The 65th anniversary of the National Speleological
Society also is the 65th Anniversary of the use of the term
pseudokast in the title of a scientific article (Floridia, 1941).
Now, studies of pseudokarst and pseudokarstic caves
constitutes a rapidly expanding subdivision of speleology.
Numerous articles in publications of the National Speleological Society concern pseudokarst and its caves in lava,
in and under glaciers, in seacoasts, in badlands and
landslide topography, crevice caves and terrains in a variety
of rocks, and even multiprocess caves. In part, this trend
has resulted from emphasis on pseudokarst in planetary
geology, but many are fascinating in their own right. The
International Union of Speleology now has a full-fledged
Commission for Pseudokarst as well as another Commission on Volcanic Caves, and a third which maintains
that seemingly pseudokarstic glacier features actually are
karstic, not pseudokarstic.
Landforms now generally recognized as pseudokarstic
were written about in China perhaps 2,300 years ago (Liu
et al., cited by Pewe et al., 1995) and at Italys Mount Etna
only a little later (Carus, T., cited in Banti, 1993). A map of
Icelands Surtshellir system was published in 1759 (Halliday, 2004). During the early 20th Century the term
originated independently in several European languages,
for several types of features and widely varying terrains.
The German geologist von Knebel (1906) appears to have
been the first to use it in print, identifying crevice terrain in
Iceland which engulfs a river as pseudokarstic. Many of
Figure 1. Rheogenic pseudokarst. Oblique aerial photo of partially collapsed lava tube cave, El Malpais National Monument,
New Mexico. Compare with Figure 7 showing rectilinear crevice pseudokarst.
a symposium on glacial hydrology were published in
Spelunca No. 16.
Other pseudokarstic types exist (e.g., tower pseudokarst, as discussed by Wray [1997]).
On a global basis, the 1997 working session specifically
compaction pseudokarst
consequent pseudokarst
Rheogenic pseudokarst includes those portions of lava
flows which are shaped by the presence of open lava tubes
(Fig. 1). Its caves and pits include lava tube caves, hollow
tumuli, hollow lava rises, hollow flow lobes and tongues,
open vertical volcanic conduits, tree and animal mold
caves, hollow hornitos, and a very few hollow dikes.
Spaciousness and near-level floors of numerous terrestrial
lava tube caves suggest that they may be a major
extraterrestrial resource (Halliday, 1966). The Commission
on Volcanic Caves of the International Union of Speleology has taken a proactive approach to identification and
documentation of rheogenic caves and pits throughout the
world, and a global file of maps of lava tube caves is
funded by NASA and maintained at Arizona State
In the last half-century, studies of lava tube caves have
revealed that they are resources scarcely second to
dissolution caves, with many features in common. Some
contain a greater range of minerals than do karstic caves
and some contain biota as specialized as those of karstic
caves and mesocaverns. While significant differences exist
in their hydrogeologic mechanisms, lava tube caves pose
virtually the same disease hazards as dissolution caves. A
few contain cave art, habitations, fossil localities and other
cultural features. Others are notable recreational sites
including show caves.
W.R. Halliday
Figure 2. Glacier pseudokarst. Multiple entrances to the Paradise Ice Cave system ca. 1970.
The longest known lava tube cave is Hawaiis Kazumura Cave which has a slope length of 65.6 km. Never
more than 20 m below the surface, it has a vertical extent
of 1,100 m. Its floor plan basically is sinuous, with local
braiding. It is especially notable for drained plunge pools
up to ,20 m wide. The deepest known open vertical
volcanic conduit is Icelands Thrinukagigur, 204 m deep.
Hawaiis Na One pit crater contains a smaller open vertical
volcanic conduit which begins on a ledge near the bottom
of the pit crater. Their combined depth is 268 m. Divers
have descended 122 m in the water-filled vertical conduit of
Hawaiis Kauhako Center, with the bottom beyond reach
of their lights.
