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Symptoms Associated With Infant Teething: A Prospective Study

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Symptoms Associated With Infant Teething: A Prospective Study

Michael L. Macknin, MD*; Marion Piedmonte, MA; Jonathan Jacobs, MD*; and Christine Skibinski, MS
ABSTRACT. Context. Studies of infant teething have
been retrospective, small, or conducted on institutionalized infants.
Objectives. To conduct a large, prospective study of
healthy infants to determine which symptoms may be
attributed to teething and to attempt to predict tooth
emergence from an infants symptoms.
Design. Prospective cohort.
Setting. Clinic-based pediatric group practice.
Patients. One hundred twenty-five consecutive well
children of consenting Cleveland Clinic employees.
Outcome Measures. Parents daily recorded 2 tympanic temperatures, presence or absence of 18 symptoms,
and all tooth eruptions in their infants, from the 4-month
well-child visit until the child turned 1 year old.
Results. Daily symptom data were available for
19 422 child-days and 475 tooth eruptions. Symptoms
were only significantly more frequent in the 4 days before a tooth emergence, the day of the emergence, and 3
days after it, so this 8-day window was defined as the
teething period. Increased biting, drooling, gum-rubbing, sucking, irritability, wakefulness, ear-rubbing, facial rash, decreased appetite for solid foods, and mild
temperature elevation were all statistically associated
with teething. Congestion, sleep disturbance, stool looseness, increased stool number, decreased appetite for liquids, cough, rashes other than facial rashes, fever over
102F, and vomiting were not significantly associated
with tooth emergence. Although many symptoms were
associated with teething, no symptom occurred in >35%
of teething infants, and no symptom occurred >20%
more often in teething than in nonteething infants. No
teething child had a fever of 104F and none had a lifethreatening illness.
Conclusions. Many mild symptoms previously
thought to be associated with teething were found in this
study to be temporally associated with teething. However, no symptom cluster could reliably predict the imminent emergence of a tooth. Before caregivers attribute
any infants signs or symptoms of a potentially serious
illness to teething, other possible causes must be ruled
out. Pediatrics 2000;105:747752; teething, tooth eruption,
teeth, deciduous dentition.

he effect of teething on infant health has been

debated for at least 5000 years, and traditional
beliefs on the issue have still not been entirely
supplanted by scientific findings. Sumerians believed teething and worm infestation were associ-

From the *Departments of Pediatrics and Adolescent Medicine and Biostatistics and Epidemiology, Cleveland Clinic Foundation, Cleveland, Ohio.
Received for publication May 17, 1999; accepted Oct 28, 1999.
Reprint requests to (M.L.M.) Department of Pediatrics and Adolescent
Medicine, A120, Cleveland Clinic Foundation, Cleveland, OH 44195. Email: macknin@ccf.org
PEDIATRICS (ISSN 0031 4005). Copyright 2000 by the American Academy of Pediatrics.

ated. Hindu writings, as well as work by Aristotle,

Homer, Celsus, and others, describe associations between teething and illness. Many of these authors
implicated tooth emergence in childhood mortality.1
The belief that teething led to childhood mortality,
seizures, diarrhea, fever, or other serious conditions
was criticized as early as the 17th century by Francois
Ranchin.2 Yet in 1839, 5016 deaths in England and
Wales were attributed to teething.3 Illingworth4
wrote in 1975 that teething produces nothing but
teeth. However, as recently as 1979, parents and
physicians were identifying teething as a cause of
presenting symptoms in children admitted to the
hospital. A study of 50 of these children showed that
in 48 cases, medical evaluation found other causes
for the symptoms, ranging from upper respiratory
infection to bacterial meningitis.5
Most medical professionals now agree that teething does not cause life-threatening illness, but they
disagree about which symptoms may be associated
with tooth eruption. In a prospective study, Jaber et
al6 found that body temperature increased .6C during teething. In several studies with widely varying
designs, other researchers have identified drooling,
appetite disturbance, sleep disturbances, restlessness, coughing, rash, and diarrhea as symptoms associated with teething.710 However, previous studies
all had at least 1 or more significant design limitations, such as a small sample size, retrospective design, or a sample that included institutionalized children. To clarify which symptoms may be associated
with teething, we designed a more powerful and
generalizable prospective study of 100 general pediatric outpatients. We examined temperature and
18 other symptoms previously described in the pediatric literature as possibly associated with tooth
eruption. Our goal was to help infants caregivers to
make decisions about which symptoms may be attributed to teething and to attempt to predict tooth
emergence from an infants symptoms.
We studied infants without chronic diseases who were seen at
our clinic-based group pediatric practice for their 4-month wellchild visits. We decided to study only children with at least 1
parent employed at the Cleveland Clinic Foundation, because we
wanted to be able to contact parents regularly to encourage them
to continue the onerous data collection procedure. Between August 5, 1994 and February 1, 1996, 500 qualifying families with
eligible infants were invited to participate. However, we told
parents that the study was extremely difficult to complete so that
only highly motivated families would enroll, and as a result, only
1 in 4 eligible families consented to participate. We thus enrolled
125 infants ranging in age from 3 months old to 5.6 months old.

