Book Report
Book Report
Book Report
Michael Broussard
TELS 3340
Supervision. The main idea of the book is that leadership should be directed
by principles. Covey defines four levels of leadership and key principles that
should be surveyed by great leaders and students.
Covey begins his book in Chapter one defining eight traits of principle
centered people. These traits coincide with parts of our discussion of traits of
successful leaders in Chapter nine. Outlined are the following: They are
continually learning, as discussed influencing others require a level of
intelligence and an effective leader has a high degree of relevant
knowledge(Robbin,230). They are service oriented people, life is a mission
for them and not a career. Also they radiate positive energy daily .They have
faith in other people and want to help growth. This was discussed in our
textbook that leaders have a clear desire to influence others and builds
trusting relationships with those they influence (Robbins, 230). They lead
balanced lives and the see life as adventurous. Also they are synergistic and
exercise self-renewal to better themselves. Coveys messages relates to
leadership and supervision in our textbook Supervision Today, throughout
in one aspect or another. These characteristics and traits discussed in
chapter one are in close correlation with the seven unique human
endowments discussed in chapter two, which are for useful purposes divided
into two categories: primary and secondary endowments accompanied in
highly effective people. Chapter three discusses that sometimes our
resolutions will fail without character and social reinforcements. Coveys aim
in Chapter five is to create a paradigm shift in management training. While
Michael Broussard
Michael Broussard
Michael Broussard
Works cited
Michael Broussard
Michael Broussard