The Talks of Muhammad Subuh
*The word Bapak in Indonesian means father and is used both as father and as a title of respect as in Mr. or Sir. The
female equivalent is Ibu.
Ibu Rahayu
Ibu Rahayu* is Bapaks eldest daughter. Like many of
Bapaks family, she often traveled with him on his world
journeys assisting members and helping in the translation
of Bapaks talks. In the early 1990s, after Bapaks death
in 1987, many members asked if she would talk about
Subud more often, as she had done so on rare occasions
in the past. She did not think she had anything to say
but said she would try. She found that when she was in
front of members, words more often than not did come
out, though sometimes they were very few. Over the next
several years she began to talk more and more and by
the end of 2006 had given many talks at congressses and
other meetings arranged by members in many parts of
the world. In all of this she regularly reminded members
that she was not a replacement for Bapak but in fact
was saying the same things Bapak had said only not as
deep, reminding members to read or listen to Bapaks
talks if they wanted the source. Now, as she is in her
80s, she gives talks less frequently. Her talks have been
collected in several volumes and published by the Subud
publishing arm, Subud Publications International (SPI)
and are available for Subud members in both book form
and on the web.
This is what we do in the spiritual training we surrender ourselves completely; we do not make use of our
mind, heart or desires but we only accept and receive
whatever God sends. So you will understand that Subud
is only a symbol of that way of living for man in which he
can fulfill the Will of God and carry out the Will of God
for himself in this world and the world to come.
Therefore, in the spiritual training of Subud we do
not have a teaching, there is nothing we have to learn
or do, because all that is required of us is complete surrender. A person who claims to know the way to God is
really one who is anticipating Gods gifts without having
received them.
The only thing we do is surrender ourselves completely and only accept and receive whatever God sends
or wants us to have. This is indeed what every prophet
has said: Surrender yourself entirely, submit completely
to God, and then God will take care of you and give you
guidance. During this spiritual training, we do not make
for ourselves any image, but we only receive whatever
God may send us.
So this divine power, which works in us during the
training, will bring to each person what is already in
himself. For instance, if a person has a loud and strong
voice, he will utter sounds that are very loud and strong.
But a person who does not have such a loud voice will
utter a softer sound. This goes for every part of our
body, for every part of our being. Therefore the training
or latihan* of two people can never be the same, because
everyone is different from everyone else. Therefore it is
clear that there cannot be a theory or a spiritual teaching
in Subud because each person is different from another.
Whatever is needed and whatever is received will be
different from what somebody else needs and receives.
This is why we cannot give any rule or prescription of
how to behave when you are in the latihan, because this
is something personal for everyone.
Every person will find the right way towards God
for himself, and what may be the right way for one may
be completely wrong for another. Therefore you must
not suppose that you have to follow or become like
Bapak.**You must become your own self and you must
develop your inner self if you want to find the way to
God. You must not follow or imitate anyone else, because
you must find your own way to God. Usually if there is
a teacher he teaches his followers to do exactly the same
as he does in order to reach what he has reached. But
this is really wrong, because not only between a teacher
and his followers but even between two brothers of the
same parents there is already a big difference; not only
in outward appearances but also in their character and
in their whole being. So surely you can understand now
*In Indonesia it is impolite when giving a talk or a speech to refer to oneself in the rst person. This is why in Bapaks talks (and
in his daughter, Ibu Rahayus talks) he and she refer to themselves in the third person, as in Bapak and Ibu.
*In Indonesia it is impolite when giving a talk or a speech to refer to oneself in the rst person. This is why in Bapaks talks (and
in his daughter, Ibu Rahayus talks) he and she refer to themselves in the third person, as in Bapak and Ibu.
you should feel the stirring of a new life within you that
was not there before. This stirring of life means that the
soul is awakening and being liberated from its bondage to
the power of worldly inuences. In this, Subud in no way
departs from that which was revealed to those prophets of
former days of whom Bapak has been speaking.
