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Dip Trans Handbook

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The handbook provides information about the Diploma in Translation examination, including eligibility, content, assessment criteria, and preparation tips.

The handbook aims to provide candidates with all the necessary information to understand the Diploma in Translation qualification, what is covered in the exam, how to prepare, and the regulations around taking the exam.

The Chartered Institute of Linguists (CIOL) offers qualifications that serve both professional linguists and others who use language(s) regularly in their work. The Diploma in Translation is their gold standard qualification for translation professionals.

Diploma in Translation

Handbook for Candidates

Updated July 2014

This handbook supersedes all previous editions. Candidates and teaching staff
must ensure that they are working from the current edition of the handbook.
The IoL Educational Trust cannot be held responsible for any problems arising
from use of an out-of-date version.

IoL Educational Trust

Dunstan House
14a St Cross Street
London EC1N 8XA
T: +44 (0)207 940 3100
F: +44 (0)207 940 3121
E: info.diptrans@ciol.org.uk
Ofqual Qualification Accreditation No. 501/1445/1QCF Level 7
DipTrans Handbook-2014


Special note

Equal opportunities policy for candidates


Diploma In Translation


Examination content
General principles
Translators notes
Overall assessment criteria
Mark sheet

Information about the examination


Level of examination
Recognition and equivalences
Examination texts
Use of reference materials in the examination
Use of computers in the examination
Diploma in Translation prizes

Preparatory notes on translation


Preparing for the Diploma in Translation

Importance of translation theory
Translation techniques
Hints and pitfalls
Additional Information
Areas of semi-specialised translation

General regulations

Candidate regulations
Availability of examinations
Registration procedures
Past papers and Chief Examiners reports
Quality assurance of examination materials and results


Membership of the Chartered Institute of Linguists


Contact details


Suggested reading and reference material


DipTrans Handbook-2014

The Chartered Institute of Linguists (CIOL) serves the interests of professional
linguists throughout the world and the IoL Educational Trust (IoLET) an
associated charity of the Institute is a respected awarding organisation
recognised by Ofqual (Office of Qualifications and Examinations Regulation)
delivering nationally accredited language qualifications.
Founded in 1910, the Institute now has around 5,700 Fellows, Members,
Associate Members and Students. It aims to:

serve the professional interests of its members

set the professional standard for language practitioners
be an authoritative and respected voice promoting the
learning and use of languages
provide advice to organisations engaged in the formulation of
policy and strategy affecting languages in the UK

The Institute publishes a bi-monthly authoritative journal, The Linguist, and is

actively involved in promoting languages as well as raising awareness of the
importance and relevance of language knowledge and use through
engagement with national and international projects.
IoLET qualifications serve both professional linguists, providing the gold
standard for translators and interpreters, recognised widely in the UK and
around the world, as well as other linguists who may have a different primary
role but who use their language(s) on a regular basis in their professional
The Diploma in Translation was first offered in 1989 and is now regarded as
the gold standard for translation professionals. It is taken in around 40
countries annually as candidates around the world recognise the benefits that
a high-level qualification brings. It serves both as an entry qualification for
organisations employing translators, as a validation for freelance translator for
their skills and has become the qualification of choice for organisations when
selecting professional translators.

Ann Carlisle
Executive Director
IoL Educational Trust (IoLET)
July 2014

DipTrans Handbook-2014

Special note:
The IoL Educational Trust (IoLET) organises thousands of individual examinations every
year. The vast majority proceed without a hitch. However, there are occasional and
isolated instances of unforeseen problems, such as a centre having technical problems
or scripts being lost in the post. In such circumstances IoLET always does its best to
rectify such problems as soon as possible, but may have to make alternative
arrangements, such as a re-sit at the next Diploma in Translation (DipTrans)
examination. IoLET will not be responsible for any consequential losses to candidates
or centres arising from such problems.

Equal opportunities policy for examination candidates

IoLET takes into account all current legislation in relation to diversity and equality. IoLET is
committed to equality of access to its examinations for all candidates regardless of
gender, age, ethnic origin, nationality, creed, sexual orientation, marital status,
employment status or disability.
IoLET seeks to ensure that:

the content and assessment of its examinations are non-discriminatory and are
appropriate to the knowledge and skills specified;

the style and language of IoLET documentation is readily understood and does
not reflect stereotyped or biased attitudes;

all persons associated with the examinations follow fair and just processes and

In the case of a query relating to this policy, candidates should contact the Director of
Examinations at IoLET in writing.

DipTrans Handbook-2014

The Diploma in Translation is a postgraduate level (Masters) qualification intended for
working translators and for those who, having reached a high level of linguistic competence,
wish to embark on a career in professional translation. It is available to candidates with a
level equivalent to a good university degree in one or more modern languages.
Successful candidates are entitled to use the designation DipTrans IoLET and may be
eligible to apply for Membership or Associate Membership of the CIOL.
The diploma tests the ability of candidates to translate from a source language into the
mother tongue (target language) to a professional standard and their awareness of the
professional activity of translation. Candidates are required to have an appropriate level of
writing skills in their target language. The passages set for translation will be of a standard of
difficulty that translators would expect to meet in their daily work. They will not, however, be
of a highly technical or specialised nature.
It must be stressed that candidates, even those holding a degree in languages, generally
require additional experience or training. IoLET is an awarding organisation and does not
run courses. Candidates are advised to contact IoLET for a list of examination centres
running DipTrans courses or visit www.ciol.org.uk.
Centres are required to register as approved centres on an annual basis. Candidates should
note, however, that IoLET exerts no control over any tuition offered by external
Full professional competence is normally achieved only by translators working into their
language of habitual use. Please note that the DipTrans is not suitable for candidates
seeking a general test of language competence.
This handbook should be read in conjunction with the Examination Candidate Regulations,
available from IoLET by emailing info.diptrans@ciol.org.uk or by visiting www.ciol.org.uk.