Other volcanic islands with especially notable rheogenic
pseudokarst and caves include Iceland, Honshu (Japan),
Jeju Island (Korea), Azores Archipelago, Canary Islands,
Comoro Archipelago, Galapagos Archipelago, Samoa and
Rapa Nui (Easter Island). Major continental sites include
Italy (Mt. Etna), Kenya and Australia. Other locations
include Syria, Jordan, Saudi Arabia, Rwanda, Chile,
Argentina and Tanzania where a unique carbonatite
rheogenic pseudokarst exists in the crater of Ol Doinyo
Lenggai volcano. In the conterminous United States,
notable rheogenic pseudokarst is present in most of the
Glaciospeleology is the study of caves and streams
within and beneath glaciers and firn (Fig. 2). Fountain and
Wilder (1998) have provided an excellent overview albeit
with minimal reference to caves. Current studies are
especially active in Iceland, Greenland (especially of
moulins), Svalbard (Spitzbergen), Siberia and southern
South America. Such studies have lagged in Antarctica
where the worlds largest glacier cave either underlies the
Ross Ice Shelf or is the intraglacial cave containing Lake
Vostok. Geothermal caves on Mount Erebus are receiving
increasing study. U.S. Geologic Survey geologist, Israel
Russell, was the father of American glaciospeleology. He
produced several notable reports on the 4,000 km2
(1,500 mi2) Malaspina Glacier in Alaska (e.g., Russell,
1893) with special reference to their caves and hydrogeology. A long hiatus followed Russells work, but additional
glacier pseudokarst was found in Alaska and elsewhere in
the northwestern United States and in the part of British
Journal of Cave and Karst Studies, April 2007 N 105
W.R. Halliday
Figure 4. Small room in Officers Cave, Oregon, a piping cave in a pyroclastic landslide. In more consolidated rock with less
frequent rockfall, piping caves may provide extraterrestrial shelter.
retreat. Badlands National Park (South Dakota) is the
American type locality, and Petrified Forest National Park
also contains notable examples. In Oregons John Day
Country, 345-meter Officers Cave (Fig. 4) was described as
an isolated geological curiosity in 1964 (Parker, 1964). A
few years later, Texas and California speleologists began
describing increasingly large, complex piping caves in
a variety of poorly consolidated dry lands. Beginning with
Anvil Points Claystone Cave in 2001, Davis unleashed
a seeming flood of reports on examples in drylands in
western Colorado (e.g., Davis, 2001). Pipes also are
common in boglands, with slutch caves up to 50 m long
reported in England. The longest recorded American
piping cave is 804 m Christmas Canyon Cave, formed in
a thin layer of unconsolidated volcanic ash between
a surficial basalt layer and a mudflow deposit. It serves
as a seasonal resurgence for much of the Cave Basalt lava
flow on the south side of Mount St. Helens, Washington
(Halliday, 2004).
In more consolidated rocks, piping forms complex
caves in sandstones in Minnesota and Arkansas, and
participates in formation of others in hard granular tuff
and in partially soluble lakebed deposits in Kenya. The
latter include Kitum Cave, formerly believed to have been
excavated by elephants seeking salt. Perhaps the longest
piping cave on record is 8 km Bohemia Cave in New
Zealand, said to have been formed largely by ground-water
erosion in phyllites underlying marble.
Roughly 10% of the earths surface is underlain by
permafrost. In areas where it is covered by tundra or taiga,
a combination of thawing and piping produces curvilinear
thaw ponds, steep-walled depressions, funnel-shaped pits,
ponors, dry valleys, small caves and other karst-like
features. These are largely of interest as engineering
problems, but Russian and some other geologists have
discussed them specifically as important pseudokarst
features. Somewhat similar features are present where
residual soil of melting glaciers takes the place of tundra or
taiga. In Europe, the term thermokarst has been applied to
permafrost pseudokarst, but there is nothing dissolutional
in the processes which form any of it. Marjorie Sweeting
is among those who have decried this unfortunate term,
pointing out its confusing similarity to thermal karst.
Talus caves are receiving increasing attention in the
world speleologic literature, but talus pseudokarst is rarely
mentioned. Nevertheless, talus accumulations occasionally
form important landscapes and American speleologists
tend to underestimate the occurrence and significance of
talus caves per se (Fig. 5). In some parts of Europe, they
are the largest and commonest type of cave. Sjoberg
(1989a) found that 15% of Swedish talus caves have high
scientific and/or recreational values; Swedens Bodagrottorna has more than 2,500 m of passage. In temperate
Journal of Cave and Karst Studies, April 2007 N 107
The first identification of a terrain as pseudokarst
described a crevice pseudokarst in Iceland (von Knebel,
1906). Where karst and karstic caves are readily
accessible, however, all but the most spectacular crevice
caves and crevice pseudokarst (e.g., Fingals Cave, Island
of Staffa, Scotland) are commonly ignored. Consequently
they are much more common than is generally recognized. They occur in both littoral and inland terrains; the
former includes littoral zones of now-dry inland Pleisto108 N Journal of Cave and Karst Studies, April 2007
W.R. Halliday
Figure 6. Littoral crevice pseudokarst, island of Staffa, Scotland. The right hand opening is the entrance to Fingals Cave.
