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Adithya Institute of Technology, Coimbatore




ACADEMIC YEAR 2015- 2016



1. Why are idler pulleys used in a belt drive?
Ans: 1. Idler pulley are provided to obtain high velocity ratio.
2. Many idler pulleys are used when it is desired to transmit motion from one shaft
to several parallel shafts.
2. When do you use stepped pulley drive?
Ans: A stepped or cone pulley drive is used for changing the speed of the driven shaft
while the driving shaft runs at constant speed.
3. Define velocity ratio of a belt drive?
Ans : 1. Leather, 2. Fabric and cotton 3. Rubber 4.Balata and 5.Nylon
4. State the law of belting?
Ans: Law of belting states that the centre line of the belt as it approaches the pulley must
lie in a plane perpendicular to the axis of that pulley or must lie in the plane of the pulley,
otherwise the belt will run off the pulley.
5. What is meant by ply in a flat belt?
Ans: Belts are specified according to the number of layers,e.g., single ply, double ply or
triple ply.
6. What is centrifugal effect on belts?
Ans: 1. In operation as the belt passes over the pulley the centrifugal effect due to its self
weight tends to lift the belt from the pulley surface. The reduces the normal reaction and
hence the frictional resistance. (ii) The centrifugal force produces an additional tension in
the belt.
7. What are the losses in belt drives?
Ans: The losses in a belt drive are due to:

Slip and creep of the belt on the pulleys,


Windage or sir resistance to the movement of belt and pulleys.


Bending of the belt over the the pulleys and


Friction in the bearings of pulley.

8. A longer belt will last more then a shorter belt. Why?

Ans: The life of a belt is a function of the centre distance between the driver and driven
shafts. The shoter the belt, the more often it will be subjected to additional bending
stresses while running around the pulleys at a given speed, and quicker it will be
destroyed due to fatigue. Hence, a longer belt will last more than a shorter belt.
9. What is wipping? How it can be avoided in belt drives?
Ans: If the centre distance between two pulleys is too long then the belt begins to vibrate
in a direction perpendicular to the direction of motion of belt. This phenomenon is called
as wipping
Wipping can be avoided by using idlers pulleys.
10.What is crowning of pulley?(or) why he face of a pulley is crowned?
Ans: 1. The pulley rims are tapered slightly towards the edges. This slight convexity is
known as crowning.
2. The crowning tends to keep the belt in centre on a pulley rim while in motion.
11. What type of belt would you prefer if the centre distance between the pulley is small?
Ans: V Belt.
12. State reasons for V-belt drive being preferred to flat belt drive?
Ans: V-belt drive is preferred to the flat belt drive due to the following advantages:
*Power transmitted is more due to wedging action in the grooved pulley.
*Higher velocity ratio(up to 10 ) can be obtained.
*V-belt drive is more compact, quiet and shock absorbing.

*The drive positive because the slip is negligible.

13. The included angle for V-belt groove is usually between


Ans: 32:38

14. The included angle for the V-belt is usually

Ans: 30 to 40
15. What are the different cross sections of a V-belt?
Ans: A,B,C,D and E type V-belts.
16. How can you specify (or designate) V-belts?
Ans: V-belts are designated by its type and nominal inside length,
17. How will you determine the number of belts required in the design of V-belt drives?
Ans: Number of V-belts=Total power transmitted
Power transmitted per belt
18. When do you prefer a chain drive to a belt or rope drive?
Ans: Chain drives are preferred for velocity ratio less than 10, chain velocities upto 25m/s,
and for power ratings upto 125kW.
19. What are the different types of chains?
Ans: 1. Link(or welded load) chains,
2. Transmission (or roller) chains, and
3. Silent (or inverted tooth) chains.
20. What ate the applications of link(or hoisting) chains?
Ans: Link (or hoisting) chains are widely used

In low capacity machines such as hoists, winches and hand operated cranes as the
main lifting appliances, and

As slings for suspending the loas from hook or other device.