DipTrans Handbook-2014

Diploma in Translation

Examination content

The examination consists of three units which are as follows:

Unit 01: Written Translation of a General Text

3 hours

A text of about 600 words of a demanding but non-specialised nature will be set.
Candidates will be required to translate the text into their target language to a professional
standard of accuracy.
Unit 02: Written Translation of a Semi-specialised Text

2 hours

Three texts of a semi-specialised nature, each of approximately 450 words, will be set within
the following broad subject areas:


Candidates must choose one of these three texts to translate into their target language to a
professional standard of accuracy.
Unit 03: Written Translation of a Semi-specialised Text

2 hours

Three texts of a semi-specialised nature, each of approximately 450 words, will be set within
the following broad subject areas:

Social Science

Candidates must choose one of these three texts to translate into their target language to a
professional standard of accuracy.
Candidates are required to pass all three Units in order to qualify for the Diploma in
Translation. A Distinction may be awarded for outstanding performance in any Unit and a
Merit may be gained for a performance that exceeds the minimum requirements for the
Pass grade. All Units are individually assessed and for each Unit passed a Unit certificate will
be issued. The full Diploma will be awarded when all Units are passed. If candidates take the
full exam in one year and pass, they will be issued with the full Diploma certificate. The
overall qualification will state Pass and the reverse of the certificate will show the
breakdown of individual results.


IoLET qualifications have changed to a new unitised format under the new Qualifications
and Credit Framework (QCF) as regulated by the Office of Examinations and Regulation
The QCF recognises achievement through the award of credits and qualifications. It also
allows for the accumulation and transfer of credits between qualifications and for exemption
from some of the achievement requirements of a qualification.

The DipTrans has been divided into units and entered onto the QCF unit databank.
Each unit is separately assessed and certificated.
Once all the units have been completed, the full qualification will be awarded.

DipTrans Handbook-2014


Candidates are able to sit units in any order and any combination.
The five-year rule for completion of the qualifications remains unchanged, ie the first
year starts when candidates receive their first pass in any of the units.
The form and content of the examination and the registration dates remain unchanged.

Candidates may re-sit failed units in any order. All units must be passed within five years of
the first pass in any nit.

General principles

The Diploma in Translation assesses and rewards basic professional competence in

translating from any language into English or from English into any other language, and also
within other language combinations that do not include English.
The underlying assessment principle recognises, in practical terms and in the context of the
texts set for the examination, what constitutes a professionally usable standard of
translation. For a translation to be deemed professionally usable, it should clearly be of the
standard demanded by the market, be functionally accurate and stylistically appropriate and
linguistically authentic, and should faithfully render the style and intended effect and
meaning of the source language text.
Candidates need to use analytical language skills and be able to handle specialised and
semi-specialised terminology in both the source and target languages. They should bear in
mind the differences in the relevant norms of the two languages. Where appropriate, they
should show complete awareness of features of grammar (morphology and syntax), lexis,
idiom, etc. in the source text and find equivalents for connotations, the cultural significance
of any aspects of civilisation (local custom, manners, food, clothing, etc.), natural usage,
colloquialisms, phatic language, routine formulations, common metaphors and technical
terms in the target text. Candidates are expected to write as a native speaker of their target
language, reaching a high standard of accuracy and authenticity.

Translators notes

Avoid using translators notes unless they are absolutely necessary. Use them only as you
would in a professional context, bearing in mind the scenario specified in the rubric.
This means that translators notes:

should be used sparingly, if at all;

should be addressed to the target reader and not to the examiner;
are to be an opportunity for you to give the reader additional essential information
rather than to display your knowledge;
should not explain a translation problem or to justify the solution opted for;
may be used to indicate that there is, or may be, an error in the source text (spelling
error, error in dates, figures or units quoted etc). If this is the case, the note needs to
be diplomatic, remembering that the assumed error may not actually be an error;
may be used to indicate an ambiguity in the text that cannot be clarified under
examination conditions;
may be used to provide necessary additional information for the reader, to clarify, for
instance, culture-bound notions if
this information cannot be provided within the body of the translation,
you genuinely think that the reader needs it,
the point to be clarified is essential for the message or
you think it is normal practice for the kind of writing you are dealing with;

DipTrans Handbook-2014

should be written in the target language;

should be brief and to the point.
Above all, translators notes should not be used to indicate how you would go about
finding out information to which you do not have access in the examination (such as I
would look up website xxx or I would consult dictionary yyy). In a professional context,
the client expects the translator to have done all necessary research before submitting the

The lack of translators notes does not mean automatic penalisation as very few
translations require them. Translations will be eligible for Pass, Merit or Distinction grades,
with or without translators notes, as long as the candidates apply critical thought and
appropriate strategies to how they translate the texts before them.