PEDIATRICS Vol. 105 No. 4 April 2000

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Study Methods
All parents agreed to participate in an 8-month study beginning
at the time of their childs 4-month well-child visit. To mask the
purpose of the study from the parents, we described the study as
one of normal infant behavior. Parents were given a Thermoscan
(Thermoscan Inc, San Diego, CA) ear thermometer. Parents were
shown by a pediatric nurse or pediatrician how to use the Thermoscan properly, and parents measured temperatures using
proper technique under observation in the office. We provided
Fahrenheit thermometers and reported results in Fahrenheit because we believed the parents were more familiar with Fahrenheit
than Celsius temperature measurements. Parents were told always to take several measurements before recording the highest
temperature reading. They were asked to record their infants
tympanic temperature twice a day at the same time each morning
and each evening before bedtime, to check for tooth eruption daily
by feeling if a new tooth had broken through the gums, and to
record the location of every newly erupted tooth. Parents also kept
a daily log of 18 symptoms. All concurrent illnesses, medications,
and immunizations were also recorded. All information was
maintained on a standard form (Fig 1). Study forms were collected
monthly, and if parents did not call in every 2 weeks as instructed,
they were contacted to ensure continued participation in the

Interpreting Daily Diary Entries

Parents were instructed to record daily information on each
variable, using 0 to indicate normal, a single arrow pointing up or
down to indicate an increase or decrease, and 2 arrows up or
down to indicate a large increase or decrease.
Each response was then classified as normal or abnormal. Any
decrease in appetite for liquids, appetite for solids, or sleep duration was considered abnormal. A childs temperature was classi-

fied as abnormal if it was higher than 1 standard deviation above

that childs own mean temperature over the study. For all other
variables, any increase was classified as abnormal.
Temperature was also analyzed as a continuous variable.

Sample Size
We wanted to estimate the proportion of patients with abnormal symptoms during the teething period (thought to be 30%)
and compare it to the proportion with abnormal symptoms outside of the teething period (thought to be 10%). The projected
sample size allowed for a 20% drop-out rate and provided power
of 90% to detect the differences between proportions described
above, with a type I error rate of 5%, and estimates that were
accurate to within 9%.

Statistical Methods
For the comparisons described below, multivariate quasi-likelihood models were used, with parameters and standard errors
estimated using generalized estimating equations.11 This method
is analogous to logistic regression but with appropriate modifications to account for the repeated measurements on each child. This
requires specification of the relationship between the covariates
and the mean response, as well as an initial estimate of the
correlation structure among multiple observations from the same
individual. A logistic model was used for the relationship between
the covariates and the binary response from a given individual,
and independence, exchangeable, or auto-regressive correlation
structures were assumed depending on the model.
First we tested whether the set of 18 symptoms and temperatures together, observed on a particular day, was associated with
an increased likelihood of tooth emergence on a different day. For
example, it was of interest to know whether symptoms observed
on 1 day might indicate that a tooth was coming on the following

Fig 1. The daily symptom sheet completed by parents was described as a study of normal infant health and behavior.



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day. To assess this, a statistical model was fit with a dichotomous