21. Distinguish short ling and long link chains.

Ans: (i) Short link chains: if pitch< 3 x diameter of the chain bar, then the chains are known
as short ling chains.
(ii) Long link chains: if pitch< 3x diameter of the chain bar, then the chains are known
as long link chains.
22. What is chordal action in chain drives?
Ans: Chordal action results in a pulsating and jerk motion of a chain.
In order to reduce the variation in chain speed, the number of teeth on the sprocket should
be increased.
23.In chain drives, the sprocket has odd number of teeth and the chain has even number
of links. Why?
Ans: Reason: To facilitate more uniform wear, ie., the wear will be evenly distributed ans
thus total wear will be lower.
24. What is a silent chain? In what situations, silent chains are preferred?
Ans: Inverted tooth chains are called silent chains because of their relatively quiet
Silent Drives are preferred for high-power, high-speed, and smooth operation.
25. What are the possible ways by which a chain drive may fail?
Ans: The four basic modes of chain failure are:

Near: (ii) Fatigue; (iii) Impact and (iv) Galling.

1. It is required to select s flat-belt drive for a fan running at 360 r.p.m. which is driven
by a 10kW, 1440 r.p.m motor. The belt drive is open-type and space available for a
centre distance of 2m approximately. The diameter of a driven pulley is 1000mm.
2. A flat belt is required to transmit 35kW from a pulley of 1.5m effective diameter
running at 300 r.p.m. The angle of lap is 165and =0.3.Determine taking
centrifugal tension into account, width of the belt required. It is given that the belt
thickness is 9.5 mm, density of its material is 1.1 Mg/m 3 and the related permissible
working stress is 2.5Mpa.


3. Design of cost iron pulley to transmit 20kW at 300 r.p.m. The diameter of the pulley
has four arms of elliptical cross-section with major axis twice the minor axis. The
coefficient of friction between the belt and the pulley surface is 0.3. The allowable
belt tension is not be exceed 250 N in 10 mm width. The allowable shear stress for
the shaft material may be taken as 50 N/mm2 .

4. Design a V-belt drive to the following specifications:

Power to be transmitted =7.5kW.
Speed of driving wheel=1440 r.p.m.
Speed of driven wheel=400 r.p.m.
Diameter of driving wheel =300 mm
Centre distance =1000mm

= 16 hours/day.



5. A truck equipped with a 9.5 kW engine uses a roller chain as the final drive to the
rear axle. The driving sprocket runs at 900 r.p.m and the driven sprocket at 400
r.p.m with a centre distance of approximately 600mm. Select the roller chain.


6. Assume the data of example 4.2, and calculate the following dimensions of the
driving sprocket wheel: (i) outer diameter (ii) roller seating radius; (iii) root diameter

(iv) tooth flank radius: (v) tooth side radius;(vi) tooth width; and (vii) tooth side


7. Design a V-grooved pulley of a V-belt drive to transmit 14.7 kW to a compressor.


8. A 12.7 mm pitch silent chain operating under steady load conditions, transmits
30kW from an electric motor to a centrifuge. Design the silent chain.


9. Design a chain drive to actuate a compressor from a 10kW electric motor at 960
rpm. The compressor speed is to be 350 rpm. Minimum centre distance should be
0.5m.Motor is mounted on the auxiliary bed. Compressor is to work for 8 hours/day.

1. What are the advantages of toothed gears over the other types of transmitted
Ans: Advantages of toothed gears are:
*Since there is no slip, so extact velocity ratio is obtained.
*It is capable of transmitting larger power.
* It is more efficiency and effective means of power transmission.
2. The size of the gears in metric system are usually specified by their
Ans: Module
3. Back lash for spur gears depends on which two factors.
Ans: 1. Module and 2.Pitch line velocity.
4. Define transmission ratio with reference to spur gears?
Ans: It is the ratio of speed of driving gear to the speed of the driven gear.
5. Define module.
Ans: It is the ratio of the pitch circle diameter to the number of teeth.
6. State the conditions of correct gearing(or) state the law of gearing.
Ans: The law of gearing states that for obtaining a constant velocity ratio, at any
instant of teeth the common normal at each of contact should always pass through
a pitch point, situated on the line joining the centres of rotation of the pair of mating
7. AGMA stands for what?
Ans: The American Gear Manufacturing Association.

8. What are the common forms of gear tooth profile?

Ans: 1. Involute tooth profile, and 2. Cycloidal tooth profile.
9. The beat gear system to resist wear is
Ans: 20 involute

full depth

10. The commonly used gear tooth profile is

Ans: 20 involute system
11. Define pitch circle with reference to spur gears.
Ans: Pitch circle is an imaginary circle which by pure rolling action, would give the
same motion as the actual gear.