The Overall Assessment Criteria

Criterion statements: The pass mark for the examination is 60%. Candidates who
obtain between 70% and 90% will be awarded a Merit and candidates whose marks fall
between 80% and 100% will be awarded a Distinction. A translation can be awarded
Distinction, Merit or Pass only if it is professionally usable. Any translation which is not
professionally usable will be awarded a Fail.
All three units of the examination must be passed for candidates to obtain the full Diploma
in Translation. In each unit, candidates are graded under the three different criteria or
Aspects of Performance set out below. A pass grade must be achieved in all three aspects
in order to pass in any of the units of the examination. The Aspects of Performance are:
1. Comprehension, accuracy and register
2. Grammar (morphology, syntax, etc), cohesion, coherence and organisation of work
3. Technical aspects: punctuation, spelling, accentuation, transfer of names, dates,
figures, etc
Each Aspect of Performance comprises a four-point scale showing the different criteria for
the awarding of results. Assessment in each of the units of the examination is carried out by
matching a candidates performance to a series of criteria.
Marking criteria: The statements below describe criteria used under each of the
Aspects of Performance.

Aspect of Performance 1: Comprehension, accuracy and register - the correct transfer of

information and evidence of complete comprehension and appropriateness of rendering
and lexis




The translation shows an excellent command of the subject matter

with faultlessly accurate transfer of information and evidence of
complete comprehension throughout. The choice of language and
register are entirely appropriate to the subject matter and to the
spirit and intention of the original.

40 50


The translation shows a good command of the subject matter,

although at times there may be some under or over translation or a
slight lack of clarity. The vocabulary, terminology and idioms and
register are faithful to those of the source text.

35 39


The translation shows an adequate command of the subject matter.

30 34

DipTrans Handbook-2014

There are no serious errors or omissions in the transfer of

information. Any inaccuracies or omissions are minor and will not
give false or misleading information to the reader.

The translation shows an inadequate grasp of the informational

content. There are a number of clumsy or inappropriate renderings,
both major and minor inaccuracies, which distort or impair the
message at several points. There may also be serious omissions,
some incorrect choice of register and terminology, and/or
unidiomatic use of language.

0 29

Aspect of Performance 2: Grammar (morphology, syntax, etc), cohesion, coherence

and organisation of work

The translation reads like a piece originally written in the target

language. The sentence structures, grammar, idioms, linkages and
discourse are all entirely appropriate to the target language.

28 35


The translation is well organised, with good sentence structures and

overall coherence. Whilst not perfect, the translation is written with
appropriate reorganisation of the information contained in the
source text where necessary.

24 27


The sentence structure is sound, though with some awkwardness,

and lapses in grammar. Nothing too serious.

21 23


The translation does not read like an original piece of writing. It may
be stilted and incoherent. There may be too much adherence to the
sentence structure of the source text, with little effort to modify the
sentences. There may also be paraphrasing or over-elaboration.

0 20

Aspect of Performance 3: Technical points relating to spelling, accentuation,

punctuation and the transfer of dates, names, figures, etc

The spelling, accentuation, punctuation, and transfer of dates,

names and figures in the translation range from excellent to

12 15


There are only minor technical lapses.

10 11


The translation is correct in all major technical elements but with

one or two minor lapses of spelling and with some errors in


A considerable number of technical faults are present, which would

render even an otherwise good translation unacceptable in
professional terms.


Translations with 5% or more of the source text missing will automatically be

awarded a Fail mark.
A copy of the mark sheet follows on the next page.

DipTrans Handbook-2014


Qualifications Credit Framework Level 7


Candidate Number :
UNIT 2 (tick appropriate option)

UNI T NO: 1 / 2 / 3 (Circle

UNIT 3 (tick appropriate option)

must be
using the


M UST obtain a
pass in each
Performance in
order to be
given a full
passing grade.

Write on
reverse if
Examiners name
(in capitals):







Assessment Criteria

M axi

M in

How well has the candidate understood the

source text? How accurately has the message
been conveyed? Are there any serious errors
likely to impede comprehension? Are the
choices of language and register entirely
appropriate to the subject matter and to the
spirit and intention of the original?



2. Grammar
(morphology and syntax),
coherence, cohesion and
organisation of work

What is the quality of the candidate s writing

in the target language? Has the candidate
produced a text, which is grammatically
accurate, coherent, authentic, cohesive and



3. Technical aspects:
spelling, punctuation,
accentuation, transfer of
names, figures, dates,
legibility etc

How has the candidate dealt with technical

aspects? Has the candidate produced a text
is correctly
paragraphed and legible? Have names,
figures and dates been correctly transferred?


