Cooperative Society
Cooperative Society
Cooperative Society
share of the society and on 31
July 2000 the society was retgisteredunder the name SHIVACREDIT CO-OPERATIVE
valuation of the Society:
In the initial stage itself, the Shiva Credit Co-Operative Society hascollected the
share amount of Rs.4,00,000 at Rs. 100/- per each shareand Rs.1,58,65,856/- as
deposit money and it had given a loanRs.64,73,254 to its members. Total transaction was
Rs.5,29,99,834.The first year the society gave 7% profit to their members on
their members. A significant feature of this society is that it has gained profit,
which is this area no other society has achivied in its very firstyear. Due to the efforts of the
elders, the society earned tood profit.Form 2000-01 to 2003-04 the Shiva Credit Cooperative Society wasfunctioning in the premises of TAPCS COMPLEX opp.
Vetornoryhospital HonnaliFrom 2003-04, this Society purchased its own building where it
is presently located at the cost of Rs.3,38,360.The Shiva Credit Co-Operative Society
developed day by day because of our bribes sincere and impartial service. It conducted
theAnnual General body Meeting on 22.09.2001 under the presidentship of shree
A.G.Chandrashekar. In that year, there were2900 members. Rs.3,49,000/- was share
capital, and it has collectedthe deposit amount of Rs.19,72,900/- It has provided
loan of Rs.1,25,000 for the improvement of the members business and
Shiva Credit Co-operative Society LimitedSahyadri Arts & Commerce
50,66,255 for self loans. The total transaction of the society wasRs.29,99,834/- the society
has not made any loss in this year.In 22.09.2002 it conducted its 2
annual general body meeting andthe members were discussed about the incomes and
expenditures profits and losses and the budget and loans and advances during their year its
total transactrion was Rs.5,42,70,995 and during this year competerisation of
transaction was adopted.And in the year 2003-04 it conducted 4
Annual General Bodymeeting at 23.08.2004 at GURU BHAVAN HONNALI during
thisyear it collected Rs.86,000 share amount from the public andRs.2,40,41,702 deposits
and gave Rs.81,48,476 loan various types of loans to its members as well as to the public of
the Honnali. The presidentship during the year was D.Thirthalingappa.At 2004-05
with the presidentship of Shree d.Thirthalingappa thesociety celebrated its Silver
credit facilities provided by the society to the study. Secondary data has been collected
throng survey the survey was conducted; questionnaire was prepared and passed to the
selected customers which reveal the customer idea about the society.
Benefits of study:
1.We can get a clear idea about the credit facilities provided by the society
.2.The report is helpful in knowing about the customers wants about the societys service.
The study given us to know the performance and growth of thesociety.4.
By preparing this project report the study helps us in coming to our own conclusion about
the societys and to write our own suggestion for its improvement.
Pigmi deposits.The Society has collected different types of deposits form 2004-05
to2009 are as follows.
le showing various types of deposits collected
y society:
Sl. NoTypes of Deposit 2004-05 amtin lakhs (Rs)2005-06 amtin lakhs (Rs)2006-07 amtin
lakhs (Rs)2007-08 amtin lakhs (Rs)2008-09 amtin lakhs
(Rs)1 Savings Deposits 266.83 290.98 396.85 433.64 386.94