,
through .

To, towards: ---+Awayfrom:

l'v THE BrlCKGROl''vD

on the left~ .


on the right
Out a!


in the bottom
/tjt-hand corner


at the bottom


We walked to/ towards the

---+- He went away from the table to
answer his mobile.
The balloon flew up.
He ran down the stairs.
He put his hand into the paper
... and took a doughnut om of it.
He stepped onto the stage.
She took a book off the shelf.
Let's take a walk along the river.
We drove across the river.
We spent ten days walking
rhrough the jungle.

Przyimki czasu
Do okreslania czasu stuiq przyimki

at, on i in.

at two o'clock, at
a quarter to six, at noon,
at midnight
on Sunday, on 25 August,
on the day of the party
in July, in 2009, in (the)
autumn, in the 60s, in
the 16th century, in the
Victorian Era
Ponadto przyimek in wyst~puje w zwrotach:
in the morning / afternoon / evening (ale: on
Tuesday morning, on Friday evening).
Zapami~taj takie zwroty z przyimkiem at: at
night, at the weekend, at Easter / Christmas, at the
moment, at the same time.

, on timelin time
Wyraienie on time oznacza punktualnie: The
train left on time.
Wyraienie in time oznacza wystarczajqco
wczesnie: We arrived in time to catch the train.

Wpisz odpowiednie przyimki czasu.

, at/in the beginning/end

Wyraienia at the beginning i at the end oznaczajq no poczqtku / koricu
(czegos): at the beginning of the film, at the end of the street, at the
beginning of the trip, at the end of the week.
Wyraienia in the beginning i in the end oznaczajq poczqtkowo
i ostatecznie, w koricu: I told him about our plan. In the beginning he
didn't like it, but in the end Imanaged to convince him that the plan was
Stale zwiqzki
Wiele przymiotnik6w i czasownik6w tworzy z przyimkami state zwiqzki;
przyktady takich zwiqzk6w znajdujq si~ w tabeli:

afraid for (bojqcy si~ 0 kogos)

afraid of (bojqcy si~ czegos)
angry at/with
ashamed of
different from
famous for
good/bad at
grateful to somebody for
interested in/keen on/fond of
proud of
worried about

apply for
approve/disapprove of
belong to
blame somebody for something
complain to somebody about
concentrate on
depend on
laugh at
listen to
arrive in (a city), arrive at (a place)
succeed in

Uzupetnij luki w opisie zdj~cia (1-8) brakujqcymi przyimkami.

The film starts ___ a quarter to five.

The battle of Hastings took place
___ the 11th century.
What day of the week were you born
4 Neil Armstrong walked on the Moon
_ _ July 20, 1969.
We usually relax ___ weekends.
Zakresl wlasciwe przyimki.

Agatha was walking slowly along /

through / across the darkness which
filled the hall.
The ferry took us across / through
/ towards the lake to the town of
Justin ran up / down / along the stairs;
in / on / at the bottom he hesitated and
then turned left.
4 A drop of water fell into / onto /
off Millie's head so the girl looked
curiously at the balcony above / below /
opposite hers.
Phillip went into / off/out of the room,
stopped at / on / under the balustrade
which ran around the hotel terrace and
studied the beach under / down / below
the building.

There are four people 1

the room: a man and two young
girls are sitting 2
a table while the fourth person,
the man. They are all laughing.
a woman, is standing 3
the corner of the room,s
the man,
I see a Christmas tree, there is also a Christmas decoration
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ the wall. 7
the table there are plates
and bowls. The plates are empty but I can see a lot of food
the bowls so I think the people are going to eat their
Christmas dinner.


4 Uzupelnij luki w opisie zdj~cia (1-6) podanymi

zwrotami (A-I). Niektore z nich rozpoczynajq si~
z wielkiej litery. Trzy zwroty podano dodatkowo i nie
pasujq one do iadnej z luk.

Uzupelnij luki w tekscie (1-6) jednq z podanych

moiliwosci: A, B lub C.

The photograph shows a kitchen. 1 ~ I can see

a woman. She is standing 2 ~ ; she is holding a baby
and writing something on her laptop, which is 3 ~ ,
between a glass of orange juice and a coffee mug.
4~ there is a vase with fresh tulips in it so I believe
the photograph was taken in the spring. s ~ there
are some cupboards. 6 ~ of the photo I can see
a window.

A at a table

at the corner
at the top
0 in the background
in the bottom righthand corner

in the foreground
G in the top left-hand

Mr Beddon, 42, and his son Martin, 17, spent 36 hours in

the freezing cold mountains in Scotland after Mr Beddon's
car had broken down ' ___ an empty road in the
Cairngorms National Park.
The father and son were travelling from Glasgow to
Inverness when their car suddenly stopped. With the
temperature well 2 _ _ _ zero, they knew they could not
stay in the vehicle so they got out and started to walk.
After about four hours, 3 _ _ _ the late evening, they
arrived 4 _ __
a small cabin and
decided to stay there.
The cabin had no
furniture apart from
a wooden bench to
sit 5 _ _ _ , but there
was a fireplace and
some firewood
6 _ _ _ the corner of the room so Mr Beddon managed to
start a fire. They did not have a mobile phone so they
couldn't contact anyone. Luckily, the smoke from the
chimney was noticed by some skiers on Sunday morning
and the Beddons were soon taken to the nearest pub
because they were both extremely hungry.

H on the right

on the table





( at

Uzupelnij zdania przyimkami at, in lub on.

The meeting was surprisingly pleasant. We discussed

all the boring stuff ___ the beginning and then we
had coffee and cakes.
We arrived in Rio de Janeiro ___ time for the
carnival parade.
We spent a lot of time discussing the list of guests and
the end we decided to invite all our friends.
4 Although I didn't like him ___ the beginning,
I soon realised he was a kind person.
The answer key is usually included ___ the end of
a grammar book.
Uzupelnij zdania odpowiednimi przyimkami.

He's not good ___ making decisions, he hesitates

a lot.
Stella's really keen ___ horse-riding.
Dad is not angry ___ you, he's just worried
___ you.
4 People disapprove ___ such impolite comments.
You should be ashamed ___ yourself.
This brand new scooter belongs ___ Jackie. She's
really proud ___ it.

PrzeUumacz fragmenty zdan podane w j~zyku polskim na

j~zyk angielski.

She (jest bardzo odmienna od)

- - - - - - - - -_ _ _ _ _ _~ her sister.
I'm really (wam wdzi~czna za waszq pomoc)
The city (slynie ze swoich starych budynk6w)
4 My boss (nie aprobuje korzystania)

the company phone for private phone calls.

Chris (zdjql pokrywk~ z patelni)
and energetically stirred the sauce.
You don't need to put on your coat - the newsagent's is
just (po drugiej stronie ulicy)
Whenever the doorbell rings, my cat (chowa si~ pod
16zkiem) _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _~---Although our flight was delayed we arrived
(dose wczesnie, by wziqe udzial)
in the ceremony.




Zaimka it uiywaszjako
podmiotu, kiedy:

This i thatto zaimki wskazujqce w liczbie pojedynczej.

This odnosi si~ do os6b i rzeczy znajdujqcych si~ blisko
w przestrzeni illub czasie, a that do os6b i rzeczy odlegtych

odnosisz si~ do czegos

wspomnianego wczesniej:

There is an X on this old map.

It must mark the place where
the treasure is hidden!

w przestrzeni illub czasie. Por6wnaj:

It's the first time I've eaten in this restaurant.

(jestem w restauracji)
That restaurant we ate in yesterday had delicious
desserts. (nie jestdmy juz w restauracji)

m6wisz 0 czasie i odlegtosci:

It 's a quarter past two.

It 's ages since I talked to you
Is it far from your house to
the railway station?

Odpowiednikami this i thatw liczbie mnogiej Sq zaimki

these i those. Por6wnaj:

What do you keep in all these boxes here?

What's in those boxes I saw in the boot ofyour car?

opisujesz pogod~,

Zaimka that uiywasz takie, aby odniese si~ do wczesniej

wspomnianego faktu lub opisanej sytuacji:

It 's hot.
Did it snow yesterday?
(ale: There's a strong wind today.)

Student: Why is sea water salty?

Teacher: I've just explained that. Weren't you listening?

uiywasz nast~pujqcych konstrukcji przymiotnikowych:

It & there
Zaimki it i there cz~sto wyst~pujq w roli podmiotu zdania:

It's (risky) to (do sports without any preparation).

Has it been (difficult) for (you) to (choose the poem)?
It was (nice) of (you) to (help him).
It's (quite clear) that (she has lied to us).

It was quite late, so we decided to go home.

There 's been an accident. Call an ambulance!

Zaimka there uiywaszjako podmiotu zdania, kiedy:

uiywasz statych zwrot6w:

po raz pierwszy m6wisz 0 tym, ie cos zaistniato, istnieje

bqdi zaistnieje:

It's a pity that (we can't go skiing this year).

Is it worth (trying)?
It will take (you) (jive minutes).

There is a problem with your credit card.

There were fights between football fans after the match.
There may be snow tonight.
po raz pierwszy m6wisz 0 tym, ie ktos lub cos znajduje
si~ w okreslonym miejscu:

Is there an X on this old map?