Candidates Final Grade (circle one box)



s of the
s final
you must
on his/her
ce, and
justify the
marks that
you have
given for

Target language

1. Comprehension,
Accuracy and Register


Fill in the
with the
number of
for each
Aspect of
the grade
for each

s of

Source language

Pass (only if
minimum pass
obtained in all
three aspects


DipTrans Handbook-2014

M erit (only if all

three aspects of
passed with no
marks in Aspect 1
and the final mark
is between 70 and

Chief Examiners

Distinction (only if
all three aspects of
passed with no fewer
than 40 marks in
Aspect 1 and the final
mark is between 80
and 100)

Chief M oderators

M ar


60 --- 69 =
70 --- 79 =
80 --- 100 =



Information about the examination



Candidates should normally translate only from their source language into their target
language. The target language is their mother tongue or language of habitual use where
this has taken the place of their mother tongue and has reached a comparable standard.
Candidates source language may be any recognised language of a nation or national group
having a culture, literature and expression of thought to which the syllabus of the
examination can be applied and of which they have a suitably good grasp. Normally either
the source or target language should be English, although it is possible to arrange
examinations between French, German, Spanish and Italian, subject to the availability of
There must be a minimum number of candidates registered for the examination; however, if
the source language is a less common one and if there are three or fewer candidates for that
specific language combination, a surcharge will be applied to the normal examination fee.

Level of examination

The Diploma in Translation is equivalent to C2 level as described in the Common European

Framework. It tests professional translating skills at a postgraduate level (Masters) of
competence. The examination is open to all. Candidates are advised to ensure prior to
registering that

their level of linguistic attainment in the source language is at least equivalent to a good
university degree,
they are familiar with the relevant cultural background,
they have a sound knowledge of the specific fields of their choice.

Candidates are advised to possess at least one of the following:

a degree in the source language (or a combined degree where that language is
examined at final degree level),
extensive knowledge of the source language gained from substantial and consistent use
of the language in a professional capacity, or through having studied the particular
language to effective operational proficiency.

In all cases, admission to the examination is at the IoLETs discretion.


Recognition and equivalences

The Diploma in Translation qualification has been accredited by the United Kingdoms
Office of Qualifications and Examinations Regulation (Ofqual) for entry into the
Qualifications Credit Framework at Level 7 (Masters) (www.ofqual.gov.uk). It also meets the
standards of the National Occupational Standards In Translation (Professional Translator).
The Diploma has an international reputation. Candidates sit the examination in more than
45 countries.

DipTrans Handbook-2014


UK-specific recognition:

Holders of the Diploma in Translation will be granted exemption from Module 6

(Translation Project) of the MA in Translation Studies at Birmingham University.
The Diploma in Translation is also recognised by the Open University and credit is
awarded in the form of 60 points at level 2 with BA designation.
Students who attain a mark of 65% or more in the Annotated Translation Project of the
MA in Applied Translation Studies at London Metropolitan University will be
moderated by IoLET with a view to granting exemption from Unit 02 or 03 (semispecialised translation) of the Diploma in Translation.
Students who attain a mark of 65% or more in the Translation Project & Commentary
of the BA (Hons) in Applied Translation at London Metropolitan University will be
moderated by IoLET with a view to granting exemption from Unit 01 (General
Translation Paper) of the Diploma in Translation.
Holders of the Diploma in Translation may be granted credit for prior experience of up
to 40 credits if they wish to follow Aston Universitys MA Translation programmes,
which would amount to exemption from the Practical Translation modules. Students
who obtain a mark of 65% or above in the Practical Translation Component of the
MA Translation in a European Context and a mark of 70% or above in the Specialised
(LSP) Translation of the BSc in Translation Studies will, subject to IoLET moderation,
be granted exemption from Unit 01 of the Diploma in Translation and certification
endorsed by Aston University.
Students who obtain a mark of 65% or above in the Specialised Translation (Foreign
Language into L1) module of the MA at Durham University will, subject to IoLET
moderation, be granted exemption from Unit 01 of the Diploma in Translation.

Please see www.ciol.org.uk for updates to this list.



Although IoLET does not run courses, we provide details of organisations that offer help in
preparing for the Diploma in Translation. Email info.diptrans@ciol.org.uk for visit
www.ciol.org.uk for further information.
Candidates are not obliged to attend a formal course leading to the Diploma qualification
before sitting the examination but guidance and preparation have proved to be beneficial.

Examination texts

In general, texts used for the examinations are of a topical nature and of relevance to the
social, political, economic and cultural environment of the countries where the source
language is spoken. Material is drawn from authentic published sources and is intended
originally for the educated or well-informed lay reader. The target readership is always
defined in the rubric of each paper so that candidates can focus on the intended
readerships needs and expectations. The texts are semi-specialised in nature and display
some degree of complexity.

Use of reference material in the examination

Candidates are strongly advised to use paper dictionaries and other reference works,
including their own glossaries, none of which may be shared with other candidates. It is not
necessary to provide a bibliography giving details of reference works used in the
examination. IoLET does not recommend any particular titles, although a list of suggested
reading is included at the end of this handbook.
DipTrans Handbook-2014



Use of computers in the examination

The use of machine translation programs or access to the Internet during the examination is
not permitted.
Some examination centres offer IT equipment and facilities that do not contain software with
translating programs. The use of laptops or electronic notebooks is not allowed as it is
difficult, if not impossible, to monitor the programs installed. For the same reason,
electronic dictionaries may not be used. IoLET accepts no responsibility for IT facilities that
malfunction on the day of the examination.
No distinction is made by examiners during the marking process between candidates who
word-process their scripts and those who handwrite; however, all candidates are advised to
present their work well (paying attention to spacing and formatting) and, if handwriting their
examination, to write legibly and to ensure that crossings-out and insertions are clear.


Candidates scripts remain the property of IoLET at all times and are not returned to
candidates under any circumstances.

