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Using simple past tense in Recount text instruction :

Write down your last experience in a place of paper individually

two month ago, my cousin and I went camping Lanne village. We reached the
camping ground after we walked for about a half hour from the uncle house. We
built the camp next to a small river and not far from the tondong dam. It was
getting darker and colder, so we built a fire camp.
The next day, we spent our time swiming in the river, observing plantation
peanuts and insects while the girls were preparing meals. In the afternoon we
went to the uncle house and take away food for supper. At night, we held a fire
camp night. We sang, tell a funny experience, looked stars in the sky, and even
some of us performed a standing comedy.
The next day, we packed our bags and got ready to go home And not forget to
say goodbye and thanks for uncle.

Nama : Achmad Rizhaldi

Class : XI. Blaise Pascal

Writing a journal article review

You may be asked to write a journal article review. Although this may be
an unfamiliar exercise, it is not as complex a task as writing an essay requiring a
lot of library research, and not the same as a review in The Canberra Times which
is written for the general reader.
Your journal article review is written for a reader (eg, your supervisor,
lecturer, tutor or fellow student) who is knowledgeable in the discipline and is
interested not just in the coverage and content of the article being reviewed, but
also in your critical assessment of the ideas and argument that are being presented
by the author.
Use the following questions to engage with the journal article and help you form
your critical analysis:

Objectives: what does the article set out to do?

Theory: is there an explicit theoretical framework? If not, are there

important theoretical assumptions?

Concepts: what are the central concepts? Are they clearly defined?

Argument: what is the central argument? Are there specific hypotheses?

Method: what methods are employed to test these?

Evidence: is evidence provided? How adequate is it?

Values: are value positions clear or are they implicit?

Literature: how does the work fit into the wider literature?

Contribution: how well does the work advance our knowledge of the

Style: how clear is the author's language/style/expression?

Conclusion: a brief overall assessment.

Meeting these demands

1. Get to know the article you are reviewing. Look at the title, the table of
contents, the abstract and the introduction. These should give you some
idea of the central focus and the coverage of the article and the author's
reasons for writing the article. Skim quickly through the whole article,
running your eye over opening sentences of paragraphs and glancing at
any tables, illustrations or other graphic materials. Read more closely the
first section, which should tell you the main issues to be discussed and
indicate the theoretical or conceptual framework within which the author
proposes to work. Read closely the final section, which should cover the
author's conclusions and summarise the main reasons why these
conclusions have been reached. Now that you are familiar with the text,
read the whole text thoroughly to develop a basis on which to critically
review it.
2. Decide which aspects of the article you wish to discuss in detail in your
review: the theoretical approach? the content or case studies? the selection
and interpretation of evidence? the range of coverage? the style of
presentation? Usually you will discuss the main issues which the author
has specifically examined. Sometimes you may choose a particular issue
because it has importance for you and the course you are studying, even if
it is not the main issue for the author.
3. Now, on the basis of your overall knowledge of the article and your
decision about which issues you will discuss, read in closer detail the
sections which are relevant to these issues. Make notes of the main points
and key quotations.
If necessary, read other articles or books which are relevant to your topic, possibly
to provide supporting evidence or alternative theoretical models or interpretations
of data.
You may also want to glance at other reviews of the article in recent academic
journals in order to get a feel for the way the article has been received within the
discipline. However only use these reviews to support your own evaluation; don't
merely copy or imitate them.

Drafting and writing your review

The structure of your review should include:

an initial identification of the article (author, title of article, title of journal,

year of publication, and other details that seem important, eg, it is
originally a French edition, etc), and an indication of the major aspects of
the article you will be discussing.

a brief summary of the range, contents and argument of the article.

Occasionally you may summarise section by section, but in a short review
(1,000-1,500 words) you usually pick up the main themes only. This
section should not normally take up more than a third of the total review.

a critical discussion of 2-3 key issues raised in the article. This section is
the core of your review. You need to make clear the author's own argument
before you criticise and evaluate it. Also you must support your criticisms
with evidence from the text or from other writings. You may also want to
indicate gaps in the author's treatment of a topic; but it is seldom useful to
criticise a writer for not doing something they never intended to do.

a final evaluation of the overall contribution that the article has made to
your understanding of the topic (and maybe its importance to the
development of knowledge in this particular area or discipline, setting it in
the context of other writings in the field).

Checklist for your final draft

Have you identified the article clearly, right at the start?

Is the author's argument clearly and objectively summarised so that your

reader can recognise the theoretical approach and the range of material
covered? (About a third of a short review.)

Are the 2-3 key issues raised in this article clearly identified and
discussed? (About 50-60% of the review.)

Have you given reasons for your criticism and your approval of the

Is there a final evaluation of the article's importance, based on your earlier


Writing a journal article review


: Achmad Rizhaldi


: XI. Blaise Pascal


2014 - 2015

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