There were at least twenty people in the waiting room.

Pami~taj, ie it odnosi si~ wyl,!cznie do rzeczownikow

w liczbie pojedynczej. Jeieli w zdaniu poprzednim
pojawia si~ rzeczownik w liczbie mnogiej, podmiotem
kolejnego zdania moie bye zaimek they, ale nie it:
There were at least twenty people in the waiting room.
They all looked healthy to me.

Zakresl wlasciwy zaimek wskazuj'!cy.

Who's this / that girl on the balcony opposite ours? Do

you know her?
What's wrong? I can't see well with this / these / those
glasses. They're not mine!
~ I've learnt how to ride a bike, Mummy!
I> This / That is great!
4 This / That / These band is superb! Much better than the
first one!
Do you remember this / these / those people who lived in
the flat upstairs?

)[!!]m!., Posluchaj zdan. Do kaidego z nich dobierz

odpowiedni,! reakcj~ A lub B.

Definitely not! Take it off!

Try it on first.
A pancake.
It's very crowded, isn't it?
It was the worst journey I've ever had!
Oh, yes, and especially this fruit salad!
Oh, yes, and especially that fruit salad!

Who are those chairs for?

Who are these chairs for?
Those are not car keys.
These are not car keys.
Uzupelnij zdania odpowiednim podmiotem: it lub there.

_ _ _ is good for you to eat a lot of fruit and vegetables.

_ _ _ aren't many people who can speak more than ten
3 _ _ _ may soon be a storm. Let's go home.
4 _ _ _ usually takes them ten minutes to get here.
S _ _ _ is too much sugar in this tea. It's awfully sweet!
6 _ _ _ has been three months since they met.
utoi pytania (1-6) z podanych slow i wyraien, dodaj,!c
podmiot it lub there.

1 how far / is / from London to Edinburgh?

is / a wardrobe in the flat you're planning to rent?
was / wise of her to lend him so much money?
4 why / is / an ambulance in front of the school?
S what date / is / today?



Budowanie zdan ztoionych wymaga stosowania odpowiednich
spojnikow. Zdan ztoionych uiywasz, mi~dzy innymi, by podac:

Spojnik but stuiy takie wyraianiu kontrastu:

I called his name but he didn't hear me.

przyczyny wydarzen bqdz dziatan (zdania przyczynowe);

W zdaniach przyzwolenia moiesz takie uiywac zwrotu

in spite of(pomimo) orazjego zamiennika despite,

skutki wydarzen bqdz dziatan (zdania wynikowe);

ktorym towarzyszq rzeczowniki:

cele dziatan (zdania celowe);

szczegolne okolicznosci wydarzen bqdz dziatan (zdania


Spojnikami typowymi dla zdan przyczynowych Sq: because, as

Despite my complaints, my neighbours still shout

a lot while watchingfootball matches.
He went to the party in spite of his toothache.

Despite i in spite of cz~sto uiywane Sq ze zwrotem

the fact that:

i since:

In spite of the fact that Grace missed the bus, she

came to work on time.
Charles ate the sandwich that Sheila had made
despite the fact that he was not hungry.

She called a taxi because she needed to get home qUickly.

Since Peter was not in his office, we had to phone him.
As its streets are narrow, Athens is a nightmare for drivers.

W zdaniach wynikowych

najcz~sciej uiywanymi spojnikami Sq

so, so ... that oraz such (a/an) ... that:

We needed a break from driving so we stopped.
Joan had such a bad headache that she couldn't
The book was so gripping that I couldn't stop reading.
He walked out so qUietly that we didn't notice it.
Zwr6C uwag~ na to, w jaki sposob uiywasz so i such:
such wyst~puje przed zwrotem zawierajqcym rzeczownik
i okreslajqcy go przymiotnik (np. such a nice man, such sad
music, such clever students), podczas gdy so poprzedza
przymiotnik, po ktorym nie ma rzeczownika (np. so cold, so
quiet) lub przystowek (so carefully).
Aby wyrazic cel, uiywasz stowa

Poza spojnikami, ktorych uiywasz w zdaniach

ztoionych, istnieje wiele stow i zwrotow stuiqcych
porzqdkowaniu informacji w dtuiszym tekscie
i zapewnianiu mu spojnosci. Spojnosc to cecha tekstu,
w ktorym wszystkie informacje uktadajq si~ w logiczny
ciqg, tak aby czytelnik mogt bez trudu podqiac za
tokiem mysli autora. Do wyraien tego rodzaju naleiq:

kolejnych informacjilargumentow:

The job of a GP is very stressful. Firstly, doctors are

responsible for their patients' health. Secondly, GPs
usually work long hours. Moreover, people often
expect their doctors to solve all kinds of problems.

to albo zwrotow so as to i in

order to:
They turned down the volume to avoid disturbing their
We opened the window so as tolin order to let in some
fresh air.

Spojnikami typowymi dla zdan przyzwolenia Sq but i although:

Potqcz poniisze pary zdan podanymi spojnikami.


wyraienia: as a result, as a consequence, consequently

uiywane, aby pokazac efekty, skutki jakiegos
wydarzenia lub dziatania:

Two students were late for the test. Consequently,

they had to write it the next day.
I didn't book a ticket in advance. As a result,
I couldn't see the show at all.

Ron slowed down so as not to miss the turn to York.

Jasper made a note in order not to forget about the meeting.

She made an unexpected decision. Even her mum was

surprised. (such ... that)
Ron has set two alarm clocks. He doesn't want to
oversleep. (so as not to)
I have taken a painkiller. I still have a headache.
4 The door wasn't locked. Jasper went inside. (so)
5 The door was locked. Jasper knocked at it hard. (as)

wyraienia: however, nevertheless, on the other hand,

stuiqce pokazaniu kontrastu:

The river had flooded before. However, that was the

first time the flood had happened in a big city.

, W przypadku, kiedy potrzebne jest przeczenie, uiyjesz so as

not to lub in order not to:

I didn't like the statuette but I put it on the shelf.

Although he was an experienced doctor, he couldn't
diagnose the patients problem.

stowa: firstly, secondly, thirdly, finally, also, additionally,

moreover, furthermore, ktore stuiq dodawaniu

wyraienia: for instance, for example, ktore sygnalizujq

pojawienie si~ przyktadu:

She is terribly absent-minded. For example, she

tends to leave her car unlocked.

Uzupetnij zdania odpowiednimi spojnikami.

W niektorych zdaniach moiliwych jest kilka poprawnych

1 I wanted to speak to Paul

he had already left.
_ _ _ _ George didn't want to help us, we had to do
all the work ourselves.
They were cold
they had put on their
warmest coats.
4 Tina worked slowly
make any mistakes.
Jack can dance, he doesn't go to discos.


Zakresl odpowiedni spojnik.

The final match began late although / so / because we came home well
after dark.
Journalists need good interpersonal skills since / so / but they need to
work with people.
His ideas seemed good although / so as not to / but there wasn't
enough time to try them out.
4 They did most of the decorating themselves because / so as not to / but
spend too much.
Few people came to see the performance although / as / but it was
raining heavily.
PrzeksztaU zdania zmieniajClc konstrukcj~ such (a/an) ... na so ...
that, a so ... that na such (a/an) ...

The evening was so warm that we left all the windows open.
These are such delicious dishes that every guest will want to taste them.
The advice was so reasonable that she followed it at once.
4 It has been such a tiring task that I need to rest now.

PrzeksztaU zdania, ui:ywajClc podanych wyrai:en.

In spite of the wet weather we enjoyed our holiday. (although)

Peter didn't go to the cinema with us because he had already seen the

film. (since)
Although the supermarket is not far away, we like shopping in the
town centre. (but)

Jake didn't fix the laptop although he has experience with computers.

Uzupetnij luki (1-6) jednCl z podanych

moi:liwosci: A, B lub C.

People do not get

enough sleep
nowadays. ' _ they
know how important it
is to sleep for at least 8
hours a night, they have so many things to
do that they go to bed late. 2 _
usually have to get up early the next
morning, they sleep much less than they
should. 3 _ , they feel tired, they easily lose
their temper and become more and more
Dr Natasha Hartwick has spent 16 years
studying people's sleeping habits 4 _
able to help insomniacs - those people who
can't sleep. She says that insomniacs often
they do
suffer from sleeping problems 5 _
not follow their body clock: they stay up for
long hours that their bodies and
brains "forget" their natural routines. So
the next time you feel like having a late
night playing computer games or reading,
remember that you risk haVing sleeping
problems in the future and go to bed

As Claire didn't want to go to the party, she said she had a headache.
(so as not to)
Uzupetnij luki w tekscie (1-6) wyrai:eniami z ramki. Niektore
wyrai:enia pasujCl do wi~cej nii:jednej luki, a niektore luki mogCl bye
uzupetnione roi:nymi wyrai:eniami. Zadbaj 0 to, by kai:dCl z luk wypetnie
innym wyrai:eniem. Dwa z podanych wyrai:en nie pasujCl do i:adnej z luk.


so as to

such a

Przedumacz podane w j~zyku polskim

fragmenty zdan na j~zyk angielski.