Diploma in Translation prizes

The Fred Brandeis Trophy is awarded each year in memory of Mr Fred Brandeis, a
longstanding Fellow and friend of the Chartered Institute of Linguists, to the best Diploma
in Translation candidate translating from English into German.

The Richard Lewis Communications Trophy is offered each year by a long-established

company providing language training for business and industry, Richard Lewis
Communications, to the candidate who produces the best overall performance in any
language combination.

The Schlapps Oliver Shield is presented by Mrs Marjorie Elms FCIL in memory of her late
father Mr G A Schlapps Oliver, a Fellow of the Chartered Institute of Linguists for many
years, to the college which produces the best results for a group entry.

DipTrans Handbook-2014


Preparatory notes on translation


Preparing for the Diploma in Translation

As a qualification indicating basic professional competence, the Diploma in Translation

requires a high level of language competence in the source language and native speaker
ability, or equivalent, in the written target language. In order to ensure that they are fully
aware of the level and demands of the examination, candidates are advised to study this
handbook carefully, to consult past examination papers, to download the List of
Recommendations to Candidates and/or the Seminars for specific language combinations.
They should always make sure that they have sufficient training and/or experience to
attempt the examination at a professional level.
Two factors determine how much preparation may be needed in the run-up to the

the knowledge of relevant subject areas and experience of translating to professional

standards candidates may already have
the amount of translating practice with feedback that candidates are able to receive
prior to the examination.

Candidates are expected to read widely and keep abreast of current affairs so that they are
not daunted by unfamiliar cultural references. Effective reference material is vital. In addition
to bilingual dictionaries, candidates will need bilingual and monolingual reference materials
and it may also be helpful to have lists of acronyms and abbreviations and glossaries in both
languages, which will be useful, for example, in checking the spelling of proper names in the
Candidates should ensure that prior to the examination they have established precisely
where in the reference material selected specific information can be found, for example,
where lists of geographical names in translation or weights and measures are given in a
Candidates are encouraged to join classes specifically leading to the Diploma in Translation
or to join other courses that include elements relevant to the preparation for it.
Postgraduate courses in comparative or applied linguistics, international trade or
international studies with a foreign language may also provide some of the theory and an
introduction to concepts and terminology for some of the topics within the options offered.
Webinars such as those offered by eCPD can also be very helpful.

Importance of translation theory

Whilst priority should be given to the practice of translation, with feedback on the quality of
their translations, candidates should have an awareness of theory and an understanding of
how this theory should be applied. Aspects of translation theory that candidates may find
helpful in their preparation for the Diploma include:

an understanding of the dynamics of translating, ie, a consideration of source text and

author, expected readership and the cultural setting of the source and target languages;

the search for translation equivalences and other translation procedures such as transfer
and naturalisation;

types of register and style, their implications and some experience in handling concepts
and terminology in both languages of the examination;

DipTrans Handbook-2014


an awareness of translation problems and possible solutions to specific problems

relating to proper names, abbreviations, conversions, weights and measures etc. such as
translators notes;

an awareness of text typology and types of translation and, in particular, of the

appropriateness of semantic as opposed to communicative translation.


Translation techniques

Candidates should also be aware of strategies that can assist in the production of faithful
translations. As a guide, consider the following recognised techniques:
Direct translation techniques
They are used when structural and conceptual elements of the source language can be
transposed into the target language:

Borrowing: taking words straight into another language, also known as transfer (eg
using baguette, Schadenfreude or glasnost in an English text)

Calque: borrowing a phrase from another language and translating it literally word-forword (eg translating the French march aux puces as flea market in English or the
English skyscraper as gratte-ciel in French)

Literal translation: a word-for-word translation

Indirect (oblique) translation techniques

They are used when the structural or conceptual elements of the source language cannot
be directly translated without altering meaning or upsetting the grammatical and stylistic
elements of the target language:

Transposition: changing the sequence of parts of speech (for example, rendering a

French noun with an English verb, such as aprs sa mort after she died)

Modulation: using a phrase that is different in the source and target languages to
convey the same idea (for example, German uses Lebensgefahr [literally, danger to
life] where English uses danger of death or a French speaker will refer to the dernier
tage of a building where an English speaker will refer to the top floor)

Reformulation or equivalence: expressing something in a completely different way, as

is common, for example, when translating idioms or proverbs that do not have direct
equivalents in other languages

Adaptation: expressing something specific to the source language culture in a totally

different way that is more familiar in or appropriate to the target language culture (a
good example would be paraphrasing expressions in English deriving from cricket,
such as being on a sticky wicket, having had a good innings or bowling a googly)

Compensation: expressing somewhere else in the target text something that cannot
be translated and whose meaning would be lost in the immediate translation (such as
replacing a reference in a French newspaper to Quai DOrsay with one to the French
Foreign Ministry)
Hints and pitfalls
DipTrans Handbook-2014


The standard of a candidates work is assessed by breaking down the constituent elements
that make up a professionally usable translation, i.e. how the candidate understands the
source text (decoding) and renders this into the target language (encoding) in such a way
that the text reads as if it had originally been written in the target language.