Death by crucifixion symbolizes that the role of the
Perfect Man is to bridge the gulf between Heaven and
earth. That is why tradition tells that Jesus remained the
same after He had passed through death; the meaning
of this is that the soul is willed by God to protect the
consciousness of individuality, causing it to fill and
encompass the whole physical body. Thus Jesus, in His
life after death, had lost nothing which had become a part
of His individuality; He could still see, hear, smell, speak,
perceive, and all His other powers continued to function.
This agrees with our experience in the spiritual training,
in which all our organs and members are brought to life,
one by one, so that even after death our seeing and hearing
and all our other senses will remain intact. This does not
mean that our physical bodies will continue to exist after
death: what we shall bring with us, and what will have
become part of our individuality, will be not our eyes
but our power of seeing; not our ears, but our power of
hearing; not our tongue, but our power of speech; not our
nose, but our power of smelling; not our blood, but our
feelings; not our brain, but our understanding; not our
heart, but the power of reection; and our inner self.
This indeed is what we have longed for and for which
we have prayed to Almighty God: to become such as it is
the Will of God that man should become. But yet man still
remains man; despite all advice and guidance, however
inspired, his nature remains weak and vacillating, easily
impressed by outward progress, and by the development
and achievements of his own mind. In consequence,
and without realizing it, most people are drawn into
the net woven by their own thinking minds, and their
own thoughts bar the way to understanding of the true
meaning of life.
Lest man fall still more grievously into error and plunge
yet deeper into the abyss of confusion, revelation came
yet again to mankind, this time through a man named
Mohammed. And the book of the revelation of Mohammed
is called the Quran. Alquran means The Word of God,
the Commandments of God to man, given in order that
man should be able to live his life without departing from
the commandments contained in the words of God.
Mohammed is not spoken of as the Son of God or
the Beloved of God, but as His Regent upon earth. This
signies that he was an instrument of the Power of God,
sent to proclaim to mankind the commandments he had
received from God.
of its own; beginning with the lowest, there are the world
of the material life-forces, the world of the vegetable life
forces, the world of the animal life-forces, the world of the
human life-force and the world of the life-force of beings
superior to the human beings of this world. These are only
the rst ve levels, but it is not necessary to take them any
On its own level each of these life-forces constitutes a
world of its own; for example, the material world contains
millions of souls analogous to the souls of human beings
in this world. The souls of each of these worlds tend to
be drawn towards and enter ter certain focal points of
attraction wherever these are available. Such focal points
come into existence through the union of male and female.
The vehicle, which acts as a magnet to draw a soul towards
it, is produced by the union of husband and wife; although
it appears merely as a uid, this may well be called the
water of life, able to retain the life-force which causes it to
move, function and develop to completion.
Since the vehicle has come into existence through the
union of husband and wife it is derived from the essences
of these two beings of opposite sex. It acts as a kind of lens
to focus the approaching soul which will enter it. And if
the thoughts of this couple have been constantly occupied,
before and during the union, with the affairs and pleasures
of this world, then the drop of uid can serve only to focus
material forces and nothing higher, so that if a new being
comes into existence it will be capable of containing only
material forces and the soul of this child will be a material
This new vehicle, this mere drop of uid which is lled
by a material soul, will gradually grow and develop in its
mothers womb until it is completely formed as a human
being and ready to be born into this world. Whatever the
soul within the child, its outward form will be human; his
body, organs and limbs will be human and therefore he
will think human thoughts and entertain human desires.
He will hold things in his hands and walk upright as
human beings do; in short, all his manifestations will be
those of a human being.
This can be compared to the striking of a gong; whether
it be struck by a child or a learned man or a beautiful
woman, the metal still produces the same sound. Whoever
may strike it, the nature of the metal remains the same,
and it will always produce the same sound. It is the same
with souls; whether the inner content of a man, which
governs his whole being, may be a material, vegetable or
animal soul, nevertheless his outward manifestations will
be those of a human being.
Little by little the new-born child becomes aware of the
contents of the world around him, and later he begins to
respond to it emotionally and to think about it. At the
limitations of man.
This is like the situation when a car is built; it is given
a guarantee, in which are indicated the times at which
various replacements should be made and various parts
overhauled. Therefore we must have complete faith in the
Omniscience and Wisdom of God and realize that His
work is beyond our knowledge and understanding.