Why have holiday greetings sent by email almost replaced traditional
greetings cards? 1
, writing greetings cards before
Christmas or Easter takes time. 2
nowadays most cards
you buy already have greetings printed on them, you still have to write the
addresses yourself. Also, it is usually polite to add your latest news.
, if you have a big family and a lot of friends , you may
spend hours writing cards. 4
, if you decide to send holiday
greetings by email instead, you prepare one message and send it to everyone
with just one click.
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ , there are a lot of websites which offer online greetings
cards with appealing, often animated, images and sometimes even music.
You do not have to write anything, you just choose the card you like, enter
the recipient's email address and press "send".
Sending holiday greetings by email is a quick and easy way of letting people
know that you remember them and think about them. 6 _ _ _ _ _ __
an email or even an online greetings card cannot give people as much joy as
the hand-written, personal and far more meaningful greetings card they
receive by post.

(Pomimo problem6w z komputerem)

we finished the work on time.
He is (tak znakomitymfotografem, ze)

his works are published by the world's

best magazines.
She ran all the way to school (zeby si~
nie sp6inic) _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ for her history test.
4 Extreme sports are very expensive.
(Ponadto sq one niebezpieczne) _ _ __
(Choc Tim ma tylko lSlat) _ _ _ __
he's already a well-known violinist.
6 Agatha Christie's novels are often
criticised by literature experts. _ _ __
Uednakze wielu ludzi uwielbia) reading




4 Znalazlem bl,!d, kiedy czytalem Tw6j iyciorys.
I found a mistake
your Cv.
Sprzedawca zapytal mnie, czy czytalem instrukcjer obslugi.
The sales assistant asked me _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __
_____________ the instruction manual.

Jui widzialam ten film. Czy moiemy wybrac cos innego?

this fUm.
Can we choose something else?
Mark zlamal rerker, kiedy gral w koszyk6wker.
Mark _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __

Wcwiczeniach (1 - 23) uzupetnij angielskie zdania,

tak aby odpowiadaly polskim tlumaczeniom.

Kiedy ostatnio jeidziles na rowerze?
When _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __

Czas terainiejszy
Policjant zapytal pana Browna, gdzie pracuje.
The police officer asked Mr Brown where

Mysler, ie babcia pracuje teraz w ogrodzie.

I think grandma _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ in the

garden now.
Nauczyciel byl zaskoczony, ie nikt z nas nie pracuje nad
The teacher was surprised that none of
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ on the project.
4 M6j starszy brat zawsze pracuje w czasie wakacji.
My older brother
the holidays.
Tom pracuje jako architekt, odk,!d skonczyl studia.
since he finished his

Jak dlugo znade Roberta?

How long - - - - - -_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Robert?
Cos ladnie pachnie! Co gotujesz?
Wh~ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ___
Co znaczy to slowo?
What _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ___

Tony powiedzial nam, ie potrzebuje naszej pomocy.

our help.
Piotr bierze prysznic. Oddzwoni do Ciebie p6iniej.
Piotr _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __
He'll call you back later.


Jeszcze nie czytalam e-maila od Ciebie.

your email yet.
Wczoraj czytalem ciekawy artykul 0 delfinach.
about dolphins yesterday.
Nie znalam odpowiedzi, poniewai nie przeczytalam
tekstu z podrercznika.
I didn't know the answer because _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __
____________ the text in the coursebook.


a bike?
Czy byles ostatnio w kinie?
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ to the cinema lately?
Wlasnie rozmawialismy z Twoim nauczycielem
We _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __
to your maths teacher.


Popatrz na te zadania. To bcrdzie bardzo trudny egzamin.

Just look at these tasks. It ____________
a really difficult exam.
Wl'!cz ogrzewanie, jeieli bcrdzie Ci zimno.
Tum on the heating
Mam nadziejcr, ie jutro bcrdzie ladna pogoda.
I hope that the _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __
nice tomorrow.
4 Marek powiedzial, ie nasterpnego dnia nie bcrdzie go
w szkole.
Marek said that _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __
absent from school the next day.
Susan zadzwoni do nas, kiedy hcrdzie gotowa do wyjkia.
Susan will call us _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __
ready to go.

Dam Ci znac, jak tylko przyjadcr do Londynu.

I'll let you know as _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __
in London.
Bcrdzie padac. Sp6jrz na te czame chmury.
It ________________________________
Look at those dark clouds.
Co zrobisz, jeieli Twoja mama sicr nie zgodzi?
What are you _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ___
4 Obiecalem Kate, ie odwiozcr j,! do domu.
I promised Kate that _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __
drive her home.
Jutro nie berdziemy jeszcze znac wynik6w egzaminu.
We still _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __
the exam results tomorrow.

Ta droga zostala otwarta miesiqc temu.

This road _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ago.

Co Ci si~ stalo?
What _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ you?

Jeszcze nie ogloszono zwyci~zcy konkursu.

The winner of the competition _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __

Co kupilas bratu na urodziny?

What __________________________________
for your brother's birthday?
Pokai mi, co kupileS na wyprzedaiy.
Show me _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ in the sales.
4 Kto warn powiedzial, ie zamierzam wyjechaC?
that I was going to leave?
Kogo szukasz?
VVho __________________________________

Czy moiesz poiyczyc mi ladowark~ do telefonu?

- - - -_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ me a phone charger?
Chcialbym si~ dowiedziec, czy mog~ zostawiC tu sw6j
I'd like to know _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __
my luggage here.
o czym rozmawialyscie, kiedy wszedlem?
VVhat __________________________________
when I came in?
4 Z kim rozmawiasz?
Who _________________________________
Tim nie chcial mi powiedziec, na kogo czeka.
Tim didn't want to tell me who _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __

Strona bierna i formy bezosobowe



Na zewnqtrz jest bardzo zimno.

- - - - -_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ outside.
Jest kilka interesujqcych miejsc, kt6re chcialbym
- - -_ _ _ _ _ _ _ interesting places I'd like to see.
Jest wp6l do si6dmej wieczorem.
- -_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ six in the evening.
4 tatwo jest zgubic si~ w tak duiym mieScie.
- - -__________ get lost in such a big city.
Krzysiek jest moim najlepszym przyjacielem od lat.
my best friend for years.

Na koncercie bylo bardzo malo ludzi.

- -_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ people at the concert.
Bylo za pOino, ieby zdqiyc na pociqg.
- - - -_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ catch the train.
Zeszlej nocy byla burza.
- - -_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ last night.
4 Trudno mi bylo zrozumiec irlandzki akcent.
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ to understand the Irish accent.
Nigdy nie bylem w cyrku.
I _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ to the circus.

Z czego robi si~ past~ do z~b6w?

What is _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __
Musz~ wstac 0 si6dmej rano, jesli nie chc~ si~ sp6znic.
I must _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __

Poczyniono jui ogromne post~py w wake z rakiem.

A lot of progress _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ____
in fighting cancer.
Ten film zostal zrobiony rok temu przez grup~
The film _________________________
a year ago by a group of teenagers.
4 VV przyszlosci zakupy b~dq robione g16wnie przez
In the future shopping _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __
mostly on the Internet.
VV muzeum nie wolno robic zdj~c.
you __________________________
pictures in the museum.

seven a.m. if I don't want to be late.

Ci~iko jest wstac rano, kiedy wciqi jest ciemno.

It's _________________________________
in the morning when it's still dark.
Poszedlem spac 0 6smej, ieby wczesnie wstac.
I went to sleep at eight p.m. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __
4 Chcialbym wstac wczeSniej nii zwykle.
I'd _________________ than usual.
Kiedy jestem na wakacjach, nie lubi~ wstawac wczesnie
When I'm on holiday, I don't ___________
early in the morning.


Nie wolno biwakowac na plaiy.

Camping on the beach _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __
Co trzeba zrobic, ieby zostac dziennikarzem?
Whatdo ________________________________
become a journalist?
VV jakim j~zyku mowi si~ w Brazylii?
VVhat langauge _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __
in Brasil?

VViele os6b boi si~ latac.

Alotofpeopleare _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __
Musz~ dzisiaj skonczyc pisac to wypracowanie.
I have
this essay today.
Zapomnialem zaplacic rachunek za telefon.

the phone bill.





Jaka byla pogoda?
What _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __

4 Moi rodzice nie pozwolili mi pojechac na festiwal.

My parents didn't let
the festival.
Czy moglbys przestac spiewac. To mi przeszkadza.
Could you
? It disturbs me.



Chcialbym dobrze mowiC po angielsku.

I'd like _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __
Dobrze wyglqdasz w tej fryzurze.
This hairstyle makes _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ __
Szukamy kogos, kto dobrze tanczy.
We're looking for someone _ _ _ _ _ _ __ __ _
4 Nic nie smakuje tak dobrze, jak czekoladowe ciasto mojej
Nothing _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __
my grandma's chocolate cake.
Jdli wszystko dobrze pojdzie, nasza druzyna powinna ich
If all _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ __ __
our team should beat theirs.

W przeszlosci ludzie bardzo cizko pracowali przez cale

In the past people _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __
all their lives.
Bardzo spodobal mi silt Poznan.
1 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __
To bardzo wazne, aby zdrowo jadac.
It's _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ __ _ _ __

Bardzo mi pomogld, dzikuj.

Thank you. You helped _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __
Wydalismy bardzo malo pienidzy.
We've _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ money.