12. What are the materials used for gear manufacturing?

Ans: 1. Metallic gears: Steel, cast iron, and bronze.
2. Non-metallic gears: Wood, row hide, compressed paper and synthetic resins.
13. Why is pinion made harder than gear?
Ans: Because the teeth of pinion undergo more number of cycles than those of
and hence quicker wear.
14. List out the various methods of manufacturing a gear.
Ans: 1. Gear milling.
2. Gear generating i) Gear hobbing;(ii)Gear shaping.
3.Gear moldingi) Injection molding;(ii)Die casting;(iii) Investment casting.

15. What are the main types of gear tooth failure?

Ans:1. Tooth breakage(due to static and dynamic loads)
2. Tooth wear(or surface deterioration) (a) Abrasion;(b)pitting; and(c) Scoring
or seizure.

16. Who do you prefer helical gears than spur gears?

Ans: Helical gears produce less noise than spur gears.
Helical gears have a greater load capacity than equivalent spur gears.

17. Where do we use helical gears?

Ans: Helical gears are commonly used in automobiles, turbines, and high speed
18. What is the major disadvantage of single helical gear? How can you overcome that
Ans: Single helical gears are subjected to axial thrust loads.
This axial thrust loads can be eliminated by using double helical
(i.e., herringbone ) gears.

19. What helix angle is adopted for a double helical gear?

Ans: 45

20. In helical gears, the right hand helixes on one gear will mesh
other gear.
Ans: Left hand

21. The helix angle for single helical gears ranges from
Ans: 15to 25

helixes on the

1. A pinion with 25 teeth and rotating at 200r.p.m.drives a gear which rotates at 200
r.p.m. The module is 4mm.Calculate the centre distance between the gears.



2. A draft horse walks at a steady pace of 5 miles per hour(= 2.23 m/s). What steady
force must it exert is the power output is exactly 1 horse power(=745W).

3. A train of spur gears is shown in fig .Pinion 1 runs at 1750 r.p.m and transmits
2.5kW power to ideal gear 2. The teeth are cut on the 20full-depth system and
have a module of 2.5 mm. The number of teeth on gears 1,2 and 3 are 20,50 and
30 respectively .Calculate:

The torque on each gear shaft, and


The components of gear tooth forces.

Also draw a free body diagram of gear 2 showing all the forces which act
upon it and determine the reaction on the idle gear shaft.



4. Referring to fig. spur gear A receives 3 kW at 600 rev/min through its shaft and
rotates clockwise. Gear B is an idler and gear C is the driven gear. The teeth are
20 full depth. (The pitch circles are shown in fig.) Determine

The torque each shaft must transmit.


The tooth load for which each gear must be designed, and


The force applied to the idler shaft as a result of the gear tooth loads.
ANSWER :PG.NO:Q 16 Q.No 13(a)

5. A train of spur gears is shown in fig .Gear 1 is the driving gear and transmits 5kW
power at 720r.p.m. The number of teeth on gears 1,2,3 and 4 are 20,50, 30 and
60 respectively. The module for all gears is 4mm. The gears have a 20 full depth
involute profile. Calculate the tangential and radial components of the tooth force

Gears 1 and 2, and


Gears 3 and 4.

6. A train of spur gears with 20 full depth involute teeth is shown in fig. Gear 1 is the
driving gear and transmits 50kW power at 300 r.p.m to the gear train. The number
of teeth on gears 1,2,3 and 4 are 30,60,25 and 50 respectively, While the module
for all gears is 8mm. Gears 2 and 3 are mounted on the same shaft. Gear 1 is
rotating in a clockwise direction when seen from the left side. Calculate : (i) the
tangential and radial components of tooth forces between gear 1 and 2, and gear 3
and 4: and (ii) Draw a free body diagram of force acting on each gear.


7. Design a spur gear drive required to transmit 45kW at a pinion speed of 800r.p.m.
The velocity ratio is 3.5:1. The teeth are 20full depth involute with 18 teeth on the
pinion. Both the pinion and gear are made of steel with a maximum safe static
stress of 180N/mm2 . Assume medium shock conditions.