The main proof that a candidate has understood the source text is the accuracy of the
translation, in which information from the source text is correctly transferred to the target
text. Accuracy is therefore a crucial element in any translation. As comprehension of the
source text is essential to how the text is encoded or translated into the target language, a
text that has not been understood cannot be accurately translated.
Some causes of lapses in accuracy are:

inability to grasp the meaning of a whole sentence or paragraph and therefore resorting
to literal translations
guessing at the meaning of words instead of consulting a dictionary
comprehension problems resulting in the mistranslation of individual words, concepts,
idioms or technical terms
omitting sections of the translation (omission of more than 5% of the source text means
an automatic fail, regardless of how good the remaining translation is)

To minimise the chances of inaccuracy, candidates need to make effective use of

monolingual and bilingual dictionaries. Many candidates rely more on dictionaries than on
their own personal resourcefulness to provide contextually appropriate translations.
Dictionaries should not be treated as if they were authoritative or even definitive, as
opposed to being tentative, approximate and provisional. In other words, although
dictionaries play an important role, they must be only an aid to the process of translating.
Background knowledge and an understanding of the cultural context are vital to the
translator, and these can be acquired over time through extensive reading in both the
source and target languages. A lack of confidence in using anything other than basic
decoding skills would produce unimaginative and pedantic translations that convey the
letter but not the spirit of the original.
Understanding the cultural context helps candidates faced with a reference to coffee and
tea breaks in the office, for example; in English, these imply morning and afternoon breaks
respectively, but this convention may not carry over to other cultures. Another example is
the French terms outre-Rhin and outre-Manche which should not be translated literally as
the other side of the Rhine/Channel but understood as referring to Germany and Great
Britain respectively from a French perspective.

Usage plays an important role in encoding. Candidates can generally use a simple test to
establish whether or not to use one figure of speech or another in their translations. For
instance, if a particular figure of speech would be unsuitable in a piece of writing in the
target language, it may need to be replaced in the translation unless, of course, the
intention was to convey some essential aspect of the original to the reader of the
Candidates need to learn to stand back from their translations and to ask themselves if what
they have written conveys what they want it to.


DipTrans Handbook-2014


In order to obtain a pass in the translation examination, the encoding must respect the
norms of the target language vis vis sentence structure, terminology, cohesion of the text
and fidelity to the author and his/her intention. Accuracy is a sine qua non in any translation.
The need for accuracy at this level cannot be overstated: one major error or omission
giving false information could have disastrous repercussions in a real-life situation. Once
the meaning of the source language text has been decoded, the text needs to be encoded
The Diploma in Translation tests the ability to

convey the message accurately

convey the message appropriately
convey the message authentically
present the message acceptably
provide extra information if necessary

The seriousness of an error depends on the context and a given error can be serious in one
context but minor in another. If a candidates script contains one fatal translation error or
omission giving false information to the reader, the minimum professional standard has not
been reached and, as a consequence, the candidate cannot be awarded a Pass.
Some of the criteria relating to accurate encoding of the text are the choice of register,
vocabulary, terminology and idioms, which must be appropriate to the spirit of the original
and must reflect the intention of the source text. In other words, if the source text is for the
educated lay-person, for an interested readership or to appear in the business page of a
popular newspaper or in the science supplement of a quality broadsheet, the translation
must reflect who the target readership is, as well as the lexical and stylistic conventions of
the target publication.
Resorting to over-literal translations or looking at individual words or sections in isolation
might be detrimental to the overall quality of the translation produced, despite a correct
use of specialised terminology. Therefore, in order to ensure that the target text reads like
an authentic piece, it is extremely important that candidates read the whole source text
before deciding on how to best render it into the target language.
Another aspect of performance that needs careful attention is that of grammar (morphology,
syntax, etc), coherence of sentences, text cohesion and organisation of work. Adhering to
the source text patterns not only fails to achieve the equivalent stylistic effect but can also
result in factual error and confusion for the reader. For example, the verb tense in We are
meeting in the boardroom next Saturday to express future tense has to be changed in
order to render the same meaning into Polish (W przysz sobot spotykamy si w sali
Candidates should ensure that they pay adequate attention to spelling, punctuation and use
of diacritics (accents) in the target language. Punctuation that follows the pattern of the
source text, spelling errors, missing accents and neologisms can all distort the meaning of
the target text. Spelling must be at a professionally usable level. Candidates should avoid
the use of abbreviations or colloquial language such as doesnt, wont and cant unless, of course, this reflects the style of the source text.

Additional information
Candidates should be aware that the time available for each of the three Units should be
DipTrans Handbook-2014


used in such a way that there is enough time at the end to check through the translation.
Candidates are advised to bear in mind the following aspects during the final check:

Having completed the translation, the candidate should pause briefly and then check to
see that the text functions as a coherent whole. It is important to ensure that the overall
impression when reading the translation is that of a text originally written in the target

Common sense should be applied to spot errors of organisation, contradictions in a

given context and meaningless statements, and to pick up minor inaccuracies and

Where there is genuine ambiguity in the source text and the candidate remains
undecided between two possible interpretations, the more likely solution should be
incorporated into the translation, and the problem and less likely alternative should be
briefly explained in a translators note as it would be in a professional capacity.

It is essential to check on the correct transfer of names, acronyms, dates, figures,

punctuation, and spelling and to ensure that, where appropriate, weights and measures
are properly converted between imperial and metric measures or that figures use a
decimal point or a comma/space as appropriate to the target language.