Jak rna na imi Twoj kolega, ktory mieszka w Londynie?

What's the name of your friend _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __
in London?
Ktorego nauczyciela lubisz najbardziej?
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ most?
Zatrzymalismy silt w hotelu, ktory zostal zbudowany sto
lat temu.
We stayed in a hotel _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __

Jakiej muzyki sluchasz?

Whatkind _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __
4 To jest tak wazna informacja, ze nie mozemy jej trzymac
tylko dla siebie.
This is _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __
we can't only keep it to ourselves.
Bylo tak glosno, ze nie moglismy rozmawiac.
It was

Magda i Piotr bardzo si~ lubiq.

Magda and Piotr
a lot.
Czy dobrze bawilikie si~ na koncercie?
Did you enjoy
the concert?
Piekarnik jest gorqcy. Nie oparz si~ .
The oven is hot. Don't _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __
4 Plywanie to swietny sposob, zeby si~ zrelaksowac.
Swimming is a fantastic _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ __
Czym si~ interesujesz?
What _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __


Czyj to rower?
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ is this?



Michael chce, zebym oprowadzil go po midcie.

Michael _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __
show him around the city.
Wcisnij ten przycisk, zeby zrobiC wikszq kopi.
Press this button in _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __
a larger copy.
Monika zaproponowala, zebysmy zaprosili na nasz
koncert wszystkich nauczycieli.
Monica suggested _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __
all the teachers to our concert.
4 Rodzice kupili mi teleskop, zebym mogl obserwowac
My parents bought me a telescope
watch the stars.
Poprosz kogos, zeby popilnowal mi bagazu.
I'm going _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __
after my luggage.



Wol isc na piechot, niz jechac taksowkq.

I prefer
going by taxi.
Martin jest troch lepszy z matematyki niz ja.
Martin is _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ I am.
Ta ksiqzka jest inna niz te, ktore dotqd czytalem.
This book is _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __

To jest ta dziewczyna, ktorej opowiadanie zdobylo

pierwszq nagrod.
This is the girl _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ __




Zaimki zwrotne

a hundred years ago.

4 W ktorym domu mieszkasz?
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ in?

won first prize.

the ones I've read so far.

Moj pokoj wyglqda tak sarno jak rok temu.
My room looks
it did last year.
Joanna zachowuje silt jak gwiazda filmowa.
Joannabehaves _ _ _ _ _ _ __ __ _ _ _ __




Podczas lotu zrobilo mi silt niedobrze.

during the flight.
Kto Ci zrobil to zdjcie?
Co bys zrobil, gdybys zgubil paszport?
What _____________________________________

Wynik meczu zalezy od nas wszystkich.

The result of the match _______________________
all of us.
Mieszkamy na wsi od 2005 roku.
We _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 2005.
Mama zawsze mi przypomina, zebym wZi,!l klucze od
My mum always reminds ____________________

if you lost your passport?

4 Wieczorem zrobilo si zimniej.
It ___________________________ in the evening.

Ile bldow zrobileS w dyktandzie?

How many mistakes __________________________
in the dictation?

Od kogo dostaleS t plyt?

Who ___________________________________
Boli mnie glowa od dwoch dni.
I _________________________________ two days.

W cwiczeniach (A-F) przettumacz podane w nawiasach fragmenty, tak aby otrzymac w petni poprawne
i logiczne angielskie zdania.

When (nauczyle.s sif plywac) __________________

You (trzeba cifZko pracowac) ____________
to achieve success.
Our families (pomagajq sobie) __________
for years.
4 I'm wearing a watch (ktory nalezal do mojego
pradziadka) _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __
They decided (pojechac pociqgiem) _ _ _ _ _ __

Text me (kiedy bfdziesz) ____________________

at home.
Are you wearing a plaster? (Skaleczyles sif?) _ _ __
4 I heard a strange noise upstairs (kiedy jadlem obiad) _
The teacher (poprosil mnie, zebym przeczytala) ______
_________________________ the text out loud.

This is (taka ciekawa historia) __________

______________ that it should be made into a film.
Marta will be on time (jezeli weimie taksowkf) _____
I suggest (ugotowac COS) ____________________
______________________________ ~home.

Where's the boy (ktory pozyczyl nam sluchawki) _ __

The castle (zbudowano w dwunastym wieku) _____

In my class (jest wielu uczniow, ktorych rodzice pracujq)

in the UK.
(Nie wolno) ____________________________
stop anywhere on the bridge.
Uest duzo latwiej znaleic) ____________________
___ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ a good job abroad these days.
4 The shop (jest zamknifty od zeszlego poniedzialku) __

Can you tell me (z czego sif smiejesz) _____________

I don't mind (zeby zaczekac kilka minut) ________

Gary said that (nigdy nie jadl) _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __
I'd like (jeidzic na nartach tak dobrze jak Ty) _ _ __

In India (herbatf pije sif) ___________

with milk and spices.
Do you know the boy (ktory sif do nas usmiecha) _ _

How often (odwiedzasz swoich dziadkow) ______

4 She enjoys (oglqdac mecze pilki noznej) _ _ _ _ __

Uuz zaplacilismy) _________________________

for the meal.

They asked me (czy przyjdf) _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __

to the party.
4 (Zjadlem tak duzo czekolady) _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __
_ ____________________ that I had stomach ache.
You have to install special software (zeby dzialala
drukarka) _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __



4 IIIm1III W parach zdan uzupetnij drugie zdanie tak,
aby wyrai:ato tresc pierwszego. W kai:dym zdaniu brakuje
czterech wyraz6w.

I've spent more cash than she has.

Shesspent _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ____
Nobody drives as badly as my father.
My father is _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ the world!
There are more important things in life than money.
Money _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __
Por6wnania: stopniowanie przymiotnik6w i przysl6wk6w
1 IIIJ!lB Przyjrzyj si~ typowym transformacjom.
Uzupetnij ponii:sze zdania, wpisuj<tc w luki po jednym
stowie, tak aby oddac tresc zdania gt6wnego.

1 I am taller than 11m.

Tim isn't as tall _______ me.

Tim is
than me.
London is more interesting than Warsaw.
Warsaw is
interesting than London.
Nobody in my family cooks better than my mum.
My mum is the
cook in my family.
4 Could you not drive so fast, please?
Could you drive more
, please?
She didn't run as far as me.
I ran further than she _ _ _ _ _ __
I ran further than _ _ _ _ _ __
2 I!I!'i.lZII W parach zdan uzupetnij drugie zdanie tak,
aby wyrai:ato tresc pierwszego. W kai:dym zdaniu brakuje
dw6ch wyraz6w.

Everyone in my class is older than me.

student in my class.
The bus was cheaper than the train.
Thebus ______________________

expensive than the train.

The test was more difficult than we thought it would be.
The test wasn't as _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __
we thought it would be.
4 I think their previous album was slightly better than the
new one.
I think their new album is a little _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __
the previous one.
3 B!'tBI W parach zdan uzupetnij drugie zdanie tak,
aby wyrai:ato tresc pierwszego. W kai:dym zdaniu brakuje
trzech wyraz6w.

We had a shorter winter break than we wanted.

Our winter break was _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __
as we wanted.
Jim is the fastest swimmer in our class.
No one in my class can _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __
Our city organised more concerts last summer.
This summer there _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __
in our city.
4 I didn't go to bed as late as you.
I went to bed _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ did.


important thing in life.

4 He answered more questions than me.

I answered ________________ did.

Por6wnania: SO / SUCH / ENOUGH / TOO
1 IIIJ!lB Przyjrzyj si~ typowym transformacjom.
Uzupetnij ponii:sze zdania, wpisuj<tc w luki po jednym
stowie, tak aby oddac tresc zdania gt6wnego.

I was too weak to lift that suitcase.

I wasn't strong _ _ _ _ _ _ _ to lift that suitcase.
I was so weak _ _ _ _ _ _ _ I couldn't lift that

The suitcase was so heavy that I couldn't lift it.
It was
a heavy suitcase that I couldn't
lift it.
I'd like to buy this scooter but I've got less money than the
asking price.
I haven't got
money to buy this
I've got _______ little money to buy this
4 I can't reach the shelf because it's too high.
The shelf is too high
me to reach.
2 I!I!'i.lZII W parach zdan uzupetnij drugie zdanie tak,
aby wyrai:ato tresc pierwszego. W kai:dym zdaniu brakuje
dw6ch wyraz6w.

Some people can't find a job.

There is
work for everyone.
There should be fewer cars in our cities.
There are
cars in our cities.
The book was so interesting that I read it in one day.
It was
interesting book that
I read it in one day.
4 It's too cold to go to the beach.
It's not _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ to go to the beach.
3 B!'tBI W parach zdan uzupetnij drugie zdanie tak,
aby wyrai:ato tresc pierwszego. W kai:dym zdaniu brakuje
trzech wyraz6w.

It was such nice weather that we sat in the garden all day.
The weather _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __

that we sat in the garden all day.

I've got so much work to do.
There _______________________
things that I have to do.

I didn't understand the text because it was too difficult.

