Evolution of The Surface Area of Limestone During Calcination and Sintering
Evolution of The Surface Area of Limestone During Calcination and Sintering
Evolution of The Surface Area of Limestone During Calcination and Sintering
The calcination reaction of limestone is always companied by sintering of the calcined product. In
addition, accelerated sintering rates and a reduced specific surface area are observed in the presence of steam and carbon dioxide. To simulate the change of surface area and the porosity of limestone samples in a simultaneous calcination and sintering process, a combined model based on
both a sintering model and a calcination model is established. The calcination model, which predicts calcination conversion as a function of time, is based on the initial properties of the sorbent.
The sintering model is according to the German and Munir model in which the main transport
mechanism is supposed to be lattice diffusion. In a flow reactor, the surface area value and calcination rate of limestone in the presence of steam and CO2 are also described by the combined
model with modified parameters.
Calcination, Sintering, Limestone, Combined Model
1. Introduction
Sintering refers to the changes in pore shape, pore shrinkage and the increase in grain size that CaO particles
undergo during heating. The rate of CaO sintering increases at higher temperatures, as well as at higher partial
pressures of carbon dioxide and steam vapor. The presence of impurities also increases the sintering rate. In
general, higher temperatures are required to increase reaction rates, but because of the sintering process, the
structure of the calcine is more likely to change.
Beruto et al. [1] found that the surface area of CaO produced from calcite crystals is constant at 116 m2/g
when the calcite crystals are decomposed under vacuum at 686C. The volume occupied by a CaO aggregate is
98% that of the original calcite crystal. Powell and Searcy [2] also obtained the same surface area value for CaO
in another apparatus with good evacuation. Furthermore, Beruto et al. [3] noticed the influence of CO2 pressure
on sintering when they measured a surface area of 89 m2/g CaO from the decomposition of large crystals of calcite at 580C when the evacuation was less complete because of low vacuum pump speed.
Large particles of limestone calcinated in a rotary kiln at 980C normally resulted in surface areas of only 2 to
5 m2/g. Chan et al. [4] attained a surface area of 24.6 m2/g by calcining limestone particles in a TGA at 745C.
How to cite this paper: Liu, Y. and Yang, Y.P. (2015) Evolution of the Surface Area of Limestone during Calcination and Sintering. Journal of Power and Energy Engineering, 3, 56-62. http://dx.doi.org/10.4236/jpee.2015.34009
Y. Liu, Y. P. Yang
Fennell et al. [5] obtained the largest surface area of 39 m2/g at 1023 K in the study of the effect of repeated
cycles on sorbent activity. Sun et al. [6] also found a surface area of 36 m2/g using Strassburg limestone in a
TGA at 850C. The TGA generally employed for these studies is limited to samples with a relative large particle
density due to poor dispersion in the sample holder. The low gas throughput of the sample imposes another severe limitation because it aggravates the effect of CO2 on sintering.
There exists evidence that the sintering mechanism of CaO is fundamentally related to the mass transport.
Borgwardt et al. [7] noticed that the product layer diffusivities for the sulfation of CaO of varying purity show
higher values when the CaO is derived from limestones than when it comes from pure CaCO3. Further more, the
addition of small amounts of certain salts is found to enhance sulfation especially when added to presintered
CaO. The ions in these salts, such as Li+, Na+, Cr3+ and Mo3+, when incorporated into a CaO lattice, produce defects that promote solid state diffusion. Similar effects of these foreign ions are observed on the sintering of CaO.
By comparing the result of the CO2 looping cycle performance of a limestone, Manovic et al. [8] believed that
the presence of Na ions increases the diffusion of Ca ions and that this enhanced diffusion accelerates the gassolid reaction. From SEM images, Manovic et al. also observed the pronounced sintering and the loss of surface
area as a result of the presence of Na ions in the CaO powder. As a result, Borgwardt et al. [9] found that the activation energy for the sintering of pure CaO is greater than that for the impure material. Therefore, the observed
effects are consistent with the hypothesis that diffusion through the product layer occurs by ionic transport and
that the mechanism of sintering is related to the mechanism of product layer diffusion.