Although this work is done by the Power of God and
not by our own, yet on our part we should not relax our
vigilance. Do not just allow things to happen or become
careless and feel unconcerned, but try rather to be aware
of what is going on, so that little by little you yourselves
become able to discern and see that formerly you were
governed in one way and now you are governed in another.
Thus you will also become aware of a change in that which
directs and guides your inner feelings, and you will see
this change manifested in your conduct from day to day.
Finally, you will become able to see, to feel and to be
aware of, the variety of forces acting within you, and of
the various souls forming the content of your inner self.
Then you will become aware of the real master in you; that
is, the true human soul.
This is the end of Bapaks explanations on spiritual
matters for this evening. He hopes you will forgive him if
anything he has said has offended you.
o explain the contents of this book it will be best if Bapak rst makes clear the conditions
under which human beings can receive a contact with the Great Life, whose source is in fact
the power of Almighty God.
In reality God has power, and far excels human beings in all things; for in very truth God is the
Creator of humankind and of the whole universe. So human beings as they really are, are just created
things, powerless before God.
This being their real nature, human beings cannot understand or reect on the nature and power
of God with their heart and mind. This is why, whenever people try to nd a way that may lead to
contact with the Great Life, many are stranded on the path or, if not, are impelled without their soul
being aware of it to stray in other directions, directions which in reality are mirages of the imagination, heart and mind.
Therefore, in seeking a kind of worship that can make contact with the Great Life, people need,
above all, to stop the welling up of their imagination and thinking. By doing that they really paralyse
their passions and surrender their human ability and wisdom; that is to say, as human beings they
obey and submit with complete sincerity to God who rules within them.
In fact this is nothing new, for in times long past human beings already followed such a path
and found a contact they could feel within them. Why, then, are there not many people in our own
time who still have that contact? The reason is simply that conditions on earth for humankind keep
changing as generation succeeds generation, and many people are easily affected by the inuence of
these ever-changing conditions that face them. This has especially been so since the human mind has
progressively developed its knowledge. This has, as it were, increasingly opened the way for the inner
feeling to plunge into the realm of thought rather than into the realm of inner peace. Over time, the
human self has come to be ruled more and more by thought, instead of by the quietness of the inner
feeling or the inner self; so in the end peoples hearts and brains are always busy and their inner feeling has almost no opportunity to be at peace.
Certainly human beings must think, because thought is an important tool with which they can
strive to full the needs of their life on earth and so make their existence here an orderly one. But
to become aware of the realm of the soul and make contact again with the Great Life, people do not
need to use their minds. On the contrary, they should stop the process of their thinking and imagin-
ing, for only by doing so can they receive something from beyond their imagination that eventually
brings about a vibration of energy felt within the self. Clearly then, the only way to make contact with
the Great Life or the power of God is for a person really to surrender and let go. And this surrender
must not be in word only, but must penetrate throughout their inner feeling until they truly feel they
believe in, praise and worship no one but the One Almighty God.
If they can really do this, then at that moment they will feel powerless, but complete and conscious.
That is to say, they will feel powerless because at that moment the strength of their passions, heart
and mind will have gone from them; they will feel complete because their inner feeling is lled with
something that comes from the Great Life; and nally, they will feel conscious because of the awakening of their human soul.
That is how it will be when a person can do this in the right way. But if in their efforts to do this
they keep using thought, because they regard it as the means or the tool that can overcome everything,
then they can hardly hope to make contact with the Great Life.
This truth was often expressed by those who were able to receive while living on earth in times
past. They said that the one and only way for a person to be able to draw near to the power of God is
for them to be willing to quieten their inner feeling with complete patience, trust and surrender.
This has been an absolute requirement, for in truth this gift from God can only be received by
human beings who have inner feelings lled with surrender, patience, acceptance and willingness to
let go before the greatness of God.
Such are Bapaks words to all who may wish to read this book. The explanations in the pages that
follow give shape to the path attained by the soul in receiving the latihan.
In conclusion, Bapak hopes that the inner feelings of those who read this book may be opened by
Almighty God, so that they can truly worship God. Bapak also hopes that readers may be very forgiving if anything Bapak has said is out of place. Amen.