The text was too difficult _~~~~~~~~~~~
4 I was too busy to check my emails.
Iwas _~~~~~~~~~~~~__~~~~___
I didn't check my emails.
4 BIll W parach zdan uzupetnij drugie zdanie tak,
aby wyraiato tresc pierwszego. W kaidym zdaniu brakuje
czterech wyraz6w.

This road isn't safe enough to drive on.



I don't think the furniture will fit into this space. It's too big.
There isn't
big furniture.
We had to go back to the hotel because of the heavy rain.
It rained ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

I haven't heard from Mike for two weeks.

I last heard from Mike _~~~~~~~~~~~_
4 We've run out of mineral water.
There _~~~~~~~~~~_ mineral water left.
4 . . . W parach zdan uzupetnij drugie zdanie tak,
aby wyraiato tresc pierwszego. W kaidym zdaniu brakuje
czterech wyraz6w.

My grandparents have been married for forty years.

My grandparents
This is our first trip abroad.
Anna is still waitingfor her train to arrive.
Anna's '--'~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~_ yet.
4 I got this camera for my sixteenth birthday.
I've _~~~~~~~~~~~~~_ I was sixteen.

had to go back to the hotel.

4 My uncle drives so badly that he's had three accidents this

My uncle _~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~_
driver that he's had three accidents this year.
1 IIl!mD Przyjrzyj si~ typowym transformacjom.
Uzupetnij poniisze zdania, wpisuj'lc w luki po jednym
stowie, tak aby oddac tresc zdania gt6wnego.

I haven't been to the cinema for two months.

went to the cinema two months ago.
My sister moved to Dublin in June.
My sister has lived in Dublin
This is the first time I've ever ridden a camel.
ridden a camel before.
4 Damian called you a moment ago.
Damian has
called you.
I'm still reading the book you lent me.
I haven't read the book you lent me _ _ _ _ _ __
My finger is bleeding.
cut myself.

Zdania warunkowe
1 IIJ'fJ!'mD Przyjrzyj si~ typowym transformacjom.
Uzupetnij poniisze zdania, wpisuj'lc w luki po jednym
stowie, tak aby oddac tresc zdania gt6wnego.

You have to hurry up or you'll miss the bus,

You'll miss the bus
you don't hurry up.
I haven't got enough free time to do sport regularly.
If I had enough free time, I
do sport
Personally, I think you should write a complaint.
If I
you, I'd write a complaint.
4 I can't help you if you don't tell me the whole truth.
I can't help you
you tell me the whole
You can't enter the club without your ID.
If you don't have your ID, you won't be
to enter the club.
2 I!Il!F.III W parach zdan uzupetnij drugie zdanie tak,
aby wyraiato tresc pierwszego. W kaidym zdaniu brakuje
dw6ch wyraz6w.

This is the first time I've travelled by ferry.

by ferry before.
It started to rain a moment ago.
to rain.
4 Tim is in Canada now.
to Canada.

Don't be late! They're not going to wait for you.

They won't wait for you if
Magda feels lonely because she doesn't know many people
Magda wouldn't feel so lonely if
_~~~~~~~~~_ more people here.
We can't rent a car because we haven't got a credit card.
If we had a credit card, we _~~~~~~~~~_
a car.
4 Rob must study harder to go to university.
If Rob
study harder, he
won't go to university.

3 ~ W parach zdan uzupetnij drugie zdanie tak,

aby wyraiato tresc pierwszego. W kaidym zdaniu brakuje
trzech wyraz6w.

3 ~ W parach zdan uzupetnij drugie zdanie tak,

aby wyraiato tresc pierwszego. W kaidym zdaniu brakuje
trzech wyraz6w.


W parach zdan uzupetnij drugie zdanie tak,

aby wyraiato tresc pierwszego. W kaidym zdaniu brakuje
dw6ch wyraz6w.

I'm still doing my homework.



I last saw Jim in 2008.

I haven't _________________ 2008.
Is this your first visit to Rome?
Have _~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Rome before?

Why don't you take someone with you? That's what I'd do.
If _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __

I wouldn't go there alone.




She's very fit because she takes exercise.

She ____________________________________

so fit if she didn't take any exercise.

If my mum doesn't pick me up from the station, I'll have to

take the bus.
I'll have to take the bus ______________________

picks me up from the station.

4 I need my father's permission to do a diving course.
I won't ____________________________________
do a diving course if my father says no.
4 Em W parach zdan uzupetnij drugie zdanie tak,
aby wyrai:ato tresc pierwszego. W kai:dym zdaniu brakuje
czterech wyraz6w.
You can only apply on the Internet.
You won't be ______________________________
you go online.
I don't think you should carry so much cash.
Iflwere ___________________________________

carry so much cash.

We'll have to stay here unless we find a cheaper hotel.
We'll have to stay here if _______________________
a cheaper hotel.
4 I'd like to buy this watch but it's too expensive.
I'd buy this watch __________________________
so expensive.

1 IIIml1D Przyjrzyj si~ typowym transformacjom.

Uzupetnij ponii:sze zdania, wpisujqc w luki po jednym
stowie, tak aby oddac tresc zdania gt6wnego.
People often buy air tickets on the Internet.
Air tickets are often ____________ on the Internet.
Columbus discovered Cuba in 1492.
Cuba was discovered
Columbus in 1492.
They will make the final decision tomorrow.
The final decision will
made tomorrow.
4 Someone has broken the window.
The window has ____________ broken.
They showed us the way.
We were ____________ the way.
6 You mustn't smoke in here.
You aren't ____________ to smoke in here.
____________ is not allowed in here.

2 IfI:IIlII W parach zdan uzupetnij drugie zdanie tak,

aby wyrai:ato tresc pierwszego. W kai:dym zdaniu brakuje
dw6ch wyraz6w.
Someone cleans our classroom every day.
Our classroom _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ every day.
Who wrote the music?
Who was the music _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __
What is your place of birth?
Where were _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __

You mustn't bringfood into the library.

You aren't _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ bring food into
the library.



3 EImlI!DI W parach zdan uzupetnij drugie zdanie tak,

aby wyrai:ato tresc pierwszego. W kai:dym zdaniu brakuje
trzech wyraz6w.

My best friend took all those pictures.

All those pictures _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __
my best friend.
Another shopping mall will be built in this area.
They _________________________________

shopping mall in this area.

They don't let people camp on the beach.
Camping on the beach _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __
4 The police have already caught the thief
The thief ______________________________
caught by the police.
4 Em W parach zdan uzupetnij drugie zdanie tak,
aby wyrai:ato tresc pierwszego. W kai:dym zdaniu brakuje
czterech wyraz6w.

Someone has paid ten thousand dollars for the paintings.

The paintings _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ___
ten thousand dollars.
I hope they will give us more time to finish the project.
I hope we _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __

time to finish the project.

Parking is not allowed in this street.
You _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __
park in this street.
4 Nobody sent me any postcards last summer.
1 ____________________________________
postcards last summer.

1 IIIml1D Przyjrzyj si~ typowym transformacjom.
Uzupetnij ponii:sze zdania, wpisujqc w luki po jednym
stowie, tak aby oddac tresc zdania gt6wnego.

There isn't anything interesting on TV tonight.

interesting on TV tonight.
I didn't see anybody there.
nobody there.
I haven't got any idea how to solve the problem.
I have
idea how to solve the problem.
4 All my friends have gone on holiday.
____________ of my friends have stayed in town.
Jim and his brother aren't going to the party.
Neither Jim
his brother is going to the

2 IfI:IIlII W parach zdan uzupetnij drugie zdanie tak,

aby wyrai:ato tresc pierwszego. W kai:dym zdaniu brakuje
dw6ch wyraz6w.
I'm afraid there's no coffee left.
There isn't _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ left, I'm afraid.
Early in the morning the station was empty.
Early in the morning
the station.

nobody at

There weren't any of my classmates at the concert.

_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ my classmates went to the concert.
4 We didn't have anything else to do so we went home.
We went home because we had _ _ _ _ _ _ _ to do.
3 EIl!'ilII W parach zdan uzupetnij drugie zdanie tak,
aby wyraiato tresc pierwszego. W kaidym zdaniu brakuje
trzech wyraz6w.

Unfortunately, no one was waitingfor us at the airport.

Unfortunately, there wasn't _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __
us at the airport.
We couldn't continue the journey because we didn't have
any money.
Wehad ________________________________

continue the journey.

They're both very bad singers.
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ can sing well.
4 Sam knew nothing about our plans.
Sam _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __
anything about our plans.
4 II.ImlII W parach zdan uzupetnij drugie zdanie tak,
aby wyraiato tresc pierwszego. W kaidym zdaniu brakuje
czterech wyraz6w.

I didn't clean my room because I had no time.

I didn't
clean my room.
There's nothing we can do about this problem.
We can't _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ problem.
Everyone has failed the exam.
Nobody _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __
4 Both my cousins are married.
Neither _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Single.
Czasowniki modalne
1 III1.!'ID Przyjrzyj si~ typowym transformacjom.
Uzupetnij poniisze zdania, wpisujClc w luki po jednym
stowie, tak aby oddac tresc zdania gt6wnego.

It isn't necessary to book the tickets.