This paper describes a combined model, based on a sintering model from German and Munir [10] and a
first-order calcination model from Borgwardt [11]. Supposing that the surface area of limestone varies linearly
with the mole fraction of CaO in the sample in the absence of sintering, the simulation results during simultaneous calcination and sintering are shown at various reaction temperatures. In the presence of steam and CO2, the
German-Munir model is also used to simulate an isothermal sintering process. The combined model is beneficial
to the understanding of the diffusion mechanism in calcination and sintering reaction with or without a catalyzed
2. Model Description
2.1. Calcination and Sintering Model
Beruto and Searcy [12] showed that the calcination rate per unit area of a flat crystal surface is constant at a
given temperature and calcination rates for limestone have been presented as a first-order Arrhenius expression,
= K c ACaCO3
where wCaCO3 is the mass of the undecomposed calcium carbonate, Kc is the rate constant of the calcination reaction, and ACaCO3 is the surface area of the calcium carbonate. Assuming that the induction period of the calcination can be neglected [13], the calcination rate at time t is proportional to the BET surface area of the undecomposed CaCO3, thus
ACaCO3 = sg wCaCO3
where sg is the specific BET surface area of limestone per unit mass. The rate expression given by Equation (1)
can be integrated as:
1 x
= K c sg dt
where x is fractional conversion of CaCO3 to CaO. The rate constant for the surface reaction in the Borgwardt
[13] model showed an independent trend with the type of stone and the particle size from 1 to 90 m. The equation accurately fits the measured extent of calcination as a function of time. Thus, the model of Borgwardt is utilized in the following calculation.
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German and Munir [10] proposed a model of the interparticle neck shape during sintering. The following generalized expression is derived for this process:
S0 S
= Kst
where S0 is the initial specific surface area, S is the specific surface at time t, and Ks is the sintering rate constant.
The exponent has unique values for the different transport mechanisms. Using the German-Munir model,
Borgwardt [9] compared the rate of the surface area reduction in CaO that was derived from limestone. The exponent in Equation (5) was estimated by fitting the widest range of S values. Values of = 2.7 yielded
the best fit with these data. Thus, the model of Borgwardt is utilized in the following calculation.
Assuming that the CO2 effect and the sintering of the calcine can be omitted under the differential condition,
the surface area during calcination can be expressed as:
S k x + Si
where Sid is the surface area supposing that no sintering happens, Sk is the surface area constant and Si is the initial surface area of the limestone.
According to this model, the CaO product is divided into increments depending on the time interval in which
each increment is formed. At the jth time interval, the CaO produced in the ith time interval experienced the
sintering time of the j-ith interval. Equation (5) can thus be rewritten as:
S =Sid 1 K s ( t j ti )
where Sid is the initial specific surface area and can be determined according to Equation (6). The surface area of
the CaO formed during the ith time interval can be calculated by Equation (7) at the end of the jth time interval.
The surface area of the entire product and the overall specific surface area of the calcined particle are calculated
i= j
SCaO = Si , j zi
i =1
S s ( x,=
t ) xSCaO + (1 x ) SCaCO3
where Si,j is the specific surface area of the CaO formed in the ith time interval at the end of the jth time interval,
zi is the fraction of the total CaO formed in the ith time interval, SCaO is the specific surface area of the CaO
product and SCaCO3 is the specific surface area of the CaCO3.
In a review of much previous research, Milne et al. [14] compared the surface area and porosity measurements for carbonate-derived CaO with differing degrees of sintering and varying calcination conditions and
found that when the surface area S is plotted against the porosity, a linear regression of many of the data sets
passes through the origin. The upper limit of the data is represented by a curve. The empirical formula is utilized
in this combined model and the specific surface area along this curve is expressed as:
S = 84.94
Equation (4) is utilized to evaluate the conversion change with time. With Equations (6)-(9), the value of S is
determined. The resultant porosity is determined with Equation (10).