Lack of preparation for the demands of the examination, inability to apply acquired skills
and techniques to the subject matter of the text, spending too much time searching through
dictionaries, and producing drafts and then copying them out are some possible reasons for
candidates running out of time during the examination. The failure to complete the
translation will be penalised, as this does not reflect professional practice in meeting

Areas of semi-specialised translations

The six subject areas in Unit 02 (A) Technology, (B) Business and (C) Literature and in Unit 03
(D) Science, (E) Social Science and (F) Law may be taken in any one of the following
(02A) Technology
(02A) Technology
(02A) Technology

+ (03D) Science
+ (03E) Social Science
+ (03F) Law

(02B) Business
(02B) Business
(02B) Business

+ (03D) Science
+ (03E) Social Science
+ (03F) Law

(02C) Literature
(02C) Literature
(02C) Literature

+ (03D) Science
+ (03E) Social Science
+ (03F) Law

Lists of subjects which may be included within the six semi-specialised areas are:
DipTrans Handbook-2014


Unit 02 (A): Technology

Information technology
Life sciences
Plastics and polymers
Textile technology

Unit 02 (B): Business

Export and import trade

Unit 02 (C): Literature

Film scripts

Unit 03 (D): Science

Biological sciences
Earth sciences
Life sciences

Unit 03 (E): Social Science

Development studies
Political science
Public administration

Unit 03 (F): Law

Case Studies
Civil law
Commercial law
Criminal law
Court reports
Family law
Law reports
Legal journal articles
International law

Note: These lists are not exhaustive and some categories overlap.
It is important to note that the categories above are semi-specialised and that a pass in, for
example, the Law or Technology Paper does not confer Legal Translator or Technical
Translator status.

General regulations
DipTrans Handbook-2014


Candidate regulations
All candidates must read the Candidate Regulations, which are available from IoLET by
emailing info.diptrans@ciol.org.uk or by download from www.ciol.org.uk. Items such
as registration, refunds, reasonable adjustments, appeals, IT, etc, are covered.
Availability of examinations
The examinations are held once a year in January. IoLET operates its own assessment
centre in London (known as the IoLET Open Centre, London). For a list of United
Kingdom and overseas centres where candidates can sit the examination, please visit
For information on fees, please contact IoLET by emailing info.diptrans@ciol.org.uk or

visit www.ciol.org.uk.

Registration procedure
For details on how to register please refer to the Examination Candidate Regulations,
copies of which are available from IoLET by emailing info.diptrans@ciol.org.uk or visit


Past papers and Chief Examiners reports

Past examination papers in most language combinations and Chief Examiners Reports
covering major language groups are published after each examination session and are
available from PWP FS Print & Design. Please use the examination material order form or
email pastpapers@pwpfs.com. Some past papers and reports for small entry languages are
also available for download from the CIOL website.
Quality assurance of examination material and results
IoLET carries out routine monitoring and evaluation of its examination formats and
examination material. IoLETs external Examinations Review Board meets regularly to review
the examinations, and appropriate research is commissioned and published. All IoLET
examiners must meet the qualification requirements and are required to adhere to a Code
of Conduct. Reliability of marking is assured through the training and continuous monitoring
of examiners. Information on Customer Service Standards can be found at www.ciol.org.uk.
The Diploma in Translation examination is subject to the following quality assurance

Examination papers are moderated to ensure that the standard of assessment is

consistent across all units and with the examinations of previous years, that the topics
are suitable and that the texts are of the correct length.

Examination scripts are marked by independent external markers and moderated to

ensure that the assessment criteria are applied fairly and in a standardised way.

An awards meeting attended by chief examiners and chief moderators is held annually
to discuss results and to ensure that standardised assessment schemes and criteria have
been applied fairly across the various options and languages.

Membership of the Chartered Institute of Linguists

DipTrans Handbook-2014


Holders of the Diploma in Translation may apply for membership of the Chartered Institute
of Linguists (CIOL), details of which are sent to all successful candidates with their results.
IoLET awards three grades of professional membership:

Fellowship is CIOLs highest grade and is reserved for linguists who can demonstrate a

significant degree of professional achievement;

Membership requires one years appropriate experience, in addition to a relevant

qualification. The one years experience must be immediately prior to the date of admission;

Associateship is the normal grade for linguists who have not yet gained the professional
experience required for membership. Applicants must have a relevant qualification;

Student membership is also available for those currently enrolled on an appropriate

course of study.

Members are entitled to join the CIOLs divisions and societies and benefit from various
membership services, including receiving the bi-monthly journal The Linguist. They are
also bound by the CIOLs code of professional conduct in all their work involving
languages. Full details may be obtained on application to the Membership Department.
A Chartered Linguist is a practicing linguist who exhibits the highest levels of
competence, skill and professionalism, is willing to demonstrate commitment to maintain
and develop these skills, and agrees to periodic review by professional peers.
Contact details
Further information about the Diploma in Translation, IoLETs other examinations and
membership may be obtained from www.ciol.org.uk or from:
IoL Educational Trust
Dunstan House
14a St Cross Street
London EC1N 8XA
United Kingdom
T: +44 (0)20 7940 3127/3137
F: +44 (0)20 7940 3121
E: info.diptrans@ciol.org.uk
Membership Department
New applications
T: +44 (0)20 7940 3133/3146
E: membershipeligibility@ciol.org.uk
PWP FS Print and Design
Examinations material order form
T: +44 (0)1992 469927
F: +44 (0)1992 469848
E: pastpapers@pwpfs.com

Suggested reading and reference material

DipTrans Handbook-2014


CIOL publications
Chief Examiners Reports
Comments from Chief Examiners on candidate performance in the Diploma in Translation
examination are published annually for the following language combinations in the high
entry languages: from French, German, Italian and Spanish into English and from English
into these languages; and also for English into Chinese, Greek, Polish, Portuguese and
Russian. Reports of the small entry languages can be downloaded from the CIOLs website,
and the Examinations Material Order Form or email pastpapers@pwpfs.com.
Seminars to aid preparation for the Diploma in Translation
Seminars in a variety of language combinations are available for download.