You don't
to book the tickets.
Let's go to the cinema at the weekend.
_______ we go to the cinema at the weekend?
_______ don't we go to the cinema at the
How about _______ to the cinema at the
Can you tell me what to do?
Can you tell me what I _______ do.
4 She's a great swimmer.
swim really well.
Would it be a problem if I used your printer?
Could I
your printer, please?
Jim is clearly at home.
be at home.
It's possible that we will go shopping in the afternoon.
go shopping in the afternoon.
8 It's impossible for Mike to fail this test.
fail this test.

2 IE!.m.lII W parach zdan uzupetnij drugie zdanie tak,

aby wyraiato tresc pierwszego. W kaidym zdaniu brakuje
dw6ch wyraz6w.

Is it OK if I borrow your mouse?

me your mouse, please?
She is clearly tired after such a long journey.
tired after such a long
Shall we ask the teacher for help?
the teacher for help?
4 I don1t know what to buy my parents for their wedding
I don't know what I _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ my

parents for their wedding anniversary.

3 EIl!'ilII W parach zdan uzupetnij drugie zdanie tak,
aby wyraiato tresc pierwszego. W kaidym zdaniu brakuje
trzech wyraz6w.

It's possible that we'll be late for the show.

We ________________ for the show.
It's necessary for students to wear a school uniform.
a school uniform.
I'm not really good at French, I'm afraid.
well, I'm afraid.
4 I'm sure Mark is right about the departure time.

wrong about the departure time.

4 II.ImlII W parach zdan uzupetnij drugie zdanie tak,
aby wyraiato tresc pierwszego. W kaidym zdaniu brakuje
czterech wyraz6w.

Shall we go out tonight?

Why _____________________________

out tonight?
I would take some warm clothes if I were you.
Ithink _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ___
warm clothes.
I'm sure travelling alone is quite boring.
It _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ___
boring to travel alone.
4 It isn't necessary for us to check out of the hostel yet.
We _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ___
check out of the hostel yet.

1 III1.!'ID Przyjrzyj si~ typowym transformacjom.

Uzupetnij poniisze zdania, wpisujClc w luki po jednym
stowie, tak aby oddac tresc zdania gt6wnego.

'I'm studyingfor the chemistry test,' said Mary.

Mary said she
studying for the
chemistry test.
'We'll be ready in an hour,' they said.
They said they
be ready in an hour.
'I watched the match,' he said.
He said he _ _ _ _ _ _ _ watched the match.




'Do you need some help?' asked the police officer.

The police officer asked
needed some help.
'Don't forget to lock the door,' she said to me.
me to lock the door.

Inne popularne transformacje

1 IIIfJ!?I'iI Przyjrzyj si~ innym popularnym transformacjom.
Uzupetnij ponizsze zdania, wpisujilc w luki po jednym stowie, tak aby
oddac tresc zdania gt6wnego.

Although it rained, 'the garden party was a great success.

of the rain the garden party was a great
Everyone enjoyed the garden party _______ the rainy
I find baking easy.
_______ is easy for me,
It's easy for me to _ _ _ _ _ __
Is this your bag?
Is this bag _ _ _ _ _ __
Does this bag _______ to you?

2 EI.mlID W parach zdan uzupetnij drugie

zdanie tak, aby wyrazato tresc pierwszego.
W kazdym zdaniu brakuje dw6ch wyraz6w.

'I'll let you know as soon as possible: she said.

She said she
know as soon as possible.
'I'm going to join the hockey club: he said.
He decided
hockey club.
'Let's listen to some old records,' said Troy.
Troy suggested _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __
some old records_
4 'This is the first time I've been on a roller coaster,'
she said.
She said she _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ been
on a rollercoaster before.

3 EI'fmlII W parach zdan uzupetnij drugie

zdanie tak, aby wyrazato tresc pierwszego.
W kazdym zdaniu brakuje trzech wyraz6w.

Excuse me, where's the exit?

Do you know where _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __
'It won't take long to repair the car,' said the
The mechanic said it _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __
long to repair the car.
'You must switch off your phones,' said the
The teacher told _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __
off our phones.
4 'Do you know Martin's email address?' she asked.
She asked me _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __
Martin's email address.
4 EmIl W parach zdan uzupetnij drugie
zdanie tak, aby wyrazato tresc pierwszego.
W kazdym zdaniu brakuje czterech wyraz6w.

'Send me a postcard from London,' John asked

John wanted _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __
_______ a postcard from London.
'I left my book at home,' she said to her teacher.
She told _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __
_______ left her book at home.
'What did you see in Portugal?' they asked me.
They wanted to know _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __
_______ in Portugal.
4 'I'm really sorry that I forgot about your birthday,'
said Laura to Kate.
Laura apologized _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __
_______ about her birthday.



2 EI.mlID W parach zdan uzupetnij drugie zdanie tak, aby

wyrazato tresc pierwszego. W kazdym zdaniu brakuje dw6ch

Who do these books belong to?

_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ are these?
He took part in the race although he was ill.
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ of his illness he took part in the race.
I think jogging is boring.
lfind _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __
4 Does that backpack belong to Anna?
3 1&.11!1!1 W parach zdan uzupetnij drugie zdanie tak, aby
wyrazato tresc pierwszego. W kazdym zdaniu brakuje trzech wyraz6w.

He decided to buy the poster in spite of its being very expensive.

He decided to buy the poster although._ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ expensive.
Those aren't my suitcases.
Those suitcases _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __
I think it's very important to eat well.
I think that _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _._ _ _ _ __
very important.
4 The beach was crowded, but we decided to stay there.
We decided to stay on _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __
the crowds.
4 EmIl W parach zdan uzupetnij drugie zdanie tak, aby
wyrazato tresc pierwszego. W kazdym zdaniu brakuje czterech

Trekking in these mountains without a guide can be dangerous.

Itcan _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __
in these mountains without a guide.
We had very little time, but we managed to see the exhibition.
We managed to see the exhibition _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ have much time.
They had problems finding the way.
It _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __

to find the way.

Whose bike is this?
Who _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ to?




W cwiczeniach (A-F) uzupetnij poszczegolne pary zda., tak, aby drugie zdanie wyraiato tresc zdania
pierwszego. W kaidym zdaniu brakuje maksymalnie czterech elementow. Wymagana jest petna
poprawnosc gramatyczna i ortograficzna wpisywanych fragmentow. '

She last swam in the sea two years ago.
She __________________________________

Despite the bad weather, the trip to the cliffs was

great fun.
Although _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __

in the sea for two years.

I can't reach this shelf because it's too high.
I'm too _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ____
this shelf.
You're tired because you go to sleep too late.
You wouldn't be tired if _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __
to sleep so late.
4 'I'll meet you outside the school; she said.
She said she ____________________

I enjoyed the trip to the cliffs.

You mustn't ride a bike in the park.
You aren't __________________
a bike in the park.
I've never met a nicer person than Susan.
Susan _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ___
person I've ever met.

me outside the school.

Paramedics took care of all the injured passengers.
All the injured passengers were _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __
by paramedics.

I haven't got as many friends as you.

I've got
I'm sure that working at night is really hard.
It must
work at night.
I can't work fast on this computer.
I'd be able _____________________
I had a better computer.
The tea was too hot for me to drink.
Theteawas _________________

I couldn't drink it.

They have just opened a new swimming pool in my
A new swimming pool _____________
opened in my town.

If you don't tell us who did it, we'll have to call your
We'll have to call your parents unless ________
who did it.

They will carry out all the repairs during the night.
All the repairs _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __
during the night.

How about going to that Greek restaurant?

Shall _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ____
to that Greek restaurant?
The film is so good that I've seen it five times.
This is ___________________
film that I've seen it five times.
'Does it hurt?' asked the doctor.
The doctor asked me _____________
4 This is my first flight.
I __________________ before.
I think you should call the police.
Iflwere __________________
call the police.

Our teacher chose the topics for discussion.
The topics for discussion _____________
our teacher.
'Your essay is too short; said the teacher.
The teacher said that my essay __________
'Why don't we take the early train?' he said.
- _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ taking the early train.
4 It's possible that it will snow in the afternoon.
Itmay ___________________
Is this Marek's coat?
Does this coat ________________

It was necessary for us to check in our luggage.

We ____________________

check in our luggage.

I'm not as slim as my sister.
My sister is _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ am.
There was no milk in the fridge.
There wasn't _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __
in the fridge.
4 The lift stopped working a moment ago.
The lift has ______________ down.
'Did you like the play?' he asked.
He wanted to _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __
liked the play.




W cwiczeniach (1-12) uzupetnij poszczegolne

zdania, wykorzystujilc podane w nawiasach wyrazy
w odpowiedniej formie. Aby otrzymac zdania poprawne
pod wzgl~dem logicznym i gramatycznym, musisz
rowniei dodac wszystkie niezb~dne elementy.
Podpowiedz, jakich elementow brakuje, znajdziesz
w poszczegolnych sekcjach.
Uwaga! Nie naleiy zmieniac kolejnosci podanych
wyrazow. Niektore z podanych w nawiasach stow
pozostajil w tej samej form ie. W kaidym zdaniu brakuje
maksymalnie czterech elementow.
(zasowniki positkowe: zdania twierdzilce
W cwiczeniach (1-2) prawidtowe formy podanych
w nawiasach czasown ikow zawierajil czasownik positkowy
(np. be / have / had / will / would) .