outcome of tooth emergence/no tooth emergence and with each
symptoms value (normal/abnormal) on the previous day as covariates.12 Each model also contained the childs age as a continuous measure, the status of each of the symptoms on that day, the
presence of concomitant illness, and the emergence of other teeth
in the same period. To minimize multicollinearity and interaction
problems in this analysis only, rash and rash-face were combined
into 1 variable, as were appetite-liquids and appetite-solids, stoollooseness and stool-number, and concomitant illness and other
teeth emerging. A Wald test was then used to test the joint hypothesis that all the regression coefficients for all symptoms were
zero after adjusting for patient age, concomitant illness, and multiple teeth emerging during the same period. Eight models were fit
altogether to assess whether symptoms on 4, 3, 2, or 1 days earlier;
the same day; and 1, 2, and 3 days later were associated with an
increased likelihood of tooth emergence on a given day.
Models were then fit to further assess the relationship between
the probability of a tooth emergence and each symptom on each of
the days. Multivariable models were then attempted to assess
whether a particular combination of symptoms occurring over a
predefined number of days could be used to predict an impending
tooth emergence. Nested models were compared using Wald tests,
and the predictive ability of the models was assessed using receiver operating characteristics curves.13
To assess whether healthy children were more likely to have
abnormal temperatures on teething days than on nonteething
days, the generalized estimating equations methods described
above were used but with the symptom as the dependent variable
and tooth emergence (yes/no) as the independent variables. This
resulted in estimates and 95% confidence intervals for the proportions of teething days and nonteething days with elevated temperatures.
Descriptive statistics on continuous measures include the median (50th percentile) and the interquartile range (25th75th percentile). All statistical tests were 2-tailed, and because each symptom was analyzed multiple times, only P values .01 are reported
as being statistically significant.
The Institutional Review Board of the Cleveland Clinic Foundation approved this study, and parents of the participants gave
informed consent.

Enrollment Characteristics of 111 Infants With
Completed Diaries in Teething Study

Primary liquid

Solid nutrition

Number of siblings in

Mother living in
Father living in home
At least 1 parent with
at least 4-year
college degree
Infant in day care
Number of h in day

Total number of teeth


Although 125 infants were enrolled, 14 families

did not complete any daily symptom information.
There were no statistically significant demographic
differences between the patients with and without
daily symptom information. The study group consists of 111 infants whose parents recorded at least
some daily symptom information. Descriptive information about these infants is shown in Table 1.
Daily symptom data were collected on 19 422
child-days. Parents recorded data for a median of 212
days per child (range: 11268 days; interquartile
range: 107237 days). Most missing data occurred in
blocks; only 1% (192/19 305) of successive diary entries were more than 1 day apart.
Tooth Emergence

During the study, 475 teeth emerged in 89 children

(22 infants had no teeth emerge during the study
period). The median number of teeth per infant was
4 (range: 0 12; interquartile range: 27). Teeth often
emerged in clusters: 8.8% (34/386) of successive nonfirst teeth emerged on the same day as another tooth,
and 31.9% (123/386) of teeth emerged within 5 days
of another tooth. The median number of days between successive teeth was 12 (range: 0 159; interquartile range: 333).


Exclusively breast
Breast milk and
On some days
Every day







Not indicated



Not indicated



0 or missing



20 h/wk
20 h/wk



Defining the Teething Period

Symptoms occurring 5, 6, or 7 days earlier than a

given day, or 4 days later, were not significantly
associated with a tooth emergence on that day (Table
2). However, symptoms 1, 2, 3, or 4 days earlier; on
the day; and 1, 2, or 3 days later were associated with
tooth emergence on a given day. Thus, the teething
period was defined as the 8-day period beginning 4
days before a tooth emergence and extending 3 days
after the event.
Comparison of Frequency of Symptoms in Teething
Versus Nonteething Periods

Although there were statistically significant associations between many symptoms and tooth emergence, no symptom occurred in 35% of infants

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Defining the Teething Period: Results of Testing
When Symptoms Were Associated With Tooth Eruption
Symptoms Observed
on This Day

P Value

7 d earlier
6 d earlier
5 d earlier
4 d earlier
3 d earlier
2 d earlier
1 d earlier
Day 0
1 d later
2 d later
3 d later
4 d later


during their 8-day teething periods, and no symptom occurred 20% more often in the teething period than in the nonteething period. Ten symptoms
had a significant relationship to tooth emergence at
some point during the teething period: biting, drooling, gum-rubbing, irritability, sucking, sleep awakenings, ear-rubbing, rash on face, decreased appetite
for solids, and temperature higher than mean plus 1
standard deviation. Figures 2 and 3 show the frequency with which these 10 symptoms were reported on each day within 1 month of a tooth emergence. Although many combinations of symptoms
were examined, no set of symptoms could predict
that a tooth was about to emerge.
Each symptom on each day was examined independently to define when and which abnormal
symptoms were associated with tooth emergence.
Figure 4 shows that abnormal biting and drooling on
any day within the 8-day span were significantly
associated with tooth emergence on a given day 0.
Abnormal gum-rubbing (except 4 days before), irritability (except 3 and 4 days before), and sucking
(from 2 days before to 2 days after) were also associated with tooth emergence. Abnormal appetite for
solids, wakefulness, ear-rubbing, and facial rash
showed associations (P .01) on days close to the
tooth eruption but not on days further away.