The Linguist is the membership journal of the Chartered Institute of Linguists and is

published six times per year. It is free to all CIOL members, available to non-members on
subscription, and freely available to view, share and download via our online issue
(thelinguist.uberflip.com). It offers readers a wide range of articles that are of interest to
anyone and everyone working with languages, as well as news items, event and book
reviews, and a popular opinion and comment section.
Other publications (not available for purchase through IoLET)
This handbook does not prescribe publications on translation, but as any reading which
assists candidates to reflect on the issues and processes involved in translating is helpful,
a sample from an ever-increasing range of publications on translation theory and practice
is given below. Please note that this list is not exhaustive.
General books on translation

In Other Words. A Coursebook on Translation. Mona Baker (Routledge 1992)

Thinking Chinese Translation. A Course in Translation Method: Chinese to English. Pellatt,
Valerie and Liu, Eric T. (Routledge, 2010)

Thinking French Translation. A Course in Translation Method: French to English. Sndor

Hervey, Ian Higgins (Routledge 1992)

Thinking German Translation. A Course in Translation Method: German to English. Sndor

Hervey, Ian Higgins, Michael Loughridge (Routledge 1995)

Thinking Italian Translation. A Course in Translation Method: Italian to English. Stella Cragie,

P. Gambarotta (Routledge 2000)

Thinking Spanish Translation. A Course in Translation Method: Spanish to English. Sndor

Hervey, Ian Higgins, Louise M. Haywood (Routledge 1995)

Culture Bumps - an Empirical Approach to the Translation of Allusions. Ritva Leppihalme

(Multilingual Matters 1997)

A Textbook of Translation. Peter Newmark (Prentice Hall 1988)

Paragraphs on Translation/More Paragraphs on Translation. Peter Newmark (Multilingual
DipTrans Handbook-2014


Matters 1993/1998)

Becoming a Translator. An Accelerated Course. Douglas Robinson (Routledge 1997)

A Practical Guide for Translators. Geoffrey Samuelson-Brown (Multilingual Matters 1998)
Eurojargon: A Dictionary of Acronyms, Abbreviations and Sobriquets. 6thedition. Anne

Ramsay [ed] (Fitzroy Dearborn 2000)

The Penguin Guide to Punctuation. R. L. Trask (Penguin, 2004)

Guardian Style. David Marsh and Amelia Hodsdon, (Guardian Books, 2010)
The Telegraph Style Guide. Simon Heffer (Aurum Press, 2010)
The Economist Style Guide (Profile Books, 2010)
Modern Humanities Research Association Style Guide. Free from www.mhra.org.uk
Translation Workshop at Self-learning College - at

Stylistique compare du franais et de langlais. Vinay, J. P. & J. Darbelnet Paris (Didier


Equivalences. Translation Difficulties and Devices (French-English and English-French). Eric

Astington (Cambridge University Press 1986)

La Traduction Raisonne: Collection Pdagogie de la Traduction. J. Delisle (Les Presses de

lUniversit d'Ottawa 1993)


Grammatica della lingua italiana. Marcello Sensini (A. Mondadori 1990)

Italiano senza errori. Marta Torriani (Utility Book 1991)
Litaliano senza errori. Litaliano corretto scritto e parlato. Carla Franceschetti (De Vecchi

Editore 2006)

Dizionario delle parole straniere in uso nella lingua italiana. Achille Lucarini, Francesca
Scorfani (Editori Riuniti 1999)

Il nuovo manuale di stile. Roberto Lesina (Zanichelli Editore)

More and More False Friends. Bugs & Bugbears. Virginia Browne, Elena Mendes, Gabriele
Natali (Zanichelli Editore)

Garzantina Diritto, Diritto online www.dirittoonline.it

Il Manuale di Stile. Roberto Lesina (Zanichelli Editore)

DipTrans Handbook-2014



Successful Polish-English Translation Tricks of the Trade. Aniela Korzeniowska and Piotr
Kuhiwczak (Wydawnictwo Naukowe PWN, Warszawa 1994)


Traduo e Comunicao. Revista Brasileira de Tradutores tc@unibero.edu.br

Translatum Portal do Tradutor, www.translatum.gr

Translator Self Training Program, Portuguese/English, Mori Sofer (Schreiber Publishing


A useful link: Associao Portuguesa de Tradutores www.apt.pt


Manual de Traduccin ingls-castellano. Teora y prctica, Juan Gabriel Lpez Guix y

Jacqueline Minett Wilkinson (Guedisa 1997)

This list is regularly updated on our website. If you would like to submit entries for
inclusion on this list we would be delighted to hear from you. Contact us via

DipTrans Handbook-2014


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