8. In a spur gear drive for a stone crusher, the gear are made of C40 steel. The
pinion is transmitting 30 kW at 1200r.p.m. The gear ratio is 3. Gear is to work 8
hours per day a week and for 3 years. Design the drive.
9. It is desired to determine the proportions of a spur gear drive to transmit 8kW from
a shaft rotating at 1200r.p.m to a low speed shaft, with a reduction of 3:1. Assume
that the teeth are 20 full depth involute, with 24 teeth on the pinion. The pinion is to
be of 40C 8 normalized steel and gear of 30C 8 normalized steel. Assume that the
starting torque is 130% of the rated torque.



10. Design a helical gear to transmit 15kW at 1400 r.p.m to the following specifications:
Speed reduction is 3; Pressure angle is 20; Helix angle is 15;The material of both
the gears is C45 steel. Allowable static stress 180N/mm 2;Surface endurance limit is
800N/mm2; Youngs modulus of material =2x105 N/mm2.


1. Under What situation, bevel gears are used? May 2007)
Ans: Bevel gears are used to transmit power between two intersecting shafts.

2. Differentiate a straight bevel gear and a spiral bevel gear.

Ans: When teeth formed on the cones are straight, the gears are known as straight
bevel and when inclined, they are known as spiral or helical bevel.

3. What are the advantages of spiral bevel gears over straight bevel gears?
Ans: Spiral bevel gears are smoother in action and quieter than straight bevel

4. What is zerol bevel gear?

Ans: Spiral bevel gear with curved teeth but with a zero degree spiral angle is
known as Zerol bevel gear.

5. What is crown gear?

Ans: A bevel gear having a pinch angle of 90and a plane for its pitch surface is
known as a crown gear.

6. Equal bevel gears when they connect two shafts at right angles are known as
Ans: Miter gears.

7. For bevel gears, define back cone distance. (May 2005 )

Ans: Back cone distance is the length of the back cone. Back cone is an imaginary
cone, perpendicular to the pitch cone at the end of the tooth.

8. What are the forces acting on a bevel gear? (Nov 2009) (May 2013)
Ans; 1. Tangential force,
2. Axial force, and
3. Radial force.
9. Under what situation, worm gears are used? (May 2010)
Ans: The worm gears are used to transmit power between two non-intersecting,
non-parallel shafts, and for high speed ratios as high as 300:1.

10. Where do we use worm gears? (May 2013)

Ans: Worm gears used as a speed reducer in materials handling equipment,
machine tools and automobiles.

11. What is irreversibility in worm gears?

Ans: The worm gear drives are irreversible. It means that the motion cannot be
transmitted from worm wheel to the worm. This property of irreversible is
advantageous in load hosting applications like cranes and lifts.

12. Define normal pitch of a worm gear?

Ans: It is the distance measured along the normal to the threads between two
corresponding points on two adjacent threads of the worm.

13. What is the velocity ratio range of worm gear drive?

Ans: Velocity ratio ranges from 10:1 to 300:1

14. Is the material widely used in the manufacture of worm wheel.

Ans: Phosphor bronze.

15. Why phosphor bronze is widely used for worm gears?

Ans: Phosphur bronze have high antifriction properties to resist seizure. Because in
worm gear drive, the failure due to seizure is more.

16. List out the main types of failure in worm gear drive:
Ans: 1. Seizure: 2. Pitting and rupture.

17. In worm gear drive, only the wheel is designed. Why?(May 2011)
Ans: Since always the strength of the worm is greater than the worm wheel,
therefore only worm wheel is designed.

18. For transmitting large power, worm reductions gears are not generally preferred
Ans: In worm drive, meshing occurs with sliding action. Since sliding occurs, the
amount of heat generation and power loss are quite high.

19. What are the various losses in the worm gear?

Ans: * Losses due to friction is sliding (i.e., gearing loss), and
*Losses due to the churning and splashing of lubricating oil.
20. In worm gearing heat removal is an important design requirement. Why?
Ans: Because the worm gear drives produce much heat. Unless proper heat
removal is provided. The drive may eventually fail by seizure.

21. What is vitual number of teeth in bevel gears? (May 2004)

An imaginary spur gear considered in a plane perpendicular to the tooth of the bevel gear
at the larger end is known as virtual spur gear.
Zv= z / cos
22. State true or false and justify. (Dec 2005)
MItre gears are used for connecting non-intersecting shafts
False. Mitre gears are mounted on intersecting shafts and have a shaft angle of 90 0 .