Increased congestion, stool looseness, stool number, and decreased sleep duration were more frequent on days close to tooth eruption. However,
although the P values for these associations were
.05, they were not considered statistically significant because they were larger than .01. Abnormal
appetite for liquids, cough, rashes other than facial
rashes, and vomiting showed no significant associations with tooth emergence.
Association of Temperatures and Tooth Eruptions

Temperature higher than 1 standard deviation

above the childs mean was significantly associated
with tooth emergence only on the day or 1 day
earlier (P .01).
Table 3 summarizes how often unexplained fevers
(no reported illnesses including ear infection, viral
infection, cold, sinusitis, stomach flu, croup, viral
pneumonia, roseola, and chicken pox) occurred on
days a tooth emerged compared with days no tooth
emerged. Of the 2067 days children had temperatures over 100F, only 64 were days there was a tooth
emergence. Furthermore, of the 50 days study children had fevers over 103F, only 1 was a day on
which a tooth emerged. In fact, only 1 of 369 tooth
emergences occurred when the childs temperature
was over 103F, and no teeth emerged when the
childs temperature was higher than 104F. The numbers of temperature elevations over 100F, 103F, and
104F were the same the day before and the day of
tooth emergences. Temperatures over 102F showed
no significant associations with tooth emergence.
Temperatures over 101F showed a significant association (P .01) with tooth emergence.

To our knowledge, this is the first large prospective study with daily records of a large number of
symptoms possibly associated with teething in
healthy outpatients. Our findings largely confirm
those of Tasanen,2 who performed a prospective
study of 192 tooth eruptions in 126 healthy institutionalized infants. Tasanen found that tooth eruption

Fig 2. Percentage of days on which abnormal

symptoms were reported in the 15 days leading up
to and the 15 days after tooth emergence.



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Fig 3. Percentage of days on which abnormal

symptoms were reported in the 15 days leading
up to and the 15 days after tooth emergence.

Fig 4. All days P values .01 for the association

between symptoms and tooth emergence on a
given day 0.

Percentage of Children With Elevated Temperatures on Days With Tooth Emergences and Days Without Tooth
Temperatures Days Without Tooth

Days With Tooth



95% CI


95% CI






CI indicates confidence internal; , inference not possible because

very few children had this symptom on nonteething days; ,
inference not possible because no child had this symptom on
teething days.

was linked with daytime restlessness, thumb-sucking, gum-rubbing, drooling, and perhaps, a loss of
appetite. He found no association with infection, diarrhea, fever, rash, convulsions, sleep disturbance,
cough, or rubbing of the ear or cheek. Our study
results contradicted those of Tasanen only in that we
found tooth eruption to be associated with slight

temperature elevation, facial rash, sleep disturbance,

and ear rubbing.
Kravitz et al8 studied 110 normal infants in a suburban pediatric clinic. During monthly visits, a parent was asked to recall the childs experience of 17
symptoms commonly attributed to teething and any
association of these symptoms with the childs tooth
eruptions. The authors found 6 associated symptoms
in more than two thirds of the teething children:
drooling, hand-biting, object-biting, lip-biting, restlessness, and nighttime crying. Drooling, object-biting, and hand-biting were found more frequently in
early teethers (those who were 35 months old) than
in older teethers, possibly suggesting that these
symptoms are developmental in origin.
In a retrospective study based on answers to a
questionnaire given to 224 parents, Seward9 linked
irritability, nighttime crying, drooling, poor appetite,
circumoral rash, and gum inflammation with tooth
eruption. Schwartzman10 studied 378 outpatients and
found 8 symptoms that had possible associations
with teething: rhinitis, fever, anorexia, vomiting,
cough, irritability, diarrhea, and drooling. These results generally agreed with his observations of 55
inpatients, 6 of whom had seizures. The study by