limestone occupied by warm ground water apparently
much more than 100 m deep (the National Park Service
prohibits cave diving here). It apparently formed as a result
of structural tension in the Great Basin and its water is part
of a major regional aquifer (Riggs et al., 2000).
Smaller inland crevice caves vary from isolated cracks
in cliffs to narrow rectilinear networks on slopes. Many
of the latter are an intermediate stage of breakup of
competent rock masses due to mass movement or gravitysliding enhanced by local subsurface drainage. Where the
movement is not uniform across the length of such a crevice,
bedrock blocks slide and rotate at different speeds and in
different directions, converting part or all of crevice caves
into one or more talus caves. Basalt and granite commonly
develop curvilinear crevice caves rather than rectilinear
forms. Some deep caves in tropical quartzite are crevice
caves, but others are multiprocess caves extensively modified
by piping. Crevice terrains in Arizona appear to be of one
of two types. Some in northern Arizona are believed to be
the product of subsidence caused by deeply buried karst.
Others in areas of especially deep alluvium appear to be the
result of excessive drawdown of ground water (Harris and
Allison, 2006). Tectonic and solutional caves occur along the
Most of the island of Hawaii lacks surface drainage as
a result of crevice pseudokarst formed as a result of
fractures in brittle basalts secondary to various volcanic
and seismic events. Most of these crevices are concealed by
vegetation or by volcanic ash, or by subsequent lava flows.
But the Great Crack in the southwest rift zone of Kilauea
volcano is a kilometer-wide zone of en echelon crevices of
various widths and depths, locally open to the surface
Compaction is common in landslide and avalanche
deposits. This facilitates piping (see above). Pseudokarst
may be formed by such compaction, and is discussed here
for the first time. Initially, drainage of such deposits tends
to be internal and their surfaces may be pitted with large
and small punched out or conical crater-like depressions
(Fig. 10). A notable example formed in unconsolidated
material at the northern base of Mount St. Helens
(Washington State) on May 18, 1980. Here, virtually the
entire northern side of the volcano avalanched moments
Journal of Cave and Karst Studies, April 2007 N 109
Figure 7. Crevice pseudokarst in a 2 km segment of the Southwest Rift Zone of Kilauea Volcano, Hawaii. Individual pits
along the Great Rift are lettered from north to south; Pit H is near the center of the photo. It has been mapped to a depth of
186 m. Note that smaller en echelon crevices are mostly hidden by vegetation.
110 N Journal of Cave and Karst Studies, April 2007
W.R. Halliday
Consequent pseudokarst is karst-like terrains resulting
from action of natural processes on shallow mines,
underground quarries and other subsurface works of
man. Although the U.S. Geological Survey has studied
many such occurrences, the term and the unifying concept
were developed late in the 20th Century by Istvan Eszterhas
of Hungary. Some of the affected areas contain extensive
caverns formed by natural stoping, bounded on all sides by
talus or by fracture surfaces. Their surface features tend to
be rectilinear, and they commonly cause serious engineering problems. Underground drainage is minimal or absent.
Figure 9. Landing created by wedging of rockfall, the Great Crack, Hawaii. Terrestrial caves of this type are unsuitable for
human habitation.
Figure 10. Subsidence pseudokarst. This conical depression in the Spirit Lake pseudokarst (Mount St. Helens, Washington
State) was photographed in an early stage of its evolution. A thin ash-cloud tephra deposit is still present on the flats formed on
top of the landslide deposit containing the sinkhole.
112 N Journal of Cave and Karst Studies, April 2007
W.R. Halliday
The author would like to thank Jan Paul van der Pas for
the oblique photograph that appears in Figure 6 and Chris
Okubo for the 1988 NASA photograph that appears in
Figure 7.
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