23. Why is multi start worm more efficient than the single start one? (Dec2005)
The efficiency of the worm depends mainly on pressure angle .For single start worm this
pressure angle will be less.IN multi start worm the pressure angle can be increased .That
is why multistart worm is more efficient.
24.Name different applications of worm gear (June 2007)
Speed reducer in materials handling equipment, machine tools and automobiles.
25.What are commonly used materials for worm and worm wheel? (May 2007)
Worm : steel ,case hardened steel ,hardened molybdenum steel
Worm wheel : Cat iron , Phosphor Bronze
26.State the advantages of worm gear drive in weight lifting machines.(May 2008)
The worm gear drives are irreversible. It means that the motion cannot be transmitted
from worm wheel to the worm. This property of irreversible is advantageous in load
hoisting applications like cranes and lifts.
27. Usually worm is made of hard material and worm gear is made of softer material
A material strength is set so that an amount of wear of the worm becomes larger than that
of the worm wheel.
28. Mention two characteristics of hypoid gear.(May 2010)
* similar in appearance of spiral bevel gears. They differ from spiral gears in that the axis
of pinion is offset from the axis of the gear.The other different is that their pitch surfaces
are hyper boloids rather than cones.
29 .Why is dynamic loading rarely considered in worm gear drive?(Nov 2011)
In worm gear drive dynamic load is not so severe due to the sliding action between the
worm and worm wheel.
30 .What is the reference angle? How is it related to speed ratio of bevel gear ratio? (May
The pitch angle of the bevel gear is known as reference angle.Speed ratio I = tan 2
1 = 900 - 2 for right angle bevel gears.

1. What situations demand use of gear boxes?
Ans: Gear boxes are required wherever the variable spindle speeds is necessary
2. Write any two requirements of a speed gear box.
Ans: *Gear box should provide the designed series of spindle speeds.
*Gear box should transmit the required amount of power to the spindle.

3. Why G.P series is selected for arranging the speeds in gear box?
Ans: The speed of loss is minimum , if G.P is used.
The Number of gears to be even range of spindle speeds at each step.
G.P provide a more even range of spindle speed at each step.
The layout is comparatively very compact, if G.P is used.
4. List any two methods used for changing speeds in gear boxes.
Ans: Sliding mesh gear box, and
Constant mesh gear box.
5. What are preferred Numbers?
Ans: Prefered numbers are the conventionally rounded off values derived from
geometric series. There are five basic series denoted as R 5, R 10, R 20, R 40 and
R 80 series.
6. What is step ratio?(or) Define progression ratio.
Ans: When the spindle speeds are arranged in geometric progression, then the
ratio between the two adjacent speeds is known as step ratio or progression ratio.
7. What kinematic arrangement is as applied to gear boxes?
Ans: The kinematic layout shows the arrangement of gears in a gear box. It also
provides informations like number of speeds available at each spindle and the
number of stages used.
8. What does the ray-diagram of gear box indicates?
Ans: The ray diagram is a graphical representation of the drive arrangement in
general form. It serves to determine the specific values of all the transmission ratios
and speed of all the shafts in the drive.
9. State any three basic rules to be followed while designing a gear box.
Ans:1. The transmission ratio(i) in a gear box is limited by < i< 2.
2. For stable operation, the speed ratio of any stage should not be greater
than 8.
i.e.,Nmax/Nmin < 8.
10. What are the possible arrangements to archive 12 speeds from a gear box?
Ans: The possible arrangements are:
3x2x2 scheme; (ii) 2x3x2 scheme ; and (iii) 2x2x3 scheme.
11. List out the possible arrangements to achieve 16 speed gear box.
Ans: (i)
4x2x2 scheme; (2x4x2 scheme; and (iii) 2x2x4 scheme.
12. What is a speed reducer?
Ans: Speed reducer is a gear mechanism with a constant speed ratio, to reduce the
angular speed of output shaft as compared with that of input shaft.
13. What is the function of spacers in a gear-box?
Ans: The function of spacers is to provide the necessary distance between the
gears and the bearings.
14. What are the methods of lubrication in speed reducers?
Ans: 1. Splash or spray lubricating method, and
2. Pressure lubrication method.