(zasowniki positkowe: przeczenia

W cwiczeniach (3-4) prawidtowe formy przeczilce podanych

w nawiasach czasownikow zawierajil czasownik positkowy

(np. be / do / did / have / had / will) .

We're really busy so (we / not see) _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __

each other very often.
I'd sign up for an English course if (I / have) _ _ _ __
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ English at school.
Mary feels lonely because (she / not have) _ _ _ _ __
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ any friends here.
4 (I/ not go) _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __
out tonight. I'm too tired.
My parents say (they / not teach) _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ much about computers at school.

I'd like to know what (they / do) _ _ _ _ _ _ _ now.

When I got home, I realised that (I/ leave) _ _ _ __
my bag on the bus.
The car broke down while (we / drive) _ _ _ _ _ __
4 Tom is my best friend. I (know / he) _ _ _ _ _ _ __
for ten years.
We guarantee that (it / deliver) _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __
to your address next week.

Unfortunately, (I/ not listen) _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __

_ _ _ _ _ _ _ when the teacher asked me a question.
If we don't leave right now, (we / catch) _ _ _ _ _ __
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ the train.
Ten years ago (there / not be) _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ any shopping centres in my city.
4 She will have to stay in bed if (she / not feel) _ _ _ __
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ any better.
Gary said that (he / not sell) _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ his old guitar yet.

If! had a bike, (I/ ride) _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __

it to school.
A lot of (money / spend) _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __
on road repairs since Poland joined the ED.
The Magic Flute, one of the most popular operas of all
times, (compose / Mozart) _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __
in 1791.
4 (I/ send) _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __
you an email if I find an internet cafe there.
We'll have to hurry. (everyone / wait) _ _ _ _ _ __
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ us.


(zasowniki posilkowe: pytania

W cwiczeniach (5-6) prawidlowe formy podanych

w nawiasach czasown ikow zawierajil czasownik posilkowy

(np. be / do / did / have / will / WOUld).

What (she / say) _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __

when you asked her out?
What (glass / make) _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __


How long (it / take) _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _~

to fly from Warsaw to New York?

4 Where (you / go) _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __

My sister (be / good) _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __

Ianguages than I am.
A lot of people are (afraid / fly) _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __

~_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

if you won a round-the-world ticket?

How many times (you / be) _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __
to Canada?

What (you / like) _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __

do when you finish school?
What (you / like) _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __
doing in your free time?
How many (house / damage) _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __
in the earthquake?

She (be / angry) _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __

me because I'd forgotten about her birthday.
4 Paul always wants (look / different) _ _ _ _ _ _ __
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ everyone else.
We all (feel / sorry) _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __
Mark when we heard about his accident.

My brother (love / listen) _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ __

loud music, but I hate it.
The boy was (accuse / write) _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __
graffiti on the school walls.
I've never eaten fresh papaya. What (it / taste) _ _ __

(people / have) _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __

more free time in the future? What do you think?

What (they / do) _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _~
this time yesterday?
Bezokolicznik z to / Forma z koncowkC}-ing

W ewiczeniach (7-8) niektore z podanych w nawiasach

czasownikow wyst~pujC} w formie bezokolicznika
poprzedzonej wyrazem to.

Maggie thanked (we / help) _ _ _ _ __ _ _ __

her with organising the party.
What (you / think) _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __
our new German teacher?


Are you going (learn / drive) ~_ _ _ _ _ _ _ __

when you're I8?
Last year I (decide / spend) _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __
my holidays alone, which was a mistake.
Just one week (after / arrive) _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __
London, Martin found a job as a graphic designer.
4 My father still (not stop / smoke) _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __
despite h is promise to the family.
Do you know if we (allow / use) _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __
dictionaries in the exam?

W ewiczeniach (11-12) niektore z podanych

w nawiasach rzeczownikow muszC} bye poprzedzone
odpowiednim przedimkiem (a / an / the / zero article) .


Someone rang the doorbell while we (have / breakfast) _

My grandmother (go / bed) _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __
much earlier than we do.
I (go / concert) _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ __

on Saturday, but I didn't really enjoy it.

4 Rob (be / hospital) _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _~

He (try / pass) _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __
the driving test three times this year.
My music teacher wants (I/ take) _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __
part in the school song contest.
When I got home, I noticed that someone (forget / turn)
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ the lights off.
4 My sister (enjoy / go) _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _~
parties. She never misses one.
I (not mind / sleep) _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __

in a tent. I think it can be fun.

since Monday, but he's feeling better now.

We're thinking of (go / cinema) _ _ __ _ _ _ __
- - - - - - - - - - -. Do you want to join us?

Mrs Smith (work / engineer) _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __

before she retired two years ago.
It's (bad / hotel) _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __
I've ever stayed at.
Some of our neighbours always (talk / weather) _ _ __
4 I prefer (travel/train) _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __

W ewiczeniach (9-10) w kaidym przyktadzie jednym

z brakujC}cych elementow jest przyimek.

Yesterday I (see I film) _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ __
you recommended. It was well worth watching.






W cwiczeniach (A-F) uzupefnij poszczeg61ne zdania, wykorzystujilc podane w nawiasach wyrazy

w odpowiedniej formie. Nie naleiy zmieniac kolejnosci podanych wyraz6w, trzeba natomiast dodac
wszystkie niezb~dne elementy, aby otrzymac zdania poprawne pod wzgl~dem gramatycznym i logicznym.
W kaidym zdaniu brakuje maksymalnie czterech element6w.

Shall we go (ski / weekend) _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __
The new station isn't ready yet. We hope that (it /
I (never / talk) _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __

Daniel before. He seems so reserved.

My grandpa had a twin brother, but they (not be /
similar) - _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ each other.
This is a very nice watch! How much (it / cost) _ __

A young surfer has been (attack / shark) _ _ _ __

- -_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ off the Australian coast.
(you / decide) _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __
yet what to buy Joanna for her birthday?
Brian's teacher says that he (be / interested) _ _ __
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ sport than studying.
4 I couldn't answer the phone because I (have / shower) _
Who (take / picture) _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __
you? It's excellent!

When my parents came home, I (already / go) _ __

- - - - -_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ bed.
If! had a bigger house, (give / party) _ _ _ _ _ __
- _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ for the whole class.
Last week there (be / accident) _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __
at the crossroads near my house.
4 What kind of music (you / listen) _ _ _ _ _ _ __
when you were in primary school?
When we fmished lunch, aunt Nina (suggest / go) _ _
- - - - -_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ walk.

Do you read the reviews (before / go) _ _ _ _ __

- - -_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ theatre?
The doctor asked me if I (sleep / good) _ _ _ _ __
- - -_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ the night before.
Would you buy this computer if it (be / cheap) _ __

Can you turn down the music? I (try / concentrate) _

Do you know when (this house / build) _ _ _ _ __
- - - -_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ? It looks really old.

How much (you / pay) _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __

- - -_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ the dinner last night?
We had to change our plans (because / weather) _ __
Boris (just / give) _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __
back my DVDs so I can lend them to you.
4 I think he should (apologise / shout) _ _ _ _ __
- - - - - -_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ you.
We'll have a barbecue if (it / not rain) _ _ _ _ __


When Jessica was little, she (not like / be) _ _ _ __

- - -_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ at home alone.
This is a very popular museum. (It / visit) _ _ _ __
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ thousands of tourists every year.
If! don't study hard, (I/ not pass) _ _ _ _ _ __
- - -_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ the test.
4 What's (expensive / restaurant) _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __
- - - -_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ you've ever been to?
Marta was going to Paris when we (meet / airport) __

Uzupetnij tabelk~ odpowiednimi formami podanych czasownik6w. Zwr6c szczeg61nil uwag~ na pisowni~.
[przypomnienie zasad pisowni na stronach 278 i 279]

2 Uzupetnij poszczeg61ne zdania drugil1ub trzeciil formil

utworzonil od podanych w nawiasach czasownik6w.

4 Uzupetnij poszczeg61ne zdania odpowiedniil formil

podanych w nawiasach czasownik6w.

I've _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ glasses since I was

a child. (wear)
Susan _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ a garden party for
her last birthday. (give)
Do you know who this book was
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ by? (write)
4 Patrick said he'd never _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __
that kind of tree before. (see)
We all went to a nice bar and
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ karaoke all night. (sing)

My brother isn't very organised. He always

_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ his homework at the last
minute. (do)
Are you afraid of _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ? lfly)
Our cat is _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __
'Cappuccino'. (call)
4 We all hoped that the thief would be
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ soon. (catch)
She's already _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __
to the doctor. (be)

3 Uzupetnij poszczeg61ne zdania odpowiedniil formil

z konc6wkil-ed, -ing lub -s / -es utworzonil od podanych
w nawiasach czasownik6w.

5 Uzupetnij poszczeg61ne zdania odpowiedniil formil

jednego z czasownik6w z ramki. Jeden z czasownik6w
podano dodatkowo i nie pasuje on do zadnego zdania.
Uwaga! Takjak w zadaniu egzaminacyjnym niekt6re
z form mogil skladac si~ z kilku wyraz6w.

