Jain Stutis
Jain Stutis
Jain Stutis
A Stuti is a prayer/verse sung in praise of a God or Goddess or of the Jain Dharma and its principles
The letter is pronounced as a long a and is pronounced as aa. The letter is pronounced as long
u and is pronounced as oo
3 The fourfold order comprises the Monks and Nuns (ascetics) and Shravaks and Shravikas (lay followers)
4 The three jewels Right Faith (or Right Perception), Right Knowledge, Right Conduct
5 A capital N in the middle of a word means it is the aNa sound (e.g in the Gujarati word pNi water)
and not the normal n sound
There are four auspicious beings/entities in the universe; the Arihantas are auspicious;
The Siddhas are auspicious; the Sdhus are auspicious;
The dharma explained by the omniscient is auspicious
There are four supreme beings/entities in the universe; the Arihantas are supreme;
The Siddhas are supreme; the Sdhus are supreme;
The dharma explained by the omniscient is supreme
I take refuge in the four beings/entities of the universe; I take refuge in the Arihantas;
I take refuge in the Siddhas; I take refuge in the Sdhus;
I take refuge in the dharma explained by the omniscient
The three worlds are the dev lok (heavenly beings), maanav lok (humans) and daanav lok (beings of
the nether world)
In the Mombasa Jain Dersar there are pratims (idols) of 5 Tirthankar bhagavn namely:
Rushabhdev (1st), Shntinth (16th), Neminth (22nd), Prshvanth (23rd) and Mahveeraswmi
(24th). The following 5 stutis are for each of them respectively:
yaduvamshasamudrenduh karmakakshahutshanah
ariShtanemirbhagavn bhydvoriShtanshanah
We worship Bhagavn Neminth who was born in the ydav family. He was for them just like the full
moon which enlightens the sea in a powerful way. May Bhagavn Neminth, who is like the fire
which destroys all karmas, destroy all problems and be auspicious to all
Kamath was a mendicant. Parshvanath saved a snake (nag) from Kamaths sacrificial fire. Kamath was
reborn as Meghmali (lord of rain) and to take revenge he disturbed Parshvanath who was in meditation.
The snake was reborn as DharaNendra and came to the save the Lord from Meghmalis actions. The
Lord maintained perfect equanimity and showed no hatred towards Kamath (Meghmali) and no
affection towards DharaNendra (who was the snake in the previous life)
I bow down today to the 5 Jineshwara Bhagavn - Rushabhdev (1st), Shntinth (16th), Neminth
(22nd), Prshvanth (23rd) and Mahveeraswmi (24th) with love
Namo SiddhNam
Namo yariyNam
Namo UvajjhyNam
Namo Lo SavvashNam