15. In which gear-drive, self-locking is available?

Ans: In the worm gear drive, self-locking is available.
16. What is the function of spacers in a gear box?
Ans: The function of spacers is to provide the necessary distance between the
gears and the bearings.
17. What are the commonly used gear tooth profiles?
Ans: 1. Involute tooth profile, and 2. Cycloidal tooth profile
18. What is step ratio? Name the series in which speeds of multi-speed gear box are
Ans: When the spindle speeds are arranged in geometric progression, then the
ratio between the two adjacent speeds is known as step ratio.
19. Give some applications of constant mesh gear box.
Ans: Constant mesh gear boxes are employed in various machine tools viz., lathe,
milling machines, etc., to provide a wide range of spindle speeds.
20. List six standard speeds starting from 18 r.p.m with a step ratio 1.4.
Ans: For the step ratio =`.4, the R20 series is used. From R20 series, the
standard speeds are 18,20,22.4,25,238 and 31.5 rpm.

1. What is the function of a clutch?
Ans: The clutch is mechanical device which is used to connect or disconnect the
source of power at the operators will.

2. Give examples for axial and radial friction clutches.

Ans: 1. Axial friction clutches: Disc and cone clutches.
2.Radial friction clutches: Centrifugal, internal expanding rim and external
contracting rim clutches.

3. What are the properties required of the material used as a friction surface?
Ans: The properties required of the friction materials are:
*A high and uniform coefficient of friction.
*Geed resiliency.
*The ability to withstand high temperatures, together with good heat

4. Name few commonly used friction materials.

Ans: Wood, clerk, leather, asbestos based friction materials, and powdered metal
friction materials.

5. Clutches are usually designed on the basic of uniform wear. Why?

Ans: In clutches, the value of normal pressure, axial load for the given clutch is
limited by the rate of wear that can be tolerated in the brake linings. Moreover, the
assumption of uniform wear rate gives a lower calculated clutch capacity than the
assumption of uniform pressure. Hence clutches are usually designed on the basis of
uniform wear.

6. Why a service factor is used for calculating the design capacity of a clutch?
Ans: In order to start a load from rest and accelerate it, a clutch should have torque
capacity substantially greater than the nominal; torque requirement so that the load
can be accelerated without excessive slip.

7. What is the axial force required at the engagement and disengagement of cone
W=W n(1+Cot )
8. What is the difference between cone and centrifugal clutches?

Ans: Cone clutch works on the principle of friction alone. But centrifugal clutch uses
principle of centrifugal force in addition with it.

9. Compare disc clutches and cone clutches.

Ans:* In disc clutches, friction lined flat plates are used.
*In cone clutches, friction lined frustum of cone is used.

10. Why heart dissipation is necessary in clutches?

Ans: When clutch engages, most of the work done (against friction forces opposing
the motion) will be liberated as heat at the interface. Consequently the temperature
of the rubbing surface will increase. This increased temperature may destroy the
clutch. So heat dissipation is necessary in clutches.

11. Give the relation to find temperature rise in clutches.

Temperature rise, T=



E= Energy dissipated by the clutch.

C=Specific heat of clutch material, and
M=Mass of the clutch.

12. What is the function of a brake?

Ans: Brake is a mechanical device by means of which motion of a body is retarded
for slowing down or to bring it to rest, by applying artificial frictional resistance.

13. Differentiate a brake and a clutch.

Ans: A clutch connects two moving members of a machine, whereas a brake

connects a moving member to a stationary member.

14. Differentiate a brake and a dynamometer.

Ans: A dynamometer is a brake incorporating a device to measure the frictional
resistance applied.

15. Give examples for radial and axial brakes.

Ans: Radial brakes: Band brakes, block brakes, and internal expanding rim.
Axial brakes : Cone brakes and disc brakes.
16. What are the types of brake linings?
Ans: 1. Organic linings. 2. Semi-metallic linings and 3. Metallic linings.

17. What is a self-locking brake?

Ans: When the frictional force is sufficient enough to apply the brake with no external
force, then the brake is said to be self-locking brake.

18. What you meant by self-energizing brake?

Ans: When the moment of applied force (F.l) and the moment of the frictional force
(. R N.C) are in the same direction, then frictional force helps in applying the brake.
This type of brake is known as a self- energizing brake.

19. The brake commonly used in automobiles is

Ans: Internal expanding brake.

20. The brake widely used in motor cycle is

Ans: Disc brake.

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