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After Calcium, phosphorus and potassium, magnesium is the fourth most abundant mineral in cells. Roughly one quarter is found in
muscle tissue and three-fifths in bone; but less than 1% of it is found in blood serum. Magnesium is the single most important mineral
for facilitating smooth metabolism in the cells.
There are basically two classes of minerals: micronutrients, which are only needed in trace amounts and macronutrients, of which we
need fairly significant amounts. Magnesium is a mineral we need fairly large quantities of. Magnesium is a particularly crucial element
for mediating the vital functions of the nervous and endocrine systems; it helps maintain normal muscle and nerve functions, keeps
heart rhythm steady, supports a healthy immune system, and keeps bones strong. Magnesium also helps regulate blood sugar levels,
promotes normal blood pressure, and is known to be involved in energy metabolism and protein synthesis. Enzymes are protein
molecules that stimulate every chemical reaction in the body. Magnesium is required to make hundreds of these enzymes work.
Magnesium deficiency is one of the most common nutritional problems in the industrialized world today. This deficiency is the result of
agricultural practices, food preparation techniques and dietary trends. American agribusiness is producing more food than ever before,
but the evidence is building that the vitamins and minerals in those foods are declining. Magnesium deficiency can affect virtually every
system of the body. Its absorption and elimination depend on a very large number of variables, at least one of which often goes awry,
leading to a deficiency that can present itself with many signs and symptoms. Since 99 percent of magnesium resides inside living
cells, blood serum levels are not a good indicator of magnesium deficiency. So blood serum levels are notoriously inaccurate. Most
people on the American continent, 8 in 10, do not consume enough magnesium. When we get too low on oxygen, water or food, the
consequences are serious. Yet, we often don't realize the consequences of magnesium deficiency.
Magnesium has been called the "The Forgotten Mineral" by medical researchers. Numerous doctors and researchers have reported
that the provision of this mineral in the population at large would greatly diminish many internal and skin conditions. These conditions
are described and presented in many articles and books, such as TRANSDERMAL MAGNESIUM THERAPY by Mark Sircus, Ac.,
O.M.D., and THE MAGNESIUM MIRACLE by Dr. Carolyn Dean. M.D., N.D. and THE MAGNESIUM FACTOR by Dr. Midred S.
Seelig, M.D., MPH. and Dr. Andrea Rosanof, Ph.D. Furthermore articles, such as MAGNESIUM CHLORIDE by Walter Last,
These books and articles all deal with systems such as heart, bones, muscles, kidney, nerves, skin, sugar levels, etc. and provide
detailed information on each.
Magnesium chloride is available in both flake and oil. As an initial user, to ensure that the magnesium deficiency will be reduced
quickly, flake is generally used for absorption through a tub soak. Add 1 KG of flake to your bath and soak in this for a minimum of 20
minutes. The body will absorb the amount of magnesium that it requires. This type of treatment can be repeated about every 3 days
until such time that the deficiency has been reduced. If a tub soak is not convenient, a foot soak, while not as efficient as a bath soak,
will do as well. Put 400 gram in a footbath or foot-spa and soak for at least 20 minutes. This treatment can be repeated until the
deficiency has been reduced.
For topical use and maintaining the appropriate magnesium levels, full strength magnesium oil sprayed directly on the skin will provide
the best benefits to the user. It is also the most efficient and economical use. Magnesium oil is rubbed into the skin like a skin cream.
Within a minute, the magnesium gets absorbed and your skin no longer feels oily. Once your skin absorbs the magnesium, it is carried
by the blood stream to areas within the body that are most in need.
Magnesium oil is not actually an oil but rather magnesium chloride in a water base. It's referred to as oil because it feels slippery to the
touch. It is well recognized that the best quality magnesium oil is currently coming from the underground Zechstein seabed in Europe.
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What makes this magnesium flake and oil so unique is that it enables us to absorb magnesium through the skin. This absorption
through the skin (transdermal uptake) allows us to get high levels of bio-available magnesium into our bodies using a very efficient
method - a method that bypasses our digestive system and therefore doesn't result in absorption reductions or the common side effect
of diarrhea. Using the transdermal method of Magnesium absorption cannot lead to an overdose, as the body, through its skin
functions will not allow absorption over and above what it needs.
Magnesium oil is mainly used for topical applications or maintaining the proper magnesium levels. If your conditions are severe and a
major deficiency is expected, an initial cure should be initiated to get the magnesium level to the appropriate levels. This can be done
through the extensive use of the oil over the full body but another, much more comfortable way is possible. A flake is available in 1 KG
and 400 gram portion bags. If you have a standard size bathtub, use a full 1 KG bag of magnesium flake in a warm bath and soak in
this for at least 20- 30 minutes. If you do not have access to a bathtub, a foot-soak with the 400-gram portion is another way to ensure
appropriate absorption. It is suggested to have the soaks prior to bedtime as this exercise relaxes both the body and mind and will
provide a very restful sleep. Repeat the bath soak approximately once every week for the initial period and if it is a foot-soak, twice a
week. Depending on the condition, this should generally be done from 3 to 4 weeks. During this period, topical application of specific
spots with the magnesium oil can also take place. Spray the oil on the appropriate body parts and massage the liquid lightly into the
skin. When the magnesium deficiency has been dealt with, through the bath or foot soaks and the spraying of the magnesium oil on
the skin, regular magnesium maintenance can be accomplished to spraying oil on the hands, under the arms or on the feet 2-3 times a
week. The lighter version (16) of magnesium oil should be used (especially for children) if redness or stingy feelings result in
uncomfortable sensations. If one is suffering from long term illness of any kind, dosages should likely be started at a lower level and
brought up gradually. Magnesium chloride and vitamin C have similar toxicity profiles with overdose from both resulting at worst usually
in diarrhea unless there is a history of kidney failure.
The many testimonials available from people using magnesium oil or flakes for different conditions confirm that there is a definite
benefit to dealing with magnesium deficiency. However, every person is different and the results will also vary greatly. Some persons
will experience very quick changes and/or relief while with others it will take longer. It is reasonable to expect that there will be benefits
within 2 to 3 weeks and a full treatment period should be at least 6 weeks
Why does it sting? Stinging only occurs when the magnesium oil is applied directly to sensitive skin areas or open wounds. Persons
or children just starting to use the Magnesium Chloride or people with sensitive skin should use the half (16%) strength oil at the
beginning. Avoid eyes and freshly shaved skin if the sting is bothersome.
Can magnesium oil be used as massage oil? Yes. In fact it is one of the better ways to get the oil into specific muscle areas that are
painful and bothersome. It will increase the absorption rate of the magnesium.
Can magnesium oil be applied over lotion It is not recommended, as the lotion will prevent the absorption of the magnesium. It is
suggested that areas sprayed are first washed with warm water to cleanse the skin of sweat, oils or acids. Everything absorbs better
into freshly washed skin.

Medical data (in these data sheets) is for informational purpose only.
One should always consult a medical physician or specialist MD prior to using any nutrient or food supplement
while on medication
ZECHMAG Magnesium Chloride flake and oil is available from:
SEASOURCE, 5378 Line 11, Cookstown, Ontario, L0L 1L0, Canada,
Telephone: 705-458-4544 e-mail: info@zechmag.ca

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