Bayer Material Science
Bayer Material Science
Bayer Material Science
Appeal dismissed
Vodafone Essar Cellular Ltd. v. Commissioner 2013 (31) S.T.R. 738 (Tribunal) Followed [Para 7]
C.B.E. & C. Circular No. 111/5/2009-S.T., dated 24-2-2009............................................... [Para 2]
[Order]. - Revenue is in appeal against the impugned order sanctioning the refund claim of the service tax paid by
the respondent under Business Auxiliary Service.
2. Brief facts of the case are that the respondent is providing Business Auxiliary Service to their principals located
outside India by marketing their product in India. It is not in dispute that the remuneration received by the respondent was in
foreign exchange. Therefore, the respondent filed refund claim of the service tax paid on these service but the refund claim
was rejected by the adjudicating authority on the premise that as the goods have been marketed in India therefore, the
service has been received in India. The said order was challenged before the Commissioner (Appeals) who relying on the
CBEC Circular No. 111/05/2009, dated 24-2-2009, allowed their claim. Aggrieved by the said order, the Revenue is in
3. Heard both sides.
4. The learned AR submits that in this case, although the principals located outside India but all the services have
been marketed and consumed in India. Therefore, the respondents are not entitled for the refund claim.
5. On the other hand, the learned Counsel appearing on behalf of the respondent submits that in fact, the recipient
of services is located outside India and the service has also been received by him outside India. In these circumstances, it
is a case of export as per Rule 3(1)(iii) of the Export of Services Rules, 2005. Therefore, they are entitled for the refund
6. Considered the submissions made by both the sides.
7. A similar issue came up before this Tribunal in the case of Vodafone Essar Cellular Ltd. v. CCE, Pune-III - 2013
(31) S.T.R. 738 wherein it was held that the telecom service provided in India to International in-bound roamers registered
with foreign telecom network operator, payment received from impugned foreign telecom operators in convertible foreign
exchange, in that set of facts this Tribunal has held that the service have been provided outside India as an export of
service. In this case, the respondent is in a better footing than in the case of Vodafone Essar Cellular Ltd. (supra) wherein it
was held that the service recipient is the foreign telecom service-provider and not the subscriber of the foreign telecom
service in India and providing service in India and it is a case of export of service. In the circumstance, I hold that the
learned Commissioner (Appeals) has rightly held that the case of export of service as per Rule 3(1)(iii) of Export of Services
Rules, 2005. In the circumstance, I do not find any infirmity with the impugned order and the same is upheld. The appeal
filed by the Revenue is dismissed.
(Dictated in Court)