We were _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ by the police

when we'd crossed the street. (stop)
I was
a really heavy suitcase
so I couldn't walk any faster. (carry)
My father sometimes _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __
the news as much as three times a day! (watch)
4 I don't really enjoy
. (dance)
Haveyou _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __
the articles for
our presentation yet? (copy)







Most of those wooden houses _ _ _ _ __

a century ago.
Mark said that he _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __
that song before.
The tickets for the festival are only
on the Internet.




4 I lost my keys when I _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

to the bus stop.
Nobody has _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ the test.


5 Uzupetnij poszczeg61ne zdania odpowiedniil formil

rzeczownika utworzonil od jednego z wyraz6w z ramki.
Jeden wyraz podano dodatkowo i nie pasuje on do iadnego
ze zdan .

Do podanych rzeczownik6w dopisz form~ liczby







Many celebrities say that fame and money don't bring

a man
a child
a story
4 a mouse
5 a thief
6 a goose
a box
a wolf
a shelf

We visited a lot of beautiful old

_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ in Krakow.
Steven Spielberg is one of the most successful film

The _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ of this tree turn dark

red in autumn.
Jamie had to write an essay as
a _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ for cheating in the test.


2 Uzupetnij poszczeg61ne zdania formilliczby mnogiej

podanych w nawiasach rzeczownik6w.
Two _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ were slightly injured
in the shoot-out. (policeman)
Brush your _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ after every
meal. (tooth)
Most teachers in our school are

1 Uzupetnij tabelk~ odpowiednimi formami podanych

przymiotnik6w. Zwr6c szczeg61nil uwag~ na pisowni~.
[przypomnienie zasad pisowni na stronie 279]

_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ . (woman)
4 Every chef needs a set of good kitchen

- - -_ _ _ _ _ _ . (knife)


My _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ hurt after walking for

a few hours. (foot)


3 Uzupetnij poszczeg61ne zdania rzeczownikiem
utworzonym od podanych w nawiasach czasownik6w.

2 Utw6rz przeciwienstwa podanych przymiotnik6w

dopisujilc odpowiedni przedrostek (un-, in-, ir-, i/-, im-, dis-).

Joanna studies art. She wants to be

The teacher gave a clear
the problem. (explain)



of penicillin
revolutionised medicine. (discover)
4 Have you seen the new _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ for
the Olympic Games? (advertise)
One of my hobbies is indoor rock


_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ . (climb)
4 Uzupetnij poszczeg61ne zdania rzeczownikiem
utworzonym od podanych w nawiasach przymiotnik6w.
Two students were absent from school because of
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ . (ill)
Write an essay about the _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ of
sport in your life. (important)
Can you find three _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __
between these pictures? (similar)
4 One of my weak points is _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __

There isn't any _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ in meaning
between these words. (different)



_ _ happy
___ necessary
___ logical
___ regular
___ popular
_ _ legal
_ _ healthy
___ polite

11 _ _ tidy
12 ___ important

3 Uzupetnij poszczeg61ne zdania stopniem wyiszym lub

najwyiszym podanych w nawiasach przymiotnik6w.
You've got _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ . Have you been
on a diet? (thin)
They went much _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ than
they'd planned. (far)
This is the _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ weather we've
had for years. (dry)
4 We have _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ tests and exams
than last term. (many)

Mike has made the _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __

progress of the whole class. (little)

4 I am _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __

4 Uzupetnij poszczegolne zdania przystowkiem lub

przeciwienstwem utworzonym od podanych w nawiasach

to find the place
without a GPS. There aren't any signs. (possible)
This is an important exam. I have to dress

sorry that I forgot about your birthday.

I don't like Peter. He seems rather _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __
Zaimek i liczebnik
Uzupetnij tabelk~ odpowiednimi formami podanych
(for) me

my (name)

(it's) mine

_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ . (formal)

In Poland some people believe that black cats are

_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ . (lucky)

She asked me _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ifI could

look after her dog. (kind)
These chairs are terribly _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __
We need to buy new ones. (comfortable)

5 Uzupetnij zdania odpowiednii!. formi!. przymiotnika

utworzoni!. od podanych w nawiasach rzeczownikow.
Can you play any _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __
instrument? (music)
Norway is the most _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __
country I've ever been to. (beauty)
What is your city

4 My cousin is very
great at drawing. (art)
Put the
I'll wash them later. (dirt)

. She's
dishes in the sink!

6 Uzupetnij zdania odpowiednii!. formi!. utworzoni!. od

podanych w nawiasach wyrazow.

1 This has been the

test this
year. (easy)
The weather was nice and _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __
- just perfect for a picnic. (sun)
I'm too _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ to stand in such
a long queue. (patient)
4 Everyone was asleep so we tried to talk
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ . (quiet)

Our school team played much

_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ this time. (well)
7 Uzupetnij poszczegolne zdania odpowiednii!. formi!.
utworzoni!. od jednego z wyrazow z ramki. Jeden wyraz
podano dodatkowo i nie pasuje on do zadnego zdania.
Uwaga! Takjak w zadaniu egzaminacyjnym niektore
z form magi!. skladac si~ z kilku wyraz6w.






I want you to listen _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __

than in the last lesson.
Excuse me, do you know where _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __
exit is?
A parachute jump is _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __
thing I've ever done in my life.

yourself /



2 Uzupetnij poszczegolne zdania odpowiednii!. formi!.

podanych w nawiasach zaimkow.
Can you tell _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ how to get to the
station? (we)
Anna painted the room by _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ . (she)
I left my dictionary at home. Can I borrow
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ? (you)
4 Tim meets _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ friends every
weekend. (he)
Did your parents enjoy _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ at the
party? (they)
3 Uzupetnij poszczegolne zdania odpowiednii!. formi!.
podanych w nawiasach liczebnikow.
I was born on the _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ofJune. (three)
We've been to Switzerland _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __
before. (one)
What did you get your nephew for his
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ birthday? (five)
4 I visit my grandparents _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __
a week. (two)
The island was discovered in the _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __
century. (eight)
4 Uzupetnij poszczegolne zdania odpowiednii!. formi!.
utworzoni!. od jednego z wyrazow z ramki. Jeden wyraz
podano dodatkowo i nie pasuje on do zadnego zdania.
Uwaga! Tak jak w zadaniu egzaminacyjnym niekt6re
z form magi!. skladac si~ z kilku wyraz6w.






I don't like pale colours. I prefer bright _ _ _ _ _ __

My home town is known for _ _ _ _~_ _ _ _ __
beautiful park.
This is someone else's bag. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ is brown.
4 John lives on
S We sat on the beach all by _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __





~ ~ --------~~



Uzupetnij poszczegolne teksty (A-F), wpisujetc w kazdet luk~ (1-5) jeden wyraz z ramki w odpowiedniej form ie, tak aby
otrzymac logicznet i gramatycznie poprawnct catosc. Niektore z form sktadajct si~ z kilku stow. W kazdej ramce podano
dodatkowo jeden wyraz, ktory nie pasuje do zadnej luki.




New Moon is 1
the Twilight series. It has




film in

come out on DVD. The

film stars Kristen Steward as Bella and Robert
Pattinson as Edward. Bella is very sad, because
Edward, who was her boyfriend, has
__________ up with her. But this is
because he's a vampire and he wants to protect
Bella from his friends and family. Bella spends a lot
of time with her friend Jacob, who is a native
American. Although they
friends since their early
childhood, Bella doesn't know Jacob's dark secret.
As they become closer, she discovers that Jacob
belongs to a gang that can turn
into wolves.








When the Titanic 1 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __

Southampton for New York in April 1912 it was
, most luxurious ship
that had ever been constructed. The Titanic's
owners even said that they
a ship that was
'unsinkable'. 4
, just four
days into its maiden voyage, the Titanic and 1,514
passengers and crew members were
forever under the
freezing waters of the Atlantic Ocean. How did
such a terrible disaster happen? The fact is that
nobody really knows the whole story.







We certainly live in exciting times when important

changes in technology take place at great speed. It's
amazing to think than only 20 years ago,
people didn't have
a computer at home. However, since the
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ of the new century, in
2000, technology has become part of everybody's life.
and adults
Nowadays, 3
two hours a day
spend at 4
in front of their computers. It seems unthinkable that
able to do without
people 5
the Internet and mobile phones just two decades ago.







Have you ever eaten Mexican food? Do you know

what chilli peppers are? 1 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __
these small hot peppers have become extremely
popular with cooks all over the world. However,
chilli peppers have 2
South America for 3
9,000 years. Christopher Columbus saw the plants
in 1492 and he took some back to Europe with
__________ . Later, chillis
__________ to Africa and Asia by
other traders.







For my birthday last year, I was

six month's membership
at the best gym in the city. It was a present from my
sister. The gym has two fitness rooms as well as
pool, but that's not all.
My sister says there are plans to build some squash
courts and a sauna next year. The problem is that I go
there 3
or twice a month,
which is not enough. If I
there two or three times
a week, I would be much







Did William Shakespeare really exist? If so, did he

really write all his plays

These may seem like strange questions about

writer in history.
However, some experts argue that it was
for one man to write so
many plays and poems on his own. Some also
believe that the man called William Shakespeare,
in Stratford-uponwho 4
Avon, was not Shakespeare the writer because he
had never been abroad, whereas
many of Shakespeare's plays are full
of detailed descriptions of foreign

than I am now.


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