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Schwartzman had no control periods of observation

when the children were well, so the study results are
difficult to interpret.
These studies support the widespread belief that fever is associated with teething, but few researchers
have prospectively studied the association. Jaber et al6
did a prospective study of 46 healthy infants and noted
a statistically significant increase in the frequency of
temperatures above 37.5C on the day of tooth eruption.
We found only a weak association, which we did
not consider statistically significant, between teething and diarrhea. Coreil and colleagues7 recently reported that 35% of a group of Florida pediatricians
believed diarrhea was linked with tooth eruption.
The authors document similar beliefs worldwide and
point out the need for prospective studies of the
possible link between teething and diarrhea.
Our prospective study also has limitations. The
degree of adherence among the parents in our study
was remarkably high given the demands of recording multiple signs, symptoms, and temperatures
daily for 8 months, but some did provide incomplete
data. Incomplete data may have introduced biases
into our study, and the power of our study to detect
associations with teething would have been greater
with a more complete dataset. Multiple comparisons
and multiple analyses introduce the possibility that
symptoms found to be associated with teething inconsistently or only at the .01 P .05 level (sleep
disturbance, congestion, and stool looseness or number) were spurious. Therefore, we did not consider
these associations statistically significant. Because of
the demands of the study, we selected parents who
were employees of the Cleveland Clinic. Most families, therefore, had medical backgrounds, were highly
motivated, were highly educated, had both parents
living in the home, and had few other children at home.
The parents who enrolled without providing any data
may just have wanted the free ear thermometer. Although parents were told we were performing a study
of infant behavior, we observed that most seemed to
discern from the questionnaire that it was designed to
study teething. Preconceived parental notions about
symptoms associated with teething may have biased
parental reporting. The study also relied on parental
reports of tooth eruption. Ideally, all tooth eruptions
would have been confirmed by the investigators. However, it was not practical to confirm all tooth eruptions
by asking families to bring their child to the pediatrician. It was our impression that these highly educated
parents accurately reported when they felt a tooth
break through the gums. Finally, our study reported on
pooled data. This information offers an overview of the
symptoms and signs that might be associated with
teething in the general population, but it may not bring
to light idiosyncratic reactions of occasional children.

In our study, symptoms of decreased appetite for

solid foods, biting, drooling, ear-rubbing, gumrubbing, irritability, rash on face, sucking, and abnormal temperature (defined as being greater than a
childs own mean temperature plus 1 standard deviation or fevers 102F), and wakefulness were found
to have some association with the teething process.


The association (P .01) between symptoms occurring several days before (or after) a tooth emergence
and a subsequent (or previous) tooth emergence imply that these symptoms are linked to the teething
process. The strongest associated symptoms were biting, drooling, gum-rubbing, irritability, and sucking,
which occurred with greater frequency during the 4
days before and up to 3 days after a tooth emergence.
Symptoms that increased in frequency only on the
same day and or a day or 2 before a tooth emergence
included decreased appetite for solids, wakefulness,
ear-rubbing, facial rash, and abnormal temperature.
Symptoms that showed association with teething only
at the .01 P .05 level were sleep disturbance,
congestion, and stool looseness or number. Symptoms
that showed no significant associations with teething
were decreased appetite for liquids, cough, rash other
than facial rash, and temperature greater than 102F.
Of particular note, none of the fevers higher than
104F and only one over 103F that occurred during the
369 tooth eruptions were unexplained by another illness known to be associated with fever. Temperatures
over 100F occurred on 2067 days during the study, but
only 64 of these were days in which a tooth emerged.
We discovered no evidence that teething was associated with any severe, health-threatening conditions. Thus, before attributing any signs or symptoms of a potentially serious illness to teething,
physicians and parents must rule out other possible
causes. Additional prospective studies may help determine whether occasionally individuals experience
signs and symptoms in association with tooth eruption not described in our article.
This work was supported in part by a grant from Thermoscan
Inc, and by the Cleveland Clinic Foundation General Pediatrics
Research Fund.
We thank Charlene Mahovlic for reminding parents to fill out
the study forms and for typing the manuscript, Jessica Ancker for
medical editing, and the Cleveland Clinic general pediatric physicians and nurses for their help in recruiting patients for this

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Symptoms Associated With Infant Teething: A Prospective Study

Michael L. Macknin, Marion Piedmonte, Jonathan Jacobs and Christine Skibinski
Pediatrics 2000;105;747
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Symptoms Associated With Infant Teething: A Prospective Study

Michael L. Macknin, Marion Piedmonte, Jonathan Jacobs and Christine Skibinski
Pediatrics 2000;105;747

The online version of this article, along with updated information and services, is
located on the World Wide Web at:

PEDIATRICS is the official journal of the American Academy of Pediatrics. A monthly

publication, it has been published continuously since 1948. PEDIATRICS is owned,
published, and trademarked by the American Academy of Pediatrics, 141 Northwest Point
Boulevard, Elk Grove Village, Illinois, 60007. Copyright 2000 by the American Academy
of Pediatrics. All rights reserved. Print ISSN: 0031-4005. Online ISSN: 1098-4275.

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