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mechanisms, so Equation (5) can not be strictly applied. The rate constant K and both change with gas
composition and temperature as more than one mechanism becomes effective. Because this is an empirical approach, the values of K and no longer have significance regarding the sintering mechanism.
The experiment results of Borgwardt [17] show that the parameter becomes dependent on temperature
and partial pressure in the presence of steam and CO2.
The relationships between and the partial pressure of steam or CO2 can separately be expressed as
1.948 ) 44.9
The parameter in presence of steam and CO2 is a function of temperature and the composition of the sintering atmosphere and can be expressed as
H2O +=
0.376 ( H2 O + CO2 ) + 8.8
CO 2
Combining Equations (11)-(14) with Equation (5), an empirical model for S as a function of time is given.
Y. Liu, Y. P. Yang
925 C
Time (sec)
Time (sec)
Figure 1. The effect of simultaneous calcination and sintering under various reaction temperatures on (a) specific surface
area, and (b) porosity.
Model prediction
of Milne
Extent of calcination
Model prediction
Exp. result
Model prediction
Exp. result
Time (sec)
Time (sec)
Figure 2. Model prediction for 13 m Marianna limestone calcined at 1373 K in a flow reactor [18], (a) Extent of calcination,
and (b) Surface area.
Table 1. Model parameters and simulated results.
T (C)
Kc (g/m2min)
Ks (1/t)
SMax (m2/g)
t (Sec)
tively. The parameters and Ks, calculated with Equation (13) and Equation (14), are 45 and 0.02, respectively. Figure 2(b) shows a comparison between the predictions of the Milne model [14] and that of the model in
this paper. Milne applied an empirical surface area expression to reflect the influence of steam and CO2 and a
prior knowledge of the asymptotic surface area as a function of temperature should be required. The sintering
model of this paper in the presence of steam and CO2 utilizes only the German-Munir model and the parameters
of and Ks are obtained only according to the simulation formula provide by Borgwardt [17]. The model prediction is closer to the actual surface area of the 13 m Marianna limestone. The experimental result and model
simulation show that the surface area reduction is accelerated in the presence of steam and CO2. The sintering
activation energy in the presence of steam and CO2 is 97 kJ/mol, calculated with the diffusion coefficient Ks,
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which is much less than the sintering activation energy in N2. The increased sintering rate caused by steam and
CO2 is in accord with the expected effect of surface diffusion and grain boundary diffusion. Relative to the sintering rate of lattice diffusion, these two diffusions reduce the apparent sintering activation energy and increase
the diffusivity. According to the combined model, at 1100C the surface area of Fredonia limestone produces the
maximum observed value of 102.2 m2/g at 0.08 sec in N2. However, the result of the model in the presence of
steam and CO2 suggests an approximate peak surface area of 18.5 m2/g at 0.15 sec, which is shown in Figure
2(b). A shift of the primary sintering mechanism from slow lattice diffusion to the faster mechanism would
agree with the effects apparent from this comparison.
4. Conclusion
The German-Munir model not only can be used to correlate the kinetics of the CaO surface area reduction in inert atmospheres but also can be modified to empirically account for the effects of steam and CO2. The surface
area value and porosity of limestone samples in simultaneous calcination and sintering process is determined by
a combined model. The surface area reduction during sintering suggests that besides lattice diffusion both surface diffusion and grain boundary mechanisms are more evident in the presence of steam and CO2.
This research was supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (No. 51025624), the 111
project (B12034) and the Fundamental Research Funds for the Central Universities (2014QN08). The author is
grateful for the supporting of Australia-China JCG Round 2 Partnership Funding.
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Initial specific surface area of CaO following decomposition of its precursor, m2/g
Specific surface area of CaO product, m2/g
Specific surface area of CaO formed in the ith time interval at the end of the jth time interval, m2/g
Greek letters
Mechanism-dependent exponent